A Study on the Effects of the Active Yaw Moment Control 950303

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A Study on the Effects of the

Active Yaw Moment Control

Yoshihiro lkushima and Kaoru Sawase

Mitsubishi Motors Corp.

Reprinted from: New Developments in Vehicle

Dynamics, Simulation, and Suspension Systems

International Congress and Exposition

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February 27 - March 2, 1995
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A Study on the Effects of the

Active Yaw Moment Control
Yoshihiro lkushima and Kaoru Sawase
Mitsubishi Motors Corp.

ABSTRACT market [2].

The first step in this research is to develop a new
This paper presents a new torque distribution system to enable control of the driving/braking
system-"Right/Left Torque Control System", aimed forces of the right and left wheels, individually. This
at improving a vehicle's cornering properties by system, which controls the yaw moment around the
using yaw moment control. The torque transfer center of gravity, is intended to achieve a dramatic
mechanisms of this system have been analyzed. improvement in the dynamic performance of a
Also, a yaw moment control algorithm using yaw rate vehicle during cornering [3] [4].
feedback control has been designed. Next, vehicle In this paper, we first demonstrate that an
cornering properties were evaluated using numerical improvement can be achieved in cornering
simulation developed from data taken from an actual performance by duly controlling the yaw moment of a
vehicle. As a result, improvements were achieved in vehicle by regulating the difference in torque
the maneuverability and stability of a vehicle during between its right and left wheels. Then, a brief
cornering. description is given of a number of mechanisms that
have been proposed to date for the purpose of
INTRODUCTION controlling a vehicle's yaw moment by distributing
torque to the right and left wheels in an appropriate
Recently, new technologies to improve vehicle manner. A summary assessment of the respective
dynamics using high speed electronics have been performance of these mechanisms is given.
developed. Among such new technologies, Furthermore, a new differential mechanism capable
especially concerning drive trains, a mechanism and of providing improved performance with yaw
its control system is proposed that appropriately moment control is presented.
divides the driving torque to each wheel. This
mechanism is intended to improve the dynamic IMPROVEMENT OF CORNERING PERFORMANCE
handling performance of avehicle by optimizing the BYYAW MOMENT CONTROL
proportioning of the slip ratio as well as of the side
slip angle among its four wheels. This enables In reference to Fig.1-(a), the controllable yaw
utilization of the traction force at each wheel in a moment of avehicle is expressed by equation (1 ):
balanced and efficient way. Typical of such systems
already on the market are the electronically
controlled torque split 4WD system that varies the where ΔT indicates the difference in torque
torque on the front axle and that on the rear axle [1]. between the right and left wheels.
An electronic controlled Limited Slip Differential
Fig. 1 -(b) shows a two-wheel model cornering
system(LSD), designed to control the torque on with a radius(R). This model has two degrees of
each of the right and left wheels, is also on the

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freedom: the displacement of the center of gravity in steering angle(δf) can be expressed in terms of
the lateral direction and the variance of the yaw the cornering radius(R) and the side slip angles of
angle. In setting up the model, it was assumed that: the front and rear wheels (ßf,ßr) as follows:
1 The vehicle speed is constant in the forward
2 The tire characteristics are linear. By introducing the stability factor(K), often used to
3 The driving and braking forces on the express the steering characteristics of avehicle, into
vehicle are at steady state conditions. equation (2) and (3), and rearranging equation (4),
we have:

The steering angle ratio(&#x003B4/δfo), an index with

which to evaluate the cornering characteristic of a
vehicle, can be expressed as follows:

where δfo is the required geometrical steering

angle of a front wheel when turning a given corner
at an extremely low speed.
Fig. 2 is the graphical representation of equation
(6) showing the relationship between the square of
vehicle speed and the steering angle ratio. In this
figure it can be seen that the steering characteristic
of the yaw moment controlled vehicle, expressed in
terms of its stability factor(K), can be modified by
controlling the yaw moment generated while turning
acorner under steady conditions.

It is further assumed that the yaw moment(M)

arising from the difference in torque between the
right and left wheels can be controlled. The
equilibrium of forces acting on the center of gravity
of the vehicle and the moments around it can be
represented by the following two equations:

When the vehicle is turning a corner at speed(V)

under steady state conditions, the front wheel

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TORQUE DISTRIBUTION MECHANISMS - Fig.3 - Fig. 4 shows the new mechanism which provides
gives three typical mechanisms and the respective improved performance over the older systems by
schematic diagrams and characteristics. These have imparting different torques to the right and left
been proposed to actively control the distribution of wheels. It consists of a conventional differential
torque to the right and left wheels of a vehicle. A gearing and a torque transmission mechanism
common feature among these is that the torque to comprised of a continuously variable trans
one wheel and that to the other are actively mission(CVT) and a torque transfer shaft. The CVT
controlled by regulating either the driving force or element A is directly connected with the right wheel
braking force. axle, and the CVT element B is connected to the left
It can be seen that each torque distribution wheel axle, by means of the shaft and gearing
mechanism has performance limitations in controlling system( gear ratio =1:1 ). The compressive force on
yaw moment, and that a relatively large energy loss is the CVT element A and on the CVT element B can
incurred while in operation. Thus, it is desirable for a be controlled individually by means of a hydraulic
new type of mechanism that improves performance system.

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transfer shaft. Torque is then transferred from the

right wheel axle to the left wheel axle. For the
torque( ΔT) transferred through the CVT to the left
wheel axle, the resultant torque on the right wheel
axle(TR) becomes:

On the other hand, for the torque(ΔT) imparted to

the left wheel axle, the resultant torque on the left
wheel axle (TL) becomes:

Thus the torque on the left axle becomes larger than

on the right axle, thereby generating a clockwise yaw
moment on the vehicle.
When the condition is reversed and a counter
clockwise yaw moment is required, the mechanism
will change state to that shown in Fig.5(c). As the
compressive force is increased on CVT element B, a
force is generated to reduce the gear velocity
When yaw moment control is not required, the ratio(ρ), giving rise to atorsion in the torque transfer
mechanism is in a state as shown in Fig.5(a). As the shaft. Torque is then transferred from the left wheel
same compressive force is applied onto CVT axle to the right wheel axle. For the torque(ΔT)
elements A and B, with the right and left wheels transferred through the CVT to the right axle, the
rotating freely and the CVT belt not slipping, the resulting torque on the right axle(TR) becomes.
input torque(Tin) is distributed to the right and left
wheels equally. The CVT is working at a velocity
ratio(ρ) as determined by the difference in rotating On the other hand, for the torque(ΔT) absorbed
speed between the right and left wheels as the from the left axle, the resulting torque on left axle
vehicle is cornering. (TL) becomes:
When a clockwise yaw moment is required, the
mechanism will change states to that shown in Thus the torque on the right axle becomes larger
Fig.5(b). As the compressive force on CVT element than on the left axle, thereby, generating a counter
A is increased, a force is generated to raise the gear clockwise yaw moment on the vehicle.
velocity ratio(ρ), raising the torsion in the torque

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This new mechanism will be capable of following formula by using such sensor information
controlling the yaw moment on a vehicle by as the vehicle speed and steering angle:
controlling the difference in torque between right
and left wheels as required, with a minimum of
energy loss. 2 Yaw rate feed back controller - This controller
compares the vehicle's actual yaw rate with the
reference yaw rate. Then, by applying a proportional
SIMULATION MODEL - Fig.6-(a) shows the and integral control(PI-control) to the difference in
these rates, the magnitude(M*) of the yaw moment
simulation model used in this study. The block to be controlled by the torque transfer mechanism is
diagram of the control system is shown in Fig. 6-(b). determined. The controller also determines the
The model represents a 4WD vehicle that has six direction(CW/CCW) to which the yaw moment
degrees of freedom (vertical, longitudinal, lateral should be applied depending on whether the
displacements and pitching, rolling, yawing motions) difference between the actual yaw rate and the
at the center of gravity and the right/left torque reference yaw rate is positive or negative.
control mechanism incorporated into the rear


SLOW ACCELERATION - To observe steering
characteristics, asimulation study was conducted by
simulating a situation in which the vehicle's front
wheels were given a steer angle so that vehicle
traced a circle with a radius of 5OmR while keeping a
longitudinal acceleration of 0.1(m/s2). Variations with
time in steering ratio, side slip angle at the center of
gravity, and yaw rate, with yaw moment control and
without yaw moment control, were determined, and
the results compared.
It can be seen in Fig. 7 that, as the lateral
acceleration exceeds approximately 5.5(m/s2), a
point from where the steering characteristic
becomes noticeably nonlinear, an additional yaw
moment due to the torque transferred by the
mechanism starts to acton the vehicle in a direction
that assists its turning motion. Consequently, the
vehicle with yaw moment control exhibits less
pronounced nonlinear steering characteristics in the
high lateral acceleration range, behaving to a certain
extent as if it were running with low lateral
acceleration. Furthermore, with yaw moment control,
the vehicle's critical lateral acceleration while turning
showed an increase of about 0.5(m/s2). This can be
explained as follows: With yaw moment control the
vehicle acquires a larger slip angle at its center of
To control yaw moment, the system makes use gravity proportional to the additional yaw moment
induced by such control, and consequently a larger
of yaw rate feed back. This will be explained in terms slip angle at the rear wheels. This results in an
of the 1 Reference yaw rate and 2 Yaw rate feed increase in the lateral force at the rear wheels and a
back controller.
decrease in lateral force for the front wheels. Thus
1 Reference yaw rate - The control system proper balance is achieved between the lateral force
calculates a reference yaw rate according to the

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(2) CORNERING PERFORMANCE WHILE trajectory, variations in longitudinal acceleration,

ACCELERATING - Simulation studies were lateral acceleration, yaw moment, and yaw rate. This
conducted by simulating a situation in which the was observed during the first five seconds after the
vehicle's steering angle was fixed so that it drove in a vehicle, turning the circle in steady state under a
circle with a radius of 30mR with constant velocity. It lateral acceleration of 4.0(m/sz), was subjected to a
was then suddenly accelerated to observe the longitudinal acceleration of 2.5(m/s2). Yaw momenl
change in yaw rate upon such acceleration. control was seen to be effective in suppressing the
Fig. 8 shows typical results indicating the vehicle under steer characteristics of the vehicle.

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In order to assess the maneuverability of the

vehicle, variations in its speed and yaw rate over the
first second after it was accelerated were determined
with the lateral acceleration kept constant at its initial
value. These results are shown in Fig. 9,
In the case of the vehicle with no yaw moment
control subjected to a relatively small initial lateral
acceleration, the yaw rate is seen to linearly increase
with speed along the base circle. With an increase in
lateral acceleration, however, the yaw rate of the
accelerated vehicle decreases, resulting in poor
maneuverability. The vehicle equipped with yaw
moment control, however, is capable of suppressing
the under steer characteristic it would otherwise
exhibit when accelerated, even when it is subjected
to a high lateral acceleration, as its yaw rate
undergoes no substantial decrease upon

(3) CORNERING PERFORMANCE WHILE after it was subjected to a deceleration.

DECELERATING - Simulation studies were Fig. 10 shows typical results as obtained when
conducted by simulating a situation in which the the vehicle turning the circle under a lateral
vehicle turning around a circle having a radius of acceleration of 6.5(m/s2) was given a longitudinal
5OmR under steady conditions. It was then acceleration of -2.5(m/s2). It can be seen that the
suddenly decelerated with its steer angle fixed to yaw moment control is quite effective in suppressing
observe the change in its yaw rate. Variations in the tuck-in characteristic of the vehicle by inducing
trajectory, longitudinal acceleration, lateral an additional yaw moment in the counter-clockwise
acceleration, yaw moment and yaw rate were direction after the vehicle is decelerated.
determined for the vehicle over the first five seconds

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Similar to the studies to evaluate vehicle

performance upon acceleration while cornering,
variations in speed and yaw rate were determined
for the vehicle over the first second after it was
decelerated. This was done by keeping the lateral
acceleration constant at its initial value. These results
are shown in Fig.11.
When the vehicle traveling around the circle at a
constant speed under a relatively small lateral
acceleration is decelerated with no yaw moment
control, its yaw rate increases linearly with speed. As
the lateral acceleration increases, however, so does
the yaw rate upon deceleration, resulting in reduced
stability. With yaw moment control, on the other
hand, the yaw rate shows no noticeable increase
even when the lateral acceleration is at a
substantially high level, making it possible for the
vehicle to reduce the tuck-in tendency it would
otherwise exhibit upon being decelerated.

(4) LANE CHANGE PERFORMANCE - Effect of Fig. 12(b) was worked out to observe the
yaw moment control on the maneuverability/stability relationship between the vehicle's front steer angle
of the vehicle was evaluated by observing how the and its yaw rate. In addition, variations with time were
yaw rate responded to the steering action taken by determined for the steer angle as well as a number of
the driver while changing lanes. Fig. 12(a) shows the other physical quantities representing the running
course followed by the vehicle in changing lanes state of the vehicle.
during a simulation researches.

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The results are shown in Fig. 12(b). It can be REFERENCES

seen that with no yaw moment control the vehicle's
response in yaw rate to the change in steer angle [1] G.Naito,E.Yaguchi,M.Asahi,T.Nakata,l.lnokuchi,
lagged slightly behind. With yaw rate control, " New Electronically Controlled Torque Sprit 4WD
however, the vehicle's maneuverability was System for Improving Cornering Performance,"
improved. Also, the vehicle's yaw rate exhibited a SAE Paper No.900556, 1990.
faster response to the steering action taken by its [2] M.Teraoka," Development for the Electro
driver while changing lanes. This was due to the yaw magnetic Controlled Limited Slip Differential
moment acting in the direction countering such time Unit(EMCD)," SAE Paper No.931023, 1993.
lag. The control also helped improve the vehicle's [3] YShibahata.K.ShimadaJ.Tomari,
stability when resuming a straight course by "The Improvement of Vehicle Maneuverability
reducing the amount of corrective steer angle by Direct Yaw Moment Control," JSAE Paper
necessary for such a maneuver. No.923081,AVEC92, 1992.
[4] S.Motoyama,H.Uki,K.lsoda,H.Yuasa,"Effect of
CONCLUSION Traction Force Distribution Control on Vehicle
Dymanics, " JSAE Paper No.923080,
(1)From the results of the analysis conducted AVEC92, 1992.
on a simplified two-wheel model, it was found that
the steering characteristic of a vehicle can be
regulated by controlling the yaw moment.
(2)A brief description was given of the
characteristics of the differential torque distribution
mechanics that have been proposed to date along
with an analysis of their limitations. A new torque
difference control mechanism incorporating a
number of improvements was then presented that is
capable of providing better performance in
controlling vehicle yaw moment by controlling the
difference in torque between right and left wheel.
(3)From the results of a series of simulation
studies conducted on the model of a 4WD vehicle
equipped with the "Right/Left Torque Control
System", it was found that by applying the proposed
yaw moment control using a yaw rate feedback
system, a radical improvement in a vehicle's
cornering performance, including a higher critical
value for lateral acceleration and better steering
characteristics as well as improved
maneuverability/stability while cornering, can be

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