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UP COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY | DENT 162: Dental Jurisprudence 1st Semester

The Philippine Dental Act of 2007 (Part 2) (AY’22-’23)

Dr. Michael Mendoza Batch 2025
November 4, 2022

OUTLINE - Why do they take the exams if they would

I. Article III III. Requisites to prove not be able to practice? Some foreign
a. Section 13 negligence students who are studying in dental schools
b. Section 15 IV. Malpractice in the Philippines take the exam because it
c. Section 16 V. Article III is recognized in their country. Some take it
d. Section 21 a. Sec 22 as a practice exam.
e. Section 22 b. Sec 23 - It happened before with Sir’s batchmates.
II. Article I c. Sec 24 The top 1 and 2 were Koreans so when the
a. Section 4 VI. Article IV list was released, number 1 and 2 was not
b. Degree of skill required d. Sec 25 included.
c. Proof of Malpractice e. Sec 26  Because they just took the exam
d. Res Ipsa Loquitor f. Sec 28 but they cannot practice here
g. Sec 29  Report of Ratings shall state that they are not eligible
for registration.
- For example, kumuha ka ng TOR ng hindi ka
REFERENCES pa nakakatapos ng RSA or nagcocomply,
there will be a notation na you are not
● Dr. Mendoza’s lecture eligible for registration.
● Continuation of discussion about RA 9484: The  Can foreigners take the exam in the Philippines?
Philippine Dental Act of 2007 and (later on) Code of - Yes, but practicing after is a different story.
Ethics (passed on 2008)
SECTION 15. Scope of Examination
SECTION 14. Qualification for Admission Usual schedule for exams: 1 week of theoretical exams
 Monday: 3 exams, 2 hours each, 1 hr break
SCENARIO - 3 Exams -> Day off -> 3 exams -> Day off ->
Dr. Yoon, a Korean national, obtained a special permit to take 3 exams
the Philippine Dental Licensure examinations. She passed the
exams, and then decided to set up a clinic for the Korean  General and Oral Anatomy and Physiology
community in the Philippines. Can she legally do this?  General and Oral Pathology, General and Oral
Histology, and Microbiology
 Recap: There are some issues on equity here since  Restorative Dentistry, Public Health and Community
Dr. Yoon is planning on catering to only a specific Dentistry
population. The other argument is that she should not  Prosthetic Dentistry and Dental Materials
be practicing in the Philippines (no matter what  Roentgenology, Oral Diagnosis and Oral Surgery
population you’re catering to) because she was just - Include Radiology and Implantology
given a special permit to take the exam.  Anesthesiology ad Pharmacology
- When you pass the exam under the special  Pedodontics and Orthodontics
permit, you are not allowed to practice in the
 Dental Jurisprudence, Ethics and Practice
Philippines, you’re just allowed to sit in the
- They would have an equal weight in the
exam compared to Oral Anatomy and
 The main question is, can Dr. Yoon set up a clinic
Physiology or Perio and Endo
and treat patients in the Philippines, whether Korean
 Periodontics and Endodontics
or not, given that she is a Korean national?
- The different courses or subjects are
- According to foreign reciprocity, if there is an
clustered. Take 9 exams over 1 week. This
international agreement, she can set up a
was the planned clustering last year.
clinic if Filipino dentists is also allowed in
Korea to set a clinic if given a special permit.
 You need to know if the mother country of the
foreigner allows Filipinos to practice in their country. If
 2 days of practical exams
hindi pinapayagan ang Filipinos doon, tapos na ang
- You would be given the exam guidelines for
usapan, However, for this case Dr. Yoon was given a
special permit to take the Philippine Dental Licensure day 1 na ang kasama ay yung cavity preps
Exam. and PFM
- For complete dentures 1 day din
 There are also issues of inclusivity because it is not
acceptable na Korean community lang ang patients  Class II Cavity Preparation unfilled
niya.  Class I Cavity Preparation unfilled
- For this memo, the Class II and Class I
FOREIGN STUDENTS WITHOUT RECIPROCITY would be left unfilled due to environmental
 Can sit in the examinations issues due to the use of mercury and
 Names will not be included in alphabetical list of amalgam.
successful examinees. - For tooth preps, depende pa if maxi or
mandi, premolar or molars

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 Bridge Preparation (that should be ready for PFM) o Before you pass the board exams, you have
 Survey and RPD design (bilateral one-piece casting); to comply with the different requirements for
no wax pattern you to be admitted to the exam
- You’ll be given a cast and you’re given  Convicted of a criminal offense involving moral
instructions to break down some of the teeth turpitude
(remove the 2 premolars on the left o Certificate will not be issued even if you
quadrant, molar on the right quadrant) then passed the exam
you’ll need to design the RPD framework o Refused entry into the roster of
- Survey: you need to determine where the professionals
rest of the abutments should be for your  Immoral or dishonorable conduct
RPD design. Last year you’ll only be doing  Unsound mind
the design on paper + laboratory prescription  The practice of a profession is not a natural absolute,
- For sir’s exam, they did a wax pattern on a or constitutional right to be granted to everyone who
cast demands it. It is a personal privilege limited to citizens
[2024] of good moral character, with special educational
- For the RPD design, they took away the qualifications, duly ascertained and certified.
making of wax pattern because it’s the  It is like a driver’s license, the state can take that
laboratory who’ll do the wax pattern anyway. away from you if you are a reckless driver and do not
- However, Sir disagrees because a general follow the rules without regard of other people
practitioner should know how to make a wax  It is a privilege. If you do not abide with the different
pattern so they should know what a casting rules and regulations, this privilege will be taken away
would look like and what the expectations from you.
should be.
 Complete Dentures; mechanical articulator MORAL TURPITUDE
- No live patients for now because of the  The offense is contrary to justice, honesty, principles
threat of COVID-19 or good morals
- Live patients were removed before due to - So ang nangyayari lang kung minsan,
ethical reasons but returned after a few depending on who you talk with, or your
years because you are able to demonstrate circle, it could be relative also. But at least
your skills not only in mechanical we should know the basic decency, the
preparation but also to the biological, basic morals, norms, that govern the society.
physiological demands of a complete Pero yun nga kung minsan, nagkakaron ng
denture. argument pa din dun.
[2024]  Element in personal misconduct in the private or
 Are these procedures pang-masa since this is the social duties which a man owes to his fellowmen, or
most basic na ginagawa ng general practitioner? society in general.
 Last year there were talks that they would include  Characterizes the act done as an act of baseness,
radiograph diagnosis lalo na if online ang exam. vileness, or depravity, and contrary to the accepted
customary rules of right and duty between man and
SECTION 16. Ratings in the Examinations woman.
 GWA of 75% with no rating below 50% - As sir mentioned earlier, it could be relative.
- If your grade is 90% on the 8 exams but So it’s up to you on how you interpret it and
your 9th is below 50%, you will not pass the then make your case if a case is filed against
licensure exams even if the GWA is greater you. Kasi if absolute lahat yan, walang
than 75% trabaho ang mga lawyers, kasi everybody
- Must pass written part to take the practicals will have the same way of interpretation.
- Practical exam grade below 70% means
- What we expect of you is to have a basic
examinee failed, even if GWA is 75%
knowledge of the rules and regulations and
 This shows the importance of skill
and dexterity your life learning on what is good and what
- Written/practical: 60% / 40% is right shall determine how you move, how
 The Board may adopt its own internal procedure on you act in a professional manner. So yan
the implementation of these provisions yung ineexpect din natin sa isa’t isa when
[2024] we graduate as dentists.
- in terms of the rating, sometimes they may  Examples of offenses of moral turpitude:
opt to curve the grades or to not consider - Publication of defamatory matter
some items if a lot of examinees got it - Conviction of a charge adultery
wrong. They are allowed to do this without - Concubinage
sacrificing the outcomes of the exam which - Forgery
should be to produce safe beginners.  If you forge documents. For
example yung sinubmit mong
SECTION 21. REFUSAL TO ISSUE CERTIFICATES documents for you to take the
 If you pass the board exams, you will register to PRC licensure exams are forged. May
for you to be issued a certificate of registration criminal inclination na yun. You
may not be issued a certificate.

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- Serious oral defamation basta alam natin what is basically right and what is
- Embezzlement basically not.
 These provisions are pretty much there even prior
iterations of the dental law. In 9484 was signed into SECTION 22. REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF
law in 2007. At that time, social media was not as it is. CERTIFICATE
So the posts that you do or make may hunt you  So sa section 21, those were issues that you will be
eventually. So make sure think before you click. refused the issuance of a certificate of registration. Sa
Because nasa age na tayo ng resibo. So madaling section 22, it’s discussed here the possible causes for
makakuha ng resibo kung minsan if you post the revocation or suspension. Revocation means
something. So if somebody takes a screenshot, it parang binawi sya. Suspension means tinigil muna
cam bite you back pag talagang it was done yung validity niya.
maliciously. So make sure to act professionally and in  Unprofessional and unethical conduct
what is customarily good. - Code of Ethics sets out the norm of what we
as dental professionals would follow
IMMORAL OR DISHONORABLE CONDUCTS - When character has so degenerated as to
 Any conduct or act which is willful, flagrant, or render him unfit to be further entrusted with
shameless, and shows a moral difference to the the duties and privileges of his calling, this
opinions of the good and reputable members of the can be withdrawn
community.  Why is unprofessionalism and
- So sometimes, kung minsan sabi natin you unethical conduct an issue?
are not right for this place. Because if you  Because you will be a health
are surrounded by old-fashioned people, professional. And professional have
mag shorts ka lang, they feel that is’s certain level of expectation of how
immoral already. Women who drerss you act and carry yourself. So if you
comfortably with no malice at all can be have been consistently
accused of being too sexual. That uis the
unprofessional and unethical, not
reality pero di dapat ganun. So sometimes, it
only degenerates you as the
depends on the interpretation. Pero siguro
naman hindi ka marerefuse ng certificate of person but also the profession as a
registration just because of dressing whole. So kaya nga collegial kasi
comfortably or whatever you want. Medyo to. It is a personal privilege so you
extreme na example yun pero that is the have to conduct yourself properly.
example of how the levels of morality or the  Malpractice
perceptions of morality may differ for each - If you are charged and then convicted of a
member of the society. malpractice behavior, your certificate of
 Whether the immorality committed is connected with registration may be revoked or suspended
the practice of dentistry or not is immaterial. - An act involving ignorance, negligence,
- Any immoral conduct that you do may result unskillfulness, or moral turpitude
for the non issuance of a certificate even if resulting in some injury to the patient
the conduct is not dental in nature or not  So ang dapat merong nangyari sa
during the practice of dentistry. patient. Either nasaktan siya,
- If you remember there was a high profile nagkainjury, or meron siyang hindi
doctor before, who had his certificate of nakuha so merong moral damages
registration as a medical doctor suspended sa kanya. Before it could be
because of sex videos that came out. The malpractice. But again, it could be
act was not done as part of the practice of relative. Kung feeling natin wala
medicine, but it has grounds for his naming problema sa kanya yun,
certificate of registration as a doctor to be pero sa patient niyo pala they felt
suspended. injured or damaged, they might
 So for section 21, diniscuss dito yung refusion to have a case against you. So again,
issue certificate. If you already passed and then act properly.
something came out or somebody complained, hindi  Incompetency, serious ignorance, and negligence
ka maiissuehan ng certificate. When sir took can constitute acts that could be termed as
jurisprudence as a student sa upcd, ang nagging malpractice.
example ng lawyer teacher before ay there would be  Incompetency
issues on medical graduates who sired a child out of - Inadequacy or insufficiency of skill and
wedlock. For a female board passer who had a child learning, which renders the dentist unfit to
out of wedlock. And then they would receive serve humanity
complaints of immorality. So before, nagproposper  kulang ang alam
yung ganung cases, pero ngayon pwedeng hindi na.  Serious ignorance
Sir is not saying it is right or bad but then nag iiba - Not necessarily a mistake
yung sensitivities on different matters as time goes. - When one doesn’t know
What may be very unethical before, may be more - Talagang walang alam o hindi alam
acceptable now. Nag-iiba iba yan. So again, we need  Negligence
to know how the norms in a community might change - Omission to do something which a
reasonable man, guided by those

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considerations which ordinarily regulate  Any malpractice case breaks the trust the patient put
human affairs, would do or not do in the dentist
 Alam mo kung ano yung tama at  Good dental practice
mali pero ginawa mo pa rin kahit - What the average, careful, diligent and
alam mong mali skillful dentist in the community, or like
 What we expect of you when you graduate is first, communities, would or would not do in the
sana hindi inadequate yung learning ninyo. You will care of similar cases
be equipped with basic knowledge. You are also - [FROM 2024 TRANS]
expected to improve yourself as time goes on  (We also mentioned this last week)
because the skill and learning can be developed You don’t have to be the best
further. So serious ignorance, so sana hindi kayo dentist in the community; You can
makakasuhan nito from the basic knowledge that try to be the best, but to see if
you’ll get from the college and from the improvements you’re doing good dental practice,
that you’ll do personally and professionally. If there you may be judged based on
are some debates, sometimes they would say that what’s happening in the community.
the worst one would be negligence. Kasi alam mo na  If you are practicing in a
na mali pero ginawa mo na. Or alam mo na dapat ito municipality, in a geographically
yung gagawin, pero hindi mo ginawa. Any of these 3 isolated province, your standards of
would constitue to malpractice na sana we should not care may not be comparable to
prejudice pa kung incompetent ka lang, kung serious what is practicing in a big city, for
ignorance, or negligent ka. Because the 3 may ba example, in a cosmopolitan city.
cause a malpractice suit against you.  I don’t think it is difficult to do what
is average – the contention here is
MALPRACTICE if you obtained your degree,
 An act involving ignorance, negligence, unskillfulness, passed the board exams, you have
or moral turpitude resulting in some injury to the what it takes to be at least an
patient average, a careful, and a diligent
- Example: dapat ang ieextract mo ay 36 dental practitioner.
tapos ang naextract mo ay 27  This is different to what is illegal
- It resulted to some injury to the patient practice.
whether morally, psychologically, it resulted - Should the standards of care be different in
to some damage to the patient so pwede the 5th class municipality which is
kang makasuhan ng malpractice. geographically isolated?
 Comprises all acts and omissions of a dentist to a  If walang facilities the area, we
patient which makes the dentist either civilly or should consider
criminally liable  Illegal practice
- An act of omission may cause you to be  Committed by a person who practices the profession
liable criminally and civilly without the professional license issued by the proper
- Civil case- against sa individual to individual authorities
 If there will be a civil case against - When you are charged with illegal practice,
sir, it would be Michael Mendoza you do not have a license to practice the
vs. Regina Pengson profession.
 It could be resolved between them - So, if you are a dentist and if you were
- Criminal case- against sa people charged with any of this, can you be charged
 Michael Mendoza vs. People of the with illegal practice? Actually, no. If you are
Republic of the Philippines not a dental professional, you cannot be
 It is a crime against the state charged with malpractice, but you can be
- Pag nainjure mo ang isang pasyente, hindi charged with illegal practice.
ibig sabihin na magbibigay ka ng damage sa
buong Pilipinas. But in a way, if your license
is revoked or suspended, you would not be
able to practice because of that and may not
cause more harm to the public.
 Any conduct not in line with the requirement of good
dental practice
- We have been confident that you should
know what good dental practice is. Ano ba
yung ineexpect sa atin na type of dental
practice? Hindi naman tayo ineexpect na
extraordinarily good. But there is some
pressure in us to do that but the state
doesn’t actually expect you to be doing
extraordinary practice. Di ba good dental
practice average skills nga lang ang
hinahanap. Figure 1. A social media posting for cheap orthodontic services
(bracket placement). Has been the advocacy of the Philippine Dental

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Association (PDA) in the past few years. More often than not, these other problems baka ma-justify niya po na under his
are illegal practitioners because they are not licensed to practice the field yung na-diagnose niyang oral problem.
profession. They are not skilled to do this procedure and services.  This is a perennial issue between the dental
profession and ENT. May encroaching of turf. But for
- These individuals are often charged with dentists, we have dentists who go into
malpractice which leads to the case being oromaxillofacial surgery na usually, some programs
dismissed because they should not be would actually give you a medical degree na din. This
charged with malpractice but instead, with depends pa rin kung ano yung gagawing procedure if
‘illegal practice.’ it really overlaps.
- DIY braces usually done by none  What if Dr. Nicholas took the board exams ng
professionals are samples where they could dentistry, went to medical school, specialized in ENT
be charged with illegal practices. tapos ganito yung ginagawa niya, would there be a
- This is a possible scenario because when
SCENARIO: you are granted a license of practice, you
 Vito Cruz finished dental school at a reputable renew these every 3 years. Minsan hindi na-
institution in the Philippines. He entered medical re-renew yung isang profession. This is
school immediately after graduation. After passing his another issue for illegal practice.
physician licensure exams, he specialized in ENT. He ARTICLE I
would also perform dental services on his patients SECTION 4
when he diagnosed oral problems during clinical  Definitions
examinations as an ENT. The local dental chapter - Based on RA 9484, it defines malpractice
filed an illegal practice suit against him. Will the case
three times.
- Sinasabi lang dito na administrative
- [FROM 2024] YES. Nag-finish ng dental
malpractice is actually the same with
school pero di nag-boards so ibig sabihin,
criminal malpractice based on the definition.
wala siyang license (as dental practitioner)
 Administrative malpractice
pero may license siya ng (pagiging)
- Committed by a registered and licensed
physician. So, illegal practice (hindi
malpractice) kahit alam nya yung mga dentist resulting to death or injury to the
topics/treatments pero wala pa rin siyang patient
right to treat the patient for dental diseases. - General term for malpractice
(*Remember that when you obtained the  Criminal malpractice
degree, you are a dentist.) - Refers to the offense committed
- ENT, sakop ang head and neck, pero still  Civil malpractice
wala siyang DMD, and he does not have the - Commission of a criminal or administrative
license to practice dentistry. malpractice by a registered dentist through
- (From Dr. Mendoza) Sa medical community, awarding of damages to the patients by the
diyan minsan nagkakaroon ng friction ang regular courts
OMS (oral maxillofacial surgeon) and ENT. - This could be a point of confusion kung
Minsan nagkakaroon ng “turfing” – what can minsan, what is administrative malpractice
only be done by a dental professional and and criminal malpractice. But we know what
what can be done by a medical professional. malpractice is, generally. If there’s an act,
- In this case, Vito Cruz should limit his that led to injury to a patient, that could be
procedures to what’s for ENT. He can make malpractice.
a contention that it is the same realm but by
definition sa RA 9484, on what a dentist DEGREE OF SKILL REQUIRED
does. - use reasonable care in the performance of
- Though hindi diniscuss dito kung anong her/his/their professional service
specific oral problem he would treat, we  average required from us
would go back to what the definition of a - act according to her/his/their best judgment
dentist is and what a dentist does. And if in treating patients
wala siyang license, maybe the case filed by  knowledge, skills, and ethics and
the dental chapter may prosper. morals are used in our best
- Unless Vito Cruz proves that it is part of his judgement
medical profession, covered by his physician - ordinary skill and learning possessed and
license, maybe, maiiba yung case. exercised by members of the profession in
 (from Room 5) Tama po na illegal practice suit yung i- good standing in the same locality
file kasi kahit nakapagtapos siya ng dentistry, wala  you may be judged on where you
siyang professional license. If every na may makita move around
siyang oral problems, dapat i-defer niya sa licensed  if you follow reasonable care, act
dentist kesa siya yung gumawa. with best judgement and using
 (from Room 4) Baka pwede po niya ma-justify na average skill, you should be safe
under his field po yung oral problems na binigyan
niya ng treatment pero since the scenario said na [FROM 2024] QUESTION:
dental services, hindi pa rin po siya allowed. Pero for  What is the level of degree required of us?
- Highest degree.

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- As healthcare professionals, we want to be dapat nagawa niya ay hindi niya nagawa so

lifelong learners. We want to improve incompetent siya sa part na iyon.
ourselves. We want to be the best that we  Follow-up question: What precautionary measure can
can. you do when doing scaling and polishing?
- Finger rest
 But the law just says that as long as we... use  Let’s say the doctor utilized the use of a finger rest but
reasonable care in the performance of his does it totally avoid possible injury to the inner cheek?
professional service, okay na. - Retract the cheek, actually four-handed
- Relatively, medyo mababa yung level of dentistry. Is injury in the mouth still possible?
standards Yes.
 Act according to his best judgment in treating patients - Maybe that’s what we consider in our
 It’s the same as when you go to a restaurant, the profession. We are dealing with sharp
chef and the kitchen staff would wash their hands instruments in a small space, so injuries are
before preparing the food, they would not use possible to happen.
spoiled ingredients. - The question now is what do we do to make
 The same with dentistry: the patients come in, sure these are minimized. (*nag-lag si Doc)
they would trust you to have the proper - Ano ba yung steps na ginawa ni dentist? Or
knowledge, to not reuse the disposables, to what happen to the accidental puncture? For
sterilize what needs to be sterilized, to write example, Macky suddenly moved kasi he
down what should be written down. received a text message sa cell phone nya,
 Ordinary skill and learning possessed and exercised and then it slipped so nasugatan siya.
by members of the profession in good standing in the - If we look at just one scenario, walang
same locality. trabaho ang mga katulad ni Atty. Cadiente
- Actually, ordinary skill and learning lang ang (T/N: walang lawyers), walang arguments.
hinahanap sa atin which could not stop us We have to look for the merits of the case
from bettering ourselves, to be the best also.
dentist that we can, but by law, you are just  Who caused the injury?
expected to have ordinary skill. - Depends on the a case to case scenario.
- Again, it should not stop us to be better, for
example, you were charged for cases that
would violate RA 9484, just prove that you PROOF OF MALPRACTICE
have that average skill in that area or  The complainant has the burden of proof to show the
locality, you should be okay. lack of skill or negligence of the dentist
- Unless, of course, you say you are a - If we have to prove malpractice, the burden
specialist, then ordinary skill and learning of proof is on the complainant
may be higher compared to a generalist. QUESTION:
- Sa puso natin, we are striving to be the best,  In the case mentioned earlier, can we say that it is
but the law supports us in a way, if we have already included in the consent form, that included in
or we encounter problems, what is expected the risks of scaling and polishing na matamaan yung
of us is just the ordinary skill and learning. soft structures?
- Yes.
SCENARIO (Small Group Discussion): - Actually, part of oral health education, or
 Macky was having his scaling and polishing done, when you start treatment, you give the pros
and the dentist accidentally punctures Macky’s inner and cons and the possibilities that can
cheek with the scaler. Will a malpractice case filed by happen, possible reactions, possible side
Macky against the dentist prosper? effects, etc.
- [FROM 2024] (From small group discussion) - But for us to have a blanket consent, for
Yes. Kasi may damage. Nagkaroon ng example, if an injury occurs the dentist will
breach sa standard of care, nag-cause ng be liable (not something we can include
injury sa patient. fairly).
- (From open forum) Yes. Kasi it states that - Again, the burden of proof will be on the
“those in the performance of their complainant now, the negligence occurred
obligations” na “guilty of negligence” ay during the procedure.
pwedeng makasuhan ng malpractice and - If you are professional enough, and the
can be held liable for damages. Since the patient has seen how you act, they would
dentist harmed the patient in the process of know those small accidents can happen. So
treatment, he did not have the diligence they would understand. But based on the
required in performing his obligation, causing law, any injury that the patient would have,
an injury to a patient na hindi gagawin ng they could have the right to sue and ask for
isang competent dentist. Under same damages.
circumstances, parang enough grounds to - Kaya sometimes it takes to be good with
sue the dentist. your patients because they would
- Yes, but towards “incompetency” (instead of understand. Kung diniscuss yung possible
“negligence”). Sa negligence kasi, “to do and na mangyari, so the patient would know.
not to do”. Yung precautionary measure na They would not be moving around kasi takot

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sila sa dentist, there should be somebody - Easier to prove if there is damage, but it can
there to hold them. also be relative.
 Without expert testimony, it is presumed that the Feriel ended 1:21:07
dentist exercised the ordinary care and skill required  To prove negligence, first, there’s a duty of care, an
- Sometimes, if it goes to court, there should event occurred, and that damage resulted
be expert testimony to say that “Yes, the  If there’s no damage/injury, walang kaso
skills and the procedures performed by the  But then, the patient would say they had mental
dentist is not of adequate skill” anguish because of the fear that something would
 res ipsa loquitor happen, so they have to prove that
- the thing speaks for itself  For your case, you have to prove that you did
- If alam natin na mali na talaga, it is easier to everything up to part to avoid those types of damages
prove now that there’s negligence or there is  Fortunately, the Philippine society is not litigious
incompetency that occurred
- Can be used as proof of malpractice MALPRACTICE
- Ex. anaesthetize patient for mandibular  Used only in administrative case in the Philippines
block, you only insert 3/4 of the needle, - No such crime in the Revised Penal Code
standard of care. So that it will not be hard to  In the Philippines, malpractice is
remove in case of a breakage. only seen as an administrative case
 Against usual standard of care if and no such crime in the RPC
you inserted more than ¾ unless there is an amendment /
revisioms to the penal code
RES IPSA LOQUITOR - Filed before the Board for revocation or
 The accident does not ordinarily occur in the absence suspension of license
of someone’s negligence - Criminally liable for the injuries civilly liable
- Whenever you do procedures, you always for damages
know what to expect and you would know  If you are charged with malpractice,
what to expect if you have that skill and this is filed before the Board of
adequate knowledge, so, you also know how Dentistry, and you may be
to counteract those if it happens criminally liable for the injuries and
- Example: Extraction of upper molars and you civilly liable for damages
breach the sinus; you already have QUESTION:
armamentaria prepared before you start the  Is overtreatment included in the scope of malpractice?
procedure in case that happens and when it
happens you know what you will do ANSWER:
- If the errors speak for itself, it’s easier to  As the complainant you have to prove that. When you
prove now for the complainant but we need prove that, the burden is on the complainant. Actually,
see also who played a part in that accident it is a malpractice because it means you have been
- Because sometimes, for example, the negligent in following science. Yung usual argument
patient is suddenly moving of replacing amalgam restorations, do you need to
- Another example is during vaccination. replace amalgam restorations? Yes, if it is worn out,
Ordinarily, sasabihin ng vaccinator, hinga or has fracture, or has open margins. Otherwise, you
muna nang malalim at huwag gagalaw, don’t need to replace it. If the reason is just to rid
sometimes, napapagalaw tayo kasi titingnan yourself of the amalgam, it is not reason enough to
natin have it replaced.
- Those movements could cause some issues  There are cases of overtreatment. Sa halip na mag-
with the procedure fu-fluoride varnish ka lang, cinrown mo. Unless you
- This is especially true if it was a dental prove that it should not be the case, you could still be
procedure since we will be dealing with more charged with malpractice.
delicate structures
- If you have the average skill, it would be FOLLOW QUESTION:
more difficult to prove that you’ve been  Mahirap po yung situation na yon for the patient kasi
negligent the burden of proof is on you pero hindi ka naman
 Caused by an agency or instrumentality within the expert
exclusive control of the defendant
 Must not have been due to any voluntary action or ANSWER:
contribution on the part of the plaintiff  That’s true. Kaya minsan unless meron ka masabihan
- Kung yung dentist may kasalanan, even if as a patient then you’ll know. Maybe that’s also the
not related to dental procedure, they are challenge for the Philippines because oral health
liable for that because area has to safe as education is rather low so sometimes, the patients
the standard. would not know what is right for them. That has been
changing in the last few years because of the internet.
REQUISITES TO PROVE NEGLIGENCE Sometimes they would go to your clinic saying they
 The dentist owed him a duty of care would prefer a Glass Ionomer filling because it has
 An act of negligence occurred that damage resulted fluoride release then sometimes ang indication for the
case of that patient is already Amalgam.

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 Bottomline: The burden of proof is on the - Statements which are willfully false or
complainant, and you would know that if you consult fraudulent, intended to deceive
experts. - Kung nagsisinungaling ka
- Ex. If you say you finish a course in Oxford
FOLLOW QUESTION: tapos hindi naman pala (whether it is false
 Parang second opinion? For example, namahalan ka statement, deceit, or fraud, there is a
sa proposed treatment plan nang isang dentist, then criminal inclination because you try to fool
hihingi ka ng second opinion? people)
 These three are related / overlap with each other
ANSWER:  Fraud, deceit and false statement
 Pag hihingi ka ng second opinion for a treatment plan, - Acts of dishonesty showing criminal
that’s different from having a case of overtreatment inclinations
kasi nagawa na. Iba pang kaso yung doon sa kapag - Telling you have a degree when you really
hahanap ka ng better rates. If you go for a second don’t have
opinion, then magkaiba yung treatment plan na  Employment of non-dentists
binigay, can you say that damage has been done or - A ground for the revocation or suspension of
injury has been given to you kung hindi ka nagawan your certificates of registration is when you
ng treatment? employ non-dentists
 For public safety
- We need to protect the public
 The mere fact that he/she/they
 Paano, halimbawa, nag-uusap yung dental student employs other persons to
and yung relative then yung relative sinabi na ganoon practice dentistry when they are
kamahal yung procedure tapos sa knowledge nang not registered is sufficient cause
student, hindi necessary yung ganon [treatment]. Can - The mere fact that you
the patient still sue the dentist for malpractice on the employ somebody as a
grounds of overtreatment? non-dentist [especially if
you know that they are not
ANSWER: dentist] would make you
 Yes. Ang basis non, when you say overtreatment, liable already even if you
instead of doing more conservative, you did were not the fake dentist,
something more invasive. You could use arguments your certificate can easily
on the longevity of the tooth now, the quality of life. It be revoked or suspended
would still be the burden of the complainant. For  Employment of deceit or fraud to extend clientele
example, sa halip na restoration lang ay ginawan ng
 False advertisements or fraudulent claims of
crown, baka naman habang ineexacavate, na-
professional attainment and skills
undermined na leading to the need for a crown.
- Involves moral delinquency which constitutes
Those might be the arguments of the dentist.
dishonorable conduct
 You could still go after if you think there was an intent
 When you represent that you say
to deceive, if there was fraud in the treatment
you’re a specialist when you’re not;
planning for the patient to choose another treatment.
when you advertise and say about
your professional attainments or
skills, if you say you are an
alumnus of the school and then
 Fraud
you’re not, that could be a ground
- Conduct that operates prejudicially on for revocation of your license
the rights of others, and is so intended  When a patient needs implants and
- Deception practiced to induce another it would be financially rewarding for
with property or to surrender some legal you if you perform it, without even
right having proper training to that
- Ex. If the dentist said something to the procedure.
patient for the patient to choose otherwise or  Complaint submitted to the Board
to choose a different treatment plan, - These complaints are submitted to the Board
meaning the patient now surrendered of Dentistry
monetary wealth because he was led to  Any person, firm or association may file charges
believe na dapat [for example] i-root canal
- Even a non-patient
na ito pero dapat pala hindi, that could be
- Ex. If someone witnessed and search about
it then found out that there is really a
- If the other party surrenders something. In
problem, he can actually file that complaint
this case, nagbayad siya ng mas malaki na
but again, the burden of complaint is to that
dapat pala hindi which could be fraud
someone to show that there was some
 Deceit
negligence and malpractice that happened
- False representation, where one misleads - It does not have to be the patient who would
another to his prejudice complain, anybody
- When you do that intentionally to mislead
 The Board may investigate or take cognizance
 False statement

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- The Board could always investigate and  Activities must be monitored by the PDA
investigate it for due process  Sec 18. ...required to register in person
 Right to appeal - Though, Sir does not witnessed a VIP in the
- And part of the due process is for you to field of dentistry doing this.
have the right to appeal / to be heard in case ARTICLE IV
your certificate is revoked or suspended SEC. 25 CODE OF ETHICS AND DENTAL PRACTICE
- This is a statutory right  Board shall adopt and promulgate the Code of
- This is not an inherent right Ethics and the Code of Dental Practice as issued
 No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or by the accredited professional organization of
property without due process of law or be denied dentists
the equal protection of the laws - Code of Ethics and the Code of Dental
- That is a right that we have, that you will not Practice will be issued as an attachment to
be deprived of what you have without due PDA of 2007 (R.A. 9484)
process - So it would support now RA 9484, the Code
of Ethics
SEC 23. REINSTATEMENT, REISSUANCE OR  Issue 2 separate resolutions
REPLACEMENT - One for Code of Ethics and the other for
 Apply after 2 years Code of Dental Practice
- In case your certificates are revoked or - There should be two attached documents
suspended, this could be reinstated after two that should follow the release of R.A. 9484
years aside from the IRR.
- You need to apply again to the board, hindi
siya automatic na kapag nag-lapse siya ay NOTE: The next few sections below (from Sec. 26) for R.A.
pwede ka na magtrabaho ulit as a dentist 9484 are the usual end provisions in any Republic Act.
 May exempt the applicant from re-taking the
licensure examinations
- The Board of Dentistry may exempt you from SEC. 26 VESTED RIGHTS
taking the exam or ask you to take the  All dentists registered at the time this law takes
exams again, they have that prerogative effect shall automatically be registered under the
 Given in a Board resolution subject to the provisions hereof
approval of the PRC - Vested rights means if you are a dentist
- That does not mean when the x years have even if you took the board exams before
already been lapsed, the revocation / 2007 you will be covered under the law, it is
suspension has been automatically lifted. NOT an excuse to say “I don’t want to do
You must apply and wait for that resolution continuing dental education” because that
that you are allowed again. was not part of RA 4419 but now since 9484
is in effect, you must complete continuing
 How about if you were a foreigner and you were seen - The new one will take effect or supersede
to violate the provisions of 9484? the previous law.
- This will also be revoked
 Who are the foreigners who could have special SEC. 28 DISPLAY OF NAME AND CERTIFICATE
permit to practice?  Display in a conspicuous place
- Foreigners are usually not allowed to  In plain sight of anyone who enter
practice unless there is reciprocity - Can be placed in the reception area (visible
1. Dental armed forced forces but must render once a patient enters the clinic or your area
service to their members of practice), not at the outside of the dental
- The special permit would entail armed forces clinic, not in clear books.
personnel from other countries who is part of - This is to let the patients know that they
the human resources when they go on tours would trust that you are a licensed
of duty professional.
- Ex. Kapag may balikatan or sa BFP, you  Copy of the certificate in other branches of
have US personnel coming in, they usually her/his/their practice
also have dentists on board with them - If you are practicing in multiple clinics, you
2. Invited specialists should have a copy in each one of them
- Doing special procedures during conventions  Owner or proprietor shall display the certificates
or a special case that they are invited to treat of all such persons
a patient, they may be exempted from taking - The proprietor has the responsibility to make
the board exams because they are sure this is done.
foreigners, but they could have a special
permit to practice but this would be limited to SEC. 29 CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION
the specific tasks or cases.  Implemented by the Board and the PDA thru CPE
 Work limited to specific tasks Council of the Commission
- Ex. Armed forces – they are only allowed to
service their fellow armed forces

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DENT 162 | The Philippine Dental Act of 2007 (Part 2) November 4, 2022

- You need to complete continuing dental 4. True or False. A foreign student may practice in the
education units every three years prior to Philippines when given a special permit to take the
renewal of your PRC ID licensure exam here
 Exempted if over the age of 65* 5. True or False. To pass the dentistry licensure exam, you
 60 credit units every 3 years is needed should have a GWA of at least 70% with no rating below
 Earned from accredited providers 50
6. Enumeration. Give 3 reasons that will prevent you from
obtaining a certificate of registration


1. Immoral or Dishonorable conducts

2. Code of Ethics

3. Malpractice
Figure 2. But in 2016, a new law – RA 10912 was passed that
implemented continuing education a requirement for all professions.
QUIZ 4. False

1. Identification. Any conduct or act which is willful,

flagrant, or shameless, and shows a moral difference to
the opinions of the good and reputable members of the 5. False
2. Identification. What sets out the norm of what we as
dental professionals would follow?
3. Identification. It is an act involving ignorance, 6. convicted of a criminal offense involving moral turpitude,
negligence, unskillfulness, or moral turpitude resulting in unsound mind, immoral or dishonorable conduct
some injury to the patient.

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