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1. Pensive = Deep in thought / Thoughtful and sad ¼fopkj eXu@xgjkbZ esa tkdj lkspuk½
2. Glower = To look at someone in angry or threatening way ¼fdlh dks xqLls Hkjh fuxkgksa ls ns[kuk½
3. Teetotaller = One who abstains from alcoholic drinks ¼tks “kjkc ls ijgst djrk gks½
4. Obsolete = Something that is no longer in use / A word no longer in use ¼izpyu ls ckgj½
5. Nostalgia = A strong desire to return home / Home sickness ¼?kj dh ;kn vkuk½
6. Bald = A man having no hair on the scalp ¼xatkiu½
7. Carcass = The dead body of an animal ¼tkuoj dh yk”k½
8. Meticulous = Very careful and particular ¼vfrlko/kku½
9. Matricide = Murder of one’s mother ¼ekrk dh gR;k½
10. Patricide = Murder of one’s father ¼firk dh gR;k½
11. Sororicide = Murder of one’s sister ¼cgu dh gR;k½
12. Regicide = Murder of a king ¼jktk dh gR;k½
13. Parricide = Murder of one’s parents ¼ekrk&firk dh gR;k½
14. Herpetic ide = Murder of a snake ¼lkai dh gR;k½
15. Filicide = Murder of children ¼cPps dh gR;k½
16. Uxoricide = Murder of one’s ¼iRuh dh gR;k½
17. Canicide = Murder of a dog ¼dqRrs dh gR;k½
18. Germicide = Murder of germs ¼thok.kq dh gR;k½
19. Infanticide = Murder of an infant ¼f”k”kq dh gR;k½
20. Insecticide = Murder of insects ¼dhV dh gR;k½
21. Suicide = Murder of oneself ¼vkRegR;k½
22. Homicide = Murder of human being ¼ekuo dh gR;k½
23. Genocide = The act of killing a whole group of people ¼tkfrlagkj½
24. Fratricide = Murder of a brother ¼HkkbZ dh gR;k½
25. Glutton = A person who eats too much ¼isV½w
26. Crusade = A war of religion ¼/keZ;q)½
27. Barren = Land that does not grow anything ¼catj½
28. Antipathy = Strong dislike between two person ¼oSj&Hkko½
29. Triumvirate = A group of three powerful people ¼f=”kkld½
30. Potable = Fit to drink ¼ihus ;ksX;½
31. Reticent = A person who is reserved in talks ¼tks vknru de cksyrk gS½
32. Phonetics = A study of sounds is known as
33. Acoustics = A study of sounds is knows as ¼/ofu foKku½
34. Massacre = Killing of large number of people ¼gR;kdkaM ;k ujlagkj½
35. Sinecure = An office with a salary but no work ¼,d ,slk in ftlesa osru ,ao lqfo/kk,a cgqr vf/kd gks ijUrq dksbZ dke ;k
ftEesnkjh u gks½
36. Curmudgeon = A bad tempered person ¼fpM+fpM+k½
37. Veteran = A person with a long experience ¼vius {ks= esa yack vuqHko j[kus okyk½
38. Novice = A person without training or experience ¼tks fdlh dke esa u;k gks blfy, vuqHkoghu½
39. Scapegoat = Someone who bears the blame for others ¼cfy dk cdjk½
40. Calligraphy = The art of beautiful hand writing ¼lqUnj ys[k dyk½
41. Avaricious = One who is greedy ¼/ku dk ykyph½
42. Lunatic = A mad person ¼ikxy½
43. Sceptic = One who is always doubting ¼”kDdh fetkt½
44. Assent = To agree to something ¼lger gksuk½
45. Obsolescent = Passing out of use ¼izpyu ls ckgj½
46. Wee = Very small in size ¼vkdkj esa cgqr NksVk½
47. Leer = A shy look that is lustful ¼”keZ Hkjh½
48. Zenith = The highest point
49. Masochist = A person who enjoys his own pain
50. Complacent = One who is completely self satisfied ¼vkRe&larq’V½
51. Amputate = To cut a part of a person’s body ¼vaxPNsnu½
52. Cemetery = A place of burial ¼dfczLrku½
53. Pedantic = A style in which a writer makes display of his knowledge ¼Kku dk fn[kkok djuk½
54. Ascetic = A religious person with strict way of life ¼lU;klh½
55. Intruder = A person who enters without any invitation ¼fcuk vf/kdkj ds izos”k djus okyk½
56. Feline = Pertaining to cat ¼fcYyh tSlk½
57. Leonine = Pertaining to lion ¼”ksj tSlk½
58. Asinine = Pertaining to ass ¼x/ks tSlk½
59. Bovine = Pertaining to cows ¼xk; tSlk½
60. Boor = An ill bred fellow ¼vlH;½
61. Ornithologist = One who specialist in the study of birds ¼i{khfo”ks’kK½
62. Dermatologist – A doctor who is special ist in skin diseases ¼peZ jksx fo”ks’kK½
63. Opaque = Through which light cannot pass ¼ftlds vkj ikj izdk”k ugha tk lds vikjn”khZ½
64. Nomads = People of no fixed abode ¼?kqeDdM+ ?kqeUrq½
65. Venerable = A person who is greatly respected because of wisdom ¼iwtuh;½
66. Haunt = Visit a place often ¼fdlh txg ij ckj ckj tkuk
67. Taxidermy = The art of preserving skin of animal ¼Ropk dks lqjf{kr j[kus dk dke½
68. Gullible = Easily deceived and tricked ¼ftls vklkuh ls /kks[kk fn;k tk lds½
69. Pandemonium = Wild and noisy disorder ¼”kksjxqy Hkjh vO;oLFkk
70. Nostalgia = A feeling of fondness mixed with some sadness for something in the past ¼chrs gq;s le; ds ckjs esa gh
71. Fugitive = A person who runs away from justice of the law ¼HkxksM+k½
72. Fertile = Land that grows things in abundance ¼mitkŽ
73. Harangue = A loud talk ¼mxzHkk’k.k½
74. Surreptitious = Stealthily done ¼pqids ls utj cpkdj fd;k tkus okyk dke½
75. Mercenary = Someone who works only for personal profit ¼HkkM+s ds lSfud½
76. Edible = Fit to be eaten ¼[kkus ;ksX;½
77. Sporadic = Occurring at irregular intervals in time ¼tks fd dHkh&dHkkj gks½
78. Tyro = One who is new to profession ¼uoflf[k;k½
79. Subterfuge = A trick or dishonest way to get things done ¼/kks[kk viuk dke fudkyus ds fy,½
80. Ambidextrous = A person who is able to use both hands with equal skill ¼nksuksa gkFkksa ls n{k½
81. Aviary = A place for keeping birds ¼i{kh dks tgka j[kk tkrk gSA½
82. Mortuary = Building in which dead bodies are kept ¼eqjnk?kj½
83. Granary = A place where grains are stored ¼vUukxkj½
84. Apiary = A place where bees are kept
85. Archipelago = A sea with a small group of islands ¼}hi&lewg½
86. Piquant = Pleasant of sharp to the taste ¼elkysnkj vkSj pjijk½
87. Ubiquitous = Present in all places and at all times ¼loZO;kikh½
88. Hypertension = Abnormally high blood pressure ¼T;knk jDrpki½
89. Immigrant = A person who comes to one country from another in order to settle ¼vkizoklh½
90. Emigrant = A person who leaves his own country and goes to live in another ¼izoklh½
91. Adage = A proverb or short statement expressing a general truth ¼dgkor½
92. Celibate = A person who abstains from marriage and sexual relations ¼vfookfgr½
93. Celibacy = State of being unmarried ¼vfookfgr½
94. Martyr = One who goes penalty of death for his persistence in faith ¼”kghn½
95. Prologue = A speech by the dramatist at the beginning of a play ¼ukVd ds “kq: esa fy[kk gqvk Hkk’k.k izLrkouk½
96. Insomnia = Inability to sleep ¼vfunzk½
97. Somnambulist = On who walks in sleep ¼funzkpkjh½
98. Funambulist = One who walks on rope ¼jLlh ij pyus okyk½
99. Monogamy = A state of being married to only one person at a particular time ¼,dy fookg½
100. Bigamy = A sate of being married to two person at a particular time ¼f}fookg½
101. Polygamy = A state of being married to more than two person at a particular time ¼cgqfookg½
102. Neogamist = One who is recently married ¼uoiRuhd
103. Addict = One who has become dependent on something or drugs or substances ¼vknh½
104. Nuance = Subtle difference in colour meaning etc. ¼lw{eHksn½
105. Summon = An official call to appear in a court of law ¼lEeu½
106. Bottleneck = That which prevents a situation from progressing ¼ck/kk ;k :dkoV½
107. Illicit = That is not legal ¼voS/k½
108. Windfall = An unexpected piece of good fortune ¼vizR;kf”ki ykHk½
109. Uxorious = One extremely fond of one’s wife ¼tks viuh iRuh dks t:jr ls T;knk I;kj djs½
110. Immortal = One who cannot die ¼vej½
111. Theist = One who believes in the existence of God ¼vkfLrd½
112. Atheist = One who does not believe in the existence of God ¼ukfLrd½
113. Monotheist = One who believes in One God ¼,d Hkxoku esa fo”okl djuk½
114. Polytheist = One who believe in many God ¼,d ls vf/kd Hkxoku esa fo”okl djuk½
115. Democracy = A govt. by the people ¼iztkra=½
116. Plutocracy = Government by the rich people ¼/kfud ra=½
117. Aristocracy = Government by the nobility ¼dqyhu ra=½
118. Garrulous = Talking a lot
119. Omnivorous = One who eats everything ¼loZHk{kh½
120. Omnipresent = One who is present everywhere ¼loZO;kih½
121. Omnipotent = All powerful ¼loZ”kfDreku½
122. Omniscient = One who knows everything ¼loZHk{kh½
123. Carnivorous = One who eats flesh ¼ekalkgkjh½
124. Repartee = Witty ¼izR;qRrj½
125. Amnesia = Loss of memory ¼;kn~nk”r [kksuk½
126. Ornithology = Study of Birds ¼i{kh dk v/;;u½
127. Seismology = The study of earthquake and the phenomenon associated with it ¼Hkwdai foKku½
128. Physiology = The study of physical life of living matter ¼”kjhj foKku½
129. Spar = Argue with someone in a friendly way ¼fookn½
130. Nepotism = Giving of special favor to one’s kith and kin ¼HkkbZ Hkrhtkokn½
131. Spendthrift = One who spends money extravagantly ¼[kphZyk½
132. Legacy = Money or property that is given to you by somebody when they die ¼iSr`d lEifr½
133. Palmistry = Telling future by examining one’s hands ¼gkFk ns[kdj Hkfo’; crkuk½
134. Delegacy = a body of delegates ¼izfrfu/kh e.My½
135. Barbarian = A person who is uncivilized ¼vlH;½
136. Pilgrim = A person who travels to a holy place ¼rhFkZ ;k=h½
137. Mausoleum = A magnificent tomb ¼edcjk½
138. Sexennial = An event which happens once in seven years ¼N% lky esa ,d ckj gksus okyk½
139. Septennial = An event which happens once in seven years ¼lkr lky esa ,d ckj gksus okyk½
140. Octennial = An event which happens once in eight years ¼vkB lky esa ,d ckj gksus okyk½
141. Decennial = An event which happens once in ten years ¼nl lky esa ,d ckj gksus okyk½
142. Askance = Nations that do not trust each other look down upon each other ¼rhjNh utj ls ns[kuk½
143. Kismet = Accepting his fate with calmness ¼fdLer½
144. Tantrum = Fit for bad temper or anger ¼vkos”k½
145. Distort = Pull out of usual shape ¼fod`r djuk½
146. Indelible = That cannot be deleted ¼ftls feVk;k u tk lds½
147. Inexplicable = That cannot be explained ¼ftldh O;k[;k u fd;k tk lds½
148. Inimitable = That cannot be imitated ¼ftldh udy u dh tk lds½
149. Addendum = Things to be added at the end of a book ¼ifjf”k’V½
150. Inexpressible = That cannot be expressed in words ¼ftldks O;Dr u fd;k tk lds½
151. Incurable = That cannot be cured ¼ftldk bZykt u fd;k tk lds½
152. Revelry = Noisy merry making ¼ekSt&eLrh
153. Book worm = A person interested in reading books and nothing else ¼fdrkch dhMk½
154. Hinterland = Parts of a country behind a river ¼cUnjxkg {ks=½
155. Cynic = One who questions everything ¼tks gj ckr ij lang s djrk gS½
156. Exquisite = Very delicate and beautiful ¼cgqr lqUnj ,oa uktqd½
157. Gnaw = To bite like a rat ¼dqrjuk½
158. Renegade = One who deserts his principles or party ¼tks fdlh fl)kUr ;k ikVhZ dk R;kx djrk gS½
159. Bellicose = Ready to fight ¼>xM+kyw½
160. Arsenal = A place for ammunition and weapons ¼”kL=kxkj½
161. Termagant = A noisy quarrelsome women shrew ¼ddZ”k vkSjr½
162. Ode = A poem in praise
163. Rattle = To make or cause to make a rapid succession of short ¼[kM+[kM+kuk½
164. Shiver = To shake slightly and uncontrollably as a result of being cold ¼BaM ls dkaiuk½
165. Chauffeur = One who drives a motor car ¼pkyd½
166. Gustatory = Pleasing to tasting ¼Lokfn’V½
167. Heinous = Wicked to a high degree ¼t?kU;½
168. Chasm = An extremely deep crack or opening in the ground ¼xgjh [kkbZ½
169. Peninsula = Land so surrounded by water as to be almost an island ¼izk;}hi½
170. Hymn = A song of praise ¼Lrqfr djuk½
171. Ophthalmologist = A medical doctor specializing in the treatment of diseases of the eye ¼us= jksx fo”ks’kK½
172. Lexicographer = One who compiles a dictionary ¼lCndks”k jpuk½
173. Gourmet = The art to good eating ¼tks vPNk [kkus esa :fp j[krk gS pVksjkiu½
174. Feasible = Something capable of being done ¼mi;qDr O;ogk;Z lk/;½
175. Credible = That which can be believed ¼fo”oluh;½
176. Incredible = Something that is difficult to believe ¼vfo”oluh;½
177. Credulous = A person who readily believes others ¼tYnh fo”okl djus okyk½
178. Illiterate = A man who does not know how to read or write ¼fuj{kj½
179. Mint = A place where money is made ¼Vdlky½
180. Insurmountable = That can not be overcome ¼ftl ij dkcw u ik;k tk lds½
181. Soliloquy = Speaking one’s thought aloud to oneself ¼vius vki ls ckrsa djuk½
182. Widow = A woman whose husband is dead ¼fo/kok½
183. Widower = A man whose wife is dead ¼fo/kqj½
184. Articulate = Fluent and clear in speech ¼lqLi’V½
185. Drown = To die in water or any other liquid because one is unable to breathe ¼Mwc ejuk½
186. Impracticable = That cannot be practiced ¼vO;kogkfjd½
187. Irreparable = That cannot be repaired ¼ftldh iwfrZ u dh tk lds½
188. Inextinguishable = That cannot be extinguished ¼ftls cq>k;k uk tk lds½
189. Fastidious = Difficult to please ¼rqudfetkt½
190. Cacophonous = Something that is not in harmony ¼ddZ”k½
191. Pessimist = One who looks at the dark side of things ¼fujk”kkoknh½
192. Connoisseur = A person who can appreciate art ¼dyk ,oa laxhr dk ikj[kh½
193. Penology = Study of the problems of legal punishment and prison management ¼n.M”kkL=½
194. Erudite = Scholarly and learned ¼Kkuh iafMr½
195. Bilingual = A person who is fluent in two language ¼tks nks Hkk’kk tkurk gks½
196. Perseverance = Ability to go on inspite of difficulties ¼>q>k:iu½
197. Burgular = A person who breaks into a house in order to steal ¼lsa/kekj½
198. Truism = An obviously leave or hackneyed statement ¼lkekU; dFku½
199. Plagiarist = One who copies from other writers ¼lkfgfR;d pksjh½
200. Embezzle = Using money placed in one’s care in a wrong way to benefit ¼xcu djuk½
1. Assiduous = Hardworking¼esgurh½ 52. Gloomy = Sad¼mnkl½
2. Ravenous = Greedy¼ykyph½ 53. Morose = Sad¼mnkl½
3. Futility = Useless¼csdkj½ 54. Acme = Top¼f”k[kj½
4. Salubrious = Healthful¼LoLFk½ 55. Nostalgia = Homesickness¼?kj dh ;kn vkuk½
5. Laborious = Hardworking¼esgurh½ 56. Baneful = Harmful¼uqdlkunk;d½
6. Diligent = Hardworking¼esgurh½ 57. Tedium = Boring¼Åc½
7. Arcane = Hidden¼xqIr½ 58. Vague = Unclear¼vLi’V½
8. Liberty = Freedom¼Lora=rk@vktknh½ 59. Yen = Strong Desire¼rhoz bPNk½
9. Abortive = Unsuccessful¼vlQy½ 60. Plethora = Excessive¼vR;f/kd½
10. Lethargy = Laziness¼vkyL;½ 61. Raze = Destroy¼u’V djuk½
11. Abhor = Hate¼?k`.kk djuk½ 62. Rout = Defeat¼ijkftr gksuk½
12. Abridge = Shorten¼NksVk djuk½ 63. Slander = Criticise¼fuank djuk½
13. Allay = Calm¼”kkar½ 64. Evanescent = Short Living¼{kf.kd½
14. Savoury = Tasty¼Lokfn’V½ 65. Avaricious = Greedy¼ykyph½
15. Detrimental = Harmful¼uqdlkunk;d½ 66. Mercy = Kindness¼n;k½
16. Sole = Only¼,dek=½ 67. Veteran = Experienced¼vuqHkoh½
17. Accoutrements = Equipments¼midj.k½ 68. Ordain = To order ¼vkns”k nsuk½
18. Lunatic = Mad¼ikxy½ 69. Bacchanalian = Drunken¼fi;DdM+@”kjkc ds u”ks es½a
19. Mobile = Movable¼pyrk fQjrk½ 70. Humdrum = Commonplace ¼lk/kkj.k½
20. Ally = Friend¼fe=½ 71. Jeopardy = Danger¼[krjk½
21. Deleterious = Harmful¼uqdlkunk;d½ 72. Yahoo = Yokel¼taxyh½
22. Solace = Relief¼vkjke½ 73. Missive = Letter¼i=½
23. Morbid = Unhealthy¼vLoLFk½ 74. Abdicate = Give up¼R;kx nsuk½
24. Hazardous = Dangerous¼[krjukd½ 75. Motley = Multicoloured¼jax fcjaxk½
25. Blithe = Happy¼[kq”k½ 76. Cater = Supply¼[kku&ikudkizcU/k djuk½
26. Noisome = Harmful¼uqdlkunk;d½ 77. Felicity = Happiness¼[kq”kh½
27. Magnificent = Grandeur¼ “kkunkj½ 78. Bicker = Quarrel ¼>xM+uk½
28. Grandeur = Magnificent¼”kkunkj½ 79. Sabbatical = Leave¼vodk”k½
29. Placid = Calm¼”kkar½ 80. Citadel = Fortress¼fdyk½
30. Rapacious = Greedy¼ykyph½ 81. Antagonist = Enemy¼”k=q@nq”eeu½
31. Flux = Change¼ifjorZu½ 82. Peril = Danger¼[krjk½
32. Feckless = Careless ¼ykijokg½ 83. Eschew = Avoid¼cpuk½
33. Flair = Talent 84. Repose = Rest¼foJke djuk½
34. Wrath = Anger¼xqLlk½ 85. Tyro = Beginner¼uoflf[k;k½
35. Dilatory = Lazy¼lqLr½ 86. Obese = Very Fat¼cgqr eksVk@LFkwydk;½
36. Obfuscate = Confuse¼pdjk nsuk½ 87. Chivalry = Bravery¼ohjrk@cgknqjh½
37. Contumacious = Disobedient¼vD[kM+@voKkdkjh½ 88. Valour = Bravery ¼cgknqjh½
38. Endeavour = Effort¼iz;kl½ 89. Rotund = Very Fat¼xksy eVksy½
39. Charisma = Attractive¼vkd’kZd½ 90. Mirth = Merriment¼[kq”kh½
40. Industrious = Hardworking¼esgurh½ 91. Grave = Serious¼xaHkhj ½
41. Surreptitious = Secret¼xqIr½ 92. Stingy = Miser¼datl w ½
42. Innocuous = Harmless¼ykHknk;d½ 93. Boorish = Barbarous¼vlH;½
43. Defer = Postpone¼LFkfxr djuk½ 94. Chaste = Pure¼”kq)½
44. Hailed = Welcomed¼Lokxr djuk½ 95. Avenge = Revenge ¼cnyk ysuk½
45. Prudent = Wise¼cqf)eku½ 96. Abut = Neighbour¼ls lVk gqvk½
46. Detest = Hate 97. Sluggish = Lazy¼lqLr½
47. Comely = Attractive¼vkd’kZd½ 98. Inimical = Hostile¼nq”euh½
48. Grumpy = Bad Tempered¼fpM+fpM+k½ 99. Vital = Essential¼vR;ko”;d½
49. Arduous = Hard¼dfBu] eqf”dy½ 100. Devious = Crooked¼?kqekonkj ;k Vs<+k&es<+k½
50. Inception = Beginning¼”kq:vkr es½a 101. Amity = Friendship¼fe=rk½
51. Garnish = Decorate¼ltkuk½ 102. Virulent = Deadly¼izk.k?kkrd@gkfudkjd½
103. Omit = Delete¼feVkuk½ 155. Jejune = Boring¼mckŽ
104. Mollify = Pacify¼”kkUr dj nsuk½ 156. Tenuous = Flimsy¼iryk½
105. Milieu = Enviornment¼ekgkSy½ 157. Ceremonial = Formal¼vkSipkfjd½
106. Nomadic = Wandering¼?kqEedM+½+ 158. Taciturn = Quiet¼”kkar@vYiHkk’kh½
107. Doldrums = Sad¼nq[kh½ 159. Destitute = Poor¼xjhc½
108. Agog = Excited¼mrsftr½ 160. Obsolete = Outdated¼vizpfyr@izpyu ls ckgj½
109. Inchoate = Undeveloped¼vfodflr½ 161. Bemused = Confused¼Hkzfer½
110. Soporific = Sleep Causing¼funzktud½ 162. Serene = Calm¼”kkar½
111. Adage = Proverb¼dgkors½ 163. Titanic = Gargantuan ¼fo”kky½
112. Parsimony = Stinginess¼datl q h½ 164. Berserk = Crazy¼xqLls ls ikxy½
113. Assent = Agree¼lger gksuk½ 165. Stationary = Standing¼fLFkj½
114. Respite = Relief¼vkjke½ 166. Nether = Lower ¼fupyk½
115. Frail = Weak¼detksj½ 167. Jolly = Merry¼[kq”kh½
116. Flimsy = Weak¼detksj½ 168. Congregation = Meeting¼lHkk½
117. Paucity = Shortage¼deh½ 169. Ephemeral = Short Living¼{kf.kd½
118. Morale = Confidence¼gkSalyk½ 170. Din = Loud¼”kksjjxqy½
119. Mettle = Courage¼lkgl@fgEer½ 171. Denigrate = Criticize¼fuUnk djuk½
120. Elastic = Flexible¼yphyk½ 172. Dejected = Unhappy¼mnkl½
121. Rookie = An Inexperienced Person¼vuqHkoghu O;fDr½ 173. Grisly = Ghastly¼Mjkouk½
122. Pensive = Thoughtful¼fopkj eXu½ 174. Provisional = Temporary¼vLFkk;h½
123. Whim = Whimsy¼lud½ 175. Wary = Cautious¼lrZd] lko/kku½
124. Vivid ¼lqLi’V½ = Clear 176. Reticent = Quilt ¼”kkUr@vYiHkk’kh½
125. Shirk = Avoid¼Hkkxuk@th pqjkuk½ 177. Fiasco = Failure ¼vlQy½
126. Exalt = Praise¼iz”kalk djuk½ 178. Amiable = Friendly¼fe=rk½
127. Ebullient = Showing Excitement¼mRrstuk½ 179. Gigantic = Huge¼fo”kky½
128. Defunct = Death¼e`r½ 180. Doleful = Mournful¼”kksdxzLr½
129. Agony = Pain¼d’V@ihM+k½ 181. Chide = Scold¼MkaVuk½
130. Tentative = Temporary¼vLFkk;h½ 182. Dubious = Doubtful¼lafnX/k@lansgkLin½
131. Compendium = Brief¼laf{kIr½ 183. Brisk = Quick¼QqrhZyk½
132. Curmudgeon = Grumpy¼fpM+fpM+k½ 184. Embellish = Decorate¼ltkuk½
133. Bungle = Blunder¼xM+cM+ dj nsuk½ 185. Scream = Cry¼fpYykuk½
134. Satiate = Satisfy¼larq’V djuk½ 186. Yearn = Strong Desire¼rhoz bZPNk½
135. Adroit = Skillful¼n{k@fuiq.k½ 187. Veer = Change in Direction ¼fn”kk cnyuk½
136. Soothe = Pacify¼”kkar djuk½ 188. Encomium = Praise¼iz”kalk djuk½
137. Barren = Unproductive ¼catj½ 189. Latent = Hidden¼xqIr@fNik gqvk½
138. Noxious = Harmful¼gkfudkj½ 190. Aversion = Dislike¼?k`.kk djuk½
139. Protean = Changeable¼ifjorZu”khy½ 191. Peer = Equal ¼cjkcj½
140. Fortitude = Courage¼lkgl½ 192. Luminous = Bright ¼mtkyk½
141. August = Splendid ¼HkO;] “kkunkj½ 193. Motility = Movement
142. Absolve = Forgive¼ekQ djuk½ 194. Slipshod = Careless¼ykijokg½
143. Sullen = Gloomy¼mnkl½ 195. Thrifty = Parsimonious¼datl w ½
144. Splendid = Magnificent ¼”kkunkj½ 196. Swift = Meteoric¼rst½
145. Dauntless = Fearless¼fuMj½ 197. Emerge = Appear¼izdV gksuk½
146. Jittery = Nervous ¼?kcjk;k gqvk½ 198. Furtive = Secret¼xqIr½
147. Saccharine = Sweet ¼e/kqj½ 199. Rail = Scold¼MkVuk QVdkjuk½
148. Inunction = Command ¼vkns”k½ 200. Ceremonious = Formal¼vkSipkfjd½
149. Ken = Knowledge ¼Kku½ 201. Recalcitrant = Disobedient¼voKkdkjh½
150. Sacrosanct = Holy¼ifo=½ 202. Mogul = Powerful Person
151. Juvenile = Young¼toku@;qok½ 203. Abscond = Run Away¼Hkkx tkuk½
152. Conceal = Hide¼fNikuk½ 204. Sloth = Laziness¼vkyL;½
153. Licit = Legal¼oS/k½ 205. Extirpate = Destroy Completely ¼m[kkM+uk½
154. Advocate = Support 206. Assail = Attack ¼vkØe.k djuk½
207. Fatigued = Tired¼Fkdku½ 258. Assault = Attack ¼vkØe.k djuk½
208. Titillate = Excite¼mrsftr djuk½ 259. Refute = Contradict ¼[k.Mu djuk½
209. Halcyon = Calm¼”kkar@[kq”k½ 260. Check = Stop¼:d tkuk½
210. Destitution = Poverty ¼xjhch½ 261. Garner = Collect¼bZdVB~k djuk½
211. Familiar = Well – Known¼ifjfpr½ 262. Bizarre = Unusual¼vlkekU;½
212. Sedate = Serious¼xaHkhj@”kkar½ 263. Courtesan = Whore¼os”;k½
213. Sagacious = Wise¼cqf)eku½ 264. Adept = Skillful¼n{k½
214. Woeful = Doleful¼nq[kh@mnkl½ 265. Choleric = Bad-Tempered¼fpM+fpM+k½
215. Verate = Scold¼MkaVuk½ 266. Significant = Important¼egRoiw.kZ½
216. Extol = Praise¼iz”kalk djuk½ 267. Adulation = Flattery¼pkiywlh½
217. Censure = Criticize¼vkykspuk djuk½ 268. Emancipate = Manumit ¼m}kj djuk½
218. Disparate = Different¼fHkUu½ 269. Philistine = Uncultured¼vlH;½
219. Ramification = Subdivision¼”kk[kkvksea fsa oHkkftr djuk½ 270. Aromatic = Fragrant¼lqxfU/kr½
220. Scandalous = Defamatory¼dyad yxkus okyk½ 271. Tentative = Temporary¼vLFkk;h½
221. Recalcitrant = Stubborn¼ftn~nh½ 272. Generosity = Liberality¼mnkjrk½
222. Tenacious = Stubborn¼ftn~nh½ 273. Magnanimity = Big Hearted¼mnkjrk½
223. Mitigate = To Lessen ¼de djuk½ 274. Novice = Beginner¼uof”k’;½
224. Injurious = Harmful¼uqdlkunk;d½ 275. Nonchalance = Careless¼ykijokgh½
225. Entreat = Request¼vuqjks/k½ 276. Astute = Wise¼cqf}eku@prqj½
226. Elixir = Cure All¼jkeck.k½ 277. Thrall = Enslave ¼nklrk] xqykeh½
227. Accede = Agree¼eku ysuk½ 278. Heinous = Villainous ¼nq’V½
228. Mount = Ascend¼p<+kbZ½ 279. Villainous = Nefarious ¼nq’V½
229. Putrid = Foul¼[kjkc] eSyk½ 280. Allure = To Attract¼vkdf’kZr djuk½
230. Wanton = Dissolute ¼pfj=ghu½ 281. Ruck = Common People¼vke vkneh½
231. Abstain = Restrain¼nwj jguk½ 282. Expunge = Remove¼feBk nsuk½
232. Parsimonious = Miser¼datwl½ 283. Daughty = Courageous¼fgEerokyk½
233. Nettle = Annoy¼rax djuk½ 284. Perturb = Disturb
234. Disparage = Belittle ¼uhpk fn[kkuk½ 285. Crotchety = Bad Tempered¼fpM+fpM+k½
235. Sanity = Acumen ¼foosd@ekufld larqyu½ 286. Baffle = Confuse
236. Meritorious = Admirable¼iz”kalk ;ksX;] xq.kxku½ 287. Lassitude = Laziness¼vkyL;½
237. Compunction = Regret¼iNrkuk½ 288. Antipathy = Dislike¼ukilan½
238. Reprimand = Rebuke¼vkykspuk djuk½ 289. Macabre = Horrible¼Mjkouk½
239. Harass = Annoy¼rax djuk@lrkuk½ 290. Natation = Swimming ¼rSjuk½
240. Momentous = Important¼egRoiw.kZ½ 291. Minuscule = Very Small¼cgqr NksVk½
241. Nimble = Quick¼QqrhZyk] pqLr½ 292. Rancor = Hatred¼fo}s’k½
242. Laud = Praise ¼iz”kalk djuk½ 293. Sanctum = A Sacred Place¼ifo= LFkku½
243. Disguise = Camouflage¼fNikuk½ 294. Chagrin = Abase ¼uhpk fn[kkuk½
244. Hamper = Impede ¼ck/kk Mkyuk½ 295. Holler = Scream ¼tksj ls fpYykuk½
245. Fritter Away = Lavish 296. Tranquil = Calm¼”kkUr½
246. Mawkish = Teary¼Hkkoqqd½ 297. Staid = Sedate ¼”kkar½
247. Skeptic = Doubter¼”kDdhfetkt½ 298. Abandon = Give up¼R;kxuk½
248. Chary = Cautious¼lko/kku½ 299. Ribald = Obscene ¼v”yhy½
249. Despondency = Sadness¼mnklh@fujk”kk½ 300. Myriad = Great Number ¼cM+h la[;k½
250. Manky = Dirty¼xUnk½ 301. Upright = Honest¼bZekunkj½
251. Expedite = Quick¼rst@”kh?kz½ 302. Diligence = Hardworking
252. Fickle = Changeable¼ifjorZu”khy½ 303. Yummy = Delicious¼Lokfn’v½
253. Anathema = Curse¼Jki½ 304. Aberrant = Unusual¼vlkekU;½
254. Lax = Careless¼ykijokg½ 305. Inimical = Unfriendly¼nq”euh½
255. Faction = Party¼ikVhZ@ny½ 306. Venerate = Respect¼vknj djuk½
256. Contrite = Rueful¼i”pkrki½ 307. Surmount = Overcome¼fot; ikuk½
257. Discombobulate = Confuse 308. Berate = Scold¼MkVuk½
309. Resume = A new start ¼fQj vkjEHk djuk½ 361. Command = Instruct¼vkns”k djuk½
310. Camaraderie = Friendly ¼fe=rk½ 362. Catholic = Universal¼loZO;kih½
311. Barbarian = Uncivilized¼vlH;½ 363. Pundit = Expert¼iafMr½
312. Malady = Illness¼fcekjh½ 364. Impetuous = Rash¼mrkoyk½
313. Cheerful = Merry¼izlUUu@[kq”kh½ 365. Gossamer = Very Thin¼cgqr iryk½
314. Effete = Weak¼detksj½ 366. Combat = Fight¼yM+uk½
315. Despondent = Dejected¼fujk”k gksuk½ 367. Hinder = Obstruct ¼ck/kk@:dkoV½
316. Wan = Pale¼Qhdk½ 368. Kowtow = Respect¼vknj djuk½
317. Shun = Avoid 369. Approbation = Approval¼Lohd`fr@eatjw h½
318. Remiss = Careless¼ykijokg½ 370. Salacious = Obscene¼v”yhy½
319. Succor = Help¼lgk;rk½ 371. Acquiesce = Agree¼eku tkuk@lger gksuk½
320. Forbid = Prohibit¼euk djuk½ 372. Demeanour = Behaviour¼O;ogkj½
321. Elan = Enthusiasm¼tks”k@mRlkg½ 373. Deportment = Behaviour¼O;ogkj½
322. Munificent = Generous ¼n;kyq@mnkj½ 374. Bliss = Happiness¼[kq”kh½
323. Moribund = Death¼e`R;q ;k e`R;q ds dxkj ij½ 375. Mute = Silent ¼ewd½
324. Commotion = Disturbance ¼gaxkekk@gypy½ 376. Raiment = Clothing¼diM+k½
325. Jeopardized = Endangered¼[krjs es½a 377. Cease = Stop¼cUn½
326. Supple = Flexible¼yphyk½ 378. Simon-Pure = Genuine¼vlyh½
327. Abstruse = Obscure ¼vLi’V½ 379. Frugal = Economical¼ferO;;h½
328. Proficient = Skillful¼fuiq.k½ 380. Accidental = Fortuitous¼vpkud½
329. Vivacious = Energetic¼tks”k½ 381. Hilarity = Jollity¼vkuUn nsuk½
330. Discord = Quarrel¼>xM+k½ 382. Curtail = Shorten ¼NksVk djuk½
331. Slugged = Lazy Person¼vkylh½ 383. Summon = Call in¼cqykuk½
332. Reverie = Daydream¼fnokLoiu½ 384. Perilous = Dangerous¼[krjukd½
333. Knack = Talent 385. Dolt = Stupid¼ew[kZ@xkscj&x.ks”k½
334. Contention = Dispute¼fookn½ 386. Crabbed = Bad Tempered¼fpM+fp+M+k½
335. Adamant = Hard¼ftn~nh½ 387. Espionage = Syping¼tklwlh½
336. Painstaking = Assiduous 388. Revere = Esteem¼lEeku½
337. Obtuse = Blunt¼eUncqf)½ 389. Dank = Damp¼xhyk½
338. Expeditiously = Quickly¼”kh?kz½ 390. Galimatias = Useless¼csdkj½
339. Pry = Interfere¼rkad&>kad djuk½ 391. Cadence = Rhythm¼y;] ygtk½
340. Slim = Lean¼nqcyk iryk½ 392. Efface = Erase¼feBkuk½
341. Denial = Contradiction¼[k.Mu djuk½ 393. Handicap = Hamper¼ck/kk½
342. Ignite = Kindle¼tykuk½ 394. Zenith = Highest Point¼pje fcUnq½
343. Parity = Equality ¼cjkcjh½ 395. Furore = Commotion ¼gaxkek@gypy½
344. Jabber = Gabble¼cduk½ 396. Barbarous = Uncivilized¼vlH;½
345. Quandary = Predicament¼vleatl½ 397. Sundry = Various¼fHkUu&fHkUu½
346. Surmise = Guess¼vankt yxkuk½ 398. Obdurate = Stubborn¼ftn~nh½
347. Sombre = Dreary¼Qhdk] mnkl½ 399. Lottery = Raffle¼ykVjh½
348. Dreadful = Tremendous¼Hk;kud½ 400. Caveat = Warning¼psrkouh½
349. Haggard = Gaunt ¼detksj½ 401. Cache = Hiding Place¼xqIr½
350. Cardinal = Chief¼izeq[k½ 402. Damn = Condemn¼vkykspuk djuk½
351. Rubicund = Ruddy¼yky½ 403. Paramour = Lover
352. Nebulous = Not Clear ¼vLi’V½ 404. Dwarf = Gnome¼ckSuk½
353. Bawdy = Indecent¼v”yhy½ 405. Formidable = Difficult¼dfBu½
354. Callow = Inexperienced¼vuqHkoghu½ 406. Dearth = Shortage ¼deh½
355. Facilitate = Make Easier¼ljy cukuk½ 407. Apprise = Inform¼lwfpr djuk½
356. Glean = Collect¼bDV~Vk djuk½ 408. Pow-Wow = Meeting¼ehfVax½
357. Complacent = Self Satisfied¼vkRe larq’V½ 409. Watchful = Alert¼lrZd@lko/kku½
358. Fervour = Ardour¼tks”k½ 410. Sporadic = Irregular¼fNViqV&vfu;fer½
359. Forsake = Abandon¼R;kx nsuk½ 411. Sartorial = Relating to a tailor¼flykbZ laca/kh½
360. Abrogate = Cancel¼fujLr@jn~n½ 412. Largess = Magnanimity¼mnkjrk½
413. Obliterate = Destroy¼[kRedjuk@u’V djuk½ 464. Kismet = Destiny¼HkkX;½
414. Opprobrium = Criticism¼fuank½ 465. Mercurial = Inconstant¼vfLFkj½
415. Contraband = Illegal ¼oftZr½ 466. Dolorous = Sad¼mnkl@nq[kh½
416. Snooze = Sleep¼>idh ysuk½ 467. Ennui = A feeling of boredom¼Åc½
417. Repartee = response¼izR;qRrj½ 468. Appal = Shocked¼Hk;Hkhr djuk½
418. Hallowed = Sacred¼ifo=½ 469. Altercation = Noisy Quarrel¼>xM+k½
419. Facsimile = Copy¼izfrd`fr@vuqfyfi½ 470. Baleful = Harmful¼uqdlkunk;d½
420. Callous = Insensitive¼laosnukghu@dBksj½ 471. Impeccable = Faultless¼funks’Z k½
421. Rue = Regret¼i”pkrki½ 472. Enmity = Hatred¼nq”euh½
422. Absurd = Preposterous¼csrqdk@fujFkZd½ 473. Preposterous = Absurd¼csrqdk@Hkn~nk½
423. Nepotism = Favouritism¼HkkbZ&Hkrhtkokn½ 474. Lucrative = Profitable ¼Qk;nsean½
424. Restless = Uneasy ¼cSpu½ 475. Despise = Hate¼?k`.kk djuk½
425. Marginal = Minimal¼de½ 476. Eccentric = Crazy¼ludh½
426. Germane = Relevant¼lacaf/kr@laxr½ 477. Enjoin = To suggest¼lykg nsuk½
427. Stymie = Obstruct¼ck/kk@:dkoV½ 478. Reveal = Expose ¼jgL; izdV djuk½
428. Benefit = Advantage¼ykHk½ 479. Ruthless = Merciless¼funZ;rk½
429. Augment = Increase¼c<+uk½ 480. Asinine = Stupid¼ew[kZ½
430. Gauchy = Clumsy¼Hkn~nk½ 481. Neophyte = Beginner¼uof”k’;½
431. Ghastly = Horrible¼Mjkouk½ 482. Sanctimonious = Hypocritical¼ik[kaMh½
432. Gingerly = Carefully¼lko/kkuh ls½ 483. Bilk = Cheat ¼/kks[kk nsuk½
433. Gory = Bloody ¼jDrjaftr½ 484. Copious = Plenty¼izpj½
434. Kudos = Honour¼lEeku@iz”kalk½ 485. Haughty = Proud¼vfHkekuh½
435. Alacrity = Enthusiasm¼tks”k½ 486. Rotundity = Roundness¼xksykbZ½
436. Pilfer = Steal¼pqjkuk½ 487. Brazen = Shamelss¼cs”keZ½
437. Mangle = Lacerate¼o/k djuk½ 488. Belated = delayed¼foyfEcr@nsjh½
438. Nuptial = Matrimonial¼oSokfgd½ 489. Garrulous = Talkative ¼T;knk cksyus okyk½
439. Miniature = Small¼NksVk½ 490. Burly = Muscular¼gV~Vk&dV~Bk½
440. Pandemonium = Chaos¼dksykgy½ 491. Benign = Gentle and kind¼mnkj@Hknz½
441. Fatigue = Weariness¼Fkdku½ 492. Prodigious = Extraordinary¼vlk/kkj.k½
442. Bifurcated = Divided into two¼nks Hkkx gksuk½ 493. Attenuate = Weakened¼cgqr iryk½
443. Tutelage = Protection¼laj{k.k½ 494. Rely = Depend¼fuHkZj djuk½
444. Handsome = Good Looking¼lqUnj½ 495. Euphoria = Elation ¼vkuUn½
445. Open Mouthed = Agape¼[kqyk eq¡g½ 496. Nourshing = Nutrient ¼ikSf’Vd½
446. Fanciful = Unreal¼vokLrfod@dkYifud½ 497. Nutritive = Nutrient ¼ikSf’Vd½
447. Banter = Joke¼etkd½ 498. Onerous = Burdensome¼Hkkjh½
448. Illicit = Illegal¼voS/k½ 499. Indigent = Poor¼xjhc½
449. Kindle = Burn¼tykuk½ 500. Listless = Lazy¼fu:Rlkg½
450. Gambol = Frolic¼mNy dwn½ 501. Daunt = Intimidate¼Mjkuk½
451. Gamut = Entire Range 502. Permit = Allow¼vuqefr nsuk½
452. Denizen = Citizen¼fuoklh½ 503. Crestfallen = Sad and disappointed
453. Civil = Polite¼lH;½ 504. Martinent = Very strict person¼dBksj vuq”kkLrd½
454. Bolster = Support 505. Inkling = Hint¼ladrs ½
455. Calumny = Slander¼dayd½ 506. Rancid = Stale¼cklh½
456. Insolent = Brazen¼cs”keZ½ 507. Celerity = Speedily¼rst@”kh?kzrk½
457. Folly = Foolishness ¼eqq[kZrk½ 508. Antechamber = A waiting room
458. Labile = Unstable¼vLFkk;h½ 509. Usurp = Seize¼gM+iuk½
459. Mendicant = A Beggar ¼fHk{kqd½ 510. Fierce = Ferocious¼Øwj] Hka;dj½
460. Yell = Cry¼fpYykuk½ 511. Puerile = Childish¼cpdkuk½
461. Rescue = Save¼cpkuk½ 512. Pied = Multi Colour¼jaxfcjaxk½
462. Sadistic = Cruel¼funZ;h½ 513. Penchant = Liking¼:fp½
463. Assay = Evaluation ¼tk¡puk½ 514. Ubiquitous = Being Everywhere ¼loZO;kih½
515. Repudiate = Disown¼euk djuk½ 567. Cajole = Flatter¼Qqlykuk½
516. Abase = Degrade¼uhpk fn[kkuk@vieku djuk½ 568. Dastard = Coward¼dk;j@MjQksd½
517. Covet = Secret¼xqIr½ 569. Calamity = Disaster¼foifr@ladV½
518. Renounce = Give up¼R;kx nsuk½ 570. Quash = Crush¼dqpyuk½
519. Lampoon = To criticize¼fuUnk djuk½ 571. Edible = Eatable¼[kkus ;ksX;½
520. Jaded = Tired¼viax½ 572. Bandit = Robber¼Mkdw½
521. Prodigal = Extravagant¼fouez½ 573. Jibe = Agree¼esy[kkuk@lger gksuk½
522. Boisterous = Noisy¼lksUn;Z½ 574. Mélange = Mixture of medley¼feJ.k½
523. Maim = Disable¼viax½ 575. Vex = Annoy¼lrkuk½
524. Genteel = Polite¼fouez½ 576. Cemetery = Graveyard¼dfczLrku½
525. Pulchritude = Beautiful¼lkSUn;Z½ 577. Facile = Effortless¼vklku½
526. Sedulous = Hardworking¼ifjJeh½ 578. Malaise = Uneasiness¼cSpsuh½
527. Forbear = Patience ¼/kS;Z j[kuk½ 579. Horrible = Gruesome¼Mjkouk½
528. Sinuous = Winding ¼?kqekonkj½ 580. Forthright = Honest¼bZekunkj½
529. Acturial = Calculating¼chekafdd½ 581. Beautiful = Handsome ¼lqUnj½
530. Commensurate = Proportionate 582. Corpulent = Very fat¼eksVk½
531. Radiant = Bright ¼pedhyk½ 583. Abduct = Kidnap¼vigj.k djuk½
532. Reverent = Respectful¼lEekuh;½ 584. Aspersion = Unpleasant false remarks¼dyad yxkuk½
533. Recondite = Difficult to understand ¼vLi’V½ 585. Pauper = Very poor person¼cgqr xjhc vkneh½
534. Precursor = Omen 586. Arrack = Strong Alcoholic Drink
535. Portend = Foretoken¼iwoZ lwpuk nsuk½ 587. Altruist = Unselfishly¼ijksidkjh½
536. Obligatory = Compulsory ¼vfuok;Z½ 588. Jocund = Merry¼izlUu@[kq”k½
537. Solemn = Serious¼xaHkhj½ 589. Caliber = Ability¼;ksX;rk½
538. Disseminate = Scatter¼QSykuk½ 590. Insouciant = Without¼ykijokgh½
539. Dexterity = Skill¼n{krk½ 591. Pariah = Social outcast¼vNqr½
540. Nexus = Connection¼laca/k½ 592. Hardy = Brave¼ohj½
541. Solidarity = Unity¼,drk½ 593. Edifice = Building¼Hkou@bekjr½
542. Recurrent = Occurring again and again¼iwujkorhZ½ 594. Nadir = Lowest Poin¼lcls fuEuLrj fcUnw½
543. Limber = Pliant¼yphyk½ 595. Veneer = Thin Layer ¼ijr½
544. Debonair = Complaisant¼fouez½ 596. Duress = Pressure ¼ncko½
545. Cynosure = Centre of Attraction¼Mk;uklksj½ 597. Duplicity = Deceptiveness
546. Accord = Agreement ¼le>kSrk½ 598. Exigency = Emergency
547. Gruff = Rough¼:[kk½ 599. Barbaric = Uncivilized ¼vlH;½
548. Malign = Vilify ¼cnuke djuk½ 600. Rife = Widespread ¼izpqj@QSyk gqvk½
549. Supine = Idle¼vkylh½ 601. Capitulate = Surrender ¼vkReleiZ.k djuk½
550. Perfidy = Treachery¼/kks[kk½ 602. Stale = Musty ¼cklh½
551. Occult = Secret¼xqIr½ 603. Daredevil = Courageous ¼lkglh½
552. Jaunt = Trip¼;k=k½ 604. Humiliate = Abase ¼vieku djuk½
553. Foray = Attack¼Nkik½ 605. Abysmal = bottomless ¼vFkkg½
554. Gaudy = Garish¼HkM+dhyk½ 606. Scourge = Punishment ¼ltk nsuk½
555. Abscission = Cutting off¼viPNsu@i`FkDdj.k½ 607. Majestic = Grand ¼”kkunkj½
556. Mercenary = Selfish¼LokFkhZ½ 608. Officious = Interfering ¼n[ky nsuk½
557. Scarcity = Shortage ¼deh½ 609. Bewail = Lament ¼foyki djuk½
558. Valor = Gallantry¼cgknqjh½ 610. Nubile = Marriageable
559. Nostalgic = Homesick¼?kj dh ;kn vkuk½ 611. Peevish = Bad tempered ¼fpM+fpM+k½
560. Apex = Top¼f”k[kj½ 612. Lavish = Wasteful ¼fQtwy [kpZ½
561. Fake = Counterfeit¼udyh½ 613. Varacious = Honest ¼lp½
562. Reiterate = Repeat ¼nksgjkuk½ 614. Parvenu = Upstart ¼dy½
563. Glutton = Gourmand¼isVw½ 615. Pinnacle = Peak ¼f”k[kj½
564. Veracity = Turth¼lR;@lPpkbZ½ 616. Machiavellian = Crafty ¼/kks[ks ckt½
565. Skinflint = Miser¼datlw ½ 617. Knell = Bell ¼?k.Vk½
566. Acrid = Bitter¼rh[kk½ 618. Portly = Stout ¼eksVk½
VOCABULARLY (9828162280)
619. Polemic = Argumentative ¼fookn½ 670. Eulogy = Praise ¼iz”kalk½
620. Pliable = Flexible ¼yphyk½ 671. Acerbic = Bitter ¼dM+ok½
621. Oaf = Stupid Person ¼ew[kZ½ 672. Apogee = Highest point ¼ijkdk’Bk@f”k[kj½
622. Whimsical = Capricious ¼eueksth½ 673. Modicum = Small amount ¼FkksM+k de½
623. Savant = Scholar ¼fo}ku½ 674. Delusion = Illusion ¼Hkez½
624. Warranty = Guarrantee 675. Adorn = Decorate ¼lokajuk½
625. Narcissist = Conceited Person 676. Errorneously = Wrongly ¼xyr <ax ls½
626. Skimp = Stingy ¼datl w ½ 677. Dilate = Widen ¼QSykuk½
627. Babble = Chatter ¼rqrykuk½ 678. Craven = Cowardly ¼Mjiksd] dk;j½
628. Knave = Rogue ¼nq’V½ 679. Swish = Fashionable
629. Pachyderm = thick-skinned animal ¼eksVh Ropk okyk tkuoj½ 680. Entice = Allure ¼yqHkkuk½
630. Punctilious = Careful ¼lko/kku½ 681. Mock = Ridicule ¼etkd mM+kuk½
631. Pernicious = Harmful ¼uqslkunk;d½ 682. Melee = Fight ¼yM+kbZ½
632. Acrimonious = Angry ¼mxz½ 683. Devout = Pious ¼ifo=½
633. Dapper = Neat and trim ¼lkQ lqFkjk½ 684. Festal = Merry ¼izlUu½
634. Debilitate = Weaken ¼detksj½ 685. Festive = Joyous ¼izlUUu½
635. Imprudent = Not wise ¼vcqf)eku½ 686. Coerce = Force ¼ck/; djuk½
636. Circuitous = Roundabout ¼?kqekonkj½ 687. Modish = Stylish ¼QS”kuscqy½
637. Avuncular = Like an uncle ¼pkpk dh rjg½ 688. Dormant = Inactive ¼fuf’Ø; lq”r½
638. Boor = a crude person with rude ¼vlH;½ 689. Abet = Incite ¼mdlkuk@HkM+dkuk½
639. Bootless = Useless ¼csdkj½ 690. Oust = Expel ¼fudky nsuk½
640. Bemoan = Bewail ¼foyki djuk½ 691. Sanction = Approve ¼eatjw djuk½
641. Spendthrift = Extravagant ¼[kphZyk½ 692. Servitude = Bondage ¼xqykeh½
642. Charlatan = quack ¼”ks[kh ekjuk½ 693. Replete = Full ¼iw.kZ½
643. Chivalrous = Courteous ¼ohj] lqlH;½ 694. Loathe = Hate ¼?k`.kk djuk½
644. Exclusive = Only ¼,dek=½ 695. Nonplus = Baffle ¼my>u½
645. Charter = Document ¼”kklui=½ 696. Yokel = Rustic ¼taxyh½
646. Knotty = Intricate 697. Acidulous = Sharp-tasting or sour ¼vEyh;½
647. Waif = Homelss Child and animal ¼cs?kj ½ 698. Ogle = Stare ¼?kwjuk½
648. Abjure = give up ¼R;kx nsuk½ 699. Militant = Combating, Fighting
649. Accelerate = Move faster ¼xfr c<+kuk½ 700. Squander = Waste ¼cckZn½
650. Abominable = Delestable¼cqjk½ 701. Hegemony = Domination ¼usr`Ro½
651. Concise = Brief ¼laf{kIr½ 702. Guile = Wile ¼Ny½
652. Buttress = Support ¼lgkjk yxkuk½ 703. Parochial = Narrow outlook ¼lhfer½
653. Mortify = Abase ¼uhpk fn[kkuk½ 704. Regress = Backslide ¼ihNs dh vksj gVkuk½
654. Exult = Happy ¼cgqr izlUu gksuk½ 705. Amicable = Friendly ¼fe=rk½
655. Havoc = Destruction ¼rckgh½ 706. Propitiate = Appease ¼”kkar djuk½
656. Apparent = Obvious ¼Li’V½ 707. Rowdy = Bellicose ¼>xMkyq½
657. Opaque = Not transparent ¼vikjn”khZ½ 708. Amend = Correct ¼lq/kkjuk½
658. Apropos = With Reference ¼mi;qDr½ 709. Discount = Rebate ¼NqV½
659. Apprehend = Arrest ¼fxj¶rkj djuk½ 710. Repast = Meal ¼Hkkst½
660. Espouse = Support ¼leFkZu djuk½ 711. Absolute = Complete ¼iw.kZ½
661. Cower = Shrink ¼fldqM+ tkuk½ 712. Azure = Sky Blue ¼vklekuh½
662. Misgiving = Worried ¼vk”kadk½ 713. Avid = Greedy ¼yksHkh½
663. Mediocre = Average ¼e/;e@vkSlr½ 714. Outlandish = Bizarre ¼fons”kh½
664. Ostracize = Banish 715. Taunt = Mock ¼rkuk ekjuk½
665. Affluent = Rich ¼vehj½ 716. Slapdash = Careless ¼ykijokg½
666. Ablution = Washing ¼Luku½ 717. Swelter = Very hot ¼ilhus lsrjcrj gksuk½
667. Enigma = Puzzle ¼igsyh@leL;k½ 718. Sap = Weak ¼nqcZy½
668. Quiver = Tremble ¼daiu½ 719. Beeline = Straightway ¼lh/kk½
669. Over-Wrought = Excited ¼mrsfrt½ 720. Behemoth = Mammoth ¼fo”kky½
721. Dotage = Senility ¼o`)koLFkk½ 773. Debackle = Downfall ¼loZuk”k½
722. Dogged = Tenacious ¼gBh½ 774. Caprice = Whim ¼vpkud lscny tkuk½
723. Rant = Tirade ¼mrstuk iw.kZ½ 775. Platitude = Commonplace ¼lk/kkj.k ckr½
724. Raucous = Strident ¼ddZ”k½ 776. Nefarious = Very wicked ¼nq’V½
725. Frantic = Excited ¼mrsftr½ 777. Appease = to soothe ¼”kkafr½
726. Drab = Dull ¼uhjl@Qhdk½ 778. Paragon = Epitome
727. Antediluvian = Antiquated ¼iwjkuh½ 779. Maverick = Rebel ¼fonzksgh½
728. Dumbfounded = Baffle ¼vk”p;Zpfdr½ 780. Pine = Yearn ¼rhoz bPNk½
729. Dotage = Senility ¼o`)koLFkk½ 781. Intrepid = Audacious ¼lkglh½
730. Amputate = Cut off part of body ¼vaxfoPNsn½ 782. Necromancy = Black magic ¼dkyk tknw½
731. Cosy = Comfortable ¼lq[kn½ 783. Nostrum = Remedy ¼nok½
732. Dutiful = Respectful ¼vkKkdkjh½ 784. Peerless = Unequal ¼cstksM+½
733. Dissipate = Disapper¼feVkuk ;k xk;c djuk½ 785. Piety = Devotion ¼HkfDr½
734. Disperse = Scatter ¼fc[ksjuk½ 786. Mastery = Authority ¼vf/kdkj½
735. Disinterested = Unprejudiced ¼fu’i{k½ 787. Exorcise = ¼fudkyuk½
736. Disdain = Contempt ¼?k`.kk@frjLdkj½ 788. Superficial = Shallow ¼fNNyk½
737. Disconcert = Confuse ¼?kcjk nsuk½ 789. Culmination = Highest Point ¼pje fcUnq½
738. Wander = Gad ¼m/kj /kweuk½ 790. Delight = Joy ¼[kq”kh½
739. Dulcet = Sweet ¼e/kqj½ 791. Chicanery = Trickery ¼Ny½
740. Ecstasy = Joy ¼ije vkuUn½ 792. Adversity = Misfortune ¼nqHkkZX;½
741. Dire = Very serious ¼Hk;kud½ 793. Impediment = Obstacle ¼ck/kk½
742. Abate = Reduce ¼de djuk½ 794. Cacophonous = Harsh sounding ¼ddZ”k vkokt½
743. Affirmation = Confirmation ¼iq’Vh djuk½ 795. Grumble = Compalin¼f”kdk;r½
744. Blasphemy = Sacrilege ¼bZ”oj fuank½ 796. Naïve = Frank ¼fu’diV½
745. Agitate = Disturb ¼mrsftr djuk½ 797. Uncouth = Uncivilized ¼xok¡j½
746. Lucre = Profit ¼ykHk½ 798. Abominate = Hate ¼?k`.kk djuk½
747. Elliptical = Egg shaped ¼vaMklk@nh?kZo`rh;½ 799. Massacre = Slaughter ¼gR;kdk.M½
748. Elysian = Related to paradise ¼LofxZd½ 800. Ambiguous = Not clear ¼vLi’V½
749. Dilettante = Amateur ¼vukM+h½ 801. Flippant = Frivolous ¼papy½
750. Discrete = Separate ¼vyx½ 802. Foster = Encourage ¼izksRlkfgr djuk½
751. Avert = Avoid ¼nwj j[kuk½ 803. Jingoism = Chauvinism ¼T;knk ns”k HkfDr fn[kkuk½
752. Tedious = Tiresome ¼mckÅ@Fkdkus okyk½ 804. Lechery = Lewdness ¼dkeqdrk½
753. Pan = Criticize harshly ¼dVq vkykspuk djuk½ 805. Lout = Coarse ¼xokaj½
754. Pliant = Flexible ¼yphyk½ 806. Opulence = Affluence ¼/kuh@jbZl½
755. Pale = Pallied¼ihyk@Qhdk½ 807. Tantrum = Conniption ¼vkos”k½
756. Privy = Secret ¼xqIr½ 808. Temporal = Worldly ¼lkalkfjd½
757. Accure = Accumulate ¼bdB~Bk½ 809. Throng = Horde ¼HkhM+½
758. Chimera = Illusion ¼dkYifud ½ 810. Titter = Giggle ¼BhBh½
759. Teetotalism = Teetotalling¼en~; R;kx½ 811. Tremor = Quake ¼dEiu½
760. Incessant = Continuous ¼yxkrkj½ 812. Sacrilege = Profanation ¼vifof=dj.k½
761. Trpidation = Nervousness ¼?kcjkgV½ 813. Sumptuous = Luxurious
762. Effeminate = Womanish ¼L=S.k½ 814. Surfeit = Excess
763. Malice = Ill will ¼nqHkkZouk½ 815. Pugnacious = Belligerent ¼>xM+kyw½
764. Gainsay = Deny ¼euk djuk½ 816. Indolent = Lazy
765. Rapture = Ecstasy ¼[kq”kh½ 817. Inevitable = Unavoidable ¼vfuok;Z½
766. Unbridled = Uncontrolled ¼vfu;af=r½ 818. Carnage = Massacre ¼ujlagkj½
767. Gnaw = chew ¼dqrjuk½ 819. Circumlocution = Indirect Speech ¼?kqek&fQjkdj crkuk½
768. Hapless = Unlucky ¼nqHkkZX;½ 820. Extraneous = Irrelevant ¼vlaxr½
769. Marshy = Plashy¼nyny½ 821. Amazon = Virago ¼;ks)k L=h½
770. Gale = Windstorm gust of wind ¼rqQku½ 822. Grapple = Wrestle ¼gkFkkikbZ½
771. Abstemious = Sparing in eating and drinking ¼ferkgkjh½ 823. Malefactor = Criminal ¼vijk/kh½
772. Jubilant = Joyful ¼[kq”k½ 824. Meticulous = Careful ¼lrZd½
VOCABULARLY (9828162280)
825. Venerable = Revered ¼lEeku½ 875. Gallantry = Bravery ¼cgknqjh½
826. Occident = West ¼if”pe½ 876. Woe = deep ¼”kksd½
827. Obeisance = Obedience ¼lEeku½ 877. Wither = shrivel ¼eqj>kuk½
828. Chimerical = Imagimary¼dYiuk½ 878. Uproarious = very noisy
829. Relegate = Dismiss ¼cj[kkLr djuk½ 879. Penury = Poverty ¼xjhch½
830. Inn = Hotel ¼ljk;½ 880. Piebald = Multicoloured¼fpardcjk½
831. Provoked = Exasperated ¼Øksf/kr½ 881. Paltry = Insignificant ¼rqPN½
832. Precarious = Dangerous ¼[krjukd½ 882. Loot = Pillage ¼ywVuk½
833. Potable = Drinkable ¼is;½ 883. Parley = Conference ¼laf/kokrkZ djuk½
834. Assuage = Pacify ¼”kkar djuk½ 884. Orient = Familiarize ¼lek;kstu djuk½
835. Leisure = Respite ¼vkjke@vodk”k½ 885. Palatable = Pleasant to taste ¼Lokfn’V ½
836. Ample= Sufficient ¼izpqj ek=k es½a 886. Vicious = Immoral ¼pfj=ghu½
837. Flagrant = Blatant 887. Beguile = Deceive ¼/kks[kk nsuk½
838. Genesis = Beginning ¼izkjEHk½ 888. Churlish = Boorish ¼nq’V½
839. Racket = Noise ¼gksgYyk½ 889. Odious = Hateful ¼?k`f.kr½
840. Ethereal = Heavenly ¼vykSfdd½ 890. Mandatory = obligatory ¼vfuok;Z½
841. Janitor = Caretaker ¼igjsnkj½ 891. Maraud = plunder ¼ywVekj djuk½
842. Hurdle = Barrier ¼cka/kk½ 892. Gibe = Mick ¼g¡lh mM+kuk½
843. Decry = Criticize ¼fuUnk djuk½ 893. Coax = Flatter ¼Qqqlykuk½
844. Sobriety = Seriousness ¼xaHkhjrk½ 894. Debauch = Morally corrupt ¼Hkz’V½
845. Detention = Apprehension ¼dSn] fgjklr½ 895. Conservation = Preservation ¼laj{k.k½
846. Uproar = Furore¼gksgYyk½ 896. Austere = Strict ¼l[r½
847. Carp = Complain ¼f”kdk;r djuk½ 897. Treacherous = Fraud ¼fo”okl?kkrh½
848. Temporize = Delay ¼VkyeVksy½ 898. Overweening = Presumptuously arrogant ¼vfHkekuh½
849. Gullible = Easily deceived ¼HkksykHkkyk½ 899. Abnegate = Renounce or Reject ¼euk djuk½
850. Gibberish = Nonsense ¼cseryc½ 900. Rakish = Stylish
851. Derogatory = Disparaging ¼vieku½ 901. Amalgam = Combination of different things
852. Aftermath = Result ¼ifj.kke½ 902. Peruse = Examine ¼/;kuls i<+u+ k½
853. Balmy = Pleasant ¼lqgkouk½ 903. Peramount = Supreme ¼loksiZ fj½
854. Endorse = Support ¼leZFku djuk½ 904. Palpable = Touchable
855. Saunter = Move slowely¼Bgyuk½ 905. Spleen = Melancholy ¼xqqLlk½
856. Scrutinize = examine ¼tkapuk½ 906. Bog = Marsh ¼nyny½
857. Scurrilous = Indescent¼v”yhy½ 907. Brag = Boast ¼Mhaxs gkWduk½
858. Salient = Prominent ¼eq[;½ 908. Ratiocination = Reasoning ¼rdZ laxr :i ls½
859. Inured = Accustomed ¼vkfn gksuk½ 909. Rankle = Continue to be painful ¼fujarj d’V nsuk½
860. Skirmish = Minor fight ¼eqBHksM+½ 910. Awry = twisted ¼Vs<+k½
861. Slake = satisfied ¼cq>kuk½ 911. Arraign = Indict/Accuse ¼eqqdnes ds fy, vnkyresa ykuk½
862. Sleight = Dexterity ¼n{krk@fuiqq.krk½ 912. Tenebrous = Dark ¼dkyk½
863. Shunt = Divert ¼eksM+uk½ 913. Rompish – Frolicsome ¼[ksydwndjus okyk½
864. Shenanigans = Mischief ¼”kjkjrh½ 914. Zeal = Enthusiasm ¼mRlkg½
865. Salutary = beneficial ¼ykHknk;d½ 915. Coy = Shy ¼”kehZyk½
866. Scapegoat = Someone who is punished for the errors of 916. Inhale = To take air ¼lkal [khpuk½
other ¼cfy dk cdjk½ 917. Invincible = Unconquerable ¼vijkts;½
867. Voluptuous = sensual ¼dkeqd½ 918. Tremulous = Quivering ¼dkairh gqbZ½
868. Inundation = Flood ¼ck<+½ 919. Dismal = Gloomy ¼mnkl½
869. Vibrant = full of vigor or energy ¼dEik;eku½ 920. Sybaritic = Luxurious ¼foykl fiz;½
870. Audacious = Daring ¼lkglh½ 921. Recourse = Resort ¼lgkjk vkJ;½
871. Verve = Enthusiasm ¼mRlkg@tks”k½ 922. Knead = Mix ¼xw¡Fkuk½
872. Vendetta = blood feud ¼dqy cSj½ 923. Fecund = Fertile ¼mitkŽ
873. Vanguard = forerunners ¼vxz.kh½ 924. Jollity = Gaiety ¼[kq”kh½
874. Notable = remarkable ¼egRoiw.kZ½ 925. Jubilation = rejoicing ¼[kq”kh½
926. Peccadillo = Smallfault¼NksVk lk tqeZ½ 978. Obstinate = Tenacious ¼ftnnh½
927. Puissant = Powerful ¼rkdroj½ 979. Succinct = Summary ¼laf{kIr½
928. Supercilious = Arrogant ¼?keaMh½ 980. Taint = Corrupt ¼dyad½
929. Ruse = Stratagem ¼Ny½ 981. Canvass = Asking for vote ¼oksV ek¡xuk½
930. Refulgent = Luminous ¼ped½ 982. Affront = Insult ¼viekfur djuk½
931. Rejuvenate = Make young again ¼u;k dj nsuk½ 983. Sordid = Dirty ¼xUnk½
932. Beneficial = helpful ¼ykHknk;d½ 984. Commiserate = Sympathise¼lgkuqHkwfr½
933. Proem = Preface ¼izLrkouk½ 985. Deride = to ridicule ¼etkd mM+kuk½
934. Taboo = Banned ¼izfrcaf/kr½ 986. Consort = Partner ¼ifr@iRuh½
935. Ravage = Ruin ¼fouk”k½ 987. Haggle = Bargain ¼Hkko djuk½
936. Admonish = Warn ¼psrkouh½ 988. Gnarled = Twisted ¼eqM+k gqvk½
937. Amass = Gather together ¼bDdVk djuk½ 989. Brawn = Physical Strength ¼ckgqcy½
938. Jettison = throw overboard ¼Qsd a nsuk½ 990. Reprove = Rebuke ¼fuUnk½
939. Jaunty = easy and carefree ¼ftUnkfny½ 991. Prodigy = Skill ¼foy{k.k izfrHkk½
940. Revitalize = Rejuvenate ¼iqquZthou½ 992. Taut = tight ¼dlk gqvk½
941. Jitters = Neruousness¼?kcjkuk½ 993. Vindictive = Revengeful ¼cnyk ysus okyk½
942. Canorous = Melodious ¼lqjhyk½ 994. Imbroglio = Confusion ¼my>u½
943. Dissemble = Pretend ¼ik[k.M½ 995. Tussle = Fight ¼>xM+k½
944. Breach = Rift ¼njkj½ 996. Voracious = Hungry ¼Hkw[kDM+] ykyph½
945. Utopian = Imaginary ¼dkYifud½ 997. Laceration = A cut ¼phjk½
946. Seethe = To be very angry ¼vUnj gh vUnj½ 998. Gaunt = Emaciated ¼nqcyk&iryk½
947. Sanguinary = Bloody ¼jDrjaftr½ 999. Fatuous = Foolish ¼eq[kZ½
948. Panicky = Frightened ¼?kcjkuk gqvk½ 1000. Aptitude = Talent ¼{kerk½
949. Semblance = Resemblance ¼,d:irk½ 1001. Mural = A painting on wall ¼fHkfr fp=½
950. Sham = Fake ¼udyh½ 1002. Vigilant = Wary ¼lko/kku½
951. Focus = Center ¼ukfHk½
952. Turbulent = Violent ¼v”kkar½
953. Extemporaneous = off hand ¼fcuk rS;kjh ds½
954. Skulduggery = Tricky behaviour¼csbZekuh½
955. Tumult = Uproar ¼gaxkek½
956. Belligerent = Aggressive ¼>xM+kywiu½
957. Myopic = Short ¼fudV n`f’V½
958. Wily = Crafty ¼pkykd½
959. Rigid = Hard ¼dBksj½
960. Gaol = Jail ¼dSn[kkuk½
961. Judicious = Wise ¼cqf)eku½
962. Headstrong = Stubborn ¼ftnnh½
963. Cranky = Grumpy ¼fpM+fpM+k½
964. Nemesis = Punishment ¼n.M½
965. Refractory = Unmanageable ¼vfM+;y½
966. Intrepid = Fearless ¼lkglh½
967. esteem = ¼vknj½
968. Kulak = farmer ¼tehnkj½
969. Despair = Sad ¼fujk”kk½
970. Ratify = Verify
971. Stringent = Strict ¼l[r½
972. Deplore = Regret ¼i”pkrki½
973. Conscientious = Careful ¼drZO;fu’B½
974. Clandestine = Secret ¼xqIr½
975. Queer = Strange ¼vthc½
976. Itinerant = Travelling from place to place ¼Hkze.k djuk½
977. Triumph = Victory ¼thr½

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