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Inglewood CITY OF INGLEWOOD Ba OFFICE OF ELECTED OFFICIALS ‘II! 2009 DATE: May 16, 2023 TO: Mayor and Council Members FROM: Aisha L. Thompson, City Clerk Dionne Faulk, Council Member, District 4 SUBJECT: Payment of Invoice ~ Club iCE Rental RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Mayor and Council Members authorize payment of an invoice submitted by Club iCE Rental for providing DJ services for the Women Rock Empowerment Summit 2023, in the amount of $675. (General Fund) BACKGROUND: ‘On May 6, 2023, Councilwoman Dionne Faulk and City Clerk Aisha L. Thompson hosted their 2™! Annual Women Rock Empowerment Summit 2023. The Women Rock Empowerment Summit 2023 included workshops and guest appearances by the Mayor and Council Members. The Empowerment Summit also had keynote speakers, such as 61* District Assembly Member Tina MeKinnor, actress Mignon, and empowerment speaker Dr. Susie Jones. DISCUSSION: Club iCE Rental provided DJ services for the Women Rock Empowerment Summit 2023, which took place on May 6, 2023, from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. FINANCIAL/FUNDING ISSUES AND SOURCES: Funds in the amount of $675 are available in the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget under Account Code No. 001-099-9930-44899.01 (General Fund-Non-Departmental-Miscellaneous-Contract Services-Non Dept). DESCRIPTION OF ANY ATTACHMENTS: Attachment No. 1: Invoice PREPARED BY: Angela Allen, Deputy City Cled COUNCIL PRESENTER: Aisha L. Thompson, City Clerk Dionne Faulk, Council Member, District 4 APPROVAL VERIFICATION SHEET DEPARTMENT HEAD APPROVAL: COUNCIL MEMBER APPROVAL: i: ie Z 4, Wy ee CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: A Artie Fields, City Manager ATTACHMENT 1 TA 1456 West Manchester Ave . LA Ca 90047 3238808258 Club iCE Rental INVOICE Bill women’s Rock / City of Inglewood Invoice No. Inv #14592 To: One Manchester Boulevard Invoice Date: 2023-05-06 Inglewood, CA 90301 Terms: Due on Receipt Dionne Faulk Due Date: 2023-05-06 310.412.8605 Reference No: Event Date DJ Service 5.50 100.00 $ 550.00 $ some policy coverage 1.00 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 1 day Coverage Payment Details Gross Amount 750.00 $ By cheque: Club ICE Rental Discount -75.00$ Sub Total 675.00 $ Bank: capital One Net Amount 675.00 $ 36111895231 031176110 EEE Temp Ag Signature of Issuer Notes: Deliverv Mav 6. 2023 ‘OUTSIDE CITY BUSINESS TAX CITY OF INGLEWOOD ‘The porson, fim o¢ corporation ramad below Is granted this caficate ae evidence that the businees has pad the required taxes to conduct business in City of Inglewood. This carat 'S not @ business loonse and It shall not be construed as authoring the right to conduct or continua ary business, This cortfoale le issued without verification that the taxpeyer Is subject o or exempt from licensing by the State of Calflora, Name: CLUB ICE RENTAL Location 1486 W MANCHESTER AVE, Owner Name: SHARMAINE HYDE ' ' I CLUB ICE RENTAL 1488 W MANCHESTER AVE. LOS ANGELES, CA 80047 ‘TOBE POSTED IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE Number. s-045693, Deseripon: Para Legel Issued Date: May 10, 2023 Sipiration Date: December 31,2023 NOT TRANSFERABLE Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification > Go to for Instructions snd the latest Information. as Fla Name roqured on is Ta; Go pe ionve is Bw Give Form to the requester. Do not ‘send to the IRS, aaa ra Sagar ay rama Taare Fam BO sl Exampiion kom FATCA epatng code am) ‘Unger penahies of perry, ler that: 1. Tne number shown on this form s my corect taxpayer deniiication number (or | am wang fora number to be issued to me and 2. Lam not subject fo backup withholcing because: (| am exempt irom backup withholding, or | have not been rotted by the internal Revenue ‘Service (RS) that am subject to backup wilhholdng as a resul ofa fare 1a reper all terest or Givdends, or (c the RS hes noted me thal | am ‘longer subjet to backup witnholalng; and 3. 1ama US. clizen or other US. person (defined below); anc 4. The FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any ndicaling that | am exert rom FATCA reporting is comect. CCertieation instructions. You must coss ou itam 2 above ! you hava been nile by the RS tha you are curently sutlac to backup withholding because {you nave ated 1 report ai lnerest and cviends on your tax relum. For real estate transactions, item 2 doesnot apply. For mariage interest pal, ‘Bequaiion or abandormment of secured propery, cancelation of Gab, contibutons to aninvidilrtement arrangement (RA), and general. payments ‘ther an interest and dhddends, you ae nt required to sgn the cerficalin, bul you most prove your corect TIN. See the istration fr Par i ler. Sign] signature of Here | us.parson @prit 17, 2023 ated General Instructions Section retrences ace to the lneral Ravens Code unless otherwise rote Future davelopments For the istest formation about developmen feted t Form W-9 and nections, suchas leilaton enacted after thay were published, go to www. gov Fon. Purpose of Form ‘An incvidual or entity (Form W-9 requester) whois requ tof a information retutn with tha IRS must obtain your covet taxpayer dentfcation numbar (TIN) which may be your social securty number (SSN), mavidua! taxpayer enifcaton number (TIN, adoption taxpayer identifcaton number (ATIN), or employer Identieation number (itp 10 reper onan information tun the amount paid 9 you, or other ‘amounl reportab o on an information rtum. Examples of formation Fetus include, but are nat hited 1, the fotowing. ‘+ Form 1089-INT(ntevest earned or pad) «+ Form 1099-01V (vider, including those from stocks or muta funds) ‘Form 1099-MISC (various types of income, prizes, awards, or gross proceeds) ‘ Form 1099-8 (stock or mutual und sales and certain ether ‘vansazions by brokers) “+ Form 1099-8 iproceeds rom realestate transactions) + Forrn 1099°K (merchant card and thd party network ransactions) + Form 1088 rome morigage interest), 1088-€ (student loan intrest), 1098-T euton) * Form 1099-C (canceled debt) ‘Form 1098-A facqusiton or abandonment of secured propery) Use Form W.8 ony if you are a US. person (nclucing a resident len), to provide your correct TIN, 1 you do oot atu Form W.9 fo the requester with a TIN, you might be subject fo backup wiltholding. See What is backup withholding. ‘ater, (a Wa. 10230" Ferm WD ar 38 2037

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