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Prepared By:
Vani Gopal Sharma
Additional District & Sessions Judge -cum
Faculty Member
Chnadigarh Judicial Academy
12.3.2016 to 13.3.2016
 Though all efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy and
concurrency of the content on this handbook, the same should not be
construed as a statement of law or used for any legal purposes.
 In case of any ambiguity or doubts, users are advised to verify/check with
the High Court Rules and Orders, Civil Procedure Code, Criminal
Procedure Code and Appropriate Statute.
 The material herein is for general information and guidance of Ministerial
staff in conduct of their duties.
 Under no circumstances will the author or the Chandigarh Judicial
Academy, Chandigarh shall be liable for any expense, loss or damage
including, without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or
any expense, loss or damage whatsoever arising from use, or loss of use, of
data, arising out of or in connection with the use of this handbook.
Sr. No. Particulars

1. Copying Agency
2 Governing Rules
3 General provisions
4 Constitution of copying agencies
5 Duties of copying supervisor
6 Functions of copying agency
7 Duties of Incharge copying agency
8 Persons who are entitled to obtain copies Volume-4,
Chapter -17
Sr. No. Particulars

9 Persons entitled to obtain copies

10 Supply of copies of free of charge

11 Procedure for submission of application for copy

12 Officers authorized to receive applications

13 Form for application and court fee stamp to be affixed

14 Mode of cancellation of stamps on documents issued by a court or

15 One application for copies of record concerning single cause or
16 Scrutiny of application

17 Rejection/acceptance of application

18 Duties of official receiving application

19 Instructions regarding preparation of copies

20 If the copy is not prepared on photocopier

Sr. No. Particulars

21 Heading to be prefixed to the copies

22 Copy of copy

23 Particulars ;to be endorsed on copy

24 Time for preparation of copy

25 Duties of examiner

26 Endorsement on copies by examiner

27 Cancellation of defective copies

28 Duties of copying agents, etc

29 Delivery of copies and recovery of fee

30 When applicant fails to take copies

31 Copying agent

32 Supervision

33 Unrealized fee
Sr. No. Particulars

34 Applicability of Punjab Copying Agency Manual

35 Special provision for certified copies of judgments and appealable

interim orders
36 Copying fee

37 Schedule of fee

38 Deemed Certificate

39 Unattested copies

40 Register C.D.6 & guard-file and punching and cancellation of stamps

41 Refunds

42 Unclaimed copies

43 Account of service postage stamps

44 Prescribed minimum daily out-turn for each copyist

45 Register of daily out-turn

46 Accounts of income in register C.D.3 by copyist

Sr. No. Particulars

47 Permanent advance register C.D. 4

48 Income and expenditure

49 Vernacular

50 Translation charges

51 Applicability of Punjab Copying Agency Manual

52 Schedule (Rule-11)

53 Form C.D.1

54 Form C.D. 2

55 Form C.D.3

56 Initial deposit
57 Form C.D.4

58 Form C.D.5

59 Form C.D.6

60 How will delivery of the copy be taken




Governing Rules
 The Punjab Civil and Criminal Courts Preparation
and Supply of Copies of Records Rules, 1965, lays down
the rules for preparation, supply and charges for
 High Court Rules and order Volume-4, Chapters 17 and
17 A
General Provisions
 Application for a copy shall be submitted to the copyist attached to the court
or the General Copying Branch, created for this purpose.
 The in-charge copying branch will issue a receipt of the application in the
receipt book, kept for the purpose and will also mention the date on which the
applicant may collect certified copies of the documents applied for.
 If, however, due to some unavoidable circumstances the copy is not supplied
on the given date the incharge copying agency will give another date to the
applicant for collecting the certified copy.
 It will be ensured by the in-charge copying agency that the applicant has not to
come time and again to get a copy applied for.
 Immediately after receipt of application for issuance of copy the in-charge
copying agency will send a requisition of the file to the court concerned and on
receipt of the same he will get Photostat copy of the document prepared,
compared under his supervision and get certified from the officer authorized in
this behalf and will affix the necessary certificate of attestation on the copies.
Constitution of copying agencies.
 The Superintendent in District and Sessions Judges
Court and the Clerk of Court in the Court of Small
Causes, shall be the Copying Supervisor and the
Examiner in the Copying Agencies of their respective
 The Senior Copyist in each agency shall be the
Copying Agent and file fetcher and shall be subject to
the control of the Copying Supervisor.
Duties of Copying Supervisor
 The Copying Supervisor shall be in immediate charge of the internal
organization of the copying agency and shall be responsible for discipline and
control of the copyists and other staff.
 He shall witness all refunds, and receive cash payments for the purpose of
converting them into court fee stamps.
 He shall hold a permanent advance of such amount may be considered
sufficient by the District and Sessions Judge or the Judge, Small Cause Court, as
the Register of daily out-turn.
 Character rolls.
 Head of account to which pay of copyist shall be charged.
 Inspection by District and Sessions Judge or the Judge, Small Cause Court as
 case may be.
 He shall report to the officer-in-charge or where he himself is the officer-in-
charge to the District and Sessions Judge on all complaints and cases of
dereliction of duty on the part of any member of the copying agency, Record
branch or Court staff.
 He shall examine registers daily, deal with delays and whenever he proposes
to recoup the imprest he shall render an account to the officer-in charge.
 Issuing of certified copies  objection in appropriate
 Issuing of uncertified applications where
copies certified copies can not be
 Receiving the Record issued
 Get the Exhibited
 Returning the Record
documents signed by
 Maintenance of officers before preparation
Applications of copies
 Maintenance of Registers  Get the Evidence sheet
 Maintenance of Adhesive signed by the officer
court fee
Duties of In-charge copying agent

 Ensure that the requisite fee is paid before the copy is

issued to the person concerned.
 He will also ensure that the copy issued is neat and legible
as the same are produced before the appellate authorities.
 For preparing, supply and maintenance of the registers and
records and charging of fee, the Copying Agent/Copyist
should thoroughly go through the instructions contained
in High Court Rules and Orders Volume 4, Chapter 17.
 The form of applications and registers to be maintained in
the copying branch are contained in the rules mentioned
Where application be moved
 An application for a copy of any record, including requisition for a free
copy may be made personally, or through an agent, or may be sent by
Note.—The authority of the agent need not be a formal power of
 An application for a copy of any record of District and Sessions Judges’
Court shall be received by the Superintendent of that Court.
 An application for a copy of any record of Court of Small Causes, shall
be received by the Clerk of the Court, provided that the record, a copy
whereof is applied for, is in the possession of the Court.
 An application for a copy of a record of the High Court, or of a District
and Sessions Court, or of an Office or Court of Commissioner or of the
Financial Commissioner made to a lower court, or office, in which the
record may be lying at the time of the application, shall be complied
with only with the permission of the Court or officer concerned.
 Note.-- In no case shall a record be sent from the headquarters of a
district, to a sub-division or tahsil, or a muffasil court, for being copied.
8. Whenever an application is made for a copy of record
Persons who are entitled to obtain copies
Volume IV chapter 17

 Any party to a civil or criminal case is entitled at any stage of the suit or
complaint to obtain copies of the record of the case including
documents exhibited and finally accepted by the Court as evidence
 Explanation.—(i) “Complaints” include challans. (ii) A party to a suit or
complaint who has been ordered to file a written statement is not
entitled to a copy of the written statement of his opponent until he has
first filed his own.

 Whenever an application is made for a copy of record in case in which

the record is before the High Court, the application shall be forwarded
to the High Court for disposal.
 If the application be made under section 363 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure, 1973, by a prisoner in Jail and is submitted with the grounds
of appeal or for revision, the memorandum of appeal for the petition
for revision, as the case may be, shall also be forwarded along with the
Persons entitled to obtain copies cont…
 A copy of a record shall be granted in the manner prescribed by
these rules to any person who, under the law for the time being
in force, or under these rules, is entitled to get it.
 In particular, any party to a civil or criminal case at any stage of
the case, and a stranger to the civil or criminal case after final
decision thereof is entitled to obtain copies of the record of the
case including documents exhibited and finally accepted by the
Court as evidence.
 A stranger to the case may also, for sufficient reasons shown to
the satisfaction of the Court, be allowed by the Court to obtain
copies of any such record before the final decision of the case.
 Official letters (not covered by the Right to Information Act for
getting copy/information) shall be treated as privileged
documents and copies thereof shall not ordinarily be granted.
Supply of copies free of charge
 Copies shall be supplied free of charge in the following cases:
 (i) If a person convicted in a summons case is in jail and requires
a copy for filing appeal or revision, he or his agent shall be
allowed a copy of the judgment free of charge.
 (ii) Copy of judgment required to be supplied to the accused
under Section 363 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 shall
be prepared by the Court judgment-writer/stenographer and
supplied free of charge to the accused, after having been duly
attested by the Reader of the Court.
 (iii) Copies of judgments or orders in criminal cases against
Government servants shall be supplied free of charge to the
Heads of Departments or Offices concerned.
 (iv) Copies required for official purposes by Public Officers of
the Central Government or of any State Government in India
shall be supplied free of cost if the application for copy is
endorsed by the Head of the Department or Office concerned.
Supply of copies free of charge cont…
 (v) Copies of judgments ordering detention of persons in
Borstal Institutions shall be sent free of cost to the said
Institutions along with the orders of detention.
 (vi) Copies of records required by the National Legal
Services Authority, Supreme Court Legal Services
Committee, State Legal Services Authority, High Court
Legal Services Committee, District Legal Services
Authorities and SubDivisional Legal Services Committees
constituted by the State Governments/Union Territories,
shall be supplied free of charge, provided that the
application for copy is received from the Member
Secretary/Secretary of such Committees/ Authorities or
any other person so authorized by them.
Procedure for submission of
application for copy
 An application for a copy of any record, including
requisition for a free copy, may be made personally or
through an agent.
 The authority of the agent need not be a formal power
of attorney.
Officers authorized to receive applications
 (i) An application for a copy of any record in a pending
case shall be submitted to the Presiding Officer
concerned through his Reader.
 (ii) An application for a copy of any record of decided
case of the Court of District and Sessions Judge or
those of Additional District and Sessions Judges shall
be received by the Superintendent of the Sessions
 (iii) An application for a copy of any record of decided
case of Subordinate Courts shall be received by the
Copying Supervisor of the copying agency concerned.
 7. An application for a copy of a  8. Whenever an application is
record of the High Court, or of a made for a copy of record in case
District and Sessions Court, or in which the record is before the
of an Office or Court of High Court, the application shall
Commissioner or of the be forwarded to the High Court
Financial Commissioner made for disposal.
to a lower court, or office, in  If the application be made
which the record may be lying at under section 363 of Code of
the time of the application, shall Criminal Procedure, 1973, by a
be complied with only with the prisoner in Jail and is submitted
permission of the Court or with the grounds of appeal or for
officer concerned. revision, the memorandum of
 Note.-- In no case shall a record appeal for the petition for
be sent from the headquarters of revision, as the case may be,
a district, to a sub-division or shall also be forwarded along
tahsil, or a muffasil court, for with the application.
being copied.
Form for application and
Court fee stamp to be affixed
 (i) Every application shall, as far as possible, be in Form C.D.1
and bear a court fee stamp of Rs. 2/-,(40 Paise) apart from the
court fee stamps, if any, to cover the cost of the copy.
 Full particulars of the record, copy whereof is required, shall be
given in the application so that the record may be easily traced.
 (ii) Immediately on receipt of the application, the receiving
official shall satisfy himself that the applicant is entitled to the
copy applied for and that particulars of the record sufficient to
trace it are given in the application.
 The official shall then forthwith effect cancellation of the court
fee stamps in the manner prescribed by Section 30 of the Court
Fees Act, 1870 read with Rule 3 in Chapter IV part C of Volume
IV of the High Court Rules and Orders.
Mode of cancellation of stamps on
documents issued by a Court or office.
...the court or office issuing copies, certificates, or
other similar documents liable to stamp duty under
the Court-fees Act shall, before issue, cancel the labels
affixed to them by punching out a portion of the label
in such a manner as to remove neither the figure-head
nor that part of the label on which its value is
expressed, and that, as an additional precaution, the
signature of the officer attesting the document, with
the date, shall be written across the label, and upon
the paper on either side of it.
One application for copies of record
concerning single cause or matter
 Only one application shall be made for copies of
any number of papers concerning a single cause or
Charges for copies and manner of payment:
The charges for obtaining copies of different records,
as detailed in the schedule, may, at the option of the
applicant, be paid either in advance by affixing to the
application court fee stamps to cover the cost of the
copies or at the time of taking delivery of the copies, by
way of court fees stamps. ter which are in the same
Scrutiny of application
 On receipt of an application, the copying agent shall
scrutinize it as to whether:
 (a) the application has been duly stamped with court
fee stamp of Rs. 2
 (b) the fee, if prepaid, has been correctly assessed in
accordance with the scale laid down in the schedule
 (c) the copy applied for can be supplied under these
Rejection/Acceptance of application

(i) If an application is rejected or is not in order or if

for any reason, it is not possible to prepare the copy
asked for, the application may be filed after being kept
pending for 15 days.
The Court-fee stamp of Rs. 2 affixed to the application
shall be destroyed by the copying agent in the presence
of the copying supervisor in the manner prescribed.
 (ii) if the Presiding Officer allows the application for
copy, he shall endorse or cause to be endorsed
thereon the word ‘Allowed’ and shall affix his
signature and date under it and then it shall be sent to
the copying agency for preparation of copy.
 In decided cases, the official receiving the application
shall order the copy to be prepared if it is clear that
the copy can be supplied as a matter of routine and
the application is in order.
 However, in case of doubt, the official shall put up the
application for orders of the Officer Incharge of the
copying agency concerned.
Duties of official receiving application
 In a decided case, if a copy is ordered to be prepared, the
official receiving the application shall-
 (a) endorse or cause to be endorsed thereon the date of
 (b) initial the endorsement;
 (c) cancel the court fee stamps in the prescribed manner;
 (d) issue receipt of the application in Form C.D.2;
 (e) cause the application to be entered in register in Form
C.D.3 and the serial number of the register written in red
ink on the reverse of the application and cause the
application to be made over to the copying agent.

 Record to be given without delay: It shall be the duty

of the Record Keeper or Ahlmad to see that the records
are made over to the copying agency on the day he
receives the application or in the forenoon of the next
working day at the latest. The Copying Agent/file
fetcher shall maintain a register in Form C.D.4.
Instructions regarding preparation of copies

o All copies should invariably be prepared on photo-

copier. If not so possible, then on computer or type-
writer or be written in good legible hand with ink of a
good quality;
If the copy is not prepared on photocopier
(a) in the case of copy of judgment/order, it should be
typed on computer in double space with proper margins on
all the four sides, with font “Thorndale” and size of font
“14”, on paper of superior quality having 70 gsm and of legal
size, on one side of the paper only;
(b) In the case of copy of any other record, it should be
prepared on good quality paper on both sides of the paper
with margin of 1.65” on the left in such manner that the
margin on the reverse of the paper is on the right hand
side. It should also be in double space.
(iii) If and when the record is digitized, the copies will
invariably be prepared by taking printouts of the digital
record, without calling for the files in physical form.
Headings to be prefixed to the copies

 To every copy shall be prefixed a heading containing:

 (a) the name of the Court where the case is pending or
was decided and name and designation of the
Presiding Officer;
 (b) case Number and date of institution and decision
 (c) complete description of the parties;
 (d) in an appeal/revision case, the name and
designation of the Officer passing the order under
appeal/revision and the date of that order; and
 (e) the subject matter of the case.
Copy of copy

 A copy of a copy shall not be supplied unless expressly

asked for as such, for instance in order to call in
question the correctness of the copy granted. ‘Copy of
a copy’ shall be written at the top of such a copy.
Particulars to be endorsed on copy
• After a copy has been • (d) The date on which the
prepared but before it is copy was completed.
revised and attested, the • (e) The date on which the
following particulars shall copy was examined and
be endorsed thereon: attested.
• (a) The number of the • (f) The number of pages.
application in register (g) Total recovery
C.D.3; including:(1) The cost of
• (b) The date of the copy as prescribed in
presentation of the the schedule; and
application. • (2) Urgent fee;
• (c) The name of the • (h) Date of delivery
Time for preparation of copy
• A copy may be ordinary and Urgent.
• An ordinarily copy should be ready by the third working day of
the receipt of application
• an urgent copy shall ordinarily be ready before the close of the
same day, if possible, or latest by the following working day.
• Revision and attestation of copies: 
• Every copy shall be revised and attested by the
Superintendent in the copying agency of the District and
Sessions Judge and by the Clerk of Court in the copying agency
of the Civil Judge (Senior Division) and also of the Judge, Small
Causes Court and by Reader or other authorized official at Sub
Divisional Headquarter i.e. by the Examiner of the concerned
copying agency.
• (ii)No copy shall be delivered to any person until it has been
examined, certified, stamped and paged.
• The Examiner shall see that the provisions of these rules have
been complied with in all respects.
Duties of Examiner
 Every Examiner, before attesting any copy under these
rules, shall –
 (a) personally compare such copy with the original record
with the help of the copyist who prepared it, who shall read
out the original;
 (b) attest every alteration made in such copy by initialing
the same;
 (c) examine and initial the endorsement made upon the
copy in accordance with the rules;
 (d) examine the headings and form of the copy to see that
they are in accordance with the law, rules and directions
applicable to the copy; and
 (e) see that the court fee stamps affixed to applications are
punched, cancelled and initialed.
Endorsement on copies by Examiner

 (i) When the Examiner is satisfied that a copy is

correct in all respects and ready for delivery to the
applicant, he shall make thereon the following
 “Certified to be a true copy”
 and shall sign and date the endorsement and also
subscribe his official designation, further mentioning
below it: “Authorized by Section 76 of the Indian
Evidence Act, 1872”. He shall then cause the proper
seal to be affixed to the copy.

 (ii) If the copy is more than one sheet of paper, the

Examiner shall endorse the word ‘Attested’ on every
such sheet and shall enter his initials and the date
there under.
 He shall also at the same time cancel the court fee
stamps, if not already done, representing the cost of
the copy.
 (iii) The affixing, by the Examiner, of his signature to a
copy is a certificate by him personally of its accuracy
and that the copy has been personally compared by
him, and is suitable for delivery.
Cancellation of defective copies.
• In the event of any copy being found to be unfit for issue by
reason, that it-
• (a) has not been legibly and neatly written ;
• (b) is not in the prescribed form or on paper of the prescribed
quality ;
• (c) is so incorrect that revision has rendered it unfit for issue ;
• (d) does not conform to these rules ; or
• (e) is defective or otherwise open to objection,
• the Examiner shall forthwith write the word “cancelled” across
the copy;
• and a fresh copy shall be made without further charge.
• At the same time he shall submit a separate report against the
copyist for his carelessness.
Duties of Copying Agents, etc
 (i) Copyists shall in no circumstances be allowed access to
the record room.
 The records shall be made over to the Copying Agent by the
Ahlmad or the Record Keeper, the receipts taken in the register
maintained in Form C.D.5.
 (ii) The Copying Agent shall be responsible:
 (a) that no file is taken out of the copying room;
 (b) that all files are locked up in an almirah with the key in his
possession before leaving office;
 (c) for the proper and equal distribution of work among the
 (d) for the proper maintenance of accounts and preparation of
returns; and
 (e) for the regular and proper delivery of copies.
Delivery of copies and recovery of fee

 (i) Copies when prepared shall be delivered by the

Copying Agent.
 (ii) The Copying Agent, before delivering a copy, shall
make sure that all fees chargeable according to the
schedule have been duly recovered.
 (iii) In cases of non-payment of the copying fee wholly
or partly, the Copying Agent shall arrange to recover
the same in accordance with rule 53.
 (iv) Before any copy is delivered, the Copying Agent
shall endorse thereon the date of delivery and verify
the cancellation of the court fees stamps.
When applicant fails to take copies
 (i) Should the applicant be not present when first called to
receive the copy, his copy shall be kept pending for delivery
for fifteen days.
 Thereafter the copy with the application shall be filed and
the copy shall not be given without fresh application being
made with court fee stamp of Rs.2.
 (ii) If no such fresh application is filed within next fifteen
days, action under Rule 53 shall be taken to recover the
balance due, if any, against the applicant.
 (iii) The Copying Agent shall maintain a register in Form
C.D.6 ???? in which he shall enter the balance of fees
recoverable in each case and from which he shall prepare
the statement required by rule 53.
 Preservation of sanctioned applications and
destruction of cancelled stamps: Sanctioned
applications for copies shall not be destroyed until
audit of the concerned records and registers by a
stamp auditor or until the expiry of three years,
whichever is later. At the end of the said period, the
Officer Incharge shall have such applications
destroyed in his presence and shall certify their
destruction 100 in the manner prescribed in rule 27 of
the Punjab Stamp Refund, Renewal and Disposal
Rules, 1934.
Officers Incharge and Copying Supervisors and Examiner of copying
agencies: There shall be an Officer Incharge and also a Copying
Supervisor and Examiner of each copying agency as follows:

Agency ab Reader or Officer Incharge Copying Supervisor

other official and Examiner
authorized by the
Officer Incharge
All Courts of District and Sessions Superintendent of
District/Additional Judge District & Sessions Judge
District and Sessions
Court of Small Causes, The Presiding Officer c. Subordinate Courts at
Amritsar Clerk of Court District Headquarters.

Civil Judge (Senior Subordinate Courts at .. Additional Civil Judge

Division) Clerk of Court Sub Divisional (Senior Division)
d. Headquarter
Copying agent
 The senior most copyist in each copying agency shall
be the Copying Agent and file fetcher and shall be
subject to the control of the Copying Supervisor.
 Inspection by Officer Incharge: The Officer
Incharge of every copying agency shall examine the
registers of his copying agency at least once a month:
(a) to see that copies are prepared within the time
prescribed in Rule 18;
 (b) to see that court fee is correctly affixed to the
applications; and
 (c) to take necessary measures to enforce compliance
of these rules.

 The Copying Supervisor shall be in immediate charge

of the internal organization of the coping agency and
shall be responsible for discipline and 101 control of
the copyists and other staff. He shall report to the
Office Incharge. He shall examine the registers daily
and deal with delays in preparation of copies.
Unrealized fee
• (i) After the close of each month, the Copying Agent shall
prepare a statement showing the cases in which fee or any
portion thereof remains to be realized.
• Only the cases in which delivery of copy has not been taken for
fifteen days after its preparation shall be included in the
• The statement shall be checked by the Copying Supervisor.
• It shall be submitted to the Collector through the District and
Sessions Judge for recovery of fees as arrears of land revenue, if
the amount of unrealized fee in a case exceeds `200/-.
• (ii) The Copying Agent shall keep a duplicate copy of the
statement with him and shall be responsible for reminding the
Collector through District and Sessions Judge at regular
Applicability of
Punjab Copying Agency Manual

 On any subject not covered by these rules, the Punjab

Copying Agency Manual, 1947, as amended from time
to time, shall, with necessary modifications, apply to
the extent it is not inconsistent with these rules.
Special provisions for certified copies of
judgments and appealable interim orders
 (i) Any party to a civil case shall be entitled to obtain
copy of a judgment or interim appealable order from
the court if an application is made to the Presiding
Officer of the Court at any time before the conclusion
of arguments.
 The application shall be made by the party or his
authorized agent or counsel on a plain 102 paper
bearing the court fee stamp of ` 2/-, apart from the
court fee stamp, if any, to cover the cost of the copy.

Copying fee Entry in Register
 (vi)
 Copying fee shall be charged at the rate
specified in the schedule. It shall be paid in
The Judgment-
the form of court fee stamps before taking writer/Stenographer/Steno-typist of
delivery of the copy. every Civil Court shall maintain a
 (iii) The Judgment-writer, Stenographer or register in the following form in which
Steno-typist, who takes dictation of the entry of each application shall be made:-
judgment/order concerned, shall prepare as  a. serial No.,
many extra copies thereof by computer print-
outs as are applied for by the parties or their  b. date of application,
agents or counsel. The copies shall be prepared  c. date of pronouncement of
after the judgment or order has been corrected judgment/order. d. number and title of
and signed by the Presiding Officer. the case.
 (iv) The judgment-writer, Stenographer or
 e. name of the applicant.
Steno-typist, preparing the copy, shall, instead
of the Examiner, comply with the  f. number of pages of the
requirements of rule 21. judgment/order 103 g. amount recovered
 (v) The Judgment-writer, Stenographer or as copying charges, h. date of delivery of
Steno-typist shall, before delivering copy to copy, and i. remarks. Schedule (See Rule
the applicant, ensure that the prescribed 9)
copying fee charges have been duly recovered
in the form of court fee stamps.
Schedule of fee( Rule 9)
 Note:- This Schedule of fees shall be  Notes: (i) The above rates for copies shall
displayed on Notice Boards outside also apply to copies supplied in
Copying Agencies, Court Rooms and Bar departmental enquiries.
Rooms. Sr. No. Nature of document Rate  (ii) The urgent fee is `5/- extra for each
1. (a) Copies of judgments, decrees and copy. Urgent fee shall be charged only
orders and all other papers connected when an urgent application has been
thereto in civil cases `2/- per page made.
subject to a minimum of `5/-  (iii) For the purpose of Note (ii) above,
 (b) Copies of judgments in criminal the extra fee to be charged shall be for
cases and papers connected thereto each paper which can properly be
 (c) Copies of original documents filed in regarded as a separate paper, e.g. every
the cases and marked as exhibits. deposition of a witness or written
 (d) Copies of documents in Part B of the statement of a party, or order of the
file/case. Court is a separate paper. In case of
 (e) Bahi transliterations 2. Copies of doubt as whether a paper is separate or
entries in register `2/- per entry per copy. not, the decision of the officer-in-charge
3. Copies of Building maps `50/- for a shall be final.
house upto 4 rooms `5/- for each  (iv) If more than one copy of a document
additional room per copy is asked for, there shall be only one
 . 4. Copy of site plan `30/- per copy “urgent fee”.
Deemed certificate
The affixing, by the Examiner, of a signature to a copy
is a certificate that the official has personally satisfied
himself of its accuracy, and that the copy has been
personally compared by him, and is suitable for
Unattested copies

 The Copying Agent may deliver copies, unattested by

the Examiner, of the record as specified in the
Schedule annexed to the rules. Nature of document Fee chargeable

7. Unattested copies of all Re.1 per page subject to a

kinds of documents on minimum of Rs.2.
record For each additional carbon
copy Re.1 per page.
Register C.D. 6 and guard-file and
punching and cancellation of stamps.
 33. (1) The Copying Supervisor shall maintain a register in
Form C.D. 6 for payments received by money order or through
V.P.P. He shall convert all such payments into court fee stamps.
Affix them to the application, and then cancel them by punching
out the figure-head so as to leave the amount designated on the
stamp un-touched. The part removed by punching shall be burnt
or otherwise destroyed. As an additional precaution, the
cancelling officer shall affix his signature and the date across
each label, at the time of cancellation, in durable ink.
 (2) After complying with the formalities laid down in sub-rule (1)
the Copying Supervisor shall hand over the application to the
Copying Agent by obtaining his receipt in the register
maintained in Form C.D. 6.
 (3) The money order and V.P.P. coupons shall be pasted in a
separate guard file and numbered serially.
 37. (1) In the following cases, the refund of Court Fee  The contingent bill shall be classified as debitable to
Stamps tendered in the payment of copying fees shall head “L.II.H.Misc. Deduct Refund”. The refund
be allowed in cash under orders of the Officer-in-
charge, provided an application for refund is made vouchers in Form C.D. 9 shall be prepared in all cases
within three years from the date of application for the in which a refund is actually made either in person or
copy- by money order.
 (a) when an application for a copy has been rejected ;
 (b) when an application is withdrawn before a copy
has been prepared ;
 (c) when for any reason it is not possible to prepare  (3) The particulars entered in the refund bill shall be
the copy asked for ; verified by the Copying Agent, countersigned by the
 (d) when an excess payment is made by mistake ; Copying Supervisor and the pay order passed by the
 (e) under rule 17 ; and Officer-incharge.
 (f) when the applicant takes delivery of a copy
personally and applies for refund of the V.P.P. or
registration charges already deposited under rule 11(3).  (4) All the refund orders shall be cancelled at the time
of recouping the advance. The word “Cancelled” shall
 Note.—The refund shall be subject to the deduction be Refunds. Vol. IV 17 Ch. 17 written in red ink, or
of six paise in a rupee or a fraction of a rupee in the stamped with a rubber stamp of suitable size across
cases mentioned in clauses (a) and (b) above each order, by the Copying Agent, and initialled by the
Copying Supervisor. The refund vouchers not
 (2) Refunds shall be made on Form C.D.9 by the exceeding Rs. 25 in amount shall be retained.
Copying Supervisor out of his imprest, which shall be
recouped by means of a contingent bill on the last
working day of the month or earlier, if necessary, as in  (5) When the applicant is not present in person, the
the case of the permanent advance.
amount refundable to him shall be remitted by money
order, at his expense, but when the balance of any
deposit received by money order and converted into
court fee stamps, amounting to less than twenty paise,
remains unclaimed personally for fourteen days, it
shall be disallowed.
Unclaimed copies
 (1) Should the applicant be not present when first called to
receive the copy, his copy shall be kept pending delivery for ten
days. After ten days the copy with the application shall be filed
and the copy shall not be given to him unless a fresh application
with a forty paise court fee stamp is made.
 (2) In the event of failure to put in a fresh application referred to
in sub-rule (1) action under rule 53 (2) shall be taken to recover
the balance due, if any, against the applicant.
 (3) If a copy is required to be despatched by post or V.P.P. it shall
be despatched as soon as it is ready.
 (4) The copying Agent shall maintain a separate register in Form
C.D.11, in which he shall enter the balance of fees recoverable in
each case and refused V.P.Ps. and from which he shall prepare
the statement required by rule 53 (2).
Limitation for preservation of sanctioned applications
and destruction of cancelled stamps by Stamp Auditor.
Sanctioned applications for copies shall not be
destroyed until a stamp auditor has audited the
records and registers concerning them or until the
expiry of three years, whichever is later. At the end of
this period or after the audit, if the audit is not
completed within three years, the Officer-in-charge
shall have such applications destroyed in his presence
and shall certify their destruction in themanner
prescribed in rule 27 of the Punjab Stamp Refund
Renewal and Disposal Rules, 1934.
Account of service postage stamps.
Service postage stamps shall be supplied to copying
section and an account shall be kept therefore. The
serial number of register C.D. 2 shall also be recorded
in the despatch register maintained for this purpose.
Prescribed minimum daily out-turn for
each copyists
Words Pages
 Handwritten- 7,200 20

 Typewritten
(1) English 3,600 15
(2) Vernacular 3,750 15

 Explanation —This standard includes the work of comparison of the

copies prepared by each copyist with the Examiner.
 (3) The Senior Copyist acting as Copying Agent and filefetcher shall be
required to give only half the standard prescribed in sub-rule (2)
 (4) The working hours of the staff working in Copying agencies shall
be each such as may be fixed by the High Court from time to time for
the staff of the Courts subordinate to it.
Register of daily out-turn.
A register of daily work done by copyists shall be
maintained by each copyist in Form C.D. 5. The
register shall be written up daily by the Examiner who
shall, at the end of the month, prepare a statement and
submit a report on the adequacy or inadequacy of the
monthly out-turn, of each copyist to the District and
Sessions Judge or the Judge, Small Cause Court,
Amritsar, as the case may be.
Accounts of income
in register C.D. 3 by copyist
 53. (1) A separate income account shall be kept by the Copying Agent in
Register C.D. 3 in which each day's income shall be recorded by the
Copying Agent and totalled monthly.
 Explanation—The daily income means all payments received daily,
whether copies for such payments have been made or not.
 (2) After the close of each month the Copying Agent shall prepare a
statement showing the cases in which the fee or any portion thereof
remains to be realised.
 The statement shall be checked by the Copying Supervisor and
submitted to the Collector through the District and Sessions Judge or
Judge, Small Cause Court, as the case may be, for recovery of fees as
arrears of land revenue.
 (3) The Copying Agent shall keep a duplicate copy of the statement
referred to in sub-rule (2) with him and shall be responsible for
reminding the Collector at regular intervals.
 Note.—Only cases in which a copy was prepared more than 10 days
back or in which a copy sent out by V.P.P. has been refused shall be
included in this Statement.
Permanent Advance Register C.D. 4.
54. The permanent advance register C.D. 4 shall be kept
and maintained personally by the Copying Supervisor.
This imprest is intended for refunds and contingent
Income and Expenditure
 56. (1) A separate monthly account of income and
expenditure shall be kept in the Court of each District
and Sessions Judge and Judge, Small Cause Court,
Amritsar, in Form C.D. 12.
 57. (1) The total income of the copying agencies that is
the copying fees excluding search fees, if any, shall be
credited to the head “XIV—Stamps”.
 58. Where a copy is asked for in English or Vernacular
but in a language other than that of the original, the
copying fee shall be as indicated in rule 61 whether a
translation is already in existence on the file or not.
Such applications shall be entered in the ordinary
register C.D. 2 in which applications for copies are
entered, and shall be distinguished by the letter ‘T’.
 60. Where a translation is already in existence, the
translator shall copy such translation and check it.
Where a translation is not in existence, the translator
shall make a translation, place it on the record, and
copy it for the applicant.
Translation Charges
 61. The translation charges payable in court fee stamps
shall be as follows :
 For first 200 words or under .. 75 paise
 For every additional 100 words or a fraction thereof .. 40
 62. (1) The translator shall receive half of the fees
mentioned in the preceding rule, payments being made in
cash out of the imprest of the Copying Supervisor and
recouped as “Refunds”.
 (2) The Examiner shall attest the Correctness of the copy in
the usual way, but such copies shall be distinctly noted in
the heading to be copies of a translation. Necessary entries
shall be made in Registers C.D. 2 and C.D. 3.
Applicability of
Punjab Copying Agency Manual.
 63. In so far as these rules make no provision or make
an insufficient provision on any subject and a
provision is made on that subject in the Punjab
Copying Agencies Manual (1947), as amended from
time to time, the provision made in the said Manual
shall, with necessary modifications, apply to the extent
it is not inconsistent with these rules.
SCHEDULE(rule 11)
 Note--: This Schedule of fees shall be displayed on Notice Boards
outside Copying Agencies, Court Rooms and Bar Rooms. Rate of fees
for copies whether in English or Vernacular Ditto. 3 Copies of entries in
register. Re.1 per entry per copy. 4 Copies of documents in Part B of the
file/case. Rs.2 per page subject to a minimum of Rs.5 For each
additional carbon copy Re.1 per page. 5 Copies of documents of which
only certified copies are placed on the record. Ditto 6 Copies of maps,
etc. (a) Building maps. (b) Copies of maps/ShajrasKhasra, Pamaish,
Khasra Khana shumari masavi etc. (c) Copies of naqsha (d) Copies of
pedigree tables Rs.10 for a house upto 4 rooms. Re.1 for each additional
room per copy. Rs.10 upto 20 Khasras Re.1 for each additional Khasra
per copy. Rs.5 per entry per copy. Rs.5 upto 5 entries. Re.1 for each
additional entry per copy. 7 Unattested copies of all kinds of
documents on record. Re.1 per page subject to a minimum of Rs.2. For
each additional carbon copy Re.1 per page. 8 Bahi transliterations. Rs.2
per page subject to a minimum of Rs.5. For each additional carbon copy
Re.1 per page. [
Cont.rule 9

(i) The above rates for copies shall also apply to copies supplied in departmental

(ii) The urgent fee is Rs.5/- extra for each copy. Urgent fee shall be charged only
when an urgent application has been made.

(iii) For the purpose of Note (ii) above, the extra fee to be charged shall be for each
paper which can properly be regarded as a separate paper, e.g. every deposition of
a witness or written statement of a party, or order of the Court is a separate paper.
In case of doubt as whether a paper is separate or not, the decision of the officer-
in-charge shall be final.

(iv) if more than one copy of a document is asked for, there shall be only one “urgent
Form C.D.I
(See Rule 7)
Application for copy
Note: Affix here court fee stamp of Rs.2/- and court fee stamp of the cost of the copy.
The applicant requests that copies detailed below be granted

Nature of Name of parties Name of Names of Dates of Detail of Seal or

the case village or Presiding decision of copies signature of
Plaintiff or Defendant
with case place with the Officers of first and of required the
complainant or accused
number hadbast the appellate applicant
number Subordina courts
where the te and
property in appellate
dispute is court, if
situate or any
where dispute
arose or
offence was

Applicant’s full address

Name to be written Parentage Occupation Complete Address

Date Officer-in-Charge
A copy may be supplied Copy agent
Form CD.2
(See Rule 12)
Receipt of application for copy

Receipt No._________________ Receipt No.___________________

Received from __________________ an Received from ________________ an
application dated______________ for application dated ____________ for
Copies/a copy with court-fee copies/a copy with court-fee
Stamps/stamp of the value of (in stamps/stamp of the value of
(in words)______________ affixed to it words) _______________ affixed to it
which has been entered at No.____________ which has been entered at No.______
In C.D register no.3. The copy is in C.D register No.3. The copy is
Likely to be ready for delivery likely to be ready for
On ______________ on _______________

Copying Agent Copying Agent

Form CD. 3
(See Rule 12)
Register of applications and realization of fees
Date Serial Name and Name of Nature of Date of Brief
number of residence of court to case, with order or descriptio
application applicant which the the record n of copy
file number of concerned applied
belongs case for

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Number Copying Urgent Total Date of Name of No. of

of copies fee fee deposit completion copyist pages of the
required s and copy
examination of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fees Date of Initial of Balance Date of Date of filing the Remark

charged delivery coping due from recovery case of s
agent the of balance undelivered
authorizing applicant copies in which
the delivery (if any) no balance is due
from the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Form CD.4
(See Rule 13)
File Fetcher’s handbook of requisitions for file

No. of Name of Court Signature of Date of receipt Signature of

application as or Tehsil to Ahlmad of of file from file fetcher,
registered in which the Court or record room or copying agent
CD.3 with date application Maharrir, the court and copyist
and value of relates Record Room concerned receiving the
Court fee with date file and the
stamps number of
attached leaves

1 2 3 4 5
Form CD.5
(See Rule 22)

Register of files issued to and returned from copying agencies to

be maintained by file fetcher, Court Ahlmad and Record-
S. Date Number Goshwara Case Date of Parties Nature Nature Signature Signature
No. of or Register No. decision name of case of Court of the of the
applicatio General or official official
n as No. hearing receiving returning
Registere the file the file
d in CD 3 with date with date
with date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Form CD.6
(See Rule 25)
Register of balances of fee due.

S. Name and No. of entry in CD Amount of Included in Date of Remarks

No. address of 3 for which fees balance fees statement recovery
applicant are due due for
recovery as
arrears of
Revenue for
month of

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
How will delivery of the copy be taken
 Personally, by registered post or V.P.P.
 Note.—(a) The only necessary advance is the 40 P. court fee stamp to
be affixed to the application, but the applicant may at his option, affix
stamps to cover the cost of the copy.
 (b) If required by registered post an extra charge of 75 P. in court fee
stamps shall be levied.
 (c) If required by V.P. an extra, charge of 88 P. in court fee stamp shall
be levied.
 2. What is the value of the court fee stamps including the 40 P. court
fee stamp affixed to this application ?
 3. A receipt shall be given as in C.D.10 if the application is personally
delivered or it shall be sent by post if any additional 15P. court fee
stamp is affixed to the application for the purpose. Application
rejected. Date Office-in-charge. A copy may be supplied. Copy Agent.
Date A search fee of 50 P. should be levied. Record Keeper. Date

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