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Blood does not originate from man; it’s a direct product from the breath of God.
Man is a product of dust but the blood entered into the “dust” body of man
through God’s breath. And anything that comes from God is bound to be
victorious …”.for whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world….” (1Jhn 5:4).
Jesus’ blood didn’t originate from man because there was no fertilization of
Joseph’s semen and Mary’s egg, His blood is a direct product from Father God.
“Then Mary said to the angel, how can this be since I do not know a man? And the
angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the
power of the Highest will overshadow you, therefore, also, that Holy One who is to
be born will be called the Son of God.(Luke 1:34-35). Since His blood is a direct
product from God, what did this blood accomplished?

• Redemption - Eph 1:7

• Deliverance - Zech 9:11
• Victory - Rev 12:11
• Vengeance against the enemy – Exodus 12:12-13
• Opened the grave – Heb 13:20
• Opened the heaven- Heb 9:12, 24 and lots more.

Since His blood accomplished this for us, why then are Christians still helpless
and under the torment of the devil? Well, that’s the essence of writing this
devotional, for Christians to experience daily victory, redemption, vengeance etc.
Pharaoh could not stand the power in the blood of the lamb through the hands of
Moses, the devil could not stand the power of the blood through the mouth of
angels, and graves couldn’t stand the power of the blood from the cross of
Calvary. The devil fears the man that knows how to engage the blood against him
for a desired victory and deliverance on a daily basis.

Use this devotional every day, pray the prayers, engage the blood and you will see
how you’ll be experiencing daily victories and deliverances over those prolonged
issues in your life, family, health, career etc.

This testimony will inspire you.

One of my protégée, introduced me to her senior friend and lecturer for prayers,
because of her husband’s health challenge, on getting to their house, I met the
man and children, but before I could pray, the wife shared the testimony of what
the blood of Jesus Christ has done in her husband’s health and that they got to
know about the efficacy in the blood through my book “THE BLOOD RE-
DEFINED”. After praying with them, we took the blood and flesh of Jesus Christ
(communion) and I left. By the time I’ll see her again the testimony has
multiplied, the husband is now in perfect health. And she said for a long time
now, there’s this terrible bird that used to make some fearful noise at night in her
compound, but as soon as she sprinkled the blood of Jesus around her compound,
the evil bird disappeared with its fearsome noise. She now made a very powerful

Friends, there’s something powerful about the blood, please use this blood
daily devotional to experience the much needed testimonies! You are just forty
(40) days away from your long awaited testimonies. Use it for your family
devotional, organizational devotional, use it also at midnight hours, and see what
will happen not many days from now!

…. And they overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the lamb …. (Rev 12:11)

You will experience speed!




“Then Jesus said to them, most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of
the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. (John 6:53)

“A long time ago, I contacted sexual transmitted infection (STI) as an

unbeliever, and all medical attempts for healing were abortive, the devil
tormented me with suicidal thought and evil suggestions that couldn’t help me. I
was helpless, no money to go to specialist hospital or university teaching hospital
for proper medical attention. I couldn’t tell my parents because I will betray the
trust that they had in me, as a young brilliant college student that they were so
proud of. May I say this at this juncture, there’s nothing sweet or advantageous
about sexual sin, the dangers are uncountable. BEWARE! It has killed many
through diseases and abortion, sent some to jail, destroyed many destinies, some
into enduring and unwanted marriage, unnecessary sufferings.

But, when I re-dedicated my life to Jesus Christ, I started taking the

Communion (flesh and blood of Jesus) regularly both in church and at home,
trusting His blood to be transfused into my blood for proper healing. Friends it
worked! I went to Institute of Medical Research in Lagos for medical check-up, lo
and behold, the result came out and I was totally healed, no drugs, no injection,
just the blood of Jesus, and I’ve been in perfect health till date. In fact, the
following year I got married, and we were blessed with a set of triplet. Whoa!

As I was thanking God for the blessing of the triplet, He said to me “I have over
healed you.” Two years and seven months later we were blessed with a set of
twins. Glory to Jesus! Indeed there’s blood transfusion through the blood of Jesus


I decree, through the spotless blood of Jesus, whatever that has contaminated my
blood, affecting my health, fruitfulness, productivity, strength, creativity, problem
solving, character and behavioral pattern, as I take the communion now, there
shall be blood transfusion, His blood will take over my blood, His life will take over
my life, His health will take over my health, His productivity, creativity, character
and behavioral pattern shall take over mine. I shall testify in Jesus name, Amen!



“For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to
make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement for the
soul,” (Leviticus17:11)

There’s more to human blood than what the physical eyes can see. To some,
it’s just a liquid, colored red. But it’s more than that. The sum total of your life,
attitude, health, genes, hereditary etc, is in your blood.

Curses can find its way through lineage, untimely death, and delay in
marriage.Some of these things find their way into many people’s lives through
the blood lineage. I know of a young lady, so close to us, she happened to be the
only child of her parent, in relating her story to me, she said, before her birth, her
mum had more than eleven miscarriages, surprisingly, when she got married, the
same miscarriage issue started with her, but she didn’t take it lightly, I
introduced her to declarative prayer through the blood of Jesus and daily
communion (flesh and blood of Jesus), not up to two months, she conceived again
and theygave birth to a gorgeous baby girl. And I’m too sure any moment from
now, she’ll conceive again to the glory of the Most High God.

Everything about you is in your blood and everything about Jesus Christ is in His
blood, God has screened His blood, it’s clean, spotless, full of power, riches,
wisdom, might (strength), glory, honor and blessing. It can breakany curse. The
very nature of Jesus Christ is in His blood, Go for His blood today!


I’m redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, out of tribe, tongues, language, family,
and nation. Whatever that is obtainable in their blood lineage is no longer
obtainable in my blood and whatever that the blood of Jesus Christ carries is now
the content of my life everyday and every time. Thank You Father for the blood of
Jesus Christ!



“Now may the God of peace who brought our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great
Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant…” (Heb

In the Old Testament, what God was using for atonement was the blood of
animals like sheep, goat etc. Joseph’s brother in attempt to kill him threw him
inside a well, in the wilderness, you know for a well to be in the wilderness, it
must be a deep well. Mistakenly, they went and killed a kid, dipped his tunic
inside the blood, that was it, Joseph’s destiny and dreams that would have
perished in Egypt opened up by the blood.

Listen friends, had it been they killed Jesus without allowing His blood to
come out, humanity would have been doomed, and His resurrection wouldn’t
have been possible, why? Because what God wanted to use for the atonement of
sins of the world is the blood and it’s the medium through which He brought
Jesus back to life. His blood entered the grave, a dreadful and a fearful place, and
brought Him back to life.

Therefore, there’s no aspect of your life that the blood cannot handle, no
grave of life that His blood cannot bring you out from. You are out of that pit by
the blood of Jesus Christ.

Father, through the blood of Your everlasting covenant, bring me out of every pit
wherein there is no water, financial pit, marital pit, pit of wrong association, career
pit, etc. Oh, Lord I come out through the blood of Jesus Christ – Zechariah 9:11-12.



“So they took Joseph’s tunic, killed a kid of goat, and dipped the tunic in the blood
(Gen 37:31)

Sometime ago, one of my protégée, narrated the ordeal the brother was
going through. An occult group was terribly tormenting the brother and the
family members have been praying for his deliverance, but it seems there’s delay.
I asked her to get his brother’s picture, dipped it inside the communion (blood of
Jesus), and leave it there for three days, it happened that on the third day, she
brought the dipped picture out from the blood and on that same day, this young
man left the cult group voluntarily, praise the Lord! They dipped Joseph’s clothes
into the blood; things started changing for him towards the fulfillment of his
dreams. We are in the era of mystery so as to gain mastery over the affairs of our
lives. Dip your photocopied certificate, the picture of your loved ones, business
cards etc, inside the blood and make some declarative prayers and watch what
will happen.Dip that medical report inside the blood, Jesus’ blood averted the
intention of the wicked, just as it happened to Joseph. You and your household
shall fulfill dreams and visions through the blood of Jesus Christ.

I decree everything about me to be under the covering of the blood, my marriage,
business, career, health, and lifestyle are all dipped in the blood of Jesus Christ.
There shall be vengeance on evil intentions; there shall be fulfillment of dreams in
the mighty name of Jesus Christ! Amen,



“Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the
most holy place once for all; having obtained eternal redemption” (Heb 9:12)

The capital requirement for sin is human life and human blood. For the soul
that sin shall die. But in God’s mercy, He started accepting the blood of goats and
calves.It was just like paying interest on a capital, so every year; man pays the
interest of his sins through the blood of goats and calves.It couldn’t satisfy the
demand of justice.

Jesus Christ didnot come for signs and wonders, though signs authenticated
His ministry. He came just for this one reason – “To satisfy the demand of justice
through His blood, give us access to God and restore us back to “the Eden
experience”- a place of dominion, fellowship and fulfillment.

His precious blood cleansed us from all sins. Glory to God! Listen friends,
the sin you committed, the one you’ll commit, the blood of Jesus Christ has taken
care of it. You are eternally redeemed by the blood. Stop behaving as if there’s no
remedy for sin, acknowledge yourself and return to Him, and the blood of Jesus
shall wash you clean, but in case you see yourself still committing sin after you’ve
surrendered your life to Him, don’t relent, you cannot overuse the blood, ask God
to forgive you, and wash your sins away by the blood of Jesus Christ. Indeed, He
got an eternal redemption for us through His blood.


I am redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ from sin and its consequences, sin shall
not have dominion over me. The blood of Jesus got an eternal redemption for me.
The blood wiped my sins away and never to be remembered anymore. Thank you
Lord for what you’ve done in Jesus name. Amen.



“And they overcame him (devil) by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their
testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death”(Rev 12:11)

“And war broke out in heaven, Michael and his angels fought with the
dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a
place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that
serpent of old, called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world, he was
cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Then I heard a loud voice
saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and
the power of His Christ have come. For the accuser of our brethren, who accused
them before our God day and night, has been cast down, “And they overcame him
(devil) by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did
not love their lives to the death” (Rev 12:11-12)

This is the summary of how the devil was defeated after being cast down
from heaven, initially he refused to leave but instead staged a war against the
angels that wants to carry out God’s instruction. The fight was intense but the
angels engaged the blood of Jesus against him and his cohort, and they were
eternally defeated and displaced, never to return to heaven again for the rest of
their lives. But it amazes me to see the devil molesting people, their health,
business, marriage, children, academics etc. without them knowing what to do.
The angels defeated him forever by the blood, Moses defeated Pharaoh and his
gods in Egypt by the blood, and there’s absolutely nothing that will take the
Israelites back to Egypt. The Egyptians are eternally defeated by the blood. Stop

watching him (the devil) buffet you with unpleasant situations, engage the blood,
resist the devil and he’ll flee from you-Eternally defeated.


I decree by the power that’s in the blood and in the name of Jesus Christ, I displace
you devil, just as Jesus displaced and defeated you through the shed blood on the
cross. You are eternally defeated in the affairs of my life; never will I experience
any ugly situation because of the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen.



“For I will pass through the land of Egypt on that night, and will strike all the
firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast and against all the gods of Egypt
I will execute judgment; I am the Lord. Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the
houses where you are, And when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the
plague shall not be on you to destroy you which I strike the land of Egypt (Exodus

Vengeance is God’s exclusive reserve. You can’t avenge yourself or else

you’ll be avenging on the wrong person. Note this well, that God didn’t touch
Pharaoh when He judged the Egyptians.Thatmeans the person behind the
suffering of the Israelites wasn’t Pharaoh; rather it was their gods and their first
sons. Vengeance is mine says the Lord (Rom 12:19). I remember sprinkling the
blood at midnight in my compound because of some funny experiencesI was
having then, early hours of the following day, my landlady came out of her
apartment, fell down mysteriously and she was taken to the hospital and was
diagnosed of partial stroke, of course I made some powerful decrees against the
person or spirit behind my ordeal.

The blood sprinkling is a medium through which we secure God’svengeance

against the enemy, not prayer but blood sprinkling. The body of Christ has only
maximized the drinking of the blood (Communion), but we are yet to enjoy the
benefits of blood sprinkling, God said, “when I see the blood (sprinkled), I will
pass over and go straight into the house of the enemy and deal with him.

The blood sprinkling is a trans-generational ordinance, “so this day shall be to

you a memorial, and you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord throughout your
generation. You shall keep it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance (Exodus

12:24). Right now, you can sprinkle the blood on yourself,properties and so on,
just for you to secure God’s vengeance against anyone engineering evil against
you. Vengeance is real through the blood of Jesus Christ


Father, as I sprinkle the everlasting blood of Jesus Christ today, let there be
vengeance in the camp of the wicked against any aspect of my destiny in Jesus
Name, Amen!



“And when I passed by you and saw you struggling in your own blood, I said to you
in your blood, ‘live’. Yes, I said to you in your blood, ‘live’! Then I washed you in
water, yes, I thoroughly washed off your blood, and I anointed you with oil (Ezek
16:6, 9)

The blood of man is a very powerful red liquid substance, it’s more than liquid
and color. Certain things are traceable in the human blood, although medical
science has been able to see beyond the color and liquid, they’ve discovered some
components that make up the human blood, like white blood cells, red blood
cells, platelets, plasma etc. In the same vein, the above scripture has revealed that
struggling can be traced to the blood; I’ve seen people exhibit anger that leads to
destruction, it runs in their blood, making every member of that family to be
struggling with destructive anger. Sometimes it is hereditary sickness; it runs in
the family blood, every member of a family inherited a particular sickness that is
coming from great grandparents. Hey! Listen friends stop struggling in your
blood, it’s not you rather it’s your blood. Self determination to stop lying, stealing,
beating up your wife, alcoholism, mismanagement of funds, promiscuous lifestyle
etc is not enough, you need your blood washed in God’s water of the word (Eph
6:25) and His blood, it’s only when your blood is washed off that you can live the
life God have always desired you to live.


Father, wash my blood in the water of your word and the blood of Your Son Jesus
Christ. Let every struggle in any area of my life be washed off completely. I shall
not die in this habit, sickness, issues buffeting my wellbeing, but I shall live
through the blood of Jesus, to declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the
living. Thank you Lord for washing off the root cause of my struggling in Jesus
name! Amen.



“And they sang a new song, saying, you are worthy to take the scroll, and to open
its seals, for you were slain, and have redeemed us to God by your blood out of
every tribe and tongue and people and nation. And have made us kings and priests
to our God, and we shall reign on earth” (Rev 5:9-10)

Poverty, sickness, stagnation, slavery are not in my blood anymore. It’s

practically unimaginable and unthinkable to see failure, barrenness in my blood.
Even when there was traces of sexual transmitted diseases (STD) in my blood as
an unbeliever, because His blood has redeemed me out of tribe, tongue, people
and nation, STD disappeared because there’s no Sexual Transmitted Disease in
His blood which is now in my blood. To validate the powerful nature of His blood,
I never visited any hospital. After I rededicated my life to Christ, and started
taking communion on a regular/daily basis, both in church and at home, the
sexual transmitted disease just disappeared. And to authenticate my healing
through His blood, four months later after my wedding, my wife took in and we
were blessed with a set of triplet and few years later we were blessed with
another set of twins, can you just imagine what His blood can do in me, meaning
in two years and seven months, God has blessed my wife and I with five powerful
children (Triplet and twins) praise God!
Please friends, allow Jesus to come into your life then His blood will wash that
disease, failure, sickness away, for those things cannot be seen in His blood. No!
Not in His blood. By faith, be taking the communion on a daily basis, it’s not a
periodic meal; it’s a meal you take as often as you remember. There’s so much to
benefit from His blood, this blood delivered or redeemed you from tribe,
language, family and nation, therefore, you can’t have the same experience, even
when you are living under the same roof, speaking the same language, living in
the same country, you can’t just experience what they are experiencing because,
it’s not your fault and IT’S NOT IN YOUR BLOOD!


Father, let all that the blood did for me be my experience on a regular basis, for I
shall not see what others see nor experience what they are experiencing, because
my case is different from now even forevermore. Amen

DAY 10


“To Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that
speaks better things than that of Abel” (Heb 12:24)

Blood has a voice! Sound unbelievable, but it’s true, just walk up to a laboratory
scientist, donate your blood to them, give them few minutes and the voice of your
blood will come out in form of result in a paper. Blood can speak, but it’s only
those that are trained to hear the voice of the blood that can decode what the
blood is saying. I remember visiting a teaching hospital in the city of Lagos-
Nigeria, I saw a lot of beautiful young ladies but was told that all of them are HIV
Positive, it sounded unbelievable because those ladies were so beautiful to
behold, but someone who is trained to hear the voice of the blood (Laboratory
Scientist) has diagnosed them and can hear what their blood is saying.

Sometime ago, I administered the blood of Jesus Christ (communion) to someone

who had fibroid and after that she went home, but at midnight she wanted to use
the restroom, on easing herself, a big reddish substance came out of her body,
fibroid left her body mysteriously. The voice of the supernatural blood of Jesus
Christ was speaking better things than the voice of the natural blood in her
system which has resulted into fibroid. The blood of Jesus has a voice! Powerful
voice, stronger than any other blood whether human blood that has incurable
diseases, or cultic blood on evil altars, Jesus’ blood speaks louder and better than
them. At another instance, the wife of my close friend took in and she was
diagnosed with fibroid, she brought the result to me, we prayed, took the
communion (the blood and flesh of Jesus Christ), something amazing happened, I
told her, you’ll deliver your baby and the fibroid shall not be found, it was indeed

so true to the power in the blood, fibroid disappeared, and her baby appeared (A
gorgeous baby girl).

The blood speaks better things, better wealth, health, glory, honor and blessing.
The blood also speaks better husband, better wife, better job, house etc. engage
the blood as an instrument that can speak at any time for you. Indeed His blood
has a voice, and it’s the voice of better things.


As I engage the blood of Jesus Christ on a regular basis through drinking, pleading
or sprinkling, the voice of better things shall be heard in the affairs of my life
everyday and the voice of the blood is speaking against every work of the devil -
joblessness, barrenness, fibroid, occultist altars, sickness or any blood related
diseases etc. The blood of Jesus Christ is speaking better things (mention it) for

DAY 11


“So shall He sprinkle many nations. Kings shall shut their mouths at Him, for what
had not been told them they shall see, and what they had not heard they shall
consider” (Isaiah 52:15)

It was the blood of sprinkling that brought a whole country out of obscurity and
slavery. It’s not story but a mystery! Nations, leaders of nations are confused on
what next to do. There’s economic degradation, promiscuity, nudity, corruption,
occultist cliques trying to hold a nation in hostage, political tussle, etc and
believers in most of these nations like mine (Nigeria) seems helpless, why
because, we have prayed, it seems prayers are no longer answered. But God still
answer prayers. The Israelites prayed, cried, and even Moses used his rod on
many occasions, but freedom seems far-fetched until the blood was sprinkled on
their door post and freedom became a reality. I know you are passionate about
the state of your country, please these instruction may seem foolish, but the
foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men, get a map of your country,
sprinkle the blood on the map, declaring God’s judgment on occult/evil forces
working against the advancement of your country. Do it violently and you‘ll see
the effect starting from today. Kings shall shut their mouths; they shall seewhat
they’ve never seen before and hear what they’ve never heard before. The blood
shall speak over our country (Nigeria). Mention yours!


Father, by the same blood that delivered the Israelites out of slavery from the hand
of Pharaoh, let this same blood deliver us out of every evil lordship, evil leadership,
economic meltdown, corruption, character assassination. Deliver us Oh Lord
through the power that’s in the blood sprinkling in Jesus name. Amen.

DAY 12


“For if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkling the unclean,
sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh. How much more shall the blood of Christ,
who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your
conscience from dead works to serve the Living God” (Heb 9:13-14)
There’s something about the blood whether animal or human blood. Most
occult people requireblood for their sacrifices, not animals flesh but the blood.
Man couldn’t pay for his sins, because there’s a judgment of death penalty on any
soul that sins andthe only substitute for that death is blood. For a longtime, God’s
people (Israelites), were using the blood of animals to cover their sin at least for
a whole year, but this animal blood couldn’t satisfy the claim of justice until Jesus
came and shed His blood once and for all, not annually but once and for all. But
there’s something amazing about the blood of Jesus Christ, it cleanses one from
every dead works (sins) be it dead works of murder, idol worshipping, criminal
activity, occult practices etc, no matter the enormity of the dead works, Jesus’
blood cleanses us completely from the dead works, not just us but our
conscience. Paul the apostle (a murderer) who consented to the killing of
Stephen (The first Christian martyr), said in one of his writing to the church,… it’s
no longer I that live but Christ lives in me… (Gal 2:20). The conscience of Paul
that consented to Stephen’s death is no longer there, why? Because the blood of
Jesus Christ has cleansed him from dead works and his conscience so as to serve
the living God; I was involved in different cultic and dubious practices which by
now, should have been disturbing my conscience from serving God, but as soon
as I accepted Christ Jesus into my life, His blood blotted out my sins and sin
consciousnessin me. The blood of animals couldn’t cover their conscience, nor
could it cleanse them from their dead works.

I know you might be thinking about the many abortions, assassins’ job, cultic and
occultist killings, highway robbery, fraudulent act, and rape,name them, Jesus’
blood can handle it and also cleanse your conscience from all those
attitudes.Animal blood and sacrifices cannot handle it. Not the blood of animals
but the blood of Jesus Christ.


Lord Jesus, through Your blood, let every dead works consciousness be erased
completely out of my life, let Your blood cleanse me from every dead works and
make me free to serve You in spirit and in truth in Jesus name, Amen.

DAY 13


“And you shall take this rod in your hands, with which you shall do the signs. And
the Lord said to Moses, “I will bring one more plague on Pharaoh and on Egypt,
afterwards he will let you go from here, when he lets you go, he will surely drive
you out of here altogether (Exodus 4:17,11:1)

Signs and wonders are not the same as deliverance. This story will inspire
you.Sometimeago, a young lady came to my office and shared her ordeal with me,
it was so touching and pathetic, and we embark on a periodic prayer session just
to avert the situation and also for her to experience total freedom. The situation
was so touching that the last man that proposed to marry her died mysteriously,
this man died at a time when their marriage arrangement was in top gear.
Months later, we had a program in our Church tagged “ONE NIGHT OF
JUDGEMENT BY THE BLOOD,” we engaged the mystery of blood sprinkling just as
the Israelites did, and that was it, the following day she travelled to another city
in Nigeria where she miraculously met a man, and this man proposed to her, this
was sometime in June of that year, and by first week of October same year, they
were legitimately and gloriously married. Glory to God!

The blood is for deliverance and freedom, you may pray for relief but to
experience true and lasting freedom, it must be through the precious blood of
Jesus. Remember, how Jesus came and was going about healing people casting
out devils from people, but that couldn’t guarantee true freedom until His blood
was shed on the cross and, at the instance of the blood touching the earth so
many things started happening, “ Then behold the veil of the temple was torn in
two from top to bottom, and the earth quake, and the rocks where split and
graves were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep (died)
were raised (Matt 27:51-52).

There’s no bondage that can stand the power that is in the blood of Jesus Christ. I
believe you have fasted and prayed, gone to professional and local prophets, and
the issues seems not to shake like Pharaoh, but as I plead the blood of Jesus
Christ over those long standing issues like barrenness, delay, stagnation,
joblessness, frustration, sickness and disease, regular disappointment, loss of
favor and business etcjust as Pharaoh was in a hurry to let them go, so will those
situations be in a hurry to let you go in Jesus name!They might duplicate and
contend with the rod, but never will they come near the blood, because it’s not
the rod that gave them freedom but the precious blood of the lamb.

PRAYER - OH, Lord, let the blood of Jesus Christ set me free finally from these
issues that are hovering all around my marriage., family life, career, health etc. As I
partake of the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ today I shall see true and total
freedom in all that concerns me, in Jesus name.

DAY 14


“As for you also, because of the blood of your covenant, I will set your prisoners
free from the waterless pit” (Zech 9:11)

Life has pits that are wickedly dug by the wicked ones, and they are
wickedly waiting for innocent souls to fall into it. How can a mother-in-law
wickedly shut the womb of her daughter in-law, sacrilege! People’s pictures and
certificates are taken to evil altars just for them to enforce their wickedness.
Promotions are delayed because someone has vowed that you’ll not be
promoted, as beautiful as you are, it seem suitors have all gone extinct. There’s
more to these experiences that meets the eyes. “We know that we are of God, and
the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one” (1John 5:19).There’s so
much evil under the sun but no matter the enormity of the evil, there’s a limit to
that evil, there’s a border and territory that he can’t enter nor access. The blood
can access depth, pits; graves, fearlessly and still come out victorious. It was the
blood of the covenant that brought Jesus out from the grave. “Now may the God
of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of
the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant” (Heb 13:20). The blood
accessed the grave. I believe the pit should be a walk over, stop struggling to
come out, be still and see how the blood of the everlasting covenant will bring
you out. Now, begin to declare with me, I am coming out of marital bondage
through the blood of Jesus Christ, I come out of debt bondage, and I come of
academic failure, business failure by the blood of Jesus Christ. That barrenness is
not God’s plan, violently declare with me, I come out of fruitfulessness through
the blood of everlasting covenant, I can’t remain in this pit, there’s a topmost top
position prepared for me just like Joseph, and the blood is bringing me out of
frustration and struggling for church growth as a pastor. No! It’s not possible for
me to remain here, “Whom God raised up, having loosed the pain of death,
because it was not possible that He should be held by it” (Acts 2:24),so, it is not
possible for me to remain in this condition. It wasn’t possible for death to still
hold Jesus Christ inside the pit of grave, why is your own taking more than one
year, the blood brought Him back to life after three days, this same blood is
bringing you out of every pit of life today.

Be angry, get up, and stop lying down to read this page, get up and violently
engage the blood of pleading to come out of that pit of life today. You are no
longer there – “But he said to them, do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of
Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here. See the place where they
laid Him.” (Mark 16:6). You are no longer there!


Father, just as it wasn’t possible for death to hold Jesus down in the grave because
of the blood of the everlasting covenant, so shall it be unto me today, every pit that
I’ve entered into unknowingly, and I’m struggling to come out from there, today I
declare through the everlasting covenant in the blood, I come out of every pit of
life in Jesus name. I’m no longer there! Amen.

DAY 15


“Return to your stronghold, you prisoners of hope. Even today I declare, that I will
restore double to you” (Zech 9:12)

Every kingdom here on planet earth has a stronghold, a place of security or

survival. I remember when there was civil unrest in Libya, late President
Ghadaafi didn’t find it funny because the center of his government couldn’t hold
anymore, oppositions were after him, they pursued him until he escaped into a
stronghold, and it wasn’t easy for the opposition to gain access into the
stronghold. Never have you casualized the blood of Jesus Christ because it’s your
place of security and survival, it’s your place of restoration and elevation. You can
never run back to the stronghold of engaging blood and still be a casualty in the
battles of life. Somebody shared a testimony on how at the close of business on a
particular day, he decided to sprinkle the blood around his business premises,
then the following day there was so much sales, but before then there has been
snail pace progress in the business. Don’t watch oppositions molest you with
their weapons, return to the stronghold of the blood of Jesus Christ? What’s
happening to you isn’t normal, an enemy has done that; engage in the mystery of
the stronghold of the blood, for the blood is the believer’s stronghold for double
restoration. You’ll experience double restoration of all things as you engage the
stronghold weapon- THE BLOOD.


As I return to the stronghold of the blood of Jesus Christ through drinking

(communion), sprinkling, and pleading, I shall experience double restoration in my
home & family, marriage, career and business, finances and health etc. The blood
of Jesus shall work mightily in my life. Amen.

DAY 16


“And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the
disciples and said, “Take, eat, this is My body, Then He took the cup, and gave
thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood of
the new covenant which is shed for many for the remission of sin.” (Matt 26:26-

Jesus instituted the eating of His flesh and the drinking of His blood which is
called Communion. For centuries, religious Jews have commemorated the
departure of their ancestors from Egypt by conducting a yearly Passover in their
homes. The first Passover took place in the homes of the Hebrews, and centuries
later, we see the supper enacted in an upper room with Christ and His chosen
disciples. During the first Passover, the flesh of a lamb was eaten at the table of
the Hebrew family, and the lamb’s flesh and blood brought supernatural healing
for their journey through the wilderness, the blood also on the door stopped the
destroying angel from taking the life of the Hebrew firstborn. Thus the body and
the blood of the Passover lamb brought complete healing and redemption. The
body of Christ, God’s only lamb brought healing through the wounds and stripes
on His body and salvation through His blood on the cross. This means,
communion taking is for putting our health and healing in shape, he wasn’t sick
all through His journey on planet earth, and as we partake of His flesh and blood,
no traces of sickness should be seen in our life. He brought them forth also with
silver and gold, there was not one feeble person among their tribes (Ps 105:37)


As I partake of the flesh and blood of Jesus today, no traces of sickness shall be
seen in my body, just as the Israelites journey for forty years without anyone being
feeble or sick, so shall it be for me from now onwards in Jesus name. Amen.

DAY 17


“Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom, and the
earth quake, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened, and many
bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised” (Matt 27:51-52)

There is liberating force in the blood! Rocks are among the hardest objects here
on planet earth and they use strong heavy equipments to break it, but the power
that’s in the blood of Jesus Christ couldn’t allow the rocks to limit its operations,
the blood that touched this earth started quaking, breaking rocks in pieces and
liberating the saints form the dreadful zone of death. There’s power in the blood
of Jesus Christ. A woman shared this testimony.She said, she was living among
occult people without knowing, several attempt has been made to kill her
without her knowing, but one day after taking the communion (the flesh and
blood) she quickly rinsed the cup and pour the water away, but at midnight this
occult folks in the neighborhood turned into different animals and they were
heading towards her house, as they were approaching her apartment they saw
blood everywhere, it looks as if there was a sacrifice with the blood, not knowing
that it was that little blood she rinsed and poured out of her house that is doing
the wonders. Those occult folks became afraid and went back; the following day,
one of them summoned courage and went to this lady’s house to find out if she
belongs to a higher cult, but the woman said no! I don’t belong anywhere, I’m
only a member of a particular church, but the man said, “But I saw sacrificial
blood all around your house last night”, immediately she now remembered that
she poured out the rinsed communion cup, she shouted, oh! It’s the blood of
Jesus. From that day onwards the occult folks in the neighborhood were so afraid
of her. There’s so much in the blood of Jesus, engage it faithfully and see what it
will do for you.


As I engage the blood of Jesus Christ today, let every hard area that is resisting my
advancement be broken, I gain access into realms. I enter new horizon, I
experience new things through the blood of Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord for the
power that’s in the blood!

DAY 18


“To the others He said in my hearing, “Go after him through the city and kill, do not
let your eye spare, nor have any pity. Utterly slay old and young men, maidens and
little children and women, but do not come near anyone on whom is the MARK,
(Ezek 9:5-6).

You cannot experience what everybody is experiencing because there’s a mark of

exemption upon your life. While the Israelites were living in Egypt before their
exodus certain plagues/punishment came upon the Egyptians but none of those
plagues got any closer to where the Israelites were residing. “And in that day I
will set apart the land of Goshen, in which my people dwell, that no swarms of
flies shall be there, in order that you may know that I am the Lord in the midst of
the land. I will make a difference between My people and your people. Tomorrow
this sign shall be” (Exodus 8:22-23). There’s a mark of the blood upon your life,
just as it was upon the house of the Israelites in Egypt before their exodus, and
because of that mark of the blood, the angel of death could not come near them,
no plague upon the Egyptians came close to them because there’s a mark that
separated them. You are God’s special treasure and He can’t leave you mark-less,
lest you suffer what they are suffering, nor experience what they are
experiencing. Yes, you might live in the same country but you can never have the
same experience with everybody, why? There’s a mark of the blood that
distinguishes you from the crowd.


As I go through life on a regular basis, the mark of the blood shall separate me in
the airplane, automobile, in the sea, I shall not die through plane or auto crash,
because I bear upon my body the mark of the blood of Jesus Christ. I am different! I
can’t experience what everybody is experiencing because of the mark. Thank you
Jesus for giving me the mark of the blood! Amen.

DAY 19


“Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy
manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord” (1Cor 11:27)

I remember a man who was very sick, and a pastor was called upon to minister to
this man, when this pastor got there, he prayed and administered the
Communion to this sick dying man, instead of him being healed, he died few
minutes later, though he was a diabolical and fetish man. The communion is not
snacks and juice, its more than that, it’s not for every sick Dick, Tom and Harry,
it’s exclusively reserved for the disciples of Christ, that is, it’s reserved for
followers of Christ, born again. It dissolves poison; it’s serves as a defense against
sickness and disease. No unbeliever is permitted to eat it or elseyou bring
sickness and judgment upon your life, instead of healing and mercy, look at this -
“For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to
himself, not discerning the Lords body. For this reason many are weak and sick
among you, and many sleep (died)” (1Cor 11:29-30). Did you hear that! Note
very well, I am not talkingabout a sinner that refuses to believe or accept Jesus
Christ into his life. Any believer that still commits sin needs the communion
regularly, the mystery in the blood of Jesus will help swallow the mystery of
iniquity in his life. But the sinner should first repent and believe in the Lord Jesus
Christ before partaking of the Communion or else it will result into sickness,
weakness, judgment and eventually death. Accept Jesus today!


Lord, Jesus, let your blood bring times of refreshing and change in my life. Let it
purify and sanctify me wholly thereby helping me to live a righteous and sanctified
life for you. Thank You Lord, Amen.

DAY 20


“Why is your apparel red, And your garment like one who treads in the winepress?
I have trodden the winepress alone, and from the peoples no one was with Me. For
I have trodden them in My anger. And trampled them in My fury, their blood is
sprinkled upon My garment, and I have stained all My garment. For the day of
vengeance is in My heart, And the year of My redeemed has come” (Isa 63:2-4)

No help whatsoever was rendered to Jesus Christ during His last fight with Satan,
sin, sickness and death, not even the angels came to assist Him. The disciples ran
away, angels ran back to their base in heaven, even our God His Father couldn’t
follow Him to the base of the devil for the war, Christ Jesus fought this war all
alone. Praise God! who through death, that He might destroy him who had the
power of death, that is the devil, and release those who through fear of death
were their entire lifetime subject to bondage” (Heb 2:14-15).He fought with His
blood, just His blood.

It will interest you to know that it wasn’t just Satan that fought Jesus, there were
millions and millions of countless demons that fought Him, it wasn’t a small war,
it lasted for three solid days, His body was lying down in the grave but His spirit
was in a war zone fighting against other spirits. But on the third day He defeated
satan, sin, sickness, death, demons and He came out alive declaring to Himself the
winner, saying …”All power (Authority) has been given to Me in heaven and on
earth (Matt 28:18). Friends, don’t make light of what Jesus did for us, it cost Him
His life and blood, that’s why the devil fears and dreads the blood of Jesus. Christ
fought with His blood! That blood saves, cleanses from sins, but destroys and
sinks the devil and demons forever and ever, Amen! Just His blood!


Father, thank You for the blood of Jesus Christ, I ask right now that the blood
cleanses me from all iniquity and deliver me from the dungeon of the wicked, the
pit of evil association, cultism and occultism, evil men that are plotting evil against
me, crisis in my home; failure in my career and business. Oh, Lord, through the
blood of Jesus Christ, I am free completely today Amen!

DAY 21


“Then I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, who is worthy to open
the scroll and to loseits seals...? And they sang a new song, saying: You are worthy
to take the scroll, And to open its seal; for You were slain, and have redeemed us
to God by Your blood, out of every tribe, and tongue and people and nation” (Rev
5:2-9). I remember when I was writing my first book, “The Blood Re-defined,” on
a particular day, the inspiration wasn’t flowing at all, I couldn’t write anything, I
sat down with my pen and paper, I just couldn’t write, but the Holy Spirit
impressed in my heart to engage the blood, I quickly prepared communion and
took it, to my greatest amazement, the inspiration on what to write started
flowing immediately. I started writing, and continued writing until I was tired, in
fact within a few hours I wrote up to seventeen (17) pages without lifting my
pen. Nobody is worthy to open or grant access to the next phase of your life
except Jesus through His blood, stop running around, it will not help you at all,
some diabolical, fetish native doctors, are all in town in the name of prophets and
it’s easy to know them, they will always ask you to bring money for certain works
and prayers for you to be healed, progress and prosper. Don’t mind them; they
are all hiding wolves in sheep clothing. By their fruits you shall know them. Your
life can only open like a book through Jesus (The Word) and His precious blood.
Stop running around, engage the unfailing power of the blood and the word, and
you’ll see your life will continue to open up for no one in heaven and on earth is
worthy to open the seal in anyone’s life except Jesus and His precious blood!


Lord Jesus, through Your precious blood, let a new page of my life open, let that
promotion come now for I am due for it, let my womb open for conception, I
command that business to open up now, that marital destiny that is closed up till
now, I command it to open now. Your closed destiny is opened, helpers are coming
now! Nothing is closed against you anymore; doors are opened through the blood
of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Note: Take communion while praying this prayer.


DAY 22


“And God said to Abraham, “As for you, you shall keep My covenant, you and your
descendant after you, throughout their generation. This is My covenant which you
shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you. Every male child
among you shall be circumcised.” (Gen 17:9-10)

The greatest opportunity given to man from God is the covenant opportunity
through the blood of Jesus Christ. God gave that opportunity first to
Abraham.Abraham brought his own blood for the covenant through the blood
that came out during circumcision and God brought out His own blood through a
substitute “So He (God) said to him, “Bring me a three year old heifer, a three
year old female goat, a three year old ram, a turtledove, and a young pigeon. Then
He brought all these to Him and cut them in two, down the middle (blood gushed
out) and placed each piece opposite the other but he did not cut the birds in two
(Gen 15:9-10).Every party involved in the blood covenant relationship ceases to
own anything, it’s now co-ownership, whatever that belongs to you automatically
belongs to your partner and whatever belongs to your partner belongs to you
also. But in this context, we are talking about God and man, can you imagine the
vast opportunity that God gave to man, it sounds unbelievable to imagine that all
that belongs to God automatically belongs to you on the platform of covenant
relationship. Please consider Abraham’s life and see what became of him on the
platform of blood covenant relationship. It’s still available today! How?Just lay
down your life completely for Jesus Christ, and take His life into your life, allow
your heart to be circumcised spiritually, do whatever He tells you to do, and see
how He’ll do whatsoever you ask Him to do. “My covenant will I not break, no
alter the words that has gone out of My mouth (Psalms 89:34) God is a covenant

keeping God, not a promise keeping God! The blood covenant is still working


Lord, help me to walk in this blood covenant relationship. Help me to obey every
dictate of this covenant in your Word. The Bible is the book of the covenant details
for me, thank You Lord for answered prayer. Amen.

DAY 23


“Now it came to pass, as He sat at the table with them, that He took bread, blessed
and broke it and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they know
him… (Luke 24:30-31).
Opportunities abound everywhere! Two people went to India on a visit, on
getting to a particular community in India, they saw people on bare feet, and
there was abject poverty there. One of them said, “there’s so much poverty here,
this people are very poor, I can’t stay here, look at them all, they don’t even have
shoes, oh there’s so much poverty here he concluded: “But the other guy saw
differently, his eyes were opened; he saw money, he said there’s so much money
here, I can produce affordable and cheap shoes and start selling them here. They
went back to America, started work based on what he has seen; he went further
to employ his colleague that was seeing only poverty. Life gives you only what
you see not what you wish, “And the Lord said to Abram, after Lot had separated
from him, “Lift your eyes now and look from the land which you see I give to you
and your descendants forever (Gen 13:14-15). The communion is a medium
through which the eyes of the saints are opened to see beyond the physical, life
can be very, very coded that it takes your spiritual eyes to be opened for you to
see things the way they really are, to see opportunities in the midst of problems;
to see lifting where there seems to be demotion physically. For the events and
happenings of life require accurate interpretation, so, see beyond your husband
or wife’s attitudes rather see Satan that is manipulating his/her attitude. “Who is
like a wise man? And who knows the interpretation of a thing…. (Ecclesiastes
8:1) The communion helps your eyes to be opened for proper diagnosis or
prognosis of issues of life. “And He opened their understanding that they might
comprehend the scriptures” (Luke 24:45).


Father, as I partake of the flesh and blood of Jesus today, open the eyes of my inner
man that I might see things, situation, circumstances; people, the way they really
are and the way they should be, let every spiritual blindness be healed through this
communion today, I shall see the revelation from the written word of God. Thank
you Lord for opening my eyes today, in Jesus name. Amen.

DAY 24


“Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of the
Spirit, for obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ.” (1Pet 1:2).
The blood sprinkling is a two edged sword- it speaks better things for the saints
and vengeance to anyone that is against the believers. …And to the blood of
sprinkling that speaks better thing…” (Heb 12:24). Now the blood (sprinkled)
shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I
will pass over you, and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I
strike the land of Egypt.” (Exodus 12:13). Sprinkling the blood is a mandate from
God, Moses sprinkled the blood and it brought the plague of death on the first son
of the Egyptians, which eventually led to Israelites exodus but after then, God
instituted it as a trans-generational ordinance– “For the Lord will pass through to
strike the Egyptians, and when He sees the blood on the lintel and the two
doorposts, the Lord will pass over the door and not allow the destroyer to come
into your house to strike you. And you shall observe this thing as an ordinance
for you and your sons forever” (Exodus 12:23-24). This is not church doctrine
but kingdom mystery to secure vengeance against anyone molesting your
destiny. Jesus is still doing it spiritually till today, every time we gather in living
churches there’s blood sprinkling going on through the hands of Jesus according
to Hebrew 12:24, and Jesus’ blood sprinkling on the saints is for better things;
better husbands better jobs and business, better lifestyle better everything. Don’t
ignore this mystery. Peter now came and declared that he is elected to sprinkle
blood both for vengeance and speaking of better things, if Peter was elected for it,
I think and believe you’re elected also to sprinkle this blood of Jesus, since it’s
only priest that does it in the Old Testament, now in the new testament we are
redeemed as priests and kings (Pet 5:10)

Go and sprinkle the blood in your environment, your properties, upon yourself,
certificates, children everything. Just do it!And match out for the testimonies.


Father, as I engage in the mystery of blood sprinkling today, let the vengeance in
the blood start speaking better things in my life and in all that concerns me today
in Jesus name Amen.

DAY 25


“And war broke out in heaven, Michael and his angels fought with the dragon, and
the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found
for them in heaven any longer. “And they overcame him by the blood of the
lamb….(Rev 12:7-8, 11)

The blood of Jesus when spiritually and faithfully engaged guarantees victory
regularly. In the house where I live as of the time of writing this book, snakes
sometimes are seen moving on the fence because the next compound is an empty
plots of land that yet to be developed, but on a particular day, I prepared the
communion, and started sprinkling on the fence, making some dangerous
declarations against the presence of the snakes. Friends, this was in 2013, but up
till this moment, no snake has been seen crawling on the fence. His blood
guarantees victory against the wiles and caprices of the devil. The blood of Jesus
Christ is given to the saints for regular victory, the devil fears the blood of Jesus
Christ, and he also fears and dreads the man that knows how to engage the
mystery of the blood. He is afraid of me! Praise God! Never have you ignore the
administration of the blood on a daily basis, either by drinking as communion,
pleading or sprinkling, please by all means possible engage the blood regularly
for your daily victories against the devil and his demons.

“And they overcame him (the devil)by the blood of the lamb… (Rev 12:11)


Oh Lord, thank You for the mystery of victory that’s in the blood of Jesus Christ. As
I engage it today, I overcome sinful habits that want to destroy my destiny; I
overcome spiritual laziness, prayerlessness. By His blood I am an overcomer in
this battle that is raging against my job, career ministry, family, and home. I am
more than a conqueror through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Amen.

DAY 26


“Then likewise he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle and all the vessels of
the ministry, And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood,
and without shedding of blood there is no remission” (Heb 9: 21-22).

After teaching on the power of the blood of sprinkling, a young man in our church
went home, prepared the communion and sprinkled it on their refrigerator that
has not been working for some time, and to his greatest amazement, the
refrigerator started working, in his testimony he a made a statement, he said, “I
never know that the blood can work on inanimate objects. By faith, you can
sprinkle the blood on your cars, property, certificates etc and you’ll see the effect
of the blood of Jesus Christ. One faithful day, my wife sprinkled the blood in our
house, especially in the kitchen, this was done by the leading of the Holy Spirit, lo
and behold, we saw a lot of dead scorpions inside our kitchen sink, to be honest
with you; we were shocked to our bones. I sprinkled the blood on a particular
compound where we were staying some years back, and I was too sure that the
owners of the property were diabolical, she woke up in the morning, coming out
of their flat, she slumped and had partial stroke, from that day onwards they
were living in the fear of me. Never you watch the devil and his agent destroy
your testimonies, engage the blood of sprinkling, I decree that house shall be
built and completed, that business shall yield profits, that certificate will be used
to work, things that has stagnated will start working again in Jesus name Amen.


Father, just as the blood of Jesus sprinkled on this earth and earthquake started,
Lord as I sprinkle the blood today, foundational issues will start shaking and
eventually be destroyed, stagnated areas of my life will start moving forward, and
there shall be access into the next phase of my life, no more limits in Jesus name,

DAY 27


“The priest shall dip his finger in the blood and sprinkle some of the blood seven
times before the Lord, in front of the veil of the sanctuary (Lev 4:6)

“Saying with a loud voice, “Worthy is the lamb who was slain, to receive power and
riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing” (Rev5:12)
Numbers makes so much meaning to God and humanity. Sometimes emphasis
are laid on the numbers like three (3), seven (7), 40 (forty), and so on. But our
emphasis is on the number seven (7). The priest was specifically asked to dip his
fingers and sprinkle the blood seven times, why seven times? Years later, Jesus
came and died for our sins and the blood came out from His body in seven
different places. The first place it came out of was from His head, indicating a
covering, the second place from His back for protection and healing, the third and
fourth places, from His right and left palms for advancement and working, the
fifth and sixth places are the right and left feet, which is for dominion over places
and nations, and the last place the blood came out from, which is the seventh
place was from His side, “But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and
immediately blood and water came out,” (John 19:34)
Now friends, follow me very well, this is not religious teaching, but mystery that
is hidden in the blood. This blood that came out of seven places went and got
what has been lost in the Garden of Eden. Adam lost seven things, and Jesus came
and through His blood brought back the seven things, which we now call the
seven redemptive inheritances. They are power, wisdom, riches, might/strength,
glory, honor and blessing (Rev 5:12). It will interest you to know that Jesus came
primarily to restore us back to Eden experience, which these seven things

Don’t forget, the blood came out from seven places and it got the seven things for
us. That’s what the priests were rehearsing in the Old Testament, while they
were sprinkling it in front of the veil of the sanctuary, they did it seven times.


Lord, let the perfect work of the blood be seen in every areas of my life starting
from today, shame is now a thing of the past because of the blood of Jesus Christ,
curses does no longer exist in my life because of the blood of Jesus Christ, praise
God forevermore. Amen.

DAY 28


“Saying with a loud voice, “worthy is the lamb who was slain. To receive power and
riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing,” (Rev 5:12)

Life has only seven (7) problems I repeat the problems of life are not more than
seven (7). Let’s assume that someone doesn’t have capital to start business, no
money to pay rent, pay school fees for children, no money to fix his car and other
things, this man doesn’t have many problems but just one problem, which is
money/riches, its only one problem but it’s been departmentalize, life has only 7
problems. Let’s look at someone that is struggling in life, wife has not given birth,
all kinds of misfortunes keeps happening to this man, so many disappointments
in life, different kinds of bad news kept flooding into his life, listen friends, this
man does not have many problems, but just one problem, which is the problems
of blessing. Jesus came to fix these seven problems through His blood, on the
night that they splashed the blood of the lamb on their door post, that same night,
those 7 things were restored back into their lives. Slaves became powerful for
masters to handle, power changed hands, also the Israelites plundered the
Egyptians, of their gold, silver and other valuables, Israelites became richer that
their masters! The blood is powerful. You can’t allow the blood of Jesus to wash
your sins away by accepting Him into your life, without experiencing the
wonders of these 7 things the blood got for us for more understanding of these 7
things, read my book “THE BLOOD RE-DEFINED”. Life doesn’t have more than 7
problems, just that most of these problems have branches. Someone that has
headache, heart palpitation, diabetes, may be arthritis he doesn’t have many
problems, it’s just one problem that is the problem of might/strength according
to the seven things Jesus got for us in (Rev 5:12) please watch out for my latest

book “THE PATRIMONY (Believers’ inheritance), for more elaborate details on

these subject, even how to get these 7 things.


Father, as I partake of the blood of Jesus Christ today I receive in full measure the 7
redemptive inheritance that you got for me, no more will there be any contrary
experience in my life anymore in Jesus name. Amen.

DAY 29


“Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to
sins, might live for righteousness – by whose stripes you were healed.” (1st Pet

One day my children were ill, and I’ve exercised my faith for their healing but the
sickness persisted, maybe my faith wasn’t well exercised. When I noticed that
this sickness persisted, I make my way straight to the bank for withdrawal, I sat
down somewhere for proper meditation because meditation is medication to
believers, while meditating; the light of the scripture shone so brightly in my
heart from Isaiah 53:4-5, as I pondered on the word, the Holy spirit spoke into
my heart, If He has carried your sickness away, it is not meant to come back, but
in case it comes, is not Jesus that brought it back, an enemy has done that,
command him to take the sickness away and get out,” so I did as I was instructed
based on the light I got from meditation, folks to my greatest amazement I got
home they were all healed! To the glory of God I had to use the resources for
something else. His stripes and blood that came out, got total healing for us,
partaking of the communion puts your health in perfect condition all through
your journey here on planet earth. By His stripes, you are stronger than sickness.
After the exodus from Egypt the blood of Jesus, none of the Israelites was weak
(sick) nor feeble among them. And God did not allow the disease that was upon
the Egyptians to be upon His people. There’s a mark of distinction through the
blood of Jesus Christ. “I will make a difference between My people and your
people Tomorrow this sign shall be” (Exodus 8:23)


Father, as I partake of this now and beyond, let it bring total healing to my body, let
it wash away every blood related diseases, cleanse and make me whole
completely, for by His stripes and blood I am healed totally, No more sickness
mentally, physically and emotionally in Jesus name.

DAY 30


“And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of
the earth, and has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of
their dwellings (Acts 17:26)

Religious gathering, denominational doctrine, individual belief has all attempted

to disunite the body of Christ, thereby bringing hatred among brethren, which is
similar to the sin of murder. Friends the blood of Jesus Christ that washed and
saved the Indian Hindu is the same blood that saved and washed the Arabian
Muslim, the blood that washed T.D. Jakes in America is the same blood that saved
the beggar and destitute in the street of Johannesburg in South Africa, the blood
that redeemed and cleanse David Younggi Choo in far away south Korea is the
same blood that cleansed and purified that bus conductor that smokes Indian
hemp in the street of Lagos- Nigeria. It’s the same blood that was in us, not from
another spiritual parent’s, but the same spiritual father, with the same blood, so
as to make us one nation both here on earth and up there in heaven eventually.
One blood, one people!


Lord, help me never to discriminate other Christians in different denomination and

countries, help me to walk in love, just as you walked in love. Thank you for the
blood that save us all in Jesus name, Amen.

DAY 31


“Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from
wrath through Him” (Rom 5:9)

To be justified according to Merriam-Webster dictionary means, (1) To prove or

shown to be just, right or reasonable. (2) To show to have had a sufficient legal
reason. (3) To judge, regard, or treat as righteous and worthy of salvation, (4) To
show a sufficient lawful reason for an act done.


I am not qualified to be alive, but the blood justified me,

I am not qualified to be called a Son of God but the blood justified me,

I am not qualified to be called righteous but the blood justified me,

I am not qualified to be forgiven of my sins but the blood justified me,

I am not qualified to be healthy oh Lord, but the blood of your son Jesus Christ
justified me,

I am forever doomed for destruction in life, but the blood justified me to live a
meaningful life to humanity, oh the blood, the precious blood of Jesus Christ, my
justifier against the wrath of God.

His blood justified us to be saved from the anger Of God, not your acts, alms
giving, education, professionalism and what have you, It’s just His blood, His
precious blood that justified me to still be alive today, knowing too well that no
human being is better than another except on the ground of the blood of Jesus
Christ, that’s where we stand and pose.


Say this loud, I am justified by the blood, I didn’t justify myself but His blood
justified me against sickness, death, poverty, stagnation, frustration, confusion,
(mention others) I am justified by the precious blood of the lamb. Praise God!

DAY 32


“Having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which
was contrary to us, And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.
Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them,
triumphing over them in it,” (Col 2:14-15)
Something more than what we can imagine happened at the cross. Praise the
Lord. Characters, attitudes, sins that were written by the devil that he was using
against us, were all nailed and wiped out completely never to be remembered
again. His blood is powerful, it can delete anything that’s contrary to God’s plans
for you, anything the enemy has documented, sins committed many years ago,
that secret fornication with another woman or man, the murder, that
masturbation ,those little criminal acts, those executions carried out as a cultist, I
mean those cheating and fraudulent acts, those lustful thought over that
lady/guy, secret stealing, conspiracy, secret gossip against your pastor, plots to
have that lady not to be married, etc. His blood wiped them out completely, never
to be remembered anymore. It will interest you to know that the devil thought
the battle has ended on the cross, but that’s where the battle started, he now
went further through His blood to disgrace principalities, powers, giving them a
technical knockout in their territory, praise God.
Never you allow the devil to remind you of what you did some time ago, once he
brings that to your memory try hard, very, very hard to remind him also of what
Jesus did to him on the cross and how eventually he was disgraced, disarmed of
powers, stripped naked in the presence of his brothers, you’ll be shocked how
he’ll leave you alone! Jesus deleted everything written against you by the devil.
Praise God.


Father, thank you for the blood, for what it did and still doing in my life, thank you
Lord for the deleting power that’s in the blood of Jesus Christ. Therefore, today, by
the precious blood of the lamb, those my past deed that has been tormenting my
thought has been deleted by the blood of Jesus Christ never to be remembered
again for the rest of my life, thank you Lord Jesus!

DAY 33


“I will ransom them from the power of the grave (through the blood of Jesus), I will
redeemed them from death. O death, I will be your plagues! O grave, I will be your
destruction. Pity is hidden from my eyes (Hosea 13:14 – Emphasis mine)

One of the most feared and dreaded thing on earth is death. When it come to a
place, homes, community, everyone looks pale and helpless, nobody can confront
it nor to talk of pursuing it for recovery of any stolen being. Instead, people resort
to crying and six months of mourning in some parts of African countries, some
people starts going to places to know what actually caused the untimely death.
Medical science has tried their best but when this death comes, doctors seem
helpless. Hey friends listen, and listen attentively, “Inasmuch then as the children
have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that
through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil,
and release those who through fear of death, were all their lifetime subject to
bondage.”(Heb 2:14-15). Both the devil and his instrument of death has been
destroyed and defeated! Stop being afraid of the devil and death, for they are
afraid of you because you have the mark of blood, even if death is on an errand
for God, once it sights you it clears the way for you to pass, why! “Utterly slay
(kill) old and young men, maidens and little children and women, but do not
come near anyone on whom is the mark…” (Ezek 9:6). There’s a mark of the
blood upon your life, and nothing, I mean absolutely nothing including death can
cross the blood line!

God dealt with death! (Hosea 13:14)


Jesus dealt with death! (Rev 1:18, 1 Jhn 11:43-44) Holy spirit through the lives of
the apostles dealt with death (Acts 9:37,40), in fact, Paul so much humiliated
death that he was deciding when to die and when not to die, all these things
happened because of the blood of Jesus Christ, the communion that we take is His
blood that He gave us for immunity against death, because we can’t die in an
untimely manner, we sleep at full grown old age or when we have finished our
assignment to connect back to our Maker in heaven. But as for death, nothing for
you! You’ve been defeated forever. “I will ransom them from the power of the
grave; I will redeem them from death. O death, I will be your plagues! O Grave, I
will be your destruction. Pity is hidden from my eyes (Hosea 13:14)


Father, thank you for delivering us from the power of death, through the blood of
Jesus Christ, therefore as I take this flesh and blood of Jesus today, I now have His
life, death is now afraid of me, I shall live but not die to proclaim and declare the
goodness of the Lord in Jesus name. Nothing dies around me!

DAY 34


“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the
blood of Christ (Eph 2:13)
Some of us, would have been a hired killer, dangerous armed robber, cultist,
dangerous drug dealer, maybe an addicted Indian hemp smoker, but His blood
brought us from a far, far away kingdom of darkness, a place that is so dreadful
where captives are kept, The blood of Jesus Christ is the only thing that God used
to bring us near and eventually into the kingdom of His dear son.”He has
delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the
son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of
sins” (Col1:13-14).
Friends, it doesn’t matter how far away the devil has taken you as a captive
through addiction to sexual sin, prostitution, addiction to smoking, addiction to
alcoholism, habits etc, His precious blood can deliver and restore you back to
God, you’re struggling to stop it, but it can’t be achieved through blood, nothing
more, nothing less. If you ignore the blood of Jesus Christ, you’re automatically
ignoring your redemption and deliverance. “As for you also, because of the blood
of your covenant, I will set your prisoners free from the waterless pit (Zech 9:11).
Plead the blood over your life and those addictions, accept Jesus into your life
and let His blood do the wonders in your life. Just as it did in my life. Many years
ago before I gave my life to Jesus Christ, I was addicted to cigarette smoking,
addicted to womanizing, but when I accepted Jesus into my heart, all those
addictions disappeared never to come back again. Allow Jesus and His blood to
fix it because determination and resolution cannot fix it. See what God says he’ll
do to your captors when you accept Jesus into your heart,” “But thus says the
Lord; Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, And the prey of the
terrible be delivered, for I contend with him who contends with you, And I will
save your children.

I will feed those who oppress you with their own flesh, And they shall be drunk
with their own blood as with sweet wine, All flesh shall know that I, the LORD, am
your savior, And your Redeemer, the mighty one of Jacob” (Isa 49:25-26)


Lord Jesus I‘ve been playing religion all these while save me from this sinful life, I
believe you died for me and your blood was shed to redeemed me completely from
the kingdom of darkness, I accept you into my life today, take the place that is
yours alone in my life. Thank you Lord for restoring my soul from the domain of
the devil. I pledged to live for you for the rest of my life. Amen.

DAY 35


God almighty sent our Lord Jesus Christ to establish the highest form of covenant
the human race would ever know. It was an agreement established by spotless
and sinless blood of Jesus Christ, because the blood of animals formally used for
the establishment of covenant could only cover sin for a while but it could not
wipe it away. Something very awesome happened when Jesus died on the cross
and rose on the third day. He paid for our sins, so we qualify for forgiveness from
God. But more than that, Jesus took the legal document, whatever it was that
satan had brandished; the agreement that was signed before between the devil
and whoever on our behalf, and nailed it to the cross. The scripture says’ “going
under the water was a burial of your old life, coming up out of it was a
resurrection, God raising you form the dead as He did Christ. When you were
stuck in your old sin-dead life, you were incapable of responding to God. God
brought you alive-right along with Christ! Think of it! All sins forgiven, the slate
wiped clean, that old arrest warrant canceled and nailed to Christ’s cross. He
stripped all the spiritual tyrants in the universe of their sham authority at the
cross and marched them naked through the streets (Col 3:12-15 Message Bible).

When you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, immediately, the blood of Jesus Christ
is activated on your behalf, it means you have been initiated into a covenant by
the blood of Jesus Chris. Every other blood that is connected to your destiny loses
their effect, they are dissolved. Every other covenant that may have been
activated on your behalf is wasted, useless and destroyed. Every spiritual
document written against you, everything that satan believes gives him authority
or the right to afflict you is nullified and is no longer legally binding on your life.
His blood connected us to a superior covenant


Oh Lord, by the covenant connection I nullify every other contrary covenant

entered on my behalf, let the power that’s in the blood of Jesus destroy every altar
speaking against me right now. As I advance in life, since the blood cannot be
stopped I am therefore unstoppable in the journey of life. Thank you Jesus for this
great opportunity to partner with you through this superior blood covenant. Amen

DAY 36


“Therefore take heed to yourself and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit
has made you overseer to shepherd the church of God, which He purchased with
His own blood.” (Acts 20:28)

You are bought with a price! Somebody paid for your freedom. Just as a man paid
for the bride price of a woman, and everything about the woman changes to take
a new nature. The woman’s name changes, nativity, possession and lots more. In
the same vein, the blood is the price that Jesus paid to buy us over, from that day
onwards, our identity changed, nativity changed (Phil 3:20). Infact, the wonders
of our redemption is, everything that belongs to Jesus automatically belongs to
us, we are His bride, He is our bridegroom, the blood is the dowry, we now have
the power of attorney to use His name, His wealth, His blessings, His glory-look at
this, “And the glory which you gave me I have given them (John 17:22). This is
mind blowing, Jesus’ properties are now my properties, His righteousness is my
righteousness. I am the righteousness of God in Christ. Jesus’ peace is now my
peace, praise God forevermore! Listen to this! Anyone that touches the wife of a
military general is signing in for trouble, I am the bride of the grand commander
of the affairs of heaven and earth, therefore, satan and agents keep Off!

Sickness and barrenness keep off!

Stagnation and frustration keep off! Keep off!!



I bear upon my body the mark of our Lord Jesus Christ, Let nothing troubles me
from now onwards in Jesus name Amen.

DAY 37


One amazing thing about the blood of Jesus Christ is that it’s more spiritual than
physical, the effect can access anywhere without limits, you can engage it in
Nigeria over an issue in Holland and it will achieve its purpose, why? Because it is
a spirit, the physical administration of the blood through communion (drinking),
sprinkling or pleading (speaking forth with the blood) are all mediums through
which you provoke the working power that’s in the blood.
“For I will pass through the land of Egypt on that night, and I will strike all the
firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast, and against all the gods of Egypt
I will execute judgment: I am the Lord. Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the
houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the
plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt: (Exod
Now, let’s consider this, He is passing through the land, but he wants a medium
through which He can execute vengeance- the blood is the medium. What they
splashed/sprinkled on their door post was the blood, but what the Egyptians
experienced was unimaginable death of beasts and human beings. What’s the
correlation? His flesh is the word and His blood is His spirit.
“Then Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of
the son of man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Therefore many of His
disciples, when they heard this said, “This is a hard saying, who can understand it?
(John 6:53,60). It wasn’t easy for the disciples to understand the teachings of the
blood and the flesh of Jesus Christ, but please just open up your heart and
comprehend this truth for your benefit. Behind every act of wickedness,
oppression or brutality there’s a spirit, so what the Israelites where going
through in Egypt through the hand of Pharaoh where all manipulations from the
gods (spirits) of the Egyptians. God wasn’t interested in touching Pharaoh, but he
said …I will pass through the land of Egypt that night… and against all the gods of
Egypt I will execute judgment. I am the Lord (Exod 12:12). But to destroy spirits,
you need a higher spirit, its spirits that fights spirits. So the blood of the lamb
carries within it, the spirit of the Lamb of God.

“It is the spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing.

The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63) His blood is
in His flesh, because the life of the flesh if in the blood (Lev 17:11), so it means
the life of the word (flesh) is in the spirit (blood). His blood is His spirit. So as you
engage the blood be mindful that what you are engaging is the spirit of Jesus
Christ against every contrary spirit that wants to stagnate you from moving


Father, since the gods of the Egyptians cannot stop the power that’s in the blood of
the lamb, so therefore as I engage the blood of Jesus Christ today, I declare let it
destroy every contrary power that wants to keep me in one place- I shall move
forward forcefully through the power that’s in the blood which is the spirit of
Jesus! Praise God!

DAY 38


In the hierarchy of nature, man is rated higher than the devil. But it’s so amazing
how man tends to live in the fear of this “grasshopper” called Satan. All the
human race dreads him except some of us whom God has opened our eyes to
know and see our position in Christ. You are rated far, far above principalities,
powers, spiritual wickedness, and rulers of darkness of this world. The devil is
your subordinate, he’s your junior in God’s hierarchy, and he is not in your class,
lets’ look at this briefly. The hierarchy
1. God

2. The Word (Jesus)

3. Holy spirit

4. Man (Believers)

5. Angels

6. Satan (fallen arch angel)

7. Demon (fallen angels)

8. Man (unbelievers)

9. Animals

10. Plants

After the trinity, man (regenerated) occupies the fourth position comfortably.
While the devil is seated at the sixth position, what took you to that position is
the blood of Jesus Christ, while those that have not receive Jesus is under the
dominion of Satan and demons, but for me I am under the Dominion of God, Jesus
and Holy spirit, but Satan and demons are all under my dominion, I am their
superior, I am their boss, through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. “Behold, I
give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the
powers of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19).
Listen friends, the devil is afraid of you because of the weapons that are at your
disposal, though he has wiles and devises but none, I mean none of his weapons
can match the weapon of the blood of Jesus Christ. We are not in the same class,
It’s even a higher insult and ignorance to compare God with one of His loyal
messengers – the devil. No! They are incomparable. Go, rush now and deal with
that your subordinate called the devil. Announce to him that you’re coming to
deal with him tonight with the blood of Jesus Christ, since he refuses to comply.
You and the devil are not classmate, the blood of Jesus Christ gave you a double
promotion. Amen


Father, thank you for opening my eyes to my position now that I know, I command
the devil over the affairs of my life, family, career etc to get out now through the
blood of Jesus Christ. Amen

DAY 39


“But Christ came as High Priest of the good things to come, with the greater
and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation.
Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the
most Holy place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. For if the
blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkling the unclean,
sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of
Christ, who through the eternal spirit offered Himself without spot to God,
cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God. And for this
reason He is the Mediator of the new covenant, by means of death, for the
redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, that those who are
called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance.”(Heb 9:11-15).

Access into the holy of holies was only granted to the priest. But the blood
came and elevated us into the realms of above limitation and powers. We
can now boldly come to the throne of grace to obtain grace and mercy. This
is the priestly work in the Old Testament; they enter the holy of holies with
animal’s blood to atone for the sins of the people. But Jesus entered with His
own blood, once and for all opening us up to access the father’s throne on
the ground of the blood. E.W. Kenyon wrote a power poem about the
elevation we now have through the blood covenant connection-

I have a right to grace, in the hardest place,

On the ground of the Blood Covenant;
I have a right to peace that can never cease
On the ground of the Blood Covenant.
I have a right to joy, that can never cloy,
On the ground of the Blood Covenant;

I have a right to power, yes this very hour,

On the ground of the Blood Covenant.
I have a right to health, thru my Father’s wealth,
On the ground of the Blood Covenant;
I my healing take, Satan’s hold must break,
On the ground of the Blood Covenant.
I‘ve a legal right, now to win this fight,
On the ground of the Blood Covenant;
I will take my Part with Courageous heart,
On the ground of the Blood Covenant.
Now my rights I claim, in His Mighty Name,
On the ground of the Blood Covenant;
All my prayers prevail, tho’ all hell assail,
On the ground of the Blood Covenant.
On the ground of the Blood,
On the ground of the Blood Covenant;
I will claim my rights, tho’ the enemy fights,
On the ground of the Blood Covenant.
My elevation took place through the blood of Jesus Christ; I can’t experience
what everybody is experiencing because the blood has elevated me into the
realms of far above all principalities and powers.


Father, let repositioning power that’s in the blood reposition me into my

rightful position in life, let it elevate me to my rightful promotion at work, in
school and in life. I don’t belong to this level, my level is the topmost top, from
today and through the precious blood of Jesus, I’m on my way to the topmost
top in life. Elevation is real through the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen

DAY 40


“And war broke out in heaven, Michael and his angels fought with the dragon, and
the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found
for them in heaven any longer. “And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb….
(Rev 12:7-11)

Never allow yourself to be engaged in a spiritual fight with the devil, he’s not
your equal at all, Angels dealt and defeated him by the blood, and Moses came
and defeated him by the blood of the lamb. It’s now your turn to experience the
power that’s in the blood. A woman shared her testimony, she said, as soon as
she sprinkled the blood of Jesus Christ in her compound, the voice of the terrible
evil bird ceased crying in the night. Another gave a testimony on how her
husband’s occultist practices was checkmated through the book “The blood re-
defined,” Nowthe husband is so afraid of the wife, that he had to run away from
the city to the village, because the more he tries to host his fellow occultist people
for a meeting in their house, the more frustrated they’ll become in hosting the
meeting in the house, because this lady knew about the blood and she has been
engaging it regularly and then she has seen tremendous victory!Don’t entertain
the devil anymore; deal with him with the precious blood of the lamb. For the
blood is the weapon of mass destruction, engage it now and be free forever!


Father, just as angels defeated the devil by the blood of lamb, and since you are not
a respecter of person, as I engage this same blood of the lamb, I secure my victory
over all contentions of my life. Thank you Jesus for expounding the mysteries of
the blood to me through your son, Kc Richards, Amen!

Kc Richard

Lead Pastor SwiftChurch, President Moneywise Institute,

Author and Radio presenter.


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