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Assignment: Describe an animal, a habitat or a place (natural or man-

made) that people are working to protect. Explain why it should be protected.

Culture and Nature Preserved in a National Park

The Mountain range Aconquija, located in the province of Tucuman, is

one of the Parks that belong to the Protected Natural áreas of Argentina. This
park is considered -by many experts- very important to be protected. Two
outstanding reasons to preserve the National Park Aconquija are its
environmental as well as cultural value.

Important benefits for the environment can be found when it comes to the
Park Aconquija. This ecoregion helps to preserve great biodiversity, for example
the Yunga, a región characterized by the mountain jungle. More than 2000
species of plants lay on this biome, which are fundamental for the ecological
balance of a vast área of the South American countries. Furthermore, along
their geographic distribution the mountains present forests, rain forests, Bush
and grasslands that harbor a variety of birds. At the same time the protected
land assures the conservation of wáter resources of the province, which have
more importance for the dwellers in the “Rio Dulce'' and in the Valley from
Santa Maria, since it is one of their main drinking wáter resources.

Apart from the natural value, these National Parks protect the cultural
patrimony. In the Mountain Range, the Inca ruins from Pueblo Viejo as well as
the path that joined this town to the Tawantinsuyo (or Inca Empire) are
preserved in order for society to learn the historic context of the place along with
its architecture, archaeology and anthropology. The Park Aconquija also helps
to the definitive consecration of the territorial rights claimed by the original
communities who currently live in the zone. This ecoregion also revalúes the
cultural heritage of original communities through the surrounding population’s
job, for example the production activities like craft fabrics, embroidery, home-
made jam and honey.

The preservation of the environment and the protection of cultural wealth

are just a pair of reasons we can mention when it comes to protecting the
National Park Aconquija. Flora and Fauna are safeguarded as well as water
resources, and definitely heritage of the nature communities can be spread by
keeping the ruins of the ancient Inca city protected.

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