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Blockchain-based Efficient Energy Trading Scheme

for Smart-Grid Systems

Sahil Singla ∗ , Amit Dua† , Neeraj Kumar‡ , Sudeep Tanwar
∗†Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, BITS Pilani, Pilani (Rajasthan), India
∗ (e-mail: f2016103@pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in) † (e-mail: amit.dua@pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in)
‡ Computer Science & Engineering Department, Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala (Punjab),
2020 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps) | 978-1-7281-7307-8/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/GCWkshps50303.2020.9367401

India (e-mail: neeraj.kumar@thapar.edu).

§ Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India,

(email: sudeep.tanwar@nirmauni.ac.in)

Abstract—Bidirectional flow of power has opened up numerous tion to be a part of it. The most important characteristic of
opportunities for efficient usage of electricity. Vehicle to Grid this system has to be transparency, immutability and security.
(V2G) support has enabled easy transfer of power from the The concept of blockchain provides a way to tackle these
batteries of electric vehicles and then to the consumers itself. In
order to make this practically applicable, a well designed system issues. Blockchain uses a distributed ledger which can lead to
is needed for peer-to-peer (P2P) exchange of electricity for cur- high availability and resiliency. Due to its distributed nature,
rency. Since it involves monetary transactions, it is expected to be it doesn’t have any single point of failure (SPOF). Since, the
highly secure and auditable by the government. The blockchain system proposed could lead to the involvement of a large
technology provides a transparent and secure means to achieve section of population, it is also necessary to have a trustless
this. The distributed nature of blockchain provides resiliency to
the system and also makes it highly available. It also provides a system or not depend on any single intermediary for payments.
means of enabling government audits and immutability of data The system can lead to large amounts of currency transfer,
ensures full transparency. Motivated from these facts in this hence it needs to be audited as well and the blockchain
paper, we propose an auction model to maximize the utilization technology accounts for it. Hence, blockchain is the right
of power by trading energy for currency based on blockchain. choice for this use case based on the system requirements.
It uses geolocation as the prime parameter of visibility between
the consumers and aggregators of power and aims to create A. Motivation
an ecosystem of energy transfer. It ensures direct transactions
between suppliers and consumers of electricity within a specified This research aims to provide an end to end solution
safe range and government permissioned transfer for larger for the maximum utilization of power produced across the
transactions. globe. Instead of aggregation of power, its circulation among
Index Terms—Blockchain, V2G, VCG Auction
consumers seems to be a much better prospect. This can only
be achieved by providing incentives to the owners of EV’s to
trade power for currency. According to Global EV Outlook
Efficient use of electric power has always been one of 2019 [1], the report published by the IEA, there has been a
the concerns of every nation with the constant depletion of massive increase in the EV development sector. The global
natural resources. The traditional power systems enable only stock passed 5 million in 2018 with an increase of 63% from
unidirectional flow of electricity from grids to consumers. The the previous year. This trend was seen in countries expanding
emerging concept of V2G systems tends to improve upon the across the globe with 45% of the total being in China, 24%
existing model by enabling bidirectional flow of electricity. in Europe and 22% in the US.
This could potentially lead to maximum utilization of the Apart from the exponential rise in the number of EV’s, the
energy produced. Vehicle to Grid, commonly known as V2G number of charging points worldwide was estimated to be
proposes extension of energy transfer from consumers who approximately 5.2 million at the end of 2018, an increase of
have aggregated energy to grids that can again distribute it 44% from the previous year. This number signifies the amount
to consumers who need it. V2G charging enables an electric of investment in this sector and related fields.
vehicle to increase as well as decrease the charging instead of Considering an average electric vehicle battery having
the traditional concept of increasing by plugging in the EV and 25kWh capacity, the total amount of energy that would po-
decreasing only on consumption. The model proposed in this tentially be stored around the globe in EV’s will be 250 ∗
research paper aims to create an ecosystem where constant 106 ∗ 25 = 6250gW h. To provide an estimate of the amount
electric power is produced by the government on the daily of power we are dealing with, the following calculation has
basis and the consumers of electricity could trade it by acting been postulated.
as aggregators of power. There is a need for a system that An average household in the US uses 10,972kWh per year [2].
provides energy transfer and incentivises the general popula- By this estimate, only the batteries of EV’s around the globe

978-1-7281-7307-8/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

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could potentially run half a million households in the US for B. Solutions Using Edge Computing
an entire year. This signifies the scale of the problem at hand Edge computing is a networking philosophy that focuses
and its impact if fully solved. on computations locally on the user’s device instead of the
The main contributions from this work are as follows: cloud. This could reduce the number of round trips that are
1) An architecture for efficient energy trading has been needed to get responses, especially when we are dealing with
proposed which provides incentives to the public to trade networks around the globe. It tries to bring the computations
energy for currency as close as possible to the source of data in terms of
2) It provides an auction based mechanism where the user’s actual geographic location. The authors of [6] incorporate
needs can drive the optimal price of the auction. edge computing on blockchain to improve the successful
3) It provides optimal pricing algorithm that increases the probability of block creation. Energy Internet(EI) has also
total social welfare and does not discriminate between been discussed in this particular research. The energy internet
the various power units sold. is a basically a network that could supply electricity across
4) Power utilisation is maximized by minimizing the power the globe anywhere. It focuses on global demand instead of
dissipation using location services. national demand and could revolutionize the way electricity
Rest of the paper is organized as follows. A microanalysis of is distributed.
some of the recent works in areas relating to this research have The authors of [7] extend the concept of edge computing to
been presented in Section II, followed by the design goals that solve this problem involving heavy computations and also
the solution needs in order be practically usable. Section IV introduce the concept of maximizing social welfare in the
provides the actual System Overview, entities involved and hits auctions.
working in whole. This is followed by a small section on the
actual simulation of the design using Ethereum and illustrates
C. Concept of Smart Meters and Grids
results. The paper sums up the hypothesis presented at the end.
The authors of [8] introduce the concept of Smart Meters
II. R ELATED W ORK that could send data consumption of households to suppliers
or the government. This concept could create a significant
Researchers around the globe have put tremendous efforts impact in the area of efficient energy transfer. Analytics on
to solve various independent parts of this problem. For a better a macroscopic scale could lead to trend observations and thus
understanding of the past work in this domain, the following regulate the production as well as supply of electricity. This
subsections explain the research in different components that research could be used along with the current research to
could be stitched together to provide a complete solution. We build a more resilient system that could regulate supply based
furhter aim to present the advantages and limitations of the entirely on machine learning algorithms using data generated
approaches used. from the smart meters.
The authors of [9] extend the concept of smart meters and
A. V2G on blockchain
discuss the concept of reverse auction where the discharging
The authors of [3] discuss about a blockchain based frame- and the charging EV’s send their requirements to the aggrega-
work using a tangle data structure instead of the traditional tors and all decisions are taken by the aggregator for optimal
blockchain. They highlight the significant advantages that distribution as well as pricing and rewarding. This model gives
the tangle has in case of micro transactions. Since, there is immense power to aggregators to control the system and also
no mining fee involved, it seems to be ideally fit for this involves a lot of complexity. The auction model proposed in
use case. Though, the concept of tangle is very recent and the present paper is simpler and realizes the true essence of a
there has been no significant development in the area of P2P system by giving equal power. The authors of [10] state
smart contracts on it providing very less developer support. that future power systems will be immensely complicated and
Moreover, mathematically a 34% attack could be successful interconnected in terms of data transfer and data processing
on a tangle instead of the 51% attack[4]. Thus, even after due to V2G enabled smart grids. They also highlight the
being an efficient technology, it is still far from being actually current issues of the banking system and an argument for
functional in applications. using blockchain based cryptocurrency system. The authors
The authors of [5] proposed the architecture and functionality of [11] propose a cross-domain authentication scheme for the
of a highly secure and privacy based payment mechanism on security threat posed in the system. The security of blockchain
blockchain. Two key challenges have been dealt with in this based systems has been emphasised upon and the signature
research, the first one being the reliability and efficiency of the and authentication of the system has been enhanced using the
transactions and the second one being the auditability along SM9 identity based cryptographic algorithms.
with protection against attackers. The transaction structure
as well as the verification methods have been inspired from D. Rewarding Mechanisms
Bitcoin. The key feature of this work is that it combines salient The authors of [12] propose a hierarchical authentication
features of Bitcoin with Hyperledger to minimize threats on a mechanism for rewarding electric vehicles and hence, increas-
secure private blockchain. ing the participation in the system. The authors of [13] extend

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this concept and introduce the Blockchain based anonymous Permissioned transfer for massive transactions: Presently,
rewarding scheme (BBARS) and further enhance the security the only way of transmitting electricity is by using transmis-
and privacy of the rewarding system. sion lines of the government. Hence, it becomes absolutely
Table I illustrates the comparative depictions of the contribu- necessary to allow the government to block transactions that
tions in this field by previous researches. could potentially lead to blowing up of the transmission lines.
However, it’s also important to obviate taking permissions for
each and every micro transfer to make the system practically
The system aims to minimise power dissipation and max- usable.
imize energy transfer between entities involved providing IV. S YSTEM OVERVIEW
maximum use of available energy. This is done using an This section explains the architecture and overview of the
auction model where those possessing electric power could proposed system in detail.
trade it for the particular blockchain currency on which the
A. Architecture
system is built (in our case, ether), using geographical location
for limiting the visibility. Fig 1 shows the various entities that interact in the system.
Here is the detailed description of the components.
δ = Putilized = Pproduced − Pwasted Registration Authority (RA): The Registration Authority
max(δ) = max(Pproduced − Pwasted ) = min(Pwasted ) (RA) registers all users on the network. To minimize the risk
Pwasted = f (transmissiondistance) of malicious users, only owners of EV’s or having special
permissions from RA can create an auction. The RA is the
The design goals are summarised below: single point responsible for the registration of any user on the
Transparent and Audit enabled: All the transactions should network.
be transparent to the government and should be audit-able as Suppliers: Aggregators of electricity that could supply power
energy trading could lead to a major increase in income if to consumers. These suppliers act as bidmasters for the auction
aggregators start storing energies in their vehicles just to sell and these terms will be used interchangeably in this paper.
it further. Thus, this needs to be regulated in the form of taxes Every EV owner would be eligible to be a bidmaster. Apart
imposed on the income. from EV owners, the RA has the authority to allow others
Distributed: The system needs to be distributed to provide users as bid masters.
High Availability(HA) and remove any Single Points of Fail- Government Officials (GO): Government Officials (GO) are
ures(SPOF). The failure of the system could lead to loss part of the government that can block or allow the transactions
of large amounts of energy and moreover inconsistency in above the threshold based on the local conditions of that day
currency transfer. Moreover, the system needs to remove and the current situation of the transmission lines. The GO
intermediaries to prevent monopolization of the industry. can make the decision on the basis of the number of units for
Location based system: The entire system should be based on which the auction has been created.
geographical location. The project aims at the most efficient Bidders: Consumers of electricity that bid for power on their
use of electrical energy. The dissipation of power is directly respective networks. Each consumer needs to be available on
proportional to the transmission distance [Proofs section]. the blockchain network and within a specified radius of the
Thus, consumers can bid for power only within a particular bidmaster to make their respective bids. The term bidder and
distance from them. The algorithm ensures that if there is consumer will be used interchangeably in this system.
no bid within a specified time, the radius of visibility of
the bidmaster increases by 1/4th of the present radius. This B. Permissioned Registration
ensures minimum power dissipation along with maximum This section specifies the permissions needed to take up a
power transfer between suppliers and consumers. specific role in the model.

TABLE I: A relative comparison of state-of-the-art works

Year Author Contribution
2020 Hassija et al.[3] A Blockchain-based Framework for Lightweight Data Sharing and Energy Trading in V2G Network
2018 Gao et al.[5] A Blockchain-Based Privacy-Preserving Payment Mechanism for Vehicle-to-Grid Networks
2018 Zhou et al.[6] Blockchain and Edge Computing Based Vehicle-to-Grid Energy Trading in Energy Internet
2020 Zhou et al.[7] Secure and Efficient Vehicle-to-Grid Energy Trading in Cyber Physical Systems: Integration of Blockchain and
Edge Computing
2019 Hussain et al.[8] Implementation of Blockchain Technology for Energy Trading with Smart Meters
2019 Liu et al.[9] Electric Vehicle Power Trading Mechanism Based on Blockchain and Smart Contract in V2G Network
2019 Moradi et al.[10] Blockchain, a Sustainable Solution for Cybersecurity Using Cryptocurrency for Financial Transactions in Smart
2018 Liu et al.[11] Research on A Cross-Domain Authentication Scheme Based on Consortium Blockchain in V2G Networks of
Smart Grid
2018 Garg et al.[12] An Efficient Blockchain-based Hierarchical Authentication Mechanism for Energy Trading in V2G Environment
2019 Wang et al.[13] BBARS: Blockchain-Based Anonymous Rewarding Scheme for V2G Networks

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Fig. 1: Entity Interaction

Registration Authority: This permission is granted by the

administrator of the system only.
Aggregator: Every entity that needs to create auctions or sell
electricity needs to get authorization from the RA. A purchase
of EV automatically assigns a unique address with these rights
on the network. Other users can take authorization from the
Consumer: Authorisation from the RA is needed to be a
consumer. This is necessary for storing info for audits. In order Fig. 2: System Interaction
to place bids, some wallet balance would be needed.
Government Official: The RA assigns each state a particular
An account is created using the Signature generated by the
GO. This can be altered only by the RA.
RA and the public key of the user.
C. Process
εA = Account(ζ, Kpub
) (4)
Fig 2 shows the system architecture without the minute
technical details. The system involves six major processes in 2) Auction: Any supplier could place an auction for the
the following order: power units he/she holds. From hereon, the supplier is called
The Registration Authority(RA) is assigned by the system the Bidmaster for the auction. The duration of auction is given
administrator. This step is considered to be a prerequisite in as a parameter by the bidmaster himself.
setting up the system.
α = Auction(εbidmaster , dur, units, min bid) (5)
1) Registration: Every registered EV owner has the potential
to serve as a source of electricity and hence needs to be where εbidmaster denotes the account of the bidmaster, dur
registered as a supplier. There can be other entities that could denotes the duration of the auction, units denotes the number
store electricity or convert other sources of energy to electric of units for which the auction is being held and min bid
power and thus act as suppliers of power. Therefore, they could denotes the minimum bid allowed and π is the empty array
also register themselves as potential suppliers of electricity. initialized to hold the bid values.
Let A be a user with a 256-bit(32 bytes) custom generated 3) Permission: Whether the number of units are safe for
private key Kpri . Lets use ECC for generating the public key the transmission lines or not is determined by the Government
from this private key. The standard domain parameters are official assigned to that particular area. Since, the design
denoted by the set {p,a,b,G,n,h}. The curve is of the form already uses location based services, this is not an overhead
y 2 = x3 + ax + b(modp) where p is a prime number that in terms of infrastructure used. If it is deemed safe, only
limits the range from 0 to p-1. then the auction starts else, the official can change the total
The public key generated by using these parameters is number of units for which the auction has to be held.
denoted Kpub .
Kpub = ECC(Kpri A
) (1) v = V alidity(α) (6)
The Kpub is sent to the RA for authorization along with the 4) Bidding: Any user on the network within a particular
Social Security Number or the national identification proof. radius of the auction creator can place his/her bid for
electric power. Users on the network within a particular
a = Authorize(Kpri
) (2)
radius of the bidmaster are able to place their bids. After
a = 0 if the authorization is unsuccessful else a = 1. If a = every half hour, the visibility radius increases by 1/4th of
1, a signature is created by the RA using its own private key the current radius if the cumulative number of units of all
and the users’s public key, Kpri and Kpub bids is less than those specified by the bidmaster. A bid
implies actual donation of money to the system and can
ζ = Signature(Kpri
, Kpub ) (3) lead to inconsistent state for the period of auction. The total

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amount of money shared between all the users may not Algorithm 1: System Overview
be conserved during the auction, but it is guaranteed that Require: Complete the entire transaction from bidding
the system returns to a consistent state once the auction is over. to transfer of energy and currency
Ensure: The total amount of currency in the system
bi = Bid(εi , p, u) (7) should be constant
1 Function Transaction()
where bi denotes the bid for the user i, εi denotes his account,
p denotes the bid price for each unit, u denotes the number of 2
Kpub = ECC(Kpri A
units for the bid. 3 a = Authorize(K pri )

5) End of the auction: The auction can be ended manually 4 if a =

 1 then
or will end automatically after the mentioned duration from 5 return
the start of the auction.If the cumulative number of units for 6 ζ = Signature(Kpri RA A
, Kpub )
which bids have been placed exceeds the number of units 7 ε A = Account(ζ, K A
pub )
available with the bidmaster, then the bidmaster has the option 8 α = Auction(εbidmaster , dur, units, min bid)
to end the auction, else he/she has to wait further. Once, 9 v = V alidity(α)
the auction is ended, either manually or automatically, it is 10 if v = 1 then
checked whether the total number of units demanded is greater 11 α=
than the total number of units auctioned. If that is not the case, Auction(εbidmaster , dur, updt units, min bid)
all transactions are reverted back and the auction is declared 12 end time = current time + dur
null and void. Else, the consensus price is calculated based 13 r = 5
on the Algorithmic Mechanism Design for consensus price 14 υ = 0.25
mentioned in the Algorithm 2. 15 π = []
16 bi = Bid(εi , p, u)
π = sort(π.begin(), π.end()) (8) 17 i:=1 u π = π.add(pair < p, εi >)
18 LOOP : if end time <= current time then
6) Transfer: Once, the auction ends, the energy is trans-
19 if π.size > updt units then
ferred to the users. The balance amounts are distributed to the
bidders by the system.
21 else
The algorithm followed for deciding the consensus price is 23 end time = current time + dur
VCG auction for multiple units. 24 GOTO LOOP
Let there be k units for auction and n bidders. Then, 25 end
each bidder bids for each of the k units with bids in range 26 EN D : π = sort(π.begin(), π.end())
[0,+INFINITY]. Thus, all the bids can be summarized in 27 CP = ConsensusP rice(π, units, min bid)
Table II. For each unit i, the bid vector is given by: Bidi = 28 i:=1 {π.size − units}
1 2 3 k
bi , bi , bi , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , bi 29 transf er(εbidmaster , π[i].second, π[i].f irst)
30 end

TABLE II: Bid Matrix

Units 1 2 . . . . k
Bidder B = {b1 , . . . , bn } be the set of bidders,
ID W = {w1 , . . . , wm } be the set of winners of each unit of m,
1 b11 b21 . . . . bk1
Vi = {V1 , . . . , Vm } be the set of social value gained by the
2 b12 b22 . . . . bk2
. . . . . . . . bidder i corresponding to each unit of A on a win. Vij = 0,
. . . . . . . . if Wj = bi .
n b1n b2n . . . bkn SVBI is the total collective social value after the auction is
over or
Let BID be the uni-dimensional array of size n*k with all j
SVBI = Σm n
i=1 Σj=1 Vi (9)
the bids. The consensus price is decided as follows:
Sort the BID in descending order. (Do not remove duplicates) The standard notation M \N of the set theory denotes
The consensus price is (k + 1)th entry in the sorted BID or is elements in M but not in N.
equal to the highest rejected price in the auction. Lets consider an item ij and let its winner be the bidder
bi . This reduces the set of items to I\ij and the remaining
E. Vickrey-Clarke-Gloves Auction I\i
collective social value to SVB\bji .
The system uses VCG auction technique to decide the Hence, the total loss of social value by this becomes
winners of the system. Formally defining, Let
M \i
I = {i1 , . . . , im } be the set of auctioned items, SVloss = SVNM\bi − SVN \bi j (10)

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Algorithm 2: Consensus Price VI. C ONCLUSION
Require: The Bid Array, total number of units of the Efficient use of power is a major concern of the present as
auction and the minimum Bid price well as the future. The concept of V2G provides an efficient
Ensure: Calculate the consensus price based on VCG solution for tackling this issue. The blockchain technology
auction strategy could be used to implement various solutions for the problem.
1 Function ConsensusPrice(Bids,totalUnits,minBid) This research paper aimed at providing a complete design
2 initialize size = Bids.size(); of the system model for the implementation of one of it.
3 initialize consensusPrice = -1; The design provided an auction model and the VCG auction
4 sort(Bids.begin(),Bids.end()); resonates well with this use case. Optimization of social
5 if size < auctionUnits then welfare has led to the algorithm for the consensus price used
6 return consensusPrice; here. To emphasize more on the idea and exhibit application,
7 else if size == auctionUnits then a simulation of the important components of the system model
8 consensusPrice = minBid; has also been implemented.
9 else
10 consensusPrice = bidArray[auctionUnits]; R EFERENCES
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consensus price and the bids array.

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