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SNIKhitha Tes “In System brogremming IX SP allows -for eProgramming of a flash memory deutce tuhrle rf 'S Solcleved tty Asstgnment wha th a Py yamming (Tsp) e drtterence between In System Prog 9 tis and tn appltcatton Programming (tap). unit © tap allows tor Feprog ramming of 4 dewe. -Hlash memory device cohrle it slechntctan manuialy to stasp the YeProgrammi—ng Prcedure by hating -the aprltaatonand Stting it into a Spectal boot (oy) Programming mode, the larg ef fS sojclered tnte the larger how duce haw, J Gnd blhate the applecaton cele ts Kunning Lua e » » the applicator, need tobe 2) The applica tron neeel not tebe Stopped duuueng “eprogrammng Stopped cluttng "e Pregramming Process * Only attey Prvgvam mtn, ee S.c¢ | omplebecl tig *Peltcaton can € ¥eslavt. a ISP requires a Sowice TAP doesnt Neecla Serutce technician to Present Man, | 34 ts. posseble'tg tmplement applications that can be ¥e programed Kemmote ly ua ly . 4) xn -the phrirps Faesiaxa SES Ep 15 Un Plementect Hirth the boot | loader, 5) When tn TSP Medle -the F4c5 RKO Aeepls Hash, Programming Commands Uta the Seval tolertece | ) the pheitps F4CsIRKAa parts | Supports tap aby vea the bot loadey, 5) Such an applicaton shectiic boot loader could ensurethal essental tnthaltzacken Cocle gets ececutedl even 14 the chrp Slavs tn bool mecle. tonmen + tox Crrlarn the role of inleg rated evelopment enutronm embedded sottaaue olevelopmen|. se An Thleqratect development enurvonmenl t @ Sottware pplecatron -that prour des factifes to Computer Programme xs ov sofware development. * Tt help clevelopers +o watte »com pte se bug and es! therr ode eMectenstly by Prourdeng Qa Crboaltzed enutronments . * shes ave Commonly use cl -foy Vastous plis tke FAVA, Py the n, Cte TPES Proutde a code editor wrth tealures tthe Syntax highIrghtng ccoele Completron ™MakIng 1 easter write and matntac Goole ths helps developers 0 focu $ onthe loge of the coe sutthoug. WrKYING abouy the Syntay. 2) Protec Management: Theis help manage Projects f organt zing thes and @mptling cocle . y 3) Pebugging x Watch windows IDES Oey debugging tools Itke breakounts, and - herkty and try Slep thro Ugh eKecuton ena bling developers EYV0YS. This helps deve lopeys 43 le bug they code eHeck vely and ettectenily, 4) Compiler and Burld tools» JOE'S proutde access to Comptlers, wing developers to burld and this includes te burl automaton. assemblers ang lt keys. alto compile cocle. Ace ey like Com pele y Cenitgtucstan , as | a +5) Simulaton and émulaton. some Tne:s offer stmula ee to dest andl olebug code tn a Urrlual enutronment thts helps cle ve lorers to dest thety code without he neecl tar physical hardiuase, | 6) Code Anabysrs Aes Can Pertorm stake Cocle analtysrs » detecting errors. whrs fron ancl emulaten-tools enabling developey helps -he developers improve the qualtty ond perlormance ot thery Gde. 4) Qoiiabovaton F ners tacritlate coliaborerkon among team, | members by proutding features Ite code veutews ; Paty Pg ramming | and project shaving. Thrs helps developers te work-to9éther mone e Heck vely Ona ed ectenty, what-arve embedded hratdlatastrmuvace dlebugg eng techn, LpHees, ee Ymwase ole bugging techniques are Burnt 4 technigue. —_—_——_— Incremental eprom divmware 1 Mage, chhrane 4 Pecttoularly eee “ues—thak occur tn the tt : Y elds where am net be VePlace the entre timware mage ” a How } : ae? neremental Cépeom burning worke —F Rem sels ) Tdenttyig the specike tsue that need 4 be deb, >) Create a patch that aoldresses the ue « Riin %) Use an Cerrom busing foo | to bun the Patch ta the €EPROM, 5 - ae - 4 Hl the asue, W test the patch ty ensure that ¢. hres ware, ot bx col sve peot the Proce of Creating a pate, S) Tt -the ume yn fl the ue cs “eS olved, = deskng ab unk! th buening 1h fo the E€PRoM dnd -eshng Advantages * the vsk of imtreduerng Deus enues es vecluceo!, X faster de bug, 9. | Adadventag es nga —! | 1) Lemelect tlexebelt . ikon ®) more Com plex a manage, | 3) Resk ot errors for 2 thine breakpomp- based Femwote Aebuggeng, ee straline bye “THIS tg Q +technrque Used tedebug terme by Se iney breakpotnts atrectty into the timware Code, Norking =——. ee np “nige tdenttey (3 28819N€ A ty each breakpotpy ) Breakpommts ave MSertedt enty tim ware Cele at Specete Lotatong ® the trmware ts €Xecuted , and Ahena break pornt- t Yeached, Xe ution & halted. fe, 4) the debugge y 4 Ack Va tect, S) Erecutkon SumeS Unt] nent breakporng Yeaches , Some Common (oltnebveakpuinlg UE Sothiare brakepents, bb Pag oe Condttonal bp 250 adv ) Breakpotnts can he Sel at exact locaton s # Code, 2) Lec “time de buga rng , 3) coesot Yequive Ong adclition Sou Cos) s1/y M9 Pon ents 4) easy to sed and Manage Ven tor complex tr munre Disadvantages = down the execuetron of rrmware. 0) sinserkng breakpoints can slow ‘ ints. 2) the code needs fo modited Ahile inserting breakpsto 3 Reskatevrors. “ xEnsertng breakpunts Gin increase size at Code. ») 4 4 add com plenity , 2) monitor Pregrom basecl trmuwae debugging, Ttis a technique used to cle bug firmware by running a Separate monctoy PYOgrvam that observes and contels the enectton Of trmware. working ) # sepatt program runs tn povollel welh Frmaare andl moni executcon tors 415 2) the monttoy prgram pourdes debugging interface. 3) The montoy Pregvam can set break 4) The moniter PIQT™ Can Contre the points (ot wate 5) the money enecuhon of trmware, Prgim = medtty data otymwae, 6) 4 “an log trace tn formation, Advantages ") the moniter prgxm doesn! modrty the timate cede, 2) Real -tme debugging 31 €ase to use. Pisaduantages Yyanning a Separate meniloy Program requires additrenal vescuces >) using & monttoy pygym fan intoduce Scuily Esk 5, 2) slow down the System. 4 |'9 sncrveutle Gnetator lice) based meme debugging, TE 15 @ dechnrque thot uses an ree hardwareto debug stim ware drrecHy onthe fargel System. Movking Dpn sce deuce tS connectecl -fo the loved System's mtcrolonkwiler (ox) preessoy, *) the deurce emulates behaveow of mplov) mcs 2») the device Proutdes a elebugg ing totertace, Set breakpoints in th te Code to halt evecunen , S) Controlthe ekecution of tymuccue 6) modety data the tom woe 4) og trace (tormaton Adv ai * Complex tyme System, y 9 qe deutces aan be expensr ve real > ae te mn, - o 4") Tee dey thorn ee? 29 Process 6S take addtrnad Space, y 5) On chip Frrmwage debugeing loep) ws This | rico : nme note es abyectly onthe eters | Shu tools ,- . °S Spectattscey blu ang 4 vdifing “curls . 1) 4 debug el. eHface ts used ~to Connect the oe bugger to lke mp (ov) me, } 1 4o chtp: % the debugger Sends a hal Comman 3) Mecess chrp vesouyces- nue. ) “he debugger sels byeakpotnt anal watchpom 5) the debugger executes code stepby step. 6) The debugger vecords euecutron hatory, Adv ? Real-time ole hug gine ® Surppey Ppplecable 9 Accurate yesuts, tor Complex trmudue Systems Dts, 2advantag es Requies Specialized bf wand slw which tacvease cod. 2) dethcult to Stlup anal use 3) Slow clown the debug ging process , HDi May Yequive adaifongf Space » exelatn embedded bf debugging technignes. 9 magnttying Glass liens ) oa when using a magnttying glass for debi See the ting @mponents on the Crvcutl boanrcl « Look fey any Physrcal ues ithe damaged parts rlor) any anomaires Hak mght be Causing Maltuntons tn the blu. - the magnitying 499079 youcan closely a) Multimeter. 9. mulkmes Itke Voltage, curyents Res tues ithe ey Measures electrical Pasamete xs tstance. m4 bh Power Supply problems \ Short crycurts » Open crycurhs fmponent -farlures. elps to ralentty Tes a versatle lool that every hardware debwgger should have 3) Digrtal cro (athocle vay Osctnostope); TIS go-te-0ol fox visualizing electonrc Stgnals+ By observing wavetorms on-the screen You can Analyze Signal behavtor ,check for norse de bug tring - Belated usues, D logic analysers when dealing wrth digttal signals, a logee Analyrer ts Your best trtencl « 11 Captures and decodes degrtal signals TH helps’ you to debug Complex crvcurts -and empowers you to Ophimtae the pertormence of your harclware « 5) Function Gene rator£ — functon generators produce Pecrtel Wa veformg (a) signalsd-to test and vatdate hatdwae behavior, simulate Sersov ‘nputs Generate Clock stgnals »create custom waveformse “these helps to Vertty hardware funchonality » Signal integrity, Ting and Synchront2aten. 6) Boundaty sean + Boundary scan lets you test and debug dtgitac CHCUILS — WHthoud needing drrect access tothe le pins. THSa Powerful tool for checking tnterconneckong » vertying Ie tunckonatity » Tt helis to lenty tsues Ine digital bgte evors -frvm ware ancl Sofpevaxe bugs) be Jarlures

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