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College of Engineering Architecture and

ⅰ Technology



A Capstone Project Presented to the Faculty of Computer Department

College of Engineering and Architecture Technology
Rizal Technological University
City of Mandaluyong

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering


Altizen, Charles Ian E.

Andam, Prinze Christian Z.
Avendano, Arvy James E.
Batalla, Danica P.
Kapangyarihan, Michaella Jane M.
Mendoza, Angela Nicole L.
Panganiban, Kurt Cobain D.
Perdiz, Michael I.
Piodos, Gilmar S.
Rodica, Junelyn M.
Rosario, Bryan Shane G.
Villare, Niah Christle M.

May 2023
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology i


This capstone project entitled “SWIFTSWAP: A DEVELOPMENT OF

SUPPLIES”, prepared and submitted by Charles Ian E. Altizen, Prinze
Christian Z. Andam, Arvy James E. Avendano, Danica P. Batalla,
Michaella Jane M. Kapangyarihan, Angela Nicole L. Mendoza, Kurt
Cobain D. Panganiban, Gilmar S. Piodos, Junelyn M. Rodica, Bryan
Shane G. Rosario, Niah Christle M. Villare, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering,
is hereby approved and accepted.


Subject Adviser

Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of ______

on _______.


Thesis Adviser


Member Member


Member Chair

Accepted in Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering at the College of Engineering
and Architecture, Rizal Technological University - Mandaluyong Campus.


Head, Computer Engineering Department


Dean, College of Engineering and Architecture
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology ii


This thesis is our way of saying a big thank you to everyone who helped

us during our studies.

To Almighty God, the source of wisdom, strength, and guidance

throughout our academic journey. His boundless grace has illuminated our

path, enabling us to overcome challenges and reach this significant milestone.

To our Families, whose unconditional support, sacrifices, and love have

been the foundation of our intellectual endeavor. Your support has fueled our

dreams, and your faith in us has served as a continual source of motivation.

To our Adviser and Professors, whose guidance, expertise, and

commitment molded our intellectual development. Your advice has been

beneficial in encouraging us to explore fresh perspectives and push the limits

of our understanding.

To our Group Mates, with whom we have faced the challenges of

research, collaboration, and deadlines. Your commitment, teamwork, and

shared aspirations have made this thesis a collective achievement.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology iii


The group extends its deepest gratitude to the Almighty God for His

unwavering guidance, strength, and wisdom throughout the academic journey.

His divine presence has served as the source of inspiration and fortitude,

enabling the group to overcome challenges and reach this significant


Special appreciation is directed towards the dedicated thesis professor,

Dr. Belinda Bunag, whose experience, mentorship, and encouragement have

played a crucial role in defining the trajectory of the research. Her wise

assistance guided the group through complexities, and they sincerely

appreciate her vital efforts and patience.

Sincere gratitude is extended to the thesis adviser,xlfor his scholarly

insights and constructive feedback, which greatly enriched the depth and

quality of the thesis. His commitment to academic excellence served as a

guiding beacon, and the group is honored to have benefited from his expertise.

Heartfelt acknowledgement is expressed to the esteemed panels for

their thorough examination of the work and insightful comments. Their rigorous

evaluation undoubtedly enhanced the rigor and validity of the research, and

the group is thankful for their time and expertise.

The group acknowledges the unwavering support and understanding of

their families, which served as the bedrock of their journey. From financial

support to encouragement, patience, and love, the families sustained the

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology iv

group through challenges, and this achievement is as much theirs as it is the


Finally, the group expresses gratitude to the dedicated groupmates and

respondents who played an integral role in the success of the endeavor. Their

collaboration, hard work, and collective spirit made the academic pursuit

rewarding and enjoyable. Together, they have triumphed, and the group looks

forward to carrying the camaraderie forged during this thesis journey into future

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APPROVAL SHEET................................................................................... i

DEDICATION ............................................................................................ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................................iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................v

LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................viii

LIST OF FIGURES .....................................................................................x

CHAPTER 1. THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND .........................1

Introduction ...........................................................................................1

Statement of the Problem .....................................................................3

Objectives of the Study .........................................................................4

Significance of the Study ......................................................................5

Concept of Operation ............................................................................7

System Architecture……………………………..……….………………....8

Scope and Delimitation .........................................................................9

Definition of Terms .............................................................................13



Reverse Vending Machine………………………………...….………….17

Input Recyclable Materials………………………………...….………….19

Artificial Intelligence in Waste Segregation………………….………….21

Object Detection Algorithm……………………………………...…..……25

Pointing System and Conversion………………………………..……….28

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Web Application………………………………..…………..…………..…..33

Laws and Policies………………….…………………...…………….…...36

ISO Evaluation………………………………………………...……..…….38

Conceptual Framework .......................................................................40

Synthesis ............................................................................................46

CHAPTER 3. RESEARCH AND ITS METHOD ........................................50

Research Method ...............................................................................50

Description of Respondents ................................................................54

Population of the Study ......................................................................55

Research Instrument ..........................................................................56

Questionnaires ...................................................................................59

Data Gathering Methods and Procedure ............................................61

Statistical Tools ..................................................................................63

Project Design ...................................................................................65

Software Requirements ......................................................................68

Hardware Components .......................................................................70

Design Phase .....................................................................................77

Testing Phase .....................................................................................79

Testing Procedures .............................................................................80

Unit Testing ........................................................................................81

Integration Testing ..............................................................................85

System Testing ...................................................................................87

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Deployment Phase .............................................................................90

Maintenance .......................................................................................90

CHAPTER 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ..........................................92

Project Description……..…………………………….……...……...……..92

Project Structure……………………………………………...……..……..93

Web Application Interface…………………………...……..……………100

Evaluation Procedures……...………………………………..………….105

Unit Test Results……………………...………………………….………106

Integration Test Results……………………………………….………...110

System Test Results…………………………………………….……….114

Pre Survey Results……………………………………………….……...117

Post Survey Results……………………………………………….…….129





REFERENCES ......................................................................................147

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Table Number Description Page

Table 1 Benchmarking Table 45

Table 2 5-point Likert’s Scale for User Acceptance Testing 58

Table 3 Input receptacle Components 71

Table 4 Rewards 72

Table 5 AI Components 73

Table 6 Sensors and Other Peripherals 74

Table 7 Vending Machine Components 75

Table 8 Other Electrical Components 76

Table 9 Other Miscellaneous Materials 77

Table 10 Unit Testing Parameters for Software 81

Table 11 Unit Testing Parameters for Hardware 83

Table 12 Integration Testing Parameters for Hardware 85

Table 13 Integration Testing Parameters for Software 86

Table 14 System Testing Parameters for Hardware 87

Table 15 System Testing Parameters for Software 88

Table 16 System Testing Parameters of Admin Web App Account 89

Table 17 Unit Test Results for Hardware 107

Table 18 Unit Test Results for Software 109

Table 19 Integration Test Results for Hardware 111

Table 20 Integration Test Results for Software 113

Table 21 System Test Results for Hardware 114

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Table 22 System Testing Results for Software 115

Table 25 System Testing Parameters of Admin Web App Account 116

Table 26 User Acceptance Test Result of End Users for Security 130

Table 27 User Acceptance Test Result of End Users for Usability 132

Table 28 User Acceptance Test Result for Functional Suitability 134

Table 29 User Acceptance Test Result for Performance Efficiency 136

Table 30 User Acceptance Test Result for Maintainability 138

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Figures Number Description Page

Figure 1 Concept of Operation 11

Figure 2 System Architecture 38

Figure 3 Conceptual Framework of AI-Based RVM 38

Figure 4 Object Detection Flowchart 41

Figure 5 Agile SDLC Process Flow 49

Figure 6 Front Interface of SwiftSwap Reverse Vending Machine 53

Figure 7 Mechanical Components of SwiftSwap RVM 64

Figure 8 Internal Electronic Components of SwiftSwap 64

Figure 9 Software Design Phase 75

Figure 10 Design Phase for Hardware 76

Figure 11 SwiftSwap Front Interface 91

Figure 12 SwiftSwap Rear Interface 92

Figure 13 SwiftSwap Side Panels Interface 93

Figure 14 SwiftSwap Input Receptacle 94

Figure 15 SwiftSwap Compactor 95

Figure 16 SwiftSwap Rotating Bin 96

Figure 17 SwiftSwap Reward Panel 97

Figure 18 SWIFTSWAP User Interface 98

Figure 19 SWIFTSWAP Reward System 99

Figure 20 SWIFT SWAP Transaction History 100

Figure 21 SWIFT SWAP User Logs 100

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Figure 22 SWIFT SWAP Access Reward Stocks 101

Figure 23 SWIFTSWAP About Page 102

Figure 24 Demographic Profile of Respondents 62

Figure 25 Familiarity of respondents in Reverse Vending Machine 63

Figure 26 Respondent’s awareness of reward option in RVM 64

Figure 27 Familiarity in the concept of recycling and waste disposal 65

Figure 28 Beverage Preference Commonly Purchased by Respondents 67

Figure 29 Size of Water Bottles Commonly Purchased by Respondents 68

Figure 30 Size of Juice Beverages Commonly Purchased Respondents 69

Figure 31 Size of Soft Drinks Commonly Purchased by Respondents 70

Figure 32 Size of Energy Drinks Commonly Purchased by Respondents 71

Figure 33 Type of Reward System Preferred by the Respondents 72

Figure 34 School Supplies Commonly Used Daily by Respondents 73

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Every year, a student generates approximately 640 pounds of solid waste

(College and University Recycling Resources, 2020). In the Philippines,

educational institutions contribute 12.1 percent to the total waste, with

recyclable materials making up 27.28 percent (Mayuga, 2021). However, the

actual recycling rate in the National Capital Region stands at a mere 9 percent

with other waste being disposed of or leaked to the open environment

(Bagayas, 2020). According to Saleem et al. (2018), the most prevalent type

of recyclable waste includes paper at 25.5 percent, followed by plastic bottles

at 9 percent and cans at 7 percent.

In a study of Dacay et al. (2020), the researchers developed a Reverse

Vending Machine to mitigate plastic waste, encourage waste segregation, and

promote recycling within the university settings. The process mentioned

involved the use of recyclable materials as their input. Recyclable materials

such as PET bottles were used. Once the inputs are inserted in the receptacle,

the infrared sensor will determine if it is a PET bottle or not while the inductive

sensor will determine if it is an aluminum can. An equivalent point will be

generated and will be given to the user.

There are other studies in relation to Reverse Vending Machines.

According to Daniel and Kazuo (2012), the authors created a reverse vending

machine that accepts plastic bottles and has a monetary reward system. The
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 2

authors also used a load sensor to identify if the input inserted by the user is

indeed a plastic bottle. In identifying the users, an RFID card was used in which

it is going to be tapped on the machine in order for users to redeem their

reward. Another reverse vending machine related study is from a non-patent

research by Simatupang et al. (2022), the input that was used is also a plastic

bottle and in order to differentiate the PET bottles into other materials, the

authors used sensors to do so. The rewards are also monetary, and ID cards

were used in order to determine the user. Both studies focus on the recyclable

materials as the input of reverse vending machines. In addition, the

researchers used sensors in order to detect if the input is plastic bottles or not.

However, According to Banner (2022), where the author discussed that

despite the ability of sensors to identify plastic bottles, the reliability of using

sensors is still questionable due to issues with precision and response time in

the detection process.In order to solve this problem, the proponents are

proposing a reverse vending machine that will use artificial intelligence to

detect recyclable materials with segregation. The inputs mentioned are the

PET bottles, aluminum can and papers. The accumulated equivalent points

will be determined based on the predetermined weight of inputted PET bottles.

For every transaction, the points generated will be added to the user account

and an equivalent reward, which can be redeemed and exchanged for school

supplies. This reward system that will be implemented in the study is based on

the accumulated points reward system.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 3

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this study was to design and develop an AI-Based

Reverse Vending Machine using object detection and image processing that

accepts selected PET bottles, aluminum cans and paper converting them into

credit points that can be further exchanged for essential school supplies. The

researchers aimed to comprehensively address the issue of recyclable wastes

by formulating a solution that advocates for recycling, reinforces educational

initiatives, and fosters environmental sustainability. This study was conducted

to answer the following questions:

1. How to develop and train an AI-based reverse vending machine with a

credit system using object detection capable of accurately accepting,

validating, and accumulating points for input, while also being able to

compact and segregate the given input?

2. How does the design facilitate user registration, implement a point

system, and enable the redemption of rewards, all while incorporating a

notification monitoring system?

3. How can software quality be assessed according to ISO 25010,

considering aspects such as: (a) Security, (b)Usability, (c) Functional

Suitability, (d) Performance Efficiency, and (e) Maintainability

4. How does the User Acceptance Test (UAT) contribute to assessing the

performance and management of the system from the perspective of end

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 4

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study was to design and develop an AI

based reverse vending machine using object detection and image processing

that will convert plastic bottles, aluminum cans and tin cans, and bond paper

into school supplies based on the accumulated points. Specifically, this study

aimed to do the following objective:

1. To develop and train an AI-based reverse vending machine with a credit

system using object detection and image processing capable of

accurately accepting, validating, and accumulating points for input, while

also being able to compact and segregate the given input.

2. To design a user-friendly web application and establish its interface with

the machine to enable user registration, point system, and redeeming of

rewards with notification monitoring system.

3. To evaluate the software quality based on ISO 25010 in terms of the

following: (a) Security, (b) Usability, (c) Functional Suitability, (d)

Performance Efficiency, and (e) Maintainability.

4. To conduct system evaluation using the User Acceptance Test (UAT)

based on the end users in the performance and management of the


Significance of the Study

This research focused on creating a vending machine that accepts

waste products such as selected PET bottles, tin and aluminum cans, papers
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in exchange for school supplies. When the project is completed successfully,

the machine will benefit the following:

RTU Students will benefit upon the implementation of a credit point

system which also encourages recycling while providing students with a

beneficial incentive, developing environmental awareness and ethical

consumption choices. Students can also learn about the relationship between

technological innovation and environmental sustainability by integrating

technology into recycling equipment. This aids in their comprehension of

workable ideas that benefit the society.

Waste Management Division Understanding the functionality and

sustainability of Swiftswap reverse vending machines will help the university’s

waste management improve its waste recycling activities, creating a more

efficient and rewarding method for students to participate in sustainable

practices. The incorporation of a credit point system offers a novel incentive,

encouraging better recycling behavior and contributing to the overall success

of the university's waste management approach.

Rizal Technological University and its Administration would benefit

from swiftswap vending machines by implementing such a project may help

reduce environmental impact, strengthen the university's commitment to

sustainability, and perhaps save money by recycling selected recyclable

materials into valuable educational supplies. This research can also

encourage departmental cooperation inside the institution, resulting in

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 6

technical developments that are in line with the university's sustainability


Researchers will be able to enhance their skills in software and

hardware development which can result in gaining significant abilities that

exceed beyond the boundaries of the study. Researchers will also improve

their critical thinking and problem solving skills which contribute to their overall

professional development.

Future Researchers can use this study as a reference material for the

studies who intend to create a vending machine. They can also use the study

as a guide in creating capstone projects related to computer engineering. This

can give them an overview about the hardware and software components

which can be used in their future studies.

Concept of Operation
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Figure 1. Concept of Operation

SWIFTSWAP employs PET plastic bottles, aluminum cans and paper

recycling in a process where users begin by registering manually or via QR

code that seamlessly creates an account on the web application. Once

registered, users deposit either PET bottles, aluminum tin cans, or paper into

the machine, triggering a sorting system through the use of object detection

that assesses the type of input as well as its weight. Non-compliant items are

promptly rejected. Accepted bottles undergo compacting and are sorted into

their respective bins. Administrators receive real-time notifications when bins

reach capacity, ensuring timely maintenance. Users accumulate points for

each accepted input, viewable on the web app, and can claim rewards when

their points meet the required threshold. This integrated approach

encourages sustainable practices while providing users with a rewarding

recycling experience.
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System Architecture

Figure 2. System Architecture

Figure 2 illustrates the SwiftSwap system architecture. To interact with

the machine, users need to scan a QR code generated via SwiftSwap's web

application. During the login process, the machine utilizes two cameras: one

for website authentication and the other is used to decrypt the user's unique

QR code from the database, allowing access to the point accumulation

feature. Once authorized, users may input the recyclable materials. When the

Raspberry Pi detects a valid input, it prompts the Arduino to initiate the sorting


When redeeming a reward, the website communicates with the second

Raspberry Pi via API. The Raspberry Pi then transmits string data to the

Arduino, which activates the corresponding motor to dispense the reward to

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the user. The Arduino only has one serial port, thus it can connect to one

device at a time. To allow simultaneous contact between the second

Raspberry Pi and the Arduino, the proponents utilized RX/TX connections,

which eliminates the necessity for the same serial port. Additionally, a logic

converter is used to transform the data stream from 5V to 3.3V, ensuring

compatibility with the second Raspberry Pi and the Arduino.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The capstone project focused on developing an AI-Based Reverse

Vending Machine that accepts uncapped selected empty PET bottles,

aluminum cans, and used papers. The PET bottles that the machine accepted

ranges from bottles with size up to 2.25 by 11.2 inches, colored or transparent

PET bottles. The reverse vending machine is equipped with a linear actuator

designed for compacting the accepted input selected recyclable materials. It

features four separate compartment bins, with the first two bins designated for

colored and transparent PET bottles, the third bin for aluminum cans, and the

fourth bin for papers. Each bin is dimensioned at 15 inches in width, 15 inches

in depth, and 20 inches in height, with specific capacities: 50 to 100 crushed

PET bottles for each of the colored and transparent bins, 100 to 150 crushed

aluminum tin cans, and 200 to 250 uncrumpled bond papers and yellow

papers. The machine also includes LED light indicators for status indication.

When in standby mode, the indicator produces an orange glow. When a valid

input is received, the indicator changes color to a bright green. If the input is

rejected, it changes to a cautionary blinking red color.

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The reverse vending machine has (6) reward choices, a pack of

graphite number-two (2) pencil with eraser, and a black ball-point pen, 5 inches

by 7 inches notebook filler, a pack of short bond paper which contains thirty

(30) sheets, a correction tape, a pack of 1/8 index card which contains twenty-

five pieces, and a pack of sticky notes to be dispensed each with a

corresponding credit point. A kilogram of PET plastic bottles will correspond to

12 points, 50 points for aluminum cans, and 8 points for paper.

The user must register and sign up in the web application which will be

used to store the user’s credit points and a unique QR code that will be used

to identify the user upon registration. Users have the choice to generate and

print a unique QR code, which has a two-day validity for reuse in subsequent

transactions. In instances where users are unable to print the QR code or

access their mobile phones, an alternative method is provided. The reverse

vending machine screen enables users to input their User ID to access their

user account and complete transactions.

The proponents employed a database using Firebase for monitoring

and database server for the stored points and for the products. The proponents

also developed a web-based application using ReactJS, accessible to both

IOS and Android platforms, to enhance the user interface and control system

of reverse vending machines (RVMs). The application provided users with a

seamless and intuitive interface for interacting with the RVM, allowing them to

collect points. A local server was developed to establish an offline platform for

users in the event of a power outage. Additionally, a transaction history feature

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was integrated into the web application, which allowed users convenient

access to their past transactions stored on a secure and backed-up server.

Furthermore, the user can only create one (1) account.

The researchers also included a notification system for the operator of

the reverse vending machine. The system was also designed to alert the

operator when the bins reach full capacity. This notification prevents users

from depositing additional items into the machine, signaling that the unit

required emptying. The reverse vending machine can fit five (5) packs of thirty

(30) sheets of short bond paper, five (5) pieces of correction tape, five (5)

pieces of 5 inches by 7-inch notebook filler, five (5) sets of twenty-five (25)

pieces of ⅛ index card, five (5) pieces of graphite number-two (2) pencil,

erasers and black ball-point pen, and five (5) packs of sticky notes.

The Reverse Vending Machine was placed inside the Rizal

Technological University-Boni Campus, situated in Mandaluyong City. The

respondents included in the study were the students and faculty members of

Rizal Technological University Boni Campus only. Furthermore, the study

covered a seven-month timeline beginning from October 2023 to May of 2024,

that included the stages of design, creating the prototype, implementing and

deploying the reverse vending machine.

The reverse vending machine delimited the input into PET bottles,and

when these bottles are not compressed properly, it takes up a lot of space and

makes things messy to store inside the garbage bin. Also, the reverse vending

machine only accepted the pet bottles if they were empty and uncapped. In
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 12

cases where bottles were capped and not empty, the AI system utilizes a

dataset of uncapped and empty bottles to identify them and rejects them from

being accepted by the machine. Aluminum cans will also be accepted with size

up to 2 ¼ inch diameter and 5¾ inch of height. Furthermore, it will also accept

paper that is delimited to bond paper, and should be uncrumpled, with a size

of up to 8.5 by 11.75 inches and should only range from 1 sheet per input..

Additionally, the reverse vending machine applied a sorting algorithm

using an AI validation system. Object detection was achieved through the

implementation of a camera. For the AI model training, the proponents

underwent a process of capturing and annotating images of the inputs for the

reverse vending machine, ensuring a comprehensive data set . The device

cannot train the AI model itself and is not capable of data training.

Definition of Terms

Accumulated Pointing System is a pointing system where users can

store their points on their accounts on the application in which they are free

to pick whether they will spend their points instantly or store it in their


Agile SDLC is a software development life cycle methodology utilizing

iterative, self-contained cycles for continual software evolution and delivery.

Well-suited to the custom nature of the reverse vending machine.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the use of computer systems and

algorithms to perform tasks that would otherwise require human intelligence.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 13

The paper proposes using AI for accurately identifying and sorting plastic

bottle types and colors.

Compactor is a mechanism that compacts pet bottles effectively

increasing the number of pet bottles that can be stored.

Deep learning is a type of machine learning algorithm that mimics how

the human brain processes information. The Vending Machine uses a Deep

Learning AI system to precisely detect bottle weights.

Image Processing is an AI algorithm that differentiate the type of pet

bottles depending on their size, predetermined weight, and color.

Input Receptacle is a receptacle where all of the pet bottles will be

inserted in the machine.

Load sensor is a device that detects and measures pressure or

weight. The Vending Machine uses load sensors to validate if a plastic bottle

was inserted based on its weight properties.

Neural networks is an AI modeling approach loosely inspired by

human brain connectivity to interpret sensory input.

PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) is a type of resin and a form of

polyester. Usually found in plastic water bottles and is the main material that

the vending machine will accept as an input.

Raspberry Pi is a mini computer that controls all of the mechanism of

the vending machine and stores all of the data that the application will use.

Reject Receptacle is a receptacle where all rejected pet bottles from

the input receptacle after being validated by the AI sorting software.

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Reverse Vending Machine is a machine that dispenses school

supplies in exchange for pet bottles instead of coins.

Sorting Mechanism is a system using an actuator and AI image

processing to determine which compartment the different types of pet bottles

will go.

Systems integration is the coordination of various software and

hardware components into a cohesive, unified reverse vending machine

system. Encompasses integrating coding, electronics, mechanics, etc.

User interface is the visual display and controls that allow users to

interact with the reverse vending machine. This includes aspects like credit

point tracking, reward selection, etc.

LED indicator is to indicate if the user can be notified when the bottle

they have inserted was valid or not. green is emitted if the input is valid, when

orange is emitted it is when the machine is on standby mode, red glows if the

input is not valid.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 15



This chapter reviewed related literature on developing a reverse

vending machine that would be used on Rizal Technological University

premises. Materials that were used in this chapter were a combination of both

patent and non patent sources.

Reverse Vending Machine

In the study conducted by Kazuo and Daniel in (2014), titled "Reverse

Vending Machine" and holding a patent number of US8851265B2, the

authors introduced a novel reverse vending machine designed for processing

metallic and non-metallic beverage containers. This innovative machine

compacts, sorts, and stores containers within the apparatus, providing

additional features such as a self-cleaning system, a user information display

screen, a barcode scanner, a user ID reader, and a coupon printer. Transaction

details are electronically stored, and the machine autonomously returns

containers that are not empty or have unreadable barcodes. The storage bins,

made of plastic, are used for convenient and efficient storage of recyclable

items. The compactor sub-assembly and container remover play crucial roles

in the sorting process, ensuring efficient recycling. Nordbhyn's work in 2011

focused on a reverse vending machine for empty beverage containers. The

system utilizes biometric features as identification tokens for return value

payouts. The emphasis is on eco-friendly storage boxes made of plastic, and

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solar energy serves as the primary power source, reducing carbon emissions.

The research highlights the efficiency and environmental advantages of using

solar power in container return systems.

Tomari et al. (2017) presented the "Development of Reverse Vending

Machine (RVM) Framework for Implementation to a Standard Recycle Bin."

This system integrates advanced technology into standard municipal recycle

bins, identifying users, weighing deposited items, and converting the weight

into reward points. The goal is to motivate recycling and contribute to

environmental sustainability, aligning with the waste-to-wealth concept.

The "Reverse Vending Machines for Plastic Bottles" by Mariya et al.

(2020), aims to address plastic waste by incorporating a reward system using

image processing technology. Depositors can claim points, redeemable as

promo codes for online shopping. The study emphasizes the importance of

efficient waste management and real-time monitoring of machine capacity.

The invention of Zia et al.(2022) focuses on plastic waste

management through the development of a low-cost and weight learning

Reverse Vending Machine. This incentive-based machine incorporates a cost-

effective computing device with a lightweight image processing algorithm,

achieving high testing accuracy and practicality in a university deployment,

effectively collecting plastic waste.

In the Philippines, the San Juan City local Government also proposed

a project that encourages residents of San Juan City to recycle PET bottles in
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 17

exchange for cash using a reverse vending machine. The reverse vending

machine is called Reverse Vending YC-301, it accepts aluminum cans as well

as PET bottles. It has different features such as bin fill level monitoring and

compression module. However, the incentive of this RVM is through cash or

coupons that can only be availed in selected redemption booths of the city

government (Garcia, 2022). Some SM malls in the Philippines also have a

reverse vending machine, specifically SM megamall and SM Mall of Asia. This

is in accordance with the project of SM cares, in which through recycling the

used PET bottles of customers, customers may receive up to 15% discount

coupons in SM skating and SM bowling (Rosales, 2023).

These studies collectively contribute to the advancement of reverse

vending machine technology for efficient and sustainable waste


Input Recyclable Materials

In recycling, it is important to know and understand what materials

could be recycled, a recent study called Plastic Waste Management through

the Development of a Low Cost and Light Weight Deep Learning Based

Reverse Vending Machine by Zia et al. (2022), focuses on Plastic bottles. The

researchers focused specifically on plastic bottles in their study because

plastic bottles have become one of the major causes of plastic pollution. The

rapid increase in the consumption of soft and cold drinks in the last decade

has led to a significant increase in plastic bottle consumption, resulting in

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 18

environmental pollution and resource depletion. The production of plastic

bottles involves a significant amount of oil, and recycling plastic bottles is

considered one of the most effective ways to deal with plastic pollution.

Additionally, plastic production and consumption contribute to air pollution.

Therefore, the researchers aimed to address the issue of plastic pollution by

exploring recycling methods for plastic bottles.

A similar study called Automatic Cold Drink Vending Machine with

Reverse Vending System for Empty Bottles and Monitoring System using

VLSI from Babu et al (2019), also focuses on plastic bottles as input material

driven by the critical issue of plastic pollution and the need for effective

management of plastic waste. Plastic bottles are a significant contributor to

environmental problems, and their improper disposal can harm both the

environment and human health. By developing a system that can vend and

collect plastic bottles for recycling, the researchers aimed to reduce the

production of new plastic and promote a cleaner and more sustainable


IoT-Based Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) for Recycle Station by

Mohd Adzaharee et al (2021), on the other hand accepts a wider range of

recyclable materials, such as aluminum cans, plastic bottles, and glass

bottles. The researchers' focus on these three types of materials, namely

aluminum cans, plastic, and glass bottles, is because they are commonly

found in solid waste and have a significant impact on the environment. These

materials have a high potential for recycling and can be effectively processed
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 19

to reduce waste and conserve resources. By targeting these materials, the

researchers aim to develop a reverse vending machine (RVM) that can

efficiently collect and recycle them, promoting sustainable waste

management practices.

Artificial Intelligence in Waste Segregation

According to Mahendra (2023), as the world becomes more reliant on

technology, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an essential tool and one

area where it can make a significant impact is in waste management. Thus,

by moving to artificial intelligence for smart recycling and trash management,

garbage sorting and disposal procedures can be automated, resulting in more

sustainable recycling methods (Sharma & Vaid, 2021).

Recent studies by Abdallah et al. (2020) and Fang et al. (2023)

underscore the increasing prevalence of AI techniques in addressing solid

waste management challenges. Notably, Fang et al.'s findings reveal an

impressive accuracy range of 72.8% to 99.95% in waste identification and

sorting through AI.

In contrast to traditional waste management methods, Bolukonda, D.

(2021), in the invention with patent number AU2021101744A4, introduces a

waste segregation method leveraging machine learning techniques. The

method involves an automatic waste management process, employing

machine learning for the segregation of waste into organic and inorganic

categories immediately after collection by the trash bin. The integration of

machine learning, coupled with image recognition, facilitates the classification

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 20

of trash based on sensor input. The invention incorporates a comprehensive

set of components, including sensors, cameras, an online server dashboard,

IoT-connected cameras, motors, Raspberry Pi camera modules, Raspberry

Pi Boards, and other supporting elements, all aligned with the architecture of

the invention.

Similarly, Zubair et al. (2022) propose a comprehensive solution

integrating image processing, AI, and mechanical sorting for effective waste

segregation. Their prototype incorporates initial segregation mechanisms,

followed by image processing and AI algorithms, presenting a holistic

approach. Nafiz et al. 's (nd) work introduces a waste segregation machine

utilizing smart object detection algorithms and Deep Convolutional Neural

Networks (DCNN), employing deep learning and image processing for precise

waste classification. This innovative system includes sensors that notify

authorities about bin levels, contributing to resource optimization and efficient

waste management practices.

Furthermore, Susanth et al. (2021) advocate for decreased human

intervention in waste segregation through an image classifier using

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). Their experimentation reveals that

DenseNet169 outperforms other CNN models, providing a more productive

waste segregation process. Rahman et al.'s (2022) intelligent waste

management system, employing deep learning and IoT, achieves a high

classification accuracy of 95.31%, highlighting the system's efficiency in

waste categorization. Parallel in the study of Thao (2023), he introduces an

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 21

innovative solution focused on precise waste sorting. The system employs a

camera in conjunction with a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to achieve

a remarkable 99% success rate in accurately classifying waste items. To

complement this, a robotic arm is integrated into the system to physically sort

the waste into designated bins. The entire hardware setup is interconnected

through a wireless network, offering several advantages, including enhanced

worker health, heightened efficiency, and a reduction in human labor. This

holistic approach aligns with the principles of sustainable development,

presenting a comprehensive solution to the challenges of modern waste


In the study conducted by K. Sreelakshmi et al. (2019), the focus is on

the application of Capsule-Net in solid waste management, specifically for the

separation of plastic and non-plastic materials. The evaluation of Capsule-Net

involves the use of two distinct datasets. Dataset 1 comprises materials

collected from public spaces, while Dataset 2 includes materials gathered

from private environments. The proposed architecture, utilizing Capsule-Net,

demonstrates a commendable accuracy of 96.3% for Dataset 1 and 95.7%

for Dataset 2.

In 2016, Sudha et al. presented an innovative automated recognition

system utilizing a Deep Learning algorithm within the realm of Artificial

Intelligence. This system aims to classify objects into biodegradable and non-

biodegradable categories. Once trained with an initial dataset, the system

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 22

exhibits real-time object identification capabilities, achieving a high level of

accuracy in classification.

Moreover, Zia et al. 's (2022) low-cost Reverse Vending Machine

(RVM) introduces an incentive-based user application, achieving high

accuracy in classifying used plastic bottles through a lightweight MobileNet

model. Their study underscores the potential of lightweight computing devices

in promoting efficient waste classification. These studies collectively

showcase the diverse applications of AI in waste management, ranging from

image classification to incentive-based recycling systems, contributing to the

global push for sustainable and technologically advanced waste solutions.

Object Detection Algorithm

The progress in object detection techniques based on deep

understanding has been remarkable, advancing features like extraction,

image representation, classification, and recognition. This surge is attributed

to the rapid growth in deep learning theory and technology (Nawaz et al.,

2022). In the exploration of object detection methods, two approaches have

been prevalent: one-stage and two-stage detection. One-stage architectures

provide both object locations and classes in a single step, while two-stage

detectors involve class-agnostic object proposals initially, followed by

classification into class-specific detections (Majchrowska et al., 2022). Deep

Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs), as argued by Kaur and Singh

(2023), have showcased excellent performance, finding applications in

various domains such as video processing, object detection, image

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 23

segmentation, image classification, speech recognition, and natural language

processing. Similarly, Majchrowska et al. (2022) noted a consistent

improvement in the quality of image recognition structures through

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), with numerous new architectures

identified as suitable for waste classification.

Various algorithms, including Histograms of Oriented Gradient (HOG)

and Support Vector Machine (SVM), have been presented for object

detection, leading to the creation of new architectures. Selective Search, used

in R-CNN, was later replaced by the Region Proposal Network (RPN) in

Faster R-CNN for enhanced efficiency (Bharath K., 2023). The development

of one-stage networks like YOLO v2, employing anchor boxes for network

predictions, contrasts with two-stage networks in terms of speed and

accuracy, especially for smaller objects (Alan Kilich, n.d.). The Histogram of

Oriented Gradients, introduced in 1986, is among the earliest object detection

methods, gaining popularity in computer vision tasks in 2005 (Bharath K.,

2023). Additionally, he mentioned that region-based convolutional neural

networks represent an improvement over previous methods like HOG and

SIFT, aiming to extract essential features using selective features and a

selective search algorithm. Furthermore, the fast R-CNN method processes

the entire image through a pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network, utilizing

region of interest (RoI) pooling for enhanced efficiency. Faster R-CNN, an

advancement over fast R-CNN, addresses the challenges of its predecessor.

On the other hand, Bharath stated that YOLO is a popular model architecture,
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 24

offering high accuracy and speed by processing images in a single pass.

RetinaNet, introduced in 2017, competes with YOLO v2 and SSD models,

demonstrating superior object detection capabilities, especially in satellite

imagery. Moreover, in a comparative analysis of deep learning image

detection algorithms by Srivastava et al. (2021), Yolo-v3 demonstrated the

best overall performance, being the fastest and actively contributed to by the

open-source community. The choice of algorithm depends on the use case,

with Faster RCNN suitable for non-real-time scenarios with a small dataset,

Yolo-v3 is ideal for live video feed analysis, and SSD offers a balanced

compromise between speed and accuracy.

Arghadeep Mitra's study (2020) utilized convolutional neural networks

for waste classification, achieving a 91% accuracy rate. Similarly, Ahmed &

Asadullah (2020) incorporated CNN for selecting containers for recyclable

waste, achieving 63% and 22% accuracy with SVM and CNN training,

respectively. In parallel to Abdullah et al. (n.d.) he employed a CNN model

combining a pretrained Inception-Resnet V2 model, achieving a maximum

accuracy of 98% for ConvoWaste. Susanth et al. (2021) compared different

CNN models, with DenseNet169 showing superior performance. Liu et al.

(2022) proposed a high-similarity image recognition and classification

algorithm fused with CNNs, achieving over 90% identification accuracy.

Pointing System and Conversion

In a study conducted by Ortiz and Vintila (2020) titled Methods and

systems for digital reward processing with patent number US11790350B2, in

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 25

general, embodiments pertain to the field of reward processing; in particular,

they concern computer readable media, systems, and procedures for

distributed ledger-based digital reward processing. Utilizing distributed ledger

technology, consecutive entries that are cryptographically linked to one

another are maintained in distributed ledgers across several node computing


There could be a number of obstacles to overcome when processing

digital prizes, such as the need to allocate substantial resources to the

administration and processing of these awards. Different standards, triggers,

situations, and logical principles are taken into account within the computing

environment.In light of this, a decentralized solution that tackles one or more

of the difficulties related to digital reward processing might be preferable.

Innovative methods for rule propagation and transaction querying that are

either unavailable or too complex in a conventional centralized system are

also made possible by a decentralized solution.

According to Fordyce et al. (2022) with patent number US11276070B2

titled Transaction Evaluation for Providing Rewards Customers Pre-

select Loyalty Program Points, which they then trade for matching value-

added rewards that they have also pre-selected. When the customer uses

their consumer payment device to complete their pre-selected transaction,

they will receive the pre-selected incentive, which may be a value added back

to the device. Through the consumer's transactional use of their consumer

payment device, loyalty program points can be added back to the device and
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 26

subsequently exchanged for the consumer's pre-selected value-adding

prizes. Pre-selected value-added rewards by the customer, for example, may

show up as bill credits to a credit card linked to the payment device. Because

of this, there is a reason for the customer to choose in advance which

transaction to complete using their consumer payment device in order to

receive a matching pre-selected statement credit for their devoted usage of

the device.

The price of recyclables in the Philippines, while varying with type and

market conditions. Though generally stable in recent years, it has shown

fluctuations due to global market shifts. However, with the rising demand for

recycled materials across the Philippines, fueled by growing environmental

awareness, the industry displays a positive outlook, for white papers the junk

shop price per kilo is equivalent to 8 pesos, cartons are around 2 pesos and

50 cents, newspapers are around 24 pesos, assorted papers are 1 pesos and

50 cents, clean pet bottles are 16 pesos while the unclean ones are 12 pesos,

aluminum cans are 50 pesos, class A copper wires are valued 300 pesos,

class B are 250 pesos and the class C are valued at 150 pesos, steel is 12

pesos, tin cans are 3 pesos, bottles are valued between 1 pesos and 50 cents

to 2 pesos, ink jet cartridges are between 100 to 300 pesos, and car batteries

are valued 100, in kilogram conversion, in a 350ml of pet bottle it will need

157 pieces to have at least 1 kilogram, in 330ml it will need 70 pieces of pet

bottles to weight 1 kilogram, at 600ml the number of pet bottles needed are

51 pieces to get at least 1 kilogram, in aluminum cans in order for it to weight

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 27

1 kilogram it will need between 65 to 70 pieces of it, for papers to weight 1

kilogram it will take at least 300 sheet of paper.

According to the Philippine Institute of Environmental Studies (PIES),

Makati boasts a recycling rate of 30%, exceeding the national average of

20%. This burgeoning sector employs over 10,000 individuals, significantly

contributing to the local economy. Government support further bolsters the

industry. The Philippine government has implemented policies like the Solid

Waste Management Act of 2000, requiring local governments to establish

recycling programs. Additionally, the Department of Environment and Natural

Resources (DENR) offers programs like the Green Business Program,

incentivizing sustainable practices, and the National Material Recovery

Facility (MRF) Program, funding the construction of MRFs.


The reverse vending machine, a transformative force in recycling,

offers diverse rewards beyond monetary incentives, aligning with marketing

demands and institutional goals (Castillo et al., 2014). Patented inventions,

like Morishita and Chung's (2011) Reverse Vending Machine with patent

number US2012173014A1, introduce coupon printers to enhance user

engagement, providing immediate rewards for recycling, contributing to

environmental goals. Similarly, David and Eran's (2014) technology for

monetizing recyclable plastics with patent number US2013024252A1,

introduces a point-based system, offering users credits redeemable for

goods, services, or cash. Azeez et al. (2020) propose a Reverse Vending

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 28

Machine for Plastic Bottle Recycling, using credit points for online shopping


Siddanth et al. (2023) present a Plastic Eco-Redeemer Vending

Machine, offering rewards like cash, vouchers, or loyalty points for recycling

beverage containers. Nordbhyn's (2011) invention with patent number

CN102084401A focuses on biometric recognition in reverse vending

machines, ensuring reliability and user-friendliness, with cash, value deposit,

or bonus lottery tickets as payment methods. Concurrently, vending

machines' role in dispensing rewards, such as rollers, RFID cards, and

conveying mechanisms, is explored by researchers, offering varied solutions

for different products.

Studies like Kamalanathan.P et al.'s (2015) Automatic Paper Vending

Machine and Sarfraz Nawaz et al.'s (2021) A4 Sheet Vending Machine

highlight the use of rollers for paper delivery, optimizing efficiency. Jiang Lei's

(2021) Double-spiral-body delivery device with patent number

CN214475285U and Li Guoyin's (2017) Pencil vending machine with patent

number CN206301427U explore conveying mechanisms for dispensing

stationary items, while Congying Chen et al.'s (2019) Intelligent Vending

Machine with patent number CN210199883U introduces a lifting mechanism

to reduce product damage risks. Meanwhile, Swamidurai's (2023) invention

on blockchain-based reward point transfers presents a novel method for

transferring loyalty points between programs. The transferred points can later

be returned from the second program back to the first one. The blockchain
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 29

node also creates a response message about the transfer, saying if it's done,

failed, or still in progress.

In this study, the RVM’s reward system is a credit point system that

can provide users with flexibility and choice in redeeming school supply

rewards. They can accumulate points over time and choose a reward that

aligns with their preferences or needs. In addition, by not requiring a

significant volume of recyclables for each transaction, the credit point system

encourages users to develop regular recycling habits. SWIFTSWAP provides

an array of school supplies as rewards, including ballpoint pens, bond paper,

correction tape, notebooks (fillers), pencils, highlighters, notepads, erasers,

and paper clips. The dispensing mechanism for paper-type rewards involves

a roller, a dingdong mechanical bell for pens and pencils, and a spring for

other unspecified rewards.

Web Application

Various registry mechanisms are employed in reverse vending

machines, with the invention of Nordbhyn (2011) with patent number

CN102084401A, it proposes a biometric identification, utilizing fingerprints,

facial features, and iris characteristics to ensure accurate user identification.

The work of Morishita and Chung (2011) with patent number

US2012173014A1 and Tomari et al. (2016) opt for ID card systems, requiring

users to register personal information before receiving their cards. David and

Eran (2011) with patent number US2013024252A1 use cards but incorporate

an application for registry, while Mariya et al. (2020) implement a similar

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 30

approach with a downloadable application. In contrast, Zia et al. (2022) utilize

a keypad interface for users to input personal information directly on the

machine, enhancing user convenience.

Effective bin fill level monitoring in reverse vending machines is vital,

providing notifications to administrators or users about PET bottle storage

status. In the invention of Morishita and Chung (2012) with patent number

US2012173014A1, they designed a machine with an LCD display indicating

full, nearly full, or not full statuses. Mariya et al. (2020) utilized an IR sensor

and an app for admin alerts, while Zia et al. (2022) sent notifications when the

collector detected a full bin, enhancing bin monitoring without the need for an


Various studies contribute valuable insights into the development and

functionality of reverse vending machines, shedding light on the crucial role

of user applications. Zia et al. (2022) underscore the significance of user

applications by providing a detailed account of their development on Edge

Computing Devices (ECD). This approach not only facilitates user interaction

but also ensures real-time data display and seamless integration with

sensors, reflecting a holistic strategy for user engagement and machine

efficiency. Furthermore, Mohd Adzaharee, M. (2021), and Babu, J. (2019)

expand the discourse by emphasizing the pivotal role of specific software and

platforms, such as Arduino IDE, Blynk IoT, and VLSI technology. These

technologies are instrumental in enabling the smooth functionality and

operational efficiency of reverse vending machines, showcasing the

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 31

technological advancements that underpin these systems. In a practical

application, Zeid et al. (2012) provide a concrete example of a dedicated

mobile application that allows contributors to track their recycling efforts and

impact. This initiative connects individual actions to quantifiable sustainable

outcomes, creating a tailored mobile experience that not only incentivizes but

also rewards recycling efforts. Shifting the focus, Roy, A. (n.d) employs a

user-friendly interface for vending machine interaction, utilizing a flowchart-

based approach that guides users through transactions. This user-centric

design enhances the overall user experience, ensuring seamless interactions

with the vending machine and exemplifying a thoughtful approach to design

and functionality.

SWIFTSWAP employs a dual approach for its registry mechanism,

allowing users to register either through the web application in the mobile

device or the web-based application integrated into the machine. Upon

registration, users receive a unique QR Code, functioning as their user ID for

accessing the reverse vending machine. The web application serves as a

comprehensive platform where users can manage their credit points, redeem

rewards, and access a transaction history to monitor their recycling

engagement. Additionally, the application features a user-friendly menu

displaying rewards and their respective points required for redemption.

Notably, it incorporates a bin level notification system, informing users about

the machine's remaining bottle capacity and alerting administrators to unload

the bins when necessary.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 32

Laws and Policies

In 1975, President Ferdinand Marcos enacted Presidential Decree

No. 825, aiming to instill cleanliness and order in the Philippines as part of the

New Society's reforms. Issued on November 7, 1975, the decree mandated

residents, institutions, and businesses to maintain cleanliness, dispose of

garbage properly, and prevent breeding pests on vacant lands in Greater

Manila. Offenders faced jail or penalties for littering in public places, and

businesses risked maximum punishment. Neglecting to clean idle lots

empowered the government to intervene. The execution of the decree fell

under the purview of the Secretary of Public Works, Transportation, and

Communications (Official Gazette, n.d).

Republic Act No. 9003, also known as the Ecological Solid Waste

Management Act of 2000, represents a comprehensive environmental policy

in the Philippines, addressing waste management challenges. Enacted to

promote sustainable practices, the law emphasizes waste reduction, effective

segregation, recycling, and the establishment of ecologically sound disposal

facilities. RA 9003 mandates local governments, corporations, and individuals

to participate in trash segregation and recycling programs, prioritizing

community-based initiatives like Materials Recovery Facilities (MRFs). This

legislation plays a crucial role in environmental preservation, highlighting the

collective effort required to attain a cleaner and healthier Philippines

(Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 2000).

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 33

In 1993, President Fidel V. Ramos issued Administrative Order No.

90, establishing a Project Management Office on Solid Waste Management

within the Presidential Task Force on Waste Management. Responding to the

escalating waste crisis in Metropolitan Manila and other local government

entities, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources was

designated as the principal executing agency. The Project Management

Office's responsibilities included creating a national systems framework for

solid waste management, defining criteria for local waste management plans,

and overseeing the efficient implementation of the Solid Waste Management

Framework. It also managed technical support, database administration,

public awareness campaigns, and community relations activities related to

waste management facilities. Operating under the Presidential Task Force on

Waste Management until the establishment of the Waste Management

Authority, the Project Management Office evaluated proposals, monitored

compliance with environmental regulations, and ensured the financial viability

of disposal facilities. The Administrative Order took effect immediately upon

its issuance on October 19, 1993 (Official Gazette, n.d).

ISO Evaluation

A quality management system serves as a tool for overseeing and

regulating a company's operations concerning the fulfillment of client

requirements, encompassing the organizational structure, design, processes,

resources, and documentation. (Borg, 2021). According to Bielarczyk (2022),

the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has developed

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 34

various models for determining and measuring efficiency in software

development, but these standardized models focus on different aspects and

do not support all aspects of efficiency.

As mentioned by Hargittay (n.d.), ISO 9001 is the most widely used

quality management systems standard in the world, with over 1.1 million

certificates issued to organizations in 178 countries. The author additionally

stated the fact that 85% of certified organizations report benefits including

improved company perception, higher demand for products and services, and

increased market share. The ISO 9001 standards offer comprehensive

guidelines applicable to organizations of all types, sizes, and product ranges,

facilitating the consistent delivery of products that align with customer,

statutory, and regulatory requirements. Emphasizing continuous

improvement, adherence to these standards is anticipated to elevate

companies' productivity, efficiency, product quality, customer satisfaction,

and, consequently, their overall financial performance (Corbett and Kirsch,

2005; Heras et al., 2002; Terlaak and King, 2006 as cited in Manders, 2015).

On the other hand, ISO 25010 is defined as the product quality model

that encompasses eight characteristics, further divided into sub

characteristics, addressing both the static properties of software and the

dynamic properties of computer systems. This model is applicable to a broad

scope, including computer systems and software products. (ISO/IEC

25010:2011, n.d.) Moreover, in the article of Rebes (2019), he outlines

essential features and aspects of the application before the release. Key ISO
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 35

terms, like Functional Suitability, assess alignment with specifications;

Performance Efficiency ensures optimal resource use; Compatibility checks

cross-platform functionality; Usability focuses on user interactions; Reliability

covers stability, availability, fault tolerance, and recoverability; Security

emphasizes data protection and GDPR compliance; Maintainability considers

future changes; and Portability examines usability across environments.

These criteria aid comprehensive app development, covering functionality,

efficiency, user experience, reliability, security, future modifications, and


Conceptual Framework

This section explored the theoretical foundation that supported the

operation and layout of reverse vending machines (RVMs). By investigating

the theoretical foundations and basic principles controlling RVMs, the

researchers aimed to provide a complete knowledge of the aspects impacting

their success in encouraging recycling and sustainable waste management.

The Swiftswap reverse vending machine was discussed and the

process used in the study considering its functionality, sustainability, accuracy

and precision focusing on both software and hardware components serving

as one of the backbone of this research.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 36

Figure 3. Conceptual Framework of AI Based Reverse Vending Machine

The Input-Process-Output (IPO) model is a visual tool used to describe

a workflow, the flow of information, or activities within a system. A thorough

input mechanism was used to assess the efficiency of the reverse vending

machine incentive program at Rizal Technological University (RTU) Boni

Campus. Four hundred forty nine (449) respondents took part in a pre-survey

including qualitative questions designed to assess the frequency of machine

usage, user satisfaction, and obtain comprehensive insights. The number of

specified participants guaranteed a large and representative sample for

analysis, hence increased credibility of the findings. The popular usage habits

among students, instructors, and staff influenced the selection of rewards

such as pencils, ballpens, sticky notes, notebooks (fillers), colored paper,

correction tape, highlighters, paper clips, index cards, and bond paper. The

selection of rewards was based on observed user patterns, with the goal of
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 37

increasing user satisfaction and engagement. This conceptual approach tried

to develop a rewards system that resonated with the everyday academic and

administrative requirements by aligning the incentive packages with products

that cater to the different demands of the university community.

The input began when hardware and software components worked

together to form an advanced recycling mechanism within the reverse

vending machine. The Raspberry Pi served as the primary intellect, managing

the entire operation. A camera was employed for object detection in artificial

intelligence to precisely identify PET bottles, aluminum cans, and paper. A

compactor for space optimization and a sorting device were among the

hardware components. A dispensing mechanism with an LCD display on the

user interface provides rapid feedback and rewards post-recycling. The

software program merged these components flawlessly, regulating

information flow and providing a user-friendly experience. Proficiency in

Python, TensorFlow, JavaScript, and Firebase was essential. These

hardware and software requirements were integral to the overarching

conceptual framework, ensuring that the design and functionality of the

reverse vending machine aligned with the identified user needs while

necessitating specific skills for effective implementation and operation.

The process began with requirements collection in the Agile Software

Development Life Cycle (Agile SDLC) suited for a reverse vending machine,

where the specific needs for recyclable material recognition, user interface,

and hardware integration were defined. Ideation and stakeholder input were
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 38

used to shape the machine's vision during the concept and conception

phases. The iteration or construction phase was concerned with incremental

prototyping, which allowed for continual refinement based on user feedback.

Extensive testing guaranteed that components such as the identification

system and the sorting process worked properly. Following successful testing,

the machine was deployed for real-world use during the release phase. The

final level of review and assessment gathered insights from real usage,

leading improvements and shaping future revisions.

The output indicated Reverse vending machines with a credit point

system provided an innovative technique to incentivizing recycling by allowing

consumers to convert plastic bottles into valuable resources such as school

supplies. Users deposited plastic bottles into the machine, which were

detected and validated by complex hardware and software components of

this system. Users were rewarded with credits, which can be accumulated

and then exchanged for various school items. This effort not only promoted

environmentally responsible behavior, but it also had a real and good impact

on education, effectively transforming recycling into a way of assisting schools

and students. The addition of a credit point system made the reverse vending

machine into a dual-purpose instrument that addressed both environmental

and educational concerns.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 39

Object Detection Flowchart

Figure 4. Object Detection Flowchart

The object detection flowchart began with the input of an image

captured through a camera. The image then underwent image processing to

enhance features and prepare it for analysis. Key points within the image were

detected, and their descriptions were compared to a pre-existing database. If

a new region of interest was identified, it was added to the database. If not,

the key points were matched against the database entries, and the system

produced an output based on the match results. This flowchart outlines a

process that combines image processing, key point detection, description

comparison, and database management to effectively identify and recognize

objects within the input image, adapting and updating the database as


Table 1. Benchmarking Table

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 40

Reverse IoT-Based Reverse Plastic waste Reverse

SWIFTSWAP vending Reverse Poverty: An Management Vending
machine Vending Automated through the Machines
Machine Recycling Development For Plastic
(RVM) for Reverse of Low-cost Bottle
Recycle Vending and Recycling
Station Machine lightweight

Design of Cylindrical Two storage Three Built-in Storage Bin Plastic Bins Storage Box
Garbage Plastic Bin Bin Bins

Input Materials Plastic Bottle, Plastic and Aluminum Plastic bottle, Plastic Bottles Cans,
Paper, Tin Metal cans, Plastics Aluminum Plastic
cans bottle, Glass cans Bottle

Sorting AI and Load cell Inductive, Barcode Capacitive

Mechanism Sensors Sensor Capacitive, Scanner camera, ECD

Using a Automatic Automatic

Compactor to Compactor Compaction
Compress the
pet bottle

Bin Level SMS Warning Mobile app Notification Notification

Monitoring notification message Notification Message Message

Identification of QR code ID card Access Cards Contact Account in

who to Reward details of Mobile App

Registry Web App ID card Mobile Input contact Mobile App

Mechanism registration Application details

Reward Accumulation Credit/coupon Currency Food Credit Credit

System of points,

Power Source Electrical VDC DC Electrical


Dispensing Roller, Paper roller Dispensing

Mechanism of Stopping Mechanism
rewards Mechanism


Table 1 focused on different features of the Reverse Vending Machine

compared to similar patented products. The Reverse Vending Machine,

accepts plastic bottles similar to SWIFTSWAP, it also has a compactor sorting

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 41

mechanism, and uses sensors. However, their invention failed to provide a

sensor for detecting metal materials, which was also part of their input. It only

used a load sensor, which is a sensor for detecting the weight of PET bottles.

Although it is possible to detect PET bottles using a load sensor, accuracy

was not guaranteed in using this sensor.

On the other hand, SWIFTSWAP utilized the help of Artificial

Intelligence (AI), cameras, and load sensors to accurately and precisely know

if the input was a PET bottle. They also used ID cards for registering and

identifying users, which was quite inconvenient, unlike in the SWIFTSWAP,

where users only need their phone to save a unique QR code and have it

scanned in the QR scanner integrated to the machine. Another feature that a

study has was the SMS notification for bin-level monitoring. However, the

notification only sends an SMS when the bin level approaches the warning

level. In the invention, SWIFTSWAP sent an SMS notification to the

administrator which indicated the status of the bin and the approximate

number of PET. SWIFTSWAP also features accumulation of points that later

can be converted to useful materials such as school supplies.

In the second document, which was the Systems and Methods for

monetizing recyclable plastics, the main advantage of SWIFTSWAP with their

invention was that although the study used a mobile application in their

method for identifying the user, end users still used a card for the machine to

recognize the user unlike in SWIFTSWAP, as long as users present their

unique QR code, the machine can automatically recognize the user. The
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 42

former study also used sensors. However, the former proponents only used

weight and size sensors, which was inaccurate, utilizing only one type of

sensor, unlike if the system was aided with AI, a camera, and a weight sensor.

IoT-Based Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) for Recycle Station, also

featured an application, capable of sending notifications if the bins were full,

as well as featuring a Capacitive Proximity Sensor to detect plastic and glass

bottles, and Inductive Proximity Sensor to detect aluminum cans. A load cell

sensor that detects the weight of the bin, and a weight sensor to measure and

tally the weight of the material deposited. While similar, SWIFTSWAP’s AI

aided sorting system proved to be more adaptable, and flexible as the

machine can be updated to recognize more materials should the researchers

decide to do so. SWIFTSWAP also offered a better reward system, and

featured a cumulative pointing system that utilized QR codes to recognize the


Reverse poverty: an automated recycling reverse vending machine, a

promising recent study, featured a reward system that was focused on helping

the unfortunate, and kept track of the contributions of its members, while it

utilized a barcode scanner to determine what material was input. Although

promising, it lacked the compactor to make the storage more efficient, as

opposed to SWIFTSWAP which not only featured a compactor, but also a

more accurate and precise AI-aided sorting system.

Plastic Waste Management through the Development of a low-cost

and lightweight Deep Learning-based Reverse Vending Machine, on the other

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 43

hand, suggested a similar function with a capacitive sensor, ECD sensor, and

camera, with the help of Artificial Intelligence and deep learning for their

sorting mechanism, comparable to SWIFTSWAP’s AI-aided camera and load

sensors. The design proposed an inefficient alternative as opposed to

SWIFTSWAP’s system due to the sorting system lacking a compressor, and

with bulky PET bottles, this opens up a set of problems that could have been

easily avoided. SWIFTSWAP’s system proved more efficient in storage as the

compressor gave room for more bottles. D4 also featured an ID system reliant

on contact details, making the system outdated today, lacking both the

compactor and the reward system that SWIFTSWAP has, making the storage

impractical and the device less rewarding.

The last document, Reverse Vending Machine For Plastic Bottle

Recycling, accepted cans and bottles and offered a mobile application to keep

track of credits. While the design offered a wider input, the machine also

performed less in other regards. SWIFTSWAP used a linear-actuator type

compactor for more efficient storage of PET bottles and a sorting mechanism

aided by AI to separate PET bottles, paper and aluminum cans.

While similar to D5, SWIFTSWAP offered a simpler identification for

the user with the help of a QR Code, as opposed to D5’s mobile application,

as well as a lesser reward system using a credit system.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 44



In this chapter, the researchers arrayed an outline of research methods

to simplify the workflow and effectively manage the priorities. This included

the research method, project design, requirement analysis, system design,

development and implementation, testing, deployment, maintenance, and

evaluation, along with the research instruments and procedures used in

SWIFTSWAP: A Development of an AI-Based Reverse Vending Machine

with Credit Point System to Convert Specified Recyclables into School


Research Method

The researchers employed descriptive and developmental design of

quantitative research to the proposed project, SWIFTSWAP: A Development

of AI Based Reverse Vending Machine with Credit Point System to Convert

Recyclable Waste to School Supplies. According to Richey (nd),

developmental research is the systematic study of designing, developing, and

evaluating instructional programs, processes, and products that must meet

criteria of internal consistency and effectiveness. To gather baseline data, a

pre-survey was conducted, focusing on participants' awareness, incentives to

be dispensed, and perceptions of reverse vending machines before the

introduction of SWIFTSWAP. This initial survey served as a crucial element

of the descriptive research method, providing insights into existing attitudes

and practices related to plastic waste disposal and to the reverse vending
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 45

machine. Following the implementation of SWIFTSWAP, an expert was

consulted and a post-survey was administered to evaluate the user

acceptance on the machine. Concurrently, the developmental aspect involves

a hands-on engagement with additional respondents who interacted with the

SWIFTSWAP machine. This experiential approach aimed to assess the

system's quality and convenience, providing valuable insights into its practical


As cited in the study of Linkevičs, G. (2014), clients would like to have

feedback quicker than it was possible in traditional development. Hence, an

iterative Agile approach was implemented, enabling faster feedback and

facilitating cost-effective adjustments as needed. It contrasts with traditional,

linear SDLC models by emphasizing adaptability to changing requirements

and delivering smaller, functional increments of software throughout the

development process.

Therefore, the study necessitated the adoption of an Agile Software

Development Life Cycle to smoothly progress through key phases such as

requirement gathering and analysis, designing the requirements,

construction/iteration, deployment, testing, and integrating feedback. This

approach ensured the quality, adaptability, and responsiveness of the

SWIFTSWAP prototype.
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 46

Figure 5. Agile SDLC Process Flow

In Figure 3, the illustration described the Agile Software Development

Life Cycle (SDLC), which outlined the key steps in the development of

SWIFTSWAP. Beginning with requirements gathering and analysis, the

process defined project needs and checked technical and economic

feasibility. Moving to the design phase, researchers worked together and

employed various tools in the creation of the 3D model to accurately represent

the machine’s overall design.

Following that, the development phase involved designers and

developers and released a functional product within the estimated timeframe.

The process began with the collection of a diverse dataset consisting of pet

bottles, tin cans, and paper, which served as the foundation for training the AI
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 47

model used for object detection. Simultaneously, the hardware development

team focused on the design and fabricated various components of the

vending machine, which included the front face, base, sorting mechanism,

and dispensing system. Concurrently, the software development team worked

on creating the necessary software infrastructure, such as the web application

frontend and backend, developmental board raspberry pi 4, and additional

software components for hardware functionality.

After completing the development phase, SWIFTSWAP progressed to

the deployment stage, where it was introduced to the user's environment. This

involved the installation of the vending machine in the designated location,

which facilitated easy access and interaction for users.

Concurrently, the testing phase commenced, during which technical

experts carefully assessed SWIFTSWAP's performance. This evaluation

encompassed the functionality, reliability, and user experience, with any

identified issues or bugs promptly addressed.

Upon successful completion of the deployment and testing phases,

SWIFTSWAP progressed to the feedback stage, which marked the

conclusion of the Agile Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). During this

phase, feedback was systematically gathered from users, stakeholders, and

technical experts. This feedback was carefully analyzed to inform ongoing

improvement efforts aimed at enhancing SWIFTSWAP's functionality,

usability, and overall effectiveness in promoting recycling and sustainability.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 48

Description of Respondents

Students, faculty, and staff from Rizal Technological University (RTU)

Boni Campus took part in this study. The researchers conducted a survey

among 450 university respondents who were considered as appropriate and

applicable to the study. The respondents in the pre survey were composed of

first year to fourth year undergraduate students, faculty, as well as staff in

Rizal Technological University, Boni campus. The respondents were chosen

since the reverse vending machine was deployed in the Rizal Technological

University Boni Campus and the respondents were composed of users when

the machine was implemented.

Stratified sampling was used in the study and the population was divided

into strata. The random selection served to ensure that the sample was

representative of the RTU Boni Campus student, faculty, and staff

population.The researchers employed a Stratified Sampling Technique to

divide a huge group into smaller, more consistent subgroups in order to get a

representative sample from the total population. This enabled a more

accurate and fair representation of the finished population, resulting in more

valuable conclusions with less margin for mistakes.

Population of the Study

The respondents of the study were composed of people in the

community of Rizal Technological University (RTU) Boni Campus. The

selection of this particular community ensured a focused investigation of the

machine's impact inside an academic setting, providing findings that were

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 49

immediately relevant to the creation of the reverse vending machine. The use

of stratified sampling was a deliberate strategy for increasing the study's

credibility because it gave every member of the RTU Boni Campus

community an equal chance of participating. This reduced selection bias and

enabled for a more accurate portrayal of the university's different opinions.

The selected participants, comprising a total of four hundred fifty (450)

individuals, were carefully chosen for the study based on Slovin’s formula.

The respondents were composed of one hundred twenty eight (128) first year

college students, ninety (90) second year students, eighty seven (87) third

year students, eighty two (82) fourth year students, thirty seven (37) faculty,

and twenty six (26) staff. The inclusion of individuals from different roles within

the institution, including students from diverse courses and academic levels,

along with faculty and staff members, enhanced the study by capturing a wide

range of perspectives.

Furthermore, after the initial data collection, a post survey was

conducted to identify the user acceptance to the reverse vending machine

and its system, which fostered a more comprehensive understanding of the

reverse vending machine's impact within the RTU Boni Campus community.

The post survey was composed of 60 respondents, 10 respondents from six

different strata.

Research Instrument

The study used a wide range of research instruments to successfully

develop an AI-based Reverse Vending Machine using object detection. These

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 50

instruments included the questionnaires, population of the study, and data

gathering procedure.

The data gathering questionnaire was one of the major instruments that

the researchers used to gather data from the respondents. The researchers

made pre-survey questionnaires intended for the students and faculty

members of RTU and other possible users of the reverse vending machine.

The data gathering has the following components

Part 1: Demographic Profile of the respondents. This section of the

questionnaire was focused on gathering the demographic characteristics of

the respondents that were important for the study, such as their school


year level, whether they were a student or a faculty member of the school,

and also their student/employee number for verification purposes.

Part 2: Level of Awareness in Reverse Vending Machines. In this

section, the researchers’ main objective was to know the respondents’

familiarity with reverse vending machines. Questions regarding the concept,

products or materials, inputs, reward systems, and concept of recycling and

proper waste disposal. Obtaining this information helped the researchers to

create a convenient, functional, quality, and easy to use vending machine.

Part 3: Items Commonly Consumed by Students, Faculty and

Employees. In this section, the questions were mainly focused on what type

of beverages that the respondents consumed on a daily basis. Characteristics

of the beverages such as their types, sizes, and volume helped the
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 51

researchers to provide a wide variety of possible inputs for the reverse

vending machine.

Part 4: Possible Rewards. In this section, the researchers created

questions that were mainly focused on the possible outputs of the reverse

vending machine. Gathering the necessary data that helped the researchers

to decide on what type of reward system the machine will have and the

possible school supplies that the machine will dispense based on the

respondents’ answers.

Table 2. 5-point Likert’s Scale for User Acceptance Testing

Point Score Range Descriptive Rating

5 4.21 - 5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.41 - 4.20 Agree

3 2.61 - 3.40 Neutral

2 1.81 - 2.60 Disagree

1 1.00 - 1.80 Strongly Disagree

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 52

An evaluation checklist was used by the experts in the field to evaluate

the Security, Usability, Functional Suitability, Performance Efficiency, and

Maintainability of the system. To evaluate the system’s performance and

management in alignment with end-user requirements, a post-survey,

specifically the User Acceptance Test (UAT), was conducted. This

assessment aimed to gather feedback from end users regarding their

experience with the system’s performance and management. The following

research instruments mentioned were validated through the use of ISO

25010, Systems and Software Engineering.


In order to assess the viability and potential success of the proposed

project, a set of criteria can be developed based on the project. These criteria

centered around the level of familiarity and understanding demonstrated by

respondents regarding various aspects of the Reverse Vending Machine

concept and its associated components. It was important to note that the

questions in the questionnaire have been reviewed and verified by an expert.

Researchers not only conducted a pre-evaluation survey but also a

post-evaluation survey to comprehensively gauge the viability of the proposed

project. Firstly, respondents' comprehension of the Reverse Vending Machine

concept itself was integral to evaluating the project's feasibility. A

comprehensive understanding of the benefits and challenges posed by this

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 53

recycling technology was indicative of its potential for successful


Secondly, respondents' knowledge of the specific products or

materials that can serve as inputs for the Reverse Vending Machine played a

significant role in determining its practicality. By gauging the familiarity with

acceptable inputs, an assessment was made regarding the project's ability to

handle and process a wide range of recyclable items. Similarly, respondents'

familiarity with the products or materials that can be employed as rewards

within the Reverse Vending Machine system held significance. This

understanding aided in the design of an incentivization mechanism that

effectively encouraged recycling behavior.

Furthermore, respondents' awareness of the reward system utilized by

the Reverse Vending Machine was a key criterion in evaluating its overall

efficacy. By gaining insights into the respondents' comprehension of the

specific mechanisms through which rewards are provided, an assessment

was made regarding the system's appeal and potential for encouraging

sustained participation.

Lastly, respondents' familiarity with the broader concepts of recycling

and proper waste disposal was of utmost importance. This criterion reflected

the overall awareness and understanding of the environmental implications

associated with recycling practices. By assessing respondents'

comprehension of recycling principles and waste management protocols, the

project's alignment with sustainability objectives was determined. Through a

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 54

thorough analysis of responses to these questions, the project was evaluated

based on the respondents' familiarity and understanding of the Reverse

Vending Machine concept, knowledge of acceptable inputs and rewards,

awareness of the reward system, and general comprehension of recycling

and waste disposal practices. The pre survey, post survey, along with an

accompanying evaluation checklist, played a vital role in ensuring that the

system aligns with recognized standards of quality. The survey and checklist

were designed aligned with the quality characteristics outlined in ISO 25010.

The pre survey and post survey used criteria aligned with ISO 25010,

including the usability, efficiency, satisfaction, and other aspects that

contribute to the overall quality of the system. Simultaneously, the checklist

came from the standard of ISO 25010 such as the Security, Usability,

Functional Suitability, Performance Efficiency, and Maintainability of the


Data Gathering Methods and Procedures

To take all the necessary data and interpretation that will be needed

for this study, the following were taken:

The questionnaire that research experts have validated was distributed

to the respondents. After obtaining the approval, the researchers

administered the survey to the Students of RTU, professors, and staff. The

survey had a cover letter explaining the purpose of the research, informed

consent, and instructions on responding. The questions were sent on different

platforms, such as a Facebook page and Messenger. Questions were asked

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 55

about awareness of reverse vending machines, most pet bottles consumed

and size, and possible rewards. The researcher assured the respondents that

the data gathered would be handled with confidentiality.

The study involved Rizal Technological University-Boni Campus

participants, which included students and faculty members. The researchers

employed stratified sampling, utilizing Slovin's Formula to determine the

sample size. The selected participants comprised a total of four hundred fifty

(450) individuals. Slovin's formula was applied, expressed as (Number of

respondents per year level / total population) * sample size. This formula was

beneficial because researchers need more information about the population's

characteristics. As indicated in their calculations, the researchers gathered a

total of 450 participants.

Statistical Tools

The researchers evaluated the outcomes of the acquired data using

various statistical tools. Slovin's Formula, proportionate stratified random

sampling, weighted mean, and percentage were among the statistical tools


1. Slovin’s Formula- When it is not possible to research a whole

population but the population is known, a smaller sample is taken using a

random sampling procedure.Slovin’s formula allows a researcher to sample

the population with a desired degree of accuracy (Stephanie, 2013). The

sample size was calculated using Slovin's formula.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 56

Equation 1. Slovin’s Formula


n= Sample size (Minimum number of samples)

N= Total number of sample population

e= Margin of error

2. Proportionate stratified random sampling - The researcher

used proportionate stratified random sampling for it involves taking random

samples from stratified groups, in proportion to the population (Adam Hayes,


Equation 2. Proportionate stratified random sampling


nh= Sample size using proportionate stratified random sampling

Nh= Total stratum population

N= Total population

n= Sample size (Calculation results using Slovin’s Formula)

3. Percentage- According to Lavrakas (2008), a percentage

frequency distribution is a display of data that specifies the percentage of

observations that exist for each data point or grouping of data points. It is a

particularly useful method of expressing the relative frequency of survey

responses and other data.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 57

Equation 3. Percentage


P= Percentage (%)

F= Frequency

N= Total number of respondents

4. Weighted Mean- The formula was applied to each question to

evaluate the purpose and findings based on the values obtained from the 5-

point Likert scale. The weights (w) represent the frequency of replies to each

question, while the values (x) come from the 5-point Likert scale. The

Weighted Mean was calculated by taking the product of weights (w) and

values (x) and dividing the result by the total weights (w).

Equation 4. Weighted Mean


𝑥𝑤= Weighted mean

𝛴𝑤𝑥= Summation of the product of Weights and Value

𝛴𝑤= Summation of Weights

Project Design

Researcher ideas and external expert inputs served as the foundation

for SwiftSwap's project design. Utilizing the AutoCAD software program, a

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 58

depiction of the SwiftSwap Reverse Vending Machine was created. Before

the development phase began, the project design gave an idea of how the

machine appeared and functioned. It also simplified the process of identifying

issues during the design phase, which decreased the likelihood of delays in

the future. Additionally, the illustrations accurately provided the placement of

each machine's electronic components, ensuring proper integration

throughout the development process.

Figure 6. Front Interface of SwiftSwap Reverse Vending Machine

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 59

Figure 7. Mechanical Components of SwiftSwap Reverse Vending Machine

Figure 8. Internal Electronic Components of SwiftSwap

Figures 5, 6, and 7 presented the design of the SwiftSwap Reverse

Vending Machine prototype. These visuals provided a comprehensive

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 60

overview of the system's electronic and mechanical components. The

prototype has four key mechanical hardware components: an input receptacle

box, a compactor, a rotating bin, and a reward dispenser. The main circuit,

located above the reward dispenser storage unit, acted as the primary

connecting point for all hardware pieces, including two Raspberry Pi 4 units,

an Arduino Mega, and an Arduino Uno. Power distribution was controlled by

12 and 5 volt power supplies, which ensured that each electrical component

received the correct voltage. This power regulation approach improved the

prototype's overall performance and dependability.

Software Requirements

The prototype used the following software components in order for it to

function accurately with its initial operations, therefore, it used the different

software IDEs as well as database management systems for its initial

operations to develop the web application, it included the following:

● ReactJS - ReactJS is a free library used to build user interfaces,

especially for single-page applications. It allows developers to create

large web applications that can display and update data without needing

to reload the entire page. ReactJS is efficient because it uses a smart

algorithm to only update the parts of the webpage that have changed,

while leaving everything else untouched. by using reusable components,

developers can easily build and organize their application. ReactJS

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 61

simplifies UI design and reduces the workload for programmers, allowing

them to focus on more important tasks. (Rawat & Mahajan, 2020).

● Python - Python is a versatile programming language gaining traction in

research due to its simplicity, readability, and adaptability across various

applications. As an interpreted, high-level language, Python offers

dynamic typing and garbage collection features. It's often referred to as

"batteries included," providing a comprehensive standard library with

modules for a wide range of tasks. (Rayhan & Gross, 2023)

● Arduino IDE - The Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

is an open-source software primarily utilized for writing and compiling

code for Arduino modules. As the official Arduino software, it simplifies

the code compilation process, making it accessible even to beginners

without prior technical knowledge. Compatible with operating systems

like MAC, Windows, and Linux, the IDE runs on the Java Platform,

offering built-in functions and commands crucial for debugging, editing,

and compiling code. Various Arduino modules, such as Arduino Uno,

Mega, Leonardo, and Micro, are supported, each containing a

microcontroller programmed to accept code input. (Fezari & Al Dahoud,


● Google Firebase - Firebase is an advanced technology designed to

efficiently handle vast amounts of random data, offering rapid

performance compared to traditional relational database management

systems (RDBMS). The Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-based

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 62

NoSQL platform that enables the storage and synchronization of data

among users in real-time. Data synchronization occurs instantly across

all clients, ensuring accessibility even when the application is offline.

(Chougale,, 2022)

● Google Colab - Google Colaboratory, often known as "Google Colab"

or simply "Colab," is a research initiative aimed at prototyping machine

learning models using high-performance hardware like GPUs and TPUs.

It offers a serverless Jupyter notebook environment for interactive

development, allowing users to work collaboratively and experiment with

machine learning algorithms. Similar to other G Suite products, Google

Colab is freely accessible for use. (Bisong, 2019)

Hardware Components

The proponents obtained the necessary requirements for the study:

SWIFTSWAP: A development of an AI-based reverse vending machine with

credit point system to convert specified recyclables into school supplies, which

included the hardware requirements of the machine to be done.

Table 3. Input Receptacle Components

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 63

Item Name Descriptions Image Quantity Amount Price

Plywood Serves as the 8 pcs 770 6,170

body of the Input ½ inch
where the (9ft.x4ft)
materials are
inserted and
object detection

Linear Heavy-duty 1 2,500 2,500

Actuator device for
compacting the

LED Strip Flexible strip 1 150 150

with waterproof
coating for
adjustable lights
inside the

Web High-definition 3 900 2,700

Camera camera for real-
time object
and monitoring.

Angle Bar Serves as the 2 470 940

frame of AI box
and Compactor.

Table 4. Rewards
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 64

Item Name Descriptions Image Quantity Amount Price

Bond High-quality paper 100 pcs 3.6 360

Paper for printing and
writing purposes.

Ballpen Writing 100 pcs 2 200

instruments with
ink for note-taking
and writing tasks.

Correction Correction tool for 100 pcs 9 900

Tape neatly covering
mistakes on paper.

Filler Loose sheets of 100 pcs 4.58 458

paper used for
filling notebooks or

Sticky Sticky Notes are 5 pcs 10 50

Notes paperlike that lets
users take notes.

Pencil Writing instrument 50 pcs 8.24 412

for drawing and
writing, with eraser
for corrections.

Table 5. AI components
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 65

Item Name Description Image Quantity Amount Price


Raspberry A micro- 3 7,000 21,000

Pi computer
used as the
platform for
hosting the

Sandisk SD Storage 1TB 4,999 4,999

Card device used
to store the
system and
data for the
Pi, ensuring
and data

HDMI to This adapter 1 35 35

VGA facilitates
devices with
interfaces by
signals to
VGA format.

Table 6. Sensors and other peripherals

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 66

Item Name Descriptions Image Quantity Amount Price

Ultrasonic Sensor used to 6 150 900

Sensor measure
distance for
accurate fill
level detection.

Arduino Central 1 1000 1000

Mega processing unit
for data

Arduino Uno Central 2 500 1,000

processing unit
for controlling
the bin

GSM Module Module 1 900 900

900 responsible in
message to
the admin
when the bin is
already full

DC Motor Actuator 9 150 and 3,000

responsible for 1,800
the mechanism
of the trap door
and dispensing

Table 7. Vending Machine Components

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 67

Item Name Descriptions Image Quantity Amount Price

4x8 Acrylic A transparent, 1 2,500 2,500

Glass durable sheet
measuring 4
feet by 8 feet,
for displays
and protective

Vending Mechanism 6 995 5,910

Machine used to
Spring facilitate the
dispensing of
items from the

Touchscree Interactive 1 4,290 4,290

n Display interface for
user interaction
and selection
of vending

DC Power Energizing the 1 2,500 2,500

Supply electronic
necessary for
the operation of
the reverse
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 68

Item Name Descriptions Image Quantity Amount Price

Exhaust fan Removes air and 2 500 1,000

fumes, ensuring
proper ventilation
and maintaining a
safe operating
within the

12V Power This was used to 2 250 500

Supply power the motor
drivers for
trapdoor and bin.

Extension This was used to 3 250 750

connect to the
power outlet all
the required
power supplies.

Connecting Establish 300 95 570

Wires electrical
between various

Ziptie This was used in 2 pack 30 60


Table 8. Other electrical components

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 69

Item Name Descriptions Image Quantity Amount Price

Polyester Fill in the gaps in 1L 250 250

Body filler the body of

Paint Used to paint the 1L 200 600

(black, grey machine as well as
and green) the bin

Thinner Used to remove 4 60 240

paint (350mL)

Paint brush Used to paint the 8 35 280


Welding Utilized in the 1 2,099 2,099

Machine fabrication and
and assembly of
Welding structural
rod components or
metal parts.

Nails Used to connect 2 kilo 100 200

the necessary
materials as well
as the

Hinge Utilized in doors 10 pcs 20 200

and in rewards

Table 9. Other Miscellaneous materials

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 70

Design Phase

Figure 9. Software Design Phase

The design phase of software for RVM includes a thorough

requirement analysis to determine capabilities, user interactions, and

regulatory compliance. Data flow and component interactions inside the RVM

are the main emphasis of the system architectural design that follows. The

complete design process ensures that the RVM software satisfies usability,

reliability, and security standards. It includes user interface design, database

structuring, algorithm optimization, integration with hardware components,

security implementation, error handling, testing strategies, and

documentation creation.
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 71

Figure 10. Design Phase for Hardware

The design phase for hardware in RVM begins with an understanding

of the machine's functional requirements and restrictions, such as physical

dimensions, power requirements, and environmental considerations.

Subsequently, comprehensive schematics and prototypes are developed to

specify the arrangement, constituents, and interconnections required for

optimal functioning. Thorough testing and validation guarantee that the

hardware satisfies performance requirements and works in unison with the

RVM's software components.

Testing Phase

To make sure that SwiftSwap met the specifications needed to perform

both hardware and software. A variety of testing techniques were done, such
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 72

as system, integration, and unit testing. These tests were needed in confirming

that the machine would fulfill the requirements for its hardware and software

functionalities, ensuring the specifications for operation, input, and the

expected output. The efficacy of the results obtained from these experiments

was evaluated in detail.

1. The first step is unit testing, which examined each component of

the hardware and software module, separately, The objective was

to find any defects or mistakes in these parts and determine if

they worked as planned and fulfilled the criteria

2. The next step was integration testing, in which the compatibility

of various hardware components and software modules were

evaluated. The motive of this step was to make sure that every

material that interacted with the other components would go as

expected. A

3. The final stage was system testing, and was then sent out to

assess SwiftSwap's overall functionality. This test made sure that

all of the input and predicted output requirements were met by the


4. Following an assessment of the device's overall functionality, the

designers conducted a User Acceptance Test (UAT). This test

evaluated the SwiftSwap system in accordance with ISO 25010

specifications. It assessed the user's perception in several

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 73

domains, such as usability, security, functional suitability,

performance efficiency, and maintainability.

Testing Procedures

SwiftSwap was put through a thorough testing phase to make sure that

all of its modules, input data processing, and expected outputs were correct.

Unit testing, integration testing, and system testing comprised the two phases

of the testing stage

The first step was unit testing, which observes how well each system

component performed on its own. This stage made sure that each unit

functioned properly when used all by themselves.

Integration testing was done after unit testing to see how well the

system's various materials interacted with each other. The reason behind this

was to guarantee that the integration of these materials worked as visualized.

Finally, system testing was done to evaluate SwiftSwap's overall

performance under different conditions. This thorough assessment revealed

information on the behavior of the system in various settings and scenarios of


Unit Testing

Table 10. Unit Testing Parameters for Software

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 74

Testing Components Input Expected Output


Check if the user Sign up page Fill in the The end user
can register an credentials should be able to
account register
successfully and
be directed to the
dashboard. The
newly created
account would be
added to the
database once

Check if the Login Page Enter email The end user

registered user can address and should be logged
login and the password. in successfully and
website will directed to the
generate a QR SwiftSwap
Code for the next Dashboard.

Check if the user Login Page Scan QR code The end user
can login via QR should be able to
Code scan the generated
QR using the
machine and will
be directed to the
dashboard once
QR is verified.

Check if the end Rewards Page Go to rewards End users should

user can view their page and tap on be able to view
points and redeem “redeem” their points and
items in the redeem products
rewards page only if their points
are sufficient. If the
points are
insufficient, the
redeem button will
not work.

Check if the Transaction History Transactions The end user

“Transaction should be recorded should see the
History” records after the end user history of
the previous redeemed a transactions if the
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 75

transactions product or points have been

accumulated points accumulated or
by inserting a deducted.

Verify whether the Forgot Password Press the "Forgot" The database
"Forgot Password" Password" to would be updated
feature resets the change the and the user would
passcode for an account's have the option to
authenticated password. reset their account
account. password.

Check if the Admin Page Admin should sign The features of the
contents of the in to his/ her admin page should
admin page is account and be accessible only
functional. access the page to the admin.
through the admin

As shown in Table 10 the unit testing components of the SwiftSwap

mobile app was conducted to ensure that all components are functional based

on the established parameters of their input and the anticipated outcomes of

the software modules.

Table 11. Unit Testing Parameters for Hardware

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 76

Testing Components Input Expected Output


Check if the Camera QR Code The QR code was

camera can scan scanned.
QR code

Check if the AI will Object Detection Recyclable The AI will accept

detect recyclable Materials. only valid
materials. materials and will
reject invalid

Check if the linear linear actuator signal from Once the linear
actuator will arduino actuator extends it
extend and retract will compress the
PET bottle and
cans and after
doing so, it will

Check if the Trapdoor DC signal from Recyclable

trapdoor will open motor arduino material fell
then close once properly and the
the input already trapdoor opened
fell. then closed.

Check if the bin Sorting bin DC signal from The bin rotates
will rotate and will motor arduino and and stops based
stop based on the raspberry pi 4 on the type of
type of recyclable recyclable material
material that was that was detected
detected. by the AI.

Check the DC Coil DC Motor signal from The servo motor

motor that is used arduino and rotates based on
on the redeeming raspberry pi 4 the type of school
of rewards. supply that was

The ultrasonic Ultrasonic sensor Recyclable The ultrasonic will

sensor in the bin materials will pass detect if the
can detect across the recyclable material
movement. ultrasonic sensor is near it.

The GSM SHIELD GSM SHIELD data from the the GSM will send
SIM900 can send SIM900 ultrasonic sensor a message to the
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 77

messages to the admin notifying

admin if the bin them if the bin is
level is full full

The LCD can LCD touchscreen Signal from Display web app
display the web Raspberry Pi 4

As shown in Table 11 the unit testing components of the SwiftSwap

hardware was conducted to ensure that all components are functional based

on the established parameters of their input and the anticipated outcomes of

the hardware modules.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 78

Integration Testing

Table 12. Integration Testing Parameters for Hardware

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 79

Testing Components Input Expected Output


Scan the QR code Camera and LCD QR code The dashboard of

to log in the the web app with
machine. the credentials of
the user will be
displayed on the

Insert the input Input Material and Recyclable The ultrasonic will
material. The Ultrasonic sensor Material would detect recyclable
ultrasonic sensor in cross the sight of materials inside the
the input ultrasonic sensor input receptacle.
receptacle can
detect movement.

The object Camera and Object Signal from AI will detect the
detection will detection Raspberry pi 4 and type of object
detect if the input Object detection entered by the
inside the processes. user, add the
receptacle is valid equivalent point to
or invalid. the correct user.

The bin will rotate Metal Bin and DC Signal from The bin will rotate
after detection and Motor, and Object arduino. to segregate the
validation of the Detection recyclable
input material, and materials into its
segregate the appropriate bin
recyclable compartment.

The trapdoor will Trapdoor 1 DC Signal from When activated,

open to allow the Motor and Object arduino. the trapdoor will
input to fall into the Detection open, allowing the
compressor. input to fall into the
next compartment
where it will be

The linear actuator Linear Actuator and Signal from The linear actuator
will compress the Object Detection arduino. compressed the
PET bottle and PET bottles and
cans, while it will cans except for
not turn on when paper.
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 80

paper is detected
by the AI.

After compressing, Trapdoor 2 DC Signal from When activated,

the second motor and Object arduino. the trapdoor will
trapdoor will allow Detection open, allowing the
the input to fall into input to fall into the
the bin. appropriate bin.

As shown in table 12 The Integration Testing parameter for hardware

components of SwiftSwap was performed to confirm that each component

functions correctly according to predetermined input parameters and to

ascertain the expectation between integrated hardware modules.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 81

Table 13. Integration Testing Parameters for Software

Testing Components Input Expected Output


The end user will Redeem Button in Can redeem a Successful

redeem a reward Rewards Tab reward upon redemption of
from the web reaching required reward will be
application. Stocks Monitoring points. If the points shown, the
in admin page are insufficient, “redeem” button
redeeming a will not be clickable
reward is not if insufficient
permitted. points.

After successful
redemption, the
number of stocks
in the monitoring
page will be

The database will Transaction History The points of the Transaction History
update the in user in the will display
transaction history Navigation Bar database are updated changes
upon redeeming a changed after a to reflect recent
reward and Dashboard Header transaction has transactions.
accumulation of been made.

As indicated in Table 13, the integration testing for software

components of the SwiftSwap web application was conducted to validate that

the components are working as intended based on the parameters of their

input and the expected output of the software modules. Furthermore, the

testing also served to analyze the interactions between the integrated

software components to one another.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 82

System Testing

Table 14. System Testing Parameters for Hardware

Testing For Input Expected Output

Object Detection Recyclable Only valid recyclable materials

Materials are detected. Invalid materials
are rejected.

Compactor Signal from PET bottles and cans are

arduino compressed properly.

Trapdoor Signal from The trapdoors are working

arduino properly.

Bin Signal from The bin is working properly,

arduino and the recyclable materials
are falling into their designated

Bin Monitoring Signal from When the bin is full, the

arduino GSM900 will send a message
to the admin.
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 83

As shown in table 14, The system testing parameter for hardware was

done to ensure that the hardware components are working properly as a

whole based on the set parameter as well as the expected input and output.

Table 15. System Testing Parameters for Software

Testing For Input Expected Output

Add points Input a recyclable material The recyclables will

and object detection will undergo object detection
verify how many points will and once verified,
be added. corresponding points will
be added to the account
of the user.

Redeem Rewards End user will navigate to Reward button will only be
the redeem page and click operational once points
the “Redeem” button. are sufficient to redeem
the desired product. The
products will be dispensed
once the condition is met.

Login via QR Code The website scans the QR Once QR code is

Code for login presented and scanned by
the machine, the end user
should be directed to the
dashboard of the web

As shown in Table 15, the system testing parameters of the software

components of the SwiftSwap mobile application were undertaken to ensure

each component is operating as intended based on the stated parameters of

their input and the expected output of the modules.

Table 16. System Testing Parameters of Admin Web Application Account

Testing For Input Expected Output

User Logs Make an end user sign up All accounts of signed in

to the web application users should be reflected
to the “user logs” page of
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 84

the application including

the inputted information

Transaction History Conduct a transaction Transactions such as

Logs whether redeeming a accumulation and
product or adding points redeeming of rewards will
appear to the transaction
history page of the admin

Reward Stocks Make an end user redeem Number of stocks should

Monitoring a product. be updated once a user
claims a reward. Admin
should also be able to add
products and set the
points required.

As shown in table 16, these system testing procedures for the admin

web application account were conducted to ensure that each component was

working as intended. In user logs, an end user is prompted to sign up for the

web application, with the expected outcome being the accurate recording and

reflection of all user accounts and inputted information on the 'user logs' page.

In addition, transaction history logs are examined by conducting transactions

such as redeeming products or adding points, and are systematically logged

for admin visibility. Furthermore, in testing reward stocks monitoring, an end

user's redemption of a product should automatically update the available stock

count, while admins should retain the capability to manage stock levels by

adding products and setting redemption points.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 85

Deployment Phase

Following a thorough testing phase, the SwiftSwap Reverse Vending

Machine has been successfully introduced. The proponents meticulously

selected the deployment site within a designated building at Rizal

Technological University. Additionally, the proponents personally supervised

the installation and operation of the device at its designated location to ensure

the reverse vending machine’s smooth functioning. The deployment occurred

at Rizal Technological University's ITC Building and spanned for a period of

seven days, starting from one in the afternoon until six in the evening.

Throughout this duration, users engaged with the system, offering valuable

feedback for assessment and improvement.


After the deployment phase, the maintenance is essential to ensure the

functionality and effectiveness of the machine. Both the software and hardware

of the SwiftSwap System are subject to maintenance. To maintain the

program's operation, the proponents made regular maintenance. To maintain

the functionality of the device, the proponents also observed any unwanted

updates that would have a big impact on how well it worked, from start to finish.

They made sure to make changes on time.

To ensure efficient device maintenance and close monitoring of the user

accounts, a dedicated Administrator Account was made on the website. Using

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 86

this account, administrators can directly access the device. Access to the lists

of users, activity logs, and records of products redeemed through the

transaction history are also made available. This admin tool makes

management and monitoring of the system more efficient, which enhances the

usability and operation. The first step of system deployment and development,

the maintenance includes thorough inspections of the device's components,

wiring, and overall condition. This comprehensive maintenance ensures the

system's performance and durability in the future.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 87



Project Description

The SwiftSwap: an AI-based reverse vending machine with credit point

system to convert specified recyclables into school supplies as the name

implies, is a prototype that is capable of accepting recyclables namely PET

bottles, papers and aluminum cans into a machine that is capable of object

detection through the use of AI or Artificial Intelligence and convert it into a

point wherein a user can redeem a school supply of their choice once they

accumulate enough credits. Each end user must sign up or log onto the web

application displayed on the touch-screen display attached on the reverse

vending machine or opt to sign in using a generated QR code and scanning

them from the prototype’s integrated camera to trigger the sorting mechanism

and begin the process of the SwiftSwap system. Once the end user places a

recyclable in the input receptacle of the machine, the integrated camera inside

the receptacle will automatically detect if the parameters are met, otherwise it

will be rejected and will stay in the receptacle terminating the process. If

accepted, the AI utilized in the machine will classify the recyclable, compact it,

and the sorting mechanism inside the machine will simultaneously rotate

according to the classified recyclable for it to be placed on the designated bin.

Once the sorting is done, the AI will then communicate with the Web
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 88

Application to display the end user’s equivalent point. The end user can only

redeem a school supply reward once the accumulated point is reached.

Project Structure

As stated in the project description, SwiftSwap reverse vending machine

machine was made to collect and sort pet bottles, cans, and paper. This

enabled users to accumulate points that can be redeemed for rewards,

specifically school supplies.

Figure 11. SwiftSwap Front Interface

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 89

In Figure n, the machine's front interface was presented which included

an LCD monitor, a reward dispenser, and a camera placed next to the two (2)

input receptacles designated for bottles, cans and paper. In order to start the

process, users must manually register or log in using the camera to scan a

QR code on the web application. Following placement in the input receptacle

and detection, the input material is compressed before being dropped into the

proper area of the rotating bin. The web application for alternative transactions

is shown on the LCD monitor. Reward specifics selected by users using the

web application are dispensed through a spring mechanism.

Figure 12. SwiftSwap Rear Interface

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 90

Figure 13. SwiftSwap Side Panels Interface

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 91

The rear interface of the SwiftSwap Machine was shown in Figure 12. It

featured a swing door equipped with hinges and a padlock, providing security

with a specific key. The door allowed access to the bin for removing recyclable

materials when it reached full capacity. Meanwhile, the images presented in

Figure n and Figure n.n displayed the two side panels of the machine,

designed simply as plain covers to ensure the secure enclosure of the

SwiftSwap machine.

Input Receptacle

Figure 14. SwiftSwap Input Receptacle

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 92

Figure 14 showed the receptacle box of the input materials. The input

receptacle box, which also functioned as the trap door, features a camera, an

ultrasonic sensor, a motor driver, and a DC motor. This component served as

the point where the input bottle is placed and identified. Once the collected

recyclable material reaches the predetermined threshold range, the AI-based

camera is triggered by the ultrasonic sensor to detect the precise type of

material placed within. It is therefore made easier to transfer the input material

into the compactor by the DC motor, which controls the trap door's opening

and closing in response to the detection. Apart from directing the spinning of

the DC motor, the motor driver also functioned as a voltage regulator.


Figure 15. SwiftSwap Compactor

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 93

Figure 15 showed the compactor designed to compress the bottle and

can inputs. Upon detection, the input undergoes compaction facilitated by a

linear actuator, housed within a custom-made metal frame capable of

accommodating both the input receptacle box and the compactor. This

component also utilized a motor driver that serves as a voltage regulator.

Rotating Bin

Figure 16. SwiftSwap Rotating Bin

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 94

The machine's rotating bin is shown in Figure 16. It was divided into four

(4) divisions, each of which was assigned a particular set of input materials.

Following compaction, a second trap door controlled by a DC motor directs

the input into the rotating bin. The bin was housed in a custom-built metal

frame and rotates in response to the detected input. It was connected to the

shaft of a 24 volt wiper motor. The upper section of the bin has four ultrasonic

sensors integrated into it to monitor its capacity and notify the machine's

administrator when it reaches its maximum capacity with the use of


Reward Dispenser

Figure 17. SwiftSwap Reward Panel

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 95

The spring mechanism controlled by the dc motor rewards dispenser of

the system, was depicted in Figure n. Based on the corresponding reward that

the user redeemed through the web application, each dc motor has been

programmed to rotate once in a 360-degree rotation. The users can then claim

the reward at the allocated collection area.

Web Application Interface

Figure 18. SWIFTSWAP User Interface

The SWIFTSWAP Reverse Vending Machine featured a user-friendly

interface that allowed users to conveniently interact with the machine. Users
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 96

can easily log in to the user interface by scanning a QR code provided by

SWIFTSWAP, ensuring a secure and personalized experience.

Claiming of Rewards

Figure 19. SWIFTSWAP Reward System

SWIFTSWAP offered a comprehensive reward system that allowed

users to claim various items by accumulating reward points. Users can earn

reward points by recycling eligible items in the machine. With these points,

users can choose from a selection of rewards such as bond paper, ballpen,

filler notebook, index cards, and pencils with erasers, and sticky notes.
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 97

Transaction History

Figure 20. SWIFT SWAP Transaction History

The SWIFTSWAP Reverse Vending Machine kept track of users'

transaction history. This feature allowed users to review their recycling

activities, including the items recycled, the dates and times of the transactions,

and the number of reward points earned or redeemed. The transaction history

provides transparency and helps users keep track of their recycling efforts.

Administrator User Logs

Figure 21. SWIFT SWAP User Logs

The SWIFTSWAP Reverse Vending Machine also included

administrator user logs, which were accessible only to authorized personnel.

These logs provided detailed information about system operations, user

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 98

activities, and any relevant actions. This feature supported monitoring and

managing the machine's overall functionality and security.

Access Reward Stocks

Figure 22. SWIFT SWAP Access Reward Stocks

SWIFTSWAP's Reverse Vending Machine has an inventory

management feature known as "Access Reward Stocks." This feature allowed

administrators to monitor and replenish the machine's stock of rewards. It

provided real-time information on the availability of different reward items,

ensuring that users have a diverse selection of rewards to choose from at all

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 99


Figure 23. SWIFTSWAP About Page

The "About" section of the SWIFTSWAP Reverse Vending Machine

provided users with essential information about the machine and its purpose.

It may include details about the project behind SWIFTSWAP, the goals and

objectives of the recycling initiative, information about the technology used in

the machine, and any additional relevant information to educate and engage


Evaluation Procedures

Survey questionnaires were created and distributed to participants in

order to assess the study Swiftswap: A Development Of An AI-Based Reverse

Vending Machine With Credit Point System To Convert Specific Recyclables

Into School Supplies. Experts also tested the different components of the

machine such as the accuracy of object detection, hardware and software

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 100

components for a more thorough evaluation of the study The survey

questionnaire helped the proponents be aware of the potency of the project.

1. The participants in the study included the enrolled students and

employees of Rizal Technological University - Boni Campus.

2. A physical survey questionnaire was provided by the proponents to the

participants for them to accomplish.

3. The questionnaires were designed using a 5-point Likert scale by the

proponents. Based on their use of the machine, the participants will rate

it on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 representing the highest rating.

Project Evaluation

As part of the research design, the Agile Software Development Life

Cycle was utilized to analyze the results of the numerous tests involved,

following the criteria specified in its testing sequence.

Unit Test Results

Unit testing was performed on each module that was required to

ensure the module's operation and behavior. The proponents assembled all

of the necessary hardware and software pieces and used them to exactly

develop the system architecture. The proponents built the software and

hardware part of SwiftSwap and tested each hardware and software module

to verify that it performs effectively according to the scenario, input, expected

and actual output. SwiftSwap was maintained beyond the testing phase to
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 101

guarantee that the proponents followed the study's security, usability,

functional suitability, performance efficiency, and maintainability.

Table 17. Unit Test Results for Hardware

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 102

Testing Components Input Expected Remarks

Description Output

Check if the Camera QR Code The QR code PASSED

camera can was scanned.
scan QR

Check if the Object Recyclable The AI will PASSED

AI will detect Detection Materials. accept only
recyclable valid materials
materials. and will reject

Check if the linear signal from Once the linear PASSED

linear actuator arduino actuator
actuator will extends it will
extend and compress the
retract PET bottle and
cans and after
doing so, it will

Check if the Trapdoor DC signal from Recyclable PASSED

trapdoor will motor arduino material fell
open then properly and
close once the trapdoor
the input opened then
already fell. closed.

Check if the Sorting bin signal from The bin rotates PASSED
bin will rotate DC motor arduino and and stops
and will stop raspberry pi 4 based on the
based on the type of
type of recyclable
recyclable material that
material that was detected
was by the AI.

Check the Coil DC Motor signal from The servo PASSED

DC motor arduino and motor rotates
that is used raspberry pi 4 based on the
on the type of school
redeeming of supply that was
rewards. redeemed.
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 103

The Ultrasonic Recyclable The ultrasonic PASSED

ultrasonic sensor materials will will detect if the
sensor in the pass across the recyclable
bin can ultrasonic material is near
detect sensor it.

The GSM GSM SHIELD data from the the GSM will PASSED
SHIELD SIM900 ultrasonic send a
SIM900 can sensor message to the
send admin notifying
messages to them if the bin
the admin if is full
the bin level
is full

The LCD can LCD Signal from Display web PASSED

display the touchscreen Raspberry Pi 4 app
web app

The table 17 shows the unit test for hardware that includes testing the

individual parts of the hardware to know if the scanner and actuator are working

properly. This test includes trying to scan a QR code using the scanner and

checking if the actuator is extending and retracting. The unit test also includes

the checking of DC motors if it was rotating clockwise and counterclockwise for

both the trap door and the coils. After performing the necessary test, the result

shows that the SWIFTSWAP passed all the necessary conditions that were set

and all of the individual materials are working properly.

Table 18. Unit Test Results for Software

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 104

A thorough test plan for Module 1 of SwiftSwap is given in Table 18, with

special attention to the Sign-up Page. It outlines the testing process, beginning

with the objectives of Module 1 and onto the requirements for testing, such as

inputs and anticipated outcomes. The table serves as a guide, demonstrating

how to test Module 1 from start to finish.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 105

In short, Table 18 provides a well-structured plan outlining specific tasks

and expectations for testing Module 1 of SwiftSwap. Its meticulous

arrangement and extensive coverage demonstrate a commitment to ensuring

SwiftSwap functions effectively and is dependable for users.

Integration Test Results

The integration test results were completed after the unit test results

were fully validated. The proponents have carried out multiple tests integrating

different system components, which were validated using the test parameters

in chapter 3. Validating the integration results summary for the test case ID: n

was done to ensure that the system can initiate the process within five

consecutive successes to validate if the modules would meet the remarks and

produce a result.

Table 19. Integration Test Results for Hardware

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 106

Testing Components Input Expected Remarks

Description Output

Scan the QR Camera and QR code The PASSED

code to log in the LCD dashboard
machine. of the web
app with the
of the user
will be
on the

Insert the input Input Material Recyclable The PASSED

material. The and Ultrasonic Material ultrasonic
ultrasonic sensor sensor would cross will detect
in the input the sight of recyclable
receptacle can ultrasonic materials
detect sensor inside the
movement. input

The object Camera and Signal from AI will PASSED

detection will Object Raspberry pi detect the
detect if the input detection 4 and Object type of
inside the detection object
receptacle is processes. entered by
valid or invalid. the user,
add the
point to the
correct user.

The bin will rotate Metal Bin and Signal from The bin will PASSED
after detection DC Motor, and arduino. rotate to
and validation of Object segregate
the input Detection the
material, and recyclable
segregate the materials
recyclable into its
materials. appropriate

The trapdoor will Trapdoor 1 DC Signal from When PASSED

open to allow the Motor and arduino. activated,
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 107

input to fall into Object the trapdoor

the compressor. Detection will open,
allowing the
input to fall
into the next
t where it
will be

The linear Linear Actuator Signal from The linear PASSED

actuator will and Object arduino. actuator
compress the Detection compressed
PET bottle and the PET
cans, while it will bottles and
not turn on when cans except
paper is detected for paper.
by the AI.

After Trapdoor 2 DC Signal from When PASSED

compressing, the motor and arduino. activated,
second trapdoor Object the trapdoor
will allow the Detection will open,
input to fall into allowing the
the bin. input to fall
into the

The integration test results are accomplished after the complete

validation of the unit test results of the experts. The experts conducted

multiple tests integrating various components of the hardware system which

were validated using the test parameters. validating the integration results

summary for the test case of the Camera and LCD was conducted to ensure

that if the module can perform at least with an 80% success rate, the will

module would meet the required remarks and redirect the user to the website
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 108

dashboard using the QR code presented by the end user, and scanned by

the camera, and then be displayed in the LCD touchscreen monitor.

The integration results summary for the module 2 was conducted to test

the reliability and accuracy of the ultrasonic sensor in detecting an input

material whenever an end user inserted a recyclable material. The ultrasonic

sensor is placed near the input receptacle so that every time an end user

inputs an object, it will be detected by the ultrasonic sensor and signals the

AI to send the detected object. This test was done ten consecutive times to

ensure that the ultrasonic sensor is reliable and accurate if it produces an

80% success rate.

The integration results summary for the module 2 was conducted to test

the accuracy of the AI object detection and image processing using the

A4Tech 1080P webcam. The AI would detect any input material that has been

inserted by the end user and validate the material into its corresponding

classification and send the appropriate points to the end user. This test was

done multiple times to ensure that the module is accurate in terms of sending

points to the user and detecting the input materials and validating it depending

on the classification of the material. if the module produces an 80% accuracy.

The integration results summary for module 4 was conducted to test the

accuracy of the segregation system of the metal bin in terms of sorting the

different types of input materials into their respective compartments. This test

was done multiple times to ensure the accuracy of the segregation system.
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 109

The module would be considered as reliable if it produces an 80% success

rate based on the test.

The integration results summary for module 5 was conducted to test the

integration of the Trapdoor DC Motor and AI to see if the trapdoor would open

once the AI detected a valid input and it would stay close if the detected

material is invalid. This test was done multiple times to ensure the reliability

of the trapdoor dc motor and AI in terms of which input will be let through the

trapdoor. The module would pass the integration test if it produces an at least

80% success rate.

The integration results summary for the module 6 was conducted to test

the integration of the linear actuator with the AI system. The linear actuator

would compress the material if the AI system validated the input as a valid

input. This test was done multiple times to ensure the capability of the linear

actuator in compressing the input material. This integration test would have

to produce at least 80% success rate.

The integration test results summary for the module 7 was conducted to

test the integration of the trapdoor dc motor 2 and the AI system. This test

was conducted multiple times to ensure that the integration of the two

components will work together in terms of letting the input fall to the right

compartment which is validated by the AI system. The test would have to

produce an 80% success rate for it to be considered reliable in terms of its

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 110

Additionally, the experts encountered a mix of successful and

unsuccessful results while testing the integration of each component, but

most of them were successful. The testing was done at least ten times to

ensure that the functionality of each module can be verified. Overall, all of the

integration system testing of the SWIFTSWAP hardware was conducted

thoroughly and all of the components resulted in success.

Table 20. Integration Test Results for Software

Table 20 shows how the main components of the reward system—which

include database operations and user interaction—have been effective.

Through the "Redeem Button" on the online app, users can redeem awards.

This begins point verification, updates their balance, and sends a confirmation

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 111

The database refreshes the transaction history flawlessly upon

redemption for data storage. To ensure data consistency and real-time

reflection of changes.

System Test Results

The system testing followed the unit and integration tests. This sort of

system testing assesses SwiftSwap's overall performance across five

consecutive successes to ensure that the system performs as expected and

was based on specified hardware and software specifications, subsequently

undergoing an evaluation by software and hardware experts.

Table 21. System Test Results for Hardware Modules

Table 21 shows the system testing for hardware to verify the precision

of the object detection, the efficiency of the compactor, and the dependability
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 112

of the trapdoor mechanism for material deposit into the bin are main goals of

the system testing for the hardware of the RVM. It guarantees the smooth

working of these parts to enable effective recyclables sorting and compacting.

Avoiding clogs and guaranteeing appropriate sorting of the recyclable


Table 22. System Testing Results for Software

Table 22 shows two successful test cases that were created to verify the

incentive system of a web application are displayed in the accompanying table.

Both database functions and user interaction are addressed in these tests.

When a user successfully redeems a reward using a "Redeem Button,"

the system checks their points, adjusts the balance, and shows a confirmation

message. This is the first test case.

The focus of the second test case is data storage. Once a reward is

redeemed, the database updates the transaction history flawlessly.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 113

Table 23. System Testing Parameters of Admin Web Application Account

A series of tests that confirm how user sign-ups in a web application transfer

to the backend are presented in Table 23. These tests make sure that the system

works as it should.

The "user logs" feature is the main focus of each test. An application sign-up

is simulated in the first test. The person's data, including any information they

submitted during sign-up, should show up on the "user logs" page. The table attests

to the successful completion of all three tests, demonstrating that the web

application correctly collects and retains user sign-up data.

Pre Survey Results

This section presents analyses and interprets the data gathered

through the use of a questionnaire. Thus, the tabular presentations and

discussions were organized based on the problems used in this study.

Analysis and interpretation revolved around the data gathered from the

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 114

Part I: Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Figure 24. Demographic Profile of Respondents

The demographic profile of the respondents from Rizal Technological

University (Boni Campus), included students and was characterized based on

their respective year level, staff, and faculty members. According to Figure 4,

the distribution of survey participants across different year levels is as follows:

first-year students comprised 28.4%, second-year students yielded a result of

20.0%, third-year respondents constituted 19.3%, and fourth-year students

contributed a total of 18.2%. Additionally, employees represented 5.8% of the

respondents, while faculty members accounted for 8.2% in the survey.

Part II: Level of Awareness in Reverse Vending Machine

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 115

This section presents the understanding of the Reverse Vending

Machine (RVM). The first question assesses familiarity with the RVM concept.

Subsequent inquiries investigate knowledge about materials suitable for input

and those serving as rewards. Another aspect examined is understanding of

the RVM's reward system. The last question explores awareness of recycling

and proper waste disposal.

Figure 25. Familiarity of respondents in Reverse Vending Machine

Illustrated in Figure 5.1, the majority of respondents, totaling 138,

indicated a level of Somewhat Familiar with the concept of a Reverse

Vending Machine. Following closely, 119 of respondents chose Familiar as

their response, securing the second-highest result. Not Familiar

garnered a total of 107 as the third response, while Very Familiar was the

least common response, with respondents expressing a familiarity response

of 85 in the survey.
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 116

Figure 26. Respondent’s awareness of reward option in reverse

vending machine

In Figure 5.2, the graph focuses on respondents' awareness of reward

options in a reverse vending machine in a Reverse Vending Machine. The

majority, at 155, indicated Monetary as their response, securing the highest

result. Following closely, Vouchers obtained the second-highest response at

136. Services had a total of 107, and the least common response, Tangible

incentives, which garnered 51 responses. This indicates that a substantial

number of individuals are aware that they can acquire monetary rewards

through the utilization of reverse vending machines. Notably, a small

proportion of respondents explicitly mentioned receiving monetary incentives

from these machines. This insight serves as an indication that SwiftSwap

distinguishes itself through a unique approach. Unlike the more commonly

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 117

cited monetary rewards, SwiftSwap sets itself apart by offering tangible

incentives, including items like school supplies.

Figure 27. Familiarity in the concept of recycling and waste disposal

In Figure 5.3, the focus is on the respondents' familiarity with the

concept of recycling and waste disposal. A significant majority, totaling a

number of 263, indicated Very Familiar as their response in the survey.

Familiar garnered 132 responses, Somewhat Familiar amounted to 28, and

the least common response was Not Familiar, with a total of 26 respondents.

This implies that a significant number of respondents are willing to

participate in recycling waste materials, which constitutes the primary purpose

of a reverse vending machine. The machine's core function is to encourage

and facilitate the recycling process by incentivizing individuals to return their

recyclable items. The willingness of respondents to engage in this recycling

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 118

initiative underscores the effectiveness and alignment of user intentions with

the fundamental goal of reverse vending machines.

Part III: Items Consumed by Students, Faculty, and Staff

In this section, the researchers thoroughly examined the data gathered

from respondents, focusing on their beverage preferences. The analysis

centered around the types of beverages commonly purchased, as well as the

typical sizes preferred for bottled water, juice, carbonated soft drinks, and

energy drinks. The responses offer significant insights into the participants'

habits and preferences when it comes to beverage consumption.

Figure 28. Beverage Preference Commonly Purchased by


In Figure 5.4, the analysis delved into respondents' preferences

regarding the types of beverages they frequently purchase. The predominant

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 119

response was Bottled Water, comprising 389 responses in total. Following

closely, Soda or Soft Drinks (Carbonated Drinks) garnered a 340

response. Juice Drinks came next with a total of 217, and Energy Drinks

had a total number of 47 responses, lastly, one response answered "Others”.

This result will highly benefit the researchers for it will serve as a guide in

choosing the input for the reverse vending machine through knowing the

beverages commonly consumed by respondents.

Figure 29. Size of Water Bottles Commonly Purchased by


In Figure 5.5, the data description focuses on the size of water bottles

commonly purchased by respondents. The predominant response indicates

that 250 of the respondents commonly purchase water bottles with a size of

500 mL. Following closely, 233 of respondents favor the 350 mL size, while
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 120

1000 mL bottles are commonly purchased by 119 of the respondents.

Notably, 18 of the responses indicated the selection of "Others" as a size


Figure 30. Size of Juice Beverages Commonly Purchased by


In Figure 5.6, the data outlines the volume or size of juice beverages

typically purchased by respondents. The most common response indicates

that 177 of the respondents usually opt for a size of 350 mL. Following closely,

153 of respondents prefer the 230 mL size. Notably, 92 of respondents

selected "Others" as a response, while 77 respondents indicated the least

preference for the 500 mL size of juice beverages.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 121

Figure 31. Size of Soft Drinks Commonly Purchased by Respondents

In Figure 5.7, the data illustrates the standard volume or size of soft

drinks purchased by respondents. The primary response reveals a preference

for the 300 mL size, with 254 participants choosing it. Close behind, the 500

mL size attracted 155 responses. Notably, the 1500 mL size emerged as the

least common preference, with only 51 respondents selecting it.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 122

Figure 32. Size of Energy Drinks Commonly Purchased by


In Figure 5.8, the focus is on the volume or size of energy drinks

commonly purchased by respondents. The most prevalent response is

“Others”, constituting the highest number with 216 respondents.The

prevalence of “Others” as the most chosen option indicates that not all

respondents consume energy drinks, or that those who do consume them

may have preferences outside of the listed sizes. Following this, the 200 mL

size emerges as the second-highest preference, with 137 respondents. The

250 mL size is next with a number of 89 respondents, and the least common

response is the 350 mL size, accounting for 350 of the total responses.
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 123

Part IV: Possible Rewards

In this section, the researchers analyzed the data from the

respondents. The focus was on two reward systems: an Accumulated

Pointing System, enabling users to store points for later redemption, and an

Instant Reward System, where users choose rewards based on the quantity

of recyclables inserted. Additionally, respondents were asked to list their

daily-used school supplies. This inquiry aimed to capture insights into both

reward system preferences and essential daily items.

Figure 33. Type of Reward System Preferred by the Respondents

In Figure 5.9, the data outlines the respondents' preferences regarding

the preferred reward system. A significant majority, comprising 66.8% of

respondents, indicated a preference for the Accumulated Pointing System.

Conversely, 33.2% of participants opted for the Instant Reward System. This
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 124

states that most respondents prefer accumulating rewards rather than instant

rewards. This opens to the idea of accumulating their points before

purchasing their desired school supplies.

Figure 34. School Supplies Commonly Used Daily by Respondents

In Figure 5.10, the data illustrates the types of school supplies regularly

used by respondents. The highest rate of responses with a total of 449, was

reported for the use of ballpoint pens, followed by 332 for bond paper, 300

for correction tape, 278 for notebooks (fillers), and 189 responses for

pencils. Additionally, respondents reported using highlighters with a

response of 186, notepads at 184, erasers at 147, and lastly paper clips

with a total of 81 responses. 14 respondents answered other supplies,

including suggestions such as binders, clearbooks, scientific calculators,

CPE plates, rulers, yellow pads, and yellow paper of various sizes.
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 125

Post Survey Results

The User Acceptance Test (UAT) is used to assess the satisfaction

levels of various end users utilizing the SwiftSwap Reverse Vending Machine.

It thoroughly assesses a variety of technical factors such as security, usability,

functional suitability, performance efficiency, and maintainability of both the

machine and the web application. The researchers acquired insights into the

SwiftSwap Reverse Vending Machine operations' alignment with the

requirements and expectations of the end users through gathering and

analyzing responses. Moreover, this procedure helps in determining any

necessary improvements to the machine along with its web application.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 126

Table 24. User Acceptance Test Result of End Users for Security

Table 24 shows the results of the User Acceptance Test, which

evaluates the machine's security. As seen above, all of the findings were

interpreted with the descriptive rating of "Agree," with the weighted mean of

4.28 for the first statement and 4.12 for the second. The weighted mean for

the third statement is 4.18, the fourth statement is 4.03, and the final
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 127

statement is 4.1. The grand weighted mean of these security measures

responses was 4.14.

The respondents' assessment of the system and machine's security, as

stated in Table 24 above, is highly agreed upon. It concludes how secure the

system and machine are, and responders agree with the following

statements. As a result, the system and machines are secured as intended,

based on the acceptance tests provided by the machine's end user.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 128

Table 25. User Acceptance Test Result of End Users for Usability

The outcome of the end users' User Acceptance Test, which shows their

evaluation of the device's use, is displayed in Table 25. As can be seen above,

all of the findings were interpreted with a descriptive grade of "Agree," with the

weighted mean of the first statement being 4.17 and the second statement

being 4.17. The weighted means of the third and fourth assertions are 4 and
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 129

4.1, respectively, while the weighted mean of the last statement is 4.27. For

this set of responses, the grand weighted mean for usability was 4.14.

The respondents' evaluation of the system's usefulness is indicated in

Table 25 above. While the respondents agree with the following statements, it

determines how functional, effective, and operational the device is. Based on

the results of the system's end users' acceptance test, the device's

functionality is thus operating as expected.

Table 26. User Acceptance Test Result of End Users for Functional Suitability
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 130

The results of the end users' responses to the User Acceptance Test for

the Functional Sustainability of the system are shown in Table 26 above. The

descriptive rating of "Agree" corresponds to the grand weighted mean of the

respondents' responses, which was 4.12. With a weighted mean of 4.42, all

respondents strongly agree with the first statement. Second, statement two's

weighted mean is 3.85, while statement three's weighted mean is 4.03. On the

other hand, the weighted meaning of the fourth and fifth statements is 4.18 and

4.13, accordingly.

It is clear that the SwiftSwap method received a high weighted mean

rating from the respondents. This shows that when it comes to the system's

functional suitability, the respondents completely agree with the remarks.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 131

Table 27. User Acceptance Test Result of End Users for Performance


Table 27 presents the User Acceptance Test results for the efficiency of

both the web application and the machine, as tested and evaluated by end

users. The grand weighted mean for efficiency is 4.18, with a descriptive rating

of "Agree." The first statement has a weighted mean of 4.27, the second

statement gained 4.12, and the third statement gained 4.23. The fourth
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 132

statement's weighted mean is 4.27, and the fifth statement has a weighted

mean of 4.03.

In terms of the efficiency, respondents agree with the following

statements, giving it a high weighted average. The web application and

machine function as intended, making the recycling process and transactions

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 133

Table 28. User Acceptance Test Result of End Users for Maintainability

Table 28 shows the results of a User Acceptance Test conducted by end

users to examine the maintainability of both the web application and the

machine. The grand weighted mean, shown in Table n, is 4.15, suggesting an

"Agree" grade on the descriptive scale. The first statement obtains a weighted

mean of 4.25, whereas the second statement scores 3.98. The third statement
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 134

has a weighted mean of 4.22, followed by the fourth statement at 4. Finally,

the fifth assertion achieves a weighted average of 4.3. The cumulative

weighted average indicates that the SwiftSwap Reverse Vending Machine and

its associated web application are simple to maintain.

The table above contains input from respondents regarding the

machine's maintainability and associated system. Notably, respondents agree

with the offered claims. Thus, the evaluation, as evidenced by the grand

weighted mean, confirms the machine and system's maintainability.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 135



This chapter highlights the findings, from the design and development of

the hardware and software prototype to the testing, deployment, and data

collection, as well as the conclusions drawn. Similarly, the chapter contains

comments and recommendations to improve the system.


The features of the software applications and hardware prototype have

been effectively combined into one system. The hardware prototype and the

web application worked together as intended to produce the AI-trained reverse

vending machine through the use of a web application, as demonstrated by

the successful completion of the numerous tests. With the help of the device

and web application, the machine is now able to allow users to register for an

account, generate a special QR code for each user, convert recyclables into

credit points, store the earned points in a database, and redeem rewards

when the point total reaches the number of points needed to redeem a school


The machine was able to detect waste materials such as PET bottles,

aluminum cans, and short bond papers. The input is accurately detected,

compacted, and separated by the AI-trained object detection system.

Furthermore, the device had a user-friendly web application that let end users

register, check their point balance, review past transactions, and redeem
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 136

rewards. The proponents were able to implement and deploy the machine in

a controlled environment in the ITC building of Rizal Technological University-

Boni Campus, to be monitored by the admin.

The machine's performance was assessed by the machine's proponents

using unit, integration, and system testing procedures. While a few minor

errors were made throughout the unit testing, the researchers were able to

ascertain each component's capabilities and calibrate it based on its use and

function inside the system. As a result, the proponents were able to build

solutions that led to more dependable results. The input receptacle's trapdoor

only rotated clockwise during hardware testing; it was unable to complete its

rotation and functioned improperly. This was resolved by replacing each of the

circuit's connecting wires and modifying the microcontroller's code to enable

the trap door mechanism to function as intended. During the integration

testing, issues were also found when the end user scanned the generated QR

code to sign in; these were resolved by resolving the billing issue related to

the Firestore Database used by the proponents. During the integration testing,

the software and hardware components were combined for the machine's

functionalities and tested accordingly. Finally, in order to pass and be

considered acceptable, the system had to pass five consecutive iterations of

testing using the web application and the reverse vending machine. Overall,

the process went well with a few minor issues relating to the Raspberry Pi's

slight heating after being used for over thirty minutes.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 137

User acceptance testing demonstrated to be successful in testing for end

users. Since the test's specifications were derived from ISO 25010, the results

were assessed using the standard, where 5 represents Strongly Agree and 1

represents Strongly Disagree. The SwiftSwap Reverse Vending Machine

functions in terms of security, usability, functional suitability, performance

efficiency, and maintainability, according to the results of a post-survey

conducted among 60 end-users. The answers indicated highly acceptable

results with a few minor usage-related problems. Therefore, the evaluation

produced notable findings based on the end user's assessment of the

system's capabilities, performance, and management.


During the requirements gathering, system design and development,

testing, deployment and maintenance of Swiftswap: A Development of an AI

- Based Reversed Vending Machine with Credit Point System To Convert

Specified Recyclables Into School Supplies, the proponents received a lot of

inputs by using the Agile Software Development Life Cycle model. By fulfilling

every requirement, each task specified in every stage of the agile SDLC

model, the system managed to accomplish the objectives.

1. Different types of software testing such as unit, integration and system

designed the AI based reverse vending machine to have the capabilities

of converting credited points of the specified recyclables into school

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 138

supplies. The web application is also designed to be capable of

monitoring and redeeming the desired rewards of the end user.

2. The integration of the software and hardware requirements throughout

the development enabled the machine to perform object detection and

accumulation of points to the account of the end user.

3. Through a series of tests, including unit, integration, and system testing,

the Security, Usability, Functional Suitability, Performance Efficiency,

and Maintainability of all hardware and software components as well as

the entire system were evaluated. This resulted in the resolution of minor

issues with machine maintenance and recalibration. Other minor

problems were mostly related to the device's operation, wiring, and web

app hosting.

4. According to surveys about the functionality and administration of the

system, the end users and experts who assessed the User Acceptance

Test (UAT) accomplished results that were considered satisfactory.

Throughout its operation, deployment, and survey, the machine

performs as intended for the end users.


During the development of the SwiftSwap Reverse Vending Machine

and the SwiftSwap web application budget and scheduling constraints

prevented the inclusion of some features and elements. Some suggestions for

enhancing and improving the gadget and web application were suggested by
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 139

the researchers. The purpose of the following suggestions is to direct future

studies to enhance the machine and web application.

1. Offline transaction mode of the machine.

The machine is only limited to logging in and accessing the transaction

history offline. During the deployment and evaluation of the machine, it was

recommended that end users should also be able to redeem offline using the

machine and web application. The offline mode should be enabled incase of

slow or interrupted internet connection. Future researchers can enable online

transactions by replacing the firebase database or adding a local host in the

raspberry pi. It was suggested to also use an automated backup power supply

such as unautomated power supply (UPS) in case of power interruption.

2. Add more rewards for the vending machine and improve its


During the deployment, respondents suggested adding more rewards to

the machine to encourage them more when it comes to recycling. This will

require future researchers to add more DC motors and coils for the rewards.

It was suggested to use a fabricated metal frame for the body for a better

stability of the machine.

3. To use hydraulics for recyclable compression

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 140

The evaluator suggested that the researchers should consider using

hydraulics instead of a linear actuator. The evaluator compared the cost

efficiency of both hydraulics and linear actuator when used as a compactor.

The significant difference between hydraulics and linear actuators is the

convenience of using both devices. While the hydraulics are one of the most

efficient devices when compressing most recyclable materials because of its

high force and speed, its downside is the inconvenience in refilling its

canisters since it uses compressed air to function. The linear actuator does

not use this compressed air and does not need to be refilled every once in a

while, since it uses electricity.

4. Boost the machine's capacity to handle several or bulk inputs at


There is only one transaction that the reverse vending machine can

process at a time. The proponents propose exploring strategies to handle

numerous inputs of recyclable materials. Increasing the size of the

compacting receptacle and adding power to the linear actuator or replacing it

with a pneumatic cylinder can aid in boosting the machine’s capacity to handle

multiple inputs at once. For precise item detection, this will require intensive

artificial intelligence training.

5. Different types of data or input materials that the machine can accept.
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 141

A wider variety of recyclable materials such as the inclusion of other

sizes of PET bottles and cans will also encourage the end users to use the

machine. To achieve this, it is recommended to add more data sets and

consider RA 9003 when training for object detection. Additionally, the

proponents recommend figuring out a way such as using a weight sensor to

reliably determine whether the input materials are legitimate even if there is a

liquid or something inside.

6. Audio cues for verification of input materials

The proponents suggest incorporating audio cues alongside the existing

light indicators in verification of the input materials of the machine. The

machine only relies on visual cues such as red for invalid, orange for standby,

and green for valid or accepted. The integration of audio cues such as voice

prompts corresponding to each status (invalid, valid, standby) would enhance

the usability of the machine particularly for users with visual impairments or

environments with low light conditions.

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 142


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College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 151


College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 152

PRE- SURVEY | Reverse Vending Machine

We are 4th year students at Rizal Technological University, currently

engaged in a research study titled "SWIFTSWAP: A Development of

Reverse Vending Machines with a Credit Point System to Convert

Plastic Bottles to School Supplies." As part of our study, we are

conducting a pre-survey among the students, faculty, and employees in

Rizal Technological University.

The objective of this pre-survey is to gather insights into the

respondents' current usage of school supplies and their preferences for

items that may be available in a school supply reverse vending machine.

The survey is entirely voluntary, requiring a few minutes to complete.

We assure you that all data collected will be handled with utmost

confidentiality and used exclusively for research purposes. We sincerely

appreciate your enthusiastic participation in our study. Your insights and

contributions are invaluable to the success of our research.


Altizen, Charles Ian Panganiban, Kurt Cobain

Avendano, Arvy James Perdiz, Michael

Andam, Prinze Christian Piodos, Gilmar

Batalla, Danica Rodica, Junelyn

Kapangyarihan, Michaella Jane Rosario, Bryan Shane

Mendoza, Angela Nicole Villare, Niah Christle

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 153

* Indicates required question

1. Email *: _______________

Data Privacy Act of 2012

In compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and its Implementing

Rules and Regulations, by providing responses in this form and

disclosing personal or sensitive personal information, you grant consent

to CEIT-03-701E researchers for the access, collection, and processing

of such information solely for survey purposes.

Rest assured, the gathered data will be handled with the highest degree

of confidentiality, adhering to the provisions of Republic Act 10173 -

Data Privacy Act, and your authorization signifies your approval for the

researchers to collect and process the indicated data for the survey's


2. I understand that my personal information is protected by RA

10173, Data Privacy Act of 2012, and that I am required to provide

truthful information. I take full responsibility for the accuracy of the

information I provide. *

Mark only one oval.

I Agree

I disagree

I. Demographic Profile
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 154

Instruction: Kindly complete the demographic pro le questions. If a

particular question does not apply to you, kindly use "Others" as your

response. Your valuable feedback will help us in our study and we assure

you that your responses and information will be treated with utmost

confidentiality. Thank you for participating!

3. Respondent's Name (SN, FN, M.) Optional


4. Respondent's Category *

Mark only one oval.



5. Year Level *

Mark only one oval.

1st year N/A

2nd year

3rd year

4th year

6. College Department *

Mark only one oval.

College of Engineering and Architecture (CEA)

College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 155

College of Business, Entrepreneurship and Accountancy (CBEA)

College of Education (CED)

College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

Institute of Human Kinetics (IHK)


7. Institutional Email (Ex: 2020-100*** *


8. Student Number / Employee Number (Ex: 2020-100***) *


II. Level of Awareness in Reverse Vending Machine

Instruction: Good day! Please take a moment to answer the questions in

relation to the familiarization of reverse vending machine. Select the option

that corresponds to your answer. Your valuable feedback will help us in our

study and we assure you that your responses and information will remain

confidential. Thank you for participating!

9. How familiar are you with the Concept of Reverse Vending

Machine? *

Mark only one oval.

Very Familiar


Somewhat Familiar

Not Familiar
College of Engineering Architecture and Technology 156

10. How familiar are you on the products or materials such as PET

bottles and tin cans, which can be used as an input for a

Reverse Vending Machine? *

Mark only one oval.

Very Familiar


Somewhat Familiar

Not Familiar

11. How familiar are you with the concept of recycling and proper

waste disposal? *

Mark only one oval.

Very Familiar


Somewhat Familiar

Not Familiar

12. What common types of rewards can be found in Reverse

Vending Machines? *

Mark only one oval.




Tangible incentives (such as school supplies, mask, etc.)

III. Items Consumed by Students, Faculty, and Employees

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Instruction: Please answer the questions regarding the items you

consume, such as bottled water, soda, juice, and energy drinks. If a

specific question does not apply to you, please choose "Others" as your

response. Your input is valuable, and we appreciate your cooperation. We

assure you that your responses and information will be treated with utmost

confidentiality. Thank you for participating!

13. Please tick the box that corresponds to the type of beverages

that you buy often. *

Check all that apply.

Soda or Soft Drinks (Carbonated Drinks)

Energy Drinks

Juice Drinks

Bottled Water

14. What size of bottled water do you typically consume? *

Check all that apply.





15. What size of juice beverages do you typically consume? *

Check all that apply.

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16. What is the typical volume or size of carbonated soft drinks

that you often consume? *

Check all that apply.





17. What is the typical volume or size of energy drinks that you

often consume? *

Check all that apply.





IV. Possible Rewards

Good day! Please take a moment to answer questions about your daily use

of school supplies and beverage consumption on campus. Tick the box that

corresponds to your answer. Your valuable feedback will help us in our study
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and we assure you that your responses and information will remain

confidential. Thank you for participating!

18. What reward system do you prefer? *

Accumulated Pointing System: A pointing system where you

can accumulate your points. After inserting a valid recyclable

material, your points will be stored in the system that you can

redeem at any time.

Instant Reward System: A pointing system where after inserting

a valid input the machine will ask you to pick a reward that you

can redeem based on the number of input you inserted. If you

would like to redeem a more expensive reward, you would have

to insert a certain number of pet bottles in one go. For example, a

correction tape has an equivalent of 100 Bottles.

Mark only one oval.

Accumulated Pointing System

Instant Reward System

19. Please check the school supplies that you use on a daily

basis. *

Check all that apply.



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Notebooks (Fillers)

Bond paper (short)

Colored Paper

Correction Tape



Paper Clips

Index Card

Other: ______________________

20. What other school supplies would you like to

see in a vending machine? *


21. Comments and Suggestions

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Pre-Deployment and Testing Phase

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Deployment Phase
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