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Digital green value co-creation behavior, digital

green network embedding and digital green
innovation performance: moderating effects of
digital green network fragmentation
Shi Yin 1,2 ✉ & Yudan Zhao1

In the era of digital economy, digital green value co-creation behavior (DGVCB) has replaced
the previous value creation. DGVCB has become a tool for business ecosystems to gain
sustainable ecological advantages in today’s increasingly complex market. At present, there
are few researches on the influence of DGVCB and digital green network embedding(DGNE)
on digital green innovation performance(DGIP). This paper faces the institutional logic of
DGVCB, analyzes the mechanism of DGNE and digital green network fragmentation (DGNF)
in the context of business ecosystem competition, and then constructs the causal relationship
between DGVCB and DGIP. Based on 326 valid questionnaires and sample data, this paper
empirically studies the effects of digital green value co-creation and DGNE on DGIP by using
regression analysis method, and verifies and discusses the proposed theoretical hypotheses.
The results show that DGVCB and DGNE have significant positive effects on the improve-
ment of DGIP. DGNE plays an intermediary role between DGVCB and DGIP. DGNF plays a
positive moderating role between DGVCB and DGIP. This study provides theoretical guidance
for the governance of business ecosystem and the formulation of cooperation strategies for

1 College of Economics and Management, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071001, China. 2 School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering

University, Harbin 150001, China. ✉email:



n the era of digital economy, digital green value co-creation innovation. In the business ecosystem, the cost of searching and
behavior (DGVCB) based on demand has gradually replaced matching consumers’ personalized needs is greatly reduced, and
value creation based on production (Ma and Lin, 2023). The the value proposition from the customer is more positively
mutual benefit and integration brought by digital green economy responded to. The full penetration of the long tail market has
enables the market matching of discrete resources more effec- replaced the dominant development of the traditional market
tively, and enables the emergence of business models that satisfy (Payne et al., 2017). In the digital green economy, customer
customer value proposition (Luo et al., 2023). Enterprise digital support means taking control of the consumer ecosystem.
green behavior is the deep integration of digital advanced tech- Through communication and exchange with users, information
nology and green manufacturing technology, so that data drives data can be obtained and consumer data analysis can be input
the development of all aspects of the enterprise, and promotes the into the production decision-making system of enterprises, which
transformation of the whole process of research and develop- can help enterprises choose more reasonable decisions and meet
ment, manufacturing, marketing, logistics and service, so that the the value proposition from the demand side more accurately and
value of the data element can be fully played, so that the enter- efficiently (Kaur et al., 2021). Therefore, the research on the
prise can develop in a healthier and greener direction (Mao et al., behavior of DGVCB can effectively reveal the reasons behind the
2019). Especially under the predicament of the new coronavirus emergence of business ecosystem, and then help digital green
epidemic, enterprises need the support of digital technology to innovative enterprises to develop schemes to obtain sustainable
resume production and work offline (Guo et al., 2020). Energy ecological advantages (Ma and Lin, 2023).
consumption and environmental problems are becoming In the era of industrial economy, the attention of enterprises is
increasingly prominent (Shrimali et al., 2020), and it is urgent for always focused on production capacity. Enterprises only focus on
enterprises to develop in a more green direction (Sumaira and the production and manufacturing of the “supply side”, and seek
Siddique, 2023). Because of this, the world’s major economies are benefits and efficiency through research and innovation of tech-
aiming at this opportunity, competing to develop advanced digital nology and optimal allocation of resources, so as to achieve value
green manufacturing technology, to digitally transform tradi- creation. Therefore, the value creation in the industrial economy
tional enterprises, and combined with the characteristics of their era is generated within the enterprise (Grönroos and Voima,
own enterprises, give play to their advantages, and create unique 2013). However, it also leads to the neglect of the value propo-
and advanced enterprise trump cards for their own countries sition of customers, and the real needs of customers are difficult
(Shahatha Al-Mashhadani et al., 2021). Germany’s Industry to be met. In the context of big data, DGVCB has become the
4.0 strategy (Kuo et al., 2019), the United States focuses on main form of value creation in the era of digital economy due to
cutting-edge technologies and high-end enterprises to achieve re- overcapacity and customer value proposition. Different from the
industrialization, Japan and South Korea and other Asian coun- one-way transfer of value under the product-led logic, DGVCB
tries are also actively promoting the digital green upgrade of follows the service-oriented logic and emphasizes more on the
enterprises, Japan to the “connected industry” and technological response to the demand side (Ranjan and Read, 2016). However,
innovation as its focus, for the construction of intelligent society, due to the complexity of the business ecosystem, the current
while South Korea is building smart factories to promote enter- competitive landscape cannot be explained solely in terms of the
prise transformation and innovation. Actively introduce policies interaction between firms and consumers. There are two main
to support digital transformation (Wagner et al., 2017). In June reasons: First, the digital economy era has broken the traditional
2020, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry production and supply system, and the reconstruction of the
released the “2020 edition of the Manufacturing White Paper”, value chain has become an important feature of the current
which specifically formulated the development strategy to accel- business model. With the support of digital green innovation
erate the digital green transformation of enterprises (Hatani, technology, the production ecosystem will integrate all kinds of
2020). This shows the importance of digital green transformation suppliers organically and transform into a digital green produc-
of enterprises in international competition (Yin et al., 2023). In tion ecosystem (Yin et al., 2022). As the main body of innovation
the context of the development of a new generation of digital is more diversified, the new practice of multiple relationship
technology, promoting the digital transformation of enterprises, interaction is needed to make a more accurate explanation of the
while playing the role of digital technology on the green devel- basis of obtaining commercial ecological advantages.Second, the
opment of enterprises, and promoting green development has environmental factors affecting the co-creation of digital green
become the development trend of enterprises (Li et al., 2022). value have changed. Explicit and implicit knowledge flows more
At the same time, platform competition caused by the sharing frequently. At the same time, the co-creation of digital green
economy is increasingly fierce, and the nature of market com- value amplifies the role of institutional factors, and the value
petition is more obvious. Business ecosystem, as a key tool in the barrier caused by the fragmentation of digital green network also
era of digital green economy, describes the competition and gives a distinct label to the business ecosystem (Goetz et al.,
cooperation mode among innovative digital green enterprises in 2022). It is found that the degree of digital green network
the new era with the metaphor of ecological knowledge (Yin and embedding (DGNE) determines the ecological status of digital
Yu, 2022). The business ecosystem integrates scientific and green innovative enterprises in the business ecosystem. Digital
technological innovation, technology research and development, green network fragmentation (DGNF) is also an important factor
and commercial application. With the help of digital green affecting the development of DGVCB (Dong et al., 2023).
technology, the business ecosystem can realize the information Although DGVCB emphasizes value co-creation under multi-
exchange and communication between the production ecosystem relationship interaction, the competition of business ecosystem
and the consumption ecosystem, so that the digital green inno- has not been weakened. Instead, competition becomes fiercer as
vative enterprises can enter the market better, respond to the the business ecosystem is iteratively updated and a large number
market more quickly, and obtain sustainable competitive of enterprises in the business ecosystem enter and exit (Barile
advantages (Pidun et al., 2019). In this regard, enterprises should et al., 2021). Unlike bureaucracies and markets in resource allo-
pay more attention to the construction of the external environ- cation, the network organization of business ecosystems still plays
ment of the business ecosystem, satisfy the value proposition of a key role. On the one hand, the degree of DGNE reflects the
customers, and pay attention to the “demand side” digital green position characteristics of enterprises in the business ecosystem.



Enterprises with a high degree of DGNE can bring richer and resource combination capability that other enterprises do not
more extensive resources in the process of digital green value have, it means that the enterprise has core competitive advantages
creation. On the other hand, in the business ecosystem, DGVCB in the market. Enterprises can obtain value premium by virtue of
process has more detailed division of labor and cooperation (Wu their core competitive advantages (Qiu et al., 2020). At present,
and Liu, 2022). As a situational factor, DGNF will affect the the research on enterprise market competitive advantage still
cooperative behavior of digital green innovative enterprises stays in the traditional industrial economic background. The
(Dong et al., 2023). This paper argues that the differences in ultimate goal of enterprise value creation is to meet the real needs
experience sharing degree, knowledge sharing degree and com- of customers. The relevant value creation theory system focusing
petition among digital green innovative enterprises in the busi- on the supply side cannot effectively explain the phenomenon of
ness ecosystem form the DGNF. DGNF will certainly affect the the increasingly complex business model (Freudenreich et al.,
realization of digital green innovation performance (DGIP) 2020). Most traditional enterprises ascribe the root cause of
(Valaei et al., 2022). In conclusion, the degree of DGNE may play business failure to the failure of timely acquisition of the real
an intermediary role between DGVCB and DGIP. DGNF may needs of customers. In the era of digital green economy, the
play a moderating role in DGVCB (Ardito et al., 2021). Therefore, advantages of big data should be used to give full play to the role
based on the current situation of the development of the business of digital green industry and digital green industry in the real
ecosystem, this paper reviews the existing literature, proposes industry. We should establish a mechanism that can quickly
relevant hypotheses and conducts empirical tests to analyze the respond to the market and meet the real demand of the demand
influence mechanism of DGVCB on the realization of DGIP side, so as to achieve the long-term development goal of the
(Rong et al., 2013). Based on the development of the current enterprise (Liu et al., 2022). As the research on the supply side
business ecosystem, this paper proposes relevant research gradually shifts to the research on the demand side, it has become
hypotheses through literature discussion, constructs theoretical the focus of digital green innovation management to deeply
models, conducts questionnaire surveys, and takes 326 Chinese understand the value proposition of customers and let customers
enterprises as samples to empirically test the influence mechan- participate in the production process (Piller et al., 2010). Under
ism of enterprises’ DGVCB on DGIP. The possible contribution the influence of DGVCB and digital green technology, the tra-
of this paper is to enrich the theory of digital green value co- ditional value creation theory has undergone earth-shaking
creation based on the investigation of enterprises’ DGVCB under changes (Balzer et al., 2020). Under the environment of digital
the business ecosystem. Based on the DGNE theory, it provides a green economy, the value proposition from customers is realized
relatively complete theoretical analysis framework for enterprises with the formation of digital business ecosystem. The value pre-
to enhance DGIP through DGVCB, and then provides ideas for mium that shared advantage brings to the Long Tail market has
the governance of the business ecosystem, and verifies the impact surpassed that of mainstream products (Salvador et al., 2020). It
mechanism of enterprises’ DGVCB on DGIP from an empirical has become the development trend of today’s market to focus on
perspective. In order to find out the strategic path to improve the the value proposition of customers at the demand side, to change
performance of digital green innovation in the business ecosys- from passively meeting customer needs to actively developing,
tem, and then improve the universality of digital green value co- and to establish the consumption ecosystem. At the same time, it
creation theory. At the same time, this paper takes the frag- has become a new strategic trend for enterprises to establish
mentation of digital green network as a situational factor to production ecosystem to satisfy customer value proposition and
explore its effect on the co-creation of digital green value, pro- realize organic match with market (Morgan-Thomas et al., 2020).
viding a new perspective for the study of deep collaboration Based on the above analysis, DGVCB needs to participate in
among enterprises. The research of this paper has important market competition with the shared advantages of the ecosystem,
guiding value for the cultivation of competitive advantage and the obtain competitive advantages through sharing advantages, and
formulation of ecological strategy in the business ecosystem. obtain profits through DGVCB (Kang and Na, 2020). Based on
The remaining contents of this paper are as follows. “Theore- this, the DGVCB needs to be studied in the context of the new
tical basis and research hypothesis” reviews the relevant literature economic era, so as to provide new theoretical support for the
and proposes the research hypothesis. “Research design” enterprise transformation in the digital economy era.
describes the research design and ideas. “Data analysis and At present, DGVCB has changed from dual interaction to
hypothesis testing” analyzes the regression data and tests the multiple interaction. Based on the background of big data era and
research hypothesis. “Conclusions and implications” summarizes the help of digital business ecosystem, the problem of information
and analyzes the empirical research results. asymmetry has been effectively solved. Customer personalized
needs have gained more attention, enriched the value elements,
and made the value interaction more frequent and the value
Theoretical basis and research hypothesis relationship more diversified (Heikka et al., 2018). The interac-
Theoretical basis tion, division of labor and cooperation between the demand side
Research on DGVCB. With the opening of government policies, and the supply side of the business ecosystem become closer, so
the change of industry rules, the gradual improvement of market that the business ecosystem can quickly respond to the customer
economic system and the increase of market development demand on the demand side. The business ecology realizes the
potential, the closed production and management mode gradually reconstruction with the help of big data platform. DGVCB based
disappeared. Business subjects from the original separate business on commercial ecosystem has become a new trend of market
to cooperation development (Kala and Chaubey, 2023). The competition (Pidun et al., 2020). Different from the traditional
correlation of resource factors has been enhanced. The business value co-creation behavior of the binary relationship interaction
world has changed dramatically, and this environment makes between enterprises and customers, the relationship interaction of
DGVCB possible (Ma et al., 2019). Different from value creation DGVCB in the business ecosystem is more diversified, involving
based on production end, DGVCB drives production ecosystem more elements, and the process is more complex (Chekfoung
operation by demand end. The flow mode of DGVCB is very et al., 2020). In the process of digital green value creation, the
different from that of traditional innovation cooperation network existing enterprises in the business ecosystem constantly
and changes with the development of value creation theory exchange information, knowledge and resources, and jointly
(Adner, 2017). When an enterprise has unique resources or high develop production and operation plans and implementation



plans to meet customer needs and gain profits (Rong et al., 2021). a timely manner to reduce cooperation risks. DGVCB can
At the same time, the continuous upgrading of the business provide risk buffer for enterprises in the process of meeting
ecosystem brings severe challenges to the enterprises in the customer needs, and thus improve the performance of enter-
ecosystem. It requires enterprises to constantly analyze the prises’ digital green innovation (Ritala et al., 2013). In the
internal and external environment, adjust resources and cap- business ecosystem, higher transparency of cooperation is
abilities, and act together with other incumbent enterprises to conducive to protecting the cooperation between enterprises,
meet the value proposition of customers (Sashi, 2021). In the era improving the efficiency of ecosystem management, reducing
of digital economy, the research of DGVCB becomes more and opportunistic behavior and improving the performance of
more important. DGVCB among enterprises is a powerful tool to enterprises’ digital green innovation (Gardner et al., 2019). Based
break cooperation barriers and effectively use external resources. on this, this paper proposes the following hypothesis:
The research on DGVCB has changed from product-led logic to H1: DGVCB has a significant positive impact on
service-led logic. Value creation from the traditional closed to enterprises’ DGIP.
now open, and gradually towards the business ecosystem
(Herskovits et al., 2013). However, most of the existing researches DGNE and DGIP. Thanks to digital green technology, business
discuss the influence mechanism of DGVCB on enterprise network relationships are more diversified, network scale is lar-
performance through qualitative research methods. How to carry ger, interaction frequency is higher, and network structure is
out enterprise digital green transformation in the business more complex (Ritter and Pedersen, 2020). The competitive
ecosystem, how to effectively create digital green value and advantage of business ecosystem is reflected in DGNE. Digital
improve enterprise digital green innovation level, occupy a higher green innovative enterprises in the network can use digital green
ecological niche, we need to conduct more in-depth research technology to quickly determine their own embedment position
(Shen et al., 2022). in the network to give play to the advantages of cooperation.
DGNE includes two dimensions, namely structural embedding
and relational embedding (Lyu et al., 2017). The more structurally
Research hypothesis embedded a business is in the network, the greater its impact. In
DGVCB and DGIP. Through a comparative analysis of the addition, digital green innovation enterprises with a strong degree
cooperation mode in the digital economy era and the traditional of structural embedment are easier to cooperate with other
division of labor cooperation in the business ecosystem, some enterprises, can respond quickly to market demand, and are
scholars proposed that the DGVCB in the business ecosystem easier to improve DGIP (Wang et al., 2016). The higher the
should focus on the value proposition of customers, and based on degree of relationship embeddedness in the system, the more
this, they established the DART model. The DART model frequent the interaction between the enterprise and other enter-
includes four dimensions—dialogue, access, risk mitigation, and prises in the network. Enterprises with a high degree of relational
transparency (Anshu et al., 2022). Dialogue refers to peer-to-peer embeddedness are more likely to establish cooperative relation-
communication in the business ecosystem. The purpose of the ships, and other enterprises in the network have higher trust and
dialogue is to discuss common problems and develop solutions to dependence on them. Having high-quality partnerships means
them. Acquisition refers to the acquisition of resources and that the more innovative the enterprise is. It can be seen that
capabilities necessary to meet customer demands and ensure that enterprises with a high degree of relational embeddedness can
the process of digital green innovation is more demand-driven. effectively improve their DGIP (Han, 2022).
Risk reduction reflects the risk sharing mechanism of DGVCB in In addition, the lack of network embedding will affect the
the business ecosystem. Enterprises must reduce the risk, in order efficiency of cooperation and make it impossible for cooperation
to obtain long-term survival and development of enterprises. to achieve the best results. Especially when opportunistic behavior
Transparency emphasizes information completeness and sym- appears, cooperation can not be carried out. However, when the
metry. There are a lot of transactions in DGVCB of enterprises. degree of network embedding is too high, it will lead to structure
By improving the information symmetry and transparency of and relationship rigidity, inertia thinking and other problems (Shi
innovation cooperation between enterprises, the transaction costs et al., 2020). However, in the era of digital economy, network
of enterprises can be reduced (Chandna and Salimath, 2022). embedding gradually transforms to DGNE. With the help of
As the current economic environment changes rapidly, the information sharing mechanism under big data, DGNE can offset
digital green innovation of the business ecosystem relies more on the negative impact caused by excessive or insufficient embedding
the combination with external entities to achieve the purpose of degree. These negative effects will be eliminated with the help of
value reconstruction (Sarfraz et al., 2023). From the perspective of digital green technology. Therefore, in the context of digital
process dimension, the iterative renewal of business ecosystem economy, DGNE has a positive impact on enterprises’ DGIP (Pan
cannot be separated from the organic connection of technology et al., 2019). To this end, this paper proposes the following
innovation community, industry development community and hypothesis:
business application community (Yin et al., 2022). In addition, H2: DGNE plays a significant positive role in
the business ecosystem can quickly respond to the demand and enterprises’ DGIP.
supply of digital green innovation, and can timely input and rapid
output of digital green innovation (Zahra et al., 2023). The DGVCB, DGNE, and DGIP. DGVCB by enterprises can not only
process of enterprises co-creating digital green value is also the improve the performance of digital green innovation, but also
process of enterprises gaining ecological advantages in the help enterprises occupy the core position in the network and
business ecological network. In DGVCB, dialogue can help obtain relevant power advantages and sustainable competitive
enterprises understand customers’ personalized needs, ensure the advantages (Aquilani et al., 2020). Digital green innovation
right direction of work, improve the efficiency of resource enterprises occupying higher ecological niche have more oppor-
docking, and enhance the performance of digital green innova- tunities to exchange technical knowledge and cooperate with
tion (Bleier et al., 2018). As an advanced form of cooperation, other enterprises, which is more conducive to the improvement of
business ecosystem has the unique market competitive advantage their DGIP. Dialogue makes DGNE possible. Through frequent
of reducing risks. The business ecosystem can respond quickly to information exchange and communication with other enterprises
changes in the market environment and adjust DGVCB actions in in the ecosystem and joint product development and design with



cooperative enterprises, they can respond positively to the value caused by the uneven distribution of relationship strength among
proposition of customers, expand the scale of production and technology subjects in the network. The stronger the degree of
operation, enhance the discourse power of enterprises in the relationship dispersion in the network, the higher the strength of
ecosystem, improve the ecological niche of enterprises, further the network relationship fragmentation. In a network with a
master the digital green core technology, and finally improve the strong degree of relationship fragmentation, multiple subgroups
degree of structural embedment. At the same time, a good dia- will appear. These subgroups trust each other, share professional
logue mechanism can establish a close relationship with partners, technical knowledge and innovation resources, and share risks
increase the frequency of cooperation and mutual trust, and help (Charterina et al., 2018). Within the sub-group, it is easier for
each other to solve problems together, thus improving the degree enterprises to carry out DGVCB actions, and the degree of DGNE
of relationship embedding (Freudenreich et al., 2020). Not only is further strengthened. Because of the subgroup formed by the
that, but the business ecosystem can enhance relational strength of relationship fragmentation, enterprises trust each
embeddedness by increasing transparency. The more transparent other and the quality of cooperation between enterprises is
the ecosystem is, the easier it will be to establish cooperative higher. Therefore, in enterprises with strong relationship frag-
relationships with enterprises in other niches, grasp relevant mentation, the influence of DGVCB on DGNE is more significant
information about enterprises in other niches, and understand the (Yang et al., 2018). Digital green status fragmentation is a net-
needs of partners. An ecosystem with high transparency can work fragmentation caused by different similarity degree of
effectively solve problems such as information asymmetry. The technology subject’s embedding position in the network. In a
more transparent the enterprise is, the higher the niche it occu- network with strong network fragmentation, multiple subgroup
pies, the more relevant rights and influence it has, which can structures with similar locations will appear, and trust relation-
make it play the role of intermediary bridge in the business ships will be easier to be established among these subgroup
ecosystem. In addition, with the establishment of the product structures to realize information exchange and high-quality
service information platform, risk assessment and risk avoidance cooperation. Therefore, the stronger the degree of local disloca-
mechanism of the business ecosystem, the degree of DGNE is tion, the more significant the influence of DGVCB on the degree
further enhanced (Pomegbe et al., 2020). of DGNE. It can be seen that the fragmentation of digital green
The entry and outflow of a large number of enterprises with the network is conducive to forming a good cooperative relationship
iterative updating of the business ecosystem reflects the degree of within subgroups, strengthening internal connections, improving
DGNE. Dialogue mechanism can help enterprises establish good the degree of DGNE, and then making the business ecosystem
relations with other enterprises and promote cooperation, and help occupy a key position in the network through DGVCB.
enterprises occupy a more central position in the business In addition, DGNF will affect the process of DGVCB affecting
ecosystem (Li et al., 2022). The friction in the process of DGVCB DGIP. In a network with strong DGNF, innovation entities trust
is further reduced along with the formation of risk sharing each other, frequently exchange professional and technical
mechanism. The elements of the business ecosystem are further knowledge, and carry out high-quality communication and
integrated under the role of frequent information exchange, so that cooperation, which is conducive to the transfer and absorption
they can quickly respond to the needs of niche markets, so as to of key professional knowledge and innovation resources, improve
improve the performance of enterprises’ digital green innovation6. the utilization rate of innovation resources, and thus achieve the
Based on the above analysis, DGNE plays an intermediary role performance of digital green innovation. The fragmentation of
between DGVCB and DGIP. Only by embedding in the network the digital green network will cause the enterprises in the network
and occupying the core position, can digital green innovation to have a “sense of crisis”, stimulate the enterprises to carry out
enterprises master more key information and technology, obtain a technological innovation activities, cultivate innovation ability,
greater voice, satisfy a larger long-tail market, and improve their and improve their own DGIP. In addition, the fragmentation of
DGIP (Li et al., 2022). DGVCB is an active factor in DGNE. digital green network will reduce the cost of searching and
DGVCB can enhance the degree of relational embedment of transferring innovative resources of enterprises, improve the level
enterprises and establish intimate connection and cooperative of professional and technical knowledge of enterprises, and
relationship. DGVCB can also help enterprises respond quickly to rapidly respond to market demands and realize the value
market changes and gain ecological advantages, thus improving proposition of customers through the information exchange
their DGIP (Tajvidi et al., 2021). Based on this, this paper proposes and reference between enterprises within the subgroup. It can be
the following hypothesis: seen that DGNF will strengthen the DGNE process, and then
H3: DGVCB has a significant positive impact on DGNE. affect the realization of enterprises’ DGIP. To sum up, this paper
H4: DGNE plays an intermediary role between DGVCB proposes the following hypothesis:
and DGIP. H5: DGNF plays a positive moderating role between DGVCB
and DGNE.
Regulatory role of DGNF. In the business ecosystem, DGNF refers H6: DGNF plays a positive moderating role between DGVCB
to the internal fault tendency caused by different enterprise and DGIP.
attributes, different division of labor and different degree of To sum up, the theoretical model constructed in this paper is
technical knowledge sharing in the process of cooperation. In the shown in Fig. 1.
era of digital green economy, enterprises must take into account
the influence of DGNF on DGVCB in innovation cooperation
(Feng et al., 2022). Under the action of DGNF, enterprises can Research design
effectively utilize external technology innovation resources, Measurement of variables. In terms of scale design, this paper
establish good trust relationship and cooperation mechanism refers to the existing mature scale, and adopts the Likert 7-level
with partners, further strengthen the positive effect of DGVCB on scale for the four variables of DGVCB, DGIP, DGNE and DGNF to
DGNE, and realize the performance of enterprise digital green better identify them. 1 means very inconsistent, 7 means very
innovation (Lan et al., 2017). DGNF includes digital green rela- consistent, and 4 means fair. The item setting for DGVCB draws on
tionship fragmentation and digital green status fragmentation the DART concept and measures dialogue, access, risk mitigation,
(Sarfraz et al., 2023). Digital green relation classification frag- and transparency (Fan and Luo, 2020). In this paper, DGNE is
mentation is a potential network stratification fragmentation divided into relational embedding and structural embedding to




Digital green value co-creation H3 Digital green network H2 Digital green innovation
behavior embedding performance

H5 H6

Digital green network


Fig. 1 Theoretical model.

Table 1 Questionnaire.

Question Option
The number of years your company has been in operation is A. Less than 3 years; B. 3–5 years; C. 5–10 years; D. More than 10 years
The company scale of your enterprise is A. Less than 50 people; B. 51–100 people; C. 101–500 people; D.
501–2000 people; E. More than 2000 people
The nature of your company A. state-owned business; B. collective enterprises; C. private enterprise; D.
overseas-funded enterprise
There are many other enterprises connected with your company A. Strongly disagree; B. Less consistent; C. A bit inconsistent; D. General;
E. A bit consistent; F. More in line with; G. Totally agree
The company shares similar values with other partners in digital green A. Strongly disagree; B. Less consistent; C. A bit inconsistent; D. General;
innovation E. A bit consistent; F. More in line with; G. Totally agree
Your company has a high frequency of interaction with other businesses A. Strongly disagree; B. Less consistent; C. A bit inconsistent; D. General;
E. A bit consistent; F. More in line with; G. Totally agree
Your company has a long relationship with other companies A. Strongly disagree; B. Less consistent; C. A bit inconsistent; D. General;
E. A bit consistent; F. More in line with; G. Totally agree
The output value of your digital green innovation products accounts for a A. Strongly disagree; B. Less consistent; C. A bit inconsistent; D. General;
large proportion of total sales E. A bit consistent; F. More in line with; G. Totally agree
The digital green innovative products developed by your company have A. Strongly disagree; B. Less consistent; C. A bit inconsistent; D. General;
high customer satisfaction E. A bit consistent; F. More in line with; G. Totally agree
Your company has more advanced production equipment or process flow A. Strongly disagree; B. Less consistent; C. A bit inconsistent; D. General;
E. A bit consistent; F. More in line with; G. Totally agree
The digital green innovative products developed by your company have a A. Strongly disagree; B. Less consistent; C. A bit inconsistent; D. General;
high market share E. A bit consistent; F. More in line with; G. Totally agree
Your company has a good communication mechanism to explore and A. Strongly disagree; B. Less consistent; C. A bit inconsistent; D. General;
develop digital green innovation solutions E. A bit consistent; F. More in line with; G. Totally agree
Your company can share digital green R&D risks with partners A. Strongly disagree; B. Less consistent; C. A bit inconsistent; D. General;
E. A bit consistent; F. More in line with; G. Totally agree
Your company often reduces transaction costs by increasing transparency A. Strongly disagree; B. Less consistent; C. A bit inconsistent; D. General;
in innovation collaborations E. A bit consistent; F. More in line with; G. Totally agree
Your company has the capability of digital green innovation for demand A. Strongly disagree; B. Less consistent; C. A bit inconsistent; D. General;
transmission E. A bit consistent; F. More in line with; G. Totally agree
Your company often shares information and resources with companies of a A. Strongly disagree; B. Less consistent; C. A bit inconsistent; D. General;
similar technical level E. A bit consistent; F. More in line with; G. Totally agree
Your company often gives preference to companies with similar levels of A. Strongly disagree; B. Less consistent; C. A bit inconsistent; D. General;
knowledge about digital green innovation technologies E. A bit consistent; F. More in line with; G. Totally agree
Your organization often acquires digital green technology knowledge from A. Strongly disagree; B. Less consistent; C. A bit inconsistent; D. General;
companies with similar skill levels E. A bit consistent; F. More in line with; G. Totally agree
Your company is more inclined to cooperate with companies that have A. Strongly disagree; B. Less consistent; C. A bit inconsistent; D. General;
established good cooperative relations E. A bit consistent; F. More in line with; G. Totally agree

measure (Moran, 2005). The DGNF is measured from two cooperative relations with other enterprises, so that other enter-
dimensions: relational fragmentation and status fragmentation prises are willing to co-create value with them. The nature and scale
(Sarfraz et al., 2023). DGIP was measured from four dimensions: of an enterprise affect its mode of operation and cooperation, and
the proportion of output value of new products in total sales, there is also a big gap in its way of obtaining resources and
customer satisfaction, technology content in products and market information channels. It can be seen that the influence of enterprise
share of developed new products (Calik and Bardudeen, 2016). In age, enterprise nature and enterprise scale on DGNE, DGIP and
addition, enterprises in the initial stage tend to rely on DGVCB to DGVCB should also be taken into account. Therefore, this paper
obtain resources. Enterprises that have entered the mature stage takes enterprise age, enterprise nature and enterprise scale as con-
have more initiative in DGVCB, and it is easier to establish trol variables. Details of the questionnaire are shown in Table 1.



Table 2 Sample characteristics.

Statistical Content Frequency Percentage Statistical content Frequency Percentage

Enterprise Age Less than 3 years 99 30.4% Enterprise Scale Less than 50 people 167 51.2%
3–5 years 116 35.6% 51 to 100 people 77 23.6%
5–10 years 40 12.3% 101 to 500 people 35 10.7%
More than 10 years 71 21.8% 501 to 2000 people 19 5.8%
Enterprise Nature State-owned enterprise 131 40.2% More than 2000 people 28 8.6%
Collective enterprises 155 47.5%
Private enterprise 16 4.9%
Foreign-owned enterprise 24 7.4%

Table 3 Reliability and validity analysis.

Variables Average value Standard deviation Cronbach’s α CR AVE AVE
DGVCB 5.919 0.995 0.982 0.980 0.923 0.961
DGNE 4.202 1.455 0.934 0.946 0.814 0.902
DGNF 5.989 1.016 0.992 0.992 0.970 0.985
DGIP 4.072 1.858 0.973 0.973 0.900 0.949

Data collection and sample characteristics. In this paper, the doubts of the subjects, so that they can answer the ques-
questionnaires were sent out for investigation. The survey was tionnaire objectively and accurately. Second, in order to prevent
conducted from September 2022 to February 2023. SPSS was used inefficient questionnaire filling, items in the questionnaire should
to analyze the recovered questionnaires, and structural equation be designed as specific and accurate as possible to ensure the
models were established to test the research hypotheses. First of accuracy of the questionnaire filling process. This paper also
all, a simulation survey was carried out on the preliminary adopts post-test method, adopts Harman single factor analysis
questionnaire design. 15 executives were randomly interviewed method to test, and runs the exploratory factor analysis program
and the questionnaire was tested. According to the interview provided by SPSS software. The results show that the loading of
results, the practical significance of the research and the possi- the unrotated first principal component is only 23.41% < 40%,
bility of practical operation are verified. After that, questionnaires and there is no single factor that can explain most of the variable
were distributed on a small scale. According to the survey results factors, indicating that the homologous method deviation does
and feedback suggestions, questionnaire structure design and not cause significant influence. In terms of the non-responder
item language description were adjusted to form a formal ques- bias, the first 1/3 and the last 1/3 samples were selected to con-
tionnaire. The questionnaire survey mainly adopts two methods. duct the T-test according to the order of the questionnaire return.
One is to send questionnaires to MBA students with big data The results showed that there was no significant difference in
industry background, answer questions and fill in the ques- more than 93% observed variables, indicating that the non-
tionnaires. Second, through the local government enterprise responder bias would not cause a significant impact.
information database, randomly selected enterprise samples from
the big data and digital green information technology industry
related industries, and issued one-to-one questionnaires. In Reliability and validity test. In order to ensure the matching
addition, a threshold was set for the test subjects, who were degree between the data collected by the questionnaire and the
required to have horizontal cooperation behaviors (such as theoretical constructs, the reliability and validity of the sample
research and development, design, production and manufactur- data were verified. The results are shown in Table 3.
ing, sales and service, etc.) or vertical cooperation behaviors As shown in Table 3, Cronbach’s α coefficient of DGVCB,
(including downstream cooperation situations), and who were DGNE, DGNF and DGIP shows that all scales have good internal
senior managers with the above experience, so as to ensure the consistency. By calculating the combination reliability CR and
effectiveness of the questionnaire. A total of 500 questionnaires average extraction variance AVE values of each variable, the
were distributed in this survey. Based on follow-up feedback, 415 results show that CR values of all variables are greater than 0.7,
questionnaires were recovered with a recovery rate of 83%. After AVE is greater than 0.5, indicating that the measured variables
validity screening of the collected questionnaires, 326 valid have good convergence validity.
questionnaires were obtained, which were used as the source of AMOS was used to perform confirmatory factor analysis on the
data analysis in this paper. Basic characteristics of sample benchmark model and other competing models. The results are
enterprises are shown in Table 2. As can be seen from Table 2, the shown in Table 4.
surveyed enterprises are mostly mature enterprises, state-owned It can be seen from Table 4 that the benchmark model includes
enterprises and large enterprises. Therefore, the sample dis- four variables: DGVCB, DGNE, DGNF and DGIP. The structure
tribution is representative. shows that the fitting effect of the benchmark model is good
(2 = 282.667, df = 95, χ2/df = 2.975, RMSEA = 0.078,
TLI = 0.975, CFI = 0.981, GFI = 0.902).
Deviation test. Because each questionnaire filling process is
completed by the same person, there may be homologous bias
problem. In this paper, two methods are used to avoid the Data analysis and hypothesis testing
advance. First, before the investigation and research, explain the Descriptive statistics. The mean, standard deviation of the four
academic nature of the research, the application of the research variables and the correlation among the variables are shown in
results and the possible value of the research, so as to eliminate Table 5.



Table 4 Confirmatory factor analysis results.

Model χ2 df χ2/df RMSEA TLI CFI GFI

Benchmark model 282.667 95 2.975 0.078 0.975 0.981 0.902
Single factor model 4541.613 104 43.669 0.362 0.468 0.539 0.311
Two-factor model 3082.496 103 29.927 0.298 0.640 0.691 0.447
Three-factor model 1610.610 101 15.947 0.214 0.814 0.843 0.578
Three-factor model 2123.782 101 21.028 0.248 0.750 0.790 0.527

Table 5 Mean, standard deviation and correlation coefficient of variables.

Variables Average value Standard deviation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Enterprise age 2.255 1.112 1
Enterprise scale 1.969 1.277 0.211** 1
Enterprise nature 1.794 0.840 0.017 −0.037 1
DGVCB 5.919 0.995 0.020 0.139* 0.033 1
DGNE 4.202 1.455 0.031 0.346** 0.049 0.372** 1
DGNF 5.989 1.016 −0.062 0.147** 0.080 0.749** 0.438** 1
DGIP 4.072 1.858 −0.009 0.282** 0.138* 0.551** 0.711** .592** 1

** and * denote significance levels of 5% and 10%, respectively.

e5 e6 e7 e8

.70 .80 .83 .80

Network Network Network Network

embedding 1 embedding 2 embedding 3 embedding 4

.90 .91 .89


Digital green network .15


.91 .61 Innovation .90

Value co- e9
e4 .38 performance 1
creation 1
.94 Innovation .89
e3 Value co- e10
.97 .94 performance 2
creation 2
Digital green value co- .33 Digital green innovation
.97 creation performance .95
.94 Value co- Innovation .90
e2 e11
creation 3 performance 3
.97 .96

.94 Innovation .92

e1 Value co-
performance 4 e12
creation 4 e14

Fig. 2 Results of structural equation model testing.

It can be seen from Table 5 that there is a significantly positive The fitting indexes of the structural equation model are as
correlation between DGVCB and DGIP, with a correlation follows: χ2 = 131.946, df = 48, χ2/df = 2.749, RMSEA = 0.073,
coefficient of 0.551. There is a significant positive correlation TLI = 0.980, CFI = 0.985, GFI = 0.936, AGFI = 0.896,
between DGVCB and DGNE, with a correlation coefficient of NFI = 0.977, IFI = 0.985, RFI = 0.969. These indicators indicate
0.372. The correlation coefficients between the remaining that the fit of the structural equation model is generally good.
variables are shown in Table 5. The results show that there is It can be seen from Table 6 that DGVCB can significantly
no multicollinearity among the explanatory variables, which can positively affect DGIP (p < 0.01), so Hypothesis 1 is verified.
be used for the next step of regression analysis. DGNE can significantly positively affect DGIP (p < 0.05), so
Hypothesis 2 is verified. DGVCB can significantly positively affect
DGNE (p < 0.01), so Hypothesis 3 is verified. DGVCB can further
Main effect and intermediate effect test. This study uses struc- affect DGIP through DGNE (p < 0.01), that is, DGNE plays a
tural equation modeling to test the main effect and mediating partial intermediary role between DGVCB and DGIP, and
effect, and the results are shown in Fig. 2. Hypothesis 4 is verified.



Table 6 Test results of the impact model of “DGVCB - DGNE - DGIP”.

Path Effect Boot S.E. Z P Bias-Corrected 95% Percentile 95% CI

Lower Upper Lower Upper
DGVCB → DGIP 0.614 0.086 7.140 0.009 0.443 0.804 0.442 0.804
DGNE → DGIP 0.847 0.065 13.031 0.018 0.710 0.976 0.730 0.999
DGVCB → DGNE 0.526 0.075 7.013 0.004 0.406 0.709 0.382 0.693
DGVCB → DGNE → DGIP 0.445 0.063 7.063 0.009 0.308 0.587 0.306 0.585

It can be seen from Table 8 that after controlling variables such

Table 7 Moderating effect of DGNF on DGVCB and DGNE. as enterprise age, enterprise nature and enterprise scale, the
regression coefficient of the interaction term between DGNF and
Variables Effect Boot S.E. T P LLCI ULCI DGVCB on DGIP is significant (β = 0.800, p < 0.001), and the
Constant 3.263 0.231 14.147 0.000 2.810 3.717 confidence interval of 0.001 significance level is [0.638, 0.962].
Enterprise −0.003 0.063 −0.049 0.961 −0.126 0.120 The confidence interval does not contain 0, indicating that the
age DGNF has a significant moderating effect on the relationship
Enterprise 0.307 0.055 5.583 0.000 0.199 0.416 between DGVCB and DGIP, so Hypothesis 6 is tested.
Enterprise 0.045 0.081 0.555 0.579 −0.114 0.204
nature Comparative analysis. At present, scholars’ researches on the
DGVCB 0.071 0.103 0.691 0.490 −0.132 0.275 factors affecting the performance of digital green innovation
DGNF 0.647 0.109 5.922 0.000 0.432 0.862 mainly start from the macro level such as environmental reg-
DGVCB × 0.345 0.080 4.321 0.000 0.188 0.503 ulation, national policies and government subsidies (Yang and
DGNF Zhu, 2022). Even the research on enterprise DGIP is mostly
conducted from the perspective of enterprise scale, external
public opinion and external investment (Xu et al., 2021). How-
Table 8 Moderating effect of DGNF on DGVCB and DGIP. ever, there are relatively few studies on the relationship between
DGVCB, DGNE, DGNF and DGIP. From the perspective of
enterprises, this paper studies the impact of digital green value co-
Variables Effect Boot S.E. T P LLCI ULCI
creation and DGNE on DGIP, and discusses its impact
Constant 2.660 0.237 11.202 0.000 2.193 3.127 mechanism on DGIP, so as to expand the internal path for
Enterprise −0.032 0.064 −0.501 0.617 −0.159 0.095 enterprises to promote DGIP, and provide certain supplement for
the research on DGVCB and DGIP development.
Enterprise 0.246 0.057 4.344 0.000 0.135 0.358
Compare with reference (Chang, 2019), this paper verifies that
Enterprise 0.222 0.083 2.669 0.008 0.058 0.385 digital green value co-creation has a significant positive impact on
Nature the innovation performance of digital green enterprises. Digital
DGVCB 0.338 0.107 3.172 0.002 0.128 0.547 green value co-creation with the help of digital technology,
DGNF 1.077 0.112 9.580 0.000 0.856 1.299 establish cross-organizational border dialogue mechanisms and
DGVCB × 0.800 0.082 9.722 0.000 0.638 0.962 resource access channels, implement joint risk air defense, achieve
DGNF information symmetry, and give play to the efficiency advantages
of resource matching. Further enhance the performance of digital
green innovation. The research results reflect the cooperative
Test of adjustment effect. In order to eliminate the effect of behavior pattern of digital green innovative enterprises under the
collinearity, after standardized processing of independent and current business ecological environment, enrich the theory of
moderating variables, the moderating effect was tested by enterprise innovation management, and provide theoretical
implementing the program PROCESS3.2 through SPSS. The guidance for digital green innovative enterprises to establish
interaction term of DGNF and DGVCB is introduced to test the strategic cooperative relations.
moderating effect of DGNF on the relationship between DGVCB Previous studies have found that insufficient or excessive degree
and DGNE. of network embeddedness will affect the efficiency of cooperation
It can be seen from Table 7 that after controlling variables such and make it impossible for cooperation to achieve the best results,
as enterprise age, enterprise nature and enterprise scale, the especially when opportunistic behaviors occur (Zhang, 2021). Or
regression coefficient of the interaction term between DGNF and when the degree of network embedding is too high, it will lead to
DGVCB on network embedding is significant (β = 0.345, the structure and relationship rigidity, inertia thinking and other
p < 0.001), and the confidence interval at the significance level problems. However, through the study of this paper, it is found that
of 0.001 is [0.188, 0.503]. The confidence interval does not in the era of digital economy, network embeddings are gradually
contain 0, indicating that the DGNF has a significant moderating transforming to DGNE. With the help of information sharing
effect on DGVCB and DGNE, so Hypothesis 5 is verified. mechanism under big data, DGNE can offset the negative effects
In order to eliminate the effect of collinearity, after standar- caused by excessive or insufficient embeddings, which will be
dized processing of independent and moderating variables, the eliminated with the help of digital green technology. In the context
moderating effect was tested by implementing the program of digital economy, DGNE positively affects the performance of
PROCESS3.2 through SPSS. The interaction term of DGNF and digital green innovation. This research conclusion makes a certain
DGVCB is introduced to test the moderating effect of DGNF on supplement to the research on the development of DGIP, enriche
the relationship between DGVCB and DGIP. The test results are the academic research results on DGIP, and has important
shown in Table 8. theoretical significance.



Conclusions and implications value propositions of all parties. Establish information resource
Conclusions. From the perspective of DGVCB theory and DGNE circulation mechanism and value flow mechanism based on value
theory, this paper empirically tests the relationship between co-creation behavior of digital green innovation. Only in this way
DGVCB and DGIP. can the business ecosystem achieve iterative renewal. For the
This paper confirms that DGNE plays an intermediary role innovation strategy of digital green enterprises, technology
between DGVCB and DGIP. DGNE has a positive impact on investment oriented to digital green innovation business ecology
DGIP. With the help of DGVCB, enterprises can be well integrated should be established. The application program interface is used
into the business ecosystem. Enterprises can obtain a higher to provide data for each platform and realize data sharing.
ecological niche in the business ecosystem through DGVCB. Establish a digital, green, and innovative production ecosystem
Enterprises with a high degree of DGNE occupy a high ecological with suppliers. Use big data to track and analyze the digital traces
position in the business ecosystem, and these enterprises have a of user consumption. Establish DGVCB mechanism of products
wider radiation range, which is conducive to expanding the niche or services with users. So as to improve the consumption
market of digital green innovation enterprises and improving the ecosystem, further complete the innovation iteration of the
performance of digital green innovation. Different from the business ecosystem, and enhance the DGIP of enterprises.
traditional network embedding theory, the “side effects” of Thirdly, digital green innovation enterprises should correctly
excessive embeddedness are weakened by network expansion. understand the phenomenon of network hierarchical fracture and
The openness of the business ecosystem eliminates the negative make full use of the advantages brought by digital green network
effects of excessive embeddedness. Thus, in the era of digital green hierarchical fracture. Under the effect of the DGNF, multiple
economy, DGNE has a significantly positive impact on DGIP. subgroup structures are formed in the business ecosystem, and
DGNF plays a positive moderating role between DGVCB and the digital green innovation enterprises within these subgroup
DGIP, and also plays a positive moderating role between DGVCB structures trust and cooperate with each other. therefore, digital
and DGNE. The DGNF makes the business ecosystem form green innovation enterprises should make full use of this
multiple subgroups. Within these subgroups, enterprises trust advantage to establish high-quality cooperation mechanisms
each other and are more likely to carry out high-quality and information communication channels with other enterprises
cooperation, realize information exchange, strengthen internal within the subgroup structure. Carry out technical exchange
connections, and improve the degree of DGNE. In addition, in activities and share the customer value proposition with other
the business ecosystem with strong fragmentation of digital green enterprises. Promote the development of digital green innovation
network, it is easy for enterprises to have a sense of crisis, which in the business ecosystem and the improvement of the break-
encourages digital green enterprises to carry out innovation through digital green innovation ability of enterprises themselves.
activities and enhance their digital green innovation capabilities.
Therefore, DGNF plays a positive moderating role in the
relationship between DGVCB and DGNE, as well as the Research limitation. This paper studies the influence mechanism
relationship between DGVCB and DGIP. of digital green value co-creation on DGIP under the background
of digital economy, which provides theoretical support for the
governance of business ecosystem and the formulation of coop-
Management enlightenment. The results of this paper provide eration strategies for digital green innovation enterprises. How-
important management implications for enterprises to carry out ever, due to the diversity of business ecosystem structure and the
digital green innovation activities and establish digital green need for digital green value co-creation to build different ways of
business ecosystems. value acquisition according to specific industry conditions, this
Firstly, enterprises should optimize the business ecosystem and study did not give a comprehensive explanation.
implement the DGVCB strategy. Enterprises can improve the
DGIP with DGVCB by improving the degree of DGNE in the Future research prospects. Future researchers can use taxonomic
business ecosystem. Enterprises can improve their DGIP by methods to further study the evolution and governance of busi-
obtaining a high ecological status in the business ecosystem. ness ecosystems. In addition, since the behavior of digital green
Through the implementation of the open strategy, the structure of value co-creation needs to build different value acquisition
the business ecosystem is optimized. By opening up key methods according to the specific industry conditions, the future
technologies for digital green innovation, we should expand the research can be conducted on the construction of different value
scope of cooperation, increase the frequency of exchanges and acquisition methods in different industries, so as to make the
communication, and achieve information symmetry. With the research conclusions more constructive and targeted, and provide
help of open rule interfaces, transparent institutional rules should more specific theoretical guidance for the construction and
be established to ensure the fairness of digital green innovation management of business ecosystems with different structures.
enterprises in the business ecosystem in the market competition.
Secondly, enterprises should build a business ecosystem
oriented to customer value propositions. The globalization of
competition and the vigorous development of emerging technol- Data availability
ogies have compressed the space for traditional value creation. The datasets generated during and analyzed during the current study
Digital green innovation enterprises need to establish a business are not publicly available due to data protection obligations but are
ecosystem oriented to customer value propositions. Through the available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
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