ada unit 4 ass

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Solr 2I72Ialase Ada Nssignment Untt -Y , using )) pms algorthn | 3) krushkals algorrthm | | | | | | —_ a belo — j Compute a mintnaune Cos spanntng tree hr the g vaph. ghown beloc A Spanning tree 15 a subgraph of given graph Tt must Saltsty the 3 condttons Tt shoula conlarn au verteces of agrarh 2) —f-the grvarh contams n veritces then the Spanning tree Shoutd Contatn n-l edges. 3) the SPanning tree should nok contarn any cycle, D Prims Algort tony SEP IDE Select ang Verlex tom tye g Stepa ¥ Etna edges assoctated wr Cost edlge to Spanning tree. Step 3: raph b the vertex and add mintmun Tt any cycle occurecl in Pong tree then descend the dge. Stepus Repeal —the steps untl ace Verhces aeloaelereol. © selchng Velen B @ the ae edges trom B are B-a B-c " " = So the minimum edge C. ® © © mert the yemamning edges ave B- A =9 from Cthe edges ace C-€=9 C-p=y C- G23 The minimum edge 1s C-E 2 ‘or © © te yemainging and the edges fom € are Baap cO-y cana E-p=1 The mrimum cost edge % €-D1 OWA ® the Yematneng edges and ~the edges orm D axe B-Aay e-Day x C- Gz Drag the minimunn ae & C G=3 Ore ® Qe 6) “the YeMIIning edges and eclges-tram Gare B-A => O-F=q G-Fon5 G-1=6 the mintmum edge & G-F 5 a a Os A) the vernains ng elges and edlges tro ny Foye B-As>y D-Feax G- a6 F-H =a the minimum tolge 4 G-t2¢ Ne - a © 6 8) he yemaining edges and edges tom + are B- Aaa F-He T-#H=10 TA ai The minimum edge [S$ B-A=% bo NaN | @ 6 , & = 6 | ¢ @ the semainng edlges and edlges FoHela far A) one T-H=10 T-p=is x A-T=!15 x the mrntmum edlges & T-H =10 or x AN x fe; 6 © 10. ) F-H=12 xX “Hence 16 the Final spanning tree pod @H t AtH+Qel 434546410 2) krushkals blgorithan order» step 0 Awange aut -the nodes mn ascending kth forms a qycle Slepa) pick-he smanest edlge and check & y wehthe spanning trees Tf the Cycle « not tovmed, tnclude hes edge else descard tl. step 3) Repeat step © untl there ace (v-\ealg es th Spanning be, edge cost €-D ! €-c a C-G 3 c-D yx C-B 5 G-F o G-2 6 A-B z Rie ax tt lo FH 2X 2 = ——y——.._______- mt 1@ eprerms cycle-then descard Gots nert Oe YNg oa © S : a — oe © Be 3 o—— © 6 D-F foms cycle daca tf 2 DE tt dorms cycle du cud e- A-= farms cycle then clacord eft then Cost of Spanning tee wu a4 S4 241434546 416 = 39 £xplaen Shagle souce shortest path problem rm Greecly method ¥€ Graphs can be used to vepresen( the highway Structures of a State Cov) County wrth vertrces YePresenting Cres and edges xp = Yesentng Sectons of Arghway « > Tf we want to driven foma ctty AtoB we have to consrder the Aotiowtng things "x? theve tsa path tom A 1B 9 14 there 1s more than one path tom N40.Bwhiches shortest pat, —> the length of the Path 15 the Sum of wetg hts of the cclges on the Path. > SlOshng vertex ts known as Source last Wester ¢s known as destnaton, ~ We constder a dtrectec Graph G-(we)a weigh tuncten “@st4 tor the edlge G ancl Source verted Yo, ¥ the Problem & to determine the shortest path tr au Aematntng verttees of G. one foo NS soln a4 2 ae constdey node las source node Path Lu-s -2 Job deaditne — prot u a 4o 2 4 ts 3, 3 60 u i 2o A 7 to + 1 ws Lan Step 1) we wt the exresponding deadline wu appears Prot | 6 | 55 | 4] Yo | 20 fice Jo. wh [IS [se S| 4 | T2 | oe deodtre| 3 ' "raftaly]s L Ss = lep a: Create an array “hoch Looe we GG JO) slep 3) Etyst Bb 33 the deadline Path — length tay lo I-u- as '-3 We bene ae % even though there 1s a directed edge from |toa we choose the because the length of the path ys. Consider the followtng Jobs , deadlines ond Profs .usethe Scheoluteng with deadline algovtthm to maumise the total profrl. ANGE he proltt tm decending order Sloves the Jobs ov the job w 3+ Fo ater tence place 33 in 3x0 tndex CLELLL —s slepu) New Job 33 Insert (1 tq Ist tndlex by B | | 3 7 | TD 1 Saene | steps) nent Job 3 Te tnsevt 4 en isl trdex Isl tnelex 15 alveaady tiiedl Then ols Cara ef Netl fobu Fi wyevt iam and index’ | s% J 3 TOES TAS tke Slep 6) next sob u su but the and trder 4 abrecoly tied then Check the Ist tndex » The also ted then datarda Nett Soh % 3a place tt tn yth ndey fH | | ( akhecdy Letepred/ | Slep 4) Next Job w Te’ Bub “the 3rel tndey 4 i chen check the Ist inde 4 al dctupted Hen lescad x, SP 8) thus the optimal sequence & Fe1-g22 ‘SH +404604I=190 yyy he the prof] find the minrmum cost Spanning tree tor the following Graph Using krushkals algorithm. 6) edge cost on rod Yoae ead oe BOBS x nTeeHrOAKRTS HRA = P s | ' Q4Qaleazarlel= ©) buhat « the need of Greedy approach. Greedy approach 13 au about making -the best possible chorce at cach step to reach an optmal solufon. the needot greedy approach ltes tn ats Stmplyctty ancl ettrerency, Y Greedy algortihms ave oHten simple to plement and et{rctend, ~ Typtcauy have a lower ime Qmplexcty Compared to othe appraachy, Y Greedy algortthms wiuatly havea lower space Complerety « * Greedy algorthms ate weu SUuttedl for soiling opkrar2eton problenre ¥ Whele Greedy algortthm do nol guarantee the best Slaton én every Case they prude a heuristc approach that often ylelds gocel verults i” prackce. They are porkcwlaily Useful tor problems where noting The evact ophral solution t tmprackcat br boo -#me consuming , tS tke daring & Sestes of Smatt)tmmedrate clecisons ty navigate through a problem towards an optimal ouleme,

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