Supplementary Book New Frontiers 6

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Review Unit 1-2 26
Review Unit 3-4 52
Review Unit 5-6 80
Review Unit 7-8 109

A Listening
1 Listen and write the missing words. 01-01

1. A: Hi. I’m here for an interview with Mr. Kimble.

B: I’m sorry. Mr. Kimble is not here today. I’ll be doing the interview on his ____________.
2. A: Are you sure you can fix this?
B: I have programming experience, so I’m quite ________________of getting this done.
3. A: Why is Edward so happy?
B: He won an ________________ for being the best student in his year.
4. A: Tell me about one of your ________________.
B: Well, some people say I work too hard.
5. A: Why do you want to study at our ________________?
B: I heard this is the best place for pre-med students.
6. A: Is it hard to get into this program?
B: It’s pretty ________________. Only a few students are accepted each year.
7. A: Tell me about your ________________.
B: I’m good at following instructions and meeting deadlines.
8. A: Does this university have a lot of student ________________?
B: Yeah, there are many clubs and student groups.

2 Complete Question 3 with a subject you would like to study at university,
and then write your own answers to all the questions.
1. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?
2. Why are you interested in this university?
3. Why do you want to major in _________________________?
4. What are your strengths?
5. What are your weaknesses?

3 Listen and write the missing words. Track


Dr. Venkman: Hello, Ms. Benitez. Please sit down.

Ms. Benitez: Thank you, Dr. Venkman. And thank you
for giving me the opportunity to interview
at your _______________________.
Dr. Venkman: Don’t mention it. We are happy to have
you. Please tell me about yourself.
Ms. Benitez: Well, I was born in San Pedro, but I have
lived in Boston most of my life. I graduated
from East Boston High School, where I won many ____________________
awards and was named the class valedictorian.
Dr. Venkman: Interesting. So, when did your family move to Boston?
Ms. Benitez: We moved when I was four years old.
Dr. Venkman: Why are you interested in attending MIT?
Ms. Benitez: I want to major in _______________________, and I want to study at the
best institution for that field. I know that MIT is the perfect place for

Dr. Venkman: Why do you want to major in _______________________?
Ms. Benitez: I’ve been interested in _______________________ since
I was in high school. I was even a member of the Junior
_______________________ Association. We won a few
international competitions.
Dr. Venkman: That’s pretty impressive. You know, though, MIT is a very _______________
place. What makes you think you would be a good fit for our
Ms. Benitez: I think my grades and other achievements show that I am capable of
_______________________ here. Plus, once I set a goal, I always achieve it.
I’m a very determined person.
Dr. Venkman: OK, so along with determination, what are your other _________________?
Ms. Benitez: I am hard-working, understanding, and always on time.
Dr. Venkman: Can you give me an example of a time when you were _________________?
Ms. Benitez: One time my club members and I had to design a new robot for a
competition. I thought I had the best idea and even started to design it on
my own. I put in a lot of effort! But, after listening to my team members,
I understood that their ideas were better. I needed to ____________________
and get the job done. In the end, we were able to design a robot that won
the competition. In fact, we have been trying to upgrade that robot ever
since we won that competition.
Dr. Venkman: That’s a great story. Now, can you please describe your
Ms. Benitez: My main weakness is that I have always been too determined. Once I set a
goal, I do everything I can to reach it. Sometimes, this makes me a bit
narrow-minded, but I try to stop myself from letting it get out of hand.
Dr. Venkman: Well, I wouldn’t say _______________________ is a weakness, but I see what
you mean. Anyway, you’ll be meeting with many others today, so I won’t
take any more of your time. If you’re curious about your results,
you can check our website in about two months’ time to see if your
_______________________ has been accepted. In the meantime, please email
me if you have any questions.
Ms. Benitez: Thank you, Dr. Venkman. I enjoyed meeting you.

4 Role-play a similar conversation with a partner. Ask the same questions
but change the answers.

B Speaking
1 Complete the text with the words from the box.
assumed commit circumstances cope
intention tough sufficient responded

The ___________________ of the teacher was to give his students a difficult assignment
to test their understanding of the course. He ___________________ that he had given
them ___________________ time to complete it, but it was far too ___________________.
The students also had exams to prepare for and, under the ___________________, they
were unable to ___________________ with the workload. The students explained the
situation to the teacher, and he ___________________ by giving them a new deadline.
He asked them to ___________________ to completing the assignment by the new deadline,
and they agreed to do so.

2 Match the sentences and then write them in the table.

a. I’ve been playing about that before.
b. They’ve library every day this week.
c. She’s been to the been studying all day.
d. I’ve never thought tennis since I was 14.

Present Perfect Simple Present Perfect Continuous

1. 1.

2. 2.

3 Listen and answer the questions. Track

a. How long has he been planning on going to the university?

b. Why would he be a good fit for the university?

c. How does he plan to contribute to the university?

d. What does he plan on doing after university?

e. What makes him unique?

4 Unscramble the words to make questions.

a. want to study Why here do you?

b. we Why should over other accept you candidates?

c. would university you benefit our How?

d. achievement greatest is your What?

e. do you yourself see Where in 10 years?

f. me you time Tell when about a made a mistake. learn you What did it from?

5 Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 4 with a partner.

C Reading
1 Match the words to the correct definitions.
developments a. very scared
subject-specific b. be noticeably better than the rest of a group
mentioned c. to move quickly / be in a hurry
particular d. be one of a kind, different from everything or everyone else
enthusiastic e. related only to one particular area of study / not general
keen on f. show that you are very interested in (or keen on) something
unique g. things spoken or written about / stated
stand out h. like or be enthusiastic about something
rush i. the changes or advances made in a field or area
terrified j. one specific, individual thing

2 Read the text and choose the best title.

a. How to Get Over a University Admissions Interview
b. How to Dress for a University Admissions Interview
c. How to Prepare for a University Admissions Interview
d. How to Understand a University Admissions Interview

orried about an upcoming university admissions interview?
Here are our top five tips to help you get ready for an interview
and make a good impression.

Know your subject

First and foremost, you need to be able to explain why you’re interested in
your chosen subject, and why you want to enroll on the course. You should
read up on the latest news, research and developments in the field. This will
show that you are genuinely interested in the subject, and it will help you to
answer subject-specific questions.

Re-read your application
and the course information
During the interview, you will be asked about
things you mentioned in your personal
statement or application essay. This might
include your academic interests, your past
achievements or your hobbies. Be sure to
re-read what you wrote and consider any
Plan some answers
related questions that you might be asked.
It’s also a good idea to review all the course
information, as this will show that you are to common university
serious and well-prepared. Make sure any
questions you ask haven’t already been interview questions
covered in the course information! As well as ‘tell me about yourself’,
it’s very likely that you’ll be asked why
you want to study this particular course at

Think about
this particular university. You should have
thought about this already and be ready
to give good answers to these and other
how you can stand out common questions. You should show
your interviewer that you’re enthusiastic
What is it that makes you special or about your subject and very keen on their
unique? Remember, university admissions university.
interviewers are likely to be meeting a large
number of candidates, so you need to
think about how you can stand out.
Try to give memorable answers.
You should aim to convey your passion for
your chosen subject, your future ambitions,

Arrive early,
and the qualities you possess that will
ensure your academic success.

dress appropriately, and try to relax!

Finally, make sure you get the basics right. This includes being on time, wearing smart clothes,
and remembering to smile. You should allow plenty of time to get to the interview as being
in a rush will make you even more stressed. You should aim to arrive around 10-15 minutes
early. Wear clothes you would wear for a formal job interview – something smart and
comfortable, and you’ll make a good first impression. Even if you’re feeling terrified on the
inside, force yourself to smile – it will make you feel better, and help to show your interviewers
that you’re excited about the opportunity.

3 Read the text again and complete each of the sentences with
two words from the text.
a. You can demonstrate that you are really __________________________ the subject by
reading up on the latest news, research and developments in the field.
b. You should review the things you mentioned in your personal statement, as you
may be __________________________ them during the interview.
c. You __________________________ considered why you want to study this particular
course before the interview.
d. It’s important to be __________________________ your subject.
e. In a large field of candidates, you have to be able to __________________________.
f. You should make sure that you are __________________________ for your interview.

4 Can you think of some more good advice for someone preparing for a
university admissions interview? Work with a partner and try to come
up with five more ideas.
1. _________________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________________________

D Writing
1 When you apply to university, you have to write a personal statement
as part of your application. What information do you think you should
include in your personal statement? Discuss with a partner and make
notes of your ideas.
• _______________________________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________________________

2 Read the text about writing a personal statement for university
applications. Compare it with your notes in Exercise 1.
Are they the same or different?

The personal statement is an important part of your university application. It’s your
chance to describe yourself in detail and say why you would be a great student. Here’s
what you should include in your personal statement:
• Why you’re applying for the course
• What interests you most about the course
• How your previous studies relate to the course
• Your skills and interests, and how they relate to the course
• Any training or achievements that show your skills
• Any relevant work or volunteer experience
• Any other qualities that make you a great candidate
• How the course relates to your future plans
You should also include a short conclusion, in which you restate your interest in the
course and show your commitment to completing it. Remember to sound enthusiastic!

3 Read the example personal statement. How many of the points

mentioned above does the writer include?

Ever since I was young, I have been fascinated by stories of children who grew up
isolated from society and how they interact with people later in life. I believe
such stories provide us with interesting insights into child development, as well
as the question of whether it is our genes or the environment that shapes
who we are the most. These kinds of questions which have led me to
want to be a psychologist in the future, and I know the first step
in my journey is to complete a high-quality undergraduate degree in
Psychology at a well-regarded university.

For the last few years, I have been volunteering at a local

rehabilitation center for people who have suffered brain

injuries. This experience has greatly
enhanced my understanding of how the
brain works and has given me greater
insights into various treatment options
and the recovery process. This experience
has motivated me to pursue research
that will help us to better understand
how we can best develop new treatments
that will enable future patients to fully recover from brain injuries.
During my studies at university, I hope to enhance my understanding of current
theories in psychology as well as learn how to do scientific research. I hope to gain
research experience that will allow me to develop both my academic understanding
and my team-working skills as I believe working as part of a team is one of the
most important abilities to have for the modern workplace. A degree in
Psychology will enable me to take the next step in my journey toward becoming
a professional psychologist and help me to look at issues in brain science
from various perspectives as I learn from those around me. I am very much
committed to this path, and I look forward to the opportunity to learn and
develop at university.

4 Write your own personal statement for a university application. Make

sure you include all of the information needed.

E Project
1 Watch the video from Student Book 6 page 16 again and complete
the summary with the words from the box.
engine universe mother adventure share
outstanding spaceship cultures license graduates

Haras, a world hopper, gets out of her ____________________ to get her son. Her son
tells her that he’s sorry and that he just wanted to have an ____________________. She
says that they can go on an adventure together after he ____________________.
Haras and her son are going to leave, but before they go, the two kids ask if they
can keep the world hopper ____________________. Haras doesn’t really want to leave
the engine with the kids, but they continue talking about it. The girl says she wants
to ____________________ her world’s ____________________ and beliefs with the rest of
the ____________________. The boy says that he knows they will do an ________________
job as world hopper pilots!
Eventually, Haras decides to give them a temporary ____________________ to be world
hopper pilots. The kids run off to see their ____________________, and Haras and her
son get back on their spaceship and fly away.

2 Sometimes, interviewers will ask you more interesting questions than

just, ‘Can you tell me about yourself?’ Can you match the tricky
interview questions with the answers?
1. How have you changed since you were a. Ummm… I can teach you how to tie
younger? ________ your shoes, if you don’t already know!
2. If you could only drink one drink for the b. To be honest, I’m usually either thinking
rest of your life, what would it be? about what I’ve already done that day,
________ or about what I’m going to do later.
3. What worries you the most about the c. I hope they’d say something nice!
future? ________ Maybe that I’m genuine and thoughtful.

4. If you don’t get into this university, what d. I used to be very shy, but now I’m
will you do? ________ much more confident and outgoing.
5. How would your friends describe you? e. My teacher asked me to plan some
________ activities for new students. I wasn’t
sure how to do it, so I asked my friends
for help. Working together, we were
able to come up with some great
6. What do you usually think about when f. Water, of course! I’d die if I couldn’t
you are alone? ________ drink water.

7. What can you teach me to do in g. I’m not sure – this university is definitely
the next five minutes? ________ my first choice. But I guess if I don’t get
in, I’ll probably take a gap year.

8. What was the last problem you faced h. I think environmental damage and
and how did you solve it? ________ pollution are the issues that most
concern me about the future.

3 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 2.

Give your own answers. Imagine you are really in an interview and
try to give memorable answers.

4 Work with three other students and write as many tricky interview
questions as you can. When you have all finished, work with another
group. Ask and answer the questions. Decide which questions are
the most interesting and the most difficult to answer.


A Listening
1 Listen and write the missing words in the sentences. 02-01

1. A: I can’t believe I’ve finally graduated!

B: Your mom and I are so ____________ of you!
2. A: What do you plan to study in university?
B: I’m not ___________ certain, but I think I want to get into medicine.
3. A: I really love the bright lights and noise of the city.
B: Me too! But my sister has such a different _______________. She’d much prefer
to live in the countryside.
4. A: Where are you going for your summer vacation?
B: Australia! It was the most ________________ option for me.
5. A: ____________________ Korea, where else have you been?
B: I’ve been to five different countries in the past three years.
6. A: Have you ever seen the sunset in Bora Bora?
B: Yes, it’s absolutely _________________.
Bora Bora

7. A: Do you know any decent places to travel?
B: Yes, I’ve done __________________ research on the subject, actually.
8. A: How do you like Malaysia so far?
B: I love it! I knew the _______________ I got off the plane that I’d really enjoy my
time here.
2 Match the sentences and then write them in the table.
I haven’t decided ______ a. I spent the evening playing games.
As I’d already finished my homework, ______ b. going traveling quite a bit.
I passed all my exams after ______ c. which subject I’d like to study yet.
I’ve thought about ______ d. I’d spent months revising for them.
Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple
1. 1.

2. 2.

3 Listen and correct the mistakes in the conversation. Track


Amelia: You said you’ve been to Madagascar after you graduated from university,
didn’t you, Finn?
Finn: I did. I went there a few times over the years. Why do you ask?
Amelia: Because I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to do after graduating. I have
planned to work with my brother, but that plan doesn’t seem like it’ll work out.
So, I’d been trying to think about where I’d like to go, and Madagascar seems
Finn: Well, I’m not sure what they offer in terms of education.

Amelia: Oh, no. I’m not planning to go there to study. I’m taking a gap year!
Finn: A gap year?
Amelia: You know... Instead of going straight to university, I’m taking some time off.
My grandmother has always told me I should travel. She started to travel the
instant she turned 21, and I’ve grown up listening to all her amazing stories.
Finn: Ah, I see. Well, I know you’re interested in studying history and culture.
May I suggest spending time at the Royal Hill of Ambohimanga?
Amelia: What is that?
Finn: It’s an ancient city that had been preserved for hundreds of years. It’s in this
magnificent rainforest. Going there will give you a real perspective of what life
was like back in the 18th century. Aside from learning about the kings who
ruled Royal Hill, you’ll also learn about the city’s extensive history. For example,
the city’s site was carefully chosen for its position - it’s much higher than other
areas, offering a stunning view of the surrounding rainforest - but more
importantly, the location was chosen because it would be easy to defend in the
event of a war.
Amelia: Wow, Finn. You’d certainly made Madagascar sound like an attractive place to

4 Practice the conversation above with a partner, then write another

conversation about your own plans for after you finish high school or

B Speaking
1 Match the words to the correct definitions.

dreadful a. a place where someone is going / a journey’s end

pirate b. a part or aspect of something
shipwreck c. significant or noteworthy
feature d. terrible or awful
remarkable e. a person who attacks and steals from other ships at sea
nonetheless f. from a faraway place / very uncommon
destination g. the remains of a ship that has sunk at sea
exotic h. a linking word used to show a contrast, like ‘even so’

2 Complete the sentences with one of the words from Exercise 1.
1. I’ve never seen a bird like that before – it looks rather _______________.
2. What a __________________ photo. I’ve never seen anything like it!
3. We had a ________________ holiday. It rained every day when we were there!
4. I’ve only ever seen a _________________ on TV, never in real life!
5. An old ___________________ has recently been found off the coast of South Africa.
6. It took a long time, but we’ve finally reached our ___________________!
7. I think the viewing platform is the coolest ___________________ of the building.
8. The meal wasn’t very good. __________________, we’ll go back to that restaurant
because it’s so cheap.

3 Ask and answer the questions with a partner, and then write
your own answers.
a. What’s the most exotic thing you’ve ever eaten?
b. What’s the most remarkable experience you’ve ever had?
c. What’s the best holiday destination you’ve been to?
d. What’s the best feature of your smartphone?
e. Have you ever seen a shipwreck? Would you like to see it?
f. When was the last time you felt dreadful? Why?

4 Circle the correct answers to complete the sentences with the Past
Perfect Simple or the Past Perfect Continuous.
1. She had quit / had been quitting her old job before she applied for a new one.
2. He had studied / had been studying for five years by the time he graduated.
3. I had waited / had been waiting for a long time when the train finally arrived.
4. I had never felt / had never been feeling as relaxed as I did on that vacation.
5. I wish I hadn’t eaten / hadn’t been eating all that spicy food before the flight!
6. They had slept / had been sleeping when someone rang the doorbell.

5 Make notes about a holiday destination you’ve been to and a

destination you’d like to go to in the table, and then talk to a
partner about them.
Somewhere I’ve been on holiday… Somewhere I’d like to go on holiday…

C Reading
1 Match the words to the correct definitions.
precisely ______ a. unexpectedly meet or be faced with
steamer ______ b. get someone to do something for you by giving them
purchase ______ c. a large land animal, similar to a buffalo
encounter ______ d. when soldiers or sailors refuse to obey orders
obstacle ______ e. a ship or boat powered by steam
bison ______ f. exactly
bribe ______ g. buy / pay money for
mutiny ______ h. something that blocks the way or stops your progress

2 Read the text and underline all the destinations (cities and/or

Around the World in 80 Days

It’s October 2nd, 1872. Phileas Fogg has bet his friends £20,000 that he can circle the
globe in exactly eighty days. He must meet his friends back in London precisely eighty
days later on December 21st in order to win the bet.
To begin his journey, Fogg takes a train from London to Italy, and then a boat across the
sea to Egypt. From there, he boards a steamer to Bombay, India. After reaching India, he
takes a train from Bombay to Calcutta, but he finds out that a 50-mile stretch of track has
not yet been built. Fogg purchases an elephant, hires a guide, and continues the journey.
At Calcutta, he boards a steamer to Hong Kong, with one-day’s stopover in Singapore.
From Hong Kong, he takes another steamer to Yokohama, Japan and from there he
travels on to the United States. He travels from San Francisco to New York by train,
encountering a number of obstacles along the way: a massive herd of bison crossing the
tracks, a failing suspension bridge, and the train being attacked by Native American
In New York, having missed the ship to Liverpool, Fogg looks for alternative transport.
He finds a steamboat destined for Bordeaux, France. After the boat departs for France,
Fogg bribes the crew to mutiny and sail to Liverpool. Against hurricane winds and
going on full steam, the boat runs out of fuel after a few days. Fogg buys the boat from
the captain and has the crew burn all the wooden parts to keep up the steam. They only
make it as far as Ireland, then Fogg has to take a train to Dublin and a ferry to Liverpool.
Finally, he gets a train from Liverpool to London, arriving just in time to win the bet.

3 Read the text again and answer the questions.

a. What different kinds of transport does Fogg use?

b. What problem does he have in India?

c. Where does he go after India?

d. How does he travel across America?

e. What problems does he have in America?

f. Does he go to France?

g. Where does he sail to from America?

h. How does he get from Dublin to London?

4 Plan your own trip around the world. What route will you take?
Which destinations will you visit? How will you travel? Makes notes
and then compare your ideas with a partner. Present your trip to the

D Writing
1 Listen and write the missing words. 02-06

1. A: Do you have any travel plans?

B: Yes, I plan to __________________ to Europe.
2. A: Let’s try and sell these old books. You never read them.
B: I can’t do that. My grandfather gave them to me. They’re __________________.
3. A: What about this receipt for sunglasses?
B: I don’t think we can report that. We can’t really __________________ sunglasses
as safety equipment.
4. A: Are we there yet?
B: Almost. I can see the __________________.
5. A: The __________________ is over; we’ve reached our final destination!
B: Thank goodness, this trip was way too long! Next time, let’s go by plane.
6. A: Venice is such an __________________ city!
B: Yes, it’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen.
7. A: Why are you leaving so early?
B: Because I have to be on time. __________________, I think it’s rude to keep
people waiting.
8. A: Why didn’t you go on the school trip this year?
B: My parents needed me to help around the store. __________________, I had to
skip the trip.
2 Read and underline the factual errors (mistakes). Research Phuket
online if you need to!

fter the short voyage from Singapore, along the Andaman coast, we’ve
already arrived at our final destination – Phuket, which is the largest
peninsular in Thailand. After getting off the boat, I took a train to Phuket
Old Town and checked into my hotel. It was Sunday, so that evening I
went to the Walking Street market and bought a few souvenirs.
The next day, I went to see one of the main attractions on Phuket, the
Big Buddha, which is a massive statue on a mountaintop in the north of

the island. It was really hot, but luckily, you don’t have to walk up the mountain; you can
get a taxi, which is what I did! The views from the top were astonishing! You can see the
green island surrounded by the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Malaysia.
Other highlights of my trip included visiting Phuket Aquarium, where I saw lots of
exotic-looking fish, and walking along Pattaya beach, which is the most popular one on
the island. It’s quite busy but very beautiful. I hope I can go back to Phuket soon – there
are so many more things I want to see and do!

3 Complete the table.

Incorrect Facts (found in the article) Corrected Facts (from researching)

4 Research and write about another travel destination – either in

Thailand or in another country. Include five factual errors (mistakes)
in your article.

5 Work with a partner. Swap your articles and read. Try to find and
underline the mistakes in your partner’s article.

E Project
1 Watch the video from Student Book 6 page 28 again and complete
the summary with the words from the box.
planning plane astronauts skull land on
freedom blast off pirate voyage Atlantic
A ________________ begins a ________________ aboard ‘the Ranger’, which is captained
by Calico Jack. Captain Jack tells the pirate that he made a flag called
the Jolly Roger which shows a ________________ and crossed swords
on a black background. It turns out that they aren’t sailing to any particular
destination – Captain Jack just wants ________________!
A woman named Amelia Earhart lands her ________________ and talks to a reporter. He
asks how she feels, having just become the first woman to fly solo nonstop across the
________________. She tells him that she had been ________________ to fly to Paris, but
she landed in Ireland because of strong winds. Next, she wants to fly around the world.
In 1969, three ________________ fly the Apollo 11 spaceship to the moon. After they
________________, it takes them 72 hours to reach the moon. One of the astronauts stays
in the command module, while the other two ________________ the Moon in the lunar
module. Their mission is a success!
2 Research online and complete the table with details about the lives
of Amelia Earhart and Neil Armstrong.
Captain Calico Jack Amelia Earhart Neil Armstrong
• Born in England in 1682 • Born in America in 1897 • Born in America in 1930
• Famous for making the • The first woman to fly solo • The first man to walk on the
Jolly Roger across the Atlantic moon
• Was a pirate in the Caribbean
• Worked on the Ranger under
the command of Captain
Charles Vance
• He was only a Captain for two
years from 1718-1720
• He fought and captured many
larger ships
• He was caught and hanged to
death in 1720

A Pirate of the Caribbean
3 Read the monologue by Captain Jack.

ìAho y, me hearties! You can call me Captain Jack, most famous as the
originator of the Jolly Roger, which is now known around the world as
the flag of pirates.
I first served as quartermaster on the Ranger, which was captained at
the time by Charles Vance. However, Captain Vance was a coward who
sailed away from battle, so I took control back in 1718. Myself and my
crew spent two magnificent years sailing, stealing, and drinking our way
around the Caribbean. A fine time we had! We fought and captured many
larger ships, getting away with plenty of gold.
Sadly, the authorities in Port Royal didní t take too kindly to us pirates,
and so we were chased and hunted. We put up a good fight, but finally
we were caught in 1720. I was taken to Port Royal, tried for piracy and
sentenced to death by hanging. Yo Ho, Yo Ho! A pirateí s death for me!î

4 Write another monologue for either Amelia Earhart or Neil Armstrong.

5 Work in a group. Perform your monologue for the other students in your group.

Review Unit 1-2

1 Read the clues and complete the crossword.


4 5

6 7








Across Down
5. extremely impressive or attractive 1. from a faraway place / very unusual
6. have the ability to do something 2. a long boat journey
9. very, very good 3. a journey’s end
11. a point of view / a way of seeing 4. amazing, surprising, impressive
14. meet unexpectedly / come up against 7. good looking / appealing
15. the best possible option / perfect 8. to fall down / suddenly
16. give careful consideration to 10. noteworthy / very interesting
12. awful / terrible
13. difficult / hard

2 Listen and write the missing words. R01-01

Wendy: OK, James. Welcome to Stellar Line Cruises’ head

office. I’m Wendy Devora, Head of Recruitment.
It says here on your résumé that you’ve recently
been working as a ___________________. You’re
still doing that now, right?
James: Yes, that’s right. I’ve been working at London
Tours for the last ______________. And before I first came to London, I’d been
working as a guide for cruise ship company for a few months.
Wendy: Great. So, you’re someone who has ___________________ working at sea?
James: I have experience working with cruise-ship passengers, but not at sea. I was
working at a ___________________ in Denmark. Every time a cruise ship made
a stop, my job was to give the passengers a short ___________________ of the
local area.
Wendy: OK, interesting. What skills did you bring to that role?
James: Well, I speak German, and most of the passengers were German, so that was
the most ___________________ skill I had.
Wendy: So you speak English, Spanish, and German?
James: Yeah. I was born in Mexico, so I grew up speaking English and Spanish. I learned
German six years ago, when I was studying in Hamburg.
Wendy: I see. OK, next question: why do you think you’re the ___________________
candidate for this job?
James: I think a great tour guide is someone who has a combination of language
skills and ___________________ skills. That’s me. Also, as I mentioned, I have
tons of experience in this field.
Wendy: OK, great. Well, James, thank you very much for coming in today. We’ll
contact you within three days and let you know our decision.

3 Read the conversation again. Find and copy one sentence for each of
the following tenses.
1. Present Perfect Continuous:
2. Past Perfect Continuous:

4 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

• What have you been doing recently?
• What had you been doing before that?
• Do you think you would be a good tour guide? Why or why not?

5 Work with a partner. Role-play a job interview for a tour guide. One
person be the applicant and the other person be the interviewer. Then
swap roles and repeat.
• Interviewer: Think of some interesting questions to ask.
• Applicant: Try to give memorable answers and good reasons why you should
get the job.


A Listening
1 Listen and write the missing words. 03-01

1. A: Do you like having a personal trainer?

B: Yeah. It’s great. He helps me with my workouts and _______________ my progress.
2. A: How can I improve my diet?
B: You need to __________________ your meals better. You eat way too much meat.
3. A: My workouts are getting easier and easier.
B: I think it’s time to __________________ your routine to make it more difficult.
4. A: How can I get in better shape?
B: Keep exercising and eating healthily, and __________________ you’ll lose weight.
5. A: Will I be able to work with my hand like this?
B: This brace will __________________ you to work like normal. Don’t worry.
6. A: What’s the most important thing to do when working out?
B: It’s __________________ that you don’t push yourself too hard.
7. A: What are you doing on the 17th?
B: My __________________ plan is to go on a hike with my friends. How about you?
8. A: How do you __________________ your energy on long bike rides?
B: I eat well and sleep a lot the day before.

2 Listen and complete the table with the correct name: Track
Grace, Sarah, Marco, Eddie, Maria, or Adrian.

started weight training recently.

has a lot of stamina.
wants to join the wrestling team.
doesn’t want any sweets.
has already gained a lot of muscle.
thinks a healthy diet is more important than exercise.
is a vegetarian.
is planning to stop eating donuts.

3 Read the sentences in the table and complete the left column
with the correct tense: Present Continuous (PC), Future Simple (FS),
Future Continuous (FC), or Future Perfect (FP).
Tense Sentence Hear it? Y/N
I’ll be doing some grocery shopping this afternoon.
I will have been vegetarian for four months soon.
I’ll cut out the afternoon donuts.
Maybe I’ll start cycling.
I’m going to go on a long bike ride in a little bit.
I’m thinking of going for around fifty kilometers.
This weekend I’ll be riding down to Springfield and back.
I’m planing to join the wrestling team next spring.
I will have put on about five kilos of muscle by summer.

4 Listen again and complete the right column in the table above. Track
Write ‘Yes’ if you hear the sentence and ‘No’ if you don’t.

5 Listen and complete the table. 03-03 and 03-04

Bruce’s Fitness Goals Samantha’s Exercise Plan for Bruce

1. be able to 1. a balance of
2. lose 2. start with
3. put on 3. then an
4. weight training with
5. starting at

6 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

• What are your fitness goals?
• How can you achieve them? / What’s your plan?
• How long will it take to achieve your goals?

B Speaking
1 Listen and write the missing words. 03-05

1. A: Ah, I can’t run anymore! I have to stop!

B: You can do it. Have more __________________ in yourself!
2. A: To ________________ your back strength, you need to stretch regularly and exercise.
B: OK. I’ll start doing Pilates with my sister, then.
3. A: Megan, what’s the matter?
B: Oh, nothing. I have a little bit of __________________ because of work.
4. A: Why do you always bike to work?
B: It’s a __________________ way to get to work, and it’s good exercise.
5. A: I don’t think not eating at all is a good idea for weight loss.
B: Yeah, you’re right. I should try something more __________________,
like going to the gym.
6. A: Wow, Sarah. You look great! When did you lose so much weight?
B: Thanks for saying so. It didn’t happen overnight. It was a __________________ process
over the last year.
7. A: I don’t think all this pollution is good for us.
B: I agree. It’s definitely going to negatively __________________ our health.
8. A: What is Paula __________________ from?
B: I heard she’s got a bad cold.

2 Unscramble the words in each line to make questions and answers.
Q1: improve How I my health can?

A1: your diet focus on and You need to exercise routine.

Q2: to increase What I eat my energy should levels?

A2: vegetables sure plenty of Make you eat. food eat junk Also, don’t.

Q3: make How to exercise can I time?

A3: you’ll have so in the morning time to work out Go to bed early.

Q4: exercise I do What kind of should?

A4: cardio mix of to do a It’s a good and weight idea training.

3 Ask and answer the questions from Exercise 2 with a partner. Give your
own answers. Make sure both of you give an opinion.
4 Listen and write the suggestions that are given to each person. 03-06

Person Problem Suggestion

Sue Diet / weight loss Why don’t you ?

Ramone Sleep / jet lag You should .

Maria Weak bones You’re going to have to


5 Work with a group and discuss common problems that students have.
Make a list.
Example: Anxiety about exams
1. __________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________________

6 Now discuss all the problems with your group and give suggestions for
how to deal with each of them. Decide on the best suggestion for each
problem and write it down.
Example: Why don’t you try making a revision timetable?
1. __________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________________

C Reading
1 Match the words to the correct definitions.

transform a. incomplete or limited

paralyzed b. the outermost layer of the brain
implanted c. aims or plans
cortex d. be unable to move (a body part or the whole body)
neurons e. change dramatically or completely
intentions f. going around
partial g. insert or put into a body (by surgery)
bypassing h. brain cells / nerve cells

2 Read the text and answer the questions.

Emerging Neurotechnology

N eurotechnology has the potential to transform medical science. There are already
several examples of how brain implants can improve the lives of patients who are
recovering from serious injuries or disabilities.
Dennis Degray, 66, was paralyzed from the neck down
after a fall ten years ago. In 2016, he had a device surgically
implanted in his motor cortex, the part of the brain that
controls movement. This device records the activity in his
neurons, which is then translated into action. Now, by
imagining moving a joystick with his hand, he is able to
move a cursor on a screen. As a result, he can send text
messages to friends and buy products online.
Another man, Erik Sorto, who is also paralyzed from the neck down, recently became
the first person in the world to have a device implanted in a region of the brain where
intentions are made. Now, just by thinking about it, Sorto can control a robotic arm to
drink from a bottle using a straw, perform a smooth hand-shaking gesture, and even
play “rock, paper, scissors”.
Another kind of brain implant has made it possible to restore partial vision to blind
people. Video is sent from a camera attached to glasses directly to electrodes implanted
in the visual cortex of the brain, bypassing the eyes and optic nerves completely. Paul
Phillip, who has been blind for almost a decade, says that when he wears the glasses to
go on his evening walks with his wife, he can tell the difference between the pavement
and grass. He also can tell where his white sofa is located.
Despite these success stories, most experts believe that it will take another five to ten
years for such technology to become more widely available. As further breakthroughs
are made, the focus will be on helping those who need it most.

a. What is neurotechnology?
b. What examples are given in the text?

3 Read the text again and decide if the statements are true or false.

a. Brain implants are not yet possible.

b. Dennis Degray can move his arms and legs.
c. Degray’s brain implant allows him to interact with technology.
d. Erik Sorto also has a brain implant in his motor cortex.
e. Sorto can move a robotic arm using his mind.
f. Paul Phillip is still completely blind.
g. Phillip now has excellent vision.
h. Brain implants are not yet widely available.

4 Discuss these questions in groups.

• How else might neurotechnology be able to help people in the future?
• What do you think are the dangers of neurotechnology?
• Do you think neurotechnology will be used to make people more intelligent in the
future? Would this be a good idea? Why or why not?
• If you could get a brain implant which would improve your thinking skills in one
area, which area would you choose and why?

D Writing
1 Listen and write the missing words. 03-09

1. A: Look! I found some mushrooms.

B: Don’t touch those! They’re __________________.
2. A: I think the group should be graded as a team and individually.
That way people will participate.
B: You have a __________________ point. I’ll consider it.
3. A: Did you know that eating processed bread can be really bad for you?
B: Oh, really. I wasn’t __________________ of that.
4. A: Why did you buy that jacket?
B: I don’t know. The color really __________________ to me, I guess.
5. A: I don’t eat junk food because there are too many __________________ ingredients.
B: In that case, let’s have some fruit instead.
6. A: How can I get better sleep at night?
B: You should __________________ your habits. Drink less caffeine throughout the day.
7. A: What’s your __________________ from this class?
B: I hope to improve my programming skills.
8. A: Barry, your physical __________________ has improved greatly since you started
dieting and exercising. Keep up the good work!
B: Dr. Wilson, that’s great news!

2 Listen and answer the questions. 03-10

1. How many Americans are obese?

2. What are the main cause of obesity?
3. Why do Americans eat unhealthy foods?
4. How are some U.S. schools trying to reduce obesity?

5. Why don’t many European countries have a similar problem with obesity?
6. What do Americans need to do?

3 Discuss these questions in groups.

• What are the most common mental health issues that young people have to deal with
these days?
• How can young people deal with mental health issues?
• Who can support young people with any mental health issues they might have?

4 Read this introduction to an essay on young people and mental health

issues. Do you agree with the writer’s opinion? Why or why not?
Write your opinion.

T eenagers all over the world are increasingly

experiencing much greater anxiety and stress levels
than they used to. There are many reasons for this,
including pressure to succeed academically as well
as the influence of social media. In this essay, I
will describe modern teenage life, including the most
common mental health issues that teenagers face, and
give suggestions for how best to deal with issues
such as high levels of stress and anxiety.

5 Write a persuasive essay on the following topic: Classes on mental
health issues should be mandatory in schools each year. To what
extent do you agree?

E Project
1 Watch the video from Student Book 6 page 42 again and complete the
summary with the words from the box.

tryouts strong muscle proud balance

hard flabby dangerous soft makes

Max decides he wants to try out for his school football team next fall. His mom thinks it’s
too _________________ and that Max isn’t _________________ enough, so she calls his Uncle
Lou and asks him to train Max. Uncle Lou tells Max that he’s too _________________ and
that he’s going to have to train really _________________. He makes Max do 100 tire flips
in order to work out his legs, chest, arms and shoulders.

Max’s mom brings soda and cookies, but Uncle Lou tells her to take them away
because they’ll make Max _________________. Max knows that he will need to eat a good
_________________ of protein and carbs in order to build more _________________, so his
mom suggests chicken and rice for dinner.

Uncle Lou continues to make Max train really hard and so, three months later, Max is ready
for the football _________________. He does well in the tryouts and so he _________________
the team. Uncle Lou is very _________________ of him, but Max knows he couldn’t have
done it with out uncle Lou’s help.

2 Research online and complete the table with details about another
medical condition.
Medical Condition How to Prevent Signs and Symptoms
- Do plenty of exercise - Forgetting where you put things or forgetting
- Eat healthily words / names
Alzheimer’s Disease - Get enough sleep - Difficulty solving problems and making
- Train your brain decisions
- Stay socially active - Confusion with time and place
- Reduce stress - Mood swings and social withdrawal

3 Look at the infographic. Does it include all the information about

Alzheimer’s Disease from the table in Exercise 2?

4 Make an infographic for the medical condition you made notes about
in Exercise 2. When you are finished, work in groups and present your
infographics to each other.

5 Class Project: Make a display of your infographics to raise awareness

about various different medical conditions.


A Listening
1 Listen and write the missing words. Track

1. A: Excuse me, how much do you _____________________ for your services?

B: Women’s haircuts start at $30.
2. A: What do you think of my new outfit, Sally?
B: I think it makes you look very _____________________.
3. A: So, everyone here dresses the same?
B: Yes, it’s _____________________ for a private school to have uniforms.
4. A: Hey, Shirley. What’s that?
B: This? I use it to _____________________ of my homework assignments.
5. A: If I don’t feel well in the morning, I think I’ll stay home.
B: That’s a _____________________ choice.
6. A: That is a pretty _____________________ amount of money you’ve got there.
B: Yes, I got a present from my grandparents.
7. A: What _____________________ of your paycheck do you save?
B: I try to save at least 20 percent.
8. A: Do you think it was _____________________ of me to invest in this outfit?
B: Maybe.

2 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.
• When was the last time you made a wise decision? What did you decide?
• When did you last spend a substantial amount of time on a project? Why?
• Would you describe yourself as a mature person? Why or why not?
• When was the last time you felt foolish? Why?
• How do you keep track of your schoolwork?
• What is your typical weekend like?

3 Match the sentence beginnings to the correct endings.

If I don’t have any money, ______ a. if you buy that phone.

If you save some money every month, ______ b. if you want to keep it safe.
I can’t save any money ______ c. I can’t buy anything.
You won’t have any money left ______ d. you’ll be charged a lot of interest.
If you don’t pay your credit card bill, ______ e. you’ll be able to retire one day.
You should put your money in a savings account ______ f. if I don’t earn enough.

4 Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

1. If I don’t _______________________________, I can’t _________________________________.
2. If you __________________________________, you’ll __________________________________.
3. I can’t ________________________________ if I don’t _________________________________.
4. You won’t ______________________________ if you __________________________________.
5. If you don’t _______________________________, you’ll _______________________________.
6. You should _______________________________ if you ________________________________.

5 Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences. Track

1. If you don’t pay the bill before next week, I’ll ____________________________________.
2. If you don’t pay back the money right away, you’ll _________________________________
you originally spent.
3. If it’s not on sale, __________________________________________.
4. If you need something, __________________________________________.
5. If it’s a substantial purchase, you __________________________________________
6. If you keep track of your spending, you’ll know ____________________________________
potentially be saving.
6 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.
• Have you ever been on a spending spree?
• Do you typically pay for things with cash or by credit card?
• What was the last substantial purchase you made?
• Do you keep track of your spending? How?

B Speaking
1 Listen and write the missing words. 04-03

1. A: What’s that graph for?

B: It shows the ___________________ each of our products sells at.
2. A: This is a meeting to ___________________ your academic performance over the past
three months.
B: OK.
3. A: For every dollar I charge on my credit card, I earn a ___________________. Once
I’ve earned enough points, I can trade them for a free gift.
B: That’s great.
4. A: I don’t understand how my bill is so high. I know I didn’t spend that much.
B: Sir, it’s because of the ___________________ charges.
5. A: Why are you so ___________________?
B: I just found out I failed my economics exam.

6. A: Are you out of money?
B: Yeah. I need to practice better financial ___________________.
7. A: I totally forgot there was an economics test today.
B: Don’t ___________________, I’ll teach you the basics right now.
8. A: After three weeks and countless sleepless nights, I finally found the bug in the
B: Wow, it’s great to hear how ___________________ you were to finding the issue.

2 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

• How often do you get upset?
• What kind of things upset you?
• Do you know anyone who is very dedicated to something?
• What are you dedicated to?
• How are you assessed at school?
• Are you assessed in the same way in every subject?
• Have you ever panicked? What happened?
• Do you know anyone who panics easily?

3 Unscramble to make questions.

1. billionaire were a If you, would life you do what with your?
2. have wanted any superpower you If could you, it would what be?
3. travel If could anywhere you, go would you where?
4. if you invisible do were What would you?
5. knew the world tomorrow was going to What you would do if you end?
6. you do landing in if you garden saw a UFO your What would?

4 Complete four more questions with your own ideas.
1. If you _________________________________________________________________________?
2. If you _________________________________________________________________________?
3. What would you do if __________________________________________________________?
4. What would you do if __________________________________________________________?

5 Work in groups. Ask and answer the questions in Exercises 3 and 4.

C Reading
1 Match the words to the correct definitions.

finances a. get money for doing something

budget b. in a bad way
value c. destroy or very badly damage
earn d. how much you can spend on something or over a time period
stick to e. costly / not cheap
negatively f. return money to someone
expensive g. your money - including income, expenses and savings
habit h. continue doing something / not change from a plan
ruin i. how much something is worth
pay back j. something you often do, without having to think about it

2 Read the text and match the headings to the paragraphs.
a. Saving Money b. Spending Money
c. Borrowing and Lending Money d. Earning Money

Money Management
for Teenagers
We all know how difficult it can be to manage our money,
especially during our teenage years. Here is our best advice
for taking care of your finances while studying in school or

1. 2.
Before you buy something, always ask Many students nowadays choose to get
yourself, ‘Do I really need this?’, and only a part-time job at some point during their
buy it if the answer is ‘Yes’! Also, work studies. This can be a very good idea.
out your weekly budget – the money you Not only will a part-time job allow you to
will have to spend each week on things earn some much-needed cash, but it will
like food, transport, and books – and also build your confidence and skills for
be sure to stick to it. It’s important to future employment. It’s very important
understand the value of things and to that you have good time-management
spend responsibly. skills, though. You don’t want your job to
negatively impact on your studies.
At some point, you will have to save up 4.
in order to buy something expensive, like You might want to lend a friend some
a computer or a smartphone. It’s also a money if they really need it. This is
good idea to make saving a habit, as this generally OK if the amount is small
will help you in later life. Ask around at but think very carefully before you lend
different banks and open a savings someone a lot of money. They might
account at the one with the highest not pay it back, which could ruin your
interest rate. This means your savings friendship. And of course, if you have to
will earn you more money over time. borrow money from a friend for any
Decide how much you will save each reason, make sure you pay it back as
month and stick to it. soon as possible.

3 Read the text again and answer the questions.
a. According to the text, should you buy something if you really want it?
b. What are the benefits of a part-time job?
c. What do you need to have, if you want to do a part-time job while studying?
d. Where should you open a savings account?
e. What are two things you should stick to, according to the text?
f. Should you lend a substantial amount of money to a friend?

4 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

• Do you agree with the advice given in the text? Why or why not?
• Do you do all the things mentioned in the text?
• What do you think you should start doing in terms of your finances?
• Can you think of some more good money management advice?

D Writing
1 Listen and write the missing words. 04-06

1. A: How much do you get for an _______________?

B It depends on how many chores I do.
2. A: How do I ______________ you the money?
B: You have to type in my account number. Here, I’ll show you.
3. A: You have a lot of toy cars.
B: It’s a bit of an ______________, yes.
4. A: Will you be paying with cash, credit, or debit?
B: I’ll use my ___________________.

5. A: Wow, it’s really busy.
B: Yes, there’s a high ___________________ of foot traffic today.
6. A: What are you going to do with your extra money?
B: I’m hoping to get some _________________ from my financial planner.
7. A: I’m worried I have an ________________ to online shopping.
B: You certainly have a lot of credit card debt.
8. A: How can I help you today?
B: I need to ____________________ 400 dollars, please.

2 Try to guess the missing words in the table. Check your answer by
reading the table on page 52 of Student Book 6.
Letter Writing (Asking for Advice)
The aim is to include enough ________________so that the reader has a strong understanding
of the situation.
Step 1 Write a brief ___________________ of why you’re writing. Your first sentence
should express the ___________________ for your letter so that the recipient
immediately knows what it’s ___________________.
Step 2 Provide details about ___________________ that are relevant to the problem.
Step 3 Provide details about the ___________________.
Step 4 State what ___________________ of help you are requesting and any
___________________ you have.

3 Read the letter on Student Book page 53 again and complete the
notes about her problem.
• She has a ________________ ________________.
• She keeps ________________ a lot of money on ________________.
• She is supposed to be ________________ that money for ________________.
• She doesn’t want to stop ________________, but she can’t keep ________________.

4 Try to think of three good pieces of advice you could give her about
her spending habits. Think about how she could balance spending and
saving. Compare your ideas in a group. Write down the best advice
from your group.
1. ________________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________________

5 Pretend you are ‘Money Talks’. Write a reply to her, giving your best
advice for her problem. Start like this:

Dear Anonymous,
Thanks for writing to Money Talks. It sounds like you have quite a
serious problem, but one that is all too common nowadays. Here’s
the best advice we can give you.
First of all, ...

E Project
1 Watch the video from Student Book 6 page 54 again and complete the
summary with the words from the box.
crazy try on excited advice substancially
expensive savings upset foolish rips
Ruby is ___________________ about an upcoming graduation party. Her friend Anila hasn’t
planned an outfit to wear for the party, so Ruby takes her shopping. In the first store they
go to, the prices are very ___________________. Anila thinks spending so much money on
a dress is ___________________ and demands that they find a ___________________ cheaper
They find a cheaper store and Ruby convinces Anila to ___________________ a dress. While
she’s trying it on, the dress ___________________ and the shop assistant makes Anila pay
for it. Anila is very ___________________. After they leave the shop, they meet Mr. Green,
who tries to get Ruby to sign up for a credit card. Anila stops Ruby from getting the credit
card as the interest rate is 40%, which is ___________________.
Anila shows Ruby how much money she has in her ___________________ account, which is
a lot! Ruby is surprised that Anila has managed to save so much money. Anila gives Ruby
some financial ___________________ : ‘If you don’t have it in the bank, don’t spend it at the
store. If you save money now, you’ll have money later.

2 Complete the first row of the table with information from the previous
‘Writing’ section in Exercise 3. What was her problem and what advice
did you give her?
Financial Concern / Problem Advice
• She has a ______________ ________________.
• She keeps ________________ a lot of money
on ________________.
• She is supposed to be ________________ that
money for ________________.
• She doesn’t want to stop ________________,
but she can’t keep ________________.

3 Complete the rest of the table with two more common financial
problems and some good advice for each problem. Research online if
you need to. You will use all three problems for the role play in
Exercises 4 and 5.
Financial Concern / Problem Advice

4 Work in a group of five. Role-play a radio ‘phone-in’ (a kind of radio

program in which people call-in to the show to ask for advice). Decide
who will play the following roles.
Host Introduce your guest (the money expert)
Introduce each caller and ask them to describe their problems
Money Expert Listen to the callers and try to answer their questions / give good
Callers (x3) Say hello to the host and the money expert
Describe your problem in detail and ask for advice

5 Do the role play. When you’ve finished, swap roles and do it again.
Perform your role play for another group. Watch and listen to the
other groups perform their role plays too. What was the best advice
you heard?

Review Unit 3-4

1 Read the clues and complete the crossword.


3 4 5

7 8 9








Across Down
3. sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety 1. slow change / not sudden
4. change or move something a little bit 2. worry, nervousness, unease
7. completely committed or devoted 5. to be more controlled mentally /
10. unhappy, disappointed, or sad emotionally and more responsible
12. a large or significant (amount) 6. not natural or not real
13. to continue or keep going 8. a strong belief that something will happen
15. normal or usual 9. very important / necessary
16. silly or stupid 11. toxic or deadly
14. to experience something painful or

2 Listen and write the missing words. R02-01

Kayla: Hey, Stan. Long time no see. You’re looking great.

Stan: Thanks, Kayla. Yeah, I lost some _____________, actually.
Kayla: It certainly shows. How did you manage it?
Stan: I started ______________ yoga. My best friend, Anya,
got me into it. She’s a part-time yoga_________________.
It’s been so great; I’ve been going to classes three times a week for the past
six months.
Kayla: Oh, nice. I’ve always wanted to try it, but I have a ___________ back so I might not be
good at all the _________________ and stuff.
Stan: Are you kidding? If you have a ______________ back, you need to do yoga. I had the
same problem, but now it’s completely gone. Yoga is the best _________________.
Kayla: Oh, yeah? Maybe. I heard it can be quite ____________, though. I’m not sure if I would
have enough ______________ to do it three times a week. Besides, I’m having trouble
sleeping, so getting up early to attend classes would be difficult.
Stan: If you don’t have enough __________, that’s another good reason for ____________
yoga. I was the same before I started, but now I feel much more ______________.
And by the way, the classes I go to are in the evening.
Kayla: OK, but it must be pretty _______________, right? I’ve heard yoga teachers
____________ a lot.
Stan: There are yoga classes at the community center several times a week. Because my
friend works there, I can probably get you in for free.
Kayla: Really? Wow, I guess I have no more ________________.
Stan: That’s right. The next class is Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. See you there.

3 Role-play a similar conversation to the one in Exercise 2 with a partner.
• Partner A: Choose a different fitness activity. Persuade your friend to try it with you.
Keep trying to persuade them, even if they give you excuses!
• Partner B: Listen to your partner and give them some reasons why you can’t do the
activity they suggest, but say ‘yes’ if you run out of excuses!

4 Listen and answer the questions. Track


1. What does Layla think about the future of health?

2. What will be the problem if many people live for many years after retirement?
3. What should young people do now?

5 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

• How old would you like to be when you retire?
• Are you currently planning for the future? If not, when will you start?
• If you could live forever, would you? Why or why not?


A Reading
1 Match the words to the correct definitions.
passionate expressive informally stroll
head to a nap common punctuality

a. a short sleep, often in the afternoon

b. casually / in a relaxed and friendly manner or situation
c. a relaxing walk
d. go to / be on the way to
e. normal or usual
f. showing emotion with body language
g. being on time
h. showing strong feelings

2 Read the text and match the headings to the paragraphs.
The Afternoon Nap Late Dining Passionate People
Slow Life Meeting and Greeting Looking Good

Visitors are often shocked at how loud It’s common in Italy to kiss friends on
the Italians are. They also tend to move both cheeks when greeting them, or even
their arms around a lot when talking, too. if meeting someone for the first time
This doesn’t mean they are angry, just informally. It’s right cheek, left cheek,
passionate. You might also be shocked and back to the right! Don’t be shy!
at how friendly the Italians are, especially
if you speak a little bit of the language.
Italians aren’t just loud and expressive.
They are loud, expressive, and super

Many shops and businesses in Italy close

It’s important for Italians to look their from noon or 1:00 pm to about 4:00 pm or
best, even when going grocery shopping 5:00 pm. Everyone goes home for a nice,
or running to the post office. The long lunch, then it’s time for a nap.
afternoon stroll is the perfect example of Italians then go back to work for a
this. You might assume everyone is few hours before closing around 7:00 pm
headed to a party when actually they are to enjoy dinner.
just going for a walk.

Italians like to enjoy life, just sitting back

Eating late is very common in Italy. and people-watching while sipping
Dinnertime is rarely before 8:00 pm, espresso. You might wonder if they ever
in fact, it’s often later than that in the actually work! It’s also true that
summer months. If you go out to a punctuality isn’t that important to Italians,
restaurant, it’s best to wait until at least so if you arrange to meet someone, don’t
7:30 or 8:00 pm, or it might not even be be surprised if they turn up half an hour
open yet! late.

3 Read the text again more slowly and answer the questions.
a. What are Italian people like according to the text?
b. How do they greet their friends?
c. Do Italians only dress well when they are going to a party?
d. What is a normal Italian workday like?
e. Do you think Italians have stressful lives?
f. Is it important to be on time when meeting friends in Italy?
4 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.
• How is Italy similar to your country? How is it different?
• Would you like to live in Italy? Why or why not?
• Would you like to go there on holiday? Why or why not?

B Listening
1 Listen and write the missing words. 05-03

1. A: This coffee is _______________________.

B: I agree, it’s much better than the coffee I make at home.
2. A: You have to _______________________ your mother.
B: OK, Dad. I’m sorry.
3. A: What do you think of my business idea?
B: Honestly? I think the whole _______________________ is ridiculous.
4. A: Why do I have to take my hat off inside?
B: It’s just good _______________________.
5. A: How do you like your hotel room?
B: It feels very _______________________, like home.
6. A: What do you think of his idea: “hats for cats”?
B: I think that it’s pretty _______________________. Cats don’t wear hats.
7. A: What’s a polite way to say thank you?
B: Customs _______________________ from country to country.
8. A: Did you get Mr. T for a teacher this year?
B: Yes. He looks _______________________.

2 Unscramble the questions.

a. entertainment you are What type of most into?
b. entertainment from countries other Are there examples any of you that enjoy really?

3 What types of entertainment do you know from other countries?
Can you think of examples that are well known? Complete the table.
Entertainment Types Countries Examples


TV Shows




4 Complete the table with the comparative and superlative forms.

Base Adjective Comparative Superlative

weird weirder, less weird the weirdest, the least weird




advanced more advanced the most advanced

less advanced the least advanced





5 Complete the sentences with adjectives or comparatives from the
table in Exercise 4.
1. Japan is well known for its _______________________ technology.
2. Japanese toilets are kind of _______________________ because many are heated.
I think it’s a _______________________ addition.
3. When you first arrive in the country, you’ll be surprised to see vending machines
located on almost every corner and street. It’s very _______________________.
4. One last thing you should know about Japan is that there is a lot less space for
people. Apartments are ___________________ than in most other countries.
5. Restaurants, subways, and sidewalks are _______________________ and much
6. That’s a big reason why Japanese people have such superb manners. They have
_______________________ rules and people are very good about obeying them.
7. If they didn’t obey the rules, with the number of people trying to get from place to
place, the authorities would need to be much _______________________.
8. While unfamiliar things may seem _______________________ or even frightening at
first, the more I travel, the more comfortable I’ve become.

C Speaking
1 Match the words to the correct definitions.
criticize major / minor frustrating native
accent insult straightforward harsh

a. not complicated / easy to understand

b. someone from a particular place or speaking a language from childhood
c. the sound of a language, associated with a nation, area, or social class
d. mean or unfair (comments or actions)
e. big / small or significant / insignificant
f. to find the faults or problems with someone / something
g. annoying because you can’t achieve something
h. speak to someone rudely or treat disrespectfully

2 Complete the sentences with one of the words from Exercise 1. Track
Then listen and check your answers.
1. A: That was a very rude thing to say.
B: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to _______________________ you.
2. A: I failed my cultural studies exam again.
B: Oh, dear. That sounds terribly _______________________.
3. A: Your costume isn’t very good.
B: That’s a _______________________ thing to say.
4. A: Why do they sound so different from everyone else?
B: Because their _______________________ language isn’t English.
5. A: These instructions aren’t very _______________________, are they?
B: No, they don’t make much sense to me either.
6. A: Japan is so crowded.
B: Yeah, there are _______________________ congestion issues during rush hour.
7. A: Excuse me, where is the train station?
B: I’m sorry, I can’t understand your _______________________.
8. A: Let me finish talking before you _______________________ my idea.
B: I can’t. It sounds terrible already.
3 Unscramble the words to make questions. Then ask and answer the
questions with a partner.
a. as a straightforward describe Would you yourself person?
b. your What native is language?
c. major in issues your Are there at the any country moment?
d. frustrating you find What do?
e. you strong accent have a Do you think?
f. harshly you ever criticized Have been? What for?

4 Read about Singapore on page 65 of Student Book 6. Ask and answer
the questions with a partner.
• What is illegal in Singapore? Why?
• Is it also illegal in your country?
• How much is the fine? Is this too harsh, in your opinion?
• What is considered to be an insult in Singapore?
• Is it also considered to be an insult in your country?
• What other behaviors are considered insulting in your country?

5 Compare different areas of your country. Think about food, climate,

environment, and people. Write six sentences and then compare your
ideas with a partner. Do you agree or disagree with them?
Example: In my country, the weather is generally much hotter in the south.

D Writing
1 Match the sentence beginnings to the correct endings and underline
the bare infinitives.
a. Don’t them do their homework.
b. I will go to the in bed a little longer!
c. Could you pass me mall this afternoon.
d. We watched them to the cinema later?
e. Their parents made the water, please?
f. I let my sister eat the be silly!
g. I’d rather stay rest of my chocolate.
h. Why not go play football last weekend.

2 Complete the table with your own example sentences.

We use the bare infinitive… Examples

after the verb do/don’t. Don’t be silly!

Do try to have a good time!

after modal auxiliary verbs

(will, could, can, should, may, might,
must, need).

after verbs of perception

(see, watch, hear, feel, sense).

after verbs of permission

(make, bid, let, have).

after had better or would rather.

with why/why not.

3 Read the email and talk to your partner. What advice can you
give the writer of the letter? Make notes of your best advice.

Guess what? I got accepted onto the exchange program! That means I’m going to be
studying in Thailand next semester! I’m so excited, I can’t wait to get there!
But I’m a bit worried about making some mistakes. I think I read somewhere that you
can’t touch anyone on the head in Thailand. Is that true? Even your friends?
I think it’s OK where I’m from, which is why I’m worried I might insult someone
accidentally. Is there anything else I need to know? I mean, what’s considered rude
in your culture? Anyway, I really hope we can meet up when I get there!

4 Write a reply to the email from Exercise 3.

Hi Millie,
That’s great news! I can’t wait to see you when you get here! When will you arrive?
Anyway, I think there are a few things you should know about my culture.

E Project
1 Watch the video from Student Book 6 page 68 again and complete
the summary with the words from the box.
major wonders loud persuade traditional
stricter napkin manners multicultural litter
Karble and Burble go to a _______________________ fair on Earth wearing their
_______________________ costumes. First, they watch a parade, but Burble thinks it’s too
_______________________, so they go to the food tent.
Burble reminds Karble that it’s considered bad _______________________ to eat with your
arms on the table. She drops a _______________________ on the floor and then a police
officer tells them not to _______________________ as it’s against the law. Burble discovers
that trash is a _______________________ problem on Earth, which is why people are getting
_______________________ about littering.
It appears that Burble doesn’t like Earth very much. He _______________________ if he
wants to come back. However, Karble says that he just needs to get used to it, and that
there’s so much good here. It seems like she’s trying to _______________________ him to
move to Earth!
2 Imagine another world, very similar to this one – but just slightly
different. Your country is the same, and the people are the same, but
some things are a little bit weird. Use your imagination and complete
the table. Try to think of four more cultural differences.

Real World Weird World

1. People great each other by placing their 1. People great each other by placing two
palms together in front of their chest fingers of each hand on either side of
or face. their nose, with their thumbs placed
under their chin.
2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

3 Work in groups and compare your ideas. Who has thought of the
weirdest world?
4 Pretend you have just woken up from a strange dream in which you
were in ‘weird world’. Write about what happened in your dream
before you forget! You can start like this.

My Strange Dream
I had the strangest dream last night! It was just like a normal day in my life, but lots of
things were just a bit weird…


A Listening
1 Match the words to the correct definitions.
a. be considered someone who writes computer code
b. composer the material or form used by an artist
c. programmer limited in number / very few of
d. adrenaline communicate (a thought or feeling)
e. intention be thought of
f. express keen / be very interested in something
g. medium competing eagerly
h. avid someone who writes music
i. vying a hormone which gives someone lots of energy
j. rare an aim, a plan, a goal

2 Read the text and choose the sentences that best match the writer’s opinion.


be considered an art form? Monument Valley

Of course, video games should be considered art! Making one involves so many creative
people. Composers create soundtracks and effects, visual artists create 2D images and
3D models, writers create stories, voice actors record dialog, and programmers put
all of these things together to create an immersive virtual world. Video games are a
mixture of so many other art forms!
A great video game, one worthy of being called a work of art, can send
chills down our spines, adrenaline through our veins, and put tears in our
eyes. But not all video games can do this (or even try to). Some are only
meant for commercial success. In the same way that some movies are
art, and some are not, so it is with video games. It depends on the
intention of the creator. Artists create with the intention of expressing
ideas, designers design with the intention of selling their design. So,
if the intention of a video game designer is to express ideas through
© nintendo
the medium of a game, then the game can be considered as art.
The world of video games is already so similar to the art world. There are magazines,
websites, and TV shows reviewing and commenting on games. There are video game
conferences and festivals with awards and prizes. There are avid collectors vying for
rare releases. In fact, the Museum of Modern Art in New York has already added 21
games to its collection. Video games should absolutely be considered a form of art.

a. Video games are awesome.

b. Video games are not awesome.
c. Video games are a form of art.
d. Video games are not a form of art.

3 Read the text again and answer the questions.
a. Who is involved in making a video game?
b. What can a great video game do?
c. Are all video games art?
d. When can a game be considered art?
e. How is the world of video games similar to the art world?
f. Can you find video games in an art museum?
4 Discuss with your partner. Should video games be considered an art
• Try to think of reasons for and against.
• Join with another pair and present your opinions to each other.
• Complete the table with the best ideas you hear.

Yes, they should! No, they should not!

• ____________________________________ • ____________________________________
• ____________________________________ • ____________________________________
• ____________________________________ • ____________________________________

B Listening
1 Listen and write the missing words. Track

1. A: What happened to that artist? His style totally changed.

B: He needed to make money, so he started creating more ___________________ art.
2. A: I love Picasso’s _______________________ paintings.
B: Really? I’m not a huge fan of that art style.
3. A: That actor spent a long time learning the _______________________.
B: Yes. He’s very committed to his work.
4. A: That drama was way too _______________________.
B: Yeah. I don’t think there needed to be so much fighting.
5. A: I love writing stories, so my dream is to be a _______________________.
B: That’s cool, but I’ve heard it’s hard to make any money that way.
6. A: What did you do last night?
B: I went to a film _______________________ party at the theater.
7. A: What did you think of the play?
B: The _______________________ was terrible – the characters sounded so robotic.
8. A: You think my art needs more color?
B: I don’t think it would hurt, but that’s just my own _______________________.

2 Write the words from Exercise 1 next to the correct definitions.

a. _______________________ – a person who writes novels
b. _______________________ – including scenes with fighting and/or strong force
c. _______________________ – something you have seen or noticed
d. _______________________ – to publish or make available to people
e. _______________________ – popular art, makes a lot of money, but unoriginal
f. _______________________ – the lines of a movie or TV show written down
g. _______________________ – not realistic art, with bold colors and shapes
h. _______________________ – lines spoken between two or more characters

3 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.
• Do you enjoy abstract art? Why or why not?
• Do you enjoy violent movies? Why or why not?
• Would you like to be a novelist? Why or why not?
• Have you ever had to remember a script? What for?

4 Listen and match the questions and answers. Track


1. What makes great a. Great art has purpose: It tells us

art? Asma, what something about what it means to be
are your thoughts a human being. Subtle observations
on this? about life or death or love can be
presented in interesting and original
ways. Artists that manage to do this
ought to be recognized for their

2. What do you mean b. Some of the greatest artists throughout

by that? history, not just painters but also
musicians like the Beatles, and Mozart,
were very commercially successful.
The two things don’t always go hand
in hand, but it is possible, yes.

3. Do you think that c. That’s a complicated question, and I

art made for think the answer will vary a lot from
commercial reasons, person to person. Part of what makes
or art that is it tricky to answer is that there are
many kinds of art: classical music,
poetry, abstract painting, dance, and
successful, so on. Overall, though, what makes
can be great? a piece of work great is that it tells us
something about the human condition.

5 Listen again and complete the missing words in part of the Track
Q: Let’s go back to what you said before; not everyone agrees on whether or not a
particular piece of art is any good.
A: Yes, for example, The Weeping Woman, _______________________ Pablo Picasso
in 1937. This painting _______________________ certainly _______________________
everyone when it ______________________ in Paris. Many people _______________________
its dramatic style and hard lines. But today, the painting _______________________
most experts as one of the finest and most striking works of the 20th century.

6 Complete this rewrite of the answer in the active voice.

Yes, for example, Pablo Picasso _______________________ The Weeping

Woman in 1937. Certainly not everyone _______________________ this
_______________________ when they first saw it in Paris. The painting
____________________ many ____________________ due to its dramatic
style and hard lines. But today, ________________________________
as one of the finest and most striking works of the 20th century.

C Speaking
1 Listen and write the missing words. Track

1. A: That seems like a rather _______________________ choice.

B: Oh... I thought it was trendy.
2. A: I love going to the opera.
B: I do too. It gives me such strong _______________________ when I hear them sing.
3. A: He was wearing different colored socks – it was _______________________.
B: Maybe it’s just his style.
4. A: I don’t like ancient paintings and sculptures. I prefer _______________________ art.
B: Me, too.

5. A: That’s a strange song you’re listening to.
B: His words seem strange taken out of _______________________, but if you listen to
the whole song, they make sense.
6. A: I love the _______________________ of his voice.
B: Me, too. It’s really deep.
7. A: How did you like my performance?
B: Yeah. You have a natural sense of _______________________ when you play.
8. A: I love this song; the _______________________ are so beautiful.
B: I like the words, but not the music.
2 Complete the questions with one of the words from Exercise 1,
then ask and answer them with a partner.
1. Do you have a favorite song? What are the _______________________?
2. Would you say your parents are trendy or _______________________? Why?
3. Do you prefer _______________________ or traditional art? Why?
4. Has anyone ever taken something you said out of _______________________?
What happened?
5. Do you know anyone who has a _______________________ sense of style? How does he/
she dress?
6. How often do you talk about your _______________________? Who with?
3 Complete the table with softer comments about contemporary art.
Strong Soft
This painting is bizarre! This painting is _______________________!
It’s too weird! Isn’t it _______________________?
A 5-year-old kid could paint this! Isn’t it _______________________?
It’s just random colors and shapes. It’s very _______________________!
I hate abstract paintings. Abstract paintings aren’t really
Is it supposed to mean something? I wonder _______________________?

4 Look at the pictures of contemporary art below and write a comment
about each one. Compare your comments in a group. Who gave the
strongest comments? Who gave the softest comments?
1. 2.

3. 4.

D Writing
1 Listen and write the missing words. 06-07

1. A: You missed dinner.

B: Sorry, I was really _______________________ in this book.
2. A: Did she just _______________________ our way?
B: I think I saw her look back, yes.
3. A: I’m really nervous. This is my first _______________________ performance.
B: Don’t be nervous. Just think of it like another day at practice.
4. A: What’s with the small car?
B: I didn’t have a lot of money, so I had to _______________________.

5. A: Wow, you’re all so _______________________.
B: We just ran in a color run. It was so much fun.
6. A: What did you read to the kids at story time?
B: I read them a fairy _______________________.
7. A: Those woods look _______________________ at dusk.
B: Yes. I don’t like going out there after dark.
8. A: Marcy is really the heart and _______________________ of the band.
B: I agree. She brings us all together.

2 Match the words from Exercise 1 to the correct definitions.

1. _______________________ – very scary

2. _______________________ – story
3. _______________________ – passion and intensity / emotional depth
4. _______________________ – look at something quickly
5. _______________________ – involving many colors
6. _______________________ – be very interested in something
7. _______________________ – done alone
8. _______________________ – not get everything you want / reach a deal

3 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

• When was the last time you were really absorbed in something? What was it?
• Do you prefer doing solo projects or being part of a team? Why?
• When did you last have to compromise? With whom? What about?
• What do you find terrifying?
• What fairy tales do you know?

4 Read the movie review and underline the words from Exercise 1.

The Haunting of the House is full of surprises, scary scenes, and great
performances from its two lead actors. It tells the tale of Ben, whose job is to
check houses for damage after tenants move out. However, at one particular
house people keep moving out in a hurry, even leaving all their things behind.

Turns out it’s because the place is haunted by Mary, a ghost who has
been living solo in the building for many years. At first, Ben can’t see
Mary and doesn’t even glance at her when she makes herself visible, but
eventually she really gets his attention, and the relationship between the two
of them forms the heart and soul of the movie.

The only thing wrong with this movie is that it’s weirdly colorful. Ghost
stories are meant to be dark and gloomy, but in this one, everything is bright,
which I found quite strange.

Overall, I was completely absorbed in this story. A few of the scenes are
actually terrifying, and the actress playing the ghost gives a very convincing
performance, totally without compromise. This low-budget horror story is
well-worth watching.

5 Write your own movie review. Remember to include:
• An introduction to the movie
• A description of the start of the movie (but NOT the ending!)
• What you liked / didn’t like about it
• A conclusion / your overall opinion of the movie

E Project
1 Watch the video from Student Book 6 page 80 again and complete
the summary with the words from the box.

destruction destroyed destroy defined donated

inventive created hoax contemporary stuff

Ryan and Trisha go to an art museum and see a piece of _______________________ art called
‘Consumerisn’t’, which was _______________________ by Canadian artist, Miles Sketchley. The
artwork involves the _______________________ of all of the artist’s possessions. Ryan doesn’t
understand it, but Trisha thinks that the artwork is trying to say that people are not only
_______________________ by their possessions.

Surprisingly, Ryan sees some of his clothes being _______________________ by the machine. He
calls his mom, who tells him that she _______________________ his clothes to a charity shop
last week. As the artist isn’t really destroying his possessions, Ryan and Trisha decide that the
artwork must be a ____________________, so Ryan calls a journalist and asks him to meet them
at the museum.

While they are waiting for the journalist, Ryan and Trisha meet the artist, who tells them that
he really did _______________________ all of his old possessions already, so he had to buy new
_______________________ from a charity shop. Then the journalist shows up, and Ryan suggests
that he interview Miles, who he describes as the most fascinating and _______________________
contemporary artist of our times!

2 Complete the table with notes about a painting, a movie and a song.




3 Work in groups of four.

• Describe the painting, movie and song that you made notes about in the table
above. However, DO NOT say the name of the painting, movie or song.
• The other students in your group have to guess the name of the artwork you
are describing.
• Listen to the other students in your group and try to guess the name of the
artwork they are describing.

4 Choose a famous video game and complete the table below.



Release Date


Interesting Facts

What people like

about it

What people
dislike about it

5 Give a presentation about your chosen video game to your group and
answer any questions they have.

Review Unit 5-6

1 Read the clues and complete the crossword.

1 2

4 5

6 7 8








Across Down
1. lines of a conversation between two or 2. nonrealistic art
more people 3. created to make money
4. a movement used to express a meaning 7. very good / amazing
5. not follow rules or orders 8. annoying because a goal cannot be achieved
6. finds faults or problems 9. mean / unkind comments or actions
12. not trendy or cool 10. modern / up to date
14. be very interested in something 11. very strange or unusual
15. odd or weird 13. slow / not sudden
16. very scary

2 Listen and complete the notes of the professor’s comments Track

about Tom’s book.

• First, a lot of the _______________________ is excellent.
• You have a good ear for catching common _______________________ and
_______________________ that young American people use. It sounds really

• One area that could be improved upon is the _______________________.
• The language you chose to use made your _______________________ sound like
scientists or professors, but they are just _______________________.
• When you’re describing locations – ________________________ – some of your
writing could be more _______________________ and _______________________.
• With _______________________ language, I could _______________________ the
setting better as I read.
• I noticed quite a few _______________________. I’ve underlined them in red.

Overall Opinion
• Overall, if you could make the book a bit _______________________, make some
adjustments to the _______________________ and _______________________ writing,
it’ll be great.

3 Three students have been staying with host families in Canada Track
for a month. Listen and make notes about the problems they
are each experiencing.



4 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

• How would you feel about being an exchange student for a year?
• If you had to go and live with another family in a different country,
what problems do you think you might have?
• And what positive experiences might you have? What might you learn?


A Listening
1 Listen and write the missing words. Track

1. A: What do you think of this painting?

B: I like it—the colors are so _______________________.
2. A: Are you looking forward to seeing your friends this weekend?
B: Yeah. It’s the only time I have to _______________________.
3. A: Does Francisco speak English?
B: Actually, he’s _______________________ in many languages.
4. A: Are you trying to catch the bus, too?
B: No, but I’ll _______________________ while you wait.
5. A: I notice that Diane isn’t afraid to disagree with her co-workers.
B: Yeah. She prides herself on her _______________________.
6. A: Are you ready for your interview?
B: No. I’m so nervous. My hands are _______________________!

7. A: Is Erica feeling better now?
B: Yeah, it just took some time for her to _______________________ that surgery.
8. A: Kelly seems like a very kind person.
B: Yeah. She always offers her ______________________ to anyone who’s feeling down.

2 Put the words in the correct order. Then listen and check Track
your sentences.

1. signed class up I wish for that I hadn’t.

2. one drop it If only a different and I could take—now late but it’s too.

3. time because of all schoolwork the Well, I’m also spend on stressed I.

4. more time to I wish with friends I had socialize.

3 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

• What problems is Petra having?
• Do you sympathize with her? Why or why not?
• How do you feel when you have to speak in front of a group of people?
• Do you get stressed because of schoolwork? How do you deal with stress?

4 Listen and order the conversation. Track

If only I had been able to do that. I was so shy back then. I hardly spoke
to anyone, and I sat by myself at lunch for the first week.
I have a lot of sympathy for them because I remember how terrifying the
first day of high school was for me. I was practically trembling with fear.
Yeah, and she’s the first person who ever told me that I had a good voice
and a talent for acting. I just wish I had joined the club sooner, and not
waited until junior year. What about you—is there anything you wish you’d
done differently up until now?
1 Sasha, look at that group of new freshmen heading into the cafeteria.
They look so young and scared, like little kids!
Do you ever wish you could go back in time and start high school over
I know. It’s hard to believe that was us just three years ago, and now
we’re seniors.
Yeah, you kept raising your hand and making jokes, and you seemed like
you were full of confidence.
All your hard work has paid off, though. You’ve won all those academic
awards, and you’re almost fluent in French now. You’ll be able to study
abroad next year like you wanted. I, on the other hand, have a lot of work
to do this semester if I’m going to get into college at all. I didn’t work
nearly hard enough during 9th and 10th grade.
Oh, me too.
Mrs. Simons runs the drama club, right?
Really? I wish I had noticed that—I would’ve come over and kept you
company. Anyway, you’ve changed a lot in the last three years. I mean,
you were fantastic in the school musical last semester.
No way—I’m glad it’s almost over!
Wait, you were? Are you sure? Because I have a vivid memory of the first
time I saw you, and you seemed completely relaxed and cool.
No, not at all. That’s how I handled the fear—I pretended I wasn’t scared
until I wasn’t anymore.
Hmm. Honestly, I wish I had socialized more the first two years instead
of studying all the time. I worried about my grades and assignments more
than I needed to, and I didn’t have enough fun.
Are you talking about our first day in world history class?
Thanks. Being in the drama club has definitely helped me get over my
shyness, and built up my self-confidence and independence. It’s all thanks
to Mrs. Simons for giving me so much encouragement last year.

5 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.
• Can you remember your first day at high school?
• What were you like back then? Are you pretty similar now, or have you changed a lot?
• Is there anything you wish you’d done differently up until now?
• Do you ever wish you could go back in time and start high school over again?

B Speaking
1 Listen and write the missing words. Track

1. A: Hey, where did you get all that cash?

B: These are all my _______________________ from babysitting last month.
2. A: Did your sister repair her bike herself?
B: Yeah, she’s really _______________________ at things like that.
3. A: I can’t believe how many mistakes I made on the test.
B: Don’t worry. We all _______________________ sometimes.
4. A: What’s Rachel so upset about?
B: Her group always _______________________ her for every mistake.
5. A: Are you sure I should throw away the pizza?
B: Yes. I’m on a diet, and I want to avoid the _______________________.
6. A: That meeting looks serious.
B: Yeah, they’re trying to _______________________ a major crisis.
7. A: Sunny never seems to relax.
B: No, she’s _______________________ worried about something or other.
8. A: Why does he always wear those headphones?
B: So that nothing can _______________________ him while he’s thinking.

2 Match the words from Exercise 1 to the correct definitions.
1. _______________________ – all the time / always
2. _______________________ – something you want but shouldn’t
3. _______________________ – money made from doing something
4. _______________________ – take care of / fix or solve
5. _______________________ – make a mistake / mishandle or mismanage
6. _______________________ – cause someone to lose focus or concentration
7. _______________________ – say it was someone’s fault / hold someone responsible
8. _______________________ – have a high level of ability / be good at something

3 Match the sentence beginnings to the correct endings.

a. I would have been lonely. b. I would have gone too.

c. I wouldn’t have been late. d. I could have called you.

e. you would have gotten better grades. f. you wouldn’t have earned any money.

g. you wouldn’t be fluent now. h. you’d waste all your time playing
games on it.

1. If you had given me your number, ________________

2. If you hadn’t gotten that job, ________________
3. If my friends hadn’t kept me company, ________________
4. If you had studied harder, ________________
5. If you hadn’t practiced English every day, ________________
6. If my friends had gone to the party, ________________
7. If you had bought that phone, ________________
8. If I had woken up sooner, ________________

4 Write sentences about three regrets you have (something you did or
didn’t do), a wish you have related to each regret, and what would have
happened if your wishes came true.
Example: ‘I didn’t ask her out. I wish I had asked her out. If I had asked her out,
she might have said yes!’

5 Read your wishes to your partner. Your partner should listen and tell
you what would have happened if your wishes came true.
Example: You: ‘I wish I had asked her out.’
Your Partner: ‘If you had asked her out, she would have said no!’

C Reading
1 Match the words to the correct definitions.
be affectionate be empathetic be considerate appreciate
an achivevment focus on be attentive be passionate

1. _______________________ – understand the value or worth of something / someone

2. _______________________ – care deeply about something / someone
3. _______________________ – be alert and observant
4. _______________________ – pay attention to
5. _______________________ – understand (and feel) the feelings of someone else
6. _______________________ – show that you care (by hugging, for example)
7. _______________________ – think about other people’s needs
8. _______________________ – something you are proud to have done / finished

2 Read the text and match the topics to the paragraphs.
Education Food Family Health

Life Lessons from 100-Year-Olds

“I wish I had focused more on my relationships. I should have been more open
about my feelings and more affectionate with people in my life. I wish I’d been
a better listener, been more empathetic and more considerate, and spent more
time with the people I loved. So much of my life was taken up by work, I wish
I’d been at home with my family more, and I wish we had taken more vacations

“I wish I’d started exercising when I was younger. Your health is so important,
but you don’t appreciate it until it’s gone. I hardly did any exercise until I started
getting sick a lot in my 40s. After that, I started jogging every day. By the time
I reached 60, I could run a marathon. It was my greatest achievement in life.
Happiness comes when you are healthy. I run for my happiness.”

“I became a pharmacist later in life, and my only regret is that I did not focus on
studying when I was younger. I think the sooner you start studying, the better.
If I’d had been more attentive at school in my early life, I’d have studied more
and harder. There’s so much to learn about the world, and the more you learn
the more you can do, so don’t waste your time at school.”

“I’m passionate about the good things in life: family and food! I have such
beautiful memories you know; I can live happily forever after because of my lovely
memories of wonderful meals together. I’ve always been strong and healthy and
it’s all because of the food that my mom cooked when I was young. I hope I did
the same for my own children. I think food is so important. If I could live my life
again, maybe I’d become a chef!”

3 Read the text again. Who do you think said these sentences?

1. “I got fitter as I got older.” ____________________

2. “I wish I’d been a better student.” ____________________
3. “I wish I hadn’t spent so much time at work.” ____________________
4. “I should have listened to others more.” ____________________
5. “I should have focused on my health earlier in life.” ____________________
6. “Proper nutrition will result in good health.” ____________________
7. “It’s important to do your best at school.” ____________________
8. “Good memories are important for happiness.” ____________________

4 Imagine you are 100 years old. Discuss the questions with a partner.
• Can you tell me about your life? What did you do?
• What do you remember most vividly?
• What are you most proud of? What has been your greatest achievement?
• Do you have any regrets? What about?

D Writing
1 Listen and write the missing words. Track

1. A: What do you like about the people in this town?

B: I appreciate everyone’s _______________________.
2. A: Was Vicky angry when you gave her the bad news?
B: She was _______________________.
3. A: Why is Tim hiding his face with his hand?
B: Well, usually, doing that is a sign of _______________________.
4. A: I don’t really like this band, do you?
B: No. I don’t understand their _______________________.
5. A: Did you hear that the boss is quitting?
B: Yes, but it’s just a _______________________.

6. A: If you don’t study more, you’ll be in _______________________ trouble, mister.
B: Sorry, Mrs. Harris. I’ll study more.
7. A: Did you discuss anything important at the meeting?
B: No. It was all about _______________________ stuff.
8. A: Why are you hiding over there? Are you scared of the spider?
B: Yes. I’m a bit of a _______________________ when it comes to spiders.
2 Match the words from Exercise 1 to the correct definitions.
1. _______________________ – concerning how well-liked something (or someone) is
2. _______________________ – unimportant
3. _______________________ – the quality of being nice to others
4. _______________________ – not brave / easily scared
5. _______________________ – extremely angry
6. _______________________ – an uncomfortable feeling, associated with red cheeks
7. _______________________ – serious / strict or harsh
8. _______________________ – a story which may or may not be true
3 Listen and answer the questions. Track

1. Is she still angry with her parents for moving?

2. What were the teachers like at her old school?

3. What was she like at her old school?

4. How has Mr. Marino helped her?

5. How has the move made her life better?

4 Listen and complete the sentences. Track

1. If I hadn’t changed schools,

2. For one thing, if I were still attending my old school,

3. Also, if I hadn’t changed schools,

4. Finally, if we hadn’t moved,
5 Ask your partner, your teacher, and/or your parents/grandparents.
• What was life in your / our country like 50 years ago?
• How was it different to now?
• In what ways was it better / worse?

6 Write a cause-and-effect essay.

What if I had been born 50 years ago?

E Project
1 Watch the video from Student Book 6 page 94 again and complete
the summary with the words from the box.
had would embarrassment silly invited
hadn’t wouldn’t adventurous furious chores

Max’s mom is _______________________ with him because he went to the zoo without
her and got into the lions’ enclosure. Max explains what happened…

Max had done his _______________________, so his mom gave him twenty dollars. First,
Max went to the barber shop and got a haircut. He was feeling _______________________,
so he asked his barber for something new. Unfortunately, Max didn’t like his new
haircut. He couldn’t deal with the _______________________, so he went straight to the
mall to buy a baseball cap.

After that, Max decided to eat. While he was eating, Max saw his friend Rachel and
her family. He went over to talk to them, and they _______________________ him to
go to the zoo. At the zoo, the wind blew Max’s hat off and into the lions’ area. He
needed it to cover his _______________________ hair, so he climbed down into the
lions’ enclosure and got it back.

So, if his mother ____________________ given him any money, he ____________________

have gotten a haircut or gone to the mall. If she _______________________ just let him
be lazy, none of this _______________________ have happened.

2 Think about your day yesterday. What did you do? What didn’t you do?
How might your day have been different? Write Type 3 conditional
Example: Did you wake up late? Did you get to school on time?
• If I hadn’t woken up late, I would have gotten to school on time.
• If I had woken up late, I wouldn’t have gotten to school on time.

3 In the story, Max found himself in a very dangerous situation – he was

in the lions’ enclosure. He then had to explain to his mom how he ended
up in this situation. Write a similar story. First, choose a situation –
either real or imaginary. It could be:
• An exciting situation
• A dangerous situation
• A surprising situation
• An embarrassing situation
• A strange situation
Next, describe the situation and explain how you ended up in it. Make


4 Make a comic strip about your story. Plan it out in the space below and
then make a final version on a separate piece of paper.

5 Share your comics / stories with your group. Who has the best one?


A Reading
1 Match the words to the correct definitions.
iris transplant visualize the black market
evade precognition be reliable have faith in

1. _______________________ – awareness of events before they happen

2. _______________________ – see in your mind / make a mental image
3. _______________________ – strongly believe in
4. _______________________ – hide from / avoid
5. _______________________ – the colored, ring-shaped part of an eye around the pupil
6. _______________________ – an operation in which part of the body is replaced
7. _______________________ – an underground, hidden trade in illegal goods
8. _______________________ – can be trusted / dependable

2 Read the text below quickly. Now, close your books and talk to a partner.
Try to retell the story in your own words. Don’t worry about the details
of the story – just tell them the main ideas.

This classic sci-fi story is set in the year 2054, when a police
unit known as ‘Precrime’ are able to arrest criminals
before they even commit their crimes. They can do this
using advanced technology combined with the abilities of
three ‘Precogs’. The Precogs are humans with the power
of precognition, which allows them to visualize crimes
before they happen.

In the story, the chief of the Precrime unit, John Anderton,

is revealed by the Precogs to be a future murderer. They
predict that he will kill a man he does not know in less
than 36 hours. Anderton, who until that point had had
complete faith in precrime technology, can’t believe that
he would commit murder, and so he thinks the Precogs
must be mistaken.

He goes on the run and must evade his own colleagues

in the Precrime unit so that he won’t be arrested for
a murder he hasn’t (yet) committed. Unfortunately, in
this future world, technology has made staying hidden a
very difficult task. Screens and scanners are everywhere,
and everyone can be quickly identified by their irises, so
Anderton has to get an eye transplant on the black market.

Anderton goes to talk with the creator of the Precog

technology, who tells him that occasionally one of the three
Precogs will see a vision of the future crime that differs
from the other two. This different version is known as a
“minority report,” the existence of which has been hidden
from the public so that people will believe that precrime
technology is totally reliable. Anderton realizes that the
only way to prove his innocence and avoid jail is to make
his own minority report public.

3 Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What is special about the Precrime unit?

2. Who are the Precogs?

3. What happens to the chief of the Precrime unit?

4. Why is it difficult for Anderton to evade his colleagues?

5. How does Anderton solve this problem?

6. What is a “minority report”?

7. What do you think happens next?

4 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

• Have you seen Minority Report? If yes, did you like it? If no, would you like to?
• What do you think of the idea of preventing murder using precrime technology?
• If precrime technology became possible, do you think it would be a good idea?
• Are you worried about the effects of technology on privacy?
• Do you think facial recognition will result in serious privacy issues in the future?
• How else might technology affect police work in the future?

B Listening
1 Listen and write the missing words. 08-03

1. A: How did you get that door open?

B: It was stuck at first, but then I _______________________ it open.
2. A: Steve and Ted are telling __________________ stories! I don’t know who to believe.
B: Yes, one of them must be lying.
3. A: What happened to Frank’s car?
B: He said he crashed it into the safety _______________________ by accident.
4. A: Look at that fire!
B: There must have been an _______________________.
5. A: Is that your house?
B: Yeah, it’s just _______________________ the lake.
6. A: What happened to Juan?
B: He had a little _______________________ on his biking trip. He’s OK, though.
7. A: I can’t believe you caught that baseball. You were so quick to __________________.
B: Thanks. I saw that baseball coming, and I just reached for it without thinking.
8. A: Kim saw the whole thing from her window?
B: Yeah. I think she’s the best _______________________ we have right now.

2 Write the words from Exercise 1 next to the correct definition.

1. _______________________ – something that happened / an event
2. _______________________ – a violent blast / something blowing up
3. _______________________ – do something in response
4. _______________________ – a fence or wall intended to prevent movement
5. _______________________ – a person who saw an incident happen
6. _______________________ – use physical strength / power
7. _______________________ – very different
8. _______________________ – after / further than

3 Imagine you witnessed a crime yesterday. Answer the questions,
and then practice the conversation with a partner.
1. Tell me about what you saw yesterday.

2. Did they say anything?

3. What happened next?

4. Can you remember anything else about it?

4 Listen and complete the table. Track


Crime Description
When it happened
Where it happened

Who and what the witness saw

5 Match the questions and the answers. Listen again if you need to. Track

a. So, what brings you down here today? b. What about him?

c. How can you be sure it was him? d. Did you ask him about it?

e. So, what did he tell you? f. Why didn’t you come and talk to us sooner?

g. So, is the van still there? h. Where did it go?

1. ____________ Brian said that his friend had come to pick it up the night before.
2. ____________ Brian said that I must have seen some other old person on the street that
day. Then, he explained that the van belonged to a friend of his.

3. ____________ Unfortunately, no.
4. ____________ I would have, but I’m a little slow to react these days. I couldn’t put two
and two together. I guess I’m just getting older.
5. ____________ About a week before the incident, he told me that he would be visiting
some relatives in the countryside for Easter.
6. ____________ A few days later, when he said that he would be back, I went over to his
house to tell him that I thought I had seen him and asked him about the van.
7. ____________ I know it happened a few weeks ago, but I have some information about
the incident in Hatton Garden.
8. ____________ I’ve lived next to Brian for over twenty years. It was definitely him.

C Speaking
1 Listen and write the missing words. 08-05

1. A: Do you remember where you were last Friday at 7 p.m.?

B: No, I can’t _______________________ where I was at that time.
2. A: I can’t believe Steve _______________________ on the exam.
B: I know! He’s smart, so I didn’t think he would do that.
3. A: I’m not sure if I should buy these sneakers.
B: Stop _______________________. Just buy them!
4. A: Why did everyone _______________________ Marco of taking Jim’s wallet?
B: We accused him because James saw him do it.
5. A: If you don’t do what I say, you’re going to be in trouble.
B: Oh, come on! Don’t _______________________ me like that.
6. A: That guy just took that lady’s wallet!
B: That’s so _______________________! Let’s report him.
7. A: Promise me you’ll be on time.
B: I _______________________ you that I’ll be on time. Stop worrying.
8. A: What was the _______________________ between Sunny and Eddie about?
B: Nothing important. It’s just an argument between brother and sister.

2 Listen and answer the questions. Track

1. What did Jess say?

She said that ___________________________________________________________________.
She said that ___________________________________________________________________.
2. What else did Jess say?
She told Tyrone that ____________________________________________________________.
3. What did Jonah tell Jess?
Jonah assured her that ________________________________________ and that
4. Does Jess know whether it could have been Marcos that she saw?
She said that ___________________________________________________________________.

3 Listen and answer the questions. Track


1. What did Rico’s mom say?

She said that __________________________________________________, but
2. What did Jonah tell Marcos?
He said ____________________________________________________.
3. What did Marcos say about going to the mall?
He said that ____________________________________________________________.
He said that ____________________________________________________________.
4 Play ‘Alibi’ in groups of seven. Last night, someone broke into your
school and stole your teacher’s favorite teddy bear from the staff room.
Who did it?
Decide who will have each role:
• Students 1-2: You are the detectives. Leave the room and think of
questions to ask the other students about what they were doing last night.
When you come back, ask questions to find out who committed the crime.
• Students 3-6: Last night, you all did an activity together after school.
What? Where? After that, you all left to go and do different activities, but
you know what one of the other four students was doing because you
saw them or called them. Work together and give each other alibis. Make
sure you know what you were doing, when, where and who with!

Student 7: Last night, you did an activity with Students 3-6 after school.

What? Where? After that, you broke into the staff room and stole your
teacher’s teddy bear! Make up your own alibi and hope that you don’t get
Now, the detectives should interview the other students individually
(one at a time). Can they figure out who did it?

5 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

• Do you know anyone who has ever stolen something from a shop?
• What would you do if you saw someone you know shoplifting?
• Do you know anyone who has ever cheated on a test?
• What would you do if you saw someone you know cheating on a test?

D Writing
1 Listen and write the missing words. 08-08

1. A: What are you doing?

B: I’m _______________________ a crime.
2. A: Any special plans for the weekend?
B: Not really. But, I kind of _______________________ my sister is planning something.
3. A: Hey, I don’t think this plan is going to work.
B: This is so stressful... OK, well we need to find something more ________________.
4. A: Why does Ben get angry so often?
B: It’s just his personality. He’s pretty _______________________.
5. A: Did you notice anything strange while you were watching him?
B: Well, I _______________________ him for a while, but nothing seemed strange.
6. A: Is that a new social media site?
B: Yeah, it just _______________________ this week.
7. A: Tony, did you eat my lunch again?
B: No, it wasn’t me. I _______________________ I didn’t do it this time.
8. A: My dad and brother both told me different stories about what happened.
B: I know. I’m not sure whose _______________________ to believe.

2 Write the words from Exercise 1 into the conversation. You may have
to change the form of some of the words. One word will not be used.

W: OK, Skyler. I’ve heard a few _______________________ of what happened. So, why don’t
you tell me the truth already!
M: Look, Mrs. Phillips, I _______________________ that I was in the bathroom when
Sunny’s purse went missing this morning.
W: Aha! How do you know that that’s when the crime took place?
M: Because when I got back to class, Sunny was asking people if they had seen her purse.
She asked me if I knew where Eddie had gone. So, I told her he had gone home early
because of a doctor’s appointment.
W: Did you notice anything strange about Eddie at basketball practice that night?
M: I’m not sure if this is _______________________, but he was wearing a new pair of
basketball shoes. I asked him where he got them, and he said at the mall.
W: Why is that strange?
M: Well, he seemed kind of _______________________ about it. It’s like my question got
him angry. Plus, a week ago, Eddie told me he couldn’t afford them.
W: So then, where did he get the money to buy them?
M: I don’t know. Maybe his parents?
W: Nope, I already asked them if they had bought him the shoes, and they said
they hadn’t.
M: Huh? You already knew about the shoes?
W: Yup, Coach Carter tipped me off about them after he heard about Sunny’s purse.
That’s what led me to _______________________ my ______________________ into Eddie.
M: No way... Do you _______________________ Eddie stole Sunny’s purse?
W: Well, maybe. I just wanted to get your point of view before talking to Eddie, though.

3 Listen and check your answers in Exercise 2. Track
Now role-play the conversation with a partner.
4 Think about what Mrs. Phillips will do next.
Mrs. Phillips will have to question Eddie about what happened. She won’t accuse
him of stealing Sunny’s purse at the beginning of the conversation, though. First,
she’ll ask about why he left school early, where he went, and what he did. Then,
she’ll ask about the new shoes and about how he could afford them. Her aim will
be to get Eddie to confess to stealing the purse rather than have to ask him directly.

Write the conversation between Mrs. Phillips and Eddie. You can start like this:

Mrs. Phillips: Hi, Eddie. I heard you had to leave school early yesterday.
Can you tell me why?
Eddie: Umm… yeah, I had to…

E Project
1 Watch the video from Student Book 6 page 106 and complete the
summary with the words from the box.

investigate had been stolen finished found hadn’t arrived

had gone was questioning came back had taken had been studying

Mikey has just _______________________ investigating a crime at school. Clarice told Mikey that
she had been at drama rehearsal and that, when she got back to her classroom, she found out
that someone ______________________ her bag. This happened between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. The
school principal told Mikey that the only students at the school at that time were the band and
volleyball clubs, as well as a few students who were in the library.
First, Mikey talked to the band. They told him that Steve _______________________ to the store for
a soda at around 3:30, but that he never _______________________. Then, Mikey talked to Steve.
Steve told Mikey that he had gone back to his classroom to get his jacket, but it wasn’t there, so
he went to try and find it.
Next, Mikey went to talk to the volleyball team. Tamara told him that Giselle _______________________
until a little after 4:00 and that some of their volleyballs _______________________. When Mikey
spoke with Giselle, she told him that she _______________________ in the library with Carlos until
4:00, and Carlos confirmed her story.
While Mikey _______________________ Carlos, they heard a loud noise coming from the janitor’s
room. They went to _______________________, and they _______________________ a family of raccoons
with all the missing things!

2 Match the characters and the activities.

Clarice Steve Tamara
Giselle Carlos The raccoons

1. _______________________ – studying in the library, then volleyball practice

2. _______________________ – stealing stuff
3. _______________________ – studying in the library
4. _______________________ – band practice
5. _______________________ – drama rehearsal
6. _______________________ – volleyball practice

3 Do a class survey. Think of an after school activity. Ask your classmates
if they do it. Find out how many people do your activity. Then, in groups
of six share your findings and fill in the table.
After School Activities How many students?

4 Everyone in your class scored over 90% on the last exam you took.
Your teacher is very suspicious. Perhaps someone in the class got a copy
of the exam and gave everyone the answers? Who did it? Complete the
profiles with information about three students in your class. First,
think of an alibi for each student. Then, come up with motive, evidence,
and reason why each person may or may not be guilty.
Student’s picture Information
and name

5 Work in groups. Present your ideas from Exercise 4 to the other students
in your group. Listen to each other and then discuss who is the most
likely suspect.
6 Using your ideas, write a story called ‘How Everyone Got an A’. Include:
• Why are the three students from Exercise 4 guilty or innocent?
• How did someone get hold of the exam?
• Who figured out all the answers?
• How did everyone remember the answers?

Review Unit 7-8

1 Read the clues and complete the crossword.

1 2

9 10





15 16

Across Down
3. extremely angry 1. a wall or fence intended to block
5. something you want, but should resist 2. an argument or disagreement
8. something that happened / an event 4. the ability to look after yourself
9. pause before saying or doing something 6. look closely
13. caused by a bomb 7. say someone did something
14. all the time 10. a feeling of being sorry for someone
15. unimportant 11. be good at something
12. to think, but not be sure
16. producing clear mental images

2 Listen and write the missing words. Track

M: Do I have any regrets? Yeah, of course. I would say there are three big things
I really regret. But even this week there is one recent thing that I regret...I wish
I _______________________ my phone last night.
W: Oh yeah? Why’s that, Ritchie?
M: I was supposed to _______________________ today... because I had a job interview.
I set my alarm before I went to bed, but in the morning I didn’t hear anything...
because the _______________________. I suddenly woke up thirty minutes late!
W: Ah right, so if you had _______________________ your phone, you would have
_______________________ on time?
M: Exactly, and then I wouldn’t have _______________________ the bus. And then I
would have got to the interview on time.
W: So, you did get there eventually?
M: Yes, but at 9:15, and I was _______________________ to be there at 9 a.m. The
manager who interviewed me seemed to be in a bad mood, because of me, I think.
If I _______________________ on time, I’m sure he _______________________ friendlier.
And if he had been more friendly, I probably would have been less nervous!
W: So, the interview didn’t go well?
M: It wasn’t exactly a _______________________, but it didn’t go great either. Anyway,
I guess I’ll have to wait and see, but I’m not very _______________________. I’ll
find out next Monday if I get the job or not.

3 Role-play the conversation from Exercise 2 with a partner, and then
talk about your own regrets. Is there anything you would have
changed about last week if you had been able to?
4 Unscramble the words to make questions. Then, ask and answer the
questions with your partner.
1. had you in the done you What do wish past?

2. done that If you had, life be different now how would your?

3. in the past you do done What hadn’t you wish?

4. you hadn’t If done that, would your how life now different be?

5 Find a newspaper article about a recent crime in your country. Read it

and make notes in the left box. Tell a partner about the crime.
Listen to your partner and make notes in the right box about the
crime they tell you about.



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