Jungian Topology

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Jungian typology, also known as

Jungian cognitive functions or Myers-Briggs

Type Indicator (MBTI), is a system of
personality assessment based on the
theories of Carl Jung, aSwiss psychiatrist
and psychoanalyst.

Jung proposed that there are eight basic

psychological functions:

" Extraversion (E) vs. Introversion (|):

How we direct our energy. Extraverts
gain energy from interaction with
others, while introverts gain energy
from spending time alone.
"Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N): How we
take in information. Sensors focus on
concrete details and facts, while
intuitives focus on possibilities and
abstract concepts.
" Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F): How we
make decisions. Thinkers prioritize logic
and objectivity, while feelers prioritize
values and emotions.

" Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P): How we

dealwith the world. Judgers prefer
structure and planning, while
perceivers prefer flexibility and

These eight functions can be combined in 16

different ways, resulting in 16 different
personality types. For example, an ENFP
personality type is someone who is
extroverted, intuitive, feeling, and
Here are some of the benefits of using
Jungian typology:

Increased self-awareness:
Understanding your personality type
can help youto better understand your
strengths, weaknesses, and
" Improved communication: Knowing
your own personality type and the
personality types of others can help
youto communicate more effectively.
"Better career choices: Understanding
your personality type can help you to
choosea career that is a good fit for

Stronger relationships: Knowing your

Own personality type and the
personality types of your loved ones
can help youto build stronger

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