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Question 1.
Define the principal focus of a concave mirror.
Question 2.
Which mirror is used by dentists?
Question 3.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using convex mirror for seeing traffic at the rear?
Question 4.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a convex mirror for seeing traffic at the
Question 5.
The refractive index of diamond is 2.42. What is the meaning of this statement?
Question 6.
A ray is incident along ACB on a spherical mirror, where C is the centre of curvature.
Question 7.
Find the focal length of a convex mirror whose radius of curvature is 32 cm.
Question 8.
Why do we prefer a convex mirror as a rear- view mirror in vehicles?
Question 9.
What happens when the rays of sun are focused at a point on the paper by using concave
Question 10.
How is the refractive index of an optical medium related to the speed of light in that medium?
Question 11.
Define the term absolute refractive index of a medium.
Name the type of mirror used in the following situations:
i. Headlights of a car.
ii. Side/rear view mirror of a vehicle.
iii.Solar furnace.
Support your answer with reason.
Question 2.
Show that the mirror formula for spherical mirrors also holds for a plane mirror too.
Question 3.
A concave mirror produces three times magnified real image of an object placed at 10 cm in front
of it. Where is the image located?
Question 4.
Light enters from air to glass having refractive index 1.50. What is the speed of light in the glass?
The speed of light in vacuum is 3×108m/s3×108𝑚/𝑠
Question 5.
Name the type of mirror which is known as shaving mirror. Give relevant ray diagram to justify
your answer.
Question 6.
Find the focal length in cm of a lens of power -2D. Identify the type of this lens in this case.
Question 7.
Find the refractive index of glass with respect to water where refractive index of glass with
respect to air is nga=32𝑛𝑔𝑎=32 and that of water with respect to air is nwa=43𝑛𝑤𝑎=43.
Question 8.
A converging lens has a focal length of 250 mm. Calculate its power and express it according to
sign convention.
Question 9.
List four specific characteristics of the images of the object formed by convex mirrors.
Question 10.
State two positions in which a concave mirror produces a magnified image of a given object. List
two differences between the two images.
Question 11.
State the meaning of linear magnification. How is it related to object distance and image
distance? When is magnification positive or negative.
Fill in the blanks
1. The refractive index of a medium gives an indication of the ..................... Ability of that
2. When a ray of light goes from water to air, it bends ............... From the normal
3. When a ray of light goes from air to glass, it bends ............. The normal
4. The speed of light is …… in glass then air
5. The absolute refractive index is always ........ then unity
6. The relative refractive index can be less then ………

Long Answer type

Question 1.
With the help of ray diagrams, show the formation of images of an object by a concave
mirror. When it is placed
(i) beyond the centre of curvature
(ii) at the centre of curvature.

Question 2.
Draw ray diagrams to show the formation of image by an object by a concave lens when the
object is placed
(i) at infinity
(ii) between infinity and optical centre of the lens.

Question 3.
Draw a labelled ray diagram to locate the image of an object formed by a convex lens of
Focal length 20 cm when the object is placed 30 cm away from the lens.

Question 4.
(i) What is meant by the power of a lens?
(ii) What is its SI unit?
(iii) Name the type of lens whose power is positive.
(iv) The image of an object formed by a lens is real, inverted and of the same size as the
object. If the image is at a distance of 40 cm from the lens, what is the nature and power of
the lens? Draw ray diagram to justify your answer.

Question 5.
One half of a convex lens of focal length 10 cm is covered with a black paper. Can such a
lens produce an image of a complete object placed at a distance of 30 cm from the lens?
Draw a ray diagram to justify your answer.

Question 6.
With the help of a ray diagram, state and explain the laws of reflection of light at a plane
mirror. Mark the angle of incidence and reflection clearly in the diagram. If the angle of
incidence is 32.5o, what will be the angle of reflection?

Question 7.
Why does a light ray incident on a rectangular glass slab immersed in any medium emerge
parallel to itself? Explain using a diagram.

1. 4.5 cm needle is placed 12 cm away from a convex mirror of focal length 15 cm. Give the
location of image and magnification. Describe what happens to the image as the needle is
moved farther from the mirror.

2. Rohit placed a pencil perpendicular to principal axis in front of a converging mirror of focal
length 30 cm. The image formed is twice the size of the pencil. Calculate the distance of the
object from the mirror.

3. An object is placed at a distance of 25 cm away from a converging mirror of focal length 20

cm. Discus the effect on the nature and position of the image if the position of the object
changes from 25 cm to 15 cm. Justify your answer without using mirror formula.

4. A 5cm tall object is placed perpendicular to the principal axis of a convex lens of focal
length 10 cm. The distance of the object from the lens is 15 cm. Find the nature, position and
size of the image. Also find its magnification.

5. (a) The refractive index of Ruby is 1.71. What is meant by this statement?
(b) The refractive index of some medium are given below:
Crown glass- 1.52
Water- 1.33
Sapphire- 1.77
In which of the medium is the speed of light
(ii) minimum
(iii) Calculate speed of light in sapphire.

6. Draw a ray diagram to show refraction of light through a glass slab and label on it the
(i)Incident ray
(ii)Refracted ray
(iii)Emergent ray
(iv) Lateral shift (displacement)

7. The ability of a medium to refract light is expressed in terms of its optical density. Optical
density has a definite connotation. It is not the same as mass density. On comparing two
media, the one with the large refractive index is optically denser medium than the other. The
other medium with a lower refractive index is optically rarer. Also the speed of light through a
given medium is inversely proportional to its optical density.
(i) Determine the speed of light in diamond if the refractive index of diamond with respect to
vacuum is 2.42. Speed of light in vacuum is 3×108 m/s.

(ii) Refractive indices of glass, water and carbon disulphide are 1.5, 1.33 and 1.62
respectively. If a ray of light is incident in these media at the same angle (say θ𝜃), then write
the increasing order of the angle of refraction in these media.
(iii) (A) The speed of light in glass is 2×108 m/s and in water is 2.25×108 m/s.
(a) Which one of the two is optically denser and why ?
(b) A ray of light is incident normally at the water-glass interface when it enters a thick glass
container filled with water. What will happen to the path of the ray after entering the glass ?
Give reason.
(iv) (B) The absolute refractive indices of water and glass are 4/3 and 3/2 respectively. If the
speed of light in glass is 2×108 m/s, find the speed of light in (i) vacuum and (ii) water.

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