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Tosca Interview Questions for Advanced level

Q1) Explain the merits of Tricentis Tosca?

Ans: The main advantages of Tosca as a test automation tool, are specified
below –

Allows script-less test automation approach.

Easy to learn the tool with very minimum skillset.

Test automation can be initiated at the very early phase of testing.

Supports the model-based test automation framework. So, it’s not required to
spent efforts on test framework creation.

High scale of reusability approach can be utilized with the help of components
like Modules, Reusable TestStepBlock, TCD, etc.

The tool itself supports the test management and functional testing activities.

ALM integration is possible.

Can trigger the selenium testcases from Tosca.

Mass update is possible with the help of TQL.

Q2) Is API Testing possible with Tosca?

Ans: Yes, Tosca supports the API Testing. The API Scan is used to scan create
the modules for the corresponding APIs. Using the API modules we can send
the request and receive the response for the API call.
Q3) How to use multiple web browsers within the same test case using

Ans. Users want to automate a test script pass over different applications that
execute on other browsers. Using buffers, changing the Test Configuration
Parameters at execution time by the below methods.

1. Alternating the value of test ordering Parameter to {B[Browser]} or any

other Buffer Name user prefers.

2. During the execution, we can change the buffer value using “TBOX Set
Buffer” module to change the value of “Browser” test configuration parameter
according to the browser name to launch.

Q4) What is TOSCA Classic Engine?

Ans: The Classic or Base engine is responsible to the test execution. Base
engine follows the architecture of the test cases which are managed as
business-based objects. The business-based object information and activities
to steer the controls, which are related to test scripts, are accepted by the
Classic engine.

Q5) What are the steps required in Object Steering in Tosca?

Ans: There are two steps involved in Object Steering:

Object access.

Object steering.
Q6) Discuss Tosca Model-Based Testing?

Ans. The models represent the unit of functionalities which are created by
scanning the application. The modules contain the technical information of the
controls to steer the test objects. Now, model-based testing explain the
approach where test cases are developed and executed based on the modules.
Basically, modules are added into test case as a test step through drag-drop
approach to complete the test cases. In the testcase, we need to provide the
data as TestStepValue and actions. No scripting is required to develop the test

Q7) What do you mean by Distributed Execution in TOSCA?

Ans: When any user or Test wants to execute a large set of test scripts in
multiple machines, the tester must create TestEvents in Tosca commander.

Q8) Describe Test Data Management (tdm)?

Ans: The Test data Management(TDM) components are used to managing the
test data which are required for test execution. The TDM component is
available with the standard Tosca installation. The data are stored same as
shared database repository which is used to create the workspace, through the
TDM which will be assigned to test cases during the execution. In case of
SQLite, the separate instance of database is required for TDM.

Q9) How to run Tests using ScratchBook?

Ans: We can perform trial run of the newly created or enhanced test cases
through the ScratchBook to ensure the correctness. The Tosca logs the
execution results in ScratchBook for temporary purposes. The entire or part of
test cases(i.e. test steps) can be executed in ScratchBook.

After right-clicking on one or more selected test cases, test case folders or test
steps, we can initiate the execution by selection of option from context-menu.
Q10) What is the use of TestMandates?

Ans: There are many scenarios like banking, insurance, etc. domain projects;
we required a batch to be run at a specific time. This requirement can be
fulfilled using TestMandates. The test mandate allows to execute different
parts of execution list parallelly with out locking the main execution list.

Q11) Discuss the steps to instantiate TestCases using Excel?

Ans. The process instantiating means to generate the instance test cases from
the template based on the different data which are defined in “TestCase
Design” section or in excel template.

Below are the steps to instantiate TestCases with excel:

1. The template test case is required to create instance test cases.

2. The the data sheet attributes which are defined in TCD or external excel
template, i.e. the data parameters have to be linked with template attribute
with the correct syntax.

3. Right-click on the template testcase and select the context menu option
“Create TemplateInstance” to start the process.

4. The excel sheet with predefined structure, has to be displayed in the

subsequent dialog.

5. Handle the authentication dialogue and proceed.

6. Next, click on OK button to start the process.

Q12) Describe Instantiating Template?

Ans: he process instantiating means to generate the instance test cases from
the template based on the different data which are defined in “TestCase
Design” section. This approach in Tosca, is also known as data-driven testing.
Q13) What do you mean by business parameters in Tosca?

Ans. The business parameters are use to pass the data into a Reusable
TestStepBlock as arguments. The primary purpose of the business parameters
is to parameterized the use of test data in Reusable TestStepBlock instead of
using hard coded data. It can be created after right-clicking on the selected
Reusable TestStepBlock which is created in Library folder.

Q14) Explain about TC-Shell?

Ans. TC-Shell allows to control the Tosca commander from the command line.
It can be launched in two unique manners using interactive and script.

A group of commands which are written in a flat file (such as bat file), can
mange some operation such as execution of tests from execution with out
opening the Tosca Commander. This approach is used to automate the
triggering of test execution process.

Users may use the comprehensive selection of purposes of the GUI version
from the Tosca commander.

Q15) Explain the steps that create test cases through ARA?

Ans: The process steps are –

Record any scenario using ARA Wizard.

Add verification points during recording and perform clean up on the recorded

Export the recording.

Import recording in Tosca.

Execute test cases which are auto-created during recording.

Q16) Specify the different approaches for object identification in Tosca?

Ans: The different approaches to steer the controls during the scanning, for
any test objects are mentioned below-

Identify by properties

Identify by Anchor

Identify by index

Identify by image

Q17) What is DokuSnapper in Tosca?

Ans: The DokuSnapper function enables to an archive of the progress of

automated tests in a document. Tosca creates a Microsoft Word document for
every test script upon each execution. The document name consists of the test
script name and the timestamp of the execution time.

User can enable Dokusnapper from Settings

Configure options and settings > Settings Dialog > Settings – Engine > Settings –

Q18) What is TDS?

Ans: TDS stands for Test Data Service, which is used for test data management
in Tosca. Using TDS, we can store the dynamic test data in a shared location
which is easy to read/ update by the test case. As the data stored in a shared
location, it is useful to share the same dynamic data across multiple test cases.
Also, we can update it without opening Tosca as it’s treated as a separate
Q19) Explain the API Testing using TOSCA? Explain the advantages.

Ans: API stands for Application Interface. In a multi-application environment

where one application is interacting other application through API, we have to
wait for the completion of development of all the application for testing. So
the testing is going to be a time-consuming process. Instead of that, we can
start the testing of APIs once any of the application is ready to reduce the
execution cycle time. So API testing is an approach to test the interface
through API before integration of the entire application. Tosca provides an API
scanning wizard; through this, we can scan the API and creates API modules.
Later based on the module, we can create test cases to perform Tosca API

The advantages are –

Fast execution.

Reduce execution cycle time.

Testing can be initiated before system integration.

Q20) Explain the exploratory testing features available in Tosca?

Ans: It’s an approach to record test scenarios as a document for functional

analysis, verification/ testing of training purpose.

Q21) How can we change the value of any Test Configuration Parameter
during the execution?

Ans: First, one buffer has to be assigned for the Test Configuration Parameter
(TCP). After that, by changing the buffer value using “Tbox Set Buffer”, we will
be able to change the TCP value during execution.
Q22) Is it possible to automate mobile apps in Tosca?

Ans: Yes, Tosca supports mobile automation using engine ME3.0 for mobile

Q23) Explain the approach of mobile testing?

Ans: We need to follow the below steps to perform mobile automation.

We need to connect the physical or simulator mobile device with our system or
Appium server. For an iOS device, we need to connect the device in Appium
configured Mac system.

Select the Scan->Mobile option while scanning mobile devices.

In the scan window, we need to provide basic details such as Connection type
as Local or Appium Server, Name of the device, Device Id and device type as
Android or iOS.

We need to select the checkbox for “Run Live View” to replicate mobile screen
in the device.

To establish the connection with mobile devices, need to click on “Connect”


Select the desire mobile screen and scan to create nodule.

Create the mobile test cases based on the created modules and some standard
modules such as an open mobile app.

Execute the test case.

Q24) What kinds of mobile apps are supported by Tosca?

Ans: Only Android or iOS mobile devices are supported by Tosca. Also, it can
automate mobile web, native and hybrid apps.
Q25) What are the different engine available for mobile automation?

Ans: There is two engines are available –

Tosca Mobile + – It’s used for old devices.

Mobile Engine 3.0 (ME 3.0) – It’s used for the latest devices.

Q26) What is the basic configuration required to execute any test case in
mobile Chrome browser?

Ans: We need to set the value as “CromeAndroid” for TCP Browser.

Q27) What is ARA?

Ans: ARA stands for Automation Recording Assistant. This is an advanced

recording feature of TOSCA. With the help of ARA, we can record any scenario
with the verification and generate the test cases instantly. After recording ARA
generates a .ara file which needs to be imported in TOSCA to generate the
instant test case. This is very useful for the business user who does not have
any bits of knowledge about Tosca.
Q28) Explain the advantages of ARA?

Ans: The major advantages are –

• Standalone recording wizard

• Intuitive recording

• On-the-fly remarks & verifications

• No duplicate modules in a single recording

• Easy clean-up

• Fast playback

• Easy to export & import recordings

Q29) Explain the limitations of ARA?

Ans: The limitations of ARA are –

• Compatible with Tosca 13.1 & above

• Linear recording

• License required for standalone installation

• Duplicate modules get created in multiple recordings

• Challenging to modify existing tests

• Yet to be compatible with Android/iOS

Q30). What is Vision AI in Tosca?

Ans: It is going to be an advanced test automation approach to automate the

test cases irrespective of the technology of the test application. This approach
will be made with the help of the artificial intelligence (AI) concept while
recognizing the objects through TOSCA AI Scan. Based on looks and
appearances, the objects are getting identified using AI features.

Q31). From which version the Vision AI is available?

Ans: The Tricentis Tosca has introduced these features from Version 14.x.

Q32). What are the features of Vision AI in Tosca?

Ans: The major features of Vision AI are specified below –

AI-driven Object recognization – Tosa AI engine is capable of identifying the

test objects based on the appearance and looks, without considering the
technology of the application.

Automate Citrix-based application – We can automate the applications which

are hosted in Citrix.

Automate under development application – The AI engine is capable of

automating the application before completion of the development. Here,
Tosca is able to automate based on the mockup environment or based on the
designed layout diagram.

Automation testing can be started from the very early phases.

Larger varieties of applications can be automated.

Some modules can be re-used over different applications (having the same
look and feel) irrespective of technology.

Reduces the maintenance efforts in vision AI.

Q33). How Tosca identifies objects using AI Engine?

Ans: The Tosca AI engine considers below aspects to steer test objects –

The appearance and the position of the test objects.

Look and feel includes color, size, etc.

The attached labels of the test objects.

Q34). What will happen for the existing tests which are developed through AI
Engine after changing the technology, keeping the same UI?

Ans: There will be no impact on the existing test cases which are developed
with an AI engine. The reason is that the AI engine does not consider the
technology of the application.

Q35). Specify the different object identification methods used by Tosca AI


Ans: The Tosca AI engine follows below identification methods –

Identify by Properties – The properties available based on the appearances.

Identify by Index – Based on the repetitions of the same kind of objects.

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