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EXERCISE 1: Read and solve 8. Being a mother is a domestic job.

The root-
word dom means:
1. Jack's fourth-grade class is going to
the aquarium. An aquarium is a place with lots 9. Geography is the study of the:
of creatures that are:
A. Furry 10. Zoology, sociology, anthropology, biology;
B. In the air are all __________ of different areas.
C. In water A. Logics
D. On the grass B. Smells
C. Studies
2. Studying for the test will be beneficial to my D. Geographies
grade. Beneficial means:
A. Fun 11. Charlie was a malicious child, so his teacher
B. Hard never knew what to do with
C. Make it easier him. Malicious means:
D. Good A. Bad, harmful
B. Smart
3. Can you measure the circumference of this C. Angry
circle? The root-word circum means:
A. Size 12. Submarines are ships that travel
B. Around underwater. The root-word mar means:
C. Area
D. Smoothness 13. Someone with maternal instincts acts very:
A. Nice
4. Chronology is the study of _______. B. Sensitive
A. Time C. Motherly
B. Colors D. Fatherly
C. Animals
D. Water 14. Satellites transmit signals. The root-word
mit means:
5. A monarch is the __________ of a country. A. Record
A. Ruler B. Send
B. Military leader C. Translate
C. Wealth D. Read

6. Scary movies usually have a corpse that 15. Women love to get pedicures. Pedicures
comes alive to attack the character. A corpse is have to do with your:
A. Creepy creature
B. Frankenstein
C. Dead body

7. Something credible is:

A. Very expensive
B. Round
C. Not believable
D. Able to be believed
EXERCISE 2: Fill in the table below with the appropriate word which means the same as the word
EXERCISE 3: Fill in the blanks
(vi) A. extravagance
China's decision to __________(i)_________ the head B. dogmatism
of its drug regulatory agency has rekindled C. fanaticism
international debate about capital punishment. D. recidivism
It is an age-old question, one that harks back to E. stubbornness
Plato, who in his "Laws" saw the need to punish
by death those who commit ________(ii) EXERCISE 4: Each question has a sentence with
_______crimes. Supporters of capital punishment one word underlined. Identify the meaning
usually put forward three arguments to of the underlined word, as used in the sentence,
______(iii)_______state-sanctioned killing of those from among the four alternatives given below
who take the life of another. First, there is the
old law of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." 1. The woman castigated herself for being
In the words of Immanuel Kant, no unduly worried and angry.
other______(iv)_______ is capable of satisfying
justice. Then there is a ________(v)________ A. praised
argument: capital punishment deters many B. criticized
criminals from murder. Furthermore, killing C. thanked
murderers prevents________(vi) _______: if D. appreciated
released from prison, they might kill again.

(i) A. punish 2. The hero is known for his liking for foot-
B. banish tapping tunes and sonorous music.
C. absolve A. lingering
D. exonerate B. imposing
E. execute C. reverberating
D. throbbing
(ii) A. egregious
B. munificent 3. Our wedding was an austere ceremony
C. carnal conducted with simple dignity.
D. philistine A. restricted
E. corporeal B. luxurious
C. simple
(iii) A. vilify D. respected
B. disparage
C. justify 4. The unruly mob was temerarious enough to
D. undermine say that they had provoked violence.
E. eviscerate A. foolish
B. brash
(iv) A. penalty C. open
B. compensation D. good
C. amends
D. atonement 5. Lackadaisical: The lackadaisical attitude of
E. cessation the management forced the workers to resort to
(v) A. contrarian
B. useful A. unenthusiastic
C. fashionable B. critical
D. strange C. rude
E. utilitarian D. inquisitive
D. bad

6. Exacerbate: The highly polluted environment

in which we live exacerbates allergies. 12. With his cunning business acumen, he had
A. develops amassed a large fortune.
B. worsens
C. acquires A. power
D. removes B. capability
C. accountability
7. Paranoia: The government's opposition to the D. astuteness
issue is not based on reasoned argument but on
the paranoia that it would hurt the interest of Exercise 5: Choose the opposite meaning from
small traders. the option for the words given below:

A. sensation 1. EGREGIOUS
B. assumption
C. intuitive feeling A. honourable
D. tendency to mistrust others B. famous
C. undesirable
Choose the odd word for the underlined word D. appalling
from the options given:
8. Despondent: After their trauma, they were
exhausted and despondent. A. stubborn
B. rude
A. doleful C. perverse
B. defiant D. compliant
C. morose
D. crestfallen 3. VIVIDLY

9. Presage: The phenomenal growth of this A. impressively

chain of stores presaged globalization and was a B. plainly
glitzy part of it. C. distinctly
D. vaguely
A. supported
B. signaled 4. CHURLISH
C. prophesized
D. portended A. agitated
B. cultured
10. Abjure: I have decided to abjure smoking. C. young
D. unique
A. relinquish
B. discontinue
C. renounce
D. embrace

11. The cosmetic preparations that are used for

beautifying oneself have deleterious effects.

A. harmful
B. detrimental
C. tremendous
EXERCISE 6: Pick the word from the
alternatives given that is most inappropriate in EXERCISE 7 (Summarize the following
the given context. passages):

1. Specious: A specious argument is not simply 1. Nelson, in childhood, did not have a strong
a false one but one that has the ring of truth. body. Yet he gave evidence of that stout heart
and nobility which have so distinguished him
A. Deceitful throughout his illustrious career. One day he
B. Fallacious strayed from his grandmother’s house with a
C. Credible cow. Dinner time passed; He was missing and
D. Deceptive could not be found. The family’s apprehension
became great, for they feared that he might be
2. Disuse: Some words fall into disuse as taken away by the gipsies.
technology makes objects obsolete.
After much searching, he was found sitting
A. Prevalent huddled on the banks of a river which he could
B. Discarded not cross. “I wonder, child,” said the old woman,
C. Obliterated seeing her, “that hunger and fear did not drive
D. Unfashionable you home”, fear! Grandmother,” answered the
future hero, “I was never afraid; What is
it?” (137 words)
Choose the word which is most opposite in
meaning to the highlighted part. 2. From the moment we are born, we cannot be
alone; We stand in constant need of support
3. On hearing the news he was in a state of from all around us, body and soul and spirit; We
ecstasy need clothes that other men make; Houses,
which other men build, food, which other men
A. Depression produce; We earn our living by working for
B. Pain others, others earn their living by working for
C. Disappointment us.
D. Trance
As children we need our parents to be our
comforters and take care of others: we cannot
live a day without our peers; We need teachers
to educate: books and masters to teach us
trades; And when we learn it and settle
ourselves in life, we need laws made by other
men who died hundreds of years before we
were born, to secure for us our rights and
property, to secure our comfort in our station;
And we need friends to comfort us in our
sorrows and share our joys. (161 words)
3. One night a holy man, Abu Ben Adhem by
name, suddenly woke up from a deep dream of 5. Religion seems to me to be based primarily
peace and saw in his moonlit room an angel and mainly on fear. It is partly the terror of the
writing something in a book of gold. He did not unknown and the desire to feel that you have a
feel at all frightened. The peaceful face of the kind of big brother who will stand by you in all
angel made Abu bold and he said to the angel, your troubles and conflicts. Fear is the basis of
“What are you writing?” The angel looked up the whole thing – fear of the mysterious, fear of
and replied in a kind and sweet tone, “I am failure, fear of death. Fear is the parent of
taking down the names of those who love God.” cruelty and therefore, it is not surprising that
“And is my name one among them?” Asked Abu. cruelty and religion go together.
But the angel replied, ” No, it is not.” “I pray thee
then,” said Abu, “To write me down as one who For fear in this world is the foundation of these
loves his fellowmen.” two things, that we now understand certain
things, and can master them with the help of
The Angel wrote and vanished. The next night science, which has forced its way step by step
the angel came again with a great light which against Christianity: against the churches, and
awaked Abu Ben Adhem: and he showed Abu against all the opposition of the old doctrines.
the names of those who had been blessed by the Science can help us overcome this terrible fear
love of God. And behold! the name of Abu was at that mankind has lived in for generations.
the top of the list. (166 words) Science can no longer teach us to look for allies
in the sky but to look below at our own efforts
4. Humans first appeared on earth a million and to make this earth a habitable place. (186
a half years ago. He was little more than an words)
animal then. Still, early humans had some
advantages over animals. He had a large brain,
an erect body with fast-moving hands. He
invented a language to communicate with his
This ability to speak was of the highest value
because it allowed men to share ideas and plan
together: speech enabled the transmission of
ideas from generation to generation. These
special advantages put humans far ahead of all
other living creatures. Since that distant time,
when he first made his appearance, man has
achieved a lot. (110 words)

Exercise 1:

1 C
2 D
3 B
4 A
5 A
6 C
7 D
10 C
11 A
12 SEA
13 C
14 B

Exercise 2:
Exercise 3:

1 E
2 A
3 C
4 A
5 E
6 D

Exercise 4:

1 B
2 C
3 C
4 B
5 A
6 B
7 D
8 B
9 A
10 D
11 C
12 C

Exercise 5:

1 A
2 D
3 D
4 B

Exercise 6:
1 C
2 A
3 A

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