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Government of Karnataka
±Á¯Á ²PÀët E¯ÁSÉ







Rajalakshmi K
The question bank is prepared on the basis of the learning outcomes provided in the
Karnataka state syllabus which has incorporated the salient features of the national curriculum
framework 2005. The selection of the interactive activities and exercises are prompted by the
following assumptions and expectations like analyzing, inferring, evaluating and
understanding the given text .This module is learner centered .So it is designed to make the
learners actively participate in the learning process. This module is also exam oriented in
nature. It helps the learner to develop all the objectives of learning a language. It is expected
that the question bank helps the learner to master the skills and competencies and at the same
time preparing them to face the public examination confidently.
A few paragraph questions are designed as multitasking exercises .The learners
integrate many communication skills by participating actively in Group discussions, taking
down notes, organizing the points in a logical and sequential order. Ensure that the learners
go through all the stages while writing the paragraph answers .
The success of any text is in the hands of the teacher. So we have tried our best in
providing what we thought was best for our students. Now the teachers need to facilitate and
translate our vision into a classroom reality. So make the best usage of the material and I wish
you all the best for the better performance of the students.
I would like to compliment the Nodal Officer, Diet faculty and all the Resource
persons, who took the responsibility of preparing the Question Bank and successfully
completed the modules for 8th and 9th std.
Rajalakshmi K
Principal,DIET Mangaluru

Concept And Guidance

Smt.Kaveri B.B Smt.Sumangala V

H’nble Commissioner Director
Department of School Education DSERT Bengaluru
Rajalakshmi K Vijaya Lakshmi
Principal Nodal Officer
DIET Mangaluru Lecturer, DIET Mangaluru
Dakshina Kannada

Resource Team

1.Merlin Mable Assistant Teacher, G.P.U.C.H.S Balmatta Mangaluru

Mascarenhas North
2.Sumathi R. Assistant Teacher G.P.U.C.H.S
Katipalla 7th Block Mangaluru North
3 .Vijaya K R . Assistant Teacher . GHS Nalyapadav, Mangalore South

4 Chaya Kini. Assistant Teacher

GHS Moodumarnad, Moodabidre
5.Chaitra M S Assistant Teacher
GHS Gutthigaru, Sullia.
6.Jenifer Baretto Assistant Teacher.
GHS Sajipanadu Bantwala
7. Dr. Anith Kumar Assistant Teacher
GHS BadagaYekkar Mangaluru North
8. Swapna . Assistant Teacher
GHS Kurnadu Mudipu Bantwala .

Reviewed By

Smt Vijaya Kumari ,

Lecturer DIET, Chamarajanagar
Siddalinga Prasad Basava Lingappa
Asst Teacher. Asst Teacher
GHS Bagali Chamarajanagar G H S Chamarajanagar

Note to the teacher
❖ The question bank has been designed with the effort and support of the English
language teachers of Dakshina Kannada districts
❖ It can effectively improve the interest and level of learning English among the students
❖ All the activities are based on the language skills and competencies based on the and
learning outcomes
❖ Considering all the students of learning categories every activity has clear instruction to
make the English classroom more effective
❖ The facilitator can modify the activities according to the strength and the level of the
❖ The facilitators are requested to focus more on the competencies rather than the content
❖ These questions are framed to develop confidence in the students so more English
language exposure in the classroom is suggested
❖ The facilitator can follow easy forms of instructions to make 100% involvement of the
students in these activities.

No Learning Outcome Page No

1 Listens to excerpts dialogues, poems, speeches, news, announcements, 6-10

debates commentaries of sports and games, and expresses opinions

2 Converses appropriately with the family members and different professionals 5-7
make shopkeepers salesman vendors bank officers etc.

3 Converses appropriately with the family members and different professionals 8-12
make shopkeepers salesman vendors bank officers etc.

4 Reads and appreciates different forms of literature like dialogues, 13-16

stories, poetry and role plays
5 Infers, interprets, analyses ,and critically evaluates the textual and non textual 17-24
6 Uses dictionary and other reference materials for the better comprehension. 25-32
Uses appropriate grammatical forms in communication ie, nouns pronouns,
verb, adverbs, adjectives, determiners, prepositions, conjunction, tense and
time, prefixes and suffixes and framing questions

7 Writes creatively notices , formal ,informal letters and e- mails 33-41

8 Writes creatively short stories ,essays, articles, reports 42-45


Four alternatives are given below. Choose the correct one and complete the sentences.

1. We should wakeup early in the ____ every day.

a. night b. morning c. evening d. afternoon

2. We must ____ our Headmaster when we see him in the morning.

a. greet b. laugh c. weep d. cry

3. One who walks is a ____.

a. driver b. pilot c. pedestrian d. traveller

4. Tea powder is made out of ___

a. fruit b. leaf c. seed d. root

5. A fruit that has single seed is ___.

a. papaya b. apple c. mango d. jackfruit

6. The vehicle that move on rails is____

a. bus b. train c. ship d. car

7. It's a holy place keep your foot wear ___

a. outside b. Inside c.in bag d.in hand

8. We can only hear the news and songs by a ___

a. T.V b. laptop c. radio d. smart phone

9. We get rice from ___
a. Jute b. Wheat c. Paddy d. Jowar

10. Hopscotch is played with ---------------------

a. ears b. legs c. nose d. teeth

2 marks

1. Develop a conversation between the KSRTC bus conductor and a lady passenger who had
not produced her Aadhar card for claiming for a free ticket.
Conductor :
Passenger :
Conductor :
Passenger :

2. “Here is an important announcement by the police department that yesterday midnight a

notorious burglar escaped from the central jail.
A reward of Rs 10,000 will be offered to the one who helps the Police to catch the burglar.”
Read the announcement and answer the questions.
a. What was the announcement?
b. What will be the reward?

3 mark
1. Smitha invited Seema for a party at her home. Seema attended the party with her family.
Create dialogues between Seema and Smitha about the tasty meal they had at Smitha's house.
Seema. :
Smitha :
Seema :
Smitha :
Seema :
Smitha :
2. Read the given story replace all pictures into words and read loudly.
Write appropriate answers for the given questions.

Once there was a poor woodcutter. 🚶-------lived in a small ------.He cut the--------- with his
----- sold it and earned his daily 🍞.One day as usual 🚶---------went to cut ---------. There
was a sitting on the branch of the ----. The man started to cut the ------.Suddenly an 🐜 saw
this and bit 🚶-------. The woodcutter 😫 with pain and went back to ------. --------- and all
other creatures ------------🐞------🐛who were living on the ------------ thanked 🐜.

a. What was the tool used by the woodcutter to cut tree?

b. Name the bird you find in the story.

4 marks
1. Read the story carefully and answer the questions given below.
Patty, a milkmaid milked her cow and had two full pails of fresh, creamy milk. She put both
pails of milk on a stick and set off to the market to sell the milk. As she took steps towards the
market, her thoughts took steps towards wealth. On her way, she kept thinking about the
money she would make from selling the milk. Then she thought about what she would do
with that money.
She was very happy that soon she would be very rich. With these happy thoughts, she
marched ahead. But suddenly she tripped and fell. Both the pails of milk fell and all her
dreams were shattered. The milk split onto the ground, and all Patty could do was cry. “No
more dream,” she cried foolishly!
a. What did the milkmaid do every day?
b. What happened when she fell down?
2. Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions.
Till about half past ten the work of the school goes on. We have no classrooms. The
boys sit with their teachers, in the open air, under the trees. There are no larger classes. A
group of eight or ten boys are seated round the teacher, asking him questions. Very few books
are used. A greater part is carried on through conversation. The boys soon learn to open out
all their difficulties to their teachers, and that teachers get keenly interested in the boys
questions and answers. Such living education can never be dull.
After reading the passage find suitable answers for the below given questions.
a. Where did the boys sit?
b. How was the greater part of education carried?

1. Read the dialogues given below

Shopkeeper: Good morning. What can I do for you?
Arya: I want to buy vegetables.
Shopkeeper: What about this t-shirt?
Arya: It is very nice. How much is it?
Shopkeeper: It’s 250 rupees
Arya: Can I have one, please.
Shopkeeper: Sure, that's 250 rupees.
Arya: Ok take the money
Shopkeeper: Here's your change, have a nice day.
Refer above dialogue and fill up the blanks
a) The conversation is going in between ………..and ……….
b) Arya goes to ……………
c) The cost of the t-shirt is……….rupees
d) The t-shirt is……………

2. Read the dialogue and answer the questions.

Officer: Welcome to the Karnataka Bank.

Ravi: Please inform me about different kinds of accounts.
Officer: Savings account. Current account, Recurring account
Ravi: Which account should I open?
Officer: If you are a businessman, open a Current account. If not, open a Saving Bank

Ravi : I am a serviceman. What documents are needed?
Officer: Address proof, two photographs.
Ravi: How much money should I deposit initially!
Officer: Only five hundred rupees.
Ravi: Will you issue me a cheque book? Officer: Yes, but if you want a cheque book you
have to maintain Minimum balance of 1000 required.

a) With which bank does Ravi want to open his bank account?

b) What type of account will Ravi open?

c) How much balance is required for the cheque book?

d) How much money should Ravi deposit initially?

3. Read the poem carefully and answer the following questions:

I live in a town, in a street,

It's crowded with traffic, and feet.
There are buses and motors, and trams,
I wish there were meadows and lambs.
The houses all wait in a row,
There is smoke everywhere that I go.
I don't like the noises I hear.
I wish there were woods very near.
There is only one thing that I love,
And that is the sky far above.
There is plenty of room in the blue,
For castles of clouds and me too!

a) The town in which the child lives is…………with traffic

b) In the town the child wishes for……………..
c) What does the child not like? why?

d) Give your opinion about what the poet feels here?


4. Read the running commentary of a cricket match and answer the questions.
49th over, first ball, Kulashekara to Yuvraj,1 run, yorker outside off, dug out to point,
Yuvraj and Dhoni scamper through for a single. Perfect time for Dhoni to hit the winning runs.
He deserves to hit the runs. Second ball, Kulasekara to Dhoni, SIX!! Indians are World
Champions! A nation of a billion will sleep well tonight. What a shot to end the game! Yuvraj
can't control his emotions. He is in tears. Sachin runs in from the dressing room and is
mobbed. What marvelous scenes in Mumbai! Dhoni got under the length ball and absolutely
hammered that out of sight and out of the park. The White Kookaburra soared over the fence.
Bhajji too is in tears. 28 years in waiting and the helicopter shot has brought an end to the

The finishers of old times, Dhoni and Yuvraj, who were popularly called The Finishers against
Pakistan and Sri Lanka a few years ago, took the game closer and a thrilling finish was on the

a) Who faces the first ball in the 49th over?

b) Which batsman hit a SIX?
c) Where was the match held?
d) Who are popularly called the finishers?

5. Read the news report and answer the following questions

Dehradun, July 23: Many children attended the program called 'Meet The Author' There was
a competition in the school for writing short stories, poems or articles in English. The children
were given prizes for best short story, poem and so on but all the participants had a treat in
store. They were told that they could meet their favorite author. The author of children books,
Ruskin Bond had agreed to come to the school and meet the children. The children were most
excited to meet the author. He spoke to them in groups and encouraged them to keep writing
something every day to be able to become writers. He advised them to keep reading books and
magazines of their interest so that they could improve their English. The children asked him
many questions about the art of writing and also about his various books. Lunch was organized
for the chief guest as well as all the children. At the end of the day, the children got their
autograph books signed by the author.

A). Arrange these events in sequence according to the time in which they occur in the
news report.
(a) The children met Ruskin Bond, the author.
(b) Ruskin Bond signed autograph books.
(c) There was a writing competition in the school.
(d) Ruskin Bond spoke to the children.
(e) The children received prizes.
(f) The children had lunch with their favourite author.

6. Read the Sports day Running Commentary and answer following questions

Good morning and a warm welcome to you all on this auspicious day. This fantastic day
turnout from the parents and the pleasant weather were the perfect boosts for the students on
the first sports day. The students are entering into the spirit of the occasion in a grand way with
the oath being administered by the special guest of the day. A peppy dance drill and an
energizing the exercise drill set the tone for the rest of the event.
Dear all, once the races begin, fill the air with cheering and tons of encouragement for the
young athletes. Now the students are ready to compete in track races. Please give them a big
hand. The race begins. Wow! This is a very good start for him. He is the real hero of the day.
He holds a record today. He has completed the 100 mts run in just 9 minutes. Congratulations
to my dear students. That was a great performance by the little twinkles and hope it was
phenomenal for you too. Congratulations to all the winners. We hope winning becomes a
consistent habit for you all. And to those who loose, there is always a next time. It’s time to
bring an end to the fun filled Sports day with an ode to our country by singing our national
anthem. Can we all stand up and pay our tribute to it?
Thank you so much everyone.

a) What event was taking place on this memorable day?

b) Who administered the oath to the students?
c) What was the time taken by the real hero of the day to complete the 100 mts run?
d) What activity helped in energizing the participants before the races?

7. Read the weather report and answer the questions

News reporter: Here is the weather. Welcome to the weather forecast. Now, let’s see
what the weather is like today. In the north of the country it’s very windy and cold. There is a
chance of some rain too, so don’t leave home without your umbrella! The temperature is
around 10º centigrade. In the east it’s rainy all day today, I’m afraid. There may be a
thunderstorm in the afternoon. The temperature is a bit higher, at around 13º. In the west and
middle of the country the weather is dry, but cloudy. So no rain for you, but it is quite windy
and the temperature is just 10º. The south of the country has the best weather today. It’s cloudy
most of the time but sunny this afternoon. The temperature is around 15.
a) What is the predicted temperature in the north of the country?
b) What type of weather is expected in the east of the country?
c) How is the weather described in the west and middle regions of the country?
d) What is the temperature expected in the west and middle parts of the country?
e) In which region is there a chance of a thunderstorm in the afternoon?


1 Read the following and choose the correct answer:
‘Good morning to all. Our annual sports meet will be held on 15th November.’
a. mall b. school c. bus stand d. Shop

2. Match the following:

1. Don't pluck the flowers home

2. Stand in queue. Garden
3. Brush your teeth bus
4 keep your footwear
outside. Ticket counter
5. Don't stand on the
footboard. place of worship.

3. Correct the announcement and rewrite:

‘May I have your attention please....Train number 01234 Gol Gumbaz Express will arrive in
10 minutes at
platform no. 10 passengers are requested to get ready for the bus .’

4. Public safety advisory - Early Mall closure:

‘Dear customers, according the news guidelines of Karnataka State government, we are
closing our MALL at 8:00 p.m. From January 2024. Kindly buy your things before the closing
time. Thanks for visiting Mall’
Ramanagara Branch

* The place where the mall is located......

* The closing time from January 2024 .....
* Thanks for visiting .........
* The announcement is made by ......

5. Look at the following pictures and write the appropriate instructions:

6. Create your own announcement Oxford meet Senior school.

7. Mention where these instructions are given:

1. Draw amount
2. Go to the market
3. Come to school regularly
4. Sing the national anthem
8. Write 5 to 6 instructions used in the school premises:

9. Rearrange this announcement in the proper sequence:

* please maintain cleanliness in the bus.
* welcome to KSRTC Bangalore.
* traveling without a ticket will invite a penalty up to 500.
* Bus number KA09 N 2019 to Mysore via Ramnagar is ready to leave platform 3 at 10:00
10. Rearrange the words in proper sequence and make a meaningful sentence:

the final boarding/ call for Latha/thank you./ and Deepika/ this is

11. Your friend Smita stays in Bangalore. She wants to visit you.
Give the bus direction to come to Mangalore.

3 marks question
1. Read the given passage and choose the correct alternative.
There was a young girl named Kalpana in a village called Sonapur. Kalpana loved to explore
the meadows and woods around her home. Every day she would discover new and exciting
thing in nature. One sunny morning, while Kalpana was wandering near a stream, she spotted
a glimmering stone. It was unlike any stone she had seen before and it filled her with wonder.
She decided to show it to her grandparents, who were wise and knew about precious gems. To
Kalpana’s surprise her grandparents revealed that the stone was a rare and valuable gem stone
called a Sapphire. Kalpana’s heart was filled with joy and she learnt that sometimes the most
precious treasures can be found in the simplest places.
1. What did Kalpana find near the stream?
A) a sapphire B) a pearl C) a sea shell D) a pebble

2. The synonym for “wood” in the above story is…………….
a) garden B) forest C) River D) rock
3. What did Kalpana learn from this incident?

2. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow.
Oliver was born in the poor house of a little country town on a cold black night in the
winter of 1837. The birth was attended by a doctor who was hastily called for the
purpose, and by an old pauper woman who was experienced in such matters.
The mother died almost as soon as the baby took his first breath. She was a young,
good looking woman who had been found lying in the street. It was clear that she had
walked some distance before she died. Her shoes had been torn to pieces. Where she
had come from, or where she had been going nobody knew.
1. How can you say that Oliver’s mother was a poor woman?
2. Choose the correct homophone and fill in the blanks.
a) We should try to maintain ………………….(peace, piece)
b) Nobody ……………. where the ………….. house is located. (new, knew)
3. Oliver was born ------- a cold winter night.
The preposition to be used here is ………………
a) In b) at c) on d) from

3. Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.

It was a bird of Paradise,
Over the roofs he flew.
All the children in a trice,
Clapped their hands and cried, “how nice!”
“Look his wings are blue!”

His body was ruby red,

His eyes were burning gold.
All the grownup people said,
“What a pity the creature is not dead,
For then it could be sold!”

1. The word ‘flew’ rhymes with the word ……………..

2. How do children and the grownups differ in their views about the bird?

4 . Read the following statements and frame questions.
Eg: Jenny and Chaitra are friends.
Ans: Are Jenny and Chitra friends?
1. Nisha is a teacher.
2. The children are happy.
3. Prasad loves playing with his cousins.
4. The children practice yoga every day.
5. Anjali visits her grandparents every week.

5. Given below is the profile of Mr. Bharath. Write a paragraph using the given details.
Birth: May 01, 1980
Place: Mangaluru
Parents: Mr. Shakarappa and Mrs Shalini
Education: M. B.B.S
Occupation: Doctor at KMC Mangaluru
Reason for popularity: kind, helpful, treats patients with care.
Hobbies: Singing, playing Basketball and trekking.

6. Sumith meets his friend Chris at the Railway station. Write a short conversation between
them in 4-5 sentences.
7. Gayatri meets her aunt at the market. Write a short conversation between them in 4-5
8. Given below are the instructions for making soup. Rearrange them sequentially.
a) Simmer the soup for five minutes.
b) Pour the soup into four soup bowls and serve.
c) Take a bowl and mix the soup powder with 750ml of water without allowing it to form
any lumps.
d) Pour the mixture into a heavy bottomed vessel and bring it to a boil.

9. Study the following picture and choose the correct answer for the given questions.

1. The children in the above picture……………………

A) Cleaning the surroundings. B) watching television
B) C)Planting trees D) Playing in the park
2. The picture tells us that……………………
A) We should clean and protect our surroundings.
B) We should throw litter on the roadside.
C) We neednot clean our surrounding as it does not belong to us.
D) We should cut the trees because they shed leaves on the roads.

10.Develop a story using the clues given below.

An old farmer---three sons---always fought each other---wanted to teach them a lesson----

gave a stick to each one----asked to break into two----broke the stick….started fighting
again……gave them a bundle of sticks….. told them to break as a bundle……tried their best
to break…could n’t……said-----it is easy to break the stick individually---stay united….no
one can break you.


Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions incomplete statement choose
correct alternative and write the complete answer along with the option for question number 1
1) Saleem is an intelligent boy.
The synonym of the underline word is. a) clever b) happy c) beautiful d) good
2) Suma and Gana —-------- buying vegetables in the market yesterday.
a) is b) was c) am d) were
3) Reshma works_____ The appropriate adverb to be used to fill in the blanks is …………..
a) hard b) slow c) too much d) quick
4) They were playing Cricket .The part of speech of the underlined word is -------
a. pronoun b.noun c. Verb d. adjective
5) Amar is _____excellent football player.
The appropriate article to be filled in the blanks is…….
a) a, b) an c) the.
Fill in the blank with a suitable articles
6) He is one of --------- cleverest boy in the class
a) a, b) an c) the.
7) We should neither borrow nor _____
Fill in the blank with a suitable antonym of the underlined word.
a) buy b) send c) lend d)brought.
8) The white chalk is______ the drawer. Choose the appropriate preposition and fill in the
a) to b) of c) at d) in

9).Identify the language function of the following statement
I’m so thirsty could you please give me a glass of water
a.advise b. suggestion
c. request d. orders
10) Read the conversation and choose the correct infinitive
Raksha : Hi, where are you going
Rani : I’m going to the Library to read books
a.going to b. books. c. to read d. Library

II.Do as directed
1. The children are ----------------- ( play/playing ) in the ground.
2. Kavana -------------- (sing/ sings ) melodiously.
3. I ------------- (has/have ) completed my assignment.
4. Choose the appropriate form of the homophone to fill in the blanks:-
a) Sanju bought a new car ----------- ( lost , last ) week.
b) My -------- wants to see the ---------set. (Sun, son)
c) Last ______(week/weak) I went to shop.
5. Choose the suitable question tag to complete the sentences given below:-
a.They played well. —————- they? (did n’t , does n’t)
b. She is absent today. ————- she? (is n’t, does n’t)
c .You love sweets. ————— You? (isn’t ,do n’t )
d.He didn’t answer all the questions. ———- (did ,didn’t)
2 marks questions
III. Read following poem and choose the correct answer for questions:-
1. I have a little puppy
His name is sweet Zippy
I play with him in the garden
And fight with him very often.

a. The word garden rhymes with the word………..
b. The puppy s name is -------------------

2.Read following poem and choose the correct answer for question number

a.Name the two characters in the above conversation -------------------------.

b.What does the bee prepare? ------------------------------------- .

3.Look at the picture carefully and write some information you have collected ?

a. Which are the two characters in the above conversation.
b.Who wants to listen to the story?
4. Holi is known as the festival of colours. It is one of the most important festivals in India.
Holi is celebrated each year with zeal and enthusiasm in the month of March by
followers of Hindu religion. Those who celebrate this festival wait for it every year
eagerly to play with the colours and have delicious dishes.
a) Which is the festival of colours?
b) When is Holi celebrated?
3. Sonu and John saw the crows eating all of the food of the poor. So they decided to make
a scarecrow. They used old and waste clothes and wanted to keep the crows away.
1.What did Sonu and John make?
2.What kind of clothes did they use for the scare crow?
4. Read the given passage and answer the given question. 2
A great defect of our civilization is that it does not know what to do with its knowledge.
Science has given us powers fit for the Gods, yet we use them like small children. For
example, we do not know to use our machines. Machines are made to be man’s servants; yet
he has grown so dependent on them that they are becoming his masters. Already most men
spend most of their lives looking after and waiting upon machines. And the machines are very
stern masters.
a. What could be the result of our dependence on the machines?

5. Read the poem given below and answer the questions

As long as I live, I’ll hear
Waterfalls and birds and winds sing,
I will interpret the rocks learn the language
of flood, storm, and the avalanche.
I will acquaint myself with the glaciers and wild garden,
And get as near the heart of the world as I can
How does the poet describe the nature in the poem?

6 Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow
The elephant goes like this and that
Majestically left and right
His ears are wide
Wave like fans on both the sides
His eyes are small
Blinks to see every one and all
his four fat legs
Helps him to walk and carry huge logs
His nose is long ,named as a trunk
Helps him hold things , breath and drink
His tusk is sharp.
Shining white and looks very bright
A. How does the Elephant walk?
B. Name the parts of an elephant mentioned in the poem.

3 marks questions
1.Look at the advertisement given below and answer the following questions

a) What is the percentage of discount offered?

b) What are different silk items available in the shop?

c) Where is the shop located?

2. Look at the poster and answer the questions that follow

a. What does the poster tell us about? -----------------------------------------------------
b. What is the name of the school ?---------------------------------------------------------
c. Where is the school located?----------------------------------------------------------------

3.Look at the picture carefully and write some information you have collected ?


4. Look at the picture given below.Answer the questions that follow.

A.Where do you find such cards?

B.What would you preferably order if you have only 100 Rs?

1. It was …… beginning of ……. wonderful world of creativity.
The appropriate articles to be filled in the blanks are
A) a,a B) the, a C) a, an D) a, the
2. The children …… (recite) the poem. The appropriate form of the verb to be filled in the
blank is
A) Recited B)reciting C) recites D)recitatin
3. It was a fairy tale, replete with dragons and princess, talking parrots and hidden gold.
The synonym of the underlined word is …..
A) Give reply B) full of C) rely on D) repeated
4. Rakesh is very clever. The synonym of the underlined word is...
A) Fool B)happy C) wise D) large

5. The highway is wide but the street is ……… The antonym of the underlined word is
A) large B) narrow C) broad D) short
6. ……..people always love to solve a mathematical …..
The appropriate words to be filled in the blanks are
A) Some, some B) Sum, sum C) Sum, some D) Some, sum
7. They listened to a ………….. story told by Sai.
The appropriate form of the word to be filled in the blank is ….
A) fantastically B) fantastic C) fantasy D) fancy

8. Study the following pictures and choose the right statement given below.

A) Box A is bigger than Box B

B) Box B is bigger than Box A
C) Box C is bigger than Box B
D) Box B is the biggest of all the three.
9. The word ‘light’ rhymes with the word
A) late B) night C) lay D) lamp
10.Read the following poem and answer the given question.
Sweet is the shade of the coconut glade,and the
Scent of the mango grove.
And sweeter are the sands at the full o’the moon with the
Sound of the voices we love;
But sweeter, o brothers, the kiss of the spray and the dance
Of the wild foam glee.
Row brothers, row to the edge of the verge, where the
Low sky mates with the sea.
The poet describes many things as sweet. What are they? Among them, what is considered to
be the sweetest?
11. Read the given passage and answer the given questions.
VikramSarabai had his early education at ‘RETREAT’, a school started by his parents at
Ahmedabad. He was very god at studies, especially in Science. As a high school student, he
was fond science. When his friends read story books, he read about achievements of great
scientists. His teachers were sure that he would become a great scientist, observing his interest
in science. His father provided all books and magazines that Vikram needed.
Question 1. How do you say that Vikram had a great interest in science during his schooldays?
Question 2: The teachers were sure that he would become a great scientist. Why did they feel
12. Some important events in the story ‘All the World Her Stage’ are given in a jumbled order.
Rearrange them sequentially as they appear in the story.
1. Sai drawing the attention of her playmates.
2. Grandfather tells her to treat the books with respect.
3. Grandpa and Sai walking together.
4. The wedding of dolls.
5. Sai, tells a story to her grandfather.
Question 13.
Read the given passage and answer the questions as directed.
It was a familiar sight to the residents of Pune-a plump little girl of about six or seven,
skipping along with an elderly gentleman. They laughed, talked and had a great time. The little
girl was Sai, and the gentle man was a famous educationist and mathematician, Sir
R.P.Paranjpye- India’s first senior wrangler and Sai’s grandfather.
A) It was a familiar sight to the residents of Pune.
The negative form of the underlined word using a prefix is…...
a) an unfamiliar sight b) a disfamiliar sight c) a non familiard) an infamiliar sight
B) What is the relationship between R P Panrajpye and Sai?
C) Describe how grandfather and Sai enjoyed each other’s company.

Question 14
Study the following picture and choose the correct answer for the given questions.

a) The boy in the above picture is

A) Sowing seeds B) watering the plant C) cutting the plant D) plucking the
b) The picture tells us that
A) We should plant more and more trees to save our environment.
B) We should take care of plants by watering them.
C) We should plant trees as they are useful to us.
D) All the above statements are related to the given picture.


1. Read the given letter and answer the questions that follow. 2

Standard 10th‘A’,
Government High School,
2 February, 2024
The Headmaster,
Govt. High School

Respected Sir,

Sub: Application for leave.

My parents have arranged the wedding of my sister and the function will be held at Sri
Govinda Temple, Udupi on 3rd February 2024. We are all going there on 2 nd after the school
hours. We will be returning to Hubli only on 4th. So, I humbly request you to grant me leave
three days. (3rdFebruary to 4th Feb.)

Thank you.

Yours obediently,

1. Chiranth is requesting for _____.

2. Chiranth wanted to attend _________ at ______.

2. Read the given letter and answer the questions that follow. 3


4th June 2024

The editor
Times of India
Neharu Nagar

Respected sir,

Subject: Insufficient water supply.

Through the columns of your Newspaper reputed daily, The Times of India. I wish to
bring it into common notice about the insufficient supply of pure drinking water in our area.
The water supply is not sufficient; the water board supplies water for only 10 minutes.
Moreover the water they supply is not drinkable. It is causing so many health issues in our
Through this, I would like to urge the authorities to look into the matter immediately
for the common welfare of the people.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully

Read the given letter carefully and write a few sentences about Dhananjay’s intention to
writing this letter .

3. Read the given letter and answer the question that follows. 4

10th class
S.T.H. school

18th Nov. 2024

Dear father,

I am fine here with my studies and health I hope you, mamma and my brother are
fine at home. My study is going on well, our school has provided us all sorts of things, but
papa, I need some other reference books for my study. So I request you papa, please, send
me 1000 Rupees to purchase those books.
Please convey my warm regards to mother and my brother.

Your loving daughter


Dayanad P
Ramadas Nagar

Why do you think Ananya writes to her father?

4. Read the story and write who is more clever -the minister or the young man? Justify
your answer. 4
Two Lies

Once there was a Minister who was so fond of being told lies that he
announced, 'Any man who can tell me ti,vo lies that I find interesting shall marry my only
daughter.' So all the leading liars in the Fight Provinces came to his house. But with all the
stories they told he was never satisfied, and refused to give his daughter to any of them.

One day, however, a young man came and said, 'it will be very hot in summer, you know.
So you should go out not and dig a great pit under the main street of Seoul. Then when the hot
days come you can sell it and make your fortune.'That's a wonderful lie,' answered the
Minister as usual. 'And the next?'The young man took an old document from his pocket. 'This
is a bond of debt amounting to one hundred yang which your late father borrowed from me
before he died. I have come to demand payment’.

Now the Minister was in a quandary 'If I say it's a lie,' he said to him-self, 'l
must give him my daughter. But if I say it s not a lie, I must pay all that money.' In the end he
had to say, 'It's a lie,' and the young man married his daughter.

5. Read the given story and answer.

A particularly wicked snake infested a road and bit passers-by. A holy man happened
to pass that way, and the snake rushed at him to bite . He calmly looked at it and said, "You
want to bite me, don't you? Go ahead." The snake was subdued by this unusual response and
was overpowered by the gentleness of the holy man. The holy man said, "Listen, dear friend,
how about promising me that you won't bite anyone from now on?" The snake bowed and
nodded assent. The holy man went his way, and the snake began its life of innocence and non-
violence. Very soon, the neighbourhood discovered that the snake was harmless and the boys
began to tease it mercilessly. They pelted it with stones and dragged it around by its tail. Still it
kept its promise to the holy man and suffered. Fortunately, the holy man happened to come by
to see his latest disciple and was touched by the bruised and battered condition of the snake.
When he asked it what had happened, the snake said feebly, "O swami, you said I should not
bite anyone. But people are so merciless!" The holy man said, "I asked you not to bite anyone.
But I didn't ask you not to hiss!"

Do you think that there is a failure in communication between the snake and the holy man
write your response in more than 5 sentences?



6. A) Read the given news and write your review about the news.

A) Sri Lanka frees 24 Indian fishermen

COLOMBO, PTI: Twenty-four Indian fishermen who were detained by the Sri Lanka
NAVY for allegedly fishing in the island nation's waters were on Friday repatriated to
India, two days after another group of five Indian fishermen were sent to their
homeland."Twenty-four Indian fishermen repatriated from Sri Lanka. They have boarded
from Colombo and are currently on their way home," the Indian High Commission in
Colombo said in a post on X.
B) UK resident held by NIA in Indian mission attack case

LONDON, PTI A man who was arrested for unlawful activities by the National Investigation
Agency( INA) as a part of its investigations into the attack on the High Commission of India
here in March 2023 had previously been detained at the Attari border while entering India
from Pakistan last year Inderpal Singh Gaba, a resident of Hounslow in west London, was
arrested in India on Thursday for committing offences under Section 13(1) of UA (P) Act,
Section 2 of the Honour Act and Section 34 of the Indian Penal Code UPC), official sources
here said. There were two major violent protests in front-of India House in London on March
19 and 22, 2023. on March 19, a large group of protesters were found to have attacked Indian
officials, damaged the High Commission building and insulted the Indian Flag'.

On March 22, they chanted anti-India slogans, insulted the Indian Flag again and indulged
in unlawful and threatening behaviour, according to the reports logged by the N

Read the passage given below and write a write-up about plastic. 4
Look at any waste garbage dump. In addition to vegetable scraps, paper and broken glass,
you will notice a considerable amount of plastic material such as shampoo bottles, bags, worn
out slippers, and the like. Vegetable scraps and paper are biodegradable, but glass and plastic
continue to accumulate and harm the environment. Plastic is often mistaken for food by birds,
animals and fish, leading to their death. It also chokes sewer pipes and becomes a trap for
living beings in ponds, rivers and oceans.
Investigations have been going on for a long time to produce an environment-friendly
plastic in the sense that it decays and becomes a part of the soil like rotting vegetable scraps
do. The scientists of Imperial Chemical Industries at London have been able to develop just
such a plastic called /Biopol'. It is manufactured by microbes. Bottles, film and fibres can be
made out of it. Fungi and bacteria can eat it and break it down into carbon dioxide and water.
This new plastic can also be used to make capsules for slow release of some types of
medicines, in the body, and of pesticides in fields.

7. Observe the advertisement given below and prepare a write up in favour
of the institution. 5

Bachelor of Engineering
1. Computer Science & Design
2.Computer Science& Engineering (Data Science)
3.Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
4.Information Science & Engineering
5.Electronics & Communication Engineering
6.Electronics & Computer. Engineering
7.Mechanical Engineering.

Register now

Time: 10.00AM to 1.00PM




9.Observe the notice given below and prepare a write up in favour of the
institution. 4


An Inter-School Cultural Meet is going to be organized in Government
High school on 15 th JULY 2024. Winners will be awarded attractive prizes.
Interested students may get their names registered with the undersigned by 8 th
JULY 2023.

Chinmayi / Chirag
Cultural Committee


1.Read the Givens story and answer the questions that follow
One day a fox fell into a well he could not come out though he tried a
lot. A goat came on that way and peeped into the well. The fox thought of a
plan and called the goat to get in to the well, telling him that the well water is
very sweet. So the goat climbed down to drink the water. Immediately the fox
climbed on the goat and jumped out of the well, and ran away . But the foolish
goat was left alone in the well.
a.The fox --------(think)of a plan. Change the tense form of the verb.
b.He climbed ----- to drink the water. Fill in with an appropriate preposition.
c. The foolish goat pause left alone

Name the parts of speech of the underlined word ————————-
II. Read the given statement and change the underlined words into negative
forms, Using the prefixes
a.Kamala is a friendly girl
b.Nayana is interested in social activities
III.Complete the sentences with the suitable synonyms to fill in the blanks .
a.The children were happy and ----
a. gay. b.sad. c. angry d. lazy
b. Janaki has ------ for the poor
a. Mercy. b. Cruelty c. Anger d. Hatred
c. Complete the sentences with suitable homophones
a. Then --------(hair /hair )and the tortoise had a race.
b. We went to the seashore to see the ——— set.(son, Sun )
c.Last night he slept ————- fully (peace, piece)
d. The rat lives in a --- ---- (whole, hole)
e. He -------- (blue /blew) the balloons.
IV. Choose the correct spelt word from the alternatives given below
to fill in the blanks.
A. The Peacock is a ------------bird
a. beautiful b. Beautiful c. beutifull
B. People love to visit ------------hill stations
a. diffarent b. Difrent c. different

2 Marks questions
1.Read the given conversation and complete it
Boy : Hi ..uncle ,can I get carrots in your shop?
Vegetable vendor: sure… how much do you want ?
boy :one kg and tomatoes also of 2 kgs
vegetable vendor: ---------- ------

boy :-------------- ----------- ----
vegetable vendor:------------
boy: --------------- thank you uncle

2.Complete the following conversation

Reena: Hello Sheela, How are You?
sheela: Hi ……I am not well dea …
Reena: ohhh……what happened? you are looking so dull ……
Sheetla: I am suffering from fever since 3 days
Reena: --------------
Shee la:---------- ------------
Reena:---------- ------- ------ ------
Sheela :okay thank you ......see you Later.
3.Complete the following conversation ( second visit of patient)
Anil: Good morning Doctor.
Doctor: Good morning. How are You feeling now?
Anil: Much better -------------
Anil :_____________
Anil : ok -------------
4.Complete the conversation given below( Grandpa visits his sons house )
SONU :Hii grandpa ……what a surprise !
Grandpa :Hii dear .how are you all?
sonu:we are fine grandpa …please come in
Grandpa:I have come---------------------- village .Here ---------
SONU : wow-----------------
Grandpa: ------- --------------
Sonu : ---------------------

5.Read the given poem and complete it in your own words
Five little flowers growing in a row
The first one said “Im purple you know”
The second one said “Im pink as pink can be”
The third one said “Im blue like the sea”
The fourth one said “ Im a red fellow”
6.Create your own poem using the given rhyming words
( jungle- single, me- see, long –song, all-tall , day –gay)
7.You might have heard jingles on the television
Rasna ......I love you Rasnaa .......( Soft Drink)
Now create any two jingles on dress material or any soap.
3 Marks questions
1.Read the profile of Mr Santosh and write it in a paragraph :
Date of birth : 17-8-1990
Qualification: B. Tech
Profession :software engineer work place:Info sys, Delhi
Hobbies: paintings, gardening

2. Name :Sonia
Date of birth :15 -7 -1982. Nanjanagoodu,Mysore

Qualification :MSc Bed
Profession :Physics lecturer in Maharanis college
Hobbies :Listening to music
Popularity:social service and simplicity
3. Name : Aman
Age : 32 years
Profession : Scientist.Raman Research Institute of Science ,Bengaluru.
Popularity :Great achievement in space research
Hobbies: Badminton player,Training young scientists

Creative writing 3 marks

1.Look at the picture and describe it.

2 .Look at the picture given and describe the situation

3. Write about your family in 5 to 6 sentences write about your school
surroundings write about your favourite game

4.Narrate how you had celebrated Diwali festival in your house.

5.Rearrange the following sentences into a meaningful story and write

them. 4
*The mouse ran over the lions back.
*One week, later hunters caught the lion.
*The little mouse heard the lion’s roar.
*The mouse saved the lion.

*The hunters tide the lion to a tree
*Little friends can be great friends someday.
*The lion let the mouse go.


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