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​Augustan age [ age of pope ]

@ the poet goldsmith was the first to call it : the

augustan age

@ mathew Arnold refers to the period our

admirable and indispensable 18th century : age
of prose and reason is called by mathew

@ saintsbury refers to the period the peace of


"" poets of early 18th century

1 Alexander pope
2 mathew prior
3 John gay
4 Edward young
5 Samuel johnson

""" pre romantic poets - in later 18th

century, the poets used classical
and romantic elements
This is the pre romantic poets
1 thomas gray
2 James thonson
3 oliver goldsmith
4 William copper
5 robert burns
6 William Blake
7 George grabble

""" main prodigal essayist

1 steele and Addison --- the tetlor , the
2 Samuel johnson --- the rambler

1 Alexander pope
His important works

1 essay on criticism 1711

2 the rape of the lock 1712
3 translation homer 's illiad and odyssey
4 dunciad 1728
5 an essay a man 1733-34
6 a apistle to Dr arbuthnot 1735
7 imitation of Horace 1733 - 37

2 Dr Samuel johnson
His important works

1 London 1738
2 the life of savage 1744
3 the vinety of human wishes 1749
4 a dictionary of the english language 1755
5 the lives of the poets 1799

3 thomas gray
His important works

1 the progress of poesy

2 elegy written in a century churchyard 1751

4 oliver goldsmith
His important works

1 the traveller 1764

2 the deserted village 1770
3 she stopped to conquer 1753 [ comedy]
4 the vicar of wake field 1766

5 robert burns
His important works

1 my love is like red red rose

6 William Blake
His important works

1 poetical sketches 1783

2 songs of innocense 1789
3 songs of experience 1794
4 the french revolution 1791
5 the marriage of heaven and hell 1793
6 milton 1804
7 Jerusalem 1804
8 the book of anthenia, the book of loss 1795
9 thel 1789

7 William copper
His important works

1 table talk

8 William Collins
His important works

1 ode to evening

9 sir Richard steel

His important works
four comedy

1 the funeral 1701

2 the tender husband
3 the laying lover
4 the conscious lover
5 the tetlor [ works]

6 the spectator [works]

7 an apolology for himself and his

10 joshep Addison
His important works
1 Cato 1713 [ tradegy]

11 Daniel defoe
His important works

1 Roxana 1724
2 Robinson cruse 1719
3 moll Flanders 1722

12 Samuel Richardson
His important works

1 pamela or virtue awarded 1740

2 Clarissa 1747
3 the history of sir charles grandison 1753

13 Henry fielding
Father of novel
His important works

1 Tom Jones 1749

2 the life of jonathan wild the great
2 the adventure to joshep Andrews
3 Amelia
4 a voyage to Lisbon

14 John Locke
His important works

1 essay concerning of human understanding

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