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1. Listeners cannot control the speed of delivery.

Underwood (1989), further states that the

learner's problem in listening comprehension is that the learners cannot control the speed of
delivery which is the contrast with reading as the input skill.

2. Listeners cannot always have words repeated. This problem is considered as the serious
problem because in learning listening comprehension in the classroom the decision whether the
records will be replied or not is in the teacher's hands. However, it is quite hard for the teacher
to measure the understanding of the students in particular part of the recording.

3. Listeners have a limited vocabulary. Another problem is about the vocabulary that used by the
speaker is sometimes unfamiliar to the speaker. Thus, the speaker gets difficult to understand
what the speaker says and get the topic of the listening text.

4. Listeners may fail to recognize the signals which indicate that the speaker is moving from one
point to another, giving an example, or repeating a point. In the formal situation, it can be easy
for the students to recognize the mark of the changing topic or moving points because they
used transitional words such; next, before, after etc. However, the discourse markers are
difficult to recognize by the students when the recording is an informal situation.

5. 5. Listeners may lack contextual knowledge. The various culture of the speakers is the other
problem in comprehending the meaning of the listening text. Because in guessing the meaning
the listeners tend to relate what they hear to what they know, however, the distinction context
in gestures, loudness, intonation is cannot be deniable.

6. Listeners can be difficult for listeners to concentrate in a foreign language because it is difficult
to get the point.

7. The learners' unfamiliarity of the foreign language become another problem in understanding
the listening text. It is quite difficult for them to concentrate on the language. 7. Students
may have established certain learning habits such as a wish to understand every word. In
teaching learning activity, the teacher tends to have the learners to understand every single
word that appears in conversation in order to understand the topic. However, this situation
sometimes makes the students worry and cannot enjoy listening because they put their self to
not miss a single word in the text.

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