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MEE 104

ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts,

Codes and Standards

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MEE 104 : ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes & Standards

PEN CODE: MEE 104 Credit: 2 units

PEN Subject Title: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes & Standards Prerequisite: GEN 006

I. Course Description:

This course will tackle the Mechanical Engineering profession, its practice and role in the society.
Moreover, the will also present the career opportunities for the profession. This will also involve the study of
Mechanical Engineering law or the Republic Act No. 8495, Code of Ethics, contracts, obligations, damages
and the PSME Code and other international standards for Mechanical Engineering. All of these will be
essential for the professional practice of Mechanical Engineering.

II. Course Objective:

1. Apply laws, ethical standards and code of standards affecting the practice of the Mechanical
Eng'g profession.
2. Relate and develop a sense of professional and ethics responsibility.
3. Discuss the ME profession and apply its professionalism to the society.
4. Explain ME Laws in actual professional practice.
5. Interpret different forms of contracts and specifications.
6. Apply different ethical theories.
7. Compare local and international codes to actual professional practice.
8. Conduct estimates and solve problems related to codes and standards

III. Course Outline and Time Allotment:

Lesson Topic Week

1 Orientation Module
2 The Mechanical Engineering Profession
3 The Mechanical Engineer in Society
4 Fundamentals of Laws
5 Republic Act No. 8495 (Part I)
6 Republic Act No. 8495 (Part II)
7 Republic Act No. 8495 (Part III)
8 Obligations, Contracts, Labor Laws(Part I: Obligations)
9 Obligations, Contracts, Labor Laws(Part I: Obligations)
10 Obligations, Contracts, Labor Laws(Part I: Obligations)
11 Fundamentals of Ethics
12 ME Code of Ethics
13 Philippine Mechanical Code (Part I)
14 Philippine Mechanical Code (Part II)
15 Philippine Mechanical Code (Part III)
16 Philippine Mechanical Code (Part IV)
17 Local and International Codes and Standards

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

MEE 104 : ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes & Standards

PEN CODE: MEE 104 Credit: 2 units

PEN Subject Title: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes & Standards Prerequisite: GEN 006

IV. Grading System

The Final Grade is computed as follows:

Final Grade = 0.17PG1 + 0.17PG2 + 0.16PG3 + 0.50FE > 60%

Periodical Grade (PG) = (2/3 CS) + (1/3 PE)

Class Standing (CS) = 20%Modules+ 10%Assignment + 50% Quizzes + 20% Case Studies

V. Textbook/ Reference

1) Civil Code of the Philippines

2) Obligations and Contracts by H.S. de Leon
3) Codes of conducts; race ,ethics, and the olor of our character , by Karla F. C. Halloway,
copyright 1995
4) RA No. 8495 Retrieved from
5) Mechanical Engineering Code of Ethics
6) Philippine Mechanical Code of 2008

VI. Course Requirements

• There will be three periodic examinations: Preliminary Exam (P1 Exam), Midterm
Exam (P2 Exam), Final Exam (P3 Exam). Passing > 60%.
• Students must take all schedule and unscheduled examinations. No special examinations will
be given except for Periodical Examinations.
• A student who incurs a failing grade in the Final Examination gets a Final Grade of INC. The
student is required to file a completion form before qualifying for a removal examination. The
final examination grade will be set to 60 once the student gets a perfect score in the removal
examination. If in one academic year the student fails to change his/her grade from an INC to a
passing grade, he/she will be given a grade of No Credit (NC).

VII. Contact Information

Contact number:
FB Group:

_______________________________ ________________
Dean’s Signature Over Printed Name Date

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

MEE 104: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards
Student Activity Sheet Module #1

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Lesson title: Class Orientation and Rules Materials:

Lesson Objectives: References:

1. Students are expected to define law after this course

Productivity Tip:

Study to learn not just for the sake of complying.


1) Introduction

Welcome to MEE 023: Mechanical Engineering Laws, Contacts and Ethics!

This course will involve the study of Mechanical Engineering law or the Republic Act No. 8495, Code of
Ethics, contracts, obligations, damages and the PSME Code and other international standards for
Mechanical Engineering. All of these will be essential for the professional practice of Mechanical


1) Activity 2: Content Notes

This course aims to:

 Discuss the Mechanical Engineering Profession and how to apply its
professionalism to the society
 Explain the Mechanical Engineering Law of the Philippines in actual professional
 Interpret different forms of contract and specification
 Discuss obligations and damages on legal perspective
 Apply ethical theories
 Compare local and international codes to actual professional practice

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

MEE 104: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards
Student Activity Sheet Module #1

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

To pass this course, the students must obtain an average grade of 60% and above.

The Final Grade (FG) is computed as follows:

FG = 0.17PG1 + 0.17PG2 + 0.16PG3 + 0.50 FE
PG = 2/3 Class Standing (CS) + 1/3 PE
CS = 20%Seatwork+ 10 % Assignment + 50% Quizzes + 20% design output
FE = 40% Final Exam + 60% Oral Exam

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MEE 104: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards
Student Activity Sheet Module #2

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Lesson title: The Mechanical Engineering Profession Materials:

Paper, pen
Lesson Objectives:
1. Identify the different allied fields and area of specialization of References:
the Mechanical Engineering profession.
2. Explain the engineering profession and the requirements for -mechanical-engineering
professional practice.
3. Identify career options for Mechanical Engineering graduates

Productivity Tip:

SHARE WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED! After finishing this module, explain quickly
what you’ve learned to your family or friends. Share to know what you have learned.


1) Introduction

With the various fields of engineering, Mechanical Engineering has been considered as one of
the most diverse and versatile fields of engineering which deals with body in motions, energy and force
from the microscopic particles up to the macroscopic level. It is a profession which is essential in
economic growth as it deals with transportation, power supply, manufacturing process, agriculture, safety,
medical services and other economic aspects through the application of scientific principles and problem-
solving techniques.

Mechanical Engineers are characterized by having creativeness, breadth of knowledge, analytical

skills and versatility. They are also valuable and reliable and multidisciplinary team members. Moreover,
these trained individuals knows how to evaluate and assess situations in order to provide solutions to
occurring problems. They are trained and skilled in the design, construction, and use of engines or
machines. Specifically, these engineers are involved in the design, construction and operation of power
generation, mode of transportation, production of goods and other machines which are of good service
which alleviates the way mankind lives through the clever use of analysis, modelling, design, and
synthesis. The mentioned tasks of mechanical engineers only proves the vital role they are playing in the

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

MEE 104: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards
Student Activity Sheet Module #2

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, Part 1

Try answering the questions below by writing your ideas under the first column What I Know.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

What is the main role of Mechanical

What are the allied fields of Mechanical


What are the types of industries a

Mechanical Engineer can be involved


1) Activity 2: Content Notes


Mechanical engineering began when the Industrial Revolution started for the reason that society
had begun to depend and look for machineries in order to increase work output and make production
more efficient and reliable which opened doors for mechanical engineering for incredible possibilities.
Technically, mechanical engineering is the application of the principles and problem-solving techniques
of engineering from design to manufacturing of any specific product. Mechanical engineers analyze their
designs or work through the principle of motion, energy and force in order to ensure that the plans and
designs meet its functionality in terms of design specification, output, safety, efficiency, reliability at
competitive cost. In fact, mechanical engineering is considered to be the broadest engineering field.

What do mechanical engineers do?

Mechanical engineering is a profession which combines critical thinking skills, analysis, creativity
and knowledge in order to fulfill a difficult task in order to turn an idea into a reality. To make an idea into
a physical output, these professionals are mainly tasked to plan, analyze, design, validate,

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MEE 104: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards
Student Activity Sheet Module #2

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

implement, operate and even manage engineering works using the knowledge on engineering
concepts, mathematics and physical sciences in order to provide innovations as solutions on
current problems. With the responsibility mechanical engineers committed to, the transformation of
these ideas in to reality happens at a personal scale because it affect human lives on a level these
professionals can reach out and touch like the robotic prostheses which are of great help to the physically
impaired individuals. Specifically speaking, mechanical engineers design but not limited to space
vehicles, computers, power plants, intelligent machines and robots, automobiles, trains, airplanes,
furnaces and air-conditioners. They can also work on jet engine design, submarines, hot air balloons,
textiles and new materials, medical and hospital equipment, home appliances – basically anything that
involves mechanical motion within the broad scope of mechanical engineering.

Careers in mechanical engineering call for a variety of tasks such as but not limited to what is
listed below:

 Conceptual Design  Measurements

 Analysis  Data Interpretation
 Presentations and report writing  Developmental Design
 Multidisciplinary teamwork  Research
 Concurrent Engineering  Analysis (FEA and CFD)
 Competition Benchmarking  Working with Suppliers
 Project Management  Sales
 Prototyping  Consultation
 Testing  Customer Service

Basically, a mechanical engineer should be holistic, well-versed and versatile in terms of work

What are the branches of Mechanical Engineering?

Mechanical Engineering being a very broad engineering field, it has numerous branches or
disciplines which students might want to choose as specialization and later on practice it as their careers.
This field has continually evolved to incorporate advancements in technology, and mechanical engineers
nowadays are pursuing developments on various fields. Below are some of the branches of mechanical

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MEE 104: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards
Student Activity Sheet Module #2

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Acoustical Engineering the manipulation and control of vibration in order to reduce

unwanted noise
Manufacturing Engineering optimizing manufacturing techniques, developing processes as well
as machines, tools, and equipment for the manufacture of goods
Thermal Engineering creating and maintaining comfortable and safe environments
through the control of heating and cooling systems
Aerospace Engineering vehicle engineering as specific to air and space travel

Aeronautical Engineering is the science involved with the study, design, and manufacture of
flight-capable machines, or the techniques of operating aircraft

Biomechanical Engineering the application of engineering theory to medicine

Design Engineering the use of mechanical engineering theories to design better

machines that promote efficiency as well as sustainability

Thermoscience Engineering the use of engineering to create, harness, and conserve energy
Energy Systems Engineering emphasizes the fundamentals of heat transfer and thermodynamics
and their application to the design of advanced engineering systems
Energy Engineering a broad field of engineering that involves energy management,
energy efficiency, renewable energy, and environmental
Environmental Engineering is the application of science and engineering principles to improve
the environment (air, water, and/or land resources), to provide
healthful water, air, and land for human habitation and for other
organisms, and to remediate polluted sites.
System Dynamics and Control study the modeling, analysis and simulation of all types of dynamic
systems and the use of automatic control techniques to change the
dynamic characteristics of systems in useful ways

Transportation Systems optimizing transportation systems to minimize environmental

degradation and energy expenditure, engineers will need to
consider major innovations in the way people and goods are moved
Robotics Engineering a field of engineering which centers on building machines that
replicate human actions
Agricultural Engineering the branch of engineering that deals with the design of farm
machinery, the location and planning of farm structures, farm
drainage, soil management and erosion control, water supply and
irrigation, rural electrification, and the processing of farm products.

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MEE 104: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards
Student Activity Sheet Module #2

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

The fields or specific mechanical engineering disciplines listed on the table above are just few of
the many allied fields the profession has. This only shows that mechanical engineering can be found
everywhere, from electricity production, transportation (airplanes, ships, automobiles, etc), and
manufacturing of all kind of products whether toys, foods, cosmetics and others.

What careers are there in Mechanical Engineering?

It has been discussed earlier that Mechanical Engineering is a large umbrella for numerous fields
and discipline a student or mechanical engineer might want to specialize on. After graduation and taking
the licensure examination or as early as graduating stage, a lot of these young generations of engineers
might start thinking on their future career path. Since Mechanical Engineering has lots of branches, these
also opened to numerous career opportunities.

The figure below shows a diagram of some of the career path a young mechanical engineer might
want to pursue.

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MEE 104: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards
Student Activity Sheet Module #2

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Industries Traditional industries where a mechanical engineer can work are

automobile, industrial machinery, utilities, chemical, computer, oil
and gas, petroleum, manufacturing, mining, textiles, paper and
wood, food and pharmaceuticals

Federal State and Local Mechanical engineers can also work on local government units as
Government consulting engineers. They can also handle offices also like the
Waterworks District, City Engineer’s office and Office of the Building
Research and Development Engineers can also pursue research for the development of
innovations either for product development, energy supply and
manufacturing process development
Graduate School After finishing undergraduate, engineering graduates can pursue
higher education by taking up Master’s degree and Doctorate

Military Military has a lot of mechanical works since it deals with defense
automobiles such as fighter jets, armory, defense controls which all
needs good expertise on mechanical engineering

Technical Sales and Marketing Since engineers are technical professionals, any product which
involves technical expertise during its production, this can be
explained and marketed by a good engineer.
Education/Academe Licensed engineers can also pursue academe and teach students –
imparting their knowledge for the development and molding of future
generations of engineers
Technical Consulting Mechanical engineers can also work on consulting firms which is
multidisciplinary or focusing on mechanical works. These firms
usually gives solutions to arising problems in industries
Independent Entrepreneur If mechanical engineers doesn’t want to be employed, they can start
their business and become an entrepreneur whether related to
mechanical or not.
Engineering Social Services Professional who values societal commitment usually ventures on
engineering social services which is basically consultation services
in nature for governments, media, academe or even private groups

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MEE 104: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards
Student Activity Sheet Module #2

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities

a. List 3 characteristics a mechanical engineer should have.

b. List 5 branches/disciplines of Mechanical Engineering.

c. List 3 career paths a mechanical engineer could undertake.

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, Part 2

It’s now time to answer the questions in the What I Know chart in Activity 1. Put your answers on the
space provided in the table.

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding

Why is mechanical engineering an important profession?

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MEE 104: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards
Student Activity Sheet Module #2

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

What branch/discipline of mechanical engineering are you interested in? Why?


1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning

Congratulations for finishing this module! Shade the number of the module that you finished.

Did you have challenges learning the concepts in this module? If none, which parts of the module
helped you learn the concepts?


Question/s I want to ask my teacher about this module is/are


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MEE 104: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards
Student Activity Sheet Module #2

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________


Why is mechanical engineering considered as the mother of all engineering?

 Mechanical Engineering is referred as the “Mother Branch of Engineering” because it is the

oldest and broadest engineering discipline, and definitely the most flexible. Mechanical
engineering links to all branches of engineering and having great contributions to every field.

What is concurrent engineering?

 Concurrent engineering is a method of designing and developing engineering products, in which

different departments work on the different stages of engineering product development
simultaneously. If managed well, it helps to increase the efficiency of product development and
marketing considerably reducing the time and contributing to the reduction of the overall
development cost while improving the final product quality.

Who studied first thermodynamics?

 Aurel Boleslav Stodola (a Slovak engineer) began the study of thermodynamics and was even a
professor of Albert Einstein himself. He most notably invented the first heat pump and contributed
to the beginning of steam and gas turbines.


Activity 3: Skill-building Activities

List 3 characteristics a mechanical engineer should have. (Any combination)

Creative Reliable Team Members Analytical Skills
Possess breadth of knowledge Versatility
List 5 branches/disciplines of Mechanical Engineering. (Any combination)
Acoustical Engineering Biomechanical Engg Environmental Engineering
Manufacturing Engineering Design Engineering System Dynamics and Control
Thermal Engineering Thermoscience Engg Transportation Systems
Aerospace Engineering Energy Systems Engg Robotics Engineering
Aeronautical Engineering Energy Engineering Agricultural Engineering
List 3 career paths a mechanical engineer could undertake.(Any combination)
Industries Federal State and Local Government
Research and Development Graduate School
Military Technical Sales and Marketing
Education/Academe Technical Consulting
Independent Entrepreneur Engineering Social Services

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MEE 104: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards
Student Activity Sheet Module #3

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Lesson title: The Mechanical Engineer in Society Materials:

Paper, pen
Lesson Objectives: References:
 Impact of Mechanical Engineering on
1. Identify the important roles of Mechanical Engineers Quality of Life by M. Đorđević & S.
in the society Vrekić
2. Identify the greatest achievements/contributions of  Type Role of Mechanical Engineers in
Mechanical Engineers Sustainable Development by M.
3. Explain the Industrialization 4.0 and its impacts
 Production Planning & Control – A
Comprehensive Approach by A.R.

Productivity Tip:

Reading is not studying! Simply reading and re-reading texts or notes is not
actively engaging in the material. It is simply re-reading your notes. Only ‘doing’
the readings for class is not studying. It is simply doing the reading for class.
Re-reading leads to quick forgetting. Think of reading as an important part of
pre-studying, but learning information requires actively engaging in the material
(Edwards, 2014). Active engagement is the process of constructing meaning
from text that involves making connections to lectures, forming examples, and
regulating your own learning (Davis, 2007).


1) Introduction

In the previous module, you have learned the main tasks of a mechanical engineer. Also, you have
now the idea of the different branches or discipline under the umbrella of Mechanical Engineering that you
might want to specialize on. Importantly, at this point you already know the career paths a mechanical
engineer could take, either be employed in industries, start his own business, enter academe, be part of a
consulting firm and other possible career paths he might want to pursue.

In this module, we will tackle the important roles and impacts of a mechanical engineer on our society
and understand that it is not just a profession but it comes with responsibilities. Moreover, we will also discuss
industrialization and its current state, how it evolved and its contributing factors.

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MEE 104: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards
Student Activity Sheet Module #3

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, Part 1

Try answering the questions below by writing your ideas under the first column What I Know.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

What is the impact of mechanical
engineers in the society?

What is sustainability?

What is Industrial Revolution 4.0?


1) Activity 2: Content Notes


Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines, and plays a
significant role in enhancing safety, economic vitality, enjoyment and overall quality of life throughout the
world. Mechanical Engineering is one of the key influences that shapes our society. Engineers don’t just work
with machines, they use mathematics and science to provide innovation and inventions that shape our
society and improve the way we live and work. This means that engineers have a responsibility and also a
great opportunity to ensure that the have a positive influence in society.

The world is evolving in which there is a massive improvement on technological advancement. Due to
this, the role of mechanical engineers has also stepped up in order to meet their roles for nation building in
which it involves the use of propaganda or major infrastructure development to foster social harmony and
economic growth. Being highly trained individuals, mechanical engineers are expected to take part on this
great leap towards country’s success and development.

The economic growth of a country is mainly characterized by the quality of life its citizens have. Basically,
mechanical engineers has the main responsibility of providing innovations in order to improve the quality of
life of the people in terms of job opportunities, quality of environment to live in, quality of basic needs,
improved health conditions, improve mobility and increase productivity while ensuring sustainability.

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MEE 104: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards
Student Activity Sheet Module #3

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Greatest Achievements of 20th Century

The achievements of all engineering disciplines can be found results of mechanical engineering.
Throughout human history, engineering is a driver of progress of civilization and improving the quality of life.
Twenty greatest engineering achievements of the past century is presented in the book “A Century of
Innovation: Twenty Engineering Achievements that Transformed our Lives”: electrification, automobile,
airplane, water supply and distribution, electronics, radio and television, agricultural mechanization,
computers, telephone, air conditioning and refrigeration, highways, spacecraft, internet, imaging, household
appliances, health technologies, petroleum and petrochemical technologies, laser and fiber optics, nuclear
technologies and high-performance materials. These are only some of the great inventions and innovations
that are predominantly located in the field of mechanical engineering.

 Automobile

A historian has said that Henry Ford freed common people from the
limitations of their geography (in the early 1900's). The automobile created
mobility on a scale never known before, and the total effect on living habits
and social customs is endless. Motor vehicles and paved roads have
narrowed the gap between rural and urban life. The automobile has radically
changed city life by accelerating the outward expansion of population into the
suburbs. The car and the federal subsidies for roads and suburban
development that supported car culture allowed people to live in low density residential areas even farther
from the city center and integrated city neighborhoods.

 Airplane

Not a single human being had ever flown a powered aircraft when the 20th
century began. By century's end, flying had become relatively common for
millions of people, and some were even flying through space. The first piloted,
powered, controlled flight lasted 12 seconds. Today, nonstop commercial
flights lasting as long as 15 hours carry hundreds of passengers halfway
around the world. The growing availability of affordable air travel has
considerably widened aviation’s role in our sustainable society. Air travel is no
longer a luxury commodity. The air transport industry has not only underpinned
wealth creation in the developed world, but has also brought enormous
benefits to developing economies by unlocking their potential for trade and tourism.

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MEE 104: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards
Student Activity Sheet Module #3

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

 Water Supply and Distribution

According to David Cutler and Grant Miller, clean water technologies are likely the
most important public health intervention of the 20th Century (in USA). In 1900,
waterborne for nearly one quarter of reported infectious disease deaths in major
cities. In the next few decades, waterborne disease mortality fell dramatically. The
introduction of water filtration and chlorination systems led to major reductions in
mortality, explaining nearly half of the overall reduction in mortality between 1900 and

 Agricultural Mechanization

Agricultural mechanization, one of the great achievements of the 20th century,

was enabled by technologies that created value in agricultural production
practices through the more efficient use of labor, the timeliness of operations, and
more efficient input management with a focus on sustainable, high productivity
systems. Historically, affordable machinery, which increased capability and
standardization and measurably improved productivity, was a key enabler of
agricultural mechanization. According to Olaoye and Rotimi, the level, appropriate
choice and subsequent proper use of mechanized inputs into agriculture has a
direct and significant effect on achievable levels of land productivity, labor productivity, the profitability of
farming, the sustainability, the environment and, on the quality of life of people engaged in agriculture.

 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration

The practical application of mechanical refrigeration to air cooling for the purposes
of personal comfort, no doubt has a field, and the day is at hand, or soon will be,
when the modern office building, factory, church, theater and even residence will
be incomplete without a mechanical air cooling plant. That prediction, made on
the occasion of the World's Fair in 1904 by the editors of the trade journal Ice and
Refrigeration, would see full realization by the end of the new century. Climate
control has become so reliable and inexpensive that it has grown from an invisible
luxury to a common necessity. The ability to transport and store fresh foods and other perishables
simplified shopping and widened our choices.

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MEE 104: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards
Student Activity Sheet Module #3

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

 Household Appliances

When we think about the interaction between technology and society, we tend to
think in fairly grandiose terms: massive computers invading the workplace, railroad
tracks cutting through vast wildernesses, armies of woman and children toiling in
the mills. These grand visions have blinded us to an important and rather peculiar
technological revolution which has been going on right under our noses: the
technological revolution in the home. This revolution has transformed the conduct
of our daily lives, but in somewhat unexpected ways. The industrialization of the
home was a process very different from the industrialization of other means of
production, and the impact of that process was neither what we have been led to believe it was nor what
students of the other industrial revolutions would have been led to predict. The impact of household
appliances is monumental. They enhance our personal and family lives by freeing our time and energy,
enable more people to earn a living outside the home, and contribute significantly to the economy.

 Health Technologies

In 1900 the average life expectancy in the United States was 47 years. By 2000
it was nearing 77 years. That remarkable 30-year increase was the result of a
number of factors, including the creation of safe water supply. But no small part
of the credit should go to the century's wide assortment of medical advances in
diagnosis, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and other forms of treatment.
Several achievements listed here illustrates the significant impact of mechanical
engineering at the quality of human life. In the 20 century the attention of
engineers focused on several areas of human life and work. Increased
productivity of labor as many of the products made available to many people. On many dangerous jobs
people have replaced by machinery and preserve their health. Increased mobility thanks to the
development of cars and plans. In the last century information technologies have been applied in
mechanical engineering, creating major changes in the organization of life and work.

 Power Supply
The work of mechanical engineers powers the world. It is up to them to generate
and deliver the energy we need. This could mean designing nuclear power plants
or biomass boilers, planning new long-distance grid connections, or storing power
sustainably in solar storage cells or giant hydroelectric ‘batteries’ buried under
mountains. The power supply innovations has changed the world. Sufficient power
supply lead to the innovations of other discoveries. However, challenge arises as
source of power supplies for years has been too dependent on nonrenewable
energy sources. This opened another challenge of mechanical engineers of
utilizing sustainable renewable energy sources. The renewable energy industry
has seen impressive, global growth over the last decade, and mechanical engineers have played a key
role in enabling the world’s transition to clean energy and more sustainable practices.

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MEE 104: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards
Student Activity Sheet Module #3

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

In 2018, for example, mechanical engineers looked at ways of improving the design of wind turbines, and
mechanical engineering has led to similar improvements in solar and geothermal power, as well as every
stage of renewable energy development.

Mechanical engineering has greatly changed the course of the world having able to produce great
achievements that has greatly affected society – the way we live. It has been from dim to brightness due
to the industrial revolution in which mechanical engineers took part. Basically, the role of engineers is to
help society through:

 The energy solution. Society of today badly needs more power. The world has huge
shortage of electricity, especially in underdeveloped countries. Prices of fuel oil are going
up due to the fast depletion of nonrenewable energy source. Challenge on mechanical
engineers is to find alternative energy sources that will not compromise the environment
and will produce sustainable power supply.

 The transportation solution. Millions of people die every year while traveling. Safety has
to be priority while designing new vehicles. It has also been proven that the more
advanced mode of transportation and systems have greatly influenced positively the
productivity and growth of the society.

 Cost effective products. There are many who can't afford to buy basic things that are
required for day to day living. Mechanical engineers need find better machines and
processes or improve machine performances which will reduce prices.

 And above all society wants a mechanical engineer to be the leader. These people shall
bring the change society needs. Society doesn't know what she wants. She knows how to
choose. It’s the duty of the mechanical engineer to meet her needs.

Mechanical Engineers in Sustainable Development

Another role of mechanical engineers is to ensure and promote sustainability. The term
sustainable development focuses attention on economic, environmental as well as social issues. A widely
accepted definition of sustainable development is –“development which meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.
Generally, development is considered unsustainable when insufficient attention is paid to the
environmental consequences especially. Before elaborating further about sustainable development, it is
important to establish a key point: economists generally consider economic growth as a requirement for
development. Economic growth on its own does not necessarily imply development as a country may
grow without any development objective being achieved. On the other hand, development necessitates
growth, as developing countries need an increase in their total economic output to be able to afford
making progress on the development front. Sustainability is crucial so as to ensure future generations
are not neglected when present-day governmental planning and economic production is carried out.

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There should always be a balance whereby needs of the present are met without jeopardizing the
standard of living of the generations to come, so as to avoid threatening their survival.

Components of Sustainable Development

 Economic Sustainability - poverty is a very significant barrier to growth and Philippines is

no stranger to it. Poverty therefore, is the foremost major obstacle for Philippine to
overcome in her bid to attain sustainable development.

 Environmental Sustainability - the environment is sacrificed for every good that is

produced; deforestation is rampant and carbon emission is increasing annually. These are
just some of the examples of how the Earth is being damaged gradually. The earth
nowadays is gradually degrading due to many factors such as too much dependency on
fossil fuels as source energy for power production which lead to excessive production of
carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases which promotes global warming accelerating
climate change. This is a challenge for the engineers to ensure and utilize clean energy
sources to protect the environment. Environmental and economic issues are inseparably
interlinked and these must go hand in hand otherwise one will be a hindrance to the other.

 Social Sustainability – social sustainability is just as essential in keeping a country healthy

and smooth running as economic and environmental sustainability is. Administrations
must balance economic sustainability with that of social sustainability. If proper attention
is not paid to a country’s population, people will be left behind, and standard of living in
the country will take a hit as a result. Therefore, governmental planning has to ensure the
people are not forgotten and they are appropriately taken care of, with emphasis on
provision of healthcare, education and a systematic transportation system which will in
turn result in improved levels of productivity of the country and its people.

Roles of Mechanical Engineers in Promoting Sustainability

 Engineers need to carry out production; they need to be involved in both production
planning and financial planning. Planning without the involvement of engineers is likely to
bring problems and in most cases failure.

 Engineers need to be actively involved in national planning for sustainable development.

 Engineers also need to be innovative – Innovation is the key to survive. Corporations need
to remain competitive by developing products superior to that of their competitors.

 Developing relevant products - Application of innovative ideas allow us to remain relevant

by developing necessary products that are desired by society, or that are necessary for
advancement in standard of living.

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 Improving efficiency in production – Innovative ideas will lead us to achieve better products
with high efficiency and productivity and ultimately more economic benefit. With more
efficient production methods, resources will be better utilized, therefore making production
more sustainable.

 Tackling problems which cause ecological or health problems - Innovative ideas need to
be applied to solve ecological and health issues. For example, current automotive vehicles
have two serious problems; exhaust from the automotive engine and casting of the
engines produce large amount of CO2 gas and this is damaging the environment.
Therefore, the revolutionary idea of removing the engine from cars and introducing
battery-operated cars instead, is a very welcomed solution to the problem of global

Industrial Revolution 4.0 (Industry 4.0)

Industrial revolution is a term that suggests a period of major changes in the manufacturing
process. Known as the fourth industrial revolution, industry 4.0 is nothing more than the period of current
changes in the productive process and decision-making of many companies and industries. Before we
go deeper into what defines industry 4.0, let’s briefly review the revolutions that have already happen.

Industry 1.0 — The first industrial revolution began approximately in the middle of the 18th century, with
an increase in the productivity of the textile industry, with factories mechanized by steam engines.

Industry 2.0 — The second industrial revolution occurred in the middle of 1913 and after the introduction
of the assembly line by Henry Ford, which resulted in a large increase in production and in its billing. This
led to the application of the assembly line model by other companies, aiming to increase their efficiency
and productivity and reduce their costs.

Industry 3.0 — The third industrial revolution begun in the 1970s and started the automated assembly
lines, presenting technological processes that emerged from a physical integration between science and
production. It was thanks to these highly automated factories, that today we have a great offer of products
such as computers, smartphones and tablets at an affordable price.

Industry 4.0 is a metaphoric announcement that the fourth Industrial Revolution has started. It is the
name given to the current trend of Automation and Data Exchange in Manufacturing Technologies,
Cyber-physical Systems, the Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, and Cognitive Computing (Artificial

The fourth Industrial Revolution takes the emphasis on digital technology from recent decades to
a whole new level with the help of interconnectivity through the Internet of Things (IoT), access to real-
time data, and the introduction of cyber-physical systems. Industry 4.0 offers a more comprehensive,
interlinked, and holistic approach to manufacturing. It connects physical with digital, and allows for better
collaboration and access across departments, partners, vendors, product, and people.

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Mechanical engineers will play an important role in Industry 4.0. From Big Data Analytics to
Robotics, the versatility of mechanical engineering makes the navigation in these sectors easy. The
combination of cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things and the Internet of Systems make Industry
4.0 possible and the smart factory a reality. As a result of the support of smart machines that keep getting
smarter as they get access to more data, our factories will become more efficient and productive and less
wasteful. Ultimately, it's the network of these machines that are digitally connected with one another and
create and share information that results in the true power of Industry 4.0. According to the Boston
Consulting Group (BCG), the nine technologies that will transform the industrial production are Horizontal
and vertical system integration, The industrial Internet of Things, Cybersecurity, The cloud, Additive
manufacturing, Augmented reality, Big data and analytics, Autonomous robots and Simulation.

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2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities

a) List down 3 greatest contributions of mechanical engineers which help improved mankind’s
quality of life

b) List down 3 ways on how mechanical engineers help in promoting sustainability

c) Give 5 characteristics of Industrial Revolution 4.0

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, Part 2

It’s now time to answer the questions in the What I Know chart in Activity 1. Put your answers on the
space provided in the table.

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4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding

Why do you think Mechanical Engineers play a vital role in ensuring sustainable development?

Do you think Industry 4.0 helps in promoting sustainable development?

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1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning

Congratulations for finishing this module! Shade the number of the module that you finished.

Did you have challenges learning the concepts in this module? If none, which parts of the module
helped you learn the concepts?


Question/s I want to ask my teacher about this module is/are



When did Industry 4.0 start?

 The term Industry 4.0 was first publicly announced in 2011 by a group of representatives from
different fields in Germany.

Is pollution control part of steps for sustainable development?

 Yes. It is part of the environmental sustainability in order to ensure that the current generation will
have a habitable world to live in and for the future generations to have a cleaner and greener world
to enjoy.

Does renewable energy has the potential to replace fossil fuels for a sustainable energy source and power
 Fossil fuels are nonrenewable or its reserves are fast depleting and takes thousands of years to
replenish. Having renewable energy sources, their potential of being able to replace fossil fuels is
undeniable. However, as of the moment, there should be continuous development on it in order to
maximize its potential which is currently one of the great challenges of engineers.

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Activity 3: Skill-building Activities

List down 3 greatest contributions of mechanical engineers which help improved mankind’s
quality of life
Automobile Airplane
Water Supply and Distribution Agricultural Mechanization
Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Household Appliances
Health Technologies Power Supply

List down 3 ways on how mechanical engineers help in promoting sustainability

 Engineers need to carry out production
 Engineers need to be actively involved in national planning for sustainable
 Engineers also need to be innovative
 Developing relevant products
 Improving efficiency in production
 Tackling problems which cause ecological or health problems

Give 5 characteristics of Industrial Revolution 4.0

Automation Connection
Cloud Computing Internet of Things
Big Data Integrated Systems
IoT Machine Learning

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Lesson title: Fundamentals of Law Materials:

Paper, pen
Lesson Objectives:
1. Students are expected to define law after this course References:
2. Explain the purposes of law UPDATE: Philippine Legal Research -
3. Explain the concept of “rule of law” GlobaLex (

Productivity Tip:

Never forget to reward yourself for every hard work.

Buy your favorite drink. Eat your favorite food. Play your favorite game for 30-45 minutes.
Take break and rest. Whatever will make you relaxed, you deserve it!


1) Introduction

“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main”
John Donne’s Devotions (1624)

This saying lives to the reality that human beings live in a society which means people are living
together in a community. In order to have harmonious habitation between the people, there must be an
“order” present in order to live together. This “Order of Society” is provided by social rules which can be
rules of good manners, moral rules, religious rules and rules of Law.

Why do people need rules? Why does society need an order? Social order rules are necessary
to prevent chaos, anarchy in society and for providing peace and security for everybody.

In this module, we will be defining law, rule of law, purposes of law, classifications of law and
sources of law.

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2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, Part 1

Try answering the questions below by writing your ideas under the first column What I Know.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

What is a law?

What is rule of law?

What are the purpose of law?


1) Activity 2: Content Notes

Law has been defined as “a body of rules of action or conduct prescribed by a controlling authority,
and having binding legal force. That which must be obeyed and followed by citizens subject to
sanctions or legal consequence is a law.”

In the specific sense, law is defined as a rule of conduct. These rules of conduct are just and
obligatory. They are promulgated by legitimate authority (typically by the Legislature). They are of
common observance and benefit. Law in the specific sense is the common and popular definition of law.
It refers to the rules established by an instrumentality of the State—usually the Congress—that either
direct conduct, prohibit conduct, impose rights or duties, or repeal or modify another law. There is a
presumption that these rules are just, and may only be struck down by an instrumentality of the State that
has the power to do so. These rules must be observed by everyone under Philippine jurisdiction, subject
to limitations imposed by the rules themselves.

Origins of Law

The idea of written laws goes back to ancient Mesopotamian culture that prospered long before
the Bible was written or the civilizations of the Greeks or Romans flowered. In fact, the oldest known
evidence of a law code is tablets from the ancient city Ebla (Tell Mardikh in modern-day Syria). They date

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to about 2400 BCE. However, most scholars credit Hammurabi’s Code as the origin of written laws and
a formal legal system which contains the famous law “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth”. In fact,
Hammurabi’s reasoning for creating this code is not that far removed from the rationale for the current
legal system. In his preface, Hammurabi writes that he sets forth these laws “to bring about the rule of
righteousness in the land, to destroy the wicked and the evil-doers; so that the strong should not harm
the weak.”

Rule of Law

You can think of the rule of law as the rules that govern the law. The rule of law is the legal
principle that law should govern a nation, as opposed to being governed by arbitrary decisions of
individual government officials. It primarily refers to the influence and authority of law within society,
particularly as a constraint upon behavior, including behavior of government officials. The concept, if not
the phrase, was familiar to ancient philosophers such as Aristotle, who wrote, “Law should govern.” Rule
of law implies that every citizen is subject to the law, including lawmakers themselves.

Purpose of Law

 Establishing Standards - The law is a guidepost for minimally acceptable behavior in society.
Some activities, for instance, are crimes because society (through a legislative body) has
determined that it will not tolerate certain behaviors that injure or damage persons or their
property. For example, under a typical state law, it is a crime to cause physical injury to another
person without justification—doing so generally constitutes the crime of assault.

 Maintaining Order - This is an offshoot of establishing standards. Some semblance of order

is necessary in a civil society and is therefore reflected in law. The law—when enforced—
provides order consistent with society’s guidelines.

 Resolving Disputes - Disputes are unavoidable in a society comprised of persons with different
needs, wants, values, and views. The law provides a formal means for resolving disputes—
the court system.

 Protecting Liberties and Rights - One function of the law is to protect these various liberties
and rights from violations or unreasonable intrusions by persons, organizations, or
government. For example, subject to certain exceptions, the First Amendment to the
Constitution prohibits the government from making a law that prohibits the freedom of speech.
Someone who believes that his free speech rights have been prohibited by the government
may pursue a remedy by bringing a case in the courts.

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Sources of Law

 The Constitution - A constitution is that written instrument by which the fundamental powers
of the government are established, limited, and defined, and by which those powers are
distributed among the several departments for their safe and useful exercise for the benefit of
the body politics. It is considered as “the supreme law of the land”.

 Statutes - an act of the legislature as an organized body, expressly in the form and passed
according to the procedure required to constitute it as part of the law of the land. Statutes
enacted by the legislature include the laws promulgated by the Philippine Commission and
the Philippine Legislature, those passed during the Commonwealth period, those enacted by
the Philippine Congress and those approved by the Batasang Pambansa and by the House
of Representatives and Senate. (Republic Act, Batas Pambasa, etc.)

 Presidential Issuances - Administrative acts, orders and regulations of the President touching
on the organization or mode of operation of the government, re-arranging or adjusting districts,
divisions or parts of the Philippines, and acts and commands governing the general
performance of duties of public officials and employees or disposing of issues of general
concern are made effective by Executive Orders. Those orders fixing the dates when specific
laws, resolutions or orders cease to take effect and any information concerning matters of
public moment determined by law, resolution or executive orders, take the form of Executive

 Administrative Rules and Regulations - To assist the President in the performance of his
executive functions, various departments and bureaus and other offices under them have
been established. The Head of the Department and Head of Bureaus and other agencies, are
authorized to issue orders, rules and regulations for the proper and efficient performance of
their duties and functions for the effective enforcement of the laws within their respective

 Treaties and Other International Agreements - A treaty is an agreement or a contract between

two (bilateral) or more (multilateral) nations or sovereigns, entered into by agents appointed
(generally the Secretary of Foreign Affairs or ambassadors) for the purpose and duly
sanctioned by supreme powers of the respective countries. Treaties that do not have
legislative sanctions are executive agreements which may or may not have legislative
authorization, and which have limited execution by constitutional restrictions.

 Judicial Decisions - In some countries, judicial decisions are authoritative and develop into a
source of law known as “case law”. Case law may extend the application of legislation and is
deemed to form part of the law. In other jurisdictions (mainly civil law jurisdictions) judicial
decisions are formally only deemed to interpret the existing law and are not a binding source
of law, although in practice they are often treated as authoritative.

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Classifications of Law

 Civil Law - The civil law deals with the private rights and duties which arise between individuals
in a country. The object of a civil action is to correct the wrongdoing that has been committed.
Enforcement of civil law is the accountability of the individual who has committed the wrong
and the state is responsible to provide for the procedure to resolve the dispute. A specific
example of a civil law is a law providing that all contracts for the sale of real property must be
in writing. Why is it a civil law? Because it deals with duties between private parties; and any
violation of it is a wrong between the parties, not a wrong against the whole community.

 Criminal Law - the law that is connected with the act of forbidding particular forms of wrongful
conduct and imposing punishment on those who engage in such acts. Criminal proceedings
are usually brought in the name of the State and are known as ‘prosecutions’.

 Constitutional Law – the body of rules, doctrines, and practices that govern the operation of
political communities. In modern times the most important political community has been the
state. Modern constitutional law is the offspring of nationalism as well as of the idea that the
state must protect certain fundamental rights of the individual.

 Common Law – is a rule of behavior accepted by society on the basis of established custom
and practices as evidenced by decisions in the court. It is based on traditions: past decision
of judges. It first came into existence before written records.

 Procedural Law - is a law that creates and controls the process of enforcing the rights and
duties under substantive law. General examples include the rules of evidence, jurisdiction,
and pleading and practice (which are referred to as either civil procedure or criminal
procedure, depending on the type of proceeding). A specific example of a procedural law is a
statute of limitations. A statute of limitations is a statute that creates a time limit for bringing a
civil case (i.e., filing a lawsuit) or a criminal case (i.e., initiating a prosecution). Typically, the
time limit is measured from the date of the event giving rise to the lawsuit or prosecution. This
means that in personal injury cases, for instance, a lawsuit must be brought within a certain
period of time after the injury occurred; otherwise, it will be time-barred.

 Substantive Law - is a law that creates and controls the rights and duties of parties. General
examples include the laws regarding torts, contracts and real property. A specific example of
a substantive law is a law prohibiting trespassing on another’s property. Why? Because such
a law creates and defines trespassing and puts would-be trespassers on notice regarding the
liability (if it is civil trespassing) or punishment (if it is criminal trespassing) that they face for
violating the law.

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Overview on Philippine Legal System

The Philippine legal system is described as a blend of customary usage, and Roman (civil law)
as well as Anglo-American (common laws system). The civil law operates in areas such as family,
relations, property, succession, contract and criminal law. Statutes and principles of common law origin
are evident in such areas as constitutional law, procedure, corporation law, negotiable instruments,
taxation, insurance, labour relations, banking and currency. Meanwhile, Islamic law is observed in some
Southern parts of the country.

Main Sources of Philippine law are:

o The Constitution
o Statutes
o Treaties and Conventions
o Judicial Decisions

Hierarchy of Courts

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2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities

 Purposes of Law

 Sources of Law

 Classifications of Law

Why do we need laws?

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3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, Part 2

It’s now time to answer the questions in the What I Know chart in Activity 1. Put your answers on the
space provided in the table.

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding

IDENTIFICATION. Write down your answers on the space provided

1. Considered to be the origin of written laws and a formal legal systems.

2. The legal principle that law should govern a nation, as opposed to being governed by arbitrary
decisions of individual government officials.
3. A body of rules of action or conduct prescribed by a controlling authority, and having binding legal
force. That which must be obeyed and followed by citizens subject to sanctions or legal consequence.
4. Written instrument by which the fundamental powers of the government are established, limited, and
defined, and by which those powers are distributed among the several departments for their safe and
useful exercise for the benefit of the body politics
5. An act of the legislature as an organized body, expressly in the form and passed according to the
procedure required to constitute it as part of the law of the land
6. Administrative acts, orders and regulations of the President touching on the organization or mode of
operation of the government
7. Is an agreement or a contract between two (bilateral) or more (multilateral) nations or sovereigns
8. May extend the application of legislation and is deemed to form part of the law.
9. Law that is connected with the act of forbidding particular forms of wrongful conduct and imposing
punishment on those who engage in such acts
10. Deals with the private rights and duties which arise between individuals in a country
11. The supreme law of the land.
12. A rule of behavior accepted by society on the basis of established custom and practices as
evidenced by decisions in the court. It is based on traditions: past decision of judges. It first came into
existence before written records

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13. The highest court in the Philippines

14. Usually brought in the name of the State and are known as ‘prosecutions’
15. The body of rules, doctrines, and practices that govern the operation of political communities


1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning

Congratulations for finishing this module! Shade the number of the module that you finished.

Did you have challenges learning the concepts in this module? If none, which parts of the module
helped you learn the concepts?


Question/s I want to ask my teacher about this module is/are


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How powerful is the Constitution in Philippine Legal System?

 The Constitution is the fundamental law of the Philippines, thus it is authority of the highest order
against which no other authority can prevail.

What is the purpose of statutes?

 Statutes are intended to supply details which the Constitution does not provide for.

When was the Philippine Constitution approved?

 The 1987 Constitution was approved by Pres. Corazon C. Aquino on October 12, 1986.


Activity 3: Skill-building Activities

Purposes of Law
 Establishing Standards
 Maintaining Order
 Resolving Disputes
 Protecting Liberties and Rights

Sources of Law
 The Constitution
 Statues
 Presidential Issuances
 Administrative Rules and Regulations
 Treaties and Other International Agreements
 Judicial Decisions

Classifications of Law
 Civil Law
 Criminal Law
 Constitutional Law
 Procedural Law
 Substantive Law

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Student Activity Sheet Module #5

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Lesson title: Republic Act No. 8495 (Part I) Materials:

Paper, pen
Lesson Objectives:
1. Discuss Republic Act No. 8495 References:
2. Determine the scope of practice of Mechanical Engineering R.A No. 8495 retrieved from
3. Determine the functions of the Board

Productivity Tip:

Hang out with motivated and productive people!


1) Introduction

Just like any other profession in the Philippines, the practice of Mechanical Engineering in the
country is governed by laws which seeks to recognize the importance of mechanical engineers in the
country for nation building and development, protect the rights of every mechanical engineers and mainly
to ensure a high quality of professional practice.

In order to have a legal document that would be regulating the practice of mechanical engineering
profession in the country, Republic Act. No. 8495 was enacted. This first part of understanding the act
covers the definition of terms, identifying the board of mechanical engineers, its members and power and

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1

Try answering the questions below by writing your ideas under the first column What I Know.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

What is RA No. 8495?

What is the main role of Board of

Mechanical Engineers?

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1) Activity 2: Content Notes

Republic Act No. 8495

An Act Regulating the Practice of Mechanical Engineering in the Philippines

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:

Article I

Section 1. Title.-This Act shall be known as the –Philippine Mechanical Engineering Act of 1998.

Section 2. Statement of Policy.- The State recognizes the importance of mechanical engineers in
nation- building and development. Their talents through sustainable human development shall be
promoted. Thus, the State shall develop and nurture competent, virtuous, productive and well-rounded
mechanical engineers whose standard of professional practice and service shall be excellent, qualitative,
world-class and globally competitive through regulatory measures, programs and activities.

Section 3. Definition of Terms.- As used in this Act, the following terms shall mean as follows:

a) Practice of Mechanical Engineering - A person shall be deemed to be practicing mechanical

engineering or rendering mechanical engineering service within the meaning and intent of this
Act when he performs the following:

(1) Consultation, valuation, investigation and management services requiring

mechanical engineering knowledge;

(2) Engineering design, preparation of plans, specifications and projects studies or

estimates for mechanical equipment, machinery, or processes of any mechanical
works, projects or plants;

(3) Management or supervision of the erection, installation, alteration, testing and

commissioning of mechanical equipment, machinery, or processes in mechanical
works, projects or plants;

(4) Management, supervision, operation, tending or maintenance of any

mechanical equipment, machinery or processes in mechanical work, projects or

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5) Management or supervision of the manufacture, sale, supply or distribution of

mechanical equipment parts or components;

(6) Teaching of mechanical engineering professional subjects in government

recognized and accredited engineering schools; and

(7) Employment in government as a professional mechanical engineer, registered

mechanical engineer, or certified plant mechanic if the nature and character of his
work is in line with his profession requiring professional knowledge of the science
of mechanical engineering.

b) Mechanical equipment or machinery - includes all prime movers such as steam engines and
turbines, internal combustion engines and gas engines and turbines; steam generators such as
boiler; furnaces; heat exchanger such as cooling towers, kilns and dryers coolers and heaters;
materials handling equipment, such as pumps, cranes, conveyors, hoists, elevators, escalators,
mechanized dumbwaiters, moving ramps and walkways: heating, air-conditioning, ventilating, and
refrigeration equipment and machinery, including compressors and centrifugal fans, mechanical
pollution abatement and environmental control system; piping system with a working pressure of
not less than 70 kPa., fired and unfired pressure vessels, printing machine; mechanical working
machines for metallic and non-metallic materials and other mechanical equipment and machinery
whether installed on land, underground, or on board watercraft.

c) Mechanical processes, works, projects or plants shall include steam plants, geothermal plants,
dander-thermal plants, nuclear plants, ocean thermal energy conservation (OTEC) plants, internal
combustion plants, hydraulic plants, pumping plants, compressed gas plants, all kinds of mills,
shops, factories, shipyards dry docks, heating, air conditioning, ventilating and refrigeration plants
containing any mechanical equipment, machinery or process deriving power from steam, fossil
fuels, wind, air, gas, water, solar heat, nuclear energy, ocean waves and tides, or other energy

d) Capacity of process works, projects or plant-rated capacity in kilowatt of mechanical works,

projects or plants for the purpose of this Act shall be the total kilowatt ratings of all engines,
motors, boilers, turbines, or other prime movers installed for use in such works, projects or plants,
whether in operation or not, and without regard to the number of capacities of the mechanical
equipment, machinery or processes receiving power from or intended to be driven by such prime

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Article II


Section 4. Creation and Composition of the Board of Mechanical Engineering.- There is hereby
created a Board of Mechanical Engineering, hereinafter called the Board, to be composed of a Chairman
and two (2) members to be appointed by the President of the Philippines from a list of three (3)
recommend for each Position, chosen, ranked in the order of preference and submitted by the
Professional Regulation Commission, hereinafter referred to as the Commission, from a list of five
nominee submitted by the duly accredited association of mechanical engineers in the Philippines. The
Board shall be organized not later than six (6) months from the affectivity of this Act.

Section 5. Qualifications of Members of the Board. – A member of the Board shall, at the time of his
appointment, possess the following qualifications:

(a) Natural born citizen and resident of the Philippines;

(b) Must be at least thirty-five (35) years of age;

(c) Holder of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering or its equivalent,
conferred by a school, academy, college or university in the Philippines or abroad that is
accredited by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED);

(d) A Professional Mechanical Engineer with a valid professional license and an active
practitioner as such, for not less than ten (10) years prior to his appointment;

(e) Must not, for a period of three (3) consecutive years prior to appointment, be a member of
the faculty of any school, academy, institute, college or university where a regular course in
mechanical engineering is being taught, nor have pecuniary interest in or administrative
supervision over any such institutions of learning;

(f) Must not, for a period of three (3) consecutive years prior to appointment, be connected with
a review center or with any group or association where review classes or lectures in preparation
for the licensure examination are offered or conducted at the time of appointment; and

(g) Has never been convicted of any offense involving moral turpitude.

Section 6. Term of Office.- A member of the Board shall hold office for a term of three (3) years from
the date of his appointment or until his successor shall have been qualified and duly appointed, unless,
however, that such incumbent member has been reappointed for another three (3) years term. No
member of the Board shall serve for more than two (2) regular terms. Any vacancy occurring within the
term of a member due to resignation, conviction of any kind, disability or death, shall be filled by
appointment by the President of the Philippines; and such member appointed shall serve for the

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unexpired portion of the term vacated without prejudice to serve for a maximum of two (2) full terms. If
the appointee comes from the incumbent Board, he shall serve the remaining vacated term in addition to
the previous years he had already served and shall be qualified for reappointment in his new
position: Provided, his aggregate number of years of service shall not exceed two (2) regular full terms.
Each member of the Board shall take his oath of office prior to the official performance of his duties.

Section 7. Compensation and Allowances of the Board Members.- The Chairman and members of
the Board shall receive compensation and allowances comparable to the compensation and allowances
being received by the Chairmen and members of existing regulatory boards in the Commission and as
may be provided for in the General Appropriations Act.

Section 8. Supervision of the Board, Custodian of its Records, Secretariat and Support Services.-
The Board shall be under the general supervision of the Commission. All records of the Board, including
applications for examination, examination papers and results, minutes of deliberation, administrative
cases, and other investigative cases involving the profession shall be kept by the Commission. The
Commission shall designate the secretary of the Board and shall provide the Secretariat and other
support services to implement the provisions of this Act.

Section 9. Power and Duties of the Board.- The Board shall exercise the following specific powers,
functions, duties and responsibilities:

(a) To promulgate and adopt the rules and regulations necessary for carrying out the provisions
of this Act;

(b) To supervise the registration, licensure and practice of mechanical engineers in the

(c) To administer oaths in connection with the successful examinees entering the practice of
Mechanical Engineering;

(d) To issue the certificate of registration to successful examinees;

(e) To issue, suspend and/or revoke, after due process certificates of registration and issue,
cancel and suspend professional license or cancel special permits for the practice of mechanical
engineering, for causes provided by law;

(f) To adopt an official seal of the Board;

(g) To look into the conditions affecting the practice of the mechanical engineering profession
and whenever necessary, adopt such measures as may be deemed proper for the enhancement
and maintenance of high professional and ethical standards of the profession;

(h) To prescribe and/or adopt a Code of Ethical and Professional Standards for the practice of the
mechanical engineering profession.

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(i) To hear and try administrative cases involving violations of this Act, its Implementing Rules and
Regulations, the Code of Ethics for Mechanical Engineers, and for this purpose, to
issue subpoena and subpoena duchess tecum to secure the appearance of witnesses and the
production of documents in connection therewith;

(j) Prescribe guidelines in the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) program in coordination
with accredited association of mechanical engineers;

(k) Prepare, adopt, issue or amend the syllabi of the subjects for examinations;

(l) Approve, issue, limit or revoke temporary license to practice mechanical engineering; and

(m) Discharge such other duties and functions as may be deemed necessary for the enhancement
of the mechanical engineering profession and the upgrading, development and growth of
mechanical engineering education in the Philippines.

Section 10. Annual Report.- The Board shall, at the close of each calendar year, submit an annual
report to the President of the Philippines through the Professional Regulation Commission, giving a
detailed account of its proceedings and accomplishments during the year and making recommendations
for the adoption of measures that will upgrade and improve the conditions affecting the practice of
mechanical engineering in the Philippines.

Section 11. Removal of Board Member.- The President upon recommendation of the Commission may
remove any member of the Board on the following grounds: neglect of duty or incompetence, violation or
tolerance of the violation of this Act or the Code of Ethics for Mechanical Engineering, final judgment of
crimes involving moral turpitude, after having given the member an opportunity to be heard and/or defend
himself in a proper administrative investigation.

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2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities

What are the scope of practice of Mechanical Engineering Profession?

What are the requirements to be part of the Board of Mechanical Engineers?

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, Part 2

It’s now time to answer the questions in the What I Know chart in Activity 1. Put your answers on the
space provided in the table.

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding

IDENTIFICATION. Write your answers on the space provided.

__________________ 1. Other name for Republic Act No. 8495.

__________________ 2. The person which has been given the power of appointing the Board of
Mechanical Engineers.

__________________ 3. This includes but not limited to heating, air-conditioning, ventilating, and
refrigeration equipment and machinery, including compressors and

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centrifugal fans, mechanical pollution abatement and environmental control

system; piping system with a working pressure of not less than 70 kPa.

__________________ 4. The organization tasked to submit list of candidates for the Board of
Mechanical Engineers.

__________________ 5. The minimum required age to become eligible of being part of the board.

__________________ 6. The duration of the term for the officials for the Board of Mechanical

__________________ 7. The document which the board needs to submit yearly to the President of the
Philippines through the Professional Regulation Commission which contains
accomplishments and recommendations.

__________________ 8. Holds the power of removing any member of the board for his negligence of
duty, incompetence and other reasons which involves moral turpitude, after
having given the member an opportunity to be heard and/or defend himself

__________________ 9. Administer oaths in connection with the successful examinees entering the
practice of Mechanical Engineering

__________________ 10. Holds the power of issuance, suspension and/or revocation, after due
process certificates of registration and issue, cancel and suspend
professional license or cancel special permits for the practice of mechanical
engineering, for causes provided by law


1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning

Congratulations for finishing this module! Shade the number of the module that you finished.

Did you have challenges learning the concepts in this module? If none, which parts of the module
helped you learn the concepts?


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Question/s I want to ask my teacher about this module is/are



When was R.A. No. 8495 passed?

 Republic Act No. 8495 which is a consolidation of Senate Bill No. 1793 and
House Bill No. 9806 was finally passed by the Senate and the House of
Representatives on February 3, 1998 and January 28, 1998, respectively.
This was then approved by Pres. Fidel V. Ramos on February 12, 1998.

Who were the members of Board of Mechanical Engineering during the time the act
was passed?

 It was the time of Chairman Antonio RO. Herrera and board members Donato
K. Karamihan and Juanito A. Eleria when R.A 8495 was signed.

Who creates the questionnaires for the licensure examination for Mechanical

 The Board of Mechanical Engineers has the power to create examinations for
the licensure examination. Moreover, they are in tasked to deliberate and
regulate the practice of the profession.


Activity 3: Skill-building Activities

What are the scope of practice of Mechanical Engineering Profession? (Article I Section 3)

 Consultation, valuation, investigation and management services requiring mechanical

engineering knowledge
 Engineering design, preparation of plans, specifications and projects studies or estimates for
mechanical equipment, machinery, or processes of any mechanical works, projects or plants
 Management or supervision of the erection, installation, alteration, testing and commissioning of
mechanical equipment, machinery, or processes in mechanical works, projects or plants

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 Management or supervision of the manufacture, sale, supply or distribution of mechanical

equipment parts or components
 Teaching of mechanical engineering professional subjects in government recognized and
accredited engineering schools
 Employment in government as a professional mechanical engineer

What are the requirements to be part of the Board of Mechanical Engineers?(Article II Section 5)
 Natural born citizen and resident of the Philippines
 Must be at least thirty-five (35) years of age
 Holder of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
 A Professional Mechanical Engineer with a valid professional license and an active practitioner
as such, for not less than ten (10) years prior to his appointment
 Must not, for a period of three (3) consecutive years prior to appointment, be a member of the
faculty of any school, academy, institute, college or university where a regular course in
mechanical engineering is being taught
 Must not, for a period of three (3) consecutive years prior to appointment, be connected with a
review center or with any group or association where review classes or lectures in preparation
for the licensure examination are offered or conducted at the time of appointment
 Has never been convicted of any offense involving moral turpitude

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Lesson title: Republic Act No. 8495 (Part II) Materials:

Paper, pen
Lesson Objectives:
1. Discuss Republic Act No. 8495 References:
2. Determine the requirements and qualifications for the R.A No. 8495 retrieved from
practice of the mechanical engineering profession

Productivity Tip:

Free your mind from negative thoughts. Entertain and absorb positive outlook.


1) Introduction

From the previous module, you have already the initial idea of the Republic Act No. 8495 or the
Philippine Mechanical Engineering Act of 1998 – the definition of terms which also stated the general
overview of the scope of practice for the mechanical engineering profession. Moreover, the Board was
also defined as the Board of Mechanical Engineering. The composition, qualification and how they are
appointed as well as term of office, their functions and duties were also presented in the previous module.

This module will discuss the continuation of R.A No. 8495 focusing on Article III which governs
the examination, registration and licensing in order to legally practice mechanical engineering profession
in the country.

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1

Try answering the questions below by writing your ideas under the first column What I Know.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

What are the qualifications for the
practice of mechanical engineering?
What are the other professions being
regulated by RA 8495 aside from
mechanical engineers?

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1) Activity 2: Content Notes

Republic Act No. 8495

An Act Regulating the Practice of Mechanical Engineering in the Philippines

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:

Article III


Section 12. Examination Required.- All applicants for registration for the practice of mechanical
engineering shall be required to undergo and pass a written technical examination as provided for in this

Section 13. Categories.- Certificates of registration for the practice of mechanical engineering shall be
of three (3) categories and in order of rank as follows:

(a) Professional Mechanical Engineer

(b) Mechanical Engineer; and
(c) Certified Plant Mechanic.

Section 14. Qualifications of Applicants for Professional Mechanical Engineer.- Any applicant to
the professional mechanical engineering examination must, at the time of filing of his application,
establish to the satisfaction of the Board that:

Professional Mechanical Engineer

(a) He is a citizen of the Philippines;

(b) He must not have been convicted by a court of law of a crime involving moral

(c) He has a valid certificate of registration and he is a registered mechanical engineer

and a holder of a valid professional license;

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(d) He has graduated from an engineering school or college of recognized standing, after
completing an approved course in mechanical engineering;

(e) He has specific record of a total of four (4) years or more of active mechanical
engineering practice, reckoned from the time he registered a mechanical engineering
practice; and

(f) He is competent to practice, as attested to by at least two (2) professional mechanical


Section 15. Qualifications of Applicants for Mechanical Engineer - Any person applying for
examination and for a Certificate of Registration as Mechanical Engineer shall, prior to admission to the
examinations, establish to the satisfaction of the Board that:

(a) He is a citizen of the Philippines;

(b) He must not have been convicted by a court of law of a crime involving moral

(c) He holds the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from a

university, school, College, academy, or institute duly constituted and recognized as such
by the government.

Section 16. Qualifications of Applicants for Certified Plant Mechanic.- Any person applying for
examination for certificate of registration as Certified Plant Mechanic shall establish to the satisfaction of
the Board that:

(a) He must not have been convicted by a court of law of a crime involving moral turpitude;

(b) He has graduated from a vocational or trade school duly recognized by the government
after completing an approved course of not less than two (2) years in stationary or power
plant engineering or any mechanical plant operation; and

(c) He has specific record of an additional one (1) year or more of active practice in
mechanical plant operation of such character as indicated in an affidavit of a registered
professional mechanical engineer and, likewise establish to the satisfaction of the Board,
that the applicant is competent to undertake the operation, tending and maintenance of
mechanical works, projects or plant of not less than one hundred (100) kilowatts.

Section 17. Scope of Examination.- The scope of examination and the methods of procedure shall be
prescribed by the Board with special reference to the applicants – ability to perform the type of
engineering work pertaining to the particular category he is to be registered in.

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(a) Professional Mechanical Engineer - The granting of professional mechanical engineer

Certificate of Registration shall be testimonial in nature which shall include the
submission of an enumeration of the applicants - experience including the presentation of
an engineering report/technical paper pertinent to his line of experience attested to by two
(2) or more profession mechanical engineers in an affidavit for this purpose;

(b) Mechanical Engineer - The applicant shall pass a written examination on different
subjects or group of subjects prescribed by the Board, and within the syllabi prepared by
the Board with emphasis on power plant and industrial plant engineering, mathematics,
engineering economics, economic analysis, laws and ethics and machine design. The
subjects in which the applicant for Mechanical Engineers shall be examined are:

1. Machine Design, Materials, and Shop Practice

2. Industrial and Power Plant Engineering
3. Mathematics Engineering Economics and basic engineering sciences

(c) Certified Plant Mechanic - The examination for Certified Plant Mechanic may be
written or oral on subject matters based on the following submitted statement of

1. Elements of Power Plant Machinery

2. Elements of Industrial Plant Machinery; and
3. Shop Machinery and Practice.
Subject to the approval of the Commission, the Board may amend or revise
the subjects, their syllabi, passing average, and the system and procedure
in the licensure examinations for the practice of mechanical engineering
and the corresponding weight pursuant to implementing rules and
regulations issued for this purpose. The said subjects and their syllabi may
be amended by the Board so as to conform to technological changes
brought about by continuing trends in the profession.

Section 18. Ratings.-To pass the examination, a candidate for a professional mechanical engineer, a
mechanical engineer, and certified plant mechanic must obtain an average of seventy percent (70%) on
all subjects, with no rating below fifty percent (50%) in any of the subjects.

Section 19. Report of Ratings.- The Board shall submit to the Commission the ratings obtained by
each candidate within fifteen (15) days after the examinations, unless extended for just cause.

Section 20. Re-examination.- An applicant who fails to pass the examination for the third time shall be
allowed to take another examination only after the lapse of one year.

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Section 21. Oath.- All successful candidates in the examination shall be required to take an oath of
profession before the Board or any government official authorized to administer oaths, prior to entering
upon the practice of the mechanical engineering.

Section 22. Issuance of Certificates of Registration and Professional License.- Upon payment of
the registration fee as established by the Commission, the Board shall issue a certificate of registration
to any applicant who has met all the requirements specified in this Act for the particular category he is
registering in.

All certificates of registration shall indicate the full name of the registrants, signed by all
the members of the Board and the Commission and affixed with the official seal of the
Commission. The issuance of a certificate of registration by the Board to a registrant is evidence
that the person named therein is entitled to all the privileges of a registered and licensed
professional mechanical engineer, mechanical engineer or certified plant mechanic, as the case
may be, for as long as said certificate remains valid.

A professional license bearing the registration number, date of issuance, expiry date and
duly signed by the chairman of the Board, shall likewise be issued to every registrant, provided
that professional fees have been paid. No person shall practice mechanical engineering in this
country unless such person shall have secured a license to practice Mechanical Engineering in
the manner herein provided. A licensee is entitled to practice the profession with all the privileges
appurtenant thereto until the expiration of the validity of his license.

Subject to the approval of the Commission, certificates of specialty shall be issued by the
Board, subject to the approval of the Commission, to Professional Mechanical Engineers who
have been screened and recommended by accredited mechanical engineers association. These
are for specific fields in which the applicants have specialized knowledge, training and experience
and have documented their competence and expertise. The Board shall subject to the approval
of the Commission, and after consultation with said association concerned, prescribe and issue
the necessary guidelines for the issuance of these certificates.

Section 23. Integration and Accreditation of Mechanical Engineers.- An integrated organization of

mechanical engineers shall be created and accredited by the Board of Mechanical Engineering and the
Professional Regulation Commission. All persons whose names now appear in the roll of professional
mechanical engineers, mechanical engineers, and certified plant mechanics under the custody of the
Board and the Commission, or those who may hereafter be included therein upon registration and
payment of the required fees shall automatically become members of the integrated and accredited
organization of mechanical engineers.

The integration of the mechanical engineering professional shall not be a bar to the
formation of voluntary organization of mechanical engineers which may coexist with the integrated
and accredited organization of mechanical engineers and other affiliated organization of
mechanical engineers. The Board, subject to the approval by the Commission and after

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consultation with the existing accredited organization of mechanical engineers and other affiliated
organization of mechanical engineers and, if possible, with the substantial number of the
mechanical engineers who are non-organization members, shall provide the guidelines and
mechanisms for the establishment and creation, continued supervision of the integrated and
accredited organization of mechanical engineers. The registered and licensed engineers and
certified plant mechanics shall receive the benefits and privileges appurtenant to their
membership in duly integrated and accredited mechanical engineering association only upon
payment of the required fees and dues.

Section 24. Seal of a Professional Mechanical Engineer. - A professional mechanical engineer shall,
upon registration, obtain a seal of such design prescribed by the Board, bearing the registrants- name,
the certificate number and the legend -Professional Mechanical Engineer.- Designs, plants,
specifications, project feasibility studies, appraisals, recommendations, technical reports, proposals, and
other professional documents involving mechanical equipment, works, projects or plants shall be
stamped on every sheet with said seal of the registrant when filed with government authorities or when
submitted or use professionally: Provided, that it shall be submitted or used professionally: Provided,
that it shall be unlawful for anyone to stamp or seal any document with the said seal after the certificate
shall have been revoked or cancelled.

Section 25. Non-issuance of Certificate for Certain Grounds.- The Board shall not issue a certificate
of registration to any person convicted by court of competent jurisdiction of any crime involving moral
turpitude, or immoral or dishonorable conduct or any person of unsound mind declared by a court of
competent jurisdiction, furnishing the party concerned a written statement containing the reasons for such
action, which statement shall be incorporated in the records of the Board.

Section 26. Revocation and Suspension of Certificate.- The Board shall have the power, upon proper
notice and hearing, to suspend or revoke any certificate of registration of any registrant for any cause
specified in the preceding section, or for the use in whatever way of any fraud or deceit in obtaining a
certificate of registration, or for gross negligence or incompetence or for unprofessional or dishonorable
conduct and for violation of the code of ethics for mechanical engineers and certified plant
mechanics: Provided, That the action of the Board shall be subject to appeal to the Commission within
fifteen (15) days from notice, whose decision on the matter shall be final.

Section 27. Grounds for Suspension and Revocation of Licenses.- The Board shall have the power,
upon due notice and hearing, to revoke or suspend the license of mechanical engineers, or to cancel a
temporary/special permit for any cause specified in the preceding sections, including but not limited to:
the use or perpetuation of any fraud or deceit in obtaining a certificate of registration, or for incompetence,
negligence, or for abatement of the illegal practice of mechanical engineering, violation of the provisions
of this Act, its implementing Rules and Regulations and/or violations of Policies of the Board including
the Code of Ethics for Mechanical Engineering: Provide, however, That such action of the Board shall be
subject to appeal without prejudice to the right of the aggrieved party to apply with the proper Regional
Trial Court for appropriate relief.

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Section 28. Reinstatement and Replacement of the Certificates.- The Board, upon application and
for reasons of equity and justice, may reinstate the validity of a revoked certificate of registration and
professional license, upon payment of the required fees, at least two (2) years after revocation. A new
certificate of registration to replace any certificate lost, destroyed or mutilated may be issued, subject to
the rules of the Board, and upon payment of the required fee.

Section 29. Renewal of License.- The professional license shall serve as evidence that the licensee
can lawfully practice his profession until the expiration of its validity. However, renewal of license can
only be done upon payment of renewal fee corresponding to three (3) consecutive years.

Section 30. Vested Rights: Automatic Registration of Practicing Mechanical Engineers.- All
practicing Mechanical Engineers who are registered at the time this Act takes effect, shall automatically
be registered.

Section 31. Coverage of Temporary/Special Permits. -The following shall be required to secure a
Temporary/ Special Permit from the Board subject to the approval by the Commission.

(a) Mechanical engineers, installation, commission or graduate engineers from other countries
called in for consultation or for a specific design or installation project not requiring more than
three (3) months residence in the Philippines in a twelve (12) month period: Provided, That such
engineers are legally qualified to practice mechanical engineering in their own country or state in
which the requirements and qualifications for obtaining a certificate of registration are at least
equal to or more than those specified in this Act as certified by the Board;

(b) Foreigners employed as technical officers, training officers or consultants in such special
branches of mechanical engineering who, in the judgment of the Board, are necessary and
advantageous for the country particularly in the aspects of technology transfer, may be issued
temporary permits: Provided, That such engagements have satisfied conditions, as may be
deemed necessary as follows:

1) Non-availability of a mechanical engineer and/or mechanic in the country who

is competent, able and willing at the time of engagement to perform the service
for which the foreigner is desired for;

2) The foreigner must have been in the prior employ of the engagng firm, or its
foreign business partner, outside of the Philippines for a period of not less than
one (1) year immediately preceding the date of his engagement;

3) Any particular or specific engagement shall not be in excess of six (6) months
but may be renewed once, if necessary, except when such engagement is for a
newly established firm in which case the period of engagement may be for a longer
term but not to exceed a total term of two (2) years.

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Section 32. Indication of License and Professional Tax Receipt.- The Mechanical Engineer shall be
required to indicate his Professional License number, the duration of validity, including the professional
tax receipt number on the documents he signs, uses or issues in connection with practice of his

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities

What are the differences in qualifications between Professional Mechanical Engineers, Mechanical
Engineers and Certified Plant Mechanic?

What are the common requirements for the application of practice for PME, ME and CPM?

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, Part 2

It’s now time to answer the questions in the What I Know chart in Activity 1. Put your answers on the
space provided in the table.

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4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding

IDENTIFICATION. Write your answers on the space provided.

__________________ 1. The minimum number of years of active mechanical engineering practice,

reckoned from the time he registered a mechanical engineering practice for
the application of Professional Mechanical Engineer.

__________________ 2. The Professional Mechanical Engineer applicant’s competence should be

attest by how many licensed PMEs?

__________________ 3. The minimum number of years of approved vocational course in stationary or

power plant engineering or any mechanical pant operation for the Certified
Plant Mechanic application requirement.

__________________ 4. The minimum number of years of active practice in mechanical pant operation
for the Certified Plant Mechanic application requirement.

__________________ 5. The minimum required average rating a PME, ME, CPM should get in order
to pass an examination ensuring there is no 50% in any of the subjects.

__________________ 6. (True/False) An applicant who fails to pass the examination for the third time
shall be allowed to take another examination only after the lapse of two years.

__________________ 7. (True/False) Renewal of license can only be done upon payment of renewal
fee corresponding to three (3) consecutive years.

__________________ 8. (True/False) The CPM applicant is competent to undertake the operation,

tending and maintenance of mechanical works, projects or plant of not more
than one hundred (100) kilowatts.

__________________ 9. (True/False) The granting of professional mechanical engineer Certificate of

Registration shall be testimonial in nature.

__________________ 10. (True/False) A mechanical engineering graduate can take the licensure
examination even though he has a pending crime case.


1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning

Congratulations for finishing this module! Shade the number of the module that you finished.

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MEE 104: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards
Student Activity Sheet Module #6

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Did you have challenges learning the concepts in this module? If none, which parts of the module
helped you learn the concepts?


Question/s I want to ask my teacher about this module is/are



Who regulates the Mechanical Engineering profession?

 Professional regulations Commission (PRC)
 The Board of Mechanical Engineering
 Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers

What is moral turpitude?

It is defined as everything which is done contrary to justice, modesty, or good
morals; an act of baseness, vileness/wickedness, or depravity in the private and
social duties which a man owes his fellowmen or to society in general

How can I renew my license?

The professional license expires every 3 years. It can be renewed by paying
the renewal fee and submitting necessary documents as proof you have
acquired 15 CPD credits units per year or 45 CPD units for 3 years.


Activity 3: Skill-building Activities

What are the differences in qualifications between Professional Mechanical Engineers, Mechanical
Engineers and Certified Plant Mechanic?

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________


 He has a valid certificate of registration and he is a registered mechanical engineer and a holder
of a valid professional license
 He has specific record of a total of four (4) years or more of active mechanical engineering
practice, reckoned from the time he registered a mechanical engineering practice
 He is competent to practice, as attested to by at least two (2) professional mechanical engineers

 He holds the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from a university,
school, College, academy, or institute duly constituted and recognized as such by the

 graduated from a vocational or trade school duly recognized by the government after completing
an approved course of not less than two (2) years in stationary or power plant engineering or
any mechanical plant operation
 has specific record of an additional one (1) year or more of active practice in mechanical plant

What are the common requirements for the application of practice for PME, ME and CPM?
 He is a citizen of the Philippines
 He must not have been convicted by a court of law of a crime involving moral turpitude
 Graduate of Mechanical Engineering (For ME & PME)

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MEE 104: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards
Student Activity Sheet Module #7

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Lesson title: Republic Act No. 8495 (Part III) Materials:

Paper, pen
Lesson Objectives:
1. Discuss Republic Act No. 8495 References:
2. Determine the scope of practice of Mechanical Engineering R.A. 8495 retrieved from

Productivity Tip:

Pick A Good Place To Study. There’s a delicate balance when it comes to the best
study spot: You need a place that’s comfortable without being so relaxing that you end
up falling asleep. For some people, that means working at a desk. Others do better on
the couch or the kitchen table. Your bed, on the other hand, may be too comfy.


1) Introduction

Modules 1 and 2 has covered Article 1 until Article III of the Philippine Mechanical Engineering.
So far, the statement of the policy, the board of mechanical engineers – their functions and duties have
been presented. Meanwhile, the qualifications in order to acquire license to practice PME, ME and CPM
were also present in the previous module.

This module will now cover the regulating articles and sections for the practice of the profession
– what is prohibited and allowed. This also includes Article V in which the penal provisions are stipulated.

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, Part 1

Try answering the questions below by writing your ideas under the first column What I Know.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

What are the allowable mechanical
plant rated capacity for a PME, ME,
CPM to operate, tend or maintain?

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MEE 104: ME Laws, Ethics, Contracts, Codes and Standards
Student Activity Sheet Module #7

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

What are the penalties for violating any

provision in R.A No. 8495?


1) Activity 2: Content Notes

Republic Act No. 8495

An Act Regulating the Practice of Mechanical Engineering in the Philippines

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:

Article IV


Section 33. Field of Action Authorized for Each Category: Prohibition.- It shall be unlawful for any
person, unless authorized under this Act:

(a) to be in responsible charge of the preparation of plans, designs, investigations,

valuation, technical reports, specifications, project studies or estimates or to be in
performance of other professional mechanical engineering activities unless he is a duly
licensed Professio1nal Mechanical Engineer.

(b) to teach professional subjects in mechanical engineering course unless he is a duly

licensed Professional Mechanical Engineer, or a Masters- degree or Doctorate degree
holder in mechanical engineering.

(c) to be in responsible charge of the construction, erection, installation, alteration, or of

the performance of a mechanical engineering service in connection with the manufacture,
sale, supply or distribution of any mechanical works, project or plant either for himself or
for others, unless he is a duly registered Professional Mechanical Engineer or Mechanical

(d) to operate, tend or maintain, or be in-charge of the operation, tending, or maintenance

of any mechanical works, projects, plant of 100 kw., or more but not more than 300 kw
unless he is a duly licensed Professional Mechanical Engineer, Mechanical Engineer or
Certified Plant Mechanic.

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(e) to operate, tend, or maintain or be in-charge of the operation, tending, or maintenance

of any mechanical equipment, machinery or process for any mechanical works, projects
or plants of 300 kilowatts or above but not more than 2000 kw unless he is a duly licensed
Professional Mechanical Engineer or Mechanical Engineer.

(f) to operate, tend or maintain, or to be in charge of the operation, tending or maintenance

of any mechanical equipment, machinery, process for any mechanical works, projects or
plants of over 2000 kw unless he is a duly licensed Professional Mechanical Engineer.

Section 34. Personnel Required in Mechanical Plant.-Every mechanical work project or plant in
operation shall have not less than the following complement of resident licensed professional
mechanical engineer, mechanical engineer or certified plant mechanic:

(a) 100 kw or over but not more than 300 kw: one (1) certified plant mechanic, or one (1)
mechanical engineer, or one (1) professional mechanical engineer: Provided, That every
mechanical work, project, or plant in this category operating in more than one shift every
twenty four hours, shall have in addition to the minimum personnel herein required, one
(1) certified plant mechanic, or one (1) mechanical engineer, or one (1) professional
mechanical engineer in-charge of each and every additional shift.

(b) 300 kw or over, but not more than 2000 kw: one (1) mechanical engineer or one (1)
professional mechanical engineer: Provided, That every mechanical work, project, or plant
in this category operating in more than one shift every twenty-four (24) hours shall have,
in addition to the minimum personnel herein required at least one (1) mechanical engineer,
or one (1) professional mechanical engineer in-charge of each and every additional shift.

(c) Over 2000kw: one (1) professional mechanical engineer: Provided, That every
mechanical work, project or plant in this category operating in more than one shift every
twenty-four (24) hours shall have, in addition to the minimum personnel herein required at
least one (1) professional mechanical engineer in-charge of each and every additional

Section 35. Preparation of Plans and Supervision of Construction by Licensed Engineers

Required.- It shall be unlawful for any person to order or otherwise cause the fabrication, construction,
erection, installation or alteration of any mechanical equipment, machinery or process for any mechanical
works, projects, or plants, unless the designs, plans, layouts or specifications have been prepared by or
under the responsible charge of, and duly signed and sealed by a Professional Mechanical Engineer.
Likewise, proposals and quotations for the supply and fabrication of mechanical equipment, works,
projects, plants, mechanical pollution abatement systems, mechanical fire protection systems,
pressurized pipes with a working pressure of not less than 70 kPa., shall be duly signed and sealed by a
Professional Mechanical Engineer.

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Section 36. Practice Not Allowed for Firms and Corporations. The practice of mechanical
engineering is a professional service, admission to which shall be determined upon the basis of an
individual’s- personal qualifications. No firm, company partnership, association or corporation may be
registered or licensed as such for the practice of mechanical engineering: Provided, however, That
persons properly registered and licensed as mechanical engineers may form and obtain registration with
the Security and Exchange Commission of a firm, partnership or association using the term -Mechanical
Engineers- and or –Architect and Mechanical Engineers- but nobody shall be a member, partner or
associate unless he is a duly registered and licensed mechanical engineer, and the members who are
mechanical engineers shall only render work and services proper for mechanical engineers as defined
in this Act.

Section 37. Posting of Certificates.- The owner, manager, or other person in-charge of any mechanical
works, projects, or plants of one hundred (100) kw or more, of a firm, co-partnership, corporation or joint-
stock association, shall post or cause to be posted in a conspicuous place within such plant of business,
the original certificate of registration of the engineer or engineers and of the certified plant mechanic/s
employed in such plant, in a frame protected by transparent glass or its equivalent.

Section 38. Roster of Engineers and Mechanics.- A roster showing the names and place of business
of all registered professional mechanical engineers, mechanical engineers and certified plant mechanics,
shall be prepared by the Commission which shall be made available to any interested parties upon formal
written request.

Section 39. Foreign Reciprocity.- No foreign mechanical engineer or mechanic shall be allowed to
practice mechanical engineering or be given a certificate of registration or be entitled to any of the
privileges under this Act unless he can prove in the manner provided by the rules of Court or by specific
provisions of law or regulations, that the country of which he is a subject or citizen, in the spirit of
reciprocity, permits Filipino mechanical engineers and/ or mechanics to practice within its territorial limits
on the same basis as the subject or citizens of such country or state.

Section 40. Enforcement of the Act by the Officers of the Law.- The Professional Regulation
Commission shall be the enforcement agency of the Board. As such, the Commission shall implement
the concerned provisions of this Act, Enforce its implementing rules and regulations as adopted by the
Board, conduct investigations on complaints including violations of the Code of Conduct of the profession
and prosecute when so warranted. It shall be the duty of all duly constituted authorities through the
officers of the law of the national government, or any provincial, city, or municipal government or any
political subdivision thereof, to enforce the provisions of this act and to prosecute any person violating
the same.

Section 4. Qualification Requirements.- In a government or private institution where a position requires

a Masters- degree holder, a holder of professional mechanical engineer license shall be eligible for the
position. Likewise, where a position requires a professional mechanical engineers- license, a holder of a
masters- or doctorate degree in mechanical engineering, with a registered mechanical engineers- license
shall be considered for the position.

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Article V


Section 42. Penalties.- In addition to the administrative sanctions imposed under this Act any person
who violates any of the provisions of this Act and its rules and regulations shall, upon conviction be
penalized by a fine of not less than Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) nor more than Two hundred
thousand pesos (P200,000.00), or imprisonment of not less than six (6) months nor more than three (3)
years, or both fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court.

Section 43. Implementing Rules and Regulations.-The Board shall formulate and issue the
implementing rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this Act.

Section 44. Funding Provisions.- Such sums as may be necessary to carry out provisions of this Act
shall be included in the General Appropriations Act of the year following its enactment into law and

Section 45. Separability Clause.- If any section or portion of this Act shall be declared unconstitutional
or invalid, the same shall not invalidate all other sections or portions not affected thereby.

Section 46. Repealing Clause.-Commonwealth Act No. 294, as amended by Republic Act No. 5336, is
hereby repealed and all other laws, parts of law, others, ordinances, or regulations relative to the practice
of mechanical engineering which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or
modified accordingly.

Section 47. Transitory Provisions.-

a) Mechanical Plant Engineers possessing valid certificates of registration issued under

Commonwealth Act No. 294 with BSME degree shall, after the approval of this Act, register and
be issued certificates as professional mechanical engineers to replace their original certificate of
registration upon payment of the required fees.

b) Faculty Members currently teaching mechanical engineering professional subjects in

universities, colleges, institutes, or schools shall not be allowed to continue teaching after five (5)
years from the approval of this Act, unless they are or have become Professional Mechanical
Engineers or at least Registered Mechanical Engineers with a Masters- degree in Mechanical
Engineering from duly recognized and accredited universities, colleges, institutes or schools.

c) The present Board shall continue to function in the interim until such time as the new Board
shall be constituted.

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Section 48. Effectivety Clause.- This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days following its publication in
the Official Gazette or a major daily newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines, whichever is

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities

What are the personnel requirements that should be considered in a mechanical plant?

What are the differences in the scope of practice for PME, ME and CPM?

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2

It’s now time to answer the questions in the What I Know chart in Activity 1. Put your answers on the
space provided in the table.

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Student Activity Sheet Module #7

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding

IDENTIFICATION. Write your answers on the space provided.

__________________ 1. The minimum and maximum mechanical works, projects, plant rated capacity
a Certified Plant Mechanic can operate, tend, maintain or to be in-charge of.

__________________ 2. The minimum and maximum mechanical works, projects, plant rated capacity
a Mechanical Engineer can operate, tend, maintain or to be in-charge of.

__________________ 3. The minimum and maximum mechanical works, projects, plant rated capacity
a Professional Mechanical Engineer can operate, tend, maintain or to be in-
charge of.

__________________ 4. Tasked to formulate and issue the implementing rules and regulations to carry
out the provisions of this Act.

__________________ 5. The enforcement agency of the Board of Mechanical Engineering.

__________________ 6. (True/False) A licensed Mechanical Engineer can operate a mechanical

equipment with rated capacity of 150 kW.

__________________ 7. (True/False) If any section or portion of RA No. 8495 shall be declared

unconstitutional or invalid, the same shall invalidate all other sections or
portions of the act.

__________________ 8. (True/False) in a, works, projects, plants, mechanical pollution

abatement systems, mechanical fire protection systems, pressurized pipes
with a working pressure of not less than 70 kPa., shall be duly signed and
sealed by a Professional Mechanical Engineer.

__________________ 9. (True/False) In a government or private institution where a position requires a

Masters- degree holder, a holder of professional mechanical engineer license
shall be eligible for the position.

__________________ 10. (True/False) When a position requires a professional mechanical engineers

license, a holder of a masters or doctorate degree in mechanical
engineering, with a registered mechanical engineers license shall not be
considered for the position.

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1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning

Congratulations for finishing this module! Shade the number of the module that you finished.

Did you have challenges learning the concepts in this module? If none, which parts of the module
helped you learn the concepts?


Question/s I want to ask my teacher about this module is/are



What is revocation of license due to moral turpitude?

 A license of PME/ME/CPM can be revoked if he is involved in any crime or moral turpitude, provided
that he is convicted by the court with finality. Example, if case is raised and was considered guilty
by regional trial court but the accused appealed, the decision has not yet become final. The case
will then be raised to higher courts such as the court of appeals and Supreme Court. He is then
considered convicted when after the promulgation of the decision there is no more appeal raised
thus the decision is accepted and with finality and executory.

Who is allowed to seal and sign a mechanical layout/design/plan?

 Professional Mechanical Engineer

Who is allowed to design/plan mechanical works?

 A mechanical engineer can do the designing as well as the professional mechanical engineer.
However, the PME is the only one who can affix his signature and seal the official plan.

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Student Activity Sheet Module #7

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Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________


Activity 3: Skill-building Activities

What are the personnel requirements that should be considered in a mechanical plant?

100 kw or over but not more than 300 kw :

 one (1) certified plant mechanic, or one (1) mechanical engineer, or one (1) professional
mechanical engineer

[additional set of personnel in-charge for every additional shift if plant operates in more
than one shift every 24 hours]

300 kw or over, but not more than 2000 kw:

 one (1) mechanical engineer or one (1)

[additional set of personnel in-charge for every additional shift if plant operates in more
than one shift every 24 hours]

Over 2000kw:
 one (1) professional mechanical engineer

[additional set of personnel in-charge for every additional shift if plant operates in more
than one shift every 24 hours]

What are the differences in the scope of practice for PME, ME and CPM?

In-charge based on plant rated capacity:

100 kW – 300 kW : CPM, ME, PME
300 kW – 2000 kW : ME, PME
Over 2000 kW: PME

 PME is the only one to seal and be responsible with the preparation of plans and

 CPM can only operate, tend or maintain mechanical works

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