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Time allowed: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections – READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and LITERATURE.
2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.



1. Read the following text. (10 Marks)

1. Everyday we're confronted with a barrage of choices. We make choices about the clothes we
wear, the food we eat, the appointments we schedule, the people we meet, the time we turn up
to work, which bus we catch, where we sit on the bus, what we do after work, and so on. Living
a rich and satisfying life means making good choices on an ongoing basis.
2. What is a good choice? Good choices are decisions that keep you heading in the direction in
which you want to go. Bad choices, on the other hand, end up being counterproductive and can
quickly begin spiralling into stress, confusion, and despair.
3. Some of the trickiness of choice-making arises with options that may be joyous in the short-
term but may incrementally steer us off course over the longer term. Just taking that one
extra serving of dessert or staying in bed for only half an hour more can be choices like this.
Conversely, some decisions can be a bit dreary or difficult at the time but lead to better
directions down the track. Staying home and studying or completing another gruelling
session at the gym are examples of short-term discomfort for longer-term benefits.
4. Perhaps the most fundamental consideration with choice-making is to ensure the choices you
make are congruent with important goals you have. If you have a quiet, distant goal of being
financially independent one day and building a successful career, then making decisions to
party excessively with late nights will likely lead to later discontent and misery regardless of
how good it all feels now. Perhaps the partying is related to an important goal of being
accepted and liked by others but is at odds with career and financial goals.
5. Understanding the dynamics of choices can help improve the decisions that you make.
Essentially, any choice involves at least two options, both of which have pros and cons
associated with them. Taking a moment to reflect on your inclinations and wishes that made
you hesitate or go ahead with the choice can help you understand the situation more clearly.
From this perspective, you'll be able to make a more informed decision.
6. Whenever you find yourself pausing over a choice you're about to make, consider both options
in some detail and find the important aspects of them. Pay attention to more highly valued goals
2 English (Language & Literature) 10

that you might become aware of as you're considering your options. If you can find the higher-
level goals that are in the background of your deliberations, the path to take will be evident.
(Abridged and adapted) Source:

Answer the following questions, based on the passage above. (10 Marks)

(i) Which of the following statements best sums the central idea of the first paragraph? (1 Mark)
1. "The hardest decisions in life are not between good and bad or right and wrong, but between two
goods or two rights." – Joe Andrew
2. "May your choices reflect your hopes not your fears." – Nelson Mandela
3. "If you don't have the information you need to make wise choices, find someone who does." – Lori Hil
4. "You always have two choices with your life and experience: you can either learn from it or you can
place blame. The choice is always yours." – Kevin Horsley

(a) Option 1 (c) Option 3

(b) Option 2 (d) Option 4

(ii) Which of the following can be easily concluded from the second paragraph? (1 Mark)
(a) Bad choices are a result of stress, confusion and disappointment.
(b) Bad choices hinder the attainment of desired goals.
(c) Bad choices are always more than good choices.
(d) Bad choices are decisions we take in a hurry.

(iii) Complete the following sentence appropriately. (1 Mark)

In paragraph 3, the author gives the examples of an 'extra serving of dessert' and 'staying in

bed for only half an hour more' in order to bring home the point that ...............

(iv) Give one reason why the author is against partying hard and one reason why he approves of
partying as a social norm. (2 Marks)

(v) The passage includes some words that are opposites of each other. From the sets (a) – (e)
below, identify two sets of antonyms. (1 Mark)

(a) counterproductive – successful (d) dreary – joyous

(b) inclinations – deliberations (e) incrementally – excessively
(c) despair – misery

(vi) What is the author's advice/message to readers on 'more highly valued goals in life'? (1 Mark)

(vii) State whether the author's tone in the passage is provocative / sarcastic / matter-of-fact /
condemnatory. Rationalize your answer response in about 40 words. (2 Marks)

(viii) State whether the following lines are in agreement with the author's views on tricky choices.
English (Language & Literature) 10 3

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference. (1 Mark)

2. Read the following text. (10 Marks)

1. A recent study by the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) has revealed that India
registered 146 tiger deaths from January to September this year, marking the highest figure
since 2012. The data is a worrying trend in India's efforts to protect its tiger population, as
another source, stated there has also been surge in the seizure of tiger
body parts with 14 cases recorded so far this year, the highest since 2017. These body parts are
used as exotic trophies and as ingredients in some dubious traditional medicines.
2. The highest number of tiger deaths reported this year has been from Madhya Pradesh (34),
followed closely by Maharashtra (32). Of the 146 tiger deaths, 24 were of cubs. This can
directly impact the reproductive potential of the tiger population. Nearly 17 tiger deaths have
been reported from Uttarakhand, 11 from Assam, 9 from Karnataka, 5 from Rajasthan, among
others. Besides, 70 deaths have been reported inside various tiger reserves in the country
during this period. The table below shows the tiger mortality statistics from 2012 to 2023.



2012 88 2018 101
2013 68 2019 96
2014 78 2020 106
2015 82 2021 127
2016 121 2022 121
2017 117 2023 146 Source: NTCA

3. As per NTCA, the cause of tiger mortality could be natural or unnatural. Unnatural causes
may include deaths due to accidents and tigers eliminated in conflicts. Poaching is a separate
category of causes.
4. Joseph Hoover, former member State Board for Wildlife Karnataka and trustee, United
Conservation Movement, told TOI, "We have witnessed an increase in poaching cases this
year in general, with several reports of police apprehending tiger skins and claws for which
tigers could even have been poisoned."
5. Sudhir Kudalkar, senior inspector of MHB police station, told TOI, "In a recent operation
conducted in Borivali, three individuals were apprehended over illegal trafficking of tiger
4 English (Language & Literature) 10

hides. Last week we arrested one more accused from Karnataka. Alongside the apprehensions,
we seized tiger skins and tiger claws with an approximate valuation of Rupees 10.6 lakh."
6. Sarita Subramaniam, director of Earth Brigade Foundation, said, "If the funds earmarked for
the introduction of African Cheetah had been redirected towards the strengthening the
capacity of forest department, it could have potentially averted the rise in such mortality."
Neha Madaan (Source: Times of India)

Answer the following questions, based on the passage above. (10 Marks)

(i) Which of the following idioms best fits the situation described in the first paragraph? (1 Mark)
(a) To fight tooth and nail (c) To be in the red
(b) Going from bad to worse (d) A light at the end of the tunnel

(ii) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets, based on your
understanding of paragraph 2. (1 Mark)
The statement that "70 deaths have been reported inside various tiger reserves in the country during
this period" is a matter of ............................... (grave concern/immense relief) because these reserves
are supposed to provide ................................. (sanctuary/territory) to the tiger population.

(iii) Infer how the deaths of tiger cubs may affect the reproductive potential of the tiger population
in the years to come. (1 Mark)

(iv) Select the option that correctly displays the trend of tiger deaths between 2012 and 2015 as
shown in the table. (1 Mark)

1 Trend of Tiger Deaths 2 Trend of Tiger Deaths 3 Trend of Tiger Deaths 4 Trend of Tiger Deaths
Between 2012 and 2015 Between 2012 and 2015 Between 2012 and 2015 Between 2012 and 2015

100 100 100 100

80 80 80 80
60 60 60 60
40 40 40 40
20 20 20 20

2012 2013 2014 2015 2012 2013 2014 2015 2012 2013 2014 2015 2012 2013 2014 2015

(a) Option 1 (c) Option 3

(b) Option 2 (d) Option 4

(v) Justify the following, in about 40 words. (2 Marks)

A sizeable number of tiger deaths can be attributed to illegal poaching and tiger body parts smuggling.

(vi) The table shows that the number of tiger deaths between 2015 and 2016 experienced ......... .
(a) a sharp increase (c) a sharp decline (1 Mark)
(b) a steady decrease (d) a gradual rise
English (Language & Literature) 10 5

(vii) Based on the information in the passage, suggest two concerns that the Government of India
should address to prevent unnatural tiger deaths. (2 Marks)
(viii) Which of the following can be the most appropriate takeaway from the information given in
paragraph 5?
(a) Poaching is the greatest cause of tiger mortality in the country.
(b) If police forces are proactive, they can very effectively curb the illegal trade of tiger body parts.
(c) Tiger population is more prone to poaching in Maharashtra than in any other state.
(d) Tiger body parts fetch huge prices in the illegal trade of tiger body parts.


GRAMMAR (10 Marks)

3. Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed. (1 × 10 = 10 Marks)

(i) Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion of an e-mail.

Subject: Convenient Recycling

We .................... (make) residential recycling convenient for you at no additional cost. Introducing a
new range of recycling bins!

(ii) Identify the error in the given sentence from a video script and supply the correction.
This is the story of Jadav Peyang, which is popularly known as the Forest Man of India.

(Use the given format for your response.)


(iii) Mamta was discussing with Rajan her experience of a recent vacation.
Report Rajan's question to Mamta.
"How much did the vacation cost you?"

(iv) Read the dialogue between Muchkund and his mother.

MUCHKUND : Who is your favourite child – I or my sister?
MOTHER : You both are my favourites. I love you as much as I love your sister.

Select the correct option to complete the reporting of the above dialogue.

One day Muchkund asked his mother who between him and his sister was her favourite child,
to which his mother replied ................. and that she loved him as much as she loved his sister.

(a) that you both are my favourites (c) that they both were her favourites
(b) that you both were her favourites (d) that they both were my favourites
6 English (Language & Literature) 10

(v) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the following slogan from an
inspirational book.
"Old ways ....................... (mustn't/shouldn't/won't) open new doors!"

(vi) Identify the error and supply the correction for the given sentence from the signboard of a

Good buffet in the town!

Avail special early bird discount on our lunch and dinner buffets.

(Use the given format for your response.)


(vii) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following sentence
from a news bulletin.
A passenger plane hit a fire truck on the runway and then had caught fire during takeoff from Lima's
international airport in Peru on Friday.
(a) hit hits
(b) and but
(c) had caught caught
(d) from in

(viii) Complete the given narrative, by filling in the blank with the correct option.
The woman had grey hair which ................... neatly tied into a bun.
(a) is (c) was
(b) are (d) were

(ix) Report the dialogue between a husband and his wife, by completing the sentence that follows
the dialogue.
WIFE : Now, where are you going at this hour?
HUSBAND : A friend of mine has met with an accident. I'm going to see him in the hospital.

A husband was getting ready to go somewhere and his wife wanted to know where he was going at that
hour to which the husband replied .............................................. to see him in the hospital.
(x) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the given statement from a sports
The Manchester United ........................... a golden chance to level the score when they missed a penalty in
the crucial match against Liverpool yesterday.
English (Language & Literature) 10 7

(a) blew up (c) have blown up

(b) were blowing up (d) blow up

(xi) Complete the following line from a poem, by filling the blank with the correct option.

What ear .................. me if I cried?

What comrades rally to my side?
What force have I to stem the tide?
What right have I?
(a) was hearing (c) had heard
(b) hear (d) would hear
(xii) Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence from an article on global warming.
The need to check global warming ................. be overemphasized; it is now or never situation.
(a) will not (c) cannot
(b) dare not (d) would not

WRITING (10 Marks)

Note : All details presented in the questions are imaginary and created for assessment purpose.

4A. As Shresht Vats of 234 Urban Phase I, Anna Enclave, Annamalai, Tamil Nadu, you believe
that an indiscriminate and unsupervised consumption of health supplements like 'whey
proteins' may play a havoc with young people's health (e.g. kidney failure, hypertension,
bloating, increased bowel movement etc.).
Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily, in about 120 words, highlighting the rising
trend and its potential dangers. Suggest how a more healthy diet including salads, fruits,
paneer, whole cereals, pulses, milk, as well as meat and eggs (for non-vegetarians) may be a
better option for young people to build and maintain a healthy body. (5 Marks)
4B. You are Tashen La, a resident of 42, Kohima Height Apartments, Kohima, Nagaland. Three
children of your housing society have rescued a litter of puppies and their mother from a street
nearby. You think that this act of kindness deserves to be acknowledged and appreciated.
Write a letter to the President of the Residents' Welfare Association, in about 120 words,
recommending a public honour for these children. Also suggest how the residents can join
hands to rescue and rehabilitate stray/street animals. (5 Marks)
5A. Madhusudan Bharti is an aspiring candidate for the forthcoming State Legislative Assembly
Elections. The graphic given below lists his record and some character traits as a leader.
8 English (Language & Literature) 10

Young and
No experience Highly
of state politics eductated – MA
and state in Political
legislature Science and

Honest Immensely
and a man of his popular in the
word. Allegation downtown, not
of involvement MADHUSUDAN so much in the
in a recruitment BHARTI new localities due
to his opposition
scandal to illegal
unsubstantiated. construction.

Not a
public speaker
member of any
– Fluent in
political party.
Hindi, English
Is currently and the local
the Mayor of the langauge
City Municipal

Write a paragraph in about 120 words, analysing the record and traits to either support or
oppose his candidature as an MLA (Member of Legislative Assembly). (5 Marks)
5B. You are on a tour of Kerala with your parents and a sibling. You have one spare day before your
return journey, and your family wishes to make the best of it. You come across the following
brochure of a day-long cruise. (5 Marks)


(Backwater Cruise, Cloth Weaving, Coir Spinning & Kerala Lunch)
Come experience the pure bliss of a backwater cruise in the traditional Kerala Gondola (Shikari Boat) that slowly slides
down the tranquil, crystal-clear backwaters, guided by a friendly boatman using long bamboo poles. There will be absolute
silence around except for the calls of a Myna or Koal bird from the lush green and palm fringed banks!
As you pass by the virgin, innocent neighbourhoods of the rural Kerala, you friendly boatman will stop for tender coconut
water brought down by the hardy and smiling coconut harvester who will climb up a coconut tree to bring you the fresh
coconut. You may like to have a small conversation and click selfies with him!
After the back water cruise you will visit a village for watching women engaged in coir spinning and leaf weaving. Next,
you will be guided to a Kerala weaving and handicrafts centre where you will interact with Malayali women making soap,
incense sticks, and weaving ethnic cotton and silk sarees. Do buy some souvenirs for your family, friends and relatives and
help the local economy. Photography with permission only, please.
At lunch, you will savour Sadya – the traditional, multicourse Kerala vegetable meal!
English (Language & Literature) 10 9

Free cancellation : Cancel up to 24 hours in advance for a full refund
Reserve now & pay later : Keep your travel plans flexible – book your spot and pay nothing today.
Duration 7 - 8 hours : Check availability to see starting times.
Live tour guide : English, Hindi, Malyalam
Pickup & drop included : You will be picked up from your hotel for the cruise and dropped back in the evening.
The Package Includes: u To and fro transport in car or van
u Hire charges of Gondola (Shikara)
u Lunch (Vegetarian Sadya)
u Guide Fee
u All entrances and fees
u Parking and Road tolls
u Drinks (packaged water, coconut water, packaged fruit juice, carbonated drinks)
Price: From Rs. 3,500 per person

Analyse the tour details and keeping in mind the available time, budget (the family can easily
spend INR 10,000/-), health condition of parents and fatigue, and the promised cruise
experience, write an analytical paragraph in about 120 words to either approve or reject the
possibility of taking the cruise. Include the information that supports your view.

You may begin like this:

After a thorough analysis of the tour brief provided by the tour organising vendor, I would like to
recommend that the plan of the tour should be accepted/rejected.
You may end like this:
In view of all the above, I propose that the tour may be approved/rejected.


6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. (5 Marks)
A. It was a runway! An airport! I was safe! I turned to look for my friend in the black aeroplane, but the sky was
empty. There was nothing there. The black aeroplane was gone. I could not see it anywhere.
I landed and was not sorry to walk away from the old Dakota near the control tower. I went and asked a
woman in the control centre where I was and who the other pilot was. I wanted to say 'Thank you'.
She looked at me very strangely, and then laughed.
“Another aeroplane? Up there in this storm? No other aeroplanes were flying tonight. Yours was the only
one I could see on the radar.”

(i) Choose the option that aptly describes the narrator's feeling in the context of the opening
sentence of this extract. (1 Mark)
10 English (Language & Literature) 10

(a) Shock (c) Optimism

(b) Doubt (d) Relief

(ii) Elaborate in about 40 words why the lady at the control tower looked at the narrator 'very
strangely' and then 'laughed'. (2 Marks)

(iii) Give ONE word that most appropriately describes the nature of the narrator's experience
with the black aeroplane on a stormy night. (1 Mark)

(iv) Which phrase would correctly substitute 'look for', in the given sentence from the extract?
"I turned to look for my friend in the black aeroplane." (1 Mark)
B. And Sulekha said in a voice that was calm and steady, "Don't you worry, Pitaji! In your old age I will serve you
and Mother and I will teach in the same school where I learnt so much. Isn't that right, Ma'am?"
The teacher had all along stood in a corner, watching the drama. "Yes, Bholi, of course," she replied. And in
her smiling eyes was the light of a deep satisfaction that an artist feels when contemplating the completion
of her masterpiece.

(i) Why was Sulekha's father worried? (1 Mark)

(ii) Select the option that CORRECTLY captures the tone in which Bholi's teacher says, "Yes,
Bholi, of course." (1 Mark)
(a) Humour (c) Indifference
(b) Sarcasm (d) Approval

(iii) "And in her smiling eyes was the light of a deep satisfaction ...." (1 Mark)

Which of the following words can BEST replace the word 'light' in the above line without
changing the meaning?
(a) Glare (c) Gleam
(b) Stare (d) Splash

(iv) Why do you think the teacher's eyes had a light of deep satisfaction? Answer in about 40
words. (2 Marks)

7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. (5 Marks)
A. The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree.
(i) It is clear that enjambment is the poetic device used in the above extract because ..... (1 Mark)
(ii) Which of the following best describes the poet's mood in this extract? (1 Mark)
English (Language & Literature) 10 11

(a) Happy (c) Indifferent

(b) Depressed (d) Angry

(iii) Comment on the poet's use of symbols like 'snow', 'crow' and 'hemlock tree' in this extract?
(2 Marks)
(iv) Identify the type of imagery used in the lines of the poem. (1 Mark)
B. (I am Rapunzel, I have not a care;
life in a tower is tranquil and rare;
I'll certainly never let down my bright hair!)
(i) Fill in the blank with ONE word. (1 Mark)
The expression 'I am Rapunzel' is an example of the literary device called ................. .
(ii) Comment on Amanda's reference to Rapunzel in the poem. What does it show about her state
of mind? (2 Marks)
(iii) Select the option that correctly captures the meaning of the phrase 'let down' as used in
the last line of the extract. (1 Mark)
(a) I wonder if my tailor could let this dress down a bit.
(b) I let down the entire cast of the play.
(c) I'll let down a rope ladder for you to climb up to the tree house.
(d) It would have been a good film, but the slow pace lets it down a bit.

(iv) Complete the sentence with the appropriate option. (1 Mark)

The extract seems to suggest that the speaker prefers to lead a life of ......................... .
(a) care and worry (c) loneliness and listlessness
(b) excitement and cheerfulness (d) solitude and peace

8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words each. (4 × 3 = 12 Marks)
(i) Validate the given statement with reference to "A Letter to God".
"The story leaves the reader as much shocked and surprised as it does the postmaster."
(ii) What do 'fire' and 'ice' respectively symbolize in Robert Frost's poem "Fire and Ice"?
(iii) The tiger in Leslie Norris's poem "A Tiger in the Zoo" is in rage but helpless. Why?
(iv) Explain why you think Natalya and Lomov make or do not make a good match. Give at
least two reasons in support of your view. (The Proposal)
(v) Justify that Kisa Gautami was 'selfish' in her grief. (The Sermon at Benares)

9. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words each. (2 × 3 = 6 Marks)
(i) Griffin was rather a lawless person. Cite three examples in support of this view.
(Footprints Without Feet)
12 English (Language & Literature) 10

(ii) Validate the view that Richard Ebright became a collector of things by chance.
(The Making of a Scientist)
(iii) Ambition and negligence often lead to disasters. Elaborate with reference to the story
"The Necklace".

10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. (1 × 6 = 6 Marks)
A. You have been asked to present an evaluation of the respective states of mind of the baby
seagull and the pilot of the Dakota DS 088 before and after their safe landings. Write this
presentation draft, including your insights, in about 120 words, comparing the states of mind
of the both the protagonists.
B. You have been chosen to address a student gathering from neighbourhood school, to speak on
dealing with pain and loss with special reference to "The Ball Poem" by John Berryman and
the account "The Sermon at Benares" by Betty Renshaw. Prepare the speech draft in not more
than 120 words.

You may begin this way:

Good morning, Everyone.
Today, I'd like to discuss two pieces of literature that offer a powerful insight into how human
beings understand and cope with loss and pain in their lives.
You may end this way:
To conclude, I'd like to say that…
Thank you.

11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. (1 × 6 = 6 Marks)
A. A character arc is the transformation or inner journey of a character over the course of a story.
The character begins as one sort of person and gradually transforms into a different sort of
person in response to changing developments in the story.
In the light of the above, trace the character arc of Madame Matilda Loisel in Guy De
Maupassant's story "The Necklace", in about 120 words.
B. Imagine that Hari Singh, the thief in the story "The Thief's Story" by Ruskin Bond writes a
diary entry to describe his feelings when he finds no change in Anil's behaviour in the morning
after the night the former had first stolen and then returned the latter's money.
Write this diary entry, as Hari Singh, in about 120 words.
English (Language & Literature) 10 13

SECTION A – READING (vi) (a) a sharp increase
1. (i) (d) Option 4 (vii) One, it must ensure that tiger reserves are
(ii) (b) Bad choices hinder the attainment of safe habitats for tigers to thrive by strengthening
desired goals. the capacity of the Forest Department.
(iii) choices seemingly good in the short term may Two, it must take stringent measures, including
have long terms adverse effects allocation of more funds to the Forest
(iv) Against For Department, to prevent the poaching of tigers

Partying may interfere It is an act of social and the smuggling of their body parts.
with one's goal of behaviour to seek (viii) (b) If police forces are proactive, they can very
acquiring success and acceptance and approval effectively curb the illegal trade of tiger
wealth in life. from others. body parts.

(v) (a) and (d)

(vi) He advises readers to pay attention to more
highly valued goals because they make people GRAMMAR
aware of what is more important for them in 3. (i) have made
life to accomplish.
(vii) The author's tone in the passage is rather
which who
'matter-of-fact'. He makes a few statements
about making choices and advises what (iii) Rajan asked Mamta how much the vacation
people could do to make the best out of the had cost her.
choices they make. Nowhere in the passage (iv) (c) that they both were her favourites
has he adopted a sarcastic, provocative or (v) won't
condemnatory tone.
(viii) Yes, they are in agreement with the author's
Good Best
view on tricky choices.
(vii) (c) had caught – caught
2. (i) (b) Going from bad to worse
(viii) (c) was
(ii) grave concern; sanctuary
(ix) that a friend of his had met with an accident
(iii) Had these cubs survived they would have in
and that he was going
the years to come turned into adults who
would have mated to add to the tiger (x) (a) blew up

population in a significant way, but in the (xi) (d) would hear

present situation many cubs may not survive (xii) (c) cannot
till adulthood.
(iv) (d) Option 4 SECTION C – LITERATURE

(v) It is a well-known fact that tiger body parts 6A. (i) (d) Relief
are used in some traditional medicines, and (ii) She found it strange that the pilot should talk
tiger skins, claws and teeth fetch huge prices about the pilot of another plane, whereas she
in the illegal trade across the border. The knew that on that stormy night there was no
seizure of tiger skins is a proof that tigers other plane in flight at the same time as the
continue to be poached for their body parts. It narrator's aeroplane was about to land. She
also partly explains the rise in tiger deaths laughed perhaps at the silliness of the pilot's
over the years. question.
14 English (Language & Literature) 10

(iii) Mystery (iii) The 'crow', the 'snow', and the 'hemlock tree'
(iv) search for/find out represent the world of nature. All the three

6B. (i) He was worried because Sulekha's wedding symbols are associated with harsh aspects of

had been called off and now it would be nature and symbolize death. The crowing of a

difficult to marry her off because of the stigma crow is regarded as a bad omen and the

of a failed marriage. hemlock tree, being poisonous, stands for

'death'. Similarly, snow symbolizes barrenness
(ii) (d) Approval
and lack of life. The poet uses these symbols to
(iii) (c) Gleam
emphasize his sad and depressed mood.
(iv) Bholi's teacher's eyes had a light of deep
(iv) The visual imagery used in the stanza is that
satisfaction for her pupil had been truly
of a winter landscape with a hemlock tree laden
enlightened and empowered by the education
with snow, a crow perched on its branches and
provided by the teacher. Thus, as a teacher,
a lonely traveller (the poet himself) passing by.
she felt fulfilled and relieved, which the light
7B. (i) allusion
in her eyes truly depicts.
(ii) The allusion to Rapunzel, a golden-haired
7A. (i) each line runs on to the next without using
young girl in German fairytale brings out
any kind of punctuation mark to indicate a
Amanda's peaceful and carefree state of her
pause and the full stop comes only at the end
inner being. She does not wish to allow anyone
of the last line
to disturb that state.
(ii) (b) Depressed
(iii) (c) I'll let down a rope ladder for you to climb
up to the tree house.
(iv) solitude and peace
As Per Revised
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Case Study-Based Questions to enhance your learning
experience.For the most up-to-date videos, consider subscribing to
our YouTube channel at Nageen Group of Schools
y, you're encouraged to join our expanding WhatsApp community
group to stay updated with the latest curriculum-related content and

We are committed to enriching your educational journey!!!

(As per revised CBSE Curriculum– 2023-24)


Class 1 EVS(EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for playlist
Class 1 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 1 EVS (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 1 Mathematics(Hindi Language)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 2 EVS (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 2 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 2 EVS(HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 2 Mathematics (Hindi Language)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 3 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 3 EVS (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 3 EVS (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 3 Mathematics (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 4 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 4 EVS(EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 4 Mathematics (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 4 EVS (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 4 General Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 5 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 5 Science (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 5 Mathematics(HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 5 Science (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 5 General Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 5 EVS (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Social Science (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Science (EnglishLanguage) (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Mathematics (Hindi Language)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Science All Chapters (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 6 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Sanskrit (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 7 Science(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Mathematics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Social Science(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Mathematics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 7 Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Sanskrit (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 8 Science(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 8 Mathematics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 8 Social Science(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 8 Mathematics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 8 Science(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 8 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 8 Sanskrit (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 9 Biology(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Physics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Chemistry(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 9 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Mathematics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 English (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 10 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Mathematics(CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Mathematics(CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Science(CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist


Class 10 English (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Magical Science Board Exam Preparation in 1 min (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10: Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 11 Physics (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Chemistry (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Biology (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Mathematics(CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Accountancy (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Business Studies (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Statistics (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Biology (CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Mathematics (CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Physics (CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Chemistry (CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11Micro Economy (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist


Class 11Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Accounts (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Business Studies (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Psychology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Economics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 English (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Biology Shorts (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 12 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Biology(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Macro Economy (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12Economic (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Accountancy (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Business Studies (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 12 CHEMISTRY (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Business Studies (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
NEET Biology in 1 min Click here for Playlist
Class 12 History (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Political Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 : Accounts (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Why Artham Resource Material?
Resource materials for teachers and students are essential tools for effective teaching
and learning. They provide valuable information, guidance, and support to both teachers
and students, making the teaching and learning process more efficient and productive.

For teachers, Artham resource materials include lesson plans, instructional guides,
assessment tools, professional development materials, and teaching aids. These
materials are well researched and created according to 2023-24 NEP and NCERT

For students, resource materials can include textbooks, study guides, homework
assignments, reference books, online learning platforms, and educational videos. These
materials can be obtained from school libraries, educational publishers, online
resources, and teachers.

Both teachers and students can also benefit from Artham educational resources which
are free and openly licensed educational materials that can be used and shared for
teaching and learning. Artham resource material include textbooks, courses, lesson
plans, and multimedia resources that are available online.

In summary, resource materials are critical components of effective teaching and

learning. They provide a wealth of information and support that can enhance the quality
of education and help students achieve academic success.

Teachers and students can also purchase these resources from the links provided with
every resource.


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questions , reference books , smart content , curriculum , syllabus , marking scheme , toppers answer
scripts , revised exam pattern , revised syllabus , Blue Print etc. here .Join Your Subject WhatsApp


Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4

Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8

Class 9 Class 10 Class 11 (Science) Class 11 (Commerce)

Class 11 (Humanities) Class 12 (Science) Class 12 (Commerce) Class 12 (Humanities)

Subject Wise Groups Secondary and Senior Secondary

Secondary Groups (IX & X)

SST Mathematics Science English

Hindi Information Techonology (402)

Senior Secondary Groups (XI & XII)

Physics Chemistry English Mathematics

Biology Accountancy Economics BST

History Geography Sociology Hindi Elective

Hindi Core Home Science Sanskrit Psychology

Political Science Painting Vocal Music Comp. Science

IP Physical Education App. Mathematics IIT /NEET

Leagal Studies Entrepreneurship French Teachers Jobs

SOE CBSE Principals (Group for Principals Only)

Rules & Regulations of the Group

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3.No personal Chats & Messages
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5. You can also ask your difficulties here.

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Helpline number only WhatsApp: +91-95208-77777
Available Resources on YouTube

 Enjoy animated videos covering all subjects from Kindergarten to Class 12, making learning fun for
students of all ages.
 Explore classroom teaching videos for grades 6 to 12, covering various subjects to enhance
understanding and knowledge.
 Access the most important questions and previous year's question papers (PYQ) to excel in exams and
 Stay up-to-date with the latest CBSE Curriculum for 2023-24 with our videos aligned to the current
 Get informed about CBSE updates and circulars through our dedicated videos.
 Improve pronunciation skills and expand vocabulary with our "Word of the Day" series and other
language-related content and many more……….

Don't miss out on these valuable resources; subscribe to our channel now!

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