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2017 MBBS- Dermatology- 2021 FSE


There are some answers to each question, but only one is
right. Please choose the right one. (100 points, 1point each)
1. A 2-year-old child has red, weeping, crusted, lesions of the face, scalp, diaper area, and
extremities since about age 2 months, with multiple periods of exacerbation and improvement.
Attempts to remove potentially irritating substances have not modified the course of the rashes.
The child is noted to be constantly scratching and rubbing involved areas. There is a strong family
history of hay fever and asthma. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Atopic Dermatitis B. Cellulitis
C. Contact Dermatitis
D. Lichen Simplex Chronicus E. Seborrheic
2. An 18-month-old Caucasian boy is brought to the emergency room with a 3- day history of fever
and facial rash. Past medical history is significant for atopic dermatitis diagnosed 1 week ago and
treated with topical steroids. Examination reveals numerous umbilicated vesicles over the
erythematous skin on both cheeks. Submandibular adenopathy is also present. What is the most
probable diagnosis for this patient?
A. Varicella B. Impetigo contagiosa
C. Contact dermatitis
D. Atopic dermatitis exacerbation E. Eczema herpeticum
3. A 28-year-old woman complains of a rash on her neck. It has been present for 2days and is
intensely itchy. She attended a cocktail party 4 days ago, to which she wore a new necklace. Which
of the following tests would confirm the cause of the lesion?
A. Potassium Hydroxide preparation of scraping
B. Tzanck Smear
C. Patch Test D. Culture
E. Complete blood count with differential
4. Munro micro abscesses are found in which layer of the skin?
A. Dermal tissue B. Stratum basale C.
Stratum corneum
D. Stratum malpighi E. Stratum granulosum
5. A 48-year-old man presents with history of joints pain. Asymmetric, involving the proximal and
distal small joints of the Lt hand, the Rt knee, and right elbow. Pain, swelling & stiffness. Joints are
red & warm to the touch. Morning stiffness is moderate. Physical examination reveals nails pitting
& separation from the nail bed. X-rays of the hands show resorption of the distal end of the
phalanx. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is elevated to 42 mm/hr, and rheumatoid factor
is negative. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Degenerative joint disease (Osteoarthritis) B.
Rheumatoid arthritis
C. Pseudogout D. Psoriatic arthritis E.
Septic arthritis
6. A 62-year-old farmer is concerned about a rough patch on his lip. It has been there for more than
a year and has not changed during this time. It is not painful. He has had similar lesions on his
hands and the top of his head, some of which have been "frozen" by his dermatologist. On
examination, the lesion appears well-demarcated and has an ulcerated base. What is the next best
step in management?
A. Reassurance with no further workup B.
C. Cryosurgery E. Wide local
D. Recommend UVA/UVB sunscreen with no further workup
7. A mother brings her 1-month-old infant into the clinic with a new, red, flaky rash on her
forehead, cheeks, ears, and scalp. On physical examination, greasy scaling and erythematous
patches are noted on the patient's upper cheeks, foreheads, ears, and scalp with particularly thick
white scaling on the vertex of the scalp. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding this
patient's diagnosis?
A. Treated with topical ketoconazole
B. Treated with selenium sulfide shampoo
C. Fungi of Malassezia (Pityrosporum) genus is a factor in the
inflammatory process
D. Infantile seborrheic dermatitis disappears in the first year of
E. All of the above
8. Characteristic feature of atopic dermatitis is:
A. Pruritis B. Dennie's Lines
C. Scalling skin (Lichenification) D. Rash
9. Intraepidermal IgG deposition is seen in:
A. Pemphigous B. Bullous pemphigoid
C. Herpes genitalis D. Not recalled
10. All causes cicatricial alopecia, except:
A. Lichen planus B. DLE
C. Pseudo-pelade D. Alopecia areata
11. A 24-year-old female presents with a patchy, brown, macular pigmentation on the malar surface
of her face after vacationing in Florida. She denies any changes to her daily cosmetic routine or any
recent burns and states that the only medication she takes is oral contraceptives. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
A. Contact dermatitis B. Actinic Keratosis
C. Melasma
D. Drug eruption E. Eczema
12. A 42-year-old male presents with multiple skin-colored papules on his hands and fingers. Upon
exam, you notice a hyperkeratotic surface with some of the papules extending underneath the nail
bed. A KOH prep comes back negative. The patient works as a butcher and is otherwise in good
health. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Paronychia B. Candidiasis
C. Verruca Vulgaris
D. Onychomycosis E. Dermatitis
13. The gold-standard diagnostic test for contact dermatitis is:
A. Clinical presentation B. KOH
C. Patch test
D. Wood's light E. none of the above
14. What is it called if you peel back a scale and the result is pinpoint bleeding?
A. Hutchinson's sign B. Auspitz sign
C. Kobner's Phenomenon
D. Nikolsky's sign E. None of the above
15. The pathogenesis of bullous pemphigoid is best described as
A. The result of a secondary infection B.
Congenital C. Autoimmune
D. The result of an underlying systemic disease E.
None of the above
16. What is the diagnostic test used to enhance examination if one suspects vitiligo?
A. KOH prep B. Biopsy C. Wood's
D. Western blot E. Patch test
17. Which of the following is a false statement about impetigo?
A. It predisposes to glomerulonephritis
C. It is infection lesion
B. Mostly caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus or both
D. Produces scar on healing
18. A girl aged 19, presents with arthritis & a photosensitive rash on the cheek. Likely diagnosis is:
A. SLE B. Chloasma C.
Stevens Johnson syndrome
D. Lymes disease E. Eczema
19. A 36-year-old factory worker developed itchy, annular scaly plaques in both groins. Application
of a corticosteroid ointment led to temporary relief but the plaques continued to extend at the
periphery. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Erythema annulare centrifugum B. Granuloma
C. Annular lichen planus D. Tinea cruris
E. Eczema
20. A 40-year-old woman presents with a 2-year history of erythematous papulopustular lesions on
the convexities of the face. There is a background of erythema and telangiectasia. The most likely
diagnosis in the patient is:
A. Acne vulgaris B. Rosacea C.
Systemic LUPUS erythematosus
D. Polymorphic light eruption E. Lichen planus
21. A 27-year-old sexually active male develops a vesiculobullous lesion on the glans soon after
taking tablet paracetamol for fever. The lesion healed with hyperpigmentation. The most likely
diagnosis is:
A. Behcets syndrome B. Herpes genitalis
C. Fixed drug eruption
D. Pemphigus vulgaris E. All of the above
22. What skin condition is caused by poxvirus?
A. Verruca B. Molluscum contagiosum
C. Impetigo
D. Cellulitis E. Psoriasis
23. The transformation of basal cells to cells of Stratum corneum takes about
A. 6 days B. 12-14 days C. 17-21 days
D. 28 days
24. What disorder is characterized by an initial ‘herald patch’ which is then followed by scaly
erythematous plaques usually in a ‘Christmas tree’ distribution?
A. Pityriasis rosea B. Herpes C.
Varicella zoster virus
D. Erysipelas E. Lichen planus
25. What is the infective agent implicated in acne?
A. Staphylococcus aureus B. Streptococcus
C. Staphylococcus epidermidis D.
Propionibacterium acnes
E. HSV infection
26. Melanocytes are present in
A. Stratum corneum B. Basal layer
C. Granular layer
D. Spinous layer E. All of the above
27. Air-borne contact dermatitis can be diagnosed by:
A. Skin biopsy B. Patch test
C. Prick test
D. Estimation of serum IgE levels E. Estimation of IgM
28. Kobners phenomenon is seen in:
A. Eczema B. Psoriasis C.
D. Alopecia areata E. Pityriasis Rosea
29. Ausptiz sign is seen in
A. Neuro dermatitis B. Psoriasis
C. Sarcoidosis
D. Tinea unguium E. All of the above
30. All are common of psoriasis except:
A. Nail changes B. Extensor distribution
C. Arthritis
D. Scaly erythema E. multiple
31. Vitamin D analogue calcitriol is useful in the treatment of:
A. Lichen planus B. Psoriasis C.
D. Leprosy E. Pityriasis Rosea
32. The most common site of seborrheic dermatitis is
A. Scalp B. Axilla C. Sub
mammary folds
D. Umbilicus E. All of the above
33. Least common site involvement in psoriasis is:
A. Scalp B. Nail involvement C.
CNS involvement
D. Arthritis E. None of the above
34. The subcutaneous tissue of skin is made up of mostly?
A. Keratin B. Muscle C. Melanin
D. Fatty cells
35. A sexually active male comes with c/o recurrent ulcers over the glans penis that heals with
hyperpigmentation. Most probable diagnosis is
A. Fixed drug eruptions B. Herpes-genitalis
C. Chlamydial infection D. Aphthous ulcer
E. Candidiasis
36. 3-year-old child is brought with dermatitis on extensor surfaces. On probing his mother reveals
history of bronchial asthma. Probable diagnosis is
A. Contact dermatitis B. Atopic dermatitis
C. Seborrheic dermatitis
D. Infantile eczema E. Autosensitization
37. True statement on Pityriasis rosea is
A. Chronic relapsing B. Life threatening infection
C. Caused by dermatophytes D. Self-limiting
E. All of the above
38. A 60-year-old male presented with discoloration, thickening and tunneling of 2 fingernails and
one toe nail. Which of the following will clinch the diagnosis at the earliest?
A. Woods lamp examination B. KOH mount
C. Slit smear (split skin smear) D. Gram stain
E. None of the above
39. A 16-year-old male presents with small, umbilicated flesh-colored papules on his trunk and
extremities. Upon examination, the papules appear to have a "cheesy" core. What is the most likely
A. Seborrheic Keratosis B. Tinea Corporis
C. Keratoacanthoma
D. Molluscum Contagiosum E. None of the above
40. Pautrier’s micro-abscess is a histological feature of:
A. Sarcoidosis B. Tuberculosis
C. Mycosis fungoides D. Pityriasis Lichenoides
41. Substance common in skin, hair and nail is?
A. Vimentin B. Keratin C. Laminin
D. Nectin
42. A patient with PSORIASIS was started on systemic steroids. After stopping treatment, the
patient developed generalized pustules all over the body. The cause is most likely to be:
A. Drug induced reaction B. Pustular PSORIASIS
C. Bacterial infections D. Septicemia
43. Small elevation of skin containing purulent material
A. Papule B. Pustule C. Vesicle
D. Cyst E. Nodule
44. A papule is an example of a?
A. Tertiary lesion B. Primary skin lesion
C. Subjective symptom
D. Secondary skin lesion E. None of the above
45. A young man aged 19 years develops a painless penile ulcer 9 days after sexual intercourse with
a professional SEX worker. Most likely diagnosis is:
A. Chancroid B. Herpes
C. Primary chancre D. Traumatic ulcer
46. A 19-year-old pregnant girl presents with light brown pigmentation over the malar eminences.
Most likely diagnosis is:
A. Chloasma B. SLE C. Melasma
D. Melanoma
47. A girl aged 19, presents with arthritis and a photosensitive rash on the cheek. Likely diagnosis
A. SLE C. Stevens Johnson syndrome
B. Chloasma D. Lymes disease
48. The deterioration of collagen and elastin fibers during fibers during the aging process causes?
A. Rosacea B. Freckles C.
D. Wrinkles E. None of the above
49. A 16-year-old boy presented with asymptomatic, multiple, erythematous, annular lesions with a
collarette of scales at the periphery of the lesions present on the trunk. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Pityriasis versicolor. B. Pityriasis alba.
C. Pityriasis rosea. D. Pityriasis rubra pilaris.
50. Identify condition in the shown image?

A. Impetigo contagiosa B. Contact

C. Molluscum contagiosum D. HSV
51. About Vitiligo all are true except
A. Topical steroid used for localized lesion B.
Leuckotrichia has good prognosis
C. Genetic predisposition present D. Narrow
range UV-B is very effective
52. An 8-year-old boy presents with boggy swelling and easily pluckable hair, Diagnosis is
A. Tinea capitis B. Alopecia areata
C. Tuberculoid leprosy D. Pityriasis alba
53. True about Impetigo is
A. Contagious B. bacterial infection
C. Honey coloured cast D. All of the above
54. Rakesh, a 7 yrs old boy had itch, excoriated papules on the forehead and the exposed parts of
the arm and legs for the 3 years. The disease was most severe in the rainy season and improved
completely in winter. Most likely diagnosis is
A. Urticaria B. Atopic dermatitis
C. Insect bite hypersensitivity D. Scabies
55. All of the following may be leads to plaque formation except
A. Pityriasis rosea B. Pemphigus C.
Psoriasis D. Lichen Planus
56. Treatment of nodulocystic acne is
A. Erythromycin B. Isotretinoin
C. Tetracycline D. Corticosteroid
57. A young man with asymptomatic macules and papule over trunk and reddish patch over palate
with a flat, moist lesion on glans penis. patient has generalized lymphadenopathy. What is line of
A. Benzathine penicillin B. Ceftriax
C. Fluconazole D. Acyclovir
58. Most common site of affection of herpes simplex
A. Abdomen B. Thorax C. Extremities
D. Face
59. A 22-year-old woman developed small itchy wheals after physical exertion, walking in the sun,
eating hot spicy food and when she was angry. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Chronic idiopathic urticaria B. Heat urticarial
C. Solar urticarial D. Cholinergic urticarial
60. Not used in Acne
A. Benzoyl peroxide B. Isotretinoin
C. Adapalene D. Anthralin
61. In a patch of vitiligo
A. Melanosomes are absent B. Melanin synthesis
is inhibited
C. Melanocytes are reduced D. Melanocytes are
62. Psoriasis is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT
A. Erythematous plaques B. Silvery scales
C. Poorly demarcated border D. Koebner's
63. The most frequent cause of recurrent genital ulceration in a sexually active male is:
A. Syphilis B. Chancroid C. Herpes genitalis
D. Aphthous ulcer
64. A 23-year-old lady develops brown macular lesions over bridge of Nose and cheeks following
exposure to light. The probable diagnosis is:
A. Chloasma B. Acne rosacea
C. Systemic lupus erythematosis D.
65. Grottons sign is seen in?
A. Dermatomyositis B. SLE C. Scleroderma
66. Exclamation mark like hairs are seen in
A. Telogen effluvium B. Alopecia areata
C. Androgenetic alopecia
D. Anagen effluvium E. Alopecia seborrhoeica
67. Commonest Atopic dermatitis is
A. Trunk B. Ant. cubital fossa C. Scalp
D. Elbow
68. Episodes of flexural eczema, contact urticaria, recurrent skin infections and severe abdominal
cramps and diarrhea upon taking sea foods. He is suffering from:
A. Atopic dermatitis B. Seborrheic
C. Nummular dermatitis D. Airborne contact
69. Nodular scabies is found in
A. Web space of finger B. Axilla C. Scrotum
D. Abdomen
70. Which of the following is true of molluscum contagiosum
A. Treatment is extirpation B. Is an STD
C. Viral infection D. All of the above
71. Wood's lamp light is used in the diagnosis of:
A. Tinea capitis B. Candida albicans
C. Histoplasma D. Cryptococcus
72. Commonest variety of Pemphigus
A. Pemphigus foliaceus B. Pemphigus
C. Pemphigus vulgaris D. Pemphigus vegetans
73. Nails are involved in
A. Pemphigoid B. Pemphigus
C. Dermatitis Herpetiformis D. Psoriasis
74. Comedones are seen in
A. Adenoma Sebaceum B. Pityriasis
C. Acne vulgaris D. Lichen Planus
75. Atopic dermatitis is associated with:
A. IgA B. IgG C. IgM
D. IgE
76. A patient gets recurrent urticaria while doing exercise and on exposure to sunlight. Which of the
following is the most likely cause:
A. Chronic idiopathic urticarial B. Universal
C. Cholinergic urticarial D. Photo dermatitis
77. A 40-year-old male had multiple blisters over the trunk and extremities. Direct
immunofluorescence studies showed linear IgG deposits along the basement membrane. Which of
the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Pemphigus vulgaris B. Pemphigus
C. Bullous Pemphigoid D. Dermatitis
78. Umbilicated papules are seen in
A. Molluscum contagiosum B. Varicella zoster
C. Herpes simplex D. Verruca vulgaris
79. A flat discoloration on skin as 1cm is called
A. Boil B. Papule C. Macule
D. Plague
80. Sudoriferous glands, sebaceous glands sensory nerve endings, blood vessels, arrector pili
muscles and a major portion of each hair follicle are found in the?
A. Dermis B. Epidermis C.
Stratum corneum
D. Stratum spinosum E. Stratum Basale
81. The stratum corneum is composed of?
A. Melanin B. Granules C.
D. Squamous cells E. Merkel cell
82. The layer of the epidermis that sheds keratin cells that are constantly replaced is the?
A. Stratum lucidum B. Stratum corneum
C. Stratum spinosum
D. Stratum granulosum E. Stratum basale
83. On the human body, the thickest skin is located on the:
A. Thighs B. Buttocks C.
D. Palms and soles E. Backside
84. Nikolsky’s sign is positive in
A. Pemphigus vulgaris B. Bullous pemphigoid
C. Zoster D. All of the above
85. What is another name for the stratum germinativum?
A. Epidermis B. Dermal layer
C. Stratum lucidum
D. Basal layer or stratum Basale E. Prickle layer
86. Bullous impetigo is caused by
A. Streptococcus B. Staph. Aureus
C. Staph. Epidermidis D. Corynebacteria
87. Which of the following layers of skin does not contain and blood vessels?
A. Cutis B. Dermis C. Corium
D. Epidermis E. None of the above
88. Intraepithelial bullae are a feature of:
A. Pemphigus B. Pemphigoid
C. Dermatitis herpetiformis D. Polymorphous light
89. The outermost layer of the skin is called the?
A. Corium B. Dermis C. Adipose
D. Epidermis E. None of the above
90. A 45-year-old male has multiple grouped vesicular lesions present on the T10 segment
dermatome associated with pain. The most likely diagnosis is
A. Herpes simplex B. Herpes Zoster
C. Dermatitis herpetiformis D. Scabies
91. Mucous lesions are seen in
A. Psoriasis B. Pemphigus
C. Dermatitis herpetiformis D. Sec. syphilis
92. Clinical manifestation of Human papilloma virus infection is
A. Verruca vulgaris B. Herpes simplex
C. Molluscum contagiosum D. Orf.
93. The gold-standard diagnostic test for contact dermatitis is
A. Clinical presentation B. KOH C. Patch
test D. Wood's light
94. Characteristic feature of atopic dermatitis is
A. Scalling skin (Lichenification) B. Rash
C. Pruritus D. Dennie's Lines
95. A 9-years-old boy has multiple itchy erythematosus among the following all over the body for 2
days. There is no respiratory difficulty. Which is the best treatment?
A. Antihelminthics B. Systemic corticosteroids
C. Antihistamines D. Adrenaline
96. A 22-years-old male patient present with a complaint of severe itching and white scaly
lesions in the groin for past month. Which of the following is most likely to be the causative
A. Trichophyton rubrum B. Candida albicans
C. Candida glabrata D. Malassezia furfur
97. A 24-years-old female has flaccid bullae in the skin and oral erosions. Histopathology
shows intraepidermal acantholytic blister. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Pemphigoid B. Erythema multiforme
C. Pemphigus vulgaris D. Dermatitis
98. A child has multiple itchy popular lesions on the genitalia and fingers similar lesions are
also seen in younger brother. Which of the following is most possible diagnosis?
A. Papular urticaria B. Scabies
C. Atopic dermatitis D. Allergic contact
99. A patient presents with erythematous scaly lesions on extensor aspect of elbows and
knee. The clinical diagnosis is got by:
A. Auspitz sign B. KOH smear C.
Tzanck smear D. Skin biopsy
100. Actinic keratosis is seen in:
A. Basal cell carcinoma B. Squamous cell
C. Malignant melanoma D. Epithelial cell carcinoma

1-5: A, E, C, C, D 6-10: B, E, A, A, D
11-15: C, C, C, B, C 16-20: B, D, A, D, B
21-25: C, B, C, A, D 26- 30: B, B, B, B, C
31-35: B, A, C, D, A 36-40: B, D, B, D, C
41-45: B, B, B, B, C 46-50: C, A, D, C, A
51-55: B, A, D, B, B 56-60: B, A, D, D, D
61-65: C, C, C, A, A 66-70: B, B, A, C, D
71-75: A, C, D, C, D 76-80: C, A, A, C, A
81-85: C, B, D, A, D 86-90: B, D, A, D, B
91-95: B, A, C, A, C 96-100: A, C, B, A, B

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