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com NAME:
LMS of ________________________

1. Tick (✔) the sentence (a or b) with the same meaning as the fi rst sentence.
Example I enjoy science more than any other lesson at school.
a Science is my favourite class. b I like all my lessons at school, including science.
1. Your friend Sam rang when you were out
a Sam called you while you weren't home. b Sam’s phone rang when he was out
2. This Friday, Film Club is showing the English film Highway, based on the book we are
studying this term.
a This Friday, the Film Club will be presenting a b Don't miss the English movie "Highway,"
screening of the English film "Highway," which based on our book, at Film Club next Friday!
is based on the novel we are studying this
3. People should go to shallow water to enjoy the waves
a For a safe and fun experience with waves, b Shallow water is the perfect place to
head to the deep water. experience the waves comfortably.
4. Maria's an intermediate-level skier who wants individual lessons, at a reasonable
price, to get to advanced level.
a An intermediate skier, Maria seeks affordable b A good skier, Maria seeks affordable
private lessons to reach advanced skills. individual lessons to stay in advanced skills.
2. Write down the Vietnamese meaning of the verbs in the table:
amazed hopeful excited
annoyed lonely confident

anxious miserable cheerful

ashamed nervous angry
brave relaxed disappointed

calm satisfied afraid

confused stressed worried
delighted terrified tired

epressed uncomfortable embarrassed

exhausted unhappy guilty

grateful surprised
jealous bored

3. Let's Tackle These Conversations! Fill in the suitable vocabulary in the exercise 2
into the conversations
1 A Hannah, I'm so ________________ by your artwork. You're really talented!
B Thank you, Jack! I'm glad you like it.
2 A I'm so ________________ with my boss. He never listens to my ideas.
B I know, it can be frustrating. Have you tried talking to him about it?
3 A I'm feeling really ________________ about the presentation tomorrow.

Audio files for listening practice:

PAGE 1 OF 2 Unit 9 - Health and illness NAME:
LMS of ________________________

B Don't worry, Emma. You've prepared well and you'll do great.

4 A I'm so ________________ of my behavior last night. I shouldn't have said those things.
B It's okay, Alex. We all make mistakes sometimes. Just apologize and move on.
5 A I admire how ________________ you were to stand up to the bully.
B Thanks, Tom. It was scary, but someone had to do it.
6 A I feel so ________________ and peaceful when I'm by the ocean.
B I know what you mean, Lily. The sound of the waves is so soothing.
7 A I'm ________________ about the instructions for this project. Can you help me?
B Sure, let's go over them together.
8 A I'm ________________ to hear that you got the job!
B Thank you, I'm excited to start working there.
9 A I've been feeling really ________________ lately. I just can't shake this feeling.
B I'm here for you, Sarah. Do you want to talk about it?
10 A I'm so ________________ after working a double shift.
B You should take a break and rest. You deserve it.
11 A I'm ________________ for your help with the move. I couldn't have done it without you.
B No problem, I'm happy to help.
12 A I'm ________________ that things will get better soon.
B Me too, Rachel. We just have to stay positive.
13 A I feel really ________________ since I moved to a new city.
B I understand, Mark. It takes time to adjust, but you'll make new friends soon.
14 A I'm ________________ with this cold weather. I miss the sunshine.
B I know, winter can be tough. Let's plan a trip somewhere warm.
15 A I feel so ________________ after getting a massage.
B That sounds amazing. I need to treat myself to one soon.
16 A I'm so ________________ about the exam tomorrow.
B Don't worry, we can study together and help each other out.
17 A I'm ________________ of spiders. Can you please get rid of it?
B Sure, I'll take care of it for you.
18 A I feel so ________________ in this dress. Can I borrow something from you?
B Of course, Sarah. I have some options you can try on.
19 A I feel so ________________ for lying to my parents.
B Just tell them the truth and apologize. They'll understand.
20 A I'm ________________ of your vacation photos. I wish I could go to Hawaii too.
B I'll show you some tips for saving up for a trip. Don't worry, you'll get there.

Audio files for listening practice:

PAGE 2 OF 2 Unit 9 - Health and illness

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