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Essential Words for IELTS
Expand your English vocabulary with the essential words for IELTS. The
Essential Words For the IELTS vocabulary list contains more than 600 words
and will familiarize you with the vocabulary you will find on the IELTS test.

The Natural World

 aquatic
 array
 defense
 deforestation
 environment
 erosion
 extend
 fell
 habitat
 impact
 inhibit
 intercept
 logging
 myriad
 nutrient
 pollution
 stabilize
 terrestrial
 vanish
 vegetation
 aspect
 breed
 diurnal
 endure
 evolve
 fascinate
 feat
 fuel
 hemisphere
 imperative
 inhabit
 migration
 navigation
 nocturnal
 observer
 obscure
 optimal
 species
 stray
 windswept
 accumulate
 adapt
 determine
 dilute
 diverse
 evaporation
 extreme
 fringe
 mechanism
 minimize
 moisture
 occupy
 prolific
 resilient
 sparse
 stressor
 swing
 thrive
 transitional
 violent

Leisure Time
 anticipate
 athlete
 blur
 boundary
 complicate
 coordinate
 demonstrate
 detect
 distracting
 focus
 in discernibly
 indistinct
 maneuver
 performance
 peripheral
 range
 scan
 tolerate
 unconsciously
 vision
 ancient
 band
 century
 develop
 entertainment
 exhibit
 exotic
 found
 grandeur
 massive
 perinanently
 popular
 reduce
 remnant
 renovation
 spectator
 survive
 talent
 trainer
 venue
 acknowledge
 authority
 chunk
 crucial
 deliberately
 depression
 emotion
 engage
 industrious
 intellectual
 merely
 obesity
 obvious
 overwhelming
 passive
 pastime
 physical
 rejuvenate
 reluctant
 suffer

 cast
 disaster
 display
 drawback
 efficient
 equip
 freight
 generate
 illuminator
 innovation
 intense
 knot
 locomotive
 mode
 portable
 reflector
 rugged
 stringent
 tricky
 vulnerable
 architecture
 centerpiece
 clog
 decorate
 destruction
 disruptive
 expand
 headquarters
 intrinsic
 operation
 pedestrian
 release
 rival
 shield
 showcase
 spring up
 surface
 underground
 utilize
 vent
 accelerate
 appeal
 charge
 classify
 commuter
 consume
 embrace
 flair
 fume
 hamper
 in centive
 markedly
 monetary
 plodding
 rural
 span
 sprawl
 standard
 suburban
 urban

 adopt
 agricultural
 attribute
 carve
 civilization
 creator
 deed
 encompass
 excavation
 function
 inscribe
 literacy
 mythology
 property
 scholar
 settle
 specialized
 structure
 tablet
 token
 accompany
 altar
 benefit
 celebration
 discourage
 elaborate
 energetic
 evidence
 evoke
 floral
 garland
 graceful
 image
 influence
 reign
 revive
 ritual
 stereotype
 sway
 tradition
 abstract
 atmosphere
 conflict
 considerably
 culminate
 effectively
 emerge
 exaggerated
 frailty
 gesture
 humorous
 illusion
 literal
 merge
 portray
 prominent
 prop
 reminiscent
 renowned
 sharpen

 abroad
 administer
 bulk
 complex
 cripple
 decade
 decline
 epidemic
 estimate
 lure
 primary
 qualified
 rampant
 retain
 rudimentary
 shortage
 standpoint
 stem
 supply
 vacancy
 aerobic
 capacity
 cognition
 concentration
 counteract
 dementia
 deterioration
 diagnose
 disorder
 gravity
 impaired
 indicate
 link
 mood
 previously
 regulate
 rodent
 spatial
 stave off
 stimulate
 absorb
 alleviate
 ascertain
 chronic
 combat
 Culture
 deem
 desirable
 enhance
 fraction
 interval
 investigation
 manufacture
 monitor
 outcome
 recur
 substance
 target
 theoretical
 toxic

 accessible
 adventurous
 archeologist
 ceremonial
 construct
 draw
 imagination
 institute
 luxury
 marvel
 mystery
 native
 network
 pertain
 precisely
 preserve
 restriction
 site
 spectacular
 upside
 accommodations
 avoid
 barrier
 category
 concept
 culprit
 delicate
 destination
 dump
 injure
 pleasure
 practice
 principle
 publicity
 recycling
 remote
 strive
 volunteer
 wary
 wilderness
 acquire
 breeze
 broad
 budget
 colorful
 content
 costly
 cuisine
 economical
 endeavor
 enroll
 hone
 ingredient
 ongoing
 residential
 resort
 sponsor
 supervision
 survey
 taste

 afloat
 characteristic
 compete
 edge
 financial
 inevitably
 initial
 motivation
 niche
 particular
 personalized
 potential
 product
 profit
 project
 reputation
 sound
 tip
 unique
 vital
 bond
 brand
 burgeoning
 conglomerate
 consistently
 convince
 endorsement
 fleeting
 ignore
 loyalty
 outperform
 passion
 phenomenon
 prevail
 promote
 reverse
 selective
 staple
 status
 thirst
 boon
 branch
 catch up
 coincide
 confront
 controversy
 decisive
 enticing
 epicenter
 firm
 looming
 opponent
 point
 preponderance
 proponent
 remainder
 routinely
 shift
 turnover
 wealthy

 acquaintance
 adolescent
 apparently
 carry out
 community
 consequence
 contact
 eradicate
 exchange
 explode
 Immense
 impose
 interact
 post
 pursue
 statistics
 susceptible
 trend
 undergo
 unfold
 absence
 academic
 approximately
 bear
 commensurate
 devote
 dire
 discrepancy
 equality
 frustration
 funding
 guidance
 inordinate
 invaluable
 mentor
 persist
 pressure
 progress
 struggle
 validate
 abound
 account for
 capable
 compact
 corridor
 curb
 disability
 exterior
 incapacitated
 interior
 necessitate
 poverty
 ramp
 recreation
 slippery
 slope
 switch
 terrain
 unwieldy
 update

 approach
 auditory
 blend
 circumstance
 confidence
 conventional
 diagram
 dominant
 encouragement
 expose
 facial
 fidget
 hinder
 incorporate
 kinesthetic
 manipulate
 obstruction
 recite
 solitary
 verbal
 address
 adequately
 alternative
 compulsory
 concerned
 dissatisfied
 exceptional
 instruction
 latter
 majority
 mandate
 novel
 obligatory
 periodic
 philosophy
 prior
 relatively
 tutor
 vast
 widespread
 assess
 constructive
 curriculum
 dedicate
 discipline
 enriched
 extraordinary
 gifted
 inquisitiveness
 interpretation
 moderately
 peer
 profoundly
 recognize
 remedial
 simultaneous
 sophisticated
 transfer
 turn into
 withdrawal

Technology /Inventions
 back
 clamp
 critical
 current
 derive
 device
 entrepreneur
 file
 infringement
 inspiration
 invalid
 inventor
 investor
 patent
 ransack
 refinement
 ruling
 specifically
 suitable
 unveil
 aviation
 blade
 coarse
 confer
 cruise
 curiosity
 design
 enthusiast
 handle
 inflexibility
 isolation
 pitch
 prolonged
 propeller
 reliably
 revolutionize
 rotation
 sustained
 turbulence
 variable
 cable
 catastrophic
 compensate
 disparate
 flaw
 indispensable
 inexplicably
 inquiry
 insulation
 perseverance
 rally
 requisite
 set out
 snap
 tow
 transmit
 triumph
 utterly
 vilified
 voltage

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