Bba English Lecture 1 Solution

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English Lecture 1

Diagnostic Test

Instruction: Choose the most appropriate word(s)/phrase to fill in the blank in the given
1. (E) on using
2. (B) omnipotent
3. (B) indignant
4. (A) withdrawn
5. (C) one

Instruction: For each of the questions below, choose the word from the alternatives, where
the prefix or suffix (that are given in all capital) has not been properly used.
2. (A) imfathomable
3. (C) blurreden

Instruction: Each of the following sentences contains four underlined words or phrases.
Select the word or phrase that is incorrect. If the sentence is correct as it stands, then mark
1. (D) correct form: has
2. (D) correct form: other
3. (D) correct form: driving
4. (C) correct form: were collected
5. (D) correct form: in

Instruction: In each of the following sentences, some part or the whole is underlined. Each
sentence is followed by five alternative versions of the underlined portion. Select the
alternative that you consider most correct according to the requirement of standard written
English. Answer A is the same as the original version; if you think the original version is best,
select answer A.
1. (D) Angry about failing the test, Safa slammed his books on the desk.
2. (B) how to use a computer
3. (D) was stricken
4. (C) Please repeat the sentence.
5. (C) sports are unknown

Instruction: Find out in which one or more of the following sentences in each set, the
underlined word is being used correctly.
1. (E) all three
2. (C) i and iii

Exercise 1: Choose the correct verb

1. are
2. were
3. is
4. goes
5. was
6. is
7. is
8. want
9. are
10. are
11. is
12. appears
13. is
14. is
15. have

Exercise 2: Choose the correct form of the verb in the following sentences.
1. is
2. is
3. is
4. are
5. is
6. is
7. are
8. is

Take-Home Assignment

Choose the correct form of the verb:

1. are (there is an error in the question: it will be “microorganisms” in place of
2. ruin
3. are
4. are
5. are
6. have
7. is
8. is
9. seems
10. are
11. is
12. has
13. is
14. were
15. dance
English Lecture 2
Review Test

Choose the correct form of verb.

1. costs
2. has
3. are
4. warns
5. is
6. wants
7. has
8. are
9. Does
10. has
11. makes
12. kiss
13. stand
14. intend
15. causes
16. are
17. varies
18. cost
19. are
20. was

Fill in the following blanks with the right word from the options below.
1. (A) acrimonious
2. (C) amorphous
3. (A) apocryphal
4. (D) arbitrary
5. (A) abstruse
Exercise 1: Identify& correct the errors.
1. rayon
2. was
3. information
4. was
5. has
6. cheeses
7. was
8. gallons
9. a bar/piece of LUX soap
10. equipment

Exercise 2: Complete the following exercise with correct quantifiers.

1. much, number, many
2. any, some
3. many, amount, less, fewer

Exercise 3: Identify the correct Determiner/Quantifier

1. fewer
2. much
3. few
4. A great number of
5. fewer
6. Both
7. many
8. much
9. Another, low
10. A little

Exercise 4: Identify and correct errors involving singular and plural nouns.
1. (D) correct form: mammals
2. (B) correct form: automobile races
3. (B) correct form: sources
4. (B) correct form: percent
5. (C) correct form: thousands
6. (B) correct form: has
7. (C) correct form: sugar
8. (B) correct form: grass
9. (E) No error
10. (E) No error

Exercise 5: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of other.

1. another
2. another
3. the other/ the other one
4. the others/ the other ones
5. the others, other
6. Another, Another, The others
7. The other
8. Another, another, the other
9. Others, the others, other
10. the other

Exercise 6: Write the correct article ("a," "an" or "the"). If no article is needed, write' n'.
1. x, the
2. The
3. x
4. x, the
5. The, x, the
6. x
7. the
8. An
9. x, x
10. x
Take-Home Assignment
Identify the errors and then correct them.
1. Meheraz wants to give you some advice, but the information is not available.
2. Two men and three women are dancing in the hall.
3. Heera needs a piece of paper. She heard some good news, and she wants to write two
4. Love is stronger than hate.
5. Raiad says beauty is not as important as intelligence in a partner.
6. Coffee has much caffeine, so they keep me awake.
7. The Argentine people are very generous.
8. Harvey had a bad accident. He hurt his feet.
9. I cooked three pieces of fish for dinner.
10. How much furniture is there in your apartment?

1. a little, a lot, a few

2. much, a great many, anything, a great deal of, little, A few
English Lecture 3
Review Test

In each gap, write either "MUCH" or "LITTLE" or "MANY" or "FEW".

many, few, little, much, few, much, much, few

Identify the one underlined word or phrase A, B, C, or D that should be corrected or

rewritten. Write down E if you think there is no error in the sentence.

1. (A) correct form: The energy

2. (A) correct form: The number of
3. (A) correct form: less
4. (A) correct form: Hawaii
5. (D) correct form: no article
6. (A) correct form: Rhode Island
7. (B) correct form: number

Fill in the following blanks with the right word from the options below.
1. (D) ascendancy
2. (A) braggart
3. (B) bolster
4. (A) blighted
5. (D) assiduous

Exercise 1: Choose the correct subject/object pronoun.

1. I
2. she
3. I
4. he
5. they
6. her
7. me
8. both him and he
9. me
10. both me and I

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive adjective/ possessive pronoun:
1. its
2. her
3. my
4. his
5. ours
6. hers
7. our
8. yours
9. theirs
10. his

Exercise 3: Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronoun

1. yourself
2. herself
3. themselves
4. ourselves
5. itself
6. themselves
7. himself/herself
8. myself
9. itself
10. himself

Exercise 4: Correct the relative pronouns where necessary:

1. The gold that you saw was mined from the sea.
2. It was your school counselor who called you.
3. The devastation that the tornado had brought about was unbelievable.
4. Some scientists believe that the Americas were populated by groups of Siberian
hunters who crossed the Bering Strait.
5. Our office that has two boardrooms is located in Dhaka. I work in the Khulna branch.
The student whose paper you have read is sitting there.
6. I would return this book to its rightful owner but I forgot whose book it is.
7. The doctor who was treating my brother, whom I’ve not spoken to for years, recently
8. Did you find the book that you were looking for?
9. We are going to see Silence of the Lambs, which is my favorite film, next Thursday.

Exercise 5: Rewrite the following sentences so that each pronoun has a clear antecedent.
If you have to supply a noun, use any noun that will make the sentence correct.

1. The dispute between the faculty and the administration was not resolved until the faculty
got better working conditions.
2. Saima spotted her friend as Saima walked toward the Student Union.
or, Saima spotted her friend as her friend walked toward the Student Union.
or, As Saima walked toward the Student Union, she spotted her friend.
or, As her friend walked toward the Student Union, Saima spotted her.
3. Foreigners are easily impressed by the bullfighters as the bullfighters march into arena.
Or, As the bullfighters march into arena, foreigners are easily impressed by them.
4. No Error
5. In their spare time, the eminent writers have written many great books about the famous
Greek and Roman heroes.
or, Many great books have been written about the famous Greek and Roman heroes by
the eminent writers in their free time.
6. Dr. Byrd’s book was accepted for publication because the publishers thought it would be
beneficial to students.
7. Messi missing the loose cross made by Ronaldo made Ronaldo really angry.
8. Robert bought a plant for Jimmy before Robert left for Kashmir. Or, Before Robert left for
Kashmir, he bought a plant for Jimmy.
9. Even though the production team and the cast were confident, the critics did not provide
positive reviews for the film.
10. Both Antony and Caesar loved Cleopatra, but she only loved Antony/Caesar.

Take-Home Assignment
Find out the best alternative.
1. (D) yourselves
2. (B) yours
3. (A) mine
4. (C) its
5. (B) herself
6. (C) Everyone/ nobody
7. (A) someone
8. (B) me
9. (C) theirs
10. (D) something

Choose the best relative pronoun to complete each sentence. If there is none required,
put "X".
1. who
2. which
3. that
4. of what
5. that
6. whose
7. which
8. where
English Lecture 4

Review Test

Identify one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence
to be correct. Then circle the letter that corresponds to the answer you have chosen.
1. (B) correct form: their
2. (C) correct form: his
3. (B) correct form: that
4. (C) correct form: that
5. (B) correct form: his own

Choose the best answer:

6. (D) that
7. (B) I
8. (C) whom
9. (D) whomever
10. (C) whose
11. (A) his
12. (B) each other
13. (B) one’s
14. (D) have
15. (A) is

Identify the sentences below as CORRECT (C) OR INCORRECT (I).

Correct: My cousin, who keeps track of fashion trends, says the girls are wearing shorter
skirts this fall.
Correct: Maureen uses a memory typewriter-printer, a computer, a laser printer, and a
multiple- function telephone that has created some confusion.
Correct: Doreen is using a toothbrush to clean the grout between the bathroom tiles, but
the toothbrush/the grout is old.
Correct: Harry and Rich will always remember Harry’s/Rich’s birthday celebrations.
Correct: If the coiled wire inside a regular light bulb were spread out, the wire would be
about two feet long.
Correct: Tailors recommend that suit pants for men be just long enough so that the
men’s socks don't show when they walk.

Fill in the following blanks with the right word from the options below.
1. (E) complacency
2. (A) debunked
3. (B) corroborated
4. (B) debilitating
5. (B) conjecture

Exercise 1: Choose either the simple present or the present progressive form for the
verbs in parentheses.
1. play
2. understands
3. ends
4. goes
5. needs
6. is wearing
7. looks
8. begins
9. make
10. are making
Exercise 2: Choose the correct form of the verb from parentheses.
1. smells
2. goes
3. is washing
4. goes
5. phones
6. are going
7. believe
8. remember

Exercise 3: Choose the correct form of the verb from parentheses.

1. was reading
2. called
3. was watching
4. arrived
5. was listening
6. bought
7. opened
8. was going

Exercise 4: Select either the past simple or the past perfect form for the verbs in
1. felt, had eaten
2. had examined, had
3. called, had gone
4. had finished, came
5. threw, had read
6. had spent, asked
7. gave, had corrected
8. had risen, started

Exercise 5: Use correct future tense of the verbs in parentheses.

1. will have finished
2. arrives
3. will be living
4. will leave
5. will have studied/ will have been studying
6. will buy
7. will come
8. will have played/ will have been playing

Exercise 6: Most of the sentences contain one mistake. Write CORRECT (C) or
INCORRECT (I). Correct mistakes.

Correct: The coffee smells wonderful.
Correct: The ship sank because the engineer didn’t call for help until it was already
Correct: How is Jennifer? Has her health improved?
Correct: You’re quite right. I completely agree with you.
Correct: What did you do after you had left school?
Correct: I can’t imagine why you believed all those rumors.
Correct: Zihad was looking forward to a peaceful weekend when his brother arrived with
all his friends from the football club.
Correct: Oh, I’m sorry, I’ve spilt some tea. Where do you keep the paper towels?
Take-Home Assignment

Use the present perfect, present perfect continuous, past perfect or the past perfect
continuous tense of the verbs given in the parentheses.
1. has studied/ has been studying
2. had left
3. has been
4. had prepared
5. have known
6. had worked/had been working
7. has made
8. has written

Choose the simple or progressive form of the verb.

1. buys
2. was looking
3. broke
4. was thinking
5. thought
6. bought
7. are being
8. have seen
9. will you be staying
10. have arrived

Write the form of the verb specified in parentheses.

1. had bought
2. had forgotten
3. will have driven
4. had won
5. have measured
6. had learned
7. will have spent
8. has taken
9. will have built
10. has inspired
English Lecture 5
Review Test

Define whether the following sentences are CORRECT (C) or INCORRECT (I). Correct

Correct: I was in Mexico during the summer of 1970.
Correct: Three years ago, he was a student at a university in California.
Also, we have been collecting stamps for many years.
Correct: We took the bus downtown, did a few errands, and went to lunch.
Correct: Last night they recognized us from the party we had gone to earlier in the week.
Correct: The doctor has seen ten patients since eight o’clock this morning.
Correct: Ha has studied/ has been studying English for the last five years.

Find the Correct form of the verb.

1. B) have, been learning
2. C) have been fighting
3. C) have, been cooking
4. B) has played
5. C) has known
6. C) had been working
7. B) had been walking
8. C) had been living
9. A) had been eating
10. A) had broken into

Fill in the following blanks with the right word from the options below.
1. B) despondent
2. E) depravity
3. A) dubious
4. C) disputatious
5. A) devious

Exercise 1: Choose the correct options.

1. terrible
2. well
3. good
4. calm
5. sick
6. happy
7. melodious
8. pretty
9. quickly
10. cheerful

Exercise 2. Correct mistakes in the following sentences.

1. We love to go to the country in the spring because the wild flowers smell so sweet.
2. Although the medicine tastes bad, it seems to help my condition.
3. The meal tasted good.
4. The music sounds sweet and soothing.
5. When he complained that the food tasted bad, the waiter took it back to the kitchen and
brought him something else.
6. It is impossible to view Picasso's Guernica without feeling bad about the fate of the people
7. I felt sad when I read the letter.
8. That gossip sounds malicious.
9. The wine tastes awful, like vinegar.
10. The girls look adorable in their party costumes.

Exercise 3: Identifying errors and recognizing correct use of adjectives and adverbs.
1. (A) correct form: destructive
2. (C) correct form: importance
3. (D) correct form: ranching
4. (B) correct form: well
5. (B) correct form: measurement

Exercise 4. Define whether the sentences below are CORRECT (C) or INCORRECT (I).
Correct mistakes.
Correct: "Please get a move on!" shouted Trevor impatiently.
Correct: I didn't like his plan, which seemed unnecessarily complicated to me.
Correct: I'm sure you could win the match if you tried hard.
Correct: Soraya's only been in France a year, but she speaks perfect French.
Correct: The reason Bruce gets so tired is that he has an exceptionally demanding job.
Correct: My mother was very ill last year, but she's well enough to go on holiday now.
Correct: In spite of the fact that Jean always says she's short of money, I happen to
know she actually has a very well-paid job.

Exercise 5: Bring the Adverbials at the beginning of the sentence.

1. Rarely does Isnaad forget to do his homework.
2. Rarely do I find a song that fits my mood appropriately.
3. Seldom do I get good grades without studying.
4. Only by staying up all night can Jane finish this work.
5. Hardly had I walked half-way to the bus station when it began to rain.
6. Never have we heard so moving a rendition as this one.
7. Rarely do we watch television during the week.
8. Barely had I completed my work before my boss gave me another assignment.
9. Seldom does this professor let his students leave class early.
10. Only in front of my friends do I act like a fool.

Exercise 6: Choose the correct form of ‘Enough’ in the following sentences,

1. enough people
2. enough French
3. enough time
4. man enough
5. fast enough
6. soon enough
7. enough discipline
8. easy enough
9. enough men
10. disciplined enough

Exercise 7: Affirmative Agreement

1. does
2. will
3. do
4. have
5. is

Exercise 8: Negative Agreement

1. neither
2. neither
3. either
4. neither
5. neither
Exercise 9. Correct mistakes in these sentences.
1. so are they/ they are too.
2. neither have I/ I haven’t either.
3. so is he/ he is too.
4. he won’t either.
5. so did I/ I did too.
6. neither will his sister/ his sister won’t either.
7. neither does his brother/ his brother doesn’t either.
8. So are we/ we are too.

Exercise 10. Make a new sentence from these questions.

1. Do you know where Robb has gone?
2. Could you tell me where the post office is?
3. Do you know what this word means?
4. I wonder what the time is.
5. Can’t you remember where you parked your car?
6. I don’t know if Ann is coming to the meeting.
7. Do you have any idea where Jack lives?
8. Do you know when he left?
9. Could you tell me where I can change some money?
10. I want to know what qualifications I need.
11. Do you know how much it costs to park here?

Exercise 11. Define whether the sentences are CORRECT (C) or INCORRECT (I). Correct
Correct: I will ask how much they sell for.
Correct: Did the professor tell you when the text test is?
Correct: Did you see what he did?
Take-Home Assignment
Decide whether to use an adjective or an adverb in each of the following sentences.
1. well
2. quickly
3. firm
4. accurately
5. beautiful
6. smoothly
7. bright
8. slowly
9. really
10. delicious
11. annually
12. simple
13. simultaneously
14. close
15. incredible
16. intensely

In the following sentences choose the correct form in parentheses.

1. warm enough
2. enough money
3. enough English
4. warm enough
5. strong enough
6. wide enough
7. enough time
8. fast enough
9. strong enough
10. old enough
11. enough drinks
12. heavy enough
13. enough people
14. enough chairs

Define whether the sentences are CORRECT (C) or INCORRECT (I). Correct mistakes.
Correct: I forgot to ask him what time the class begins.
Correct: Ask Mr. Blake what his daughter studies at the university.
Correct: Can you be sure where he will be this Friday afternoon?
Correct: We should find out how hot it is in the summer before we decide to vacation there.
Correct: We never found the village where our parents were born.
Correct: She does not know who painted that beautiful mural.

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