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Assowly InsFeucho Feregtan adler keno INR 50004 2000 (38) ( . {200 | 00 Vaena Sof lo T-Stake Jona ee, Dake memory Born (264) > 25-4 KISc kc C COUN ept Reduced Trsktucheo Selo Coup uke Comp lee Ton sructisn Se Comp udiene Cube) Sk: Tnsteuctio Seb Architect AVR —— ran (RIisc-V_ ) Foss wWadedui_~P AAM — Shakti Le STM Type of Tsk s M RI Qc cisc RISC The original microprocessor ISA | Redesigned ISA that emerged in the early 1980s Instructions can take several Singl clock cycles Hardware-centric design Software-centric design — the ISA does as much as possible using hardware circuitry — High-level compilers take on most of the burden of coding. many software steps from the programmer More efficient use of RAM than RISC Heavy use of RAM (can cause bottlenecks if RAM is limited) ‘Complex and variable length instructions Simple, standardized instructions May support microcode (micro- programming where instructions are treated like Only one layer of Instructions nly one layer of Instruction small progranps) [Garge numbero eal numbeb of fixed-length instru ictions: ‘Compound addressing modes Limited addressing modes Eben vale, fea] eulex Hawerd & Von- Neumann anclaitectures. << Von Neuman Architecture >> cre ——<«d| Data bus Peers Address bus, // 4K Mag AISC: pipelining “" Uy U te, Ip, fe, we action Fel etry. Docede — Execulc Dvd 1F Ip yew A me — ey HBP Inside C5] Meo < wl ee —}— externa AK che — INTERRUPTS : e eb wt 20 ¢ — \ | INTERRUPT for ETC, g —_h] CONTROL program OH TIMER 3 — \ = code ean TIMER 1 ja 2 é a ll | Cae /s ERIAL « an PORTS. PORT, eh x x | crystal deci ldo Sj gO m +) Gu be — aponesenarsA\’ \ B2- pm of ap rol Digital) LX DO) s Analog do Digatal Converter 0 Praag Tafewugt Sewer Roti Tsk her mont “ | f Fintererse aN Cs a Gos miceo csnka\\er farai \ye VO pins => 32 732 32, Serial port — 1 a 71 | Interrupt sources — 6 (8) 76 a ATES4C L \ { Atwell Ss gebT fart Part Number ROM _ RAM pins Timer Interrupt _Vec__Packaging | ATgOCST aK 728 32 2 6 3V 40 | AT89LVSL 4l 128 32 2 6 3V. 40, |, ATOCIOSI tits 74) (1S) T 3 3V 202— he F ATS9C2051__2K___— TAR 15 2 6 3V) 20 ‘ATB9CS2_8K 128 32 3 8 3V 40 ATSILVS2__8K 128 32 3 8 3V 40 Dakloer —Semet covadberets CMa iw} DS¢4Ch20 DSF4lYULO Any Me —_ Progamming Sie v Co phachiine Cede? [Registers] |$05/ has @-bit Opeode SS | cyegicters [ N@octand (| Assen Mnemonic U Accumulator (ACC) R TH lof Ro, Wik _ Dio 0100) Ade MoV A) erga Coole 16 - bik 4 DPTR: Dala poinler> 16-bit ~ tt ves fowe ess Accumbtea. (Acc) A +2__ perform nu ove (ontryrbic 4 Logical) Ro - Ry ‘ 1e4, ters of 9 -bit each Froeyyonm * add aA ad Lad Opemwds memo wie J MV inglrus tion: MoV AztHnabtion, source \ Lo) Mol A + S3ZW Loads ttre ACC pot numbed 53h Mov RI & &— copy 4 ralennts oto A iw RI Mov RD 19h Po Led ee rurrtber 19 into He yegrster RO - _—e(Mov A, # 12 DM nwelid: Results in exec Lohy! ADD instruction: fADD ft puree | meron ppedamnde PDD ON, Fark — add pumbe ark cto tee numbed in ACC PDE AR — add tte nunthber stir im 2, te ttre numbers n A= KhtR Ctoveh iy Be Fecppr(na adn 53k +o 14d AUSWEe iS FRA J Mov A, #253] AMD A FF IQR Ath: bolo 000) b + Axle +ixt? = |6) ActinaL alate a 00010010001] b p01 OP |DO DT 1a- bit mn oe aint Mov A, #lesk CPZD Bpcode — 3 &— “©pesmnd. ASSe@wh ley ¢hauld 94 I>. a, ! 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MOV & ORF incorvect. a 9 Cine tation of gegisker ind veel “abd \ ELL ye RB Al both AR e-bil- wegisters bul? or feanaL Manor ot FLASH ts LU PB yebrdictr meoedS 16 bil add qe DETR is a _1b-bile vegistey (SFR) US wed TD. Ltt CLR _A — clean He ACO Mov DeTR, #O400K — ONODH Vm addvers in meray Move k, @A+DPTR | am - CC acts aS\an im oye Go ae Ts = Domne aE Se = + [or i a cane ra [one AB z coat © Tone fe evorre « fone [ane @ 7) = 7 we ie = ‘eros = a oe z risen 2 2 [ae amt 72 Fen 3 2 [ne hae 2 Pada S Tae Age 7. 7 = pa nar =o = [ow Af = om A [ae AR 2 coseaa = sae i a ose acer se Ta i @ cma 2 [oe Ate o rons = ae Af x ry © me AR 3s ry = zz ete = =e 1 2 [ae a @ cone 2 2 pr anak n conve % pre rm a er a re Aga 2 ceases pI Dae Af = case m me Ata 1 Cera ee Ata * cole = 7 pee ns = mS = Par we 3 A a De AR aan 2 [az oie = mo 0000 img VA, HSsh- 0-0-0d |, 002 | 32 A, #14 [ BDDIA = po pooLh How to progam 4 micro corkeot\er 2 oO @ hank cabing | Assombbles | c —— - Conv - - Gass cng | a ______|4o nadine dode | asswdaley is wad is med to comm by hank ty conn” ass \4\) C code do R g coh int werhne coke Hex? | HEX HER) | oS (t: arm (Agu) Atmnega[AVR, Atmel) ok / \Asserblev Divectives awe used volar am assewthler: EDITOR PROGRAM aa “aed or? maine foo bare, wh ave CAA at \ ° ie: (numli DA &¢ int num! 22¢ 5 Yun2? 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