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Class-4 – Unit-II

Mo We Peri Topi/ Learning based Micro Suggested TLM

nth ek od/D Unit/L outcomes competencies Activities
ay esson
1 Face Talks about self/ Talks about self, Picture
Sheet situations/ expressions interaction
pictures/images in ofopinions Reading and
English / home writing the key
language. expressions
2 Listeni Responds to Responds to Narrating the
ng questions based questions based listening text
Text on day-to-day life on the narrative Comprehension
experiences, an „The Pancake‟ questions
article, a story or Vocabulary
a poem heard or Worksheet
3 A Reads and writes Reads the given Picture
Readin words, phrases, text and writes Interaction
g and simple the key
sentences related expressions that Individual,
to various themes help in Group work.
related to his comprehending Reading aloud
immediate the text. Worksheet
Reads aloud by
intonation and
Enacts different
roles in short
4 A Reads and writes Reads the given Picture
Readin words, phrases, text and writes Interaction
g and simple the key
sentences related expressions that Individual,
to various themes help in Group work.
related to his comprehending Reading aloud
immediate the text. Worksheet
Reads aloud by
intonation and
Enacts different
roles in short
5 A 1.3 Reads and Reads the given Picture
Readin writes words, text and writes Interaction
g phrases, and the key
simple sentences expressions that Individual,
related to various help in Group work.
themes related to comprehending Reading aloud
his immediate the text. Worksheet
Reads aloud by
intonation and
6 A 1.3 Reads and Reads the given Picture
Readin writes words, text and writes Interaction
g phrases, and the key
simple sentences expressions that Individual,
related to various help in Group work.
themes related to comprehending Reading aloud
his immediate the text. Worksheet
Reads aloud by
intonation and
7 A 1.3 Reads and Reads the given Picture
Readin writes words, text and writes Interaction
g phrases, and the key
simple sentences expressions that Individual,
related to various help in Group work.
themes related to comprehending Reading aloud
his immediate the text. Worksheet
Reads aloud by
intonation and
8 Discou 1.3 Reads and Writes a simple Whole class
rse writes words, conversation with interaction
Conve phrases, and two to three Individual
rsation simple sentences exchanges. writing
related to various Group writing
themes related to and presentations
his immediate Teacher‟s
environment version
9 A 1.3 Reads and Reads the given Picture
Readin writes words, text and writes Interaction
g phrases, and the key
simple sentences expressions that Individual,
related to various help in Group work.
themes related to comprehending Comprehension
his immediate the text.
environment Reading aloud
Reads aloud by Worksheet
intonation and
Enacts different
roles in short
10 Discou 1.3 Reads and Writes a simple Whole class
rse writes words, recipe for making interaction
Recipe phrases, and tea mentioning Individual
simple sentences the ingredients writing
related to various and the process. Group writing
themes related to and presentations
his immediate Teacher‟s
environment version
11 Textua Uses nouns, Uses adjectives to Whole Class
l adjectives, verbs, describe people interaction
Exerci and prepositions Opposites of
ses in oral and in contextual words Revisiting the
writing. textual story
Infers the several times to
meaning of complete the
unfamiliar words textual exercise
by reading them
in context and
find them in the
12 B Reads and writes Reads the given Picture
readin words, phrases, text and writes Interaction
g and simple the key
sentences related expressions that Individual,
to various themes help in Group work.
related to his comprehending Reading aloud
immediate the text. Worksheet
Reads aloud by
intonation and
13 B Reads and writes Reads the given Picture
readin words, phrases, text and writes Interaction
g and simple the key
sentences related expressions that Individual,
to various themes help in Group work.
related to his comprehending Reading aloud
immediate the text. Worksheet
Reads aloud by
intonation and
14 Textua Describes orally Describes Whole Class
l and in writing personal Interaction
exercis about the events, experiences Group
es places, and related to fasting. discussions
personal Enact how they Group
experiences. would eat fruits. presentations
Enacts different Uses a capital Choreography
roles in short letter, a comma,
skits. and a full stop
Uses punctuation appropriately in
marks such as the given
question marks, sentence.
commas, full
stops, etc.

15 Project Reads printed Reads and infers Individual work

Work script on the the information
classroom walls, given on Group work
notice board, wrappers of food Group
posters, items. Presentations
etc. Feedback

Period Plan-1
Face Sheet

Introduction and Motivation:

The teacher develops a rapport with students using informal conversation, leading to the topic

Ex: Good morning! How are you? Have all of you had your breakfast? What did you eat for
breakfast today? I ate dosa today. Do you like dosa, my dear children? I love it.

Can we live without eating food? How would you feel if you don‟t eat food? Yes, we feel
dull and uninterested.So, we all need to eat food to live.Can you guess the name of our topic
today? Yes. Our topic revolves around food today. Ok children. Let's observe the picture
given on

Teaching learning activities:

Activity-1: Listening and Speaking:
The teacher moves around the class and ensures everybody has opened the book at the exact
page and then poses a few questions in addition to the questions given.
1. What do you see in the picture?
2. What is happening in the picture?
3. Name the food items you see in the picture.
4. Which of these food items do you like?
5. When will your mother cook your favouritefood?
6. Which is your favourite sweet?
7. Which is your favourite festival?
8. Who do you see in the picture?

Activity-2 : Vocabulary Teacher elicits a few words related to the picture and repeats the
elicited words syllabically and puts them on a chart/BB.
Ex: Naming and action words / phrases.
Activity-3 : Classroom Theatre

Teacher divides the students into three groups and creates a situation like celebrating a
festival. Now first groups should act like they are cooking, second group have to serve and
the third group should act like they are eating.

Activity-4 : Reading and Writing Teacher instructs the students to copy the words on the
chart/BB into their notebooks.Then they read out the words.
Activity-5 : Worksheet Match the following

mother in blue sari kneading dough
the girl frying pooris
the boy carrying laddus
aunt in yellow sari stove
Firewood eating a laddu

Period Plan-2
Listening Text

Introduction and Motivation: Teacher develops a rapport with students using informal
conversation, leading to the topic “Pancake”.

Ex: Good Morning, Good morning! Hello, Hai… How are you? Have all of you had your
breakfast? Children! Now let‟s open the book at page no.19.

Then she revises the previous day‟s interactive questions and poses a few additional

1. What do you see in the picture?

2. What is happening in the picture?
3. Name the food items you see in the picture?
4. What do we need to cook food?

Teaching learning activities:

Activity-1 : Listening : The teacher reads out or narrates the listening passage of unit 2 given
in Appendix-1 (page 112) with proper pause and intonation.

Activity-2 : Speaking:

Interactive questions

 What day was it?

 Where did the children go?
 What different things did the children do in the garden?
 Name some games that you play in the garden.
 What is your all-time favourite game?
 Do you like to visit garden every day? Why?
 Why do you like gardens?
 Why did the children stop playing?
 What would you ask your mother to make when you are hungry?

Activity-3 : Vocabulary: The teacher repeats a few questions from the above discussion,
elicits the words related to the picture, and ensures everybody pronounces them by repeating
them as many times as needed.Teacher repeats the elicited words syllabically and puts them
on a chart\BB

Ex: ho-li-day

Activity-4 : Writing : The teacher instructs the students to copy the words on the BB into
their notebooks. The teacher asks them to match the words in the notebook and on the BB
and make necessary corrections. They may exchange their notebooks for peer checking.They
read out the words in their groups.

Activity-5 : Worksheet

Circle the actions that we do in the garden

Running sleeping eating

Bathing jumping cooking
Brushing playing fighting
Period plan-3

Reading-A: Pancake

Reading-A – Reading Chunk 1

Once upon a time………….More sweetly than the other.

Introduction and Motivation : The teacher develops a rapport with students using informal
conversation and leads themto the continuation of the topic” Pancake”.

Ex: Good Morning my dear children! How are you all doing today? Hope you all had a nice
breakfast. Yesterday you all listened to a small story. At the end of the story,all the children
went back to their homes because they were hungry. So now look at page number 20.

Teaching Learning Activities

Activity-1 : Picture interaction

 What is the place you see in the picture?

 Who all are there in the picture?
 Let‟s count the children… one, two, three four, five, six, and seven
 What else do you see in the picture?
 How would you call your mother lovingly?
 What do you see on the pan?
 What are the children waiting for? Why?
(The teacher writes the key expressions on the BB/Chart; the keywords/phrases that would
appear in the reading text.

Kitchen, mother-dear-darling-clever-sweet-nice-good-pretty, seven children, hungry,

pan, pancake, sweet milk pancake, frying. Instruct the students to write some of these
keywords on the picture so that the picture can be used as a pictorial glossary.

Activity-2 : Individual reading

The teacher instructs the students, „Children! Read the story from „Once upon a
time… each one more sweetly than the other.‟ Underline the words that you could not read or

Activity 3: Group Reading

The teacher divides the students into groups and instructs them to read the text once
again, each student in the group taking turns and helping others who ask for help while
The teacher asks them to try reading and understanding the first three paragraphs
using keywords and pictures.

Glossary : Use the picture on page 20 for the pictorial glossary

Activity-4 : Comprehension

 What was the mother frying?

 How were the children looking at the pancake?
 How many children did she have?
 What words did each one of them use to describe their mother?

The teacher writes a few words that the children used to describe the mother and asks the
students to add some.

Ex: Dear, darling, Good, nice, sweet, clever, pretty, etc.


Match the following:

First child pretty
Second child sweet
Third child dear
Fourth child good
Fifth child clever
Sixth child darling
Seventh child nice

Period Plan-4

Reading-A: Pancake

Reading-A – Reading chunk 2

Mother said, “Just wait a bit till it turns itself.” …… until the woman could no longer
see it.” (Page 20 & 21)

Introduction and Motivation: The teacher develops a rapport with students and leads to the
continuation of the topic, “The Pancake”.

Ex:Good morning children! How are you all today? Have you all had your breakfast? What
kind of breakfast do you like? Why? What is your favourite food item that your mother
Yesterday, we started reading a story, „The Pancake‟. In the story, the good mother
was preparing a pancake while her seven hungry children were begging her for the pancake.
What would happen now? Let‟s continue reading the story.

Teaching Learning Activities

Activity-1 Picture interaction

Look at the picture on page 20.

What is the pancake doing? What is the expression on the pancake‟s face?

So, the pancake is standing on the pan and seems to be surprised. What would it do

Now, look at the picture on page 21.

What do you see in the picture? What is happening in this picture?

What is the pancake doing?What is the mother doing?

Keywords elicited : pancake sizzling, pancake- surprised, jumped up high, rolled out, mother
chased, frying pan, ladle, stop pancake, etc.

Activity-2: Individual and group reading.

The teacher instructs the students to try reading the text individually with the help of
the keywords elicited using the pictures. Underline the words they couldn‟t read or
understand. Then, the students sit in groups and the teacher instructs them to read the text
once again, each student in the group taking turns and helping others who ask for help while

The teacher asks them to try reading and understanding using the keywords and

Glossary: Use the pictures on pages 20 and 21 for the pictorial glossary

Activity-3: Comprehension

 After sizzling a bit on the pan, what did the pancake do?
 What did the woman do?
 What is the woman holding in her hand?
 Why is the woman shouting?
 Did the pancake stop rolling?
 Was the mother able to catch the pancake? Why?

Activity 4: Loud Reading

Loud reading by the teacher followed by the students.

Activity 5 : Work Sheet

Read the sentences and arrange them in the order as per the happenings in the story.

1. The pancake jumped up in the air.

2. The pancake was surprised.
3. The pancake rolled on until the woman could no longer see it.
4. The pancake rolled out of the door.
5. The woman chased the pancake.

Period Plan 5
Reading Chunk 3 – On the way the pancake met a man. ----- I shall roll away from you too,

Introduction and Motivation :

After the initial greetings, the teacher builds a rapport with the students asking what
they did at home after going home from school. Then continues the interaction leading to
reading the next part of the story.

Activity 1: Listening and Speaking

As there is no picture to support this part of the story, the teacher tries to elicit key
expressions with the help of questions.

The pancake rolled away from the woman.

Who would the pancake meet on the way? Guess.
How would they greet each other?

Key responses : man, woman, animals, birds, good morning, good day, the same to you etc.

Activity 2: Individual Reading& Group Reading

The teacher instructs the students to read the text individually and underline the words
they couldn‟t read/understand.

Then, the students sit in groups and the teacherinstructs them to read the text once
again, each student in the group taking turns and helping others who ask for help while

 Who did the pancake meet on the way?

 How did the man greet the pancake?
 What was the pancake‟s response?
 What did the man ask the pancake?
Activity 3: Loud Reading

Loud reading by the teacher followed by the students.

Activity 4: Choreography

In pairs, students come out to enact the conversation between the pancake and the

Activity 5: Worksheet

Read the following greeting.

Good day, pancake!

The same to you, Manny-Panny!

Now write similar greetings to the following:

Mother: ___________________________

Teacher: ___________________________

Friend: ____________________________

Period plan –6

Reading-A : Pancake

Reading chunk 3 : (Page 22) Then the pancake rolled on and on. ---- I shall roll away from
you too, Henny-Penny!”

Introduction and Motivation : The teacher develops a rapport with students using an
informal conversation that leads to the continuation of the topic, “The Pancake.”

Ex: Good morning children! How are you all today? How did you spend your evening
yesterday? Who did you meet yesterday? How did you greet them?

Coming to the story, „The Pancake‟, we know that the pancake rolled away from the good
woman and the man. Who would it meet now?
Teaching Learning Activities

Activity-1 : Listening and Speaking

The teacher moves around the class and ensures everybody has opened the book
exactly at page 22 and then poses a few interactive questions and gradually leads to the
continuation of the topic “The Pancake”

Look at this 1st picture on page 22.

Who did the pancake meet?

Based on yesterday‟s conversation between the man and the pancake, can you guess
the conversation between the pancake and the hen?

How would the hen greet the pancake? What would be the pancake‟s response?

What would the hen say to the pancake?

How would the pancake react?

(The teacher writes key expressions related to the reading chunk.)

Activity-2 : Individual reading and group reading

The teacher instructs the students to try reading the text individually with the help of
the keywords elicited using the pictures. Underline the words they couldn‟t read or
understand. Then, the students sit in groups and instruct to read the text once again, each
student in the group taking turns and helping others who ask for help while reading.

The teacher asks them to try reading and understanding using the keywords and

Glossary: Use the pictures on page 22 of the pictorial glossary.


Activity-3 : Loud Reading

Loud reading by the teacher followed by loud reading by the students.

Activity-4 : Choreography

In pairs, students come out to enact the conversation between the pancake and the

Activity-5 : Worksheet

Read the following greetings and tell me when would use those greetings.

Good day, Pancake!

Good Morning Pancake!
Good evening Pancake!
Pancake, how do you do?

Period plan –7

Reading-A : Pancake

Reading chunk 3 : (Page 22) Then the pancake rolled down the road. ---- and the pancake
rolled faster than ever.

Introduction and Motivation: The teacher develops a rapport with students using an
informal conversation that leads to the continuation of the topic, “The Pancake.”

Ex: Good morning children! How are you all today? Who all did you meet today on the way
to school? How did you greet them?

Coming to the story, „The Pancake‟, we know that the pancake rolled away from the
good woman, the man, and the hen. Who would it meet now?

Teaching Learning Activities

Activity-1: Listening and Speaking

The teacher moves around the class and ensures everybody has opened the book
exactly at page 22 and then poses a few interactive questions and gradually leads to the
continuation of the topic “The Pancake”

Look at this 2nd picture on page 22.

Who did the pancake meet next?

Based on yesterday‟s conversation between the hen and the pancake, can you guess
the conversation between the pancake and the duck?

How would the duck greet the pancake? What would be the pancake‟s response?
What would the duck say to the pancake?
How would the pancake react?
(The teacher writes key expressions related to the reading chunk.)

Activity-2: Individual reading and group reading

The teacher instructs the students to try reading the text individually with the help of
the keywords elicited using the pictures. Underline the words they couldn‟t read or
understand. Then, the students sit in groups and the teacher instructs them to read the text
once again, each student in the group taking turns and helping others who ask for help while
The teacher asks them to try reading and understanding using the keywords and

Glossary : Use the pictures on page 22 of the pictorial glossary.


 Who did the pancake meet, next?

 How did they greet each other?
 What did the duck ask?
 How did the pancake escape the duck?

Activity-3 : Loud Reading

Loud reading by the teacher followed by loud reading by the students.

Activity4 : Choreography

In pairs, students come out to enact the conversation between the pancake and the

Activity-5 : Worksheet

Match the following

Good Woman Manny-Panny
Seven Hungry Henny-penny
Man Good-Poody
Hen Ducky-lucky
Duck Children

Period Plan-8

Discourse Construction – Conversation (Page no 26)

Introduction and Motivation

Good morning, children! How do you do? We see many things around us. Name some
of them. See, we meet many animals and birds every day. The pancake also met a man and
two birds while rolling away. What is the most common animal we see around us? Imagine
the pancake meets a dog. What would be the possible conversation between them?

Activity-1 : Whole class interaction:

 Who are the two characters in conversation? The pancake and the dog it met on the
 Who will speak first? The dog.
 How would the dog greet the pancake? Good day, good morning, hi, hello etc.
 What would the pancake say? The same to you, hi, hello, good morning to you too
 What would the dog ask? Stop, wait, wait a bit, stop a while etc.
 What would be the pancake‟s answer? No, I will not, sorry etc.

Activity-2: Individual writing

With the help of the responses, the teacher encourages the students to write the
conversation individually as far as they can write.

Activity-3 – Group Writing and group presentations

The teacher instructs the students to sit in groups, discuss and rewrite the conversation
once again as group work.

Activity-4: Teacher’s Version and editing

The teacher presents, „Teacher‟s Version‟ of the conversation.

Dog : Good day, pancake!

Pancake : The same to you doggy-bogey!
Dog : Stop pancake, stop!
Pancake : Why?
Dog : I want to take a bite of you.
Pancake : Oh, sorry! I will roll away.

Editing : The teacher selects one of the group works for editing and asks the following
questions to edit the conversation.

Whole class interaction :

Questions for editing a discourse written by children (negotiations)

1. What differences do you find between the teacher‟s version and your version?
2. What new ideas do you find in the teacher‟s version?
3. Read the conversation again. Is the conversation apt according to the situation given?
4. Read the first exchange. Is there any extra word in that?
5. Read this sentence. Is any word missing?
6. Do you want to change the word order of this sentence?
7. Which sentence is meaningful?
8. Do you want to change any word form in this sentence?
9. Check this word in the dictionary?
10. Do you want to change the spelling of any word in this sentence?
11. Do you want to replace this question mark?
12. Do you think you need to add a comma, a full stop, a question mark, or an
exclamation mark?
13. Whether the events are in order? Are any changes needed?
Period Plan-9

Reading-A : Pancake

Reading chunk 6 : It came to the……further either.

Introduction and Motivation: Teacher develops rapport with students using informal
conversation and leads to continuation of the topic” Pancake

Ex: Good morning children! How are you all today? We meet many people every day, our
relatives, neighbours, friends, classmates, teachers, strangers, etc. Who according to you is
not dangerous? Why?

By the way, did you read the story, „The Pancake‟? Let‟s start our lesson today. Open
the book at page number 23.

Teaching Learning Activities

Activity-1 : Listening and Speaking

Teacher moves around the class and ensures everybody has opened the book exactly
at page and then poses a few interactive questions and gradually leads to the continuation of
the topic “The Pancake”

Pictures on page 23.

 Whom did the pancake meet?

 How would they greet each other?
 What would the pig say?
 Would this conversation be different from the others?
 How different would be the conversation?
 Look at the 2nd picture. What is happening here?
 How could the pig manage to eat the pancake? Guess.


The teacher elicits a few words related to the picture and repeats the elicited words
syllabically and puts them on a chart/BB.If the students reply in their home language teacher
megaphones the responses into English, and the teacher writes them on the BB.She may
repeat the words syllabically two/three times.

Activity-2: Individual reading and group reading

The teacher instructs the students to try reading the text individually with the help of
the keywords elicited using the pictures. Underline the words they couldn‟t read or
understand. Then, the students sit in groups and the teacher instructs them to read the text
once again, each student in the group taking turns and helping others who ask for help while
The teacher asks them to try reading and understanding using the keywords and

Glossary : Use the pictures on page 23 of the pictorial glossary.


 How did the pancake and the pig greet each other?
 What did the pig say after the usual greeting?
 What words of the pig made the pancake believe that it was a well-wisher?
 What help did the pig offer when the pancake couldn‟t swim in the lake?
 How did the pig eat the pancake?

Activity-3 : Loud Reading

Loud reading by the teacher followed by loud reading by the students.

Activity-4: Choreography

In pairs, students come out to enact the conversation between the pancake and the pig.

Activity-5: Worksheet

Arrange in the order the events happened in the story.

1. The pancake rolled away from the good woman.

2. The pancake met a pig.
3. The pancake met a man.
4. The pancake met a duck.
5. The pancake met a hen.

Period plan – 10

Discourse Construction : Writing a Recipe

Introduction and motivation :

Good Morning, Children! Have you had your breakfast? What does your mother
prepare in the kitchen first thing in the morning? So, in most of the houses it‟s tea, right?
How shall we write a recipe on how to prepare tea? Very well, let‟s begin.

Activity 1: Talking about ingredients and the required quantities (Whole Class

 What materials do we need to make tea?

 How much tea powder do we need?
 What quantity of milk do we need for a family of six?
 How much water would you like to add?
 What quantity of sugar would you need?

Let the children write the ingredients and the quantities in the space given in the

Activity 2: The Process (whole Class Interaction)

 What is the first step to prepare tea?

 What must be added to the water boiling on the stove?
 What must we add next?
 What must be done next?
 How would you serve the tea?

Elicited responses: boil water, add sugar, add tea powder, stir with a spoon, add milk,
serve hot etc.

Let the children write the stepwise process in the space given in the notebooks,

Activity 3: Group activity and group presentations

Children sit in groups, discuss, and write the process once again.

Activity 4: Teacher’s Version and editing

The teacher presents, „The Teacher‟s version‟.

Boil water. Add tea powder and sugar. Let it boil on low blame for a while. Stir
for a minute.

The tea is ready. Serve tea hot with biscuits or snacks.

Editing one of the group-works written by the children

Questions for editing a discourse written by children (negotiations)

1. What differences do you find between the teacher‟s version and your version?
2. What new ideas do you find in the teacher‟s version?
3. Read the process again. Is the process apt to prepare tea?
4. Read the first sentence. Is there any extra word in that?
5. Read this sentence. Is any word missing?
6. Do you want to change the word order of this sentence?
7. Which sentence is meaningful?
8. Do you want to change any word form in this sentence?
9. Check this word in the dictionary?
10. Do you want to change the spelling of any word in this sentence?
11. Do you want to replace this question mark?
12. Do you think you need to add a comma, a full stop, a question mark, or an
exclamation mark?
13. Whether the events are in order? Are any changes needed?
Activity-5 : Worksheet
Write any simple recipe you like. Take the help of your teacher, elders, or your

Period Plan-11

Textual Exercises
Introduction and Motivation
Dear students! How are you all? I know you must be happy meeting your friends in
the school every day. By the way, do you have any nick names? Do you like them? Why and
why not?
Today, we will do some exercises from the textbook about having funny names and
also some words that convey pleasant feelings. Are you ready?

Activity-1 : Whole class interaction

Comprehension Exercise II on page no 24.
How do you feel when a classmate of others make fun of you?

(Elicit responses from the students and write all of them on the BB. Ex: sad, unhappy,
angry etc.)
Now, I wrote all the feelings on the BB. You can write down them in your textbook in
the space given.

How do you feel when your friend praises your behaviour, calls you kind, friendly or
Ex: happy, proud, feel like smiling, tell others about the praise etc.
(Instruct the students to write the responses in the textbook in the space given.)

Activity-2: Vocabulary
Students! Read the words given on page 25 under the Vocabulary exercise. (While
reading, the teachers must help the students if they aren‟t unable to pronounce or understand
any new word.)
Now, let‟s read them one by one and circle the words that convey pleasant feelings.
(Help the students to circle the words in the textbook exercise.)
Activity-3: Opposites
Read the first sentence, children. Now underline the word sour. Let‟s go to the story
on page 20. Read the 1st para. Which word in this para is the opposite of the word „sour‟?

Read the 2nd sentence. Underline the word,„false‟. Now, let‟s go to page 23 and read
the 5th para. Which word in this para is the opposite of false? True

Read the 3rd sentence. Underline the word,„ugly‟. Let‟s go to page 20 and read the 8th
line. Which word in this line is the opposite of ugly? pretty

Read the 4th sentence. Underline the word,„foolish‟. Now, let‟s read the 9th line on
page 20. Which word in this line is the opposite of foolish? clever

Read the 5th sentence. Underline the word,„slow‟. Now, let‟s read the 2nd para on page
21. Which word in this line is the opposite of „slow‟? fast

Activity 4: Grammar Exercise

Students! Read the below sentence.

„Oh darling, good mother,‟ said the third.

Look at the words „darling‟ and „good‟. The children in the story used these words to
describe their mother. Their mother is a good woman and a darling mother. These were her

Such words as „darling‟ and „good‟ are called describing words.

Children! Let‟s read the first 10 linesof the story on page 20. Observe there are words
such as „darling‟ and „good‟ that are used to describe the seven hungry children‟s mother.
What are they?

nice, dear, clever, pretty, sweet

Children! There is a compound word to describe the pancake in the first para. What is
it? How is the pancake?

sweet-milk pancake

(Teacher writes the elicited responses on the BB and students read and write them in the
textbook in the space given.)
Period Plan-12
B Reading: The Monkeys Go Fasting:
Reading chunk 1
A group of monkeys ----- Just a look at the bananas made him hungry.

Introduction and motivation: After the greetings and talk about what the children had for
breakfast, the teacher asks about some festivals when they or their parents don‟t eat food for
the day.

Sivarathri or fasting on a weekday, Ramzan Roja fasting, lent days for Christians, etc.
What if naughty animals like monkeys also decide to keep fast on a special day? How
would it be? Let‟s read the story, „The Monkeys Go Fasting‟ on page 28 to find out.

Activity-1 : Picture Interaction

Look at the picture on page 28.

Students may give answers in their mother tongue. The teacher megaphones them and
writes them on the BB in English.
What is the place we see in the picture? forest, jungle
Name the animals we see in the picture. monkeys
One monkey is standing on a high rock, who do you think he is? monkey chief
What might we call the monkey chief‟s wife? chief’s wife

There are some young monkeys? What shall we call them? Little monkeys,
If there is a family in this group of monkeys, who would be the members of that

father monkey, mother monkey, son, etc.

What else do we see in the picture? trees, bunches of bananas
How are the bananas? yellow, huge, delicious

Why do you think the monkeys are not eating bananas? not hungry, waiting for
someone, fast, etc.
Activity-2: Reading and writing the keywords/phrases
The teacher instructs the students to read and write the keywords in their notebooks.

Students! Write the possible words on the picture (for the pictorial glossary while
Activity-3 : Individual and Group Reading
The teacher instructs the students to try reading the text individually with the help of
the keywords elicited using the pictures. Underline the words they couldn‟t read or
understand. Then, the students sit in groups and the teacher instructs them to read the text
once again, each student in the group taking turns and helping others who ask for help while

The teacher asks them to try reading and understanding using the keywords and

Glossary: Use the pictures on page 28 of the pictorial glossary.

Activity-4 : Comprehension & Loud reading

 Name the characters in the story.

 What did a group of monkeys decide one day?
 What did the monkey chi suggest before they began fasting?
 Who brought the bunches of bananas?
 What did the chief‟s wife suggest?
 How did the fat monkey feel at the sight of the bananas?

(After eliciting responses, loud reading by the teacher followed by the loud reading of the

Period Plan 13
B Reading: The Monkeys Go Fasting:
Reading chunk 2 – Page no 29
“All right” said the monkey chief ---- „And that was the end of their fast.‟

Introduction and Motivation

Hello children! How are you all today? What breakfast did you have today? Suppose
you are keeping fast and there are several food items before you. What would you do?

The monkeys in the story decided to fast and they kept delicious-looking bananas in
front of them. What would happen now? Let‟s read the story.

Activity-1: Picture Interaction

Look at the picture on page 29
What do you see in the ground? Banana peels
What do you see in the monkeys‟ hands? Peeled bananas
What do you think happened to the bunches of bananas? monkeys ate them
Can you guess what happened to the monkeys‟ fasting? break-broke the fast
The teacher instructs the students to read and write the keywords in their notebooks.

Students! Write the possible words on the picture (for the pictorial glossary while
Activity 2: Individual and group reading.
The teacher instructs the students to try reading the text individually with the help of
the keywords elicited using the pictures. Underline the words they couldn‟t read or
understand. Then, the students sit in groups and the teacher instructs them to read the text
once again, each student in the group taking turns and helping others who ask for help while

The teacher asks them to try reading and understanding using the keywords and

Glossary: Use the pictures on pages 28and 29 of the pictorial glossary.

Activity-3: Loud Reading

Loud Reading by the teacher followed by loud reading by the students

Activity 4: Worksheet

True or false

1. The monkeys kept bunches of grapes ready for fasting.

2. The youngsters brought delicious-looking bananas.
3. The monkey decided to cut the bananas.
4. After peeling, the monkeys kept the bananas ready for eating.
5. Finally, the monkeys are the bananas without thinking of their fast.

Period Plan-14
Textual Exercises:
Introduction and Motivation:
After building a rapport with general conversation about their food, breakfast etc, the
teacher will proceed to the textual exercises.
Students! There are several characters in the story such as the monkey chief, the
chief‟s wife, the father monkey, youngsters, etc. They all spoke dialogues. So, let‟s see who
spoke what and to whom.

Activity-1 : Comprehension Exercise page 30

Open your book at page 30 and look at the first comprehension exercise.
Read the first sentence. „Keep the food ready.‟ Who said these words to whom?
Let‟s find out this sentence in the story. So, go to page no 28 and read the 2nd para.
Now tell me, who said the words and to whom. The monkey chief to the monkeys
Let‟s write those words in the space given in the textbook on page 30.

Read the 2nd sentence. “Yes, let‟s do that.” Now, let‟s go to page 29 and read the first
Who said those words and to whom. A fat monkey to the youngsters

Read the 3rd sentence. “Can I keep the banana in my mouth?” Now, let‟s go to page
29 and read the 3rd para.
Who said those words and to whom. A little monkey to father

Activity-2 : Comprehension 2nd question

Do you think the monkeys can go on fast? Why? Why not?
Students! Sit in groups and discuss.
After assisting the students‟ discussions, the teacher will ask one student from each
group to present their opinion. The teacher provides feedback such as saying, „Well done!‟ „It
was a nice presentation.‟

Activity-3 – Classroom Theatre

Students let‟s read the 3rd next question given.

“As we can see from the story, the monkeys peeled the bananas before eating them.
Now suggest the way we eat each of the following fruits and vegetables. Enact them. “

Each of you can choose one of the fruits in the table given and act like you are
cutting, peeling, breaking, or eating as a wholefruit.
One by one, the students enact how they eat the fruit they have chosen.

Activity 4: Conventions of writing

Students read the sentence given on page 31, under the „Conventions of Writing‟
Look at the first word. What change do we need to make to it? Capital letter
Good. Go to page no 21. The same sentence is there in the story.
What do you find after, „Good day‟? comma
What do you see at the end of the sentence? a full stop
Now, let‟s make the necessary changes and rewrite the sentence in the space given in
the TB.
Activity-5 – Fun with words (page 27)
Whole class interaction asking the students to pronounce the words one by one and
identify the difference in the pronunciation of the two sets of words.

Period Plan 15

Project Work
Introduction and Motivation
After building rapport with the students with general greetings and talk, the teacher
asks leading questions towards the project work.

Activity-1 : Listening and Speaking

You know about many food items, children! Some things we buy in market and some
things we buy in general stores as packed items.

Name some food items that are available in wrappers. biscuits, chocolates, oil
How are these wrappers, generally? colourful

Did you ever see a wrapper closely and read the script on it? If yes, what did you
Now let‟s collect some wrappers and examine them.

Activity 2: Whole Class Interaction

“Children! Now look at the table given on page 30 under Project Work. Let‟s read the
instructions first. Then, read the table.”
(Children read the instructions, and the information asked in the table.)
What must we do now?
Yes, first we must collect some wrappers and read the instructions on them.

The teacher divides the students into groups and instructs each group to collect at least
three different wrappers.

As an example, the teacher demonstrates how to read the ingredients, price of the
item, date of manufacture, and expiry date using a wrapper. He/she also demonstrates how to
record information in the given table.

Activity 3 -Group Work

Students sit in groups and taking each other‟s help, try to read the information on the
wrappers and then, record the same in the given table.
Activity 4: Group Presentations
The teacher leads towards the four questions related to the project work given on page
31 and discusses them during whole class interactions before the groups resume their work
Students discuss and try to write their discussion points in their notebooks.

The teacher moves around and helps the students to prepare a short report with just 5-
6 sentences.
One by one, the groups present their project work in the class.

Activity 5: Feedback
Teacher provides feedback on the group presentations and then invites feedback from
other groups.

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