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3, 1998

The Role and Mechanisms of Action of Glucocorticoid

Involvement in Memory Storage
Carmen Sandit
Department ofPsychobiology, Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia,
Ciudad Universitaria s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spain


Adrenal steroid hormones modulate learning Most current animal models of learning and
and memory processes by interacting with memory involve an important stress component. A
specific glucocorticoid receptors at different great number of the tasks that are used are either
brain areas. In this article, certain components aversively motivated (including a variety of aversive
of the physiological response to stress elicited by stimulation, such as electric shocks, distasteful
learning situations are proposed to form an flavors, water immersion, and so on) or include
integral aspect of the neurobiological mechanism experimental manipulations that challenge the
underlying memory formation. By reviewing the homeostasis of the organism (for example, food
work carried out in different learning models in access restriction in food-motivated learning tasks).
chicks (passive avoidance learning) and rats Such situations activate, during the training
(spatial orientation in the Morris water maze procedure, the physiological stress response.
and contextual fear conditioning), a role for Moreover, even if the task has been designed to
brain corticosterone action through the minimize stressful factors, the removal of the
glucocorticoid receptor type on the mechanisms animals from their home cages and the novelty that
of memory consolidation is hypothesized. is associated with the learning situation can trigger
Evidence is also presented to relate post-training the activation of stress-related systems. For years,
corticosterone levels to the strength of memory neurbscientists working in the field of learning and
storage. Finally, the possible molecular memory emphasized that research focusing on the
mechanisms that might mediate the influences of understanding of how the nervous system stores
glucocorticoids in synaptic plasticity subserving information should exclude any factor involving
long-term memory formation are considered, neural influences resulting from stress. We propose
mainly by focusing on studies implicating a that certain components of the physiological
steroid action through (i) glutamatergic response to stress form an integral aspect of the
transmission and (ii) cell adhesion molecules. neurobiological mechanisms underlying memory

corticosterone, steroids, glutamatergic transmission, MECHANISMS OF ACTION
cell adhesion molecules, glucocorticoid receptors
In a number of vertebrate species (including
mammals and birds), the response to stress involves
both central nervous system and peripheral
Dr. Carmen Sandi elements, including the activation of the autonomic
Fax: +34-91-398-62-87; nervous system and the hypothalamic-pituitary-
e-mail: adrenocortical (HPA) axis. Glucocorticoids
(C) Freund and Pettman, U.K., 1998 41

(corticosterone being the naturally occurring plasma concentration, determines the in vivo
glucocorticoid in certain species, such as rats and receptor occupancy. Thus, during periods of low,
chicks, and cortisol in humans), are the final basal circulating corticosterone concentration, MR
products of the HPA axis and are released by the occupancy in the hippocampus is greater than 70%,
adrenal glands. In addition to providing a restraining whereas GR occupancy is only around 10%. During
feedback on the activity of the axis, glucocorticoids periods of high corticosterone levels (during stress
regulate a wide number of peripheral responses, or at the peak of the circadian variations), however,
including metabolic and immune processes: Given the occupancy of each receptor can be raised to
their lipophilic properties, glucocorticoids can easily around 90%.
cross the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain, In addition to genomic action, steroid hormones
where they can influence brain function and can influence neural function by interacting with the
behavior through binding to different receptor neuronal membrane (Shumacher, 1990; Orchinik et
types. Classic glucocorticoid actions are mediated al., 1991). Different mechanisms of action have
through two distinct receptor types: Type I or been proposed for such effects, including the
mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and Type II or interaction of steroid metabolites with receptors for
glucocorticoid receptor (GR). These intracellular other neurotransmitter systems, notably for the
receptors are activated by the binding of the 3-aminobutyric acid (GABAA) receptor, and the
glucocorticoid hormone or agonist, which first binding to putative membrane steroid receptors
induces a conformational change in the receptor, (Puia et al., 1990). A glucocorticoid membrane site
leading to the dissociation from its attached heat- has been well characterized in the amphibian brain
shock protein (HSP90) (Baulieu, 1987), followed (Orchinik et al., 1991). In mammals, rapid
by the-activation of nuclear translocation signals and behavioral effects of corticosterone have been
dimerization of activated receptor complexes. described that suggest a membrane action of the
Subsequently, the receptor dimer binds to specific hormone (Sandiet al,. 1996a, b). In these studies,
nuclear DNA sequences called corticosteroid corticosterone was found to rapidly increase (within
responsive elements, modulating (either facilitating 7.5 min) the exploration of a novel environment,
or suppressing) gene transcription and, therefore, which could be a potential mechanism by which this
the synthesis of certain proteins (Burnstein & steroid influences learning processes. Understanding
Cidlowsky, 1989; Dokas et al., 1994; JoWls & de the mechanisms involved in the fast behavioral
Kloet, 1994). effects of corticosterone might be supported by
Intracellular corticosteroid receptors are differ- recent studies showing the ability of corticosterone
entially distributed throughout the brain; both types to produce rapid increases in the level of excitatory
are expressed in neurons and in glial cells (Joels & amino acids, notably glutamate, in learning-relevant
de Kloet, 1994). Most localization studies have brain structures, such as the hippocampus (Venero
been carried out in rats. MRs have been shown to & Borrell, 1998).
display regional heterogeneity in expression, which
is mainly confined to limbic areas. MRs are found
primarily in the hippocampus, septum, amygdala, INVOLVEMENT OF BRAIN GLUCOCORTICOID
layer II of the cortex, cerebellum, and in a number RECEPTORS IN MEMORY FORMATION
of brain-stem sensory and motor neurons. GRs are
expressed more widely in most brain regions, with As stated in the Introduction, glucocorticoid
the highest densities expressed in the hippocampus, levels are generally elevated in learning situations
the septum, the paraventricular hypothalamic and enter the brain, where they bind to specific
nucleus, and most brainstem mono-aminergic nuclei, receptors in brain regions, notably limbic structures
with moderately high levels in the striatum, central and the cerebral cortex, that are involved in learning
amygdaloid nucleus, and the cerebral cortex. and memory. Would the activation of central
Corticosterone binding, showing approximately 10- glucocorticoid receptors play a role in memory
fold greater affinity to MRs than to GRs, along with formation? Addressing this question has been

facilitated by the development of specific functioning. The intracerebroventricular admini-

antagonists for each intracellular receptor type, MR stration of antagonists for each receptor type
(RU28318) and GR (RU38486). disturbs different aspects of spatial learning.
The passive avoidance learning paradigm in the Whereas the MR antagonist alters the search
one-day-old chick appears particularly suitable for strategies that are required for the learning process,
studying the contribution of glucocorticoids to the GR-receptor blockade interferes with the process of
mechanisms that are implicated in memory storage. memory storage of the newly acquired spatial
In the passive avoidance task, chicks learn to avoid information (Oitzl & de Kloet, 1992).
a bead that is coated with a distasteful substance, a Each receptor type, therefore, appears to
learning response that chicks quickly acquire with a modulate a different mechanism involved in the
single trial and maintain for several days, even overall process of memory formation. Thus, the
weeks, given the survival value of such behavior in optimal occupancy of MRs seems to be required for
avoiding potentially harmful non-food items. On acquisition, whereas an action through GRs appears
training, chicks display a stress reaction, manifested to be involved in the modulation of memory
by either distress vocalizations or backing away consolidation mechanisms. Recent work has been
from the bead. In the minutes to hours after designed to question whether brain MRs and GRs
training, a molecular and cellular cascade occurs in might also be involved in the formation of long-term
specific brain regions, including the intermediate memory for traumatic experiences, and whether
medial hyperstritum ventrale (IMHV) (for reviews, such involvement might be related to the intensity of
see Rose, 1995; Stewart & Rusadov, 1995), an area the stressor. For this purpose, contextual fear
that contains a high density of corticosterone- conditioning, a task that is also hippocampus-
binding sites. Before training, the administration of dependent (Kim & Fanselow, 1992), was selected.
selective MR or GR antagonists in the IHMV of In this task, rats develop a characteristic immobility
chicks interferes with the subsequent expression of or "freezing" response when re-exposed to the
the avoidance response (Sandi & Rose, 1994a). context in which they had previously experienced
Further experiments revealed that the MR brief, inescapable shocks. Previous studies involving
antagonist alters the bird’s reactivity to nonspecific the peripheral administration of GR antagonists
aspects of the training tasks, thereby influencing the implicated these receptors in the consolidation of
acquisition of information during learning. An contextual fear conditioning in the juvenile rat
action through the GtL however, appeareds to be (Pugh et al., 1997). In the adult rat, the ability of
involved in the modulation of the memory intracerebroventricularly injected MR and GR
consolidation mechanisms. Because of technical antagonists to influence memory formation for the
limitations (any intracerebral injection given contextual fear conditioning that is elicited by
immediately after training renders chicks amnestic), different shock intensities was tested (Cordero &
the effects of the antagonists could not be tested Sandi, 1998). We found that administration of the
immediately alter training, limiting the interpretation GR, but not the MR, antagonist before conditioning
of the results regarding the timing of involvement, rats with a moderate shock intensity (0.4 mA)
acquisition and/or consolidation of GR on informa- attenuates long-term expression (as observed at 24
tion processing. The result that amnesia did not hr and 7 d after training) of contextual fear
develop until >30 rain alter training supports an conditioning. In contrast, treatment with the
action of GR receptors on consolidation. antagonists before conditioning with a high shock
Interestingly, a similar suggestion was also intensity (1 mA) fails to influence the extent of fear
proposed by Oitzl & de Kloet (1992) to explain the conditioning, which suggests that interference with
action of MR and GR on spatial orientation learning long-term memory formation by the blockade of
in rats, using the Morris water maze (Morris et al., brain GRs might be effective only for learning
1982). This learning task requires animals, helped situations that involve a mc. :terate stress component,
by extra-maze cues, to find a submerged platform, but ineffective when dealing with the storage of
an activity that requires intact hippocampal more traumatic experiences.

CIRCULATING GLUCOCORTICOID LEVELS AND responses to stress displayed by chicks during the
MEMORY STORAGE early post-hatching period. Accordingly, the training
condition resulting in long-term memory formation
Interventive pharmacological studies support a also induces the enhanced release of corticosterone.
role for a glucocorticoid action in the brain through In addition, when given up to 1 hr atter training
the GR type on the neural mechanisms underlying chicks in the weak task, intracerebral administration
long-term memory formation. Does any physio- of corticosterone (1 gg/chick) into the IMHV
logical evidence exist to support the involvement of facilitates long-term memory retention in chicks that
glucocorticoids in the processes that mediate are tested 24 hr after training (Sandi & Rose,
consolidation? Evidence has now been provided for 1994b), and injection of the glucocorticoid-
such an involvement in the animal learning models synthesis inhibitors metyrapone and aminoglute-
described above. The experimental strategies that thimide interferes with memory formation for the
were developed to address this issue took strong task (Loscertales et al., 1997). In the strong
advantage of the psychological principle by which task, however, the same corticosterone dose
the learning level depends on the intensity of the produces an impairment in long-term retention for
unconditional stimulus. Thus, the animals were the avoidance response (Sandi & Rose, 1997a). The
trained at varying intensities of the different stimuli results of these studies, in addition to supporting the
that were included in each learning task, and then crucial role of corticosterone release after training
the level of corticosterone during the post-training on the physiological mechanism enabling the
period and the behavioral assessment of long-term transition from short-term to long-term memory,
memory for the tasks were analyzed. Such studies suggest a biphasic modulation of memory formation
were complemented by the evaluation of the by acute corticosterone administration.
behavioral consequence of manipulating the steroid In the water-maze task, the stimulus intensity
level by injecting exogenous corticosterone. (the temperature of the water tank) was also varied.
In the passive avoidance model that we used to Previously, evidence was presented (Morris, 1984)
train chicks, the distasteful substance, methylanthra- indicating that water temperature is a factor that
nilate (MeA), which in normal testing is used in might influence the acquisition rate of this task.
pure form (100%) to coat the training bead Indeed, rats that are trained at 19C display a
(standard, strong task), was diluted to 10% in quicker rate of acquisition and better long-term
ethanol (weak training task) (Sandi & Rose, 1994b). retention than those that are trained at 25C (Sandi
Whereas chicks trained in the standard version of et al., 1997a). Corticosterone levels, evaluated
the task retained the avoidance response for several during the post-training period of the first training
days, those trained on the modified weak training day, are significantly higher in rats in the 19C
task retained the avoidance response for less than group than those in the 25C group. In addition, in
10 hr. The evaluation of corticosterone levels that rats that are trained at 25C, but not at 19C,
were induced by training the chicks in both training performance is improved by an intraperitoneal
conditions, standard versus weak, indicated that injection of corticosterone immediately after each
only the chicks that are trained on the strong task training session. The corticosterone dose used, 5
experience an increased release of plasma mg/kg, induces plasma values of the steroid that are
corticosterone as a consequence of training, comparable to those elicited by substantial stress
whereas chicks that are trained on the weak task (Venero et al., 1996). Therefore, the results of this
show circulating corticosterone values that are study support a facilitative role for corticosterone
comparable to those of untrained chicks (Sandi & during the post-training period on the neural
Rose, 1997a). The two-fold increase in cortico- mechanisms determining the strength of spatial
sterone levels displayed by the 100% MeA-trained information storage.
birds was apparent at 5 min post-training and Further evidence for a role of corticosterone on
returned to basal levels by 15 min post-training, the consolidation and expression of a learned
which agrees with the rapid corticosteroid behavior was gleaned using the contextual fear

Passive avoidance learning Spatial orientation learning

Chicks Rats

250 400

200 ,T

50- 00-

10% MeA 00% MeA 25 c water 19C water

Contextual fear conditioning


o 400




F---I 0.2mA ////’] 0.4mA lmA

Fig. 1: The effect on post-training plasma corticostemne levels of training rats and chicks at different stimulus intensities. Left:
One-day-old chicks trained with either 10% or 100% methylanthranilate (MeA) as the aversive gustatory stimulus
[adapted from Sandi & Rose (1997a)]. Middle: Rats trained in the Morris water maze at different water temperatures were
evaluated immediately after the first training day [adapted from Sandi et al. (1997)]. Right: Results obtained immediately
after training rats on the contextual fear conditioning task with different shock intensities [adapted from Cordero et aL
(1998)]. Data represent the mean:t:SEM, expressed as the percentage of untrained control animals.


A) B)

Corticosterone concentration Corticosterone concentration

Fig. 2: Cartoon comparing the effects of circulating conico-stemne levels on (A) the establishmem of synaptic potentiation in
two models of hippocampal plasticity, long-term potemiation (LTP), and primed burst potenti-ation (PBP), which
reportedly follows an inverted U-shaped function; 03) long-term retention of newly acquired information, according to our
hypothetical model implicating corticosterone levels in the neural mechanism that determine the strength at which
information is stored into long-term memory.

conditioning model in rats. In a study reported by fear conditioning. Therefore, further evidence pro-
Cordero et al. (1998), the extent of conditioned fear posing a concentration-dependent facilitative role of
and the levels of plasma corticosterone, following corticosterone during the post-training period in the
context exposure at training and at different post- storage of the fear response has been presented,
training times (24 hr and 7 d), were shown to be further implicating this hormone in the long-term
dependent upon the intensity of the unconditional expression of this particular type of behavioral
stimulus (footshock; 0.2, 0.4, and 1 mA). In each inhibition.
experimental session, a positive correlation was Together, the results of these studies support
found between the magnitude of corticosterone our view that corticosterone acts on the selection
levels and the fear-related behavioral inhibition processes that occur during consolidation in
exhibited in the context. Interestingly, freezing determining the strength at which newly acquired
values at 24-hr post-training appear to be related to information is stored as long-term memory.
the corticosterone levels during the post-training Training procedures that use the different stimulus
period. In addition, a peripheral corticosterone intensities in the different experimental models
injection (Smg/kg), given to rats immediately after described here share most training factors in
training at the mild shock intensity (0.2 mA), common, including the training context, the visual
enhances the long-term expression of contextual characteristics of the training environment, the type

of response that is elicited or required to be physiological cannot be disregarded, given that the
displayed by the training situation, and so on. In all circulating corticosterone levels in the chicks had
cases, however, the different stimulus intensities already reached a maximum as a consequence of
determine both differential corticosterone responses strong passive avoidance training.
(see Fig. 1) and different degrees of long-term
retention of the learned response.
In general, the studies performed in rats that are EFFECTS OF CHRONIC GLUCOCORTICOID
discussed here suggest a positive relation between ELEVATION ON LEARNING AND MEMORY
post-training corticosterone levels and the strength
at which information is established as long-term i will briefly mention the implication of chronic
storage, up to a ceiling limit. This view is in contrast glucocorticoid exposure on memory, for which
with the corticosterone-induced, dose-dependent certain recent evidence indicates that sustained
inverted U-shaped effects on hippocampal long- elevation of glucocorticoids result in cognitive
term potentiation (LTP) (Pavlides et al., 1995; Kerr deficits (McEwen & Sapolsky, 1995; Bodnoff et al.,
et al., 1994) and primed burst potentiation (PBP) 1995; Lupien et al., 1998). Morphological studies
(Bennet et al., 1991; Diamond et al., 1994), two have shown that prolonged exposure to stress or to
forms of synaptic plasticity that may be related to excess glucocorticoids results in time-dependent
the mechanisms of memory formation. Important neuronal damage, ranging from an initial and
differences, however, may account for such a reversible atrophy of dendritic processes (Wooley et
relation between corticosterone levels and the al, 1990; Watanabe et al., 1992; Magarifios et al.,
modulation of either the intensity of the memory 1995) to the irreversible loss (Landfield, 1987;
formed or the expression of LTP or PBP. Sapolsky et al., 1985) of hippocampal pyramidal
Our argument for the role of corticosterone in cells. This stress- or glucocorticoid-induced struc-
memory storage focuses exclusively on the stress tural damage appears to coincide with learning and
that is induced by a training situation, which will memory deficits.
consequently result in enhanced steroid levels No data are available concerning the effects of
during the post-training period, and during which chronic stress on memory in the chick. The available
we propose it will have an influence on memory evidence does indicate that chronic corticosterone
storage (see Fig. 2). On the other hand, LTP or treatments impair spatial-orientation learning in rats
PBP studies always manipulate the steroid levels in different types of mazes (Luine et al., 1993;
before the induction of the potentiated forms of Conrad et al., 1997). In the water maze, the efficacy
synaptic plasticity, a situation that might resemble of 3 wk of exposure to elevated corticosterone
exposure to the learning situation under circum- levels in affecting the rate of learning was dependent
stances of previously induced stress or gluco- upon the physiological impact produced by the
corticoid elevation. The influence of stress or steroid treatment (Sandi et al., 1997b; Loscertales
steroid elevation on learning is a topic different et al., 1998). Rats, aged 6 wk at the beginning of
from that discussed in this article, which strictly the treatment and manifesting a marked reduction in
explores the contribution of steroid increases that body-weight gain (around 50%), were slower
are induced by the training situation on the during navigation learning in the tank and swam
mechanisms of memory formation. greater distances to find the platform than did the
Nevertheless, we should also mention that control animals (Sandi et al., 1997b). When the
studies on passive avoidance learning in experiments steroid impact on body weight was lower (around
in which corticosterone administration after strong 25% to 30%), however, either in 6-wk-old or in 12-
training impaired memory storage (Sandi & Rose, wk-old rats, performance during learning was not
1997a), would also account for a dose-dependent affected, although such rats showed a deficit when
inverted U-shaped effect of post-training cortico- they had to learn again to find the submerged
sterone on consolidation. The possibility, however, platform placed in a different location (Loscertales
that this effect is pharmacological rather than et al., 1998).

In the contextual fear conditioning paradigm, no the passive avoidance learning task in the chick
study has yet explored the implications of chronic because this learning model is one in which memory
corticosterone treatment. Using a restrain stress has been shown to require the activation of the
paradigm, however, which compromises hippo- glutamate receptor types z-amino-3-hydroxy-5-
campal neurons in manner similar to that of chronic methyl-4-isoazolepropionic acid (AMPA) and
corticosterone (Watanabe et al., 1992), Conrad et N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) (Stewart &
al. (1997) found a potentiation of conditioned Rusakov, 1995; Richard et al., 1994). Using the
freezing, a result that is puzzling, given the corticosterone-facilitative model of the weak
dependence of this learning task on hippocampal training version of this task (see above), long-term
functioning. retention was evaluated in chicks injected with
The question remains, therefore, of (i) what either NMDA or AMPA receptor antagonists
might be the mechanisms of action by which (Venero & Sandi, 1997). When administered before
glucocorticoids modulate the strength of consoli- training, both antagonists prevented the facilitating
dation, and (ii) whether such mechanisms might effect of corticosterone, but when injected before
explain the reversal of glucocorticoid actions from administration of the steroid in the post-training
facilitating to damaging for neural function and period, the antagonists failed to interfere with the
cognition. The following section deals with studies steroid effect. The relatively early effectiveness of
addressing the former question. The findings will the antagonists suggests that the outcome was
also be discussed as to their possible implications related not to corticosterone-induced actions but
for understanding the latter query. rather to training-triggered mechanisms.
Nevertheless, pre-training administration of the
antagonists might influence the steroid effects
MECHANISMS INVOLVED IN GLUCOCORTICOID through the delayed expression of their actions. In
ACTIONS ON MEMORY addition, the AMPA receptor antagonist, when
injected 5.5 hr after training, was also found to be
Among the different cellular and molecular effective in impairing the long-term memory-
mechanisms that have been proposed to mediate the potentiating effect of corti-costerone. This finding
changes in synaptic connectivity that are involved in agre;es with the involvement of this receptor type in
long-term memory formation, we will focus on two memory formation for the standard passive
main events to explore the possible influences of avoidance learning at this late time point (Steele &
glucocorticoids: (i)glutamatergic transmission and Stewart, 1995), and implies corticosterone actions
(ii) cell adhesion molecules. on the late-phase molecular events that are
implicated in long-term memory formation.
Glutamatergic transmission
Cell adhesion molecules
Among the early synaptic transients implicated in
learning and memory, glutamatergic transmission Among the main mechanisms mediating cellular
proved to be critical in a wide variety of learning responses to glucocorticoids are receptor-mediated
models (Izquierdo & Medina, 1995; Maren & changes in gene expression (Burnstein &
Baudry, 1995). Evidence that glucocorticoids can Cidlowsky, 1989; Jo6ls & de Kloet, 1994). Long-
increase glutamate concentrations in the hippo- term memory formation depends on protein
campus, as well as in other brain regions, including synthesis mechanisms in a wide number of animal
the striatum and the frontal cortex, has been found models (David & Squire, 1984); hence one
in mammals (Lowy et al., 1993; Moghaddam et mechanism by which glucocorticoids influence
a/.,1994; Abraham et al., 1996; Venero & Borrell, consolidation might be the genomic modulation of
1998). In this way, glutamatergic activation might the synthesis of certain proteins that are implicated
be a mechanism by which corticosterone influences in the synaptic restructuring and stabilization
memory storage. This possibility was evaluated in subserving memory storage. An increasing number

of studies emphasize a role for certain cell-surface 1998) tasks, results in decreased glycoprotein
glycoproteins, the cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) synthesis in the hippocampus and the striatum at
that display recognition and adhesion properties, 3 hr post-injection (Venero et al., 1996). The same
particularly the neural cell adhesion molecule dose was also shown to induce increased levels of
(NCAM) and L1 (Scholey et al., 1993; Cremer et NCAM expression in the frontal, including the
al., 1994; LOthi et al., 1994; Fox et al., 1995; prefrontal cortex at 8 hr and 24 hr post-injection.
Muller et al., 1996). Interestingly, the involvement (Sandi & Loscertales, submitted). Given the key
of CAMs in the neural mechanisms of memory role of the brain areas showing corticosterone-
appears to occur several hours after the training induced modulation of CAMs on the mechanism of
experience (from 6-24 hr afterwards, depending on learning and memory, these findings suggest that
the animal and the learning task. these molecules are potential mediators of gluco-
The hypothesis that corticosterone facilitation of corticoid actions that determine the strength of
long-term memory formation might be dependent memory consolidation. In fact, NCAM levels at the
upon a late-phase modulation of CAMs was first hippocampus appeared to be increased after training
investigated in the chick passive avoidance learning on the contextual fear conditioning paradigm (Sandi
task (Sandi et al., 1995). The functional state of et al., 1998).
CAMs is modulated through post-translational The possibility that the CAMs were modulated
glycosylation; glycoprotein fucosylation is involved by chronic glucocorticoid treatments that are known
in the transition mechanisms from short-term to to produce morphological (Wooley et al., 1990)
long-term memory (Rose, 1995). This mechanism and cognitive (Luine et al., 1993; Sandi et al.,
was also implicated in the facilitative effect of 1997b; Loscertales et al., 1998) deficits has also
corticosterone on consolidation. Thus, intracerebral been addressed. Exposure of rats to a 21-day
corticosterone injection enhances protein fucosyl- corticosterone treatment results in reduced
ation in the IMHV of untrained chicks at 5.5 to 8.5 glycoprotein fucosylation in the hypothalamus
hr post injection, a result that is analogous to that (Venero et al., 1996), as well as reduced NCAM
elicited by training chicks on the strong passive expression in this brain region and in the frontal/
avoidance task (Sandi et al., 1995). Further studies prefrontal cortex (Sandi & Loscertales, submitted).
involving pharmacological and biochemical It is.interesting to note that NCAM expression in
experiments, including the fucosylation inhibitor the frontal cortex shows a reversed regulation by
2-deoxygalactose, the protein synthesis inhibitor corticosterone treatments that results in opposite
anisomycin, and radiolabeled fucose, indicated that cognitive actions (see above), which might have
the late phase of glycoprotein synthesis involved in implications in understanding the cellular and
the memory-facilitating effect of corticosterone molecular mechanisms by which glucocorticoid
occurs on newly synthesized proteins (Sandi & actions at the brain turn from facilitating to
Rose, 1997b). NCAM, which shows enhanced deleterious as the period of exposure increases.
fucosylation as a consequence of training in the Work is currently in progress to elucidate further
standard task (Scholey et al., 1993), is also the relation between glucocorticoids, CAMs, and
implicated in the steroid effect because antibodies cognition.
against this molecule (administered 5.5 hr post-
training) prevent the memory-facilitating effect that
is induced by corticosterone in the weak task (Sandi CONCLUSIONS
et al., 1995).
In rats, glucocorticoids have also been found to Although individuals do not require the
influence the expression and modulation of CAMs. activation of stress-related systems to learn a variety
Thus, an intraperitoneal corticosterone injection of a of new information, most current animal models do
dose (5 mg/kg) that facilitates memory for weak imply a stress response. Experimental evidence from
versions of the water maze (Sandi et al., 1997a) and different animal and learning tasks support the
contextual fear conditioning ( Cordero & Sandi, hypothesis that glucocorticoid levels during the

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