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Class Version 1.0

By Brian T. Barnshaw

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook,
Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names,
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you do is for a just cause, but how just is it when
Executioner someone must die in the end and another must commit
A small beam of sunlight passes though the clouds on the that crime? By putting on the hood and taking your
overcast day. The dragonborn, whos face is covered by a weapon, you have chosen to lead this life. By the rope
thick black cloth, stands on the platform that overlooks a or by the blade, you will make things right, no matter
waiting and jeering crowd. A line of figures stand over what anyone thinks of you.
trapdoors that have been built. With a yank of their arm, the
dragonborn pulls a lever, sending the figures to their death. Justice or Cruelty_________________
The human stands with arms held high above them, Are you one who thinks of law in a perfect society? Is
hands clasping a greataxe that is almost their size. The it fair for someone who takes the life of another to be
criminal struggles against their binds and is cursing at thekilled themselves? That is what execution is about.
noble before him. The blade drops with precision and a Someone who either takes it upon themselves or is
swift kill is achieved. The criminal goes silent, and the elected to the position must deliver the final blow on
human begins to clean up the mess. those that this “justice” has determined guilty. What
In a dark room, the sound of blade clashing against blade do you think of the retribution dolled out by a group of
can be heard. The two elves within are currently locked in people in a court of law or a king or other noble who
combat. One only has small wounds on their body, while deems it fair?
the other is wearing a large cut on their chest. With several
precise swings, small cuts are landed. The fight stops Whether you agree or disagree, you are correct.
abruptly as the one who barely appears wounded falls over Depending on the perspective, everyone is right. It is
dead. Each blow having landed on an artery and barely up to the executioner to do the job that they are told to
nicking it to cause a slow and prolonged death. do and remove an unwanted or criminal from the
An Executioner is one of death and destruction, yet, they
world. This task is uncomfortable for some, and it
aren't the mindless monsters that we compare them to. plagues their thoughts. For others, they are smiling
They have a mastery of their craft and use it well, in order under the hood that hides them. Whatever your side
to make their job as painless, or in some cases the opposite, may be, keep this in mind as the death takes its tole on
as possible. you.

Man or Monster__________________ Creating an Executioner____________

What are you, man or monster? This thought has When creating an Executioner, try to keep in mind the
passed through the mind of every executioner in Executioner Style you want to pick at 3rd level. Being
history that has had a conscious. The thought of taking so varied in the way they are played, it could influence
another’s life because it was deemed an appropriate the way your character acts and the history they have
response to their actions seems strange. In some had. While all of them might be good with a blade,
religions, they speak of ‘an eye for an eye’, but this perhaps your true specialty is death by hanging.
poor soul that is chained before you hasn't harmed
How do you feel about your line of work? You have
you. Not many people have, due to the talks around.
become so proficient, you can now use your skills
Your job is a necessity for some and a waist for
outside of an actual execution event. Did these skills
others, but what do you think?
come naturally or were they gained though practice. In
You wear a hood to cover your face, but how much both cases, why? Do you ever ask yourself if you are
does that really help? People could still tell you by the doing the right thing, or is there an unquestioning
shape of your body and the way you moved. Is doling sense of righteousness in you that leads you to what is
out this punishment worth it? Losing your friends and right?
becoming the terror of criminal’s nightmares. What
Another thing to keep in mind is your reliance on
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weapons with the Heavy, Two-Handed,
and Versatile properties. Many of your
features require them, so be sure to look Proficiency
Guilty Guilty
for weapons that are appropriate
Level Bonus Features Verdicts Damage
Quick Build 1 +2
Guilty Verdict, Muscle
2 D6
You can make an Executioner quickly by Memory
following these suggestions. First, 2 +2 Job Well Done, Weighted Blow 2 D6
Strength should be your highest attribute,
followed by Intelligence. Second, take the 3 +2 Execution Style 3 D6
Hermit background. 4 +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 D6

Class Features 5 +3 Extra Attack 3 D6

As an Executioner, you gain the Execution Feature, Muscle

6 +3 4 D6
Memory (d6)
following class features.
7 +3 Vulnerable Target 4 D6
Hit Points
8 +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 D6
Hit Die: 1d10 per Executioner level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your 9 +4 Seen it All 4 D8
Constitution modifier.
10 +4 Execution Feature 4 D8
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6)
+ your Constitution modifier per Exact Revenge, Threatening
11 +4 4 D8
Executioner level after 1st
12 +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 D8
Proficiencies 13 +5 Bloody Show 5 D8
Armor: Light armor, medium armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, battleaxes, 14 +5 Execution Feature 5 D8
greataxes, greatswords, longswords, 15 +5 Gallows Humor 5 D8
mauls, and warhammers
Tools: None 16 +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 D10
Saving Throws: Strength, Intelligence 17 +6 Bloodied Resistance 6 D10
Skills: Choose two from Athletics,
Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, 18 +6 Prepared Dispatch 6 D10
Medicine, Perception, Performance, 19 +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 D10
Religion, and Survival
20 +6 Grand Finale 6 D10
You start with the following equipment, in addition to • An Executioner’s Hood and an Explorer’s Pack
the equipment granted by your background: Alternatively, you could begin with starting wealth of
• (a) a set of leather armor and two simple weapons
3d4 x 10 gp and purchase starting items of your
of your choice or (b) a chain shirt choice.

• (a) a greataxe or (b) any other martial weapon Multiclassing

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To take levels in this class while you have levels in Muscle Memory___________________
another class, you must meet the following The years of your work have given your body the
prerequisites. You must have a Strength ability score reflexes it need to act on its own. Once per turn, when
of 13 or higher. See chapter 6 of the Player’s you miss a melee weapon attack using a weapon with
Handbook to learn more about multiclassing. Speak the Heavy or Two-Handed property or a Versatile
with your DM before multiclassing to ensure that they weapon with two hands, you can roll 1d4 and add it to
are alright with it. the total.
Guilty Verdict____________________ When you reach 6th level, roll 1d6 instead and add
When without authority, you are judge, jury, and it to the total.
executioner. As a bonus action on your turn, you can
declare a Guilty Verdict to everything around you.
Job Well Done____________________
At 2nd level, you know when to take credit for a well
While your Guilty Verdict is active, you gain the done job. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points
following benefits: or hit a creature with a critical hit, you can choose to
• The first time you hit a creature with a melee gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d12 +
weapon that has the Heavy or Two-Handed your Constitution modifier. You have a number of
property or a Versatile weapon with two hands on uses of this feature equal to your Intelligence modifier
a turn, you deal an additional die of damage that and regain all expended uses after you finish a long
increases as you gain levels as an Executioner, rest.
equal to the Guilty Damage column of the
Executioner table.
Weighted Blow____________________
You use the force of a strike to knock enemies off
• When you take the attack action on your turn, you their feet. Also, starting at 2nd level, when you hit a
can make an additional melee weapon attack as a creature with an attack of opportunity, the creature
bonus action. You must be using a weapon with must make a Strength saving throw or be knocked
the Heavy or Two-Handed property or a Versatile Prone.
weapon with two hands to make this attack.
• Creatures cannot leave your threat range without
Execution Style___________________
At 3rd level, you choose a style of execution that you
incurring an attack of opportunity, even if they
are the best at and incorporate in your fighting style:
have taken the Disengage action.
Hangmen, Headsmen, or Lingchi, all of which are
This lasts for a number of rounds equal to your detailed at the end of this class description. Your style
proficiency modifier, including the round that it was choice grants you features at 3rd level and then again
activated. at 6th, 10th, and 14th level
Once you have declared a Guilty Verdict a number
of times shown for your Executioner level in the
Ability Score Improvement_________
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
Guilty Verdict column of the Executioner table, you
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of
must finish a long rest before you can do so again.
your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability
Saving Throws. Some of your Executioner features scores of your choice by one. As normal, you can’t
require your target to make a saving throw to resist an increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
effect. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows.
Executioner save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Extra Attack_____________________
Intelligence modifier Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of

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once, whenever you take the Attack action on your Bloodied Resistance_______________
turn. You’ve been hit enough to know how to roll wit the
Vulnerable Target_________________ punches. Starting at 17th level, when you are hit dealt
damage, you can use your reaction to become resistant
Seeing your opponent in anything but their best puts
you right at home. Starting at 7th level, when you deal to either bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage.
You can choose to use this before or after you know
damage to a target that is Frightened, Grappled,
Incapacitated, Prone, or Restrained, you deal an extra how much damage you take from the attack.
die of damage of your weapon’s type. For example, if You have a number of uses of this feature equal to
using a Greatsword, you deal 3d6 instead of 2d6. your Intelligence modifier. All expended uses of this
feature restore after you finish a short rest.
Seen it All________________________
At 9th level, you have seen all there is when it comes Prepared Dispatch_________________
to threats and bribes, none effect you. You become Reaction time is important when it comes to finishing
immune to the Charmed and Frightened conditions. the job. Beginning at 18th level, you can make an
additional attack of opportunity against a creature
Exact Revenge____________________ once a round without using your reaction.
Never let anyone get away with anything. Beginning
at 11th level, when you are hit with a melee attack, Grand Finale_____________________
you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon Its all just a show for the masses. At 20th level, while
attack at the creature that hit you. your Guilty Verdict feature is active, if you reduce a
creature to 0 hit points, roll 1d4 and extend the
Threatening Personality____________ number of rounds the feature is active by that many.
Your physical body shows just how much damage you The feature ends after 1 minute, regardless of how
can do. Also, at 11th level, when making an many rounds are left.
Intimidation check, you can add your Strength
modifier to the total. Execution Styles
Bloody Show_____________________ The methods of your executions have become such a
It’s a mad and terrible show, but it comes with the job. part of you that you have begun to involve them while
Starting at 13th level, when you reduce a creature to 0 fighting. An extension of the job, your body has
become an all new form of execution.
hit points or hit a creature with a critical hit, all
creatures within 10 feet of you must make a Wisdom Hangmen________________________
saving throw. On a failure, it becomes frightened of The swinging of a frayed rope is a perfect
you until the end of its next turn. representation of you. Your strengths lie in the bounds
Gallows Humor___________________ that you place on the soon to be dead.
Your repertoire of jokes is seemingly lacking, but you Setup Work
stick to the ones that you know. At 15th level, when Your past has given you the instincts needed to make
you finish a short or long rest, you can choose any your job not only easier, but also cheaper. When you
number of creatures that spent the rest with you. As take this style at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with
you tell them a few jokes, it bolsters their thoughts on carpenter’s tools and can determine exactly how much
death. The creature can regain 1 expended hit die (if time and money it would take to build a gallows or
any) and gain advantage on the next Death saving any other type of execution platform.
throw they make before their next short or long rest.

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Strangle Improved Critical
Also at 3rd level, you can attempt to grab a creature When you choose this style at 3rd level, your weapon
and strangle it. As an action on your turn, make a attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
melee attack using your Strength. If you hit the target,
the creature takes your Guilty Verdict die + your
You have a knack for impressing others with your
Strength modifier in damage, is considered grappled,
“charms”. Also, when you choose this style at 3rd
and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a
level, you gain proficiency in the Performance skill
failure, it begins to suffocate. After a number of
and when making a Performance check before a large
rounds equal to its Constitution modifier, it falls
group of people, you have advantage on your roll.
unconscious. If the creature breaks the grapple before
the it passes out, it is able to breathe again. Coup De Grâce
With all the elegance of a dancer on stage, you do
Things That Bind
your job. Starting at 6th level, when you hit a creature
You don’t always need rope to do your job. Starting at
with a critical hit, you may reroll 1s and 2s on your
6th level, you are able to grapple a creature that is up
weapon damage die. You must keep the new result,
to one size larger than you and can grapple a creature
even if it’s the same or lower.
that is your size or smaller with one hand.
Also, as an action on your turn, you can attempt to Guillotine
restrain a creature of your size or smaller by making Sweeping your weapon in a large arching motion, you
an opposed Athletics check against the creature’s look like a machine that almost put you out of
Athletics or Acrobatics (creature’s choice). business. Beginning at 10th level, you can use your
action to make a melee weapon attack against any
Tight Grasp number of creatures within 5 feet of you, making a
Your fingers are like the strands of rope that drains the separate attack for each target.
life of the damned. Beginning at 10th level, creatures
have disadvantage on checks attempting to break a Superior Critical
grapple with you. At 14th level, your weapon attacks score a critical hit
on a roll of 18 - 20.
Also, a creature grappled by you takes damage
equal to your Strength modifier at the start of its turn. Lingchi__________________________
Not all executions need to be slow. Cut by cut, you
Hangmen’s Hold
can wear down the guilty and make them pay for their
It takes a great amount of force to displace you from
crimes in a way that is only possible in the worst parts
your hold. Starting at 14th level, you cannot be
of the Nine Hells.
forcibly moved by any spell or effect, unless you want
to. Spells or effects that banish or teleport you One By One
magically fail if you don’t want to be moved. Every blow you land on your opponent is another step
Also, attacks made against the creatures that you are towards their death. When you take this style at 3rd
grappling have advantage. level, you gain the ability to place Wounds on creature
you damage.
Headsmen_______________________ Every time a creature takes damage from you with a
Removing a head from something’s body is difficult, melee weapon attack, you can give it a Wound. After
but for you, its an art. A precise strike and everything a creature becomes Wounded 5 times, its movement
goes dark. speed is reduced by half (rounded up) and it can only

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take either an action or bonus action on its turn, not
both. Wounds last until the creature finishes a short or
long rest or until they regenerate hit points by any

Precise Methods
The stripping of life from the condemned has given
you training in death. Also at 3rd level, you become
proficient in the Medicine skill if you aren't already.
Also, you have advantage on checks when
determining how a creature died or how long the death

Waning Strike
By pulling your attacks, you can draw out the death of
a creature for as long as you want. Starting at 6th
level, when you would give a creature a Wound, you
can instead choose to give the creature’s next attack

Bursting Wounds
While the damage you have done seems small, they
are still deadly. At 10th level, as an action on your
turn, you can choose a creature that has 5 Wounds on
it and have it make a Constitution saving throw. If the
creature fails, it removes all Wounds it has and
becomes Stunned for a minute. At the end of each one
of its turns, it can make another save to attempt to
overcome the effect. You don’t need be near or see the
creature to use this feature, only know that it has the
Wounds on it.
Once a creature has succeeded on the save, it cannot
be effected by this feature or gain Wounds for 24

Delayed Death
The sudden rush of death catches even the most
prepared off guard. At 14th level, when you hit a
creature with a melee weapon attack, instead of giving
it a Wound, you can choose to consume all Wounds
that it currently has. For every Wound removed, you
deal an additional 1d4 Necrotic damage.

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DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s
Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the
Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other
countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is
protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of
the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the
Coast. ©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by
Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square,
Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, the dragon
ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of
Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of
the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original material in this work is copyright [2019] by Brian
Tyler Barnshaw and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

Thanks and Contributions

I would like to thank my wonderful players for all of the time spent dealing with the people inside my head.
Eric “Denim” Mangold, Nick “Navarra” Mcallister, Jason “Doc” Lewis, Joey “Darude” Weddell, Dylan
“Velvis” Harris, Connor “Leovold” Sullivan, Aiden “Drethick” Pass, and Emma “Katharina” Ray. I will
always love you for helping me out and sticking with me through the ride of our adventures. To it and many
more just like it.

Thanks in part to the DMs Guild for allowing the posting of created works by fans for fans.

Copyright ©2019 By Author Brian T. Barnshaw

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