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Good afternoon everyone, My name is Zoe.

today, I will presenting an analysis of Camperdown

Dairy International using Porter’s Five Forces model.

Before we start, here’s a quick look at today’s outline.

This report on the company starts with an Executive Summary. The Introduction give company
background and research aims. The Theory explains Porter’s Five Forces. The Analysis focuses on
two forces about substitutes and buyer power. The Conclusion and Recommendations about
findings and advice. The References list the sources.

To begin with, the executive summary shows this report’s analysis of Camperdown Dairy
International using Porter’s Five Forces.It focuses on the threat of substitutes and bargaining
power of buyer, this report analyzes the challenges facing the company and provides

After that, I will introduce the company. Camperdown Dairy International is an Australian
company, is renowned for its many range of products such as milk powders, infant formulas, and
nutritional supplements. The company operated a fully integrated supply chain, which includes
ownership of farms, processing plants, and packaging facilities. This research analyzes the
company competitive position by focusing on the threat of substitutes and the bargaining power
of buyers. Aiming of the research to evaluate how the company manages these challenges and
provide recommendations for improvement.

Next, I will introduce the theory i used, Porter’s Five Forces model is a useful tool for industry
analysis., including the threat of new entrants, the threat of substitutes, the bargaining power of
suppliers, the bargaining power of buyers, and rivalry among existing competitors. Understanding
these forces can help companies locate themselves, take advantage, and reduce risks. The
analysis will focus on the threat of substitutes and the bargaining power of buyers.

Firstly, let’s delve into the threat of substitutes. Camperdown Dairy International faces significant
competition from non-dairy alternatives like almond, soy and oat milk.The rising consumer
preference for non-dairy alternatives. These products are popular due to health benefits and

These changes in consumer preferences give challenges for traditional dairy companies.For
instance, Camperdown Dairy International has a marketing strategy that includes sponsoring the
Brisbane Lions. However, it is not enough for the traditional dairy industry to increase its

Secondly, let's consider the bargaining power of buyers. Large retailers like Woolworths and Coles
dominate the Australian market and have strong bargaining power due to their vast consumer
base. Camperdown Dairy International is very sensitive to their needs, and the presence of strong
buyer loyalty puts the company in a passive position.
The company had big plans to expand its dairy business and enter international markets, but it
faces fierce market competition and entered bankruptcy management in 20 17, have with six
thousand dollars in debt.

In conclusion, Camperdown Dairy International need to deal with the challenges about
substitutes and buyer power, including new products, marketing, customer loyalty, and new
markets, in order to improve their market competitiveness.

To address these challenges, I recommend the following suggestions for Camperdown Dairy

Firstly, the company should diversify its product lines to include non-dairy options like almond,
soy, and oat milk to attract lactose intolerant consumers.

Secondly, Effective marketing can building a strong brand identity ,so the company should
Enhance Product Differentiation through Marketing.

Thirdly, Strengthen Customer Relationships to Build Loyalty. The company should offer
personalized services for buyers, like creating products based on their preferences and using
systems to collect feedback promptly.

Lastly, the company should expand into new markets and Find areas with needed growth for
dairy and non-dairy products to reduce rely on now buyers. Additionally, They can use e-
commerce platforms to sell products directly to consumers.

Here are all the references I used.

Thank you for listening.

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