Aircon elastomers

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Elastomers in Hoses for

Elastomers  Hoses  Automotive air-
conditioning systems  Chlorobutyl rub-
ber  Bromobutyl rubber

This paper discusses the development of

rubber compounds for air-conditioning
Air-Conditioning Systems
hoses designed to meet the stringent
demands of the automotive industry. The
phasing out of chlorofluorocarbons N. Harmsworth, Leverkusen (Germany)
(CFCs) as automotive refrigerants and
the introduction of new refrigerant fluids
requires a new approach to compound-
The paper focuses on halobutyl formula-
tions for an inner tube based on a VW After several years of recession, the Ger- Automotive air-conditioning systems
draft specification for the temperature man and European automotive industry use elastomers in seals around the fittings
range of 90 to 110 8C. has grown significantly since 1995 and and shafts, and in hoses that conduct
The results given in this paper are the is still on the increase. The whole German both gaseous and liquid refrigerant. The
optimised rubber compounds and cover
industry is undergoing major restructur- components and the functioning of an
only part of an extensive study. In the
search for an optimum compound, a ing and downsizing. Companies are be- automotive air-conditioning system are
study was made of the effect of the coming truly global. Privatisation of shown in Figure 1.
polymers, fillers and vulcanisation sys- many large local companies is creating The main components of an air-condi-
tem on each of the properties required a more competitive environment, which tioning system are: the compressor (1),
and particularly on the compression set.
Chlorobutyl and bromobutyl rubber are offers unlimited opportunities to consu- the condenser (3), the liquid receiver/con-
shown to be excellent base materials for mers. Consumer confidence in spending, tainer (5), the evaporator (8) and the ex-
rubber compounds for automotive air all around Europe, has improved and pansion valve (11). All these elements
conditioning systems. Vulcanisates consumer taste has changed signifi- are connected by metal tubes and rubber
based on these elastomers, when cor-
cantly. In Europe, the demand for air-con- hoses.
rectly compounded, meet the most
stringent specification requirements. ditioned cars, one aspect of driving com- A gaseous refrigerant is compressed
fort, has exceeded all the forecasts made by a compressor (1) and liquefied in a
in the early 1990s. In 1997, 50 % of cars condenser. From there it flows to an ex-
Elastomere fuÈr Klimaanlagen- were equipped with air-conditioning sys- pansion valve (11), where it evaporates
schlaÈuche tems. and thus loses heat according to thermo-
Elastomere  KlimaanlagenschlaÈuche 
Chlorbutylkautschuk  Brombutylkaut-

Der Vortrag zeigt neue Entwicklungen

von Gummimischungen fuÈr Klimaanla-
genschlaÈuche, um die scharfen Anforde-
rungen der Automobilindustrie zu erfuÈl-
len. Verursacht wurde diese Entwicklung
durch das Verbot der Chlorfluorkohlen-
wasserstoffe (CFC) als KuÈhlmittel fuÈr
Kraftfahrzeuge und durch die EinfuÈhrung
neuer KuÈhlmittel.
Der Vortrag konzentriert sich auf Mi-
schungen auf der Basis von Halobutyl-
kautschuk fuÈr Schlauchseelen zu ErfuÈl-
lung eines Spezifikationsentwurfs von
VW fuÈr den Temperaturbereich zwischen
90 8C und 110 8C.
Die vorgestellten Ergebnisse stellen eine
Auswahl der besten Mischungen aus
einer Groûserie von Versuchen dar. Bei
der Suche nach der besten Mischung
wurden systematisch die EinfluÈsse von
Polymer, FuÈllstoffen und Vernetzungssy-
stem auf die gewuÈnschten Eigenschaf-
ten insbesondere den Druckverfor-
mungsrest untersucht. Operation of coolant circuit
Chlorbutyl und Brombutylkautschuk eig- 1 Compressor
2 Electromagnetic circuit
Temperature switch
Condensate tray
nen sich danach sehr gut als Ausgangs- 3 Condenser 8 Evaporator
materialien fuÈr KlimaanlagenschlaÈuche 4 Auxiliary blower
5 Liquid receiver; 5a Inspection glass; 5b Thermostat; 5c Fuse;
Evaporator blower
Blower switch
in Kraftfahrzeugen. Bei sachgerechten 5d Drier insert; 5e Low pressure switch; 5f Test connection 11 Expension valve
Mischungsangaben erfuÈllten Vulkanisate
aus diesem Kautschuk strengste Anfor-
derungen. Figure 1. Automotive Air Conditioning System

KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 53. Jahrgang, Nr. 3/2000 103

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Elastomers in Hoses for . . .

dynamic laws. The refrigerant then ab- Hoses for use with refrigerants under tures and explosive decompression stu-
sorbs heat from the surroundings, and pressure should have a high modulus dies carried out with new refrigerant sys-
evaporates in the evaporator (8) and to provide good resistance to expansion tem demonstrated a need for other elas-
again enters the compressor (1). and good compression set to provide tomers and other compounding princi-
The development of rubber parts for good sealing under clamping conditions ples than those used for air-conditioning
air-conditioning systems, such as seals at the various fittings. systems based on CFCs.
and hoses, has been one of the most Fluid resistance tests, permeability stu- The purpose of this work was to devel-
challenging areas in the European rubber dies, ageing studies at higher tempera- op a halobutyl formulation for an inner
industry. At the beginning of 1990, there
were only a few rubber companies in Eu-
rope capable of offering rubber hoses for
air-conditioning systems. By 1997 more
than 30 were actively involved in various
development projects. With increased
competition and a desire to ensure a pre-
sence in this growing market, some com-
panies have caused a considerable de-
crease in price of these products and
as a consequence, other companies
opted to pull out of this business, as
they judged it unprofitable.
In the 1990s, the automotive industry is
facing historic change caused by legisla-
tion based upon the Montreal protocol,
which governs the phase-out of chloro-
fluorocarbons (CFCs) for use as automo-
tive refrigerants. These reactive chlorine-
containing chemicals contribute to ozone
breakdown in the upper atmosphere,
causing an increase in global warming.
To combat this environmental problem,
the automotive industry has selected a
new refrigerant, R-134a. The change of
the refrigerant required a compatible lu- Figure 2. Relative Permeation Rates for R-134a (80 8C)
bricant. Polyalkylene glycol (PAG) was se-
lected for this purpose. The operating
temperature range for the new refrigerant
system has increased to 132 ± 138 8C in
comparison with the temperature range
of 120 ± 127 8C valid for the previous re-
frigerant system based on CFC (R12)
and mineral oil as lubricant. The change
in the refrigerant system, lubricant and
the temperature has led to a new ap-
proach to compounding of rubber com-
ponents for air-conditioning systems, all
around the world.
The key product characteristics to be
designed into seals and hoses for air-
conditioning systems are:
* Low permeability and resistance to
* Resistance to the lubricant (PAG)
* Resistance to operating temperatures
from 30 8C to over 150 8C
* Good compression set
* Good resistance to dynamic stress, vi-
brations and pressure up to 30 bars
* Low noise development. Figure 3. Relative Permeation Rates for R-12 (3:5  105 Pa at 80 8C)

104 KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 53. Jahrgang, Nr. 3/2000

Elastomers in Hoses for . . .

tube based on a VW draft specification for

the temperature range of 90 to 110 8C.
The VW draft specification was selected
as the most stringent for evaluation of
product performance.
The results given in this paper are the
optimised rubber compounds and cover
only part of an extensive study. The re-
sults of other studies are reported in in-
house technical reports. In the search
for an optimum compound, we examined
the effect of the polymers, fillers and vul-
canisation system on each of the proper-
ties required and particularly on the com-
pression set.

Selection of the Polymer

In our earlier studies [1] we examined the
impact of R-134a on rubber compounds
used for seals and hoses for air-condi-
tioning systems. We compared the rela-
tive permeation rates of R-134a and R-
12 through the elastomers used in seal
and hose manufacture: acrylonitrile-buta-
diene rubber (NBR), hydrogenated acry-
lonitrile-butadiene rubber (HNBR), halo-
genated butyl rubbers (BIIR, CIIR) and
chloroprene rubber (CR). Resistance to
permeation by R134a is considered to
be one of the most important properties Figure 4. Resistance to R-134a/PAG (70 h at 125 8C) Change in tensile strength DT), elonga-
for any part used in the air-conditioning tion (DE) and volume (DV)
system. This study also provides informa-
tion about the ageing resistance of the
above-mentioned elastomers in lubri-
cants saturated with refrigerants. The
permeation experiments were carried
out in a modified Parr Bomb and an ap-
propriate in-house procedure was devel-
oped. The relative permeation rates of R-
134a and R-12 are shown in Figures 2
and 3. The results of this screening study
show that butyl elastomers have good
permeation resistance to R134a, fol-
lowed by HNBR and NBR with a high ac-
rylonitrile content (45 %).
The permeation resistance of NBR and
HNBR for R-12 was superior to that of the
butyls. The resistance of butyl elastomers
to the PAGs (Figure 4) was not as good as
that of NBR and HNBR, but it is consid-
ered acceptable for many applications.
Soon after the introduction of R-134a
onto the market, some USA air-condi-
tioning hose manufacturers [2], who
had much longer experience than their
European counterparts, offered their pa-
tented solutions based on polyamide-ve-
neered elastomer hoses. The elastomer Figure 5. Permeability to air

KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 53. Jahrgang, Nr. 3/2000 105

Elastomers in Hoses for . . .

component is usually a halogenated butyl many air-conditioning hose manufac- Halogenated butyl rubber vulcanisates
rubber because of its low permeability to turers around the world as the base poly- have the lowest permeability to gases
R-134a. This type of hose had excellent mer for inner tubes. The use of haloge- and vapours, as well as the lowest ab-
permeation resistance. This approach nated butyl rubbers for inner tubes is sorption of water and many other chemi-
was common in the USA, however, it more economical in comparison with cals. Air permeability, as a function of
did not meet European expectations. other systems available, as discussed temperature, of a number of elastomers
The manufacture of these hoses is diffi- above. is shown in Figure 5. The vulcanisates
cult and expensive. The hoses are too ri- Halogenated butyl rubbers are haloge- contain 50 phr SRF carbon black and
gid and generate noise particularly at low- nated copolymers of isobutene with small no plasticiser. The air permeability of ha-
er temperatures. European hose manu- amounts of isoprene. The isoprene is in- logenated butyl rubber vulcanisates is
facturers generally adopted an all-elasto- corporated to provide double bonds, comparable with that of NBR vulcani-
mer hose construction, with an inner tube which allow the rubber to be vulcanised sates and, in the case of NBR with a
based on halogenated butyl rubber or with sulphur and other vulcanising high ACN content (40 ± 50 %), is almost
HNBR, in a few cases with a paper-thin agents. The presence of a halogen, either identical.
layer of polyamide which provides the bromine or chlorine, provides a higher
permeation barrier. The hose cover is vulcanisation activity and versatility. Halo-
Compounding ingredients
based on a variety of elastomers, such genated butyl rubbers are readily covul-
as ethylene-propylene rubber (EPDM), canised with highly unsaturated elasto- Fillers
chloroprene rubber (CR), halogenated mers, such as NR, SBR, NBR, CR,
butyl rubber (BIIR, CIIR) or ethylene-vinyl EPDM etc. Carbon black was selected as the reinfor-
acetate (EVM). A similar approach was Many of the properties of halogenated cing agent. Trials were also made with
adopted by some Japanese hose manu- butyl vulcanisates are virtually identical, blends of carbon black and mineral fillers,
facturers [3] who proposed a hose based regardless of the halogen employed. Be- such as calcined clay, barium sulphate
on a butyl inner tube and a halogenated cause of the lower C-Br bond energy, the and silane-treated talc [4]. The later
butyl cover. cure sites in bromobutyl are more reac- was used because of its platy structure,
tive, resulting in faster cures, greater which contributes to even lower perme-
cure versatility and better covulcanisation ability of halogenated butyl vulcanisates.
Rubber Compounds for Inner
with general purpose elastomers. Moreover, silane-treated talc covulca-
Halogenated butyl rubbers can be vul- nises with halogenated butyl rubbers
canised with a small amount of zinc through its silane groups, giving vulcani-
The Base Polymers
oxide, or even without, and require a sates with a higher modulus than with any
Halogenated Butyl Rubbers very low level of other vulcanisation other mineral filler. The level of filler was
agents. The vulcanisate properties are tested for its effect on processing proper-
Because of their excellent permeation re- very similar, regardless of the halogen ties and physical properties.
sistance to the new refrigerant R-134a, used. However, as far as the compres-
high damping of low frequency vibra- sion set is concerned, chlorobutyl gener- Plasticisers
tions, excellent low temperature proper- ally gives lower values in comparison to
ties and excellent heat ageing, haloge- bromobutyl. Plasticisers were not used in our studies
nated butyl rubbers are considered by in order to eliminate the risk of extraction

Figure 6. Compression set (P-VW 3307) (Chlorobutyl Compounds) Figure 7. Compression set (DBL-5555) (Chlorobutyl Compounds)

106 KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 53. Jahrgang, Nr. 3/2000

Elastomers in Hoses for . . .

by the refrigerant and to minimise the per- Table 1. Chlorobutyl Liner Compounds for Air Conditioning Hoses
meability of the vulcanisates. If necessary,
1289 A 761 762 763 764 765 766 767
small amounts of processing aids can be
used, preferably paraffinic oils, low Chlorobutyl rubber 1240 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Stearic acid 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
molecular weight polyethylene (e. g. Carbon black N 772 70,0 70,0 70,0 70,0 70,0 70,0 70,0
AC 617) or low molecular weight polybu- Zinc oxide active 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0
tene (Indopol H-300, Hyvis 100, 200 etc.) Phenolic resin 5,0 ± 5,0 ± ± ± ±
Poly-alkylphenoldisulphide 1,0 1,0 ± ± ± ± ±
as well as stearic acid. The following fac- ZDEC ± ± ± ± 1,5 ± ±
tors have to be considered when select- Vultac 710 ± ± 1,0 1,0 ± ± ±
ing the plasticisers: compatibility with the TMTD ± 0,25 ± 0,25 ± 1,5 ±
base polymer, plasticising efficiency and MBTS ± 1,5 ± 1,5 ± ± ±
Magnesium oxide ± 0,5 ± 0,5 0,5 ± 0,5
extractability by the refrigerant DTDM ± ± ± ± ± 2,0 ±
DBU ± ± ± ± ± ± 4,5

Antioxidants Total, phr 182,0 179,25 182,0 179,25 178,0 179,0 181,0

Halogenated butyl rubbers have excellent

resistance to ageing, ozone, heat and
water. Antioxidants and stabilisers are
added to the elastomers during the pro- Table 1b. Chlorobutyl Liner Compounds for Air Conditioning Hoses Physical Properties
duction. Most antioxidants generally give 1289 A 761 762 763 764 765 766 767
little additional protection, if any, to halo- Vulcanisation time at (min) 20 15 19 14 15 21 28
butyl vulcanisates at temperatures below 160 8C
150 8C. Tensile strength (MPa) 11,0 10,3 11,0 10,3 12,4 12,6 7,1
Effective antioxidants and antiozo- Ultimate Elongation (%) 285 535 300 505 345 420 605
Modulus 100 (MPa) 3,3 1,6 3,2 1,8 1,9 1,8 1,4
nants, if required, are phenolic antioxi- Modulus 200 (MPa) 8,1 4,2 7,9 4,7 6,2 5,1 2,5
dants, octylated-diphenylamine, alkyl ± Modulus 300 (MPa) ±/± 7,1 ±/± 7,6 11,0 9,3 3,9
aryl phosphates and cyclic acetal (Vulka- Hardness (Shore A) 67 58 65 59 57 57 59
Tear resistance (N/mm) 4,9 12,7 4,1 10,9 8,6 9,3 13,5
zon AFS).

Table 2. Bromobutyl Compounds for Inner Tube for Air Conditioning Hoses
Compound: 1289 A 791 A 792 A 793 A 794 A 795 A 796 A 797 A 798
Bromobutyl 2030 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
Stearic acid 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
Carbon black N 772 70,0 70,0 70,0 70,0 70,0 70,0 70,0 70,0
Zinc oxide active 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0
Phenolic resin 5,0 ± ± ± ± ± ± ±
Poly-alkylphenoldisulphide ± ± 2,0 ± ± ± ± ±
ZDEC ± ± ± 2,0 ± ± ± ±
TMTD ± 0,25 ± ± 1,5 ± ± ±
MBTS ± 1,5 ± ± ± ± ± ±
DBU ± ± ± ± 2,0 ± 5,0 7,0
MMBI ± ± ± ± ± 2,0 ± ±
Magnesium oxide ± 0,5 ± ± ± ± ± ±
Total, phr: 181,0 178,25 178,0 178,0 179,5 178,0 181,0 183,0

Table 2b. Bromobutyl Liner Compounds for Air Conditioning Hoses

Compound: 1289 A 791 A 792 A 793 A 794 A 795 A 796 A 797 A 798
Vulcanisate Properities
Vulcanisation time at 160 8C (min) 15 15 15 6 10 10 15 15
Tensile strength (MPa) 11,0 11,0 13,7 12,1 13,5 12,1 11,3 9,9
Ultimate elongation (%) 345 535 345 500 410 410 340 355
Modulus 100 (MPa) 3,1 1,5 3,8 1,4 2,7 3,4 3,5 3,6
Modulus 200 (MPa) 7,1 3,6 9,4 4,0 7,6 7,9 8,3 7,6
Modulus 300 (MPa) 10,2 6,1 13,0 7,4 11,8 10,9 10,9 9,3
Hardness (Shore A) 68 56 63 53 59 64 63 64
Tear DIN 53507 (N/mm) 8,1 14,6 5,6 13,1 10,7 8,3 6,9 6,6
Tear DIN 53507 (N/mm) 8,1 13,9 7,5 12,9 9,1 10,0 6,4 5,6

KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 53. Jahrgang, Nr. 3/2000 107

Elastomers in Hoses for . . .

Vulcanisation systems systems on compression set has been lows 30 minutes recovery after removal
also studied. Compound formulations of the deformation. The post cure has a
The choice of vulcanisation system de- and their properties are given in Table 1 positive effect on the compression set.
pends on the type of halogenated butyl and Table 2. Compression set data are According to our data, the lowest com-
rubber used. As mentioned earlier, bro- shown in Figures 6 to 9. pression set was obtained with the vulca-
mobutyl and chlorobutyl have quite differ- We have also examined the effect of nisation system based on Zinkoxyd aktiv
ent cure reactivities, bromobutyl showing the test method and post cure on the and zinc diethyl dithiocarbamate (Vulkacit
higher cure versatility and reactivity than compression set. The test procedure of LDA); however, with this curing system
chlorobutyl [5]. We have examined the ef- P-VW 3307 is very severe because of the vulcanisates have the lowest modu-
fect of various curing systems on the phy- the short recovery time of 30 seconds lus.
sical properties of halogenated butyl rub- after removal of the deformation. In com- Based on the results of the work done
bers [6]. The effect of the vulcanisation parison, DBL - 5555 test procedure al- so far, we have found that the optimum
compound for an inner tube is a chloro-
butyl or a bromobutyl compound with a
Table 3. Chlorobutyl Liner Compounds for Air Conditioning Hoses Vulcanisation System vulcanisation system based on zinc oxide
Zinc oxide/HVA#2 and N,N 0 m-phenylenedimaleimide
1289 A 611 612 613 614 (HVA#2). The lowest compression set is
obtained with chlorobutyl-based vulcani-
Chlorobutyl 1240 100 100 100 100
Stearic acid 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 sates. The compression set data for this
Carbon black N 772 80,0 80,0 80,0 80,0 curing system for chlorobutyl and bromo-
Zinc oxide 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 butyl compounds are shown in Fig-
N,N 0 -Phenylene bismaleimide 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
ures 10 and 11. The formulations for
these compounds are given in Tables 3
and 4. These compounds also give the
highest modulus values as required by
Table 3b. Chlorobutyl Liner Compounds for Air Conditioning Hoses Vulcanisation System
Zinc oxide/HVA#2 the VW specification.
Compound 611 612 613 614
Vulcanisate Properties Conclusion
Vulcanisation time at 160 8C (min) 10 10 10 15 The results of our studies show that
Tensile strength (MPa) 14,6 13,7 14,7 13,3 chlorobutyl rubber and bromobutyl
Ultimate elongation (%) 210 175 170 135
Modulus 100 (MPa) 6,4 7,6 8,5 10,0
rubber are excellent base materials
Modulus 200 (MPa) 14,1 ± ± ± for rubber compounds for automotive
air conditioning systems. Vulcanisates
based on these elastomers, when cor-
rectly compounded, meet the most
Table 4. Bromobutyl Liner Compounds for Air Conditioning Hoses Vulcanisation System stringent specification requirements.
Zinc oxide/HVA#2
1289 A 661 662 663 664 665 666
Bromobutyl 2030 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0
Stearic acid 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 The author wishes to thank Bayer AG for permission
Carbon black N 772 80,0 80,0 80,0 70,0 60,0 50,0 to present and publish this paper.
Zinc oxide 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0
N,N 0 Phenylene bismaleimide 1,5 2,0 3,0 2,0 2,0 2,0
Total, phr 185,5 186,0 187,0 176,0 166,0 166,0

Table 4b. Bromobutyl Liner Compounds for Air Conditioning Hoses Vulcanisation System Zinc oxide/HVA#2
1289 A 661 662 663 664 665 666
Vulcanisate Properties
Vulcanisation time at 160 8C 10 min 10 min 15 min 10 min 10 min 10 min
Tensile strength (MPa) 14,7 13,9 14,7 14,6 13,7 13,3
Ultimate elongation (%) 245 205 185 255 265 265
Modulus 100 (MPa) 5,8 6,1 7,5 4,5 4,3 3,9
Modulus 200 (MPa) 13,1 13,9 ±/± 12,0 10,5 10,1
Hardness (Shore A) 72 73 76 67 64 64
Tear strength (ASTMD 624/C) (kN/m) 29,1 26,9 24,1 28,1 27,7 29,4
Tear strength (DIN 53515) (kN/m) 13,8 13,2 11,3 12,3 12,3 11,4
Tear strength (DIN 53507) (kN/m) 2,9 2,9 2,8 3,2 3,8 4,0

108 KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 53. Jahrgang, Nr. 3/2000

Elastomers in Hoses for . . .

Figure 8. Compression set (P-VW 3307) (Bromobutyl Compounds) Figure 9. Compression set (DBL-5555) (Bromobutyl Compounds)

Figure 10. Compression set (P-VW 3307) Figure 11. Compression set (DBL-5555)

References [4] N. Harmsworth, Halogenated Butyl Rubbers for The author

Inner Tube of Car Air Conditioning Hoses accord-
[1] R.G. Vara, Dr., Resistance of Elastomers to refrig- ing to VW Draft Specification, Bayer KA Experi- Dipl. Ing. Nevenka Harmsworth is Technical Service
erant R-134a and its Lubricants, presented at the mental Report No. 1997 ± 117. Manager in the Rubber Business group of Bayer
ACS meeting, Denver, USA ,1993. [5] J. Walker and W. Hopkins, Cure reactivity ± A AG. She is responsible for non tyre applications of bu-
[2] EP 0203 880 (Goodyear) and citations therein. Route to Improved Performance in Halobutyl tyl and halogenated butyl rubbers and for the provi-
[3] S. Kitami, S. Ozawa, J. Mito and K. Kimitsu, CFC Rubbers, Polynote B7, 1987. sion of technical assistance to customers.
Gas ± Escape-Proof Hoses for Car Air Condi- [6] N. Harmsworth, Comparison of Bromobutyl and
tioners, International Polymer Science and Tech- Chlorobutyl Rubbers in a Compound for Car Air Corresponding author
nology, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1994. Condition Hose, KA Notiz 08.08.1997. Mrs. Nevenka Harmsworth, Bayer AG, GeschaÈfts-
bereich Kautschuk, D-51368 Leverkusen

KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe 53. Jahrgang, Nr. 3/2000 109

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