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Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology 2023, 42(4):56-68 Copyright © 2023 College of Engineering and Technology,

OPEN ACCESS articles distributed under Creative Commons University of Dar es Salaam
Attribution Licence [CC BY-ND] ISSN 1821-536X (print); ISSN 2619-8789 (electronic)

Regular Research Manuscript

Cost Estimation Proxy Models for Economic Evaluations in Petroleum

Projects: A Case Study from the Onshore Gas Field in the Southern
Coastal Tanzania Basin

Fulmence Stanslaus Kaborogo†, Masolwa Benjamin Lazaro, and Emily Barnabas Kiswaka

Department of Petroleum Science and Engineering, School of Mines and Geosciences, University
of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, P. O. Box 35131, Dar es Salaam

Correspondence author: or


Petroleum economic evaluation involves estimating revenues from ARTICLE INFO

forecasted production profiles and field costs including capital Submitted: Jan. 11,
expenditures (CAPEX), drilling expenses (DRILLEX), and operating 2023
expenses (OPEX). The existing cost-estimating tool requires several
inputs making it time-intensive and difficult to use with few data during Revised: Jan. 25, 2024
the early stages of projects. Majority of the previously developed time-
saving cost estimations proxy models rely on unrealistic assumptions Accepted: Jan 31, 2024
that include uniform operational costs for different fields with a
different number of wells, casings, and drilled depths. This work Published: Feb., 2024
focused at developing proxy models that consider the variability of the
development costs with different parameters. The developed models
benefited from a three-step approach for CAPEX, DRILLEX, and
OPEX estimations based on datasets from three wells from a gas field
in southern coastal Tanzania. Firstly, cost sensitivity analysis was
performed using QUE$TOR v15.1.0.18, a cost estimating commercial
software to determine the most influential field parameters of the field
costs. Secondly, the field cost models were generated based on
historical cost data from the gas field using multivariable regression
analysis with the help of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
software (SPSS) v22.0. Lastly, errors analysis was done for checking
the predictive reliability of the models. Based on the analysis, the
CAPEX and OPEX were found to be strongly linearly dependent on the
size of processing facilities, number of producing wells in the gas field
and production capacity, respectively. On the other hand, a
nonlinearity relation was revealed on of the DRILLEX which was
strongly dependent on drilled well depth and number of installed well
casing. Results show that the developed models are useful and their
reliability becomes robust when more data is used. A stochastic
modeling approach was further recommended for the models to
incorporate uncertainties associated with the parameters used to
quantify the cost estimates.

Keywords: Economic evaluation, proxy model, field costs, sensitivity analysis, multivariable
regression analysis.

56 Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (Tanz. J. Engrg. Technol.), Vol. 42 (No. 4), Dec. 2023
F. S. Kaborogo et. al., (2023),

INTRODUCTION quite challenging particularly due to the

complexity of the existing approach used
The oil and gas industry remains the most
and data scarcity at the beginning of the
highly capital-intensive and risky industry
project. As part of efforts to find a
in the global. The investment in petroleum
simplified approach, this work focuses on
is diverse and complex in nature; its profit
the development of proxy models to be
margins are associated with the high costs
used in the estimation of field costs for
of developing new reserves and with many
petroleum projects based on datasets from
uncertainties (Mian, 2011). Therefore,
a gas field within the coastal Tanzania
thorough economic evaluations of any
basin (Figure 1).
capital investment are necessary for
exploration and production companies
Review on proxy models
before committing resources. The
economic evaluation of oil and gas projects The use of proxy models allows a
is complex and several economic indicators simplified and time-saving cost estimation
including Net Present Value (NPV), process for petroleum projects. The process
Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and eliminates repetitive live runs of cost
Profitability Index (PI) are employed in estimation models in updating the project
decision-making processes. The evaluation costs due to variations in input parameters
involves performing various field (Diana, 2020). In addition, with
development scenarios using different advancements in technology, cost proxy
models; the model that meets the economic models can further be used in real-time
constraints is adopted and implemented monitoring of field operating costs by
(Seong et al., 1995; Rowan, 1982). incorporating the models into an
Development of projected cash flows used automation program that is integrated with
in such economic models includes three data acquisition sensors in the field.
main sub-stages: forecasting field Generally, the in early phases of the project,
production, generating accurate oil/gas the proxy models serve as the primary tool
price predictions, and estimation of field for cost estimation and are usually used as
cost figures including Capital Expenditures an estimation validation tool and
(CAPEX), Drilling Expenditures sometimes for benchmarking purposes in
(DRILLEX), and Operating Expenditures the later phases. The literature presents
(OPEX). In practice, engineers rely on the several studies conducted to generate a
use of commercial software for estimating parametric estimation of field costs based
the field costs using value chain elements. on historical data that should pass through
However, the method is challenging a normalization process before fitting a
because its use requires significant input model. Some of the studies (Nunes, 2017;
data that is hardly available at the early Kuznetzov, 2011; Karlik, 1991) used
stages of the projects. In addition, for standard regression analysis of cost data to
operating fields, if project design generate equations that fit the normalized
conditions are changed, it takes historical data to allow predictive
considerable time and effort to complete estimations of capital costs. By using the
the updates thus becoming difficult to same approach, Accioly (2016) generated
optimize the field in real -time. This may proxy equations for estimating drilling
lead to delayed decisions. For instance, it costs of onshore wells while Diana (2020,
would take approximately 8.3-12.5% of the 2019) developed proxy models for capital,
drilling time for onshore fields to run 25 drilling, and operating costs for offshore oil
realizations for DRILLEX estimations. The field development. Several studies (Diana,
highlighted cost parameters are key to 2020; Silva, 2018; Nunes, 2017;
successful investment decisions in any Kuznetzov, 2011) have provided the cost
petroleum project but their estimations are proxy models based on equations that
Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (Tanz. J. Engrg. Technol.), Vol. 42 (No. 4), Dec. 2023 57
Cost Estimation Proxy Models for Economic Evaluations in Petroleum Projects: A Case Study
from the Onshore Gas Field in the Southern Coastal Tanzania Basin

capture the first-order effect of the field 2019; Seward, 1922,) believed to have
design features under the study of project generated significant hydrocarbons along
cost figures. However, one should be the coast (Mvile et al., 2021). The Permo-
mindful that the generation of these proxy Triassic tectonic regime was followed by
models involved a set of simplifications. the Jurassic-Cretaceous extensional
For instance, Diana (2020) and Stanko tectonics that culminated at the complete
(2020) assumed all wells drilled in a separation of Madagascar from East Africa
specific period had the same costs per well; (Thompson et al., 2019; Nicholas et al.,
their model estimation approach neglected 2007). This time period also recorded at
the variability of the well’s costs with depth least two transgressive-regressive cycles
and number of casing (Nc) strings. On the and episodic gravity flows that supplied
other hand, Nunes (2017) and Silva (2018) sediments to the deeper basinal areas
proxy equations are only suitable for (Mvile et al. 2021). One of the regressive
numerical optimization schemes or analysis events was associated with widespread
of uncertainty where the input is varied erosion of previously deposited sediments.
several times in an iterative process. The This erosional event is reflected by the
current work presents a method of Albian unconformity (Figure 2; Mvile et
developing proxy models for the estimation al., 2021). The Miocene extensional
of the costs for petroleum projects based on tectonics and post Miocene extensional
actual data retrieved from three wells tectonics and strike slip faulting (Nicholas
(Figure 1) penetrating different reservoir et al., 2007; Kent et al., 1971) followed old
zones/intervals of an onshore gas field structural grains and formed several
located in the southern coastal Tanzania offshore depocenters. The strike slip
basin. faulting is believed to have created several
structural traps. These structural traps
Study area: location, geology, and contain significant gas accumulations in the
petroleum system offshore Tanzania basin (Sansom, 2018).
The studied gas field is within the Ruvuma
Basin of the southern coastal Tanzania
basin. The datasets used are based on wells
P, Q and R whose locations are shown by
the green dots (Figure 1). Projection of this
map is based on WGS 1984 UTM 37S.
Development of the area has been mostly
influenced by extensional tectonics and
strike slip faulting (Thompson et al., 2019;
Nicholas et al., 2007; Kapilima, 2003; Kent
et al. 1971). Tectonically, basin
development began during the Permo-
Triassic following an extensional tectonic
regime that initiated fragmentation of the
Gondwana landmasses (Thompson et al.,
2019). During this time period, the coastal
Tanzania basin documented continental
sedimentation that caused deposition of the Figure 1: Location map of the study area.
Karoo organic-rich sediments (Magohe,

58 Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (Tanz. J. Engrg. Technol.), Vol. 42 (No. 4), Dec. 2023
F. S. Kaborogo et. al., (2023),

Figure 2: Generic stratigraphic scheme showing distribution of rocks and timing of

occurrence of major tectonic events and sea-level cycles that influenced sedimentary
development of the study area.

The Miocene and post-Miocene commonly called reservoir zones thus the
extensional tectonics were also linked to studied gas field is known to produce from
several transgressive-regressive cycles different zones/intervals capped by thick
linked to variability in deposits grain-sizes. shale layers (Figure 3). Fonnesu et al.
Periods of active fault movements and (2020) and Sansom (2018) interpreted
rapid sea level fall caused slope failures that equivalent shale layers to be drift deposits
triggered downslope movement of the stepping onto the channelized sand bodies
previously deposited sediments to form forming the reservoir rocks of the offshore
slides, slumps, debrites, and turbidites units southern Tanzania. Occurrence of
of the coastal Tanzania basin (Figure 3). In channelized systems over the whole
some places, these slope failures generated stratigraphy (Figure 3) may explain
energetic sediment gravity flows that turbidites deposition and distribution of
interacted with bottom currents to lay down unconformities in the area. The Cretaceous-
well-sorted sand bodies with high net-to- Miocene stratigraphy of the Ruvuma Basin
gross ratios (Fonnesu et al., 2020). These is dissected by several faults (Figure 3).
sand bodies occur in the Cretaceous and The reservoir intervals (marked by green
Paleocene-Miocene intervals (Sansom, solid lines) are enclosed by thick shaly/drift
2018) and are forming most of the deposits (bounded by red dashed lines)
petroleum reservoirs of the coastal which form key seal rocks of the area. This
Tanzania basin. Overall, the stratigraphy of configuration has caused the reservoir
the study area is dominated by shaly intervals of the study area to be subdivided
successions enclosing thin sand bodies with into different zones separated by thick
reservoir potential (Figure 2). Occurrence shales. Black solid lines are the faults that
of paleo-channels is shown to be common dissect the Cretaceous-Miocene strata.
in the Cretaceous-Holocene stratigraphy. Similar faults have been interpreted to form
These palaeo-channels may explain hydrocarbons migration pathways from
presence of several unconformities in the deep buried source intervals to shallow
area. In this area, these thin sand bodies are
Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (Tanz. J. Engrg. Technol.), Vol. 42 (No. 4), Dec. 2023 59
Cost Estimation Proxy Models for Economic Evaluations in Petroleum Projects: A Case Study
from the Onshore Gas Field in the Southern Coastal Tanzania Basin

seated gas reservoirs of the southern coastal

Tanzania basin (Mvile et al. 2021).

Figure 3: A seismic section showing the depositional configuration of the Cretaceous and
Paleocene-Miocene reservoir intervals of the study area.

METHODS AND MATERIALS Gas production 93 MMscf/d

Data collection
Capacity of the 10 MMscf/d
The field architecture and cots data used in processing
this study were collected from a gas field in facilities
the southern coastal Tanzania basin (Figure Capacity of the 155 MMscf/d
gathering system
1). Data collection process was done in two
phases. The first phase involved the Table 2: Collected DRILLEX data (RPS Energy
collection of QUE$TOR software input Canada Ltd., 2019)
data (Table 1) for sensitivity analysis while
the second phase involved the collection of Number of
Well DRILLEX Depth
data from field reports for model generation casing
Name [Million$] [m]
(see Table 2, Table 3 & strings
P 26.350 2012 4
Table 4). The second phase was done after Q 28.157 2749 4
identifying different parameters affecting R 28.256 2788 5
Table 1: Collected Data inputs and Information Table 3: Collected OPEX data (RPS Energy
Canada Ltd., 2019)
Parameter Value/ Unit
Description Annual gas Onshore
Onshore wells 3 wells - OPEX
Year production producin
Main product Gas - (Bscf) g wells
Condensate – gas 1 bbl/MMscf 2009 5.86 0.34 1
Reservoir 2900 Psia 2010 1.98 0.43 1
pressure 2011 3.97 0.69 2
Recoverable 220 Bscf 2012 4.14 0.69 2
Gas molecular 16.10 g/mol 2013 5.78 0.69 2
weight 2014 7.07 0.78 2
Carbondioxide 0 Mole% 2015 6.98 5.78 2
Hydrogen 0 Mole%
suliphide content 2016 10.34 15.78 3

60 Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (Tanz. J. Engrg. Technol.), Vol. 42 (No. 4), Dec. 2023
F. S. Kaborogo et. al., (2023),

2017 11.47 17.16 3 the changes in gas production capacity

2018 12.93 31.72 3 (Gp), the number of wells (Nw), the capacity
of the processing facilities (Qpc), and the
Table 4: Collected CAPEX data (RPS capacity of the gathering system. A total of
Energy Canada Ltd., 2019) nine (9) different cases were generated by
Year CAPEX [Million$] using QUE$TOR software. The first case
2005 33 (base case/scenario) was generated based
2006 81 on the collected field information from
2015 30 three onshore wells (see Figure 1 for their
location). This information includes a gas
Methods production capacity of 93 MMscf/d and the
processing facility capacity and gathering
The methods and steps that were used to
system (manifold capacity) of 10 MMscf/d
accomplish this work involved cost
and 155 MMscf/d, respectively. The other
sensitivity analysis, the development of
eight cases were generated by varying one
cost proxy models using multivariable
of the four parameters from the base case
regression analysis, and model testing.
one at a time under the variation factor of
Figures 4 and 5 summarize key steps that
±40%. The factor was derived from the
were involved in the successful
estimated level that can be attained by
development of the proxy models reported
using the QUE$TOR program which
in this work.
typically ranges between ±25% to ±40%
Costs Sensitivity Analysis (IHS 2016). A summary of the eight cases
is shown in Table 5.
This step involved examining variations of
CAPEX, OPEX, and DRILLEX following
Table 5: Sensitivity analysis Table
Cases Production Processing Gathering
capacity Number of wells facilities system
[MMscf/d] [-] [MMscf/d] [MMscf/d]
1 +40% Base value Base value Base value
2 -40% Base value Base value Base value
3 Base value +40% Base value Base value
4 Base value -40% Base value Base value
5 Base value Base value +40% Base value
6 Base value Base value -40% Base value
7 Base value Base value Base value +40%
8 Base value Base value Base value -40%

The QUE$TOR software was used to value of the maximum amount of gas (in
estimate the cost figures for each case, in MMscf/d) that can be accommodated from
which the location of each case was the wellhead to the processing facility
assigned to be an onshore project with gas through the manifold facility. The
being the main product. An in-built percentage changes in CAPEX, OPEX, and
procurement strategy and oilfield units of DRILLEX from the base case were
measure were used. Field characteristics calculated and presented on Tornado
were fed as shown in Table 1. The effect of graphs.
the gathering system on CAPEX, OPEX
and DRILLEX was evaluated by using the

Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (Tanz. J. Engrg. Technol.), Vol. 42 (No. 4), Dec. 2023 61
Cost Estimation Proxy Models for Economic Evaluations in Petroleum Projects: A Case Study
from the Onshore Gas Field in the Southern Coastal Tanzania Basin

Model Generation DRILLEX, and OPEX) are positively

The individual well cost was expressed as correlated to their most influential
the function of well depth and number of parameters (independent variables).
casing strings to allow the variability in ii. The relative error of the estimates from
drilling costs per well (Table 2). OPEX data the model to the actual field costs was
included all costs associated with gas less than or equal to 5% (calculation of
production and the number of onshore the model correction factor is easier
producing wells that were on stream in the
for models whose relative error is less
respective year (Table 3). The assumptions
made under CAPEX (see than or equal to 5%).
Table 4) included the following: Failure to meeting the conditions, the
1) All capital expenditures incurred in multivariable regression models were then
2006 were due to construction of analyzed in the order of increasing
complexity in derivative evaluations from
gas processing facilities (10
linear models until the best fit was
MMscf/d capacities) and gathering obtained. That is, in each stage, a nonlinear
facilities including pipelines for regression model was developed using the
wells P and Q. corresponding equation and the values of
2) In 2015, capital investment in a A, B, and C obtained in linear
vertical separator boosted gas approximations were then used as initial
processing capacity by 20%. The values in iterative evaluations (Parsimony
Principle). However, due to various
CAPEX also included the costs for
regression model families used in
the gathering pipelines from well R. DRILLEX, OPEX and CAPEX modeling,
The collected cost data were normalized to the model selection procedures were
bring every cost to the same basis and unit. slightly different from one proxy model to
An escalation factor was used as the proper another. It should be noted that an additive
index to normalize the cost data. correction factor of 0.045 million dollars
Thereafter, multivariable regression was used to enhance the DRILLEX
analysis was done using Statistical Package estimation accuracy and to account for the
for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software to additional parameters that could have been
generate the models for CAPEX, OPEX, used in the generation of the model
and DRILLEX estimations. In establishing presented by Figure 4.
the models, a linear relation was first
assumed between the variables with a
constant term A and unstandardized
coefficients B and C (see Table 6 for
equations and definition of terms). The
regression parameters A, B, and C were
initialized and then iteratively evaluated
until the error for each parameter in each
successive iteration was at most 1.0 ×
10−8 (SPSS default value in numerical
iterations). The model was accepted upon
satisfaction of the following conditions:
i. Values of the regression parameters A, Figure 4: Proxy Model Development
B and C obtained in the final iteration Methodology.
were positive. This was due to the fact
that the dependent variables (CAPEX,

62 Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (Tanz. J. Engrg. Technol.), Vol. 42 (No. 4), Dec. 2023
F. S. Kaborogo et. al., (2023),

Model Testing gas production capacity (annual gas

Error analysis was performed to check if production) and the number of producing
wells in the field. However, to account for
the developed cost proxy models are valid
the producing wells operating costs, OPEX
and reliable. Based on field planned can be modeled as a strongly dependent
projects for proved and developed cases variable on the annual gas production [𝑄𝑔 ]
(RPS 2019), the cost estimates were and the number of producing wells in the
generated using the models and then field [𝑁𝑤 ] with the correction factor that
compared to the cost estimates generated accounts for the discarded parameters.
using a commercial cost model. Unlike other field costs, DRILLEX is only
affected by the number of wells drilled in a
specific period. As shown in Figure 7,
DRILLEX and the number of wells is
positively correlated by approximately a ±
33% change in DRILLEX per ± 40%
change in number of wells drilled in a
specific period. The analysis suggests
modeling of DRILLEX as a dependent
variable on the number of wells drilled,
expressed as wells’ unit cost multiplied by
the number of wells drilled in a specific
period. However, to account for the
variability in onshore well costs observed
Figure 5: Cost proxy model test workflow. in wells P, Q and R, the authors suggest
modeling the DRILLEX not as a function
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION of number of wells but as the function of
well depth and number of casing strings.
Through cost sensitivity analysis, it has In DRILLEX modeling, a group of models
been revealed that the capacity of the presented in Error! Reference source not f
processing facilities and the numbers of ound. were obtained. Negative values of C
wells in the studied gas field are the two in models 2, 3 and 4 indicate that
parameters that strongly affect the CAPEX DRILLEX and number of casings are
(Figure 6). This implies that, CAPEX negatively correlated. Selecting such
related to onshore gas production projects models would actually imply that a well
depends strongly on the weight of using many casings costs less which is
processing units and equipment that are contrary to practice because a well costs
installed in the field. Therefore, CAPEX more if the casing numbers increases.
can often be modeled as a strongly Therefore, using the first model selection
dependent variable on the maximum field criterion, models 2, 3 and 4 were rejected
gas processing capacity [𝑄𝑝𝑐 ] and the because their final iterations resulted into
number of wells in the field [𝑁𝑤 ]. negative values in regression parameter C.
On the other hand, OPEX depends strongly Using the second model selection criterion,
on the gas production capacity and the when compared to the rest, model 7
number of producing wells in the field (equation 1) was found to be the best for
(Figure 5). This suggests modeling of DRILLEX estimations since it gives the
OPEX can be expressed as a function of the lowest relative error of 0.16%.

Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (Tanz. J. Engrg. Technol.), Vol. 42 (No. 4), Dec. 2023 63
Cost Estimation Proxy Models for Economic Evaluations in Petroleum Projects: A Case Study
from the Onshore Gas Field in the Southern Coastal Tanzania Basin


Number of

-40% -20% 0% 20% 40%

Increase Change in DRILLEX

Figure 6: Variation of DRILLEX due to ± 40% change in VCP.

Number of


-40% -20% 0% 20% 40%

40% Change in CAPEX

Figure 7: Variation in CAPEX due to ± 40% change in VCP.

Table 6: Summary of the DRILLEX regression results

Model A B C
1. A + B(Depth) + C(Ncasing ) 21.403 0.002 0.003

2. Ae(B∗Depth+C∗Ncasing ) 21.986 9×10-5 −4.628×10-8

3. Ae(B∗Depth) + C(Ncasing ) 21.986 9×10-5 −1.306×10-6
4. A + e(B∗Depth) + C(Ncasing ) 23.135 0.001 −0.020
C 5.216 0.213 0.002
5. A ∗ (Depth)B ∗ (Ncasing )
C 4.691 0.221 0.059
6. A ∗ (Depth)B + (Ncasing )
C 10.005 0.358 0.052
7. A + (Depth)B + (Ncasing )

The DRILLEX regression results (Table 6) equations presenting the seven models.
can be summarized by using seven (7) Equation (1) presents the selected

64 Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (Tanz. J. Engrg. Technol.), Vol. 42 (No. 4), Dec. 2023
F. S. Kaborogo et. al., (2023),

developed model for estimation of the CAPEX estimation accuracy and to

DRILLEX for onshore vertical wells. account for the additional parameters that
Where: DRILLEX is the drilling could have been used in its generation, a
expenditures in million dollars, D is the reductive correction factor of 3.96 million
measured well depth in meters (m) and Nc dollars was used to modify the parameters
represents the number of casings used. in model. The CAPEX may be presented d
DRILLEX for a single onshore vertical as linear function of gas processing
well may be presented as a nonlinear capacity and well count as it is shown by
function of the well’s depth and number of equation 3.
casings shown by equation 1. CAPEX = 15.507 + 3.639𝑄𝑝𝑐 +
DRILLEX = 10.005 + (D)0.358 + 27.713𝑁𝑤 (3)
(𝑁𝑐 )0.052 (1)
In the OPEX model, the estimation relative where: CAPEX is the onshore capital
error was 0.08% higher than that of the expenditures in million dollars, Qpc
DRILLEX model but less than 5%. represents the capacity of the processing
Equation 2 represents the generated model facilities in MMscf/d, and 𝑁𝑤 represents
for the estimation of the OPEX. Where:
the number of onshore wells drilled.
OPEX is the onshore field operating
expenditures in million dollars, Gp Generally, the results from the model
testing (Error! Reference source not f
represents the cumulative annual gas
ound.) showed that the selected DRILLEX
production in Bscf and 𝑁𝑤 represents the
and OPEX proxy models give cost
number of onshore producing wells
estimates that agree to the estimates
(onshore production well count). OPEX
generated by the commercial software
may be presented as linear functions of
within an average relative error of
cumulative gas production and well count
approximately 5% as presented in Figures
as it is shown by equation 2.
6 and 7. This implies the accuracy of the
OPEX = 3.974 + 0.203𝐺𝑝 + 1.728𝑁𝑤 (2)
developed models and that these models are
Lastly, in the CAPEX model the estimation suitable for the cost estimation purposes for
relative error was 4%. However, based on decision in the early phases of the field
the previous capital costs, the model development. The expectations were
provides overestimation that averages 3.96 different for the CAPEX model as it is
million dollars. Thus, to increase the shown in Figure 8.

Number of wells
-20% -10% 0% 10% 20%
40%… 40%… Change in OPEX

Figure 8: Variation in OPEX due to ±40% change in VCP.

The model gives an average relative error criterion. This may have been caused by
of 36% which is almost 7 times higher than inadequate CAPEX inputs data for the
the recommended model selection model development. There are no previous

Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (Tanz. J. Engrg. Technol.), Vol. 42 (No. 4), Dec. 2023 65
Cost Estimation Proxy Models for Economic Evaluations in Petroleum Projects: A Case Study
from the Onshore Gas Field in the Southern Coastal Tanzania Basin

projects that were conducted to expand Monte Carlo simulation or Latin

capacity of the gas processing facilities in Hypercube). Although the estimation
the field. This this has been one of the accuracy of the CAPEX model was found
challenges encountered during to be too high for it to be a reliable,
development of the CAPEX proxy model. generally the three developed proxy models
However, the challenge can be avoided by can still be used with caution.
using stochastic modeling approach (like

Table 7: Relative error between commercial software and proxy models cost estimates

Error Analysis Average

Year 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 %
DRILLEX [Million$] 0.05 5
OPEX [Million$] 0.07 0.10 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 5
CAPEX [Million$] 0.36 36

Compared to the current proxy cost models the cost proxy models available so far are
by González, 2020; Stanko, 2020; for offshore petroleum fields.
Kuznetsov et al., 2011; and Shereih, 2016;
the models developed in this study have CONCLUSION AND
considered the variability of DRILLEX RECOMMENDATIONS
with depth and number of the casing. The
Based on the analysis of input data from the
previous studies made unrealistic
three wells of the onshore gas field of the
simplifications and assumptions whereby
southern coastal Tanzania basin, the
uniform costs were assumed for all drilled
following were revealed:
wells, an assumption that might not be
• The developed proxy models may
always true. Similarly, recent OPEX model
serve as reliable cost-estimating tools
developed by RPS (2019) neglects the
because they produce cost estimates
significant contribution of the number of
that are generally 5% less than
on-stream wells. The model considers only
commercial cost estimates
the cumulative production. According to
RPS (2019), this is an unrealistic as the • DRILLEX is strongly affected by the
operating costs normally increase with number of wells to be drilled in the
number of on-stream wells. The models field
developed in this study include the costs of • OPEX is strongly affected by gas
operating each on-stream well to capture production capacity and the number
the real cost of operating a particular field of producing wells in the field
for a given production capacity and other • CAPEX is strongly affected by the
parameters such as depth and casing capacity of the processing facilities
numbers. For example, the wells P [depth = and the number of wells in the field
2012 m and casings = 4] and Q [depth • CAPEX and OPEX are modeled as
=2788 m and casings = 5] give significant linear functions of their affecting
cost differences which when neglected parameters while DRILLEX for a
during project evaluation might affect single onshore vertical well is
future project decisions. Therefore, this modeled as a nonlinear function
work presents reliable proxy models for the (power function) of the well depth
estimation of the costs for petroleum and number of casings. However,
projects when it comes to the onshore gas DRILLEX is linearly affected by the
field. One should be mindful that most of number of wells

66 Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology (Tanz. J. Engrg. Technol.), Vol. 42 (No. 4), Dec. 2023
F. S. Kaborogo et. al., (2023),

For the purpose of increasing the accuracy González D., Stanko M. and Hoffmann A.
and reliability range of the developed proxy (2020). Decision support method for the
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