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1 A line with equation y = mx − 6 is a tangent to the curve with equation y = x2 − 4x + 3.

Find the possible values of the constant m, and the corresponding coordinates of the points at which
the line touches the curve. [8]

























2 (a) Show that the equation

tan x + sin x
= k,
tan x − sin x
where k is a constant, may be expressed as
1 + cos x
= k. [4]
1 − cos x








(b) Hence express cos x in terms of k. [4]







tan x + sin x
(c) Hence solve the equation = 4 for −π < x < π. [4
tan x − sin x







3 Functions f and g are both defined for x ∈ > and are given by

f x = x2 − 2x + 5,
g x = x2 + 4x + 13.

(a) By first expressing each of f x and g x in completed square form, express g x in the form f x +
p + q, where p and q are constants. [6]














(b) Describe fully the transformation which transforms the graph of y = f x to the graph of y = g x.







4 (a) Write down the first four terms of the expansion, in ascending powers of x, of a − x6 . [5]







@ A
2 2
(b) Given that the coefficient of x in the expansion of 1 + a − x6 is −20, find in exact form
the possible values of the constant a. [8]


















5 Functions f and g are defined as follows:

f : x → x2 − 1 for x < 0,
g:x→ for x < − 12 .
2x + 1

(a) Solve the equation fg x = 3. [8]






















(b) Find an expression for fg−1 x. [6]

























6 The first term of an arithmetic progression is 84 and the common difference is −3.

(a) Find the smallest value of n for which the nth term is negative. [6]










It is given that the sum of the first 2k terms of this progression is equal to the sum of the first k terms.

(b) Find the value of k. [7]














3 6 j b
7 (a) (i) Express ` -8x 9j` x -3 in the form ax , where a and b are constants to be found. [5]

3 6
(ii) Hence solve the equation ` - 8x 9j` x -3j =- 6250 . [5]

8 Find the values of a for which the line y = ax + 9 intersects the curve y =-2x2 + 3x + 1 at
2 distinct points. [5]

p -2 qr - 2
9 Given that 1
= p a q b r c , find the values of a, b and c. [5]
p 3 q 2 r -3

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