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Government of Karnataka
±Á¯Á ²PÀët E¯ÁSÉ






Rajalakshmi K
The question bank is prepared on the basis of the learning
outcomes provided in the Karnataka state syllabus which has incorporated the
salient features of the national curriculum framework 2005. The selection of the
interactive activities and exercises are prompted by the following assumptions and
expectations like analyzing, inferring, evaluating and understanding the given text
.This module is learner centered .So it is designed to make the learners actively
participate in the learning process. This module is also exam oriented in nature. It
helps the learner to develop all the objectives of learning a language. It is expected
that the question bank helps the learner to master the skills and competencies and
at the same time preparing them to face the public examination confidently.

The success of any text is in the hands of the teacher. So we have

tried our best in providing what we thought was best for our students. Now the
teachers need to facilitate and translate our vision into a classroom reality. So make
the best usage of the material and I wish you all the best for the better performance
of the students.

I would like to compliment the Nodal Officer, Diet faculty and all the
Resource persons, who took the responsibility of preparing the Question Bank
and successfully completed the modules for 8th and 9th std.
Rajalakshmi K


DIET Mangaluru

Concept And Guidance
Smt.Kaveri B.B Smt.Sumangala V
H’nble Commissioner Director
Department of School Education DSERT Bengaluru
Rajalakshmi K Vijaya Lakshmi
Principal Nodal Officer
DIET Mangaluru Lecturer, DIET Mangaluru
Dakshina Kannada
Resource Team

1.Merlin Mable Assistant Teacher, G.P.U.C.H.S

Mascarenhas Balmatta Mangaluru North
2.Sumathi R. Assistant Teacher G.P.U.C.H.S
Katipalla 7th Block Mangaluru North
3 .Vijaya K R . Assistant Teacher .
GHS Nalyapadav, Mangalore South
4 Chaya Kini. Assistant Teacher
GHS Moodumarnad, Moodabidre .
5.Chaitra M S Assistant Teacher
GHS Gutthigaru, Sullia.
6.Jenifer Baretto Assistant Teacher.
GHS Sajipanadu Bantwala
7. Dr. Anith Kumar Assistant Teacher
GHS BadagaYekkar Mangaluru North
8. Swapna . Assistant Teacher
GHS Kurnadu Mudipu Bantwala .

Reviewed By

Smt Vijaya Kumari ,

Lecturer DIET, Chamarajanagar
Siddalinga Prasad Basava Lingappa
Asst Teacher. Asst Teacher
GHS Bagali Chamarajanagar G H S Chamarajanagar

Note to the teacher
❖ The question bank has been designed with the effort and support of the
English language teachers of Dakshina Kannada districts.
❖ It can effectively improve the interest and level of learning English among
the students
❖ All the activities are based on the language skills and competencies based on
the and learning outcomes
❖ Considering all the students of learning categories every activity has clear
instruction to make the English classroom more effective
❖ The facilitator can modify the activities according to the strength and the
level of the learners
❖ The facilitators are requested to focus more on the competencies rather than
the content
❖ These questions are framed to develop confidence in the students so more
English language exposure in the classroom is suggested
❖ The facilitator can follow easy forms of instructions to make 100%
involvement of the students in these activities.

No Learning Outcome Page No

1 Listens to excerpts dialogues, poems, speeches, news, announcements, 1-4

debates commentaries of sports and games, and expresses opinions

2 Converses appropriately with the family members and different 5-7

professionals make shopkeepers salesman vendors bank officers etc.

3 Converses appropriately with the family members and different 8-12

professionals make shopkeepers salesman vendors bank officers etc.

4 Reads and appreciates different forms of literature like dialogues, 13-16

stories, poetry and role plays
5 Infers, interprets, analyses ,and critically evaluates the textual and non 17-24
textual materials
6 Uses dictionary and other reference materials for the better 25-32
comprehension. Uses appropriate grammatical forms in communication ie,
nouns pronouns, verb, adverbs, adjectives, determiners, prepositions,
conjunction, tense and time, prefixes and suffixes and framing questions

7 Writes creatively notices , formal ,informal letters and e- mails 33-41

8 Writes creatively short stories ,essays, articles, reports 42-45

LO 1



1 mark

Four alternatives are given, choose the correct one and complete the sentences.

1. We greet our parents with ___.

a) dear b) reverend c) hello d) honourable.

2. Keep the surrounding ____.

a) dirty b) bright c)hot d) clean.

3. ____ is precious, utilize it carefully.

a) tea b) water c) coffee d) juice.

4. News is collected by ______.

a) farmers b) children c) reporters d) patients.

5. Passengers are requested to tie belt in the ____ for safe landing.

a) train b) plane c) bike d) bicycle.

6. Rhyming word of cat is ____.

The appropriate word to fill in the blank is

a) sit b) fit c) cot d) mat.

7. ____ is an indoor game..

a) football b) chess c) cricket d) polo.

8. We should speak ___.

a) angrily b) rudely c) politely d) selfishly.

9. Commentary was given about the ____ ..

a) seesaw b) hopscotch c) cricket d) hide and seek.

10. Bird lives in a ___.

Pick the correct word to fill in the blank and complete the sentence.

a)Nest b)Igloo c)Kennel d)Web

2 marks
1. Create a conversation between the ticket counter officer and a passenger in
railway station.
Passenger wants to know the time and platform of arrival of train.
Develop four exchanges between officer and passenger in the given format.
Passenger :
Officer :
Passenger :
Officer :

2. An announcement in the mall.

“ A 4 year old boy named Rajesh. He is fair with curly hair was found alone in
City centre. Parents can contact the counter.”

Read the article and fill the appropriate answer in the given space.
a. Name of the boy was ___.
b. Parents should contact____.

3 marks

1. A stranger stopped you at the school gate and starts talking. How will you
handle him?. You are at the school gate to enter into school & it is time for
the assembly.
Read the statement and develop some dialogues between the stranger and you.
Stranger :
You :

Stranger :
You :
Stranger :
You :

2. Aleena invites Asha for the birthday party. Asha is presenting a cake on
Aleena's birthday. Aleena received the birthday cake.
Develop a conversation between and Asha and Aleena
Aleena :
Asha :
Aleena :
Asha :
Aleena :
Asha :

4 marks

1. Read the given paragraph & answer.

Yudhistira sent him to fetch some water to drink .Nakula was glad when he got to
the place and saw that there was a pool. He was very thirsty himself and so thought
of quenching his thirst first before taking water in the quiver for his brothers; But
no sooner did he dip his hand in the transparent water, he heard a voice which said:
“Stop! Nakula! Do not drink. This pool belongs to me. O son of Madri, answer
my questions and then drink the water”. Nakula was surprised, but carried away
by his intense thirst and heedless of the warning, he knelt down and began to
drink the water. At once he began to feel terribly drowsy and he fell down; to all
appearance dead.
Read the above paragraph and answer the given questions.
a. Why was Nakula glad?
b. How was the water in the pool?
c. What did the voice say?
d. What happened to Nakula when he drank water?

2. Read the rhyme & list out the rhyming words .

Create your own small rhyme or poem using the rhyming words.

I have an ox,
Cunning animal is fox.
Things are kept in box,
Bad smells socks.
Bee have wax,
Wood cutter has an axe,
Mailing letters is a fax.

L.O. 2


1. Read the following dialogue and underline the phrases you use to introduce

Prajna: Hello, I'm Prajna Rani's friend.

Raksha: Hello I'm Raksha her secretary.

prajna: could you please connect her on the line?

Raksha: I'am afraid. I can't. She is not in. Do you want to leave the message?

2. Complete the dialogue by using given expression in the boxes

( good morning, glad to meet you. nice to meet you)

Officer: .......

Farmer: ......

Officer: ........

3. Write the expressions you use for greeting the given persons:



4. Read the following conversation and answer the questions follow:

interviewer: what are your favourite leisure time activities?

Dr Abdul Kalam: books are my favourite friends, and I consider my home library,
with many thousand books, To be my greatest wealth . Every new book, based on
some new idea inspire me a new thought to ponder over . I enjoy reading and
writing poetry. I like music, which heals the mind; I especially like Carnatic and
Hindustani classical music.

a. What is the question asked by the interviewer to Dr. Abdul Kalam ?

b. Why did Dr. Abdul Kalam like music?

5. Write a message reading the telephone conversation given below:

Mother: Shalini give the phone to appa?

Shalini: Ma leaving phone , appa has gone out. He will come back at lunch time
he said.

Mother: when he comes back, ask him to pick me at 5:00 p.m from my office

Shalini: Ok ma, I will inform appa. Bye.

Dear appa,


........................ ........ .........................

6. Imagine that you're Namrata/ Naveen, you are new student to 8th standard.
Introduce yourself to the class.

7. In the Lesson 'Enchanted pool'

write the conversation between

Yudhishthira and Yaksha.( at least three or four sentences)

8. Imagine you are asked by your father to go to his office and hand over a letter
of application for leave to his officer. How will you introduce to the officer?

9. Read the following conversation and rewrite in reported speech:

Teacher: please, bring me a duster, Lakshmi.

Lakshmi: Madam, where is it? Is it in the office room?

Teacher: yes it's there .

Lakshmi: Ok Madam , I will bring it soon.

The teacher asked Lakshmi..............



10. Complete the dialogue :

A student meets the headmaster in school.

Akshay:---------- sir, May I come in?

H.M: please come in.

Akshay:, Sir.


I. Read the first part of the story and Identify the different characters. 2marks

1. Once in a village in China, three young boys, each eleven years old, were
adopted by an old lady, NiiYoo, from an orphanage. She sent two of them,
Lan Dua and SwaJow, to school and dressed them in very fine clothes.
However, the third little boy, Gow Sir, was blind, and she treated him as a
servant. She dressed him in very old ragged clothes and fed him the food
left-over by the other boys. Gow Sir wasn’t sent to school and ran errands
for NiiYoo.
3 Marks

2.The happy-go-lucky and merry grasshopper always spent his time singing and
dancing in the garden. His friend, the little ant, was always busy working. The
grasshopper always made fun of the hardworking ant. “Come on, my friend!
What is the need to sweat it out in this hot summer sun?” the grasshopper asked the
ant. “I am preparing for the winters,” the ant replied. Ant advised her grasshopper
friend to start storing food for the winter for himself too. “Stop wasting your time
and start gathering some food. You will need it in the winters,” the ant urged.”

The grasshopper only smiled and said, “There’s lots of time! Right now all is fine”.
The seasons soon changed. Winter brought in freezing temperatures, and the
grasshopper realised he had no food. He looked around to find some, but he was so
cold that he could hardly move. Everything was covered with snow.

Suddenly, he remembered his good friend, the ant, and thought to himself, “She
will surely offer me a roof for some time. She has saved a lot of food. I am sure she
will offer me that too.” He quickly dragged his cold feet to the ant’s house and
knocked on her door.

“Let me in, for I am cold, weak, and hungry, my dear friend,” he said. The ant
opened the door just a little bit. She did not let the grasshopper in. She refused to
offer him any food too. The cold and hungry grasshopper was weak. “I will sing to
you for free, my friend,” he begged. “Do you remember how hard I worked during
the hot summers?” The ant asked the grasshopper. “I did that to provide myself
with food during the cold season. I had asked you too to do the same. You ignored
my words.”

The grasshopper then realised that he should have utilised his time better instead of
wasting it on singing and lazing in the garden.

Complete the dialogues referring to the above story

Grasshopper: “Come on, my friend! What is the need to sweat it out in this hot
summer sun?”

Ant: “I am……………………………………………………………….,”

Ant: “Stop wasting your time and start gathering some food. You will need it in
the winters,”


Grasshopper: “Let me in, for I am cold, weak, and hungry, my dear friend,”

Ant:“ I am sorry,

3. The sentences given below are in a jumbled order. Read them carefully and
arrange them in sequential order to make a meaningful story.

1. Once, a boy was eating a bun on the roof.

2. As soon as he opened his mouth, the bun got down. 3. A fox was passing from
4. The crow went away and sat on the branch of a tree.
5. Suddenly a crow came and snatched the bun from his hand.

6. He flattered the crow by saying that his voice was wonderful.
7. Immediately, the fox picked the bun and disappeared.
8. Hesaw the bun in the peak of the crow and got an idea.
9.He requested the crow to sing a song and the crow started singing.

4. Complete the story given below using the clues in the brackets.
[ honesty, silver, forest, pond, accept, dropped, sad, returned ]
A poor woodcutter was cutting wood in the…………The woodcutter
accidentally…………..his axe into a………….. He felt……….because he could
not afford to buy a new iron axe. A fairy saw the incident and approached him
with a…………axe. The woodcutter did not take it because it was not his own axe.
Then, the fairy offered him a golden axe. But the woodcutter did
not……………also. Finally, the fairy…………..him his own iron axe. The
woodcutter was pleased and thanked the fairy. Due to his………. the fairy also
gave him the silver axe and golden axe.

5.Complete the story given below using the clues in the brackets.
[money, died, found, sowed, help, ill, treasure, dug, good]
A farmer had four sons. They did not……………their father in his work.
One day the farmer fell seriously……….. He called hissons and told them that
there was hidden……………in his field. But he could not tell the exact place. The
farmer then…………… The sons………the field but…….no treasure.
They……..the field with wheat. They had a very -------------crop that year. They
sold it and got a lot of………. Then they realized that their father had spoken the

4 Marks

6. HarekalaHajabba was born into a poor Muslim family, he left the school at an
early age in order to earn money and contribute towards family expenses. Many
years ago, when a foreign tourist asked him the price of an orange in English, he
did not understand what had been said and felt ashamed. He had not had the
privilege of any kind of formal education. That day he decided to make a school in
his village. He kept part of his savings from selling oranges, to start a school in his
village, Newpadapu. He was able to start a small school. Today, the school, which
has grown with government support and donations from private individuals, is
known as Hajabba School. He is affectionately known as 'Akshara Santa' (letter-

a) What motivated Hajabba to start a school in his village?



b)How did Hajabba fund the initial establishment of the school?



7.Rearrange the following sentences to form a meaningful story. And develop a
story in your own words.

i. He started jumping high to reach the grapes, but all in vain.

ii. At last, he gave up the idea, thinking that the grapes must be sour.
iii. Suddenly, his eyes fell upon a bunch of mouth-watering grapes.
iv. One summer day, a hungry fox was passing through on orchard.


8.Develop a story with the help of the skeleton of the story.

Once a-shepherd boy-asked-look after- sheep-side of a stream

told to cry ‘'wolf' if he saw one-shepherd boy-wanted-fun- shouted wolf!-
villagers rushed to help-found-no wolf-boy laughed - Villagers became
angry-At last wolf came-boy shouted wolf- villagers took no notice -wolf
killed several sheep




2 Marks

1)Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow

“ My friend Jean Valjean, before you go away, you can take these candlesticks.
They are yours. Take them. (gives them the silver candlesticks)

Now, you may go in peace. By the way, when you come again, you need not come
through the garden. You can always come in and go out by the front door. The
doors of my house are never locked, day or night. Jean Valjean, my brother,
promise me that you would use this silver to become an honest man. Will you
fulfill this promise?”

1. How can you say that the bishop was kind hearted?
2. Write the synonym of the word ‘peace’.

2)Write a message reading the telephone conversation given below.

Manvith: Hello

Manish : Hello, could I speak to Manaswini please?

Manvith: No, She has gone to the market for shopping, I am her younger brother

Manish: Oh! Would you convey my message to her? I am her friend Manish.

Manvith: Of course, with pleasure.

Manish: Tell her that I will not be able to attend her birthday party because my
mother is not well. I have to take her to the hospital

Manvith: Ok.



3) Write the following stanza and choose the correct pair of rhyming words.

I am grateful for the hands that I might do

some arduous or simple task for you.

I am grateful for the ability to always pray

To give me the strength and guidance every day.

a) ability-grateful

b) pray-day

c) guidance-pray

3 Marks

4) Read the given advertisement carefully and answer the questions that follow

a) How much discount is announced on all items?
b) Buy one Get two free on _____ &_____ ?

c) What is the duration of the sale?


5) Read the below conversation between teacher and student.

Student: Good morning Sir.

Teacher: Good morning.

Student: Sir, My examination is right around the corner. Can you give me some
instructions to prepare well for the exams?

Teacher: Yes, Sure. First get rid of your mobile, that’s a major distraction.

Student: Ok Sir.

Teacher: Read your textbook thoroughly, note the important points from the
book while reading.

Student: I have a problem in memorizing, Sir

Teacher: Instead of reading simply, concentrate on your studies and understand

the subject and have a short break once in a half an hour.

Student: Ok Sir. Thank you.

Teacher: All the very best.

Summarize the instructions given by the teacher.




6)Read the following lines of poem and answer the questions that follow.

Words are the food and dress of thought

They give it its body and swing
And everyone’s longing today to hear
Some fresh and beautiful thing:
But only words can free a thought
From its prison behind your eyes
Maybe your mind is holding now
A marvelous new surprise!
a) How do you say that the words are food and dress of thoughts?
b) How can you free your thoughts?
c) Can you express few of your marvelous surprises?

I. Fill in the blanks using the correctalternative prefix to make the opposites of the
words underlined: [1 mark]

1. Raju is regular to school, but his friend Ramesh is __________

[ unregularmis regular , disregular , irregular]

2. Venu’s transaction was legal in all aspects but his friends’ was __________

[ Unlegal, mis legal , illegal, nonlegal]

3. He used to be an active kid, but he has become quite __________ now.

[ Nonactive, inactive, unactive , misactive]

4. Venu is happy because he came first in the running race. But Ravi is
__________ because he lost the race.

[Mishappy, dishappy, unhappy ,nonhappy ]

5. Peter obeyed Charles, but the seamen __________ him.

[Unobeyed disobeyed, misobeyednotobeyed]

II. Combine the word in Column-A with its collocative word in Column-B
1. A .launch-
B. -[cards, coins, leaders, satellite]
2. A - Curly –
B- [hair, journey, man, fight ]
3. A -Fast –
B- [shower, rain, meal, train]
4. A- Unforgettable –
B- [ experience, car, book, lunch]
5. A - Bright –
B- [future, car, story, song]

III. Frame the question to get underlined word as an answer.

1. Rakshagoes to school on Monday.

2.They are going to market to buy vegetables.

3.They are joining us on Friday.

4.He was awarded for his wonderful paintings.

5.The boys sit under the tree and study.

IV. Change the given sentences into passive form :-

1.The captain received the world cup.

2.Our parents teach us moral values.
3.The king honoured Thenali Rama

4.She is writing a story.
5. The Chief guest distributed the prizes.

.V. Write the correct form of the word given in brackets.

1. If he had driven carefully ,he ---------------met with an accident.
(would have, will, would n’t have)
2.If I get a job, I ---------------- buy a beautiful car. ( would, wouldn’t)
3. If the people are interested in science ,They -----------become scientists.
(would, could, would n’t)
4.If the doctor had come in time,the patient -------------died.
(Will have, would have, Wouldn’t have)
5.If I had reached earlier ,I -------------- have missed the train.
(would, will , would n’t).

VI. Complete the sentences with suitable articles:-

1. We waited there for half ------ hour.
2. ------- President inaugurated the function.
3. On the way we met ------------artist.
4. Sam is ------------- intelligent boy.
5. People like to visit the seashore to watch ------------ sunset.

VII.Choose the two syllabic word from the words given below:
1. green, great, garden, grief.
2. property, prove, praise, proper.
3.dream, death, drama, dry.

VIII. Choose the suitable to complete the sentences given.

1. He is clever,---------------- lazy. ( and, but, so, if )
2. The students stood up --------------the teacher entered the class.
( and, when, as, so)
3.You can’t score good marks,-------------------- you work hard.
(So, but, when, unless)
4.She couldn’t go ----------------it started raining heavily. (so, and, but, because)
5.Do your work -------- directed.( which, as, and , but )

The following statements have two errors.Correct the sentences using the given
clues: 2 x 1 = 2 .
1.A panch knows no friend or enemy but only justise
a) Spelling correction
b) Capital letters to be corrected
2.In the field of the social and cultural development also, a Information
Technology isfast showing its wonder impact.
Clues :
a) article to be corrected
b) adjective to be corrected
3 Although Dravidian in origin, Kannada has been high influenced by Sanskrit.
Accordingto some scholars, its early literature dates back with the 5" century A.D.
a) Adverbial mistake to be corrected.
b)Preposition to be corrected.
4. The writer’s father said that they were going to be free because the British
weregoing back from their country letting India independent.
Clues :
a) spelling mistake to be corrected
b) Preposition to be corrected
5.He started running twowards the road, sudden he heard the roar of a tiger.
a. spelling mistake to be corrected .
b. adverbial mistake to be corrected.

3 marks

1.Read the data given below with the Pie graph and answer the questions
The chart represents the different sports events conducted by Indian sports club
last year. Answer the questions that follow:

1.How many events were organised all together?
2.Which game was organized many more times?
3.Which game is represented in pink colour?

2.Look at the poster given carefully and answer the questions that follow:

1.How many days did the Summer camp organized for?

2.What type of activities are taught in the camp?
3.What is the amount of fees to be paid to join the camp?

3.Look at the poster given carefully and answer the questions that follow:

1. When was the event organized?

2.Who were invited to this event?
3.What was the motto of the institution?


4.Look at the poster given carefully and answer the questions that follow:

1. What message is given by the poster?
2.Write your own slogans related to the above theme.

5.Look at the poster given above carefully and answer the questions that follow:


1.Who has organized the classes?

2.How many days was it held?
3.Who can join these classes?
4What is mentioned free here?

6. Look at the Bar graph given carefully and answer the questions that follow:

1Which colour is liked by most of the people?-----------------------------

2.How many people like black? ----------------------------------.

3.Which colour is loved by 50% of people?----------------

4.Which colour do you like the most? --------------------

LO 6

One Mark

Question 1.

Rearrange the following words in the dictionary order.

A) Attention,attendance,attain,attraction
B) Enable,enchant,accept, adore
C) Paid, please, pleasant, peace
D) Station, stable, slate, state
E) Faith, famous, fable, fancy.

Question 2.

1.He stood terrified at this radiant figure.

Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word.

A) Shining B) pale C) Weak D) dim
2.Some people want to live a lavish life.

A) Happy B) luxurious C)satisfied D) poverty

3. My sister’s face resembles my mother’s face.
A) Just like B) look like C) feel like D) see like
4.Replace the underlined word with correct phrasal word.

We reserve some money to help the needy and elderly people.

( set off, set out, set aside, set in)
5. True friends support one another in times of need.
( give in, stand by, look for, wait for)
6. The moral world has no greater spectacle than this.
A) Scenery B) glasses C) Sight D) light
7. Heart broken with grief , he wanted to avenge their deaths.
A) Extremely sad B) heart felt C) heart attack D) very happy
8. Jean Valjean fed on filth for nineteen years.
A) Fish B) bread C) dirty food D) rice
Question 3.

Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition.

1.Dinesh lives ---------- Nandavara in Mangalore.

2. India got freedom -------- 1947.

3. We get common salt -------- the sea.

4. Manasa went ------ the market to buy some vegetables.

5. Mr. Arun is a teacher. He works hard ------ the welfare of his people.

6. The dam is built ---------- the river.

7. Our National Anthem is written ------------- Rabindranath Tagore.

8. Deepika was filled ----------- surprise when her name was called out.

9. Haneef hails --------- a family of musicians.

10. The monkey jumped --------- the lake.

11. Swamy was raked ……. Nightmares.

12. Sathish went to Kashmir …….. his father and brother.

13. Nehru was fond …..children.

Question 4.

Identify the parts of speech of the underlined word.

1. Water is a colourless liquid.

2. Honesty is the best policy.
3. They were crossing a rickety bridge over some rapids.
4. The king decided to marry the princess because all the courtiers praised her
5. The students marched silently.
6. They did not voice their fear.
7. It was a memorable day in the life of a student.
8. Sai narrated a fascinating story to her friends.
9. The sun set at the beach is a beautiful sight.
10.The long mustached man made a boring speech.
11.I left for Bengaluru immediately.
12.The old man removed his hat and gloves carefully.
5.Fill in the blanks with correct tense form of the verb given in the bracket.

1. The Pandavas-----------( defeat) the Kauravas in the battle.
2. Jumman ---------- (nominate) Algu as the head punch.
3. The headmaster ------- (hoist) the flag on Independence day.
4. Sarala -------------- (be+earn) money by giving tuitions.
5. Last year Maya ------- ( have+visit) seven beautiful beaches of Indian
6. Yudhistira ---------- (send) Nakula to fetch some water.
7. She ------- ( sing) a melodious song yesterday.
8. Deepak --------(go) to the park everyday.
9. The Children --------- (be+read) newspaper in the library now.
10. The sun ------(rise) in the East.
11.One day I saw a boy who………(be+cry) near the railway station.
6.Write the correct form of the word given in the bracket.

1. Anjali does her work ……..(sincere)

2. Looking at the quality of the product he was ready to pay ……. (addition)
3. Swamy was ------ (appreciate) for his heroic deed.
4. Cricket is a …….(glory) game.
5. Mrs. Manjula is a kind and ……..(cheer) woman
6. The PDO should take a proper ……(decide) regarding garbage disposal.
7. The new …………. (educate) policy is good for all.
8. The teacher said ,”I can see ……. (improve) in your studies this time.”
9. The hermit was known for his …….. (wise)
10.I have a ………(wonder) idea.
11.We should …….(protect) our environment.
12.I got the ……….. (direct) to do this project from my senior officer.
13.The ……….. (contribute) made by the students helped the poor athlete.
14.Hermits are wise men,how they aquire their ………… no one can tell.(wise)

1. Stamina, speed, skill, sports

2. Coach,teacher, learner,trainer
3. Win,success,loss,gain
4. Speak,talk,advice,say
5. Question,ask,reply,inquire
6. Hasty,rapid,fast,quick

7. Huge,giant,large, dwarf
8. Colourful,dislike,careless,dangerous
9. Farm,garden,circus,forest
10.Highest, best,worst,cast
8.Choose the correct homophone and complete the statement.

1. The Yudhistira sank under a tree to ………( rest, wrest)

2. My aunt is very ………so the doctor suggested bedrest for a
3. The wound in my …….did not ……..(heel,heal)
4. The bus …………was paid by a ……lady who was sitting next to me.
5. I …….. for my brother to carry the ……… (weight,wait)
6. My father bought a new ……..(sight,site)
7. The books are ………(their,there) on the shelf.
9.Add suitable prefix or suffix to the given word.

1. Purpose- ……………..(multi,im,ir,non)
2. Proper-………………..(non,ir,in,im)
3. Care-…………………..(non,able,ful,tion)
4. Happy-…………………(in,un,ir,dis)
5. Admit………………….(tion,ful,less,ous)
6. Wonder………………..(ous,able,tion,ful)
7. Develop……………….(ment,ful,ly,ous)
8. Like………………….(dis,im,il,if)
9. Legal…………………(ill,in,ir,un)

10.Add the prefix and frame antonyms.

1.Dhanush is happy but his sister is ………..

2. Mahima is regular to school but her friend mangala is …………

3. I like to play cricket but my friend Geetha …………

2 Marks

11.Read the given poem and answer the questions that follow,

One fine morning in the middle of a night

Two dead boys got up to fight.

Back to back they faced each other,

Draw out the swords and shot each other.

A deaf policeman heard this noise,

And shot the two dead boys.

If you don’t believe my lies to be true,

Ask the blind man he saw it too.

1, The central idea of the poem is………………

A) To generate humour using impossible ideas B)Shoot the dead boys

B) Create a harmonious society D) Describing a fight
2. The appropriate meaning of the word “draw out “ in the context of the poem

A) Aim at B) pull out C) hit C) paint

11.Read the sentences below

i) The ant climbed on to the leaf.

ii) Once a dove saw an ant fallen in the water.
iii) The dove picked the leaf with the ant and put it on the shore.
iv) He took pity and threw down a leaf.
A beautiful story can be obtained by re arranging the story in the order

A) i,ii,iii,iv B) iii, i,ii,iv C) ii,iv, i. iii D) i,iv,iii,ii

3 Marks

12.Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

All through History, people have used garlic for healing. People used it in India
and China over 5000 years ago. Because it is a natural medicine, it is a very
safe antibiotic. During World War I, doctors used garlic juice to help stop

1. The passage speaks about ……….

A) Infection B) World War I C) Garlic, a great healer C)India and
2. The adjective in the above passage is………
A) Medicine B) safe C) antibiotic D) infection
3. “Medicine or Chemical that destroys harmful bacteria in thebody .”
One word from the passage with this meaning is ………
A) Antibiotic B) juice C) healing D) medicine

13.Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.

Bishop: tell me about it- about the hell you lived in

Convict: Its long ago. I forget.(dreamily) I lived with my sister and her seven
children. Then…….( suddenly and very rapidly) yes, I remember! She was ill, we
had no food, I could get no work. The children were starving, so I stole some
bread. I was sentenced to nineteen years in the galleys, (pauses)nineteen years in
hell.(sobs) Then began my stay in hell. They chained me up like a wild animal;
they lashed me like a hound. I fed on filth, for nineteen years, nineteen years! They
took away my name. they took away my soul, and they gave me a devil in its
place. I was a man once. I am a beast now, and they made me what I am. Now I am
free to starve.

1. Why was Jean Valjean sentenced ?

2. Why did Jean Valjean say that he was a beast?

14.Read the passage given below and answer the questions as directed.

Once upon a time, in a far off village there was a little boy whose name was
Simon. He loved his grandfather very much. They were good friends. They spent
much time together. Simon loved to sit on his grandfather’s knee and listen to the
stories he told him. Grandfather was a wonderful storyteller. And oh! The stories
he told! Fairytales and exciting hunting stories. There was a strong bond of love
between the two.

1. The synonym of the word ‘story’ is …………

a) Tail b) tale c) tele d) storey
2. Grandfather told stories.
The passive voice of the above sentence is,
a) Stories are told by grandfather. b) Stories are being told by grandfather
b) Stories were told by grandfather. d) Stories were been told by grandfather
3. How was the bond of love between Simon and his grandfather?

15.Complete the following paragraph using suitable prepositions given in the box.

From, in, of, near , with, to, on, for

Simon’s summer vacation has begun. He and his sister are now ------- their
grandparent’s house.They love to visit them whenever they get holidays. They
enjoy being -------- them.

Early ------ the morning they go ----- swimming --------- their cousins.
Grandmother cooks delicious food ------ them. Grandfather tells interesting stories.
He brings story books ……… the nearby shop. He also takes them to the library
which is ------- the shop. They go to the riverside ------ Sundays.

They all are fond ------- their grandparents and pray ----- for their long life and
good health.


1. Rearrange the following notice using the clues given below. 4


A) Yours faithfully C) 18 thJuly 2024

B) Thank you D) Kindly submit Google forms before 20tn of
July 2024.

The 'Culture Club' is a voluntary association of students of our school interested in

fine arts like theatre, music and painting. I am pleased to inform you that our
'Culture Club' is organizing a painting contest for students on 3 rd August this year. I
wish all of our students participate in this competition and exhibit their talent in

The club offers prizes for the first three best paintings. The prize-winning
paintings will be exhibited in our library and the prizes will be awarded on our
Annual Day. We provide drawing sheets and boards, but the competitors will have
to bring painting materials. You are all welcome for entry is free and the painting
can be done either by using water or oil colours. Crayons are not allowed. The
students who register before 24 thJuly are eligible. Participants should fill in the
google forms after the registration.


Ravinarayan . C

2. Imagine that you are the secretary of Sports Club of your school. You are
arranging a inter-school sports meet. Write a notice about the meet.

3. Study the given letters and answer the questions that follow.


4th June 2020

The editor
Times of India
Neharu Nagar

Respected sir,

Subject: Insufficient water supply.

Through the columns of your reputed daily, The Times of India. I wish to bring
it into common notice about the insufficient supply of pure drinking water in
our area. The water supply is not sufficient; the water board supplies water for
only 15 minutes. Moreover the water they supply is not drinkable. It causes so
many health issues in our area. Through this, I would like to urge the authorities
to look into the matter immediately for the common welfare of the people.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully
1. The above given letter is a _________
( formal or informal) letter.
2. The author of the letter is ____ from______
3. The letter is addressed to _________ .
4. The author of the letter is discussing about _________.
5. The author of the letter wanted to urge ______ .
6. The letter is dated ______.

4. From,
25th Dec. 2024

My dearest friend,
I am fine here with my health and study with my friends, I hope you also
fine there,
our school annual day ceremony has announced, it is in the next week. We all
are preparing well for the occasion. As usual this year also there are many
events to take place in our school day function. I am participating in a drama
and moreover I am glad to tell you that I am selected as ‘the best student of the
year’ award. So my dear friend, I wish you to be with me in such an auspicious
moment. So I heartily invite you to our school annual day. I will be looking
forward for your coming.

Your loving friend






1. The above given letter is a _________

( formal or informal) letter.
2. The author of the letter is ____ from______
3. The letter is addressed to _________ .
4. The author of the letter is _________.
5. The author of the letter wished to ______ .
6. The letter is dated ______.

5. Arrange the following letter in order in the given box .4

Date: 12/December/2024

Respected sir,

Subject: Requesting for 3 days leave.

Akshay /Ashika
10th class
Govt. high school
Vivekananda Nagar

Reference to the above mentioned subject, I am studying in

10th class. I am suffering from fever and cold . The doctor advised me to take 3
days rest, so I am unable to attend my classes. Hence I kindly request you sir.
Please grant me 3 days leave from 09/12/ 2024 to 10/12/2020.

Thanking you

The principal
Govt. high school

Yours faithfully or yours obedient student



Dear father,
I am fine here with my studies and health. I am very happy with my
friends. I hope everyone in the home is also fine. I have scored 95% in our
preparatory exam and our annual examination date is announced. It is in the
next month. So I am studying 6 to 8 hours a day I havehope to score more than
95% in annual exam. I am putting all efforts and energy to do well in exam.
Please convey my love to mother and warm regards to my lovely sisters.

Shrerya. R.V
Govt. High school, Saligrama
Udupi Tq

Rajesh V.,

4th May, 2024

Yours lovingly,

6. Complete the letter by filling the required information in the given blanks. 3
Shankar ,
Jai Gopal nagar,

24th February, 2024

The Manager,

Respected Sir,

Sub: Request to provide more buses.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

B) Imagine that you are Sara and fill in the given box inviting your friend to
attend the annual day celebration of your school. 3

5th March, 2024

My dear Aruna,

Please reply me.

Yours lovingly,


No. 27/D
1st main, 3rd Cross,
Jayanagara, Bangalore.

7.Imagine that you are Chaitra/Chetan. Write a letter to district commissioner

regarding thepoor condition of roads in your area. 4

8. Imagine that you are Chintan/Clara. Write a letter to your friend about the
holiday visit to Mysore . 4

9. Read the E-mail and answer the questions given below. 3

1. The mail is sent from______ to ____

2. The mail is about _________ .

3. The author of the mail is discussing about _________.

10. Write an Email to your friend describing him/her about your village festival




3 marks

1.Read the article and answer the questions that follow.

Earth Day

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22 nd it is a day

dedicated to raising awareness and promoting actions to protect our
planet people all around the world come together to participate in various
activities such as planting trees cleaning up litter and conserving energy
Earth Day reminds us of the importance of taking care of our
environment and encourages us to make sustainable choices in our daily
lives together we can make a positive impact and create a greener and
healthier planet for future generation

a.When is Earth Day celebrated ?

b.What is the purpose of Earth Day ?

c. Why is it important to take care of our environment ?

2. Chandra Yana 3

Chandra Yana 3 is the ambitious 3rd Lunar mission by the Indian Space
Research organization( ISRO). It was launched on 14th July 2023 from a place
called Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota ,Andhra Pradesh.The mission
has 2 parts a Lander named Vikram and a Rover named Pragyan .The big goal
of Chandrayaan 3 is to land safely on a special part of the moon called the South
Pole One exciting thing it's looking for water, ice on the moon as well as
learning more about the moons rocks and air.

a.When and where was the Rover launched?

b.Which are the two parts of the mission?

3.Read the article given in the Newspaper’” INDIA TODAY”

Answer the questions given below:

a. What is the article about ?

b. What is the aim of the boy?

c. What is the name of the Newspaper published the above article?

1.The last farmer

It is a story about John he was the last He was the last person on earth
who knew how to form the other people on earth had all forgotten how to
do it they were all too busy with their own lives to learn and earn John
wanted to teach them how to farm but they didn’t want to learn they
thought it was too much work he always insisted that it was important to
keep the earth healthy and to know where our food came from what did
John want to teach the people what was the intention of John why didn’t
people want to farm

a.Who is the hero in the story ?what does he do?

b.Whatdid John want to teach the people ?what was the intention of John

II Complete the story with the help of the clues given in the brackets

1.(Carrying ,on, camera operator ,tie ,dotted ,carton, striped, wearing , add
,angry, sound engineer, hat ,yet, holding , cardboard, already, hungry, is, are)

Everybody -------------working so hard today. The----------- is filming the

weather forecast. The weatherman is wearing ---------and orange and red --------
-----and a shirt .His kids toys are in--------- box. The makeup artist is -------------
-------------a pair of scissors and Harry is ------------ a bowl of fruit .Holy ,the
secretary, is speaking -----------the phone and George and Helen haven’t eaten
their cake because they aren’t ---------------------.

2.Read the story given below and answer the questions that follow

The Little cheeky mouse

A cheeky mouse lived under house the lady living in the house despised
mice and wanted to get rid of them all she put mouse traps everywhere
but the mouse under the house was wise every day he would take toy
maize and put them in the traps he knew the lady had poor eyesight and
would be tricked the little cheeky mouse was so proud of himself for
fooling the old lady he went about his daily business eating all the food
he could find snap went a trap the poor mouse had not fooled the lady
after all

1 What do you mean by despised?

2.How did the lady feel about the mice

3. Describe the cheeky mouse

3.Complete the story using the clues given below

A farmer ----- 4 sons ---in a village----fought each other ----everyday

farmer worried -----few days later -----fell Called his sons……… Asked
them to brings 4 sticks……make bundle-----gave them a challenge to
smash it. they failed -----remove the bundle----- asked to break
individually -------succeeded to break-----sons realised about the strength
of the unity----- there after lived together---- happily

4.A dog saw------ piece of meat.------held in its mouth -------

Crossing a bridge -----------reflection ----it wanted that bone too----barked

-------- bone fell into water --------The greedy dog lost it’s bone .

5. Complete the given story in your own imagination

Once Upon a time there lived a girl Betty who was very good in
sports ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- -------

III. Report 4 marks

1.Write a report on Independence day celebration of your School

2.Write a report of your birthday celebration

3.Write a report of Diwali festival celebrated in your family

iii. essay. 4 marks

Write an essay on a. uses of mobile phone

b. Importance of Education

c. Sports and Games

d. Cleanliness


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