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EPICOR Sample Pattern

Round 1: Online Assessment – 7 Sections – 90 Minutes

Section 1: Aptitude – 30 Questions
Section 2: Coding – 1 Questions
Section 3: Data Structures – 6 Questions
Section 4: Data Base Concepts – 5 Questions
Section 5: Networking – 6 Questions
Section 6: OOPS – 7 Questions
Section 7: Operating Systems – 6 Questions

Section 1: Aptitude
1) A couple is sitting inside a marriage hall in a row that can accommodate maximum of
six couples. On the right of this couple are two couples and on its left is a couple that has
three couples to its right and one couple to its left. How many couples are sitting in the
2) Shawn walks 20 miles towards west, takes a right turn and walks 30 miles. Again he
takes a right turn and walks 20 miles. Towards which direction he is facing?
3) In a certain coding system ‘READ’ is coded as 1357 &
‘WRITE’ is coded as 91263. How will you code ‘WIDER’?
4) Four movies A, B, C, D are scheduled to release on four days of a week. ‘A’ is released
on Wednesday. B is not the first movie to be released. C & D were not released on
consecutive days. ‘C’ was released on Saturday. No movie was released on Thursday or
Sunday. How many such arrangements are possible?
5) A lady points at a picture and tells Marcus, “I am the only daughter of this lady, and
her son is your maternal uncle”. How is the speaker related to Marcus father?
6) In the Olympic games five coaches A, B, C, D, E were standing in a row watching their
team’s practice. They were standing in a such way that ‘C’ was to immediate left of D, who
was standing next to B. ‘A’ was standing at the left most end. Who was standing between
D & E?
7) If the salary of sam is rs.20000 and the salary of victor is Rs.25000. What is the ratio
of the sam’s salary to the victor’s salary?
8) The ratio of number of the number of candidates who took an examination and number
of candidates who passed the examination is 14:11. What is the approximate percentage
of candidates who passed the examination?
9) A man purchased a bundle of cloth with a list price of rs.20000. He was offered a
discount of 25% on the list price. If he had sales tax of 10% on the discounted price. What
was the amount paid by him?
10) P, Q and R play football. The ratio of number of goals by P to number of goals by Q
and The ratio of number of goals by Q to number of goals by R is 3:2. They scored 342
goals in total in the matches played in the year. How many goals did ‘P’ score?
Section 2: Coding
1) Passing the ball. Three inputs are given with number of players, person with the ball
and total men passing. Find the amount of passes that can be done.
2) 4 inputs were given
i. Number of islands
ii. Number of bridges
iii. Cost of building centre
iv. 2D array of bridges connected
If there are more than 1 bridge on island we build a centre. So, we have to find total cost
of building centres?
Section 3: Data Structures
Questions on 1) Softlinks & its use
2) Application management
3) File permission
4) Find or correct mistakes in pseudocode.
5) Linked list, queue & stack
6) Arrays
7) Find the output for given code.
Section 4: Data Base Concepts
Questions on 1) Queries of SQL
2) Print output of table
3) Normalisation and function dependencies
4) Joins
5) Keys
Section 5: Networking
Questions on 1) OSI layer
2) IP address
3) Bandwidth
4) Routing, IPV6, IPV4
6) Protocol
7) Packets
Section 6: OOPS
Questions on 1) Access modifiers
2) Abstraction
3) Inheritance
4) Encapsulation
5) polymorphism
6) Class & object.
Section 7: Operating System
Questions on 1) Paging & Segmentation
2) Process management
3) Deadlocks & resource allocation
4) Disk management
5) Memory management
6) CPU scheduling
7) System hardware

Round 2: Technical Interview

1) Write small part of code about your project?
2) Explain the project?
3) Questions based on technologies used in the project?
4) Questions on JAVA, OOPS
5) Write a code if a pattern exits in the string
String s = “ I am studying in college”
String pattern = col
O/P = True
6) Write a code to find out the prime numbers in the range 50 To 100
7) Questions related to string constant tool
8) How you connect an application to the MySQL or Database.
9) Create object and Overriding.
10) Programs – a) reverse the words in a string
b) delete an index from the array
c) Merge two sorted array.
d) Searching element from an array
e) frequency of a character in a string.
11) Why do you prefer java over other language?
12) SQL query to find second highest value of a column?
13) Program to check if there is a substring in a string without using
Inbuilt function.
14) Merge sort explanation
15) Which one is fastest sorting algorithm.
16) Print the character where frequency is greater than 1
17) Explain Quick Sort.
18) What are the 4 pillars of OOPS
19) What is the front-end language used to build the front end?

Round 3: Managerial Interview

1) Code optimisation for finding pattern in a string
2) Questions based on java collection frameworks
3) Questions on HTML & CSS, Method overriding, Abstraction
4) Puzzle
a) Two candles burn in 1 hour each. How will you burn the
candles in 45 minutes?
b) John fathehi has 5 sons…First one Monday, Second one
Tuesday, Third one Wednesday, Fourth one Thursday,
What is the name of the fifth son?
5) OOPS concepts & DBMS concepts
6) Questions based on resume and on projects.
7) What role you prefer development or QA?

Round 4: HR
1) Introduce yourself
2) Your hobbies
3) Family Background
4) Why do you want to join Epicor?
5) Tell about Epicor
6) What contribution you can make to the company?
7) What you like to do in a free time?
8) Any extra expectations from the company?
9) Your strengths & weakness.
10) Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years?

(NOTE: The above-mentioned questions are purely a sample and for practice
purpose only. Please ensure to prepare the remaining topics as well in detail for
Aptitude, Technical and Coding Sections.)

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