CSE701 2017 Final Question

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Sylhet Engineering College, Sylhet

4th year 1st Semester Final Examination – 2017

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course No: CSE 701
Course Title: Artificial Intelligence
Time: 3.00 Hours Total Marks: 70
[Answer any four questions, taking two from each part]
1.a) Does the following independence hold Conditional Independence according to the 1.5X5
graph? Justify your answer.
i) 𝐶 ⊥𝐸|𝐴
ii) 𝐶 ⊥𝐸|𝐷
iii) 𝐵 ⊥ 𝐷 | 𝐶, 𝐸
iv) 𝐴⊥ 𝐶|𝐸
v) 𝐴⊥ 𝐶|𝐵
b) Find the following probability values using the information given below. 3X3
c) Is Poker Fully Observable or Partially? Why? 1

2.a) Solve the following Crypt-arithmetic Problems using constraint satisfaction 7.5
b) Solve the following block world problem using goal stack planning. Describe Initial 8
and Goal State. Write actions and their Preconditions.
[Hints: Action Given: Move(x, y) , Move To Table(x)]

c) What is Learning Agent? Why learning is important in Artificial Intelligent? 2

3.a) Determine whether the following statements are True or False. If False, give the 1X6
Correct Answer.
i) Finding Path in a Maze is Continuous.
ii) Likelihood Sampling Technique was independent but inconsistent.
iii) With an infinite number of samples, we could get the Approximate Joint
iv) A* Search would find the lowest path cost if h is non-optimistic.
v) If P(A)=p then 𝑃 (¬𝐴) = 1 − 𝑝 which is the supplementary probability of P(A).
vi) While Applying Bayes Rule on 𝑃(𝐴|𝐵), the calculation of P(A) is relatively hard.
b) What are the two main factors of Dart game which helps us determining it as 2+0.5
Discrete or Continuous? Determine one.
c) Draw a Graph which needs 19 parameters to specify its Bayes Network. Write the 3+5+1
equation for its Joint Probability. How many Probability Values exists for this
4.a) What is Turing test? What is the difference between human intelligence and 3
Artificial Intelligence?
b) What is Completeness and Optimality of an Algorithm? Is Greedy Best First Search 4
Optimal? Why?
c) Consider the search space bellow where S is the starting state and G satisfies the 8
goal test. Show the steps if we want to find G using A* Search algorithm. (Arcs are
labeled with the cost of traversing them and the estimated cost to reach goal is
reported inside nodes).

d) Why A* Search Algorithm is Optimal? 2.5

5.a) Consider the following Game Tree assuming first player as maximizing.

a) Apply MiniMax Algorithm on the Tree. 7.5

b) Apply 𝛼 − 𝛽 Pruning on the Tree. [𝛼 = Max Ply, 𝛽 = Min Ply] 7.5
c) What is the Best Sequence of Moves for the first player considering this Tree? 2.5

6.a) Define the following terms with example if necessary (Any Seven): 2.5X7
a) Means-Ends Analysis
b) Isa-instance
c) Expert System
d) Best First Search
e) Deterministic vs Stochastic
f) D-Separation
g) Likelihood Weighting
h) Rejection Sampling
i) Reinforcement Learning
j) Clustering vs Classification

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Sylhet Engineering College, Sylhet
4th year 1st Semester Final Examination – 2017
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course No: CSE 703
Course Title: Peripheral and Interfacing
Time: 3.00 Hours Total Marks: 70
[Answer any four questions, taking two from each part]
1.a)What do you mean by peripheral and interfacing? Give example. 3
b)Write the requirements of interfacing. 2.5
c)What do you mean by handshaking? Explain with example. 4
d)Write short notes on following Multipurpose Registers- 6
i) RAX ii) RBX iii) RDX iv) Destination Index Register.
e) What is Far Pointer? 2

2.a) Why do we decode Memory? Describe the function and purpose of 𝐷5 , 𝐷6 , 𝐷7 of 2.5+8
keyboard interface of 8279.
b) Define Polling with it’s classification. 4
c) What is Interrupt Mask Register? Explain. 3

3.a) Draw and Describe DRAM read cycle. 4

b) Write Down short notes of 8279 programmable keyboard interface. 4
c) Describe the following control words 6
i) 000DDMMM ii) 001PPPPP iii) 100ZAAAA iv) 010Z0AAA
d) Describe Memory mapped I/O. 3.5

4.a) Draw and describe the architecture of a 8088 microprocessor. 6
“RAM uses Flop-Flop Technology” – Justify showing the working procedure of an FF. 4
b) What is Nonmaskable Interrupt? Which things are automatically saved by the 𝜇 −
𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑜𝑟 when an interrupt is executed? Define Interrupt Vector Table.
c) How many Vectors are User Definable in Vector Table? “The lower the vector 1+2
number, the higner the priority” – Justify.

5.a) Draw and describe 8254 interval timers. 5

b) Describe Successive approximation ADC with figure. 5
c) Write short notes on following modes of 8254A 4.5
i) Mode1 ii) Mode3 iii) Mode 5
d) What are the Interrupt Service register and Interrupt musk register. 3

6.a) What is MSI, LSI, SSI Integrated circuit? 6

b) How do you provide interrupt drive and data transfer to a large number of I/O device. 3
c) Write down the working procedure of 8259 A. 5
d) Writes about the digital to analog converter with figure. 3.5

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Sylhet Engineering College, Sylhet
4th year 1st Semester Final Examination – 2017
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course No: CSE 711
Course Title: Digital Image Processing
Time: 3.00 Hours Total Marks: 70
[Answer any four questions, taking two from each part]

1.a) Describe the Fundamental Steps in Digital Image Processing. 4
b) What are the Components of General-Purpose Image Processing System? Show 3+1
relation of interaction among them.
c) Draw 2 well-known Optical Illusion and describe the matters. 5
d) How Z-buffer Algorithm works? Explain. 4.5

2.a) Define spatial and gray level resolution of an image. Why is image gray level chosen 3+2
as power of two?
b) Consider the image segment shown. 3+3.5
i) Let 𝑉 = {4, 5} and compute the lengths of the shortest 4, 8 and m-path between
p and q. If a particular path does not exist between these two points, explain
ii) Repeat for 𝑉 = {0, 4}

3 4 5 4(𝑞)
5 5 0 5
4 5 4 4
4(𝑝) 0 4 5
c) Give two examples of application of image processing in each area: Human 3
Computer Interfaces, Medical imaging, law enforcement.
d) Define image Sampling and Quantization with suitable example. 3

3.a) How do you classify an image from their histogram whether it is dark, bright, low 4.5
contrast and high contrast? Draw the histogram for each class.
b) The Histogram of an image of size 64*64 with gray level [0….7] is given below:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 rk
81 122 245 329 656 850 1023 790 nk
i) Calculate the gray level probabilities for each level draw the histogram using 3
gray level probabilities.
ii) Define a transformation function T(r) that will equalize the histogram, Draw the 3
diagram of the transformation function.
iii) Draw the histogram of equalized image. 2
c) What is zero padding? Why it is used? What are the disadvantages of zero padding? 3
d) What is image Enhancement? Why it is used? 1+1

4.a) Write down the answers of the following questions in one or two sentences (Any 10
i) What filter is used for blurring and noise reduction?
ii) What do you mean by 5.1 Megapixels Camera?
iii) Why number of gray levels usually kept an integer power of 2?
iv) Define Subsampling and Oversampling.
v) Give an example of Image Shrinking.
vi) Name 2 Interpolation Techniques.
vii) Write the Sobel Operators.
viii) What is Scotopic Vision?
ix) What is the term used for Under-sampled Image?
x) Define Digital Image Mathematically.
xi) What is Gamma Correction?
xii) Define 8-Neighbors.
xiii) Define Photopic Vision.
xiv) What is the purpose of Max-Lloyd algorithm?
xv) What is Monochrome image?
b) What are the Linear Filters? Describe with their Effects. 1+1.5
c) Develop an algorithm for converting a one-pixel-thick 8-path to a 4-path. 4
d) Define Contrast Enhancement. 1

5.a) What is the purpose of histogram based transformation? What is the disadvantages 2+2
of Global Transformation?
b) What if the image characteristics change locally? How do you handle this situation? 2+2
c) Find 1st derivatives and 2nd derivatives of following data and draw the graph: 3+2
1 0 6 0 0 3 2 4 5 5
d) In image enhancement which is more effective between 1 derivatives and 2nd
st 2+1
derivatives? Explain why?
e) What is the roles of 1st and 2nd derivatives in edge detection? 1.5

6.a) Explain the differences between single and adaptive thresholding. Give examples of 3
when each type should be used?
b) You are given an image of 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) and filter mask 𝑤(𝑥, 𝑦). Find both correlation and 3+3
convolution of the image with the filter mask and show the full correlation and
convolution result and cropped correlation and convolution result.
𝟗 𝟖 𝟕 𝟎 𝟎 𝟎 𝟎 𝟎
𝟔 𝟓 𝟒 𝟎 𝟎 𝟎 𝟎 𝟎
𝟑 𝟐 𝟏 𝟎 𝟎 𝟏 𝟎 𝟎
𝟎 𝟎 𝟎 𝟎 𝟎
𝒘(𝒙, 𝒚) 𝟎 𝟎 𝟎 𝟎 𝟎
𝒇(𝒙, 𝒚)
c) What are the discontinuities in an image? How can we find discontinuities in an 1+1
d) How do you detect a line in an image? Give suitable mask in all direction. 3
e) What are the differences between correlation and convolution? Write down the 1.5+2
mask of common edge detector like Sobel, Prewit.

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Sylhet Engineering College, Sylhet
4th year 1st Semester Final Examination – 2017
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course No: IPE 701
Course Title: Industrial Management
Time: 3.00 Hours Total Marks: 70
[Answer any four questions, taking two from each part]
1.a) “Industrial Management can be considered as the management of men, material and 4
machines” explain the statement.
b) State the Fayol’s fourteen principles of management. Discuss in brief. 8
c) Differentiate between “Authority” and “Responsibility” with example. List the general 5.5
skills a manager should have.

2.a) Explain the principles of organizations. 7

b) “Line and staff organization is preferred in modern industries”. What are its advantages? 4
How does it differ from a functional organization?
c) Monthly expenses (in Taka) incurred in the manufacturing of 50 nos. of a product are as 6.5
i) direct material cost : 42,000
ii) direct labour cost : 32,000
iii) direct expenses : 25,000
iv) manufacturing expenses: 45% of direct material cost
v) administrative expenses- 6% of prime cost
vi) selling expenses- 12% of prime cost
vii) profit to be charged 12.5% of cost of sales.
1. Define overhead and prime cost
2. Calculate prime cost, selling cost and selling price.

3.a) With illustration explain elements of the break-even analysis. 4

b) What are the methods used to calculated depreciation? Explain one of them. 5
c) A bench drill is purchased for Tk. 10,000 which is expected to have working life of 10 years. 4.5
Scrap value of the machine at the end of its life is expected to fetch Tk. 2,500. If reducing
balance method of depreciation is applied.
i) Calculate the percentage by which value of the machine will need to be reduced every
year under the method.
ii) Find the depreciation fund after 5 years.
d) What is master budget? How is it prepared and operated? 4

4.a) Suppose you are in charge of manpower planning of an organization. What are the steps 4
you will follow for man power planning?
b) Give examples of white, blue and pink color worker. 3
c) What is the difference between recruitment and selection? Discuss the methods of 7
d) Who performs the appraisal? Explain. 3.5

5.a) Explain the Maslow’s hierarchy need in perspective of general view and organization view. 4
b) What are the main types of motivation? How does motivation effect on performance? 4.5
c) Advertising is a mass and one way communication. Explain. 3
d) What are the purposes of sales promotion? Explain different methods of sales promotion. 6

6.a) Describe the scopes of marketing research. 4.5

b) It is said that ‘knowing the customer is knowing what to do in marketing’. Explain the
idea in the context of demographical classification of market segmentation. 6
c) Define the standardization and grading of a product. 4
d) Explain in brief 4P’s of marketing. 3

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Sylhet Engineering College, Sylhet
4th year 1st Semester Final Examination – 2017
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course No: SS 703
Course Title: Sociology and Industrial Laws
Time: 3.00 Hours Total Marks: 70
[Answer any four questions, taking two from each part]

1.a) Define Sociology. 4
b) Describe the scope of sociology. 8
c) Why is the study of sociology considered important? Explain. 5.5

2.a) Discuss the elements of culture. 8

b) Distinguish between culture and civilization. 5.5
c) What is meant by cultural universals? 4

3.a) What are the difference between community and association? 4

b) What are the basic functions families? Explain with example. 6.5
c) Explain the stages in the evolution of human civilization. 7

4.a) Define urbanization and industrialization. 5
b) Identify the causes of urbanization. 5
c) “Urbanization is not an unmixed blessing to the human beings”. Argue in 7.5
favour of your opinion.

5.a) Explain with example the principles of law of contract. 6

b) Discuss the importance of contract in everyday life. 4
c) Write in brief the 'Factory Act, 1965'. 7.5

6. a) Write short note on the following:

a) Ecological system and its effects 5.5
b) Cultural lag and subculture. 4
c) Primary group and Secondary group 4
d) Slavery-caste 4

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Sylhet Engineering College, Sylhet
4th year 1st Semester Final Examination – 2017
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Course No: SS 705
Course Title: Financial Management & Accounting
Time: 3.00 Hours Total Marks: 70
[Answer any four questions, taking two from each part]
1.a) Define accounting and give a brief idea about accounting cycle 4
b) State the accounting equation and define its components 3
c) Define going concern principle 1.5
d) Carla Quentin started her own consulting firm, Quentin Consulting, on May 1, 2012. The following 9
transactions occurred during the month of May. Show the effects of the below transactions on the
accounting equation using the following format.
Assets = Liabilities + Owners equity
Cash + Accounts Receivable + supplies + Equipment Notes Accounts Capital – Drawings + Revenues – Expenses
Payable + Payable
May 1 Carla invested $7,000 cash in the business.
2 Paid $900 for office rent for the month.
3 Purchased $600 of supplies on account.
5 Paid $125 to advertise in the County News.
9 Received $4,000 cash for services provided.
12 Withdrew $1,000 cash for personal use.
15 Performed $5,400 of services on account.
17 Paid $2,500 for employee salaries.
20 Paid for the supplies purchased on account on May 3.
23 Received a cash payment of $4,000 for services provided on account on May 15.
26 Borrowed $5,000 from the bank on a note payable.
29 Purchased office equipment for $4,200 on account.
30 Paid $275 for utilities.
2.a) Identify four financial statements of accounting and how they are prepared 4
b) Mr. Rahman is a Trader. During April 2013 he completed the following transactions:
April 01 He brought Tk.50000 in cash as capital.
03 purchase office equipment Tk. 2500.
12 Purchase goods on cash Tk. 60000.
15 Paid for Tk. 2500 for advertisement.
20 Paid for a one year insurance policy Tk. 1200.
25 Sold goods worth Tk. 7000 to Orchid traders.

Requirement: Prepare Journal and Ledger from the transactions. 6+7.5

3.a) Describe the forms of business organization in brief. 4

b) Write down the steps in the recording process. 3.5
c) Define trial balance. What are the limitations of trial balance? 4
d) Prepare a trail balance from the following entries on July 31 2016 for Skolnick Co.

Particulars Dollar
1. Cash 26000
2. Accounts receivable 15000
3. Equipment 40000
4. Cottage 50000
5. Capital 85000
6. Drawings 5000
7. Service revenue 10000
8. Salaries expenses 2500
9. Unearned revenue 2500
10. Accounts payable 6000
11. Mortgage payable 35000
12. Utilities expenses 200
13. Prepaid insurance 1500
14. Insurance premium 300
15. Supplies 500
16. Salaries payable 1500
17. Advertising 500
18. Notes payable 1500
4.a) Define NPV, PBP and IRR 3
b) The Bear Motel opened for business on May 1, 2012. Its trial balance before adjustment on May 31 is as
Trial Balance
May 31, 2012
Ac. No. Particulars Debit Credit
101 Cash $ 3,500
126 Supplies 2,400
130 Prepaid Insurance 2,080
140 Land 12,000
141 141 Buildings 60,000
149 Equipment 15,000
201 Accounts Payable $ 4,800
208 Unearned Rent Revenue 3,300
275 Mortgage Payable 40,000
301 Owner’s Capital 10,300
429 Rent Revenue 610
610 Advertising Expense 600
726 Salaries and Wages Expense 3,300
732 Utilities Expense 900
$99,780 $99,780
Other data:
1. Prepaid insurance is a 1-year policy starting May 1, 2012.
2. A count of supplies shows $750 of unused supplies on May 31.
3. Annual depreciation is $3,000 on the buildings and $1,500 on equipment.
4. The mortgage interest rate is 12%. (The mortgage was taken out on May 1.)
5. Two-thirds of the unearned rent revenue has been earned.
6. Salaries of $750 are accrued and unpaid at May 31.
i Journalize the adjusting entries for May 31. 7
ii Prepare adjusted trial Balance on May 31. 7.5

5. On December 31,2015 the trial balance of Shams and company is as follows:

Huda & Company

31 December 2015
Accounts title Debit(tk.) Credit (tk.)
Cash 39,525
Accounts receivable 27,600
Inventory 88,350
Store supplies 5,973
Prepaid Insurance 4,800
Store equipment 1,11,600
Accumulated depreciation on store equipment 44,100
Accounts payable 66,900
Capital 125,982
Drawings 36,000
Sales 298,200
Sales return 2,961
Purchase 1,86,900
Purchase return 58965
Purchase discount 4,068
Sales salaries expense 64,050
Freight in 6,783
Rent 10,800
Other selling expense 7,842
Utilities expenses 5,031
5,98,215 5,98,215

a) Closing stock tk.95,100
b) Accrued sales salaries payable tk.240
c) Unexpired insurance tk.600
d) Estimated depreciation on store equipment tk.12,900.
i. Income Statement 7
ii. Owners’ Equity Statement 5
iii. Balance Sheet 5.5
6.a) Define fiscal and accounting year 2
b) Discuss different bases for comparative analysis and identify the tools of financial statement analysis. 5
c) The comparative statements of Larker Tool Company are presented below.

Larker Tool Company

Income Statement
For the year ended December 31
Particulars 2013 in dollar 2012 in dollar
Net sales 1,818,500 1750,500
Cost of goods sold 1,011,500 996,000
Gross Profit 807,000 754,500
Selling and administrative expenses 516,000 479,000
Income from operations 291,000 275,500
Other Expenses and Losses
Interest expenses 18,000 14,000
Income before income taxes 273,000 261,500
Income Tax expenses 81,000 77,000
Net Income 192,000 184,500

Larker Tool Company

Balance Sheet
December 31
Assets 2013 in dollar 2012 in dollar
Current Assets
Cash 60,100 64.200
Short-term investments 69,000 50,000
Accounts receivable ( net ) 117,800 102,800
Inventory 123,000 115,500
Total Current Assets 369,900 332,500
Plant Assets ( net ) 600,300 520,300
Total Asset $970,200 $852,800
Liabilities and Stockholders, Equity
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable $160,000 $145,400
Income Taxes Payable 43,500 42,000
Total Current Liabilities 203,500 187,400
Bonds Payable 200,000 200,000
Total Liabilities 403,500 387,400
Stockholders, equity
Common Stock 280,000 300,000
Retained Earnings 286,700 165,400
Total stockholders, equity 566,700 465,400
Total libilities and stockholders, equity $970,200 $852,800
Requirements: Compute the following ratios for 2013 10.5
Return on asset, current ration. Acid test ratio, receivable turnover, inventory turnover, debt to total asset,
profit margin ratio, times interest earned.

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