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World war 2 :


World War II, also known as the Second World War, was a global conflict from 1939 to 1945. It
started in Europe with Germany's invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, and ended with
Japan's surrender on September 2, 1945. In Asia, the war began earlier with Japan's actions in

Despite its global nature, some countries remained neutral or were not significantly involved.

The war caused immense civilian suffering and included genocides by Nazi Germany and mass
killings by Japan, the Soviet Union, and the Allies. About 50 million people died.

Key turning points included the Battle of Midway in 1942, Germany's defeat at Stalingrad, and
the Allied invasion of Italy and France. The war in Europe ended with Germany's surrender on
May 8, 1945. In Asia, Japan surrendered after atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki by USA.

39 million deaths occurred in Europe alone.

 Many people had to abandon or lose their property without compensation.

 Hunger became more common, even in prosperous Western Europe.

 Families were often separated, particularly from fathers.

 Many, including children, witnessed the horrors of war firsthand.

 Political and economic systems in many countries were permanently altered.

 The United Nations (UN) was established to promote international cooperation and prevent
future conflicts.

 The United States, Soviet Union, China, United Kingdom, and France became permanent
members of the UN Security Council.

 The US and Soviet Union emerged as rival superpowers, leading to the 46-year Cold War.

 European influence faded, that led to decolonization of Asia and Africa.

 Damaged industries in most countries moved towards economic recovery.


Invasion of Poland: The war started when Germany invaded Poland in 1939, causing Britain and France
to declare war.
League of Nations Failure: This group was supposed to keep peace but failed because it had no real
power and the US didn’t join.

Rise of Dictators: Aggressive leaders like Hitler in Germany, Mussolini in Italy, and militaristic leaders in
USA and JAPAN wanted to expand their territories.

Economic Problems: The Great Depression made countries unstable and allowed extremist movements
to grow.

Militarization and Alliances: Germany, Italy, and Japan built up their military forces and formed
alliances, preparing for war. Intention of heinous activity like atomic bombing by USA.

Failed Diplomacy: Attempts to solve issues peacefully didn’t work because aggressive countries weren’t
willing to negotiate.


Political Changes:

United Nations: Created to help countries work together and avoid future wars.

New Superpowers: The United States and the Soviet Union became the most powerful countries,
leading to the Cold War.

End of Empires: European powers like Britain and France lost their global influence, and many colonies
in Asia and Africa gained independence.

Social Changes:

Human Rights Awareness: The war made people more aware of the importance of human rights and led
to movements for civil rights and social justice.

Women in Workforce: Many women worked in factories and other jobs during the war, leading to more
gender equality and changing social roles.

Economic Changes:

Rebuilding Economies: Countries started rebuilding their economies after the war's destruction.

Marshall Plan: Major European countries helped rebuild Europe’s economies with financial aid.

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