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Exercise: Identify the sentence(s) that is/are showing the correct use of the underlined words.

1. i) Shahadat Hossain bowled a very authentic over to win Bangladesh the match.
ii) Charles Dickens painted an authentic picture of British society in his novels.
iii) Experts have confirmed that the signature on the letter is authentic.

A. i & ii B. i & iii C. ii & iii D. I, ii & iii E. none

2. i) The king had a very benign persona.

ii) The doctor said that my tumor was benign.
iii) His face was calm and benign.

A. I only B. ii only C. iii only D. i & iii E. i, ii & iii

3. i) Even though they were married, they kept their money in two discrete accounts.
ii) I tried to be discrete as I left, but managed knock over a large pile of books.
iii) The essay was well organized into very discrete chapters.

A. i & ii B. i & iii C. ii & iii D. I, ii & iii E. none

4. i) The seriousness of your crime was mitigated by the provocation you were under.
ii) You have been asked to mitigate any negative impact of your network.
iii) He wanted to mitigate misery in the world.

A. i & ii B. i & iii C. ii & iii D. i, ii & iii E. none

Choose the erroneous option from amongst the underlined portions of the sentence. If you deem
the sentence to be correct as it is, write down “E” for “No Error”.

1. C
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. D
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. B
11. D
12. B
13. D
14. D
15. C

Choose the best version of the underlined portion in each sentence.

1. Although it is conceivable that man may someday be able to fly, there is no clear evidence at the
moment of his ability to do it.

A) of his ability to do it

B) of his doing that

C) to do so

D) that he can do so

E) of his ability to do that

2. Watching the TV or working on the computer leads to overeating.

A. Watching the TV or working on the computer leads to overeating

B. Watching the TV or working on the computer lead to overeating

C. To watch the TV and to work on the computer leads to overeating

D. Watching the TV and working on the computer leads to overeating

E. Watching the TV or to work on the computer leads to overeating

3. Computers began as tools of business and research, designed to automate tasks such as math
and information retrieval, but it is today a tool of personal communication, connecting us not only to
information but to one another.

(A) it is today a tool

(B) today this is a tool

(C) today these tools

(D) which today it is a

tool (E) today they are


4. Most experimental results do not produce large changes in human understanding; improvements in
theoretical scientific understanding is typically the result of a gradual process of development over time,
sometimes across different domains of science.

(A) improvements in theoretical scientific understanding is typically the result of

(B) improvements in theoretical scientific understanding typically results from

(C) improvements in theoretical scientific understanding, which typically result from

(D) improvements in theoretical scientific understanding are typically the result of

(E) improvements in theoretical scientific understanding has typically resulted from

5. Trend Global is a company that will give its staff a 10 per cent pay hike, allows scooter rides in
campus and even a massage facility.

A. will give its staff a 10 per cent pay hike, allows scooter rides in campus and even a massage facility
B. gives its staff a 10 per cent pay hike, allows scooter rides in campus and even offers a massage facility

C. is giving its staff a 10 per cent pay hike in addition to allowing scooter rides in campus and is
even offering a massage facility

D. gives its staff a 10 per cent pay hike, allow scooter rides in campus and even offer a massage facility

E. will give its staff a 10 per cent pay hike, allow scooter rides in campus and even offers a
massage facility

6. The Cricket Board has constituted a three-member committee to investigate the case of the missing
batsman that fled the team hotel in Amsterdam to go to London and has subsequently applied for political
asylum there.

A. to investigate the case of the missing batsman that fled the team hotel in Amsterdam to go to London
and has subsequently applied for political asylum there.

B. for investigating the case of the missing batsman, who fled the team hotel in Amsterdam to go
to London and subsequently applied for political asylum there.

C. to investigate the case of the missing batsman, having fled the team hotel in Amsterdam to go
to London and subsequently applying for political asylum there.

D. to investigate the case of the missing batsman, who fled the team hotel in Amsterdam to go to London
and subsequently applied for political asylum there.

E. for investigating the case of the missing batsman, who has fled the team hotel in Amsterdam to go
to London and is subsequently applying for political asylum there.

7. Indonesia's Mount Merapi volcano has killed 191 people since it began erupting late last month,
leading to the declaration of an emergency in the country.
A. has killed 191 people since it began erupting late last month, leading to the declaration of
an emergency in the country
B. killed 191 people since it began erupting late last month, leading to the declaration of an emergency
in the country.

C. has killed 191 people since it began erupting late last month, which has lead to the declaration of
an emergency in the country.

D. had killed 191 people since it began erupting late last month, leading to the declaration of
an emergency in the country.

E. has been killing 191 people since it began erupting late last month, leading to the declaring of an
emergency in the country.

8. The three-pointed-star on the Mercedes bonnet can now be in your garage for a much lesser price
than you ever imagined.

A. lesser price than you ever imagined

B. lower price than you ever imagined

C. lesser price than you had ever imagined

D. lower price than one would have ever imagined

E. lesser price than you could ever have imagined

9. A majority of executives believe that gender diversity in leadership is linked to better

financial performance and companies take few actions to support women in the workforce.

A. that gender diversity in leadership is linked to better financial performance and companies take
few actions to support

B. gender diversity in leadership was linked to better financial performance, but companies take
less actions to support

C. that gender diversity in leadership is linked to better financial performance, but companies take
little actions to support

D. gender diversity in leadership was linked to better financial performance, but that companies take
few actions to support

E. that gender diversity in leadership is linked to better financial performance, but companies take
few actions to support

10. It's very important for CEOs, board members, and other nonfinancial executives to internalize the
principles of value creation because doing it allows them to make independent, courageous, and even
unpopular business decisions.

A. because doing it allows them to make independent, courageous, and even unpopular
business decisions
B. because doing that allows them to make independent, courageous, but even unpopular business

C. because doing so allows them to make independent, courageous, and even unpopular
business decisions

D. because doing so allow him to make independent, courageous, and even unpopular
business decisions

E. because doing these allows them to make independent, courageous, as well as unpopular
business decisions

11. The combination of growth and return on invested capital (ROIC) relative to its cost are what
drive value.

A. The combination of growth and return on invested capital (ROIC) relative to its cost are what
drive value

B. The combination of growth and return on invested capital (ROIC) relative to their cost is what
drives value

C. The combination of growth and return on invested capital (ROIC) relative to its cost is what is driving

D. The combination of growth as well as return on invested capital (ROIC) relative to its cost was
what drove value

E. The combination of growth and return on invested capital (ROIC) relative to its cost is what
drives value

12. A group of students in an American village has been selected for testing a new lowcost electronic
notepad being built around a new class of green, power-stingy microchips that use a fraction of the
electricity of current computer chips.

A. has been selected for testing a new low-cost electronic notepad being built around a new class of
green, power-stingy microchips that use a fraction of the electricity of current computer chips

B. have been selected to test a new low-cost electronic notepad being built around a new class of green,
power-stingy microchips that use a fraction of the electricity used by current computer chips

C. has been selected to test a new low-cost electronic notepad to be built on a new class of
green microchips, which are also power-stingy and which use a fraction of the electricity used by
current computer chips

D. have been selected for testing a new low-cost electronic notepad being built around a new class
of green, power-stingy microchips that use a fraction of the electricity of current computer chips

E. has been selected to test a new low-cost electronic notepad being built around a new class of
green, power-stingy microchips that use a fraction of the electricity used by current computer chips
13. I-slate is targeted at millions of Indian school children who do not have access to

electricity. A. I-slate is targeted at millions of Indian school children who do not have access to


B. I-slate is targeted towards millions of Indian school children who do not have access to electricity.

C. I-slate is targeted at millions of Indian school children that do not have access to electricity.

D. I-slate is targeted for millions of Indian school children who did not have access to electricity.

E. I-slate is targeted at millions of children in Indian schools who do not have access to electricity.

14. The football team, tired after four hours of practice and wanted to reach home quickly, took a short

A. tired after four hours of practice and wanted to reach home quickly, took a short cut.

B. tired after four hours of practice and wanting to reach home quickly, took a short cut.

C. tired after four hours of practice and because they wanted to reach home quickly, took a short cut.

D. tired after four hours of practice and wanting to reach home quickly, will take a short cut.

E. tiring after four hours of practice and wanting to reach home quickly, took a short cut.

15. Marc Murphy, the chef and an owner of the Landmarc restaurants in Manhattan, is roasting turkey
breasts in one oven while he braises the legs in the other.

A. the chef and an owner of the Landmarc restaurants in Manhattan, is roasting turkey breasts in
one oven while he braises the legs in the other

B. Landmarc restaurants‘ chef and owner in Manhattan, roasts turkey breasts in one oven while braising
the legs in another

C. the chef and an owner of the Landmarc restaurants in Manhattan, roast turkey breasts in one
oven while braising the leg in another

D. the chef and an owner of the Landmarc restaurants of Manhattan, roasted turkey breasts in one oven
while braising the legs in another

E. the chef and an owner of the Landmarc restaurants in Manhattan, roasts turkey breasts in one
oven while braising the legs in another

Find out the option in which the proper usage of the mentioned prefix/suffix is not

1. im- (A) impossible (B) imprecise (C) impromptu (D) imbitter (E) impurity
2. in- (A) intangible (B) inbolden (C) inhale (D) insolvent (E) inglorious
3. –ous (A) courageous (B) meticulous (C) scrupulous (D) sensuous (E) sensitous
4. un- (A) unculcate (B) unstructured (C) unglued (D) uncouth (E) unkempt
5. –ible (A) gullible (B) feasible (C) dependible (D) sensible (E) responsible
6. dis- (A) disorder (B) distrust (C) dismount (D) dislay (E) disown
7. mis- (A) mispronounce (B) misspell (C) misarrange (D) misplace (E) misuse
8. re- (A) rebellion (B) retell (C) rerun (D) renumber (E) recount
9. -able (A) pleasurable (B) doable (C) collapsable (D) excitable (E) salable
10. -ful (A) restful (B) wasteful (C) armful (D) delightful (E) toeful

Choose the appropriate word to fill in the blank.

1. The buffet was huge and included healthy snacks for eaters and large entrees
for the insatiable individuals.
(A) humongous (B) abstemious (C) benevolent (D) malicious (E) convergent
2. Because the minister was expected to have morals, he shocked everyone
when he was caught in a raid at a brothel.
(A) irreproachable (B) intrepid (C) marred (D) lofty (E) indifferent
3. Although Janice loved Henry, her towards marriage made her turn down his
(A) coercion (B) ambivalence (C) candor (D) intervention (E) divergence
4. Because of the of the guards, enemy spies were able to sneak into the castle.
(A) digression (B) censor (C) calculation (D) complacency (E) caprice
5. The confused old man will sometimes come into the store and for hours
without making a purchase.
(A) intervene (B) meander (C) belie (D) innate (E) expedite
6. While there is an rumor circulating about the celebrity’s death, the story has
not been confirmed by the star’s publicist.
(A) disperse (B) lethargic (C) furtive (D) censorious (E) apocryphal
7. If you want your children to properly complete their chores, you have to clearly
the tasks so your kids will know what to do.
(A) delineate (B) ascribe (C) digress (D) dictate (E) disseminate
8. The spoiled girl could not maintain her and stormed off the stage when she
lost the beauty pageant.
(A) levity (B) composure (C) insularity (D) integrity (E) malice
9. He was assailed in parliament by the eloquence of Gladstone, the sarcasms of Disraeli, and
the of the Manchester Radicals, but the country was with him.
(A) animosity (B) diminution (C) extol (D) appreciation (E) diligence
10. When the flight attendants learned about their proposed pay cuts, they decided to
the airlines at a news conference.
(A) denounce (B) acclaim (C) instigate (D) induce (E) linger
Sweet Spot
Solution and Explanation:

1. What is the primary message the author is trying to convey?

(A) a proposal for an improvement to the design of tennis rackets
(B) an examination of the differences between the two types of sweet spot
(C) a definition of the translational and rotational forces acting on a tennis racket
(D) a description of the ideal area in which to strike every ball
(E) an explanation of a lesser-known area on a tennis racket that dampens unwanted
The primary message the author is trying to convey is the Point. If you have identified the Point as
the second half of the first paragraph, then you are ready to answer this question. The first
paragraph introduces the idea that there are two sweet spots on the face of a tennis racket: one well-
known spot and another lesser-known spot. The second and third paragraphs detail how the
mechanism of the second sweet spot, the center of percussion, works. The fourth paragraph
describes a way to find the center of percussion.
(A) Nothing in the passage suggests that the author is trying to propose an improvement to
the design of tennis rackets. The second sweet spot exists independent of the design of the
(B) The passage does mention both types of sweet spot in the first paragraph, but it does not
focus on the differences between the two.
(C) Paragraph two explains the types of forces acting on the racket, but this topic is too narrow
to be the primary message of the overall passage. The passage as a whole focuses on
the sweet spots as opposed to the forces acting on the racket.
(D) While the passage does mention one benefit of hitting the ball on a sweet spot, it does
not claim that this is the ideal area to hit every ball. There may be other areas that convey
other benefits. The word every is too extreme.
(E) CORRECT. This matches the initial summary, above: the passage introduces the notion
of a second., lesser-known sweet spot which can also diminish the strain when a player
strikes the ball.
2. According to the passage, all of the following are true of the forces acting upon a tennis
racket striking a ball EXCEPT
(A) The only way to eliminate the jolt that accompanies most strokes is to hit the ball
on the center of percussion.
(B) The impact of the ball striking the racket can strain a tennis players arm.
(C) There are at least two different forces acting upon the racket.
(D) The end of the handle of the racket will jerk forward after striking the ball unless
the ball strikes the rackets center of mass.
(E) The racket will rebound after it strikes the ball.
“EXCEPT” questions require you to validate the answer choices. You must simply go through the
choices one by one, labeling true answers with a T and the one false answer with an F.
(A) CORRECT. False. This choice contradicts information given in the first paragraph: the
center of percussion is only one of two sweet spots that minimize vibration. The vibration
node is the other sweet spot.
(B) True. The third sentence of the first paragraph introduces the concept that the impact can
strain the players arm.
C) True. The second paragraph describes at least two different forces that act upon a tennis
racket striking the ball: translational as described in the second and third sentences and
rotational as described in the fourth and fifth sentences.
(D) True. The fourth sentence of the second paragraph states that unless the ball happened to
hit the racket precisely at the racket's center o f mass, the racket would additionally experience
a rotational motion. The fifth sentence then reads, Whenever the ball hits the racket face, the
effect o f this rotational motion will be to jerk the end o f the handle forward, towards the ball.
(E) True. The second sentence of the second paragraph states that a racket will bounce backward
after striking the ball; these words are synonyms for rebound.
3. What is the primary function served by paragraph two in the context of the entire passage?
(A) to establish the main idea of the passage
(B) to provide an explanation of the mechanics of the phenomenon discussed in the
(C) to introduce a counterargument that elucidates the main idea of the passage
(D) to provide an example of the primary subject described in the passage
(E) to explain why the main idea of the passage would be useful for tennis players
Paragraph two introduces and explains, in great detail, the forces that act on a racket when striking
a ball. It specifically explains the means by which the lesser-known sweet spot, the center of
percussion, functions.
(A) The main idea is established in the first paragraph: there is a second sweet spot that results
in minimal vibration when a tennis racket strikes a ball. The second paragraph explains
the forces that affect how this second sweet spot functions; it does not itself establish the
main idea of the passage.
(B) CORRECT. This matches the description of the second paragraph above: it explains the
mechanics of the second sweet spot in great detail.
(C) The second paragraph introduces the forces that act on a racket when striking a ball,
and the concept of a center of percussion is explained. The first paragraph indicates the
existence of the center of percussion; therefore, it would be incorrect to refer to the second
paragraph as a counterargument.
(D) While the second paragraph does provide an example, this is not an example of the center
of percussion, which is the primary subject described in the passage. The example helps to
explain the forces behind the center of percussion, but is not itself an example of a center
of percussion.
(E) The first and third paragraphs, not the second paragraph, make reference to why tennis
players would want to know about the sweet spot: to minimize strain on the arm.
4. Tlie author mentions “a penny that has been struck near its edge” in order to
(A) show how the center of mass causes the racket to spin
(B) argue that a penny spins in the exact way that a tennis racket spins
(C) explain how translational motion works
(D) provide an illustration of a concept
(E) demonstrate that pennies and tennis rackets do not spin in the same way
The full sentence expressed in the passage is the racket would additionally experience a rotational
motion around its center o f mass—much as a penny that has been struck near its edge will start to
spin. In other words, the motion of the penny is an example that closely mimics the situation with
the tennis racket.
The correct answer should match this characterization.
(A) The center of mass does not cause the racket to spin; rather, a ball striking the racket
causes it to spin.
(B) The author does not present the information about the penny as an argument; rather, it
is an example. In addition, the author implies, via the words much as, that the penny and
the racket spin in similar ways; this is not the same as saying that they spin in the exact
same way.
(C) This sentence is about rotational motion, not translational motion.
(D) CORRECT. The example of the penny is an analogy for the rotational motion experienced
by the tennis racket.
(E) The example is intended to demonstrate a situation in which tennis rackets and pennies
do spin in similar ways.
5. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
(A) If a player holds the tennis racket anywhere other than the end of the handle, the
player will experience a jolting sensation.
(B) The primary sweet spot is more effective at damping vibration than the secondary
sweet spot.
(C) Striking a tennis ball at a spot other than the center of percussion can result in a
jarring feeling.
(D) Striking a tennis ball repeatedly at spots other than a sweet spot leads to “tennis
(E) If a player lets go of the racket at the moment of impact, the simultaneous forward
and backward impetus causes the racket to drop straight to the ground.
Because the question applies to the whole passage, you must examine the answer choices first. It is
useful to remember that when the question asks you to infer, you need to base your inference only
on information presented in the passage.
(A) The passage does explain that holding the racket at the end of the handle and hitting the
ball at a particular spot results in a comfortable stroke that reduces the strain on a player s
arm. It does not address, however, what would happen if the player grasped the racket at a
different point. It is possible that grasping the racket at another point would simply result
in a different center of percussion.
(B) The passage states that there is one commonly known sweet spot and a second, lesser known
sweet spot. However, the passage says nothing about the relative efficacy of these
two sweet spots.
(C) CORRECT. You are told that playing tennis can result in strain on a player’s arm. You
are also told that striking the ball at the center of percussion leads to a smooth, comfortable
stroke or one that does not cause the same kind of damage as a regular stroke. Striking the
ball at a spot other than the center of percussion then, could lead to a jarring stroke, or
one that could cause damage to a player s arm.
(D) The passage mentions nothing about “tennis elbow” or what behavior can result in this
injury; it merely talks about strain. Be careful not to add additional information beyond
what is presented in the passage.
(E) The second paragraph obliquely addresses a situation in which a tennis player lets go of
the racket at the moment of impact. However, this question does not specify the point at
which the tennis ball struck the racket. If the ball did not strike a sweet spot, the racket
may have some translational or rotational force transferred from the ball.
Look It Up! Solutions
1. B
2. D
3. D
4. A
5. C
6. D
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. B
11. A

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