exact differential equation

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Pradeep exact differential equation

Writing necessary condition

Next topic necessary condition for exact differential equation

Leteq1 => ( mdx + ndy = 0) is may be exact.

By definition => eq2 ( mdx + ndy = du ) u is a function of x,y

∂u ∂u
Partial derivative of u: eq3 => dx+ dy=du
∂x ∂y
Right hand side of eq2 and eq3 is same so comparing left hand side of both equation to find value of m
and n.

∂u ∂u
>> mdx+ ndy= dx+ dy
∂x ∂y
From above equation value of m eq4 => m=
From 2nd above equation value of n eq5 => n=
∂m ∂u
Partially Differentiating eq4 with respect to y. eq6 => =
∂ y ∂x∂y
∂n ∂u
Partially differentiating eq5 with respect to x. eq7 => =
∂ x ∂ y ∂x
The right hand side of eq6 and eq7 is same that mean both are equal

∂m ∂n
Necessary condition of exact differential equation is eq8 => =
∂ y ∂x
Next topic sufficient condition for exact differential equation

We have to proof that (mdx + ndy = 0 ) is a exact differential equation and we have given eq1 (∂m/∂y =
∂n/∂x )

Let eq2 (∫mdx = u ) we have to treat y as a constant in this integration.

Partially differentiating eq2 with respect to x. eq3 (m = ∂u/∂x )

∂m ∂u
Partially differentiating eq3 with respect to y. eq4 => =
∂ y ∂x∂y
∂n ∂u
Putting value of (∂m/∂y ) in eq1 *** eq5 => =
∂ x ∂ x∂ y
Integrating eq5 with respect to x to find value of n treating y as a constant =>
∫ ❑ ∂ n =∫ ❑∂2 u eq 6=¿ n= ∂ u + f ( y )
∂x ∂x∂y ∂y
Putting value of m from eq3 and value of n from eq6 in (mdx + ndy = 0 )

*** =>
dx+ (
∂y )
+ f ( y ) dy =0¿>
dx +
dy + f ( y ) dy =0we know that du=
dx +

¿> du+ f ( y ) dy=0

Next topic solution of exact differential equation

First of we will compare ∂m/∂y = ∂n/∂x if this condition satisfied then we will take necessary steps to
solve the differential equation if not satisfied then that is not differential equation and we will not apply
steps which are given below.

First step ∫mdx + ∫ndy =c important we have to take those terms of n which not containing terms of x or
functions of x

Next topic examples

Example 01

Eq1 => ( e y +1 ) cos x dx+ e y sin x dy=0

Checking ∂m/∂y = ∂n/∂x

∂m y
>> =e cos x
∂n y
>> =e cos x
Condition satisfied! it is a exact differential equation

>> ∫ ( e y +1 ) cos x dx +∫ 0 dy=c

Solution is >> ( e y +1 ) sin x=c

Example 02

Eq2 >> y sin 2 x dx−( y2 +cos 2 x ) dy =0

Verified in this equation ∂m/∂y = ∂n/∂x here is used a trigonometric identity so don’t confuse and I am
not verifying here so do it yourself

>> ∫ y sin 2 x dx−∫ y dy =c


cos x y
Solution is >> − =c
2 3
Example 03

Eq3 >> ( cos x tan y +cos x+ y ) dx + ( sin x sec 2 y +cos x + y ) dy=0

Verified! it is a exact differential equation.

>> ∫ cos x tan y+ cos x+ y dx+∫ 0 dy=c

Solution is >> sin x tan y +sin x+ y=c

Example 04

xdy− ydx
Eq4 >> xdx + ydy + 2 2
x y

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