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General instructions:
 All questions are compulsory.
 Homework must be done in a very neat and presentable manner.
 The Writing questions to be done handwritten on A-4 size sheets spiral binded.
 Projects to be done separately as instructed in the questions.
 Credits will be given to original and creative use of materials/picture/drawings/methods of
 The project and activities must be presented in a neatly bound simple folder.

1. Letter writing
You are a teenager but your parents still treat you as a small child. They always try to enforce their will on you.
You are not allowed to attend late night parties and the clothes of your choice are always disliked by them.
Write a letter to your parents expressing your feelings about how you would like to be treated. Also
emphasize that you will never let them down by your acts or behavior. Your letter should be of about 200-250
 You can use the following clues:
 We are grown-ups and would like to be treated that way.
 Parents should change with time.
 Parents should have faith in their children and understand that they are mature to differentiate between
right and wrong.

2. Descriptive paragraph
Plan a visit with your family to any hill station or vacation places. Make a travel Logue for the same in your
separate spiral file. Paste pictures of the same along with you and your family and give a description of the
Clues- location-photographic description-key attractions-entry procedure-timings-some cultural
The descriptive paragraph must include-
 Break the description into 2-3 paragraphs.
 Each paragraph should have a topic sentence.
 Describe one aspect of the place in each paragraph.
 It is important to ensure continuity in paragraph.
 If the description has to be written in one paragraph, then include all the details briefly.

3. Story writing
Write a short story in 100-150 words using the below mentioned clue points. Give your story a suitable title.
Paste picture and make your story as creative as possible.

I was walking down the street when I saw a small wooden box by the road. Suddenly, I heard a voice say,
“Help! let me out of here!”. To my surprise, the voice was coming from the box…

Project work
 Project work to be done separately as instructed.

1. Design your own Newspaper.

How to do? The newspaper should have five sections

i. Facts and figures of English language
ii. Creative Corner- Your classroom poetry or story
iii. Quotes - By famous poets with their names
iv. Entertainment
v. Games & Puzzle - based on tenses, verbs, prepositions or conjunctions. (Any one)
For example - Snakes & Ladder on prepositions.
Where to do?
A3 Size sheets (5 pages)
Parameters for Assessment - Quality of content, originality and presentation
2. Read the book Three men in a boat and write a brief synopsis of the book. Design an attractive
cover page of the book. (Do not replicate the original cover of the book)
How to do?
Author-plot-characters-your opinion-conclusion.
Where to do?
Small Diary/ Notebook

SDG based Project (Compulsory)

Research on malnutrition in Syria, Ethiopia, Uruguay, Congo and prepare for a Report on „Ending
Malnutrition and Food Insecurity‟.
Collect data on:
● Various regions of food insecurity in the countries mentioned and cite the causes for the same.

● Ways to improve food and agriculture.

● Suggest remedial measures for uplifting the victims of hunger and progressing towards a hunger-free world.
Create a Report in the form of a handbook with the data charts made.

Where to do?
A4 Size Sheet (Spiral Binded)

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ह िं दी
ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश का कायय करते समय ननम्ननलखित ननदे श ों का पालन कीनजए-

* कायय पनिकाओों का नरोंटआउट लेकर कायय साफ एवों स्पष्ट शब् ों में र जेक्ट फाइल (पररय जना कायय पुखिका ) में नलखिए।

*सभी कायय क एक पररय जना कायय पुखिका में करना है ।

*शुद्ध उच्चारण पर बल दे ते हुए आर ह -अवर ह के साथ कक्षा में पढाए गए पाठ ों का पुन:

अध्ययन कीनजए ।

रश्न-1 अपने माता-नपता के साथ की गई अपनी ग्रीष्मऺालीन यािा का वणयन नलखिए।

रश्न-2 स्पशय पुिक के पाठ ‗दु ुः ि का अनधकार’ एवों सोंचयन पुिक के पाठ – ‗नगल्लू ‗में आए

पााँ च – पााँ च पयाय यवाची और नवल म शब् ों क आकर्यक तरीके से अपनी कायय पुखिका में नलखिए |

रश्न 3 ‗ननम्ननलखित नवर्य ों पर सोंवाद लेिन कीनजए-

(क) बाढ आने से कई गााँ व जलमग्न ह गए हैं । द नमि उनकी सहायता के नलए जाना चाहते हैं ।

उनके बीच हुए सोंवाद का लेिन कीनजए ।

(ि) म बाइल फ न से बच्च ों की पढाई रभानवत ह रही है । इस बारे में द मनहलाओों की बातचीत

क सोंवाद रूप नलखिए ।

रश्न 4- नदए गए नचि क दे िकर अपने शब् ों में एक कहानीA4 शीट नलखिए l

रश्न-5 समाज की नकसी ज्वलोंत समस्या सोंबोंनधत एक स्वरनचत कनवता A4 शीट पर नलखिए l

रश्न-6 नवद्यालय पनिका के नलए एक स्वरनचत कहानी तथा एक स्वरनचत कनवता नलखिए ।

उपनवर्य- अपनठत गद्याों श

रश्न-1ननम्ननलखित गद्याों श क पढकर पूछे गए रश्न ों के उत्तर नलखिए –

नपछ्ली शताब्ी में पि लेिन ने एक कला का रूप ले नलया। डाक व्यवस्था के सुधार के साथ पि ों क सही नदशा दे ने के
नलए नवशेर् रयास नकए गए। पि सोंस्कृनत नवकनसत करने के नलए स्कूली पाठ्यक्रम ों में पि लेिन का नवर्य भी शानमल
नकया गया। भारत ही नहीों दु ननया के कई दे श ों में यह रयास चले और नवश्व डाक सोंघ ने अपनी ओर से भी अनेक रयास
नकए। नवश्व डाक सोंघ की ओोंर से 16 वर्य से कम आयु वगय के बच्च ों के नलए पि लेिन रनतय नगताएाँ आय नजत करने का
नसलनसला सन 1972 से शुरु नकया गया। यह सही है नक िास तौर पर बड़े शहर ों और महानगर ों में सोंचार साधन ों के तेज
नवकास तथा अन्य कारण ों से पि ों की आवाजाही रभानवत हुई है पर दे हाती दु ननया आज भी पि ों से ही चल रही है । फैक्स, ई-
मेल,टे लीफ न तथा म बाइल ने पि ों की तेजी क र का है पर व्यापाररक डाक की सोंख्या लगातार बढ रही है ।
रश्न-(क). पि लेिन ने नपछली शताब्ी में क्या रूप ले नलया ?

रश्न-(ि). पि सोंस्कृनत नवकनसत करने के नलए क्या नकया गया है ?


रश्न-(ग) नवश्व डाक सोंघ की ओर से सन 1972 में क्या आरम्भ नकया गया ?

रश्न-(घ). पि ों की सोंख्या कहााँ लगातार बढ रही है ?


रश्न-(ङ) ―पिलेिन” नहों दी काव्य की नकस नवधा के अन्तगयत आता है ?



पररचय-उपसगों का रय ग नए शब् ों की रचना के नलए नकया जाता है lनए शब् बनाने के नलए मूल शब् ों के आरम्भ में या
उनके आगे कुछ शब्ाों श ों क ज ड़ नदया जाता है l इससे मूल शब् के अथय में बदलाव आ जाता है l ऐसे ही शब्ाों श ों क
उपसगय कहते हैं l

पररभार्ा- भार्ा के वे अथयवान छ टे -छ टे िोंड ज शब् ों के आगे जुड़कर नए शब् बनाते हैं और उनके अथय में बदलाव लाते
हैं , उन्हें उपसगय कहते हैं l

उदाहरण-1.अनध + कार = अनधकार 2. अनु + कूल = अनुकूल

रश्न-1 ननम्ननलखित शब् ों में से उपसगय व मूलशब् क अलग-अलग कीनजए –

i उपदे श ii अनुवाद

iii अवगुण iv दु बयल

v रमाण vi सोंपकय

vii नवय ग viii पररनध

ix ननयम x रनतशत

रश्न-2 ननम्ननलखित उपसगों से द -द शब् बनाइए-

i अनध ii. अनत

iii. अप iv अव

v. ननस् vi. नव

vii. परा viii. दु र्

ix. सम् x. उत्

उपनवर्य- नवज्ञापन लेमन


रश्न1 -‗नवद्याथी पुिक भोंडार’ में पुिक ों की नबक्री बढाने हे तु एक नवज्ञापन A4 शीट पर तैयार कीनजए

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1. All work should be done in the respective notebook for internal assessment.
2. Project should be done in file.

Lesson-1 French Revolution

1. How would you explain the rise of Napoleon?
2. Describe the legacy of the French Revolution for the people of the world
during the 19th and 20th centuries.
3. What led to the formation of Jacobin Club? From what did it derive its
name? Who were its members? What were its achievements?
4. What were revolutionary wars? What were their effects?
5. Write a note on slavery in the French colonies.
6. What are the three important ideas of the French Revolution? How were
they guaranteed under the constitution of 1791?
7. State two factors which led to Napoleon‘s downfall.
8. Describe any five impacts of the French Revolution in the world.
9. What was the impact of the French Revolution of France?
10. Explain any five Economic causes of the French Revolution.
11. Explain any five ways in which the revolutionary government translated the
ideas of liberty and equality into every day practice?
1. Prepare a PPT depicting the various events of French Revolution. (Maximum slides- 20).
Lesson-1 What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
1. Give arguments against democracy.
2. How can you say that Pakistan was not exercising democracy when
General Musharaf was ruling?
3. How did China establish a community government?
4. How does democracy provide a method to deal with difference and
5. Give examples of the countries which do not provide equal rights to vote.
6. What is the significance of rule of law and respect for rights in a
democratic country?
7. Is democracy suitable to all the nations?
8. Write three arguments in favor of democracy?
9. Mention three merits and three demerits of democracy.
10. How does democracy in country enhance the dignity of an individual?
State three points.
Activity: On the map of world mark the countries who follows democracy and other form of governments.

Lesson -1 India Size and Location
1. Describe in detail about the Island groups of India.
2. Why is Indian Ocean named after India?
1. Find out the longitudinal and latitudinal extent of your state.
2. Collect information about the ‗Silk Route‘. Also find out the new developments, which are improving
communication routes in the regions of high altitude.
Lesson 1- The Story of Village Palampur
Activity - Visit an agricultural field and talk to some farmers, (find out :)
1. What kind of farming methods — modern or traditional or mixed — do the farmers use? Write a note
using pictures.
2. What are the sources of irrigation?
3. How much of the cultivated land is irrigated? (very little/nearly half/ majority/all) 4. From where do
farmers obtain the inputs that they require?

Social Science Project

Disaster Management 2024-25
“We cannot stop natural disasters but we can arm ourselves with
knowledge: so many lives wouldn't have to be lost if there was enough
disaster preparedness.” - Petra Nemcova
Keeping the above statement in mind, prepare a project on Disaster Management as per the following
1. Highlight the following: -
 Definition of ―Disaster‖.
 What is disaster management cycle?
 What is a ―Hazard‖? How is it classified?
 Differentiate between hazard and disaster.
 Contrast and compare physical, chemical and biological hazard.
2 a. Prevention and Mitigation of Common Disasters. (Select any two for your project)
 Earthquake
 Cyclones
 Flood
 Drought
2 b. Based on your selection in Point 2a above, enumerate the following in your project:
 Meaning
 Causes
 Prevention and mitigation measures
 Impact on national economy
 Key challenges to safe schools according to NDMA
3. Being a young enthusiastic student, you are familiar with your school laboratories. According to
you, what would be the various hazards you may face while working in the laboratory and how can
they be prevented?
General Instructions
a. The Project should be hand written and comprise of not more than 15 foolscap pages.
b. It should be well presented, researched, and pictorial.

c. Cover page, table of contents, acknowledgements, bibliography, headings and sub – headings are a must.
d. The project should be presented in a file.
e. Do not exceed 700 words.

Subject Integrated Assignment

1. Visit a heritage site of India, study its mathematical dimensions, write a report on it, mention its historical
background and also explain its preservation.
2. Create an informative Vlog on it and share its link in the class group.

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A. Prepare a Colorful and artistic chart paper of Elements upto 30 with all their symbols, properties etc
B. Identify 5 types of Metals, Non metals and Gases around you and Write in detail about them.
C. Write a small Skit about various Inter matter conversions( Evaporation, Condensation etc) wherein
Materials are talking to each other about the same.

2. Solve the following:

I. Which one of the following sets of phenomena would increase on raising the temperature?
(a) Diffusion, evaporation, compression of gases
(b) Evaporation, compression of gases, solubility
(c) Evaporation, diffusion, expansion of gases
(d) Evaporation, solubility, diffusion, compression of gases
II. Seema visited a Natural Gas Compressing Unit and found that the gas can be liquefied under specific
conditions of temperature and pressure. While sharing her experience with friends she got confused.
Help her to identify the correct set of conditions
(a) Low temperature, low pressure
(b) High temperature, low pressure

(c) Low temperature, high pressure

(d) High temperature, high pressure
III. The property to flow is unique to fluids. Which one of the following statements is correct?
(a) Only gases behave like fluids
(b) Gases and solids behave like fluids
(c) Gases and liquids behave like fluids
(d) Only liquids are fluids
IV. During summer, water kept in an earthen pot becomes cool because of the phenomenon of _________

(a) diffusion
(b) transpiration
(c) osmosis
(d) evaporation
V. A few substances are arranged in the increasing order of ‗forces of attraction‘ between their particles.
Which one of the following represents a correct arrangement?
(a) Water, air, wind
(b) Air, sugar, oil
(c) Oxygen, water, sugar
(d) Salt, juice, air
VI. On converting 25°C, 38°C and 66°C to kelvin scale, the correct sequence of temperature will be ______
(a) 298 K, 311 K and 339 K
(b) 298 K, 300 K and 338 K
(c) 273 K, 278 K and 543 K
(d) 298 K, 310 K and 338 K
VII. Choose the correct statement from the following
(a) conversion of solid into vapours without passing through the liquid state is called sublimation.
(b) conversion of vapours into solid without passing through the liquid state is called vapourisation.
(c) conversion of vapours into solid without passing through the liquid state is called freezing.
(d) conversion of solid into liquid is called sublimation.
VIII. The boiling points of diethyl ether, acetone and n-butyl alcohol are 35°C, 56°C and 118°C respectively.
Which one of the following correctly represents their boiling points in kelvin scale?
(a) 306 K, 329 K, 391 K
(b) 308 K, 329 K, 392 K
(c) 308 K, 329 K, 391 K
(d) 329 K, 392 K, 308 K
IX. Which condition out of the following will increase the evaporation of water?
(a) Increase in temperature of water
(b) Decrease in temperature of water
(c) Less exposed surface area of water
(d) Adding common salt to water
X. In which of the following conditions, the distance between the molecules of hydrogen gas would
(i) Increasing pressure on hydrogen contained in a closed container
(ii) Some hydrogen gas leaking out of the container
(iii) Increasing the volume of the container of hydrogen gas
(iv) Adding more hydrogen gas to the container without increasing the volume of the container

(a) (i) and (iii)

(b) (i) and (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (ii) and (iv)

XI. Fill in the blanks:

(a) Evaporation of a liquid at room temperature leads to a____________ effect.
(b) At room temperature the forces of attraction between the particles of solid substances are_________than
those which exist in the gaseous state.

(c) The arrangement of particles is less ordered in the ___________state. However, there is no order in the
(d) _________is the change of solid state directly to vapour state without going through the __________state.
(e) The phenomenon of change of a liquid into the gaseous state at any temperature below its boiling point is

XII. Long Answer questions:

1. You are provided with a mixture of naphthalene and ammonium chloride by your teacher. Suggest an activity
to separate them with well labelled diagram.
2. It is a hot summer day, Priyanshi and Ali are wearing cotton and nylon clothes respectively. Who do you
think would be more comfortable and why?
3. You want to wear your favourite shirt to a party, but the problem is that it is still wet after a wash. What steps
would you take to dry it faster?
4. Comment on the following statements:
(a) Evaporation produces cooling.
(b) Rate of evaporation of an aqueous solution decreases with increase in humidity.
(c) Sponge though compressible is a solid.
5. Why does the temperature of a substance remain constant during its melting point or boiling point?
3. Chemistry Minor Project List:

Boiling Point of Water

When we add any solute to given liquid water, the solution acts differently than when it is boiled in its pure
form. The molecules of the solution are not organized when compared to its pure form. This is because the
molecules of solute move randomly, as a result of which the molecules are more disordered than that of pure

Red Cabbage Indicator

The red cabbage consists of a natural pH indicator that shows the change in color according to the nature of the
solution. Red cabbage juice is not difficult to make and shows a wide range of colours, and can also be used to
form pH strips.

Electrolysis of Water

Energy is stored in the bonds between the molecules. The energy that is released can be utilized to perform any
work when these bonds split apart. Breaking the bond of molecules into hydrogen and oxygen gas generates a
large amount of energy, and it can be converted into electricity.

Thermal Conductivity of Metals

Conduction is the heat that flows from one object to another by contact. Molecules in an object start to travel
when heated. They also disturb their neighbors, and the more the molecules flow, the more the generation of heat.
That is the reason why the whole rod becomes hot while roasting the marshmallow on a metal rod.

Q1. Water and soil pollution is a major concern for society. The mining, fertilization and other industrial
activities has led to the rise in pollution. Make a small project on water and soil pollution and their impact on
human and animal life. Find out what major research is going on in this field.
Q2. Do any one of the following activity on A3 sized drawing sheets.
A. Cell Collage: Use magazines, newspapers, and other art materials to create collages representing
different types of cells and their functions.
B. Cell Diagram Illustrations: Illustrate the different types of cells (e.g., prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic) and
their components using colors, shapes, and visual representations.
Q3. Make a project of atleast 15 pages on the topic 'DIVERSITY IN LIVING ORGANISMS' in which you will
write the significance of classifying organisms, father of taxonomy and his contribution , bionomial
nomenclature, 5 kingdom classification.
Q1. A body is thrown vertically upward reaches a maximum height 2h. It then returns to ground. Calculate the
distance and displacement when it reaches the ground?
Q2. A particle is moving in a circular motion of diameter 16 metre, Calculate the distance and displacement
after particle completed 5 2revolutions.

Q3. In a long-distance race, the athletes are expected to take eight rounds of track such that the line of finish
was same as the line of start. Suppose the length of track was 800 metres. (a) What is the total
distance to be covered by the athletes? (b) What is the displacement of the athletes when they touch
the finish line? (c) Is the motion of the athlete is uniform or non-uniform? (d) Is the displacement of
an athlete and the distance moved by him at the end of the race equal?
Q4. Differentiate uniform and non-uniform motion?
Q5. How would you define Average speed and Average velocity?
Q6. How would you define acceleration? Give an example
Q7. A car travels 32 m in 4 seconds and another 48 metre in 12 seconds. What is the average speed of the car?
Q8. The odometer of the car reads 32585 km at the start of the trip and 6855 km at the end of the trip. It takes
three and a half hours to complete the journey. Calculate average speed of the car in m/s.

Q9. A body is moving with velocity of 36 m/s. If the motion is uniform what will be the velocity after 10
Q10. A car travelling at 36 km/hr speeds up to 144 km/hr in 12 seconds. What is its acceleration? If the same
car stops in 8 seconds, then what is its retardation?
Q11. Draw distance-time graph by using the following data‘s
Time (s) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Distance 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Is the motion uniform or non-uniform?
Q12. Show the motion as variable accelerated motion in v-t graph. How would you determine acceleration from
the graph at any instant?
Q13. Units of uniform speed and non-uniform speed are ____________
a. m/s, m/s2 (b) m/s, m/s (c) m/s2, m/s (d) m/s2, m/s2
Q15. Velocity of a body is variable when
a. only the speed of the body changes
b. only the direction of the body changes
c. both the speed and the direction of the body changes
d. either the speed or the direction of the body changes
Q16. If the displacement of an object is proportional to square of time, then the object moves with
a. uniform velocity
b. uniform acceleration
c. increasing acceleration
d. decreasing acceleration

Q17. From the v-t graph, it can be inferred that the object is

a) at rest
b) in uniform motion
c) moving with uniform acceleration
d) in non-uniform acceleration

Q18. A worker covers a distance of 60 km from his house to his place of work, and 10 km towards his house
back. Then the displacement covered by the worker in the whole trip is _______.
Q19. Rate of change of displacement is called _______________
a. speed (b) De-acceleration (c) Acceleration (d) Velocity
Q20. Acceleration is a vector quantity which indicates that its value
a. is always negative
b. is always positive
c. is zero
d. can be positive, negative or zero
Q21. A player moves along the boundary of square playground of a sports field of side 80 m in 200 seconds.
The magnitude of displacement of the farmer at the end of 10 minutes 40 seconds from his initial position is
Q22. A car travels 40 m in 5 seconds and then another 80 m in 5 seconds. What is the average speed of the
object. It will be ____________.
Q23. The average velocity of a moving object can be determined by the following formula or expression
a. V = u + at
b. 2as = v2 – u2
c. Vav = ( u + v) / 2
d. S = ut + ½ at2
Q24. A car is moving on a straight line with uniform acceleration. The speed of the car varies with time as
Draw speed -time graph by choosing appropriate scale. Find
(a) Calculate acceleration of the car.
(b) Calculate the distance covered by car in 10 seconds.
Time(s) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Speed 4 8 12 16 20 24 28

Q25. Which of the following can determine the acceleration of a moving object?
a. Area of velocity-time graph
b. Slope of the velocity-time graph
c. Area of the distance-time graph
d. Slope of the distance – time graph
Q26. According to the graph given in Q14., the distance covered by the body during the interval from 10 sec to
20 sec is __________

a. 180 m
b. 200 m
c. 240 m
d. 270 m
Q27. What can you say about the motion of a body has a constant speed but not constant velocity?
Q28. An example of a body moving with constant speed but still have acceleration is
a. A body moving with constant speed on a straight road
b. A body is moving in a helical path with constant speed
c. A body is moving with constant speed in a circular path
d. A body is moving with constant speed on a straight railway track
Q29. Give three examples of uniform circular motion.
Q30. Name the quantity which is measured by the area occupied under velocity-time graph.
Q31. A satellite goes around the earth in a circular orbit with constant speed. Is the motion uniform or
accelerated and why?
Q32. From the graph, find,

(a) Velocity of the body at point C

(b) Acceleration acting on the body between A and B
(c) Acceleration acting on the body between B and C
Investigatory Project:
Force: What is a Force? Types of forces: Contact and non-contact forces, Balanced and Unbalanced Forces,
Friction, Air resistance, Normal force, Gravitational force, Applied Force, Spring Force, Uses in daily life
Art Integration Project:
Ques. How to reduce energy loss in daily life by using suitable equipment. and use of solar energy in lightening
the houses where it is difficult to reach electricity through poles, Uses of wind energy to enhance their business
and well-being of the human who have low income. Research how we can develop technology so that modern
equipment‘s can be brought in home and bring social harmony and equality in society.

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It’s time for your summer vacations … it’s time for enjoyment but do remember that your study must not
go for any vacation. So keep in touch of your studies also. And must complete your holiday homework.


General Instructions:
● All questions are compulsory.
● Homework must be done in a very neat and presentable manner.
● The project and activities should be hand written on A- 4 size sheets, credit will be given to riginal and
creative use of material/ picture/drawings/methods of illustrating.
● The project and activities must be presented in a neatly bound simple folder.
● Use a maximum of 15 slides for making power point presentation.

1. Make an illustrative project file for the following:-

(i) Collect information about their origin, meaning and their use in different areas of
Mathematics/Chronology of Indian Mathematician with their contribution.

(ii) Collect information about the Application of algebra in day- to-day life.

Do these activities in lab file:-

2. Activity 1: Verify the Algebraic Identity (a+b)3 =a3 + b3 + 3a2b +3ab2.
3. Activity 2: Construct a square root spiral.
4. Activity 3: Verify the Algebraic Identity (a - b)2= a2– 2ab + b2.
5. Make a formula diary from NCERT Text Book.
6. Art Integrated Project – Make a beautiful shapes/picture with help of plotting coordinates on the grid
paper (take the help using the pictures given below):-
7. Pie is rational or irrational. Explain.
8. Prepare a mind map/concept map/wall hanging/chart of any one unit from NCERT including illustrative
examples. ( Even roll no. will do even no. chapters and Odd roll no. will do Odd no. Chapters)
9. Prepare a working model either on Pythagoras Theorem.
10. Prepare a budget of at least one month of your house hold expenses (including water bill, electricity bill,
Phone bills, House rent and all other house hold commodities expenses). Budget presentation may be in the
form of Tables/Graph etc (prepare a PPT at least 15 slides).



Q1. Find the value of (256)0.16 × (256)0.09.
Q2. If m and n are two natural numbers and mn = 64, then What is the value nmn ?
Q3. Find two rational number between

(a) and (b) (-7) and (-9)

Q4. Express 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.55 in the form of ?

Q5. Simplify the following:-

(a) (√ - 2√ ) (√ +3√ ) (b) (√ ) (√ – 6)
(c) 8√ + 5√ ) (3√ - 4√ ) (d) (12 + √ ) (12+3√ )
Q6. Simplify the following:-
1 1 1 1 √ −√11 3√
(a) + + + (b) + −
√9+√ √ +√ √ +√ √ +√ √ −√3 √
3√ −2√
−√ +√
Q7. Find the value of p and q if +√
+ −√
= p - q√
√ +√2 1 1
Q8. If x= , find (i) x2+𝑥 2 (ii) x4+𝑥 4
√ −√2
Q9. Represent √8. on the number line.
1 2 2
Q10. If a = 5 + 2√ and b = , then what will be the value of a +b .


Q1. What is the Zero of p(x)=2x-7?
Q2. Find the value p (2) if p(t) = 2+t+2t2-t3 ?
Q3. What is the value of p(x)=5x-4x2+3 for x=0?
Q4. Divide the polynomial 3x4- 4x3- 3x -1 by x-1.
Q5. Check whether the polynomial q(t) = 4t3 + 4t2 – t -1 is a multiple of 2t+1.
Q6. Calculate the perimeter of a rectangle whose area is 25x2 – 35x + 12.
Q7. Find the value of x3 + y3 + z3 – 3xyz if x2 + y2 + z2 = 83 and x + y + z = 15.
Q8. If a + b + c = 15 and a2 + b2 + c2 = 83, find the value of a3 + b3 + c3 – 3abc.

Q9. Find the values of a and b so that (2x3 + ax2 + x + b) has (x + 2) and (2x – 1) as factors.
Q10. Find the value of the polynomial 5x – 4x2 + 3 at x = 2 and x = –1.
Sushmit is a delivery boy. He rides scooty on all working days.
The distance covered on scooty is given by the polynomial
expression p(x) = x2 + 3x - 10. Assuming that he rides at the
uniform speed and takes the time given by g(x)= x-2, x > 2.

Use the information state above and answer the questions

given below:-
Q11. Find the degree of p(x)?
Q12. Find the expression in which speed of the scooty is
Q13. Find the value when the sum of degrees of polynomial
p(x) and g(x)
Q14. If p(x) is replaced by r(x)= 5x2 -kx – 18 and g(x) is a
factor of r(x), then find the value of k.
Q15. If p(x) is replaced by of p(x)=4x2+ 4x – 3, then what is the possible expressions for time and speed?



Q1. Point (-3, -2) lies in which quadrant?

Q2. Draw the line passing through (2,3) and (3,2). Find the coordinates of the points at which this line meets
the x-axis and y-axis.
Q3. If the coordinates or two points P and Q are (2, -3) and (-6,5), then what is the value of
(x- coordinate of P) - (x- coordinate of Q)?
Q4. Find the figure obtained by plotting the points (2,3), (-2,3), (-2, -3) and (2,3) ?


There is a square park ABCD in the middle of Saket
colony in Delhi. Four children Deepak, Ashok, Arjun and Deepa
went to play with their balls. The colour of the ball of Ashok,
Deepak, Arjun and Deepa are red, blue, yellow and green

All four children roll their ball from centre point O in the
direction of XOY, X’OY, X’OY’ and XOY’. Their balls
stopped as shown in the above image.

Answer the following questions:-

Q5. What are the coordinates of the ball of Ashok?
Q6. What are the coordinates of the ball of Deepa?
Q7. What the line XOX‘ is called?
Q8. What the point O (0,0) is called?
Q9. What is the ordinate of the ball of Arjun?



Q1. Find the height of an equilateral triangle is 6 cm, then the area of the triangle?
Q2. A park, in the shape of a quadrilateral ABCD, has angle C = 90°, AB = 9m, BC = 12m, CD = 5m and AD =
8m. How much area does it occupy?
Q3. Find the area of a quadrilateral ABCD in which AB = 3 cm, BC = 4 cm, CD = 4 cm, DA = 5 cm and AC = 5
Q4. A rhombus shaped field has green grass for 18 cows to graze. If each side of the rhombus is 30 m and its
longer diagonal is 48 m, how much area of grass field will each cow be getting?
Q5. An umbrella is made by stitching 10 triangular pieces of cloth of two
different colours (see figure), each piece measuring 20 cm, 50 cm
and 50 cm. How much cloth of each colour is required for the umbrella?

Q6. The area of an equilateral triangle 16√ cm2. Find its side & perimeter.
Q7. Find the area of an isosceles triangle having base 2 cm and the length of one
of the equal sides 4 cm.
Q8. A kite in the shape of a square with a diagonal 32 cm and an isosceles
triangle of base 8 cm and sides 6 cm each is to be made of three different shades as
shown in figure. How much paper of each shade has been used in it?

Q9. A floral design on a floor is made up of 16 tiles which are triangular, the sides of
the triangle being 9 cm, 28 cm and 35 cm (see figure). Find the cost of polishing the
tiles at the rate of 50 paise per cm.

Q10. A field is in the shape of a trapezium whose parallel sides are 25 m and 10 m. The non-parallel sides are
14 m and 13 m. Find the area of the field.

A craft mela is organized by Welfare Association to promote the art and culture for tribal people. Fairs and
festivals are the custodians of our great cultural heritage. The pandal is to be decorated by using triangular flags
around the field. Each flag has dimensions 25 cm, 25 cm and 22 cm.

Q11. What is the semi-perimeter of the flag for the above mentioned dimensions?
Q12. What is the area of the flag? (Use √14 ≅ 3.74)
Q13. Find the area of cloth required for making 300 such flags in 𝑚 2.
Q14. If the rate of the cloth is ₹ 200 per 𝑚 2, find the total cost of 300 flags.
Q15. Find the area of cloth required for making 1500 such flags in 𝑐 𝑚 2.

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Computer Application
 Create a document using MS-Word on the Topic “Artificial Intelligence‖ and do the formatting
according to your choice.
 Make a PowerPoint Presentation on the Topic ―Cyber Security‖.
 Do Type C questions of Chapter 1 and 2 in the notebook.
 Revise all the topics covered till date.

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