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ENGLISH: 1. Unseen Comprehension
2. Letter Writing [Formal- Letter to the Editor]
3. Determiners
4. Modals
5. Relative Pronouns
6. Adverbs
7. Reported Speech
8. Adjectives
9. Tenses
10. Active Passive
MATHS 1. Factorization
2. Comparing Quantities
3. Algebraic Expressions and Identities
4. Squares and Square roots
5. Mensuration
SCIENCE 1. Microorganism : friend and foe
2. Combustion & Flame
3. Reaching the age of Adolescence
4. Force and Pressure
5. Sound
6. Chemical effect of electric current
SOCIAL SCIENCE 1. From Trade to Territory
HISTORY 2. When people Rebel: 1857 and After
3. The making of the National Movement
GEOGRAPHY 1. Resources 2. Agriculture
CIVICS 2. The Indian Constitution 2. Why do we need Parliament
HINDI 1- अपठित गद्यांश

2- अनुच्छे द लेखन
3- समयस

4- सांधि विच्छे द

5- अलांकयर

6- ियक्् के अांग

7- विशेषण

8- क्रि्य विशेषण

9- प्या्ियची शब्द

10- विलोम शब्द

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