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QUESTIONS 1- 8 (T1-Qs1-8.mp3)
There are eight questions in this part. For each question there are four options
and a short recording. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
You now have 48 seconds to look through the questions and the options in each

1. Where will the friends meet?

A. the coffee bar

B. the movies

C. the bus stop

D. the clothing store

2. What has the girl forgotten to bring?
A. a pen

B. a key

C. an essay

D. a pocket

3. Which TV programme is on at nine o’clock tonight?

A. Nature Programme

B. Tim Wong’s Chinesse Kitchen

C. The ski jumping

D. Advertised

4. How will the man book tickets for the show?

A. on TV magazine

B. on the internet

C. by sending a form

D. by phone

5. What will the man do this winter?

A. working in a supermarket

B. working as a gardener

C. working abroad

D. building

6. How does the man want the woman to help him?

A. clean the bedroom windows

B. lend the ladder

C. give a lift

D. bring back the ladder

7. Which house did the woman stay in?

A. The house has balconies and plants growing up the wall

B. The house has balconies and big lovely swimming pool.

C. The house has plants growing up the wall and big lovely swimming pool

D. The house has balconies, plants growing up the wall and big lovely
swimming pool.
8. Which kind of T-shirt did the boy choose?

A. the one has shapes on.

B. the one has words on.

C. the one has a picture on.

D. the one has anything on.

QUESTIONS 1- 8 (T2-Qs1-8.mp3)
There are eight questions in this part. For each question there are four options
and a short recording. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
You now have 48 seconds to look through the questions and the options in each

1. Where are the dictionaries? (những cái quyển từ điển nằm ở đâu)

A. behind the computers đằng sau các máy tính

B. on the desks trên bàn làm việc

C. by the window bên cửa sổ

D. on the armchairs trên ghế bành

2. Which evening dress does the woman decide to wear? Trang phục dạ hội nào
người phụ nữ quyết định mặc
A. the black dress with the long sleeves váy đen với tay áo dài

B. the black dress with the short sleeves chiếc váy đen với tay áo ngắn

C. the long dress with a wide belt áo dài với thắt lưng rộng

D. the black dress with the short sleeves and white flowers on the sleeves.

chiếc váy đen với tay áo ngắn và hoa trắng trên tay áo.

3. What is the man’s job now? Công việc của người đàn ông bây giờ là gì?

A. businessman doanh nhân

B. artist Nghệ sĩ

C. photographer nhiếp ảnh gia

D. teacher giáo viên

4. Which calendar will the boy buy?

A. the one with wild animals

B. the one with the mountain on it

C. the one with the boat on it

D. the one with sailing picture

Cậu bé sẽ mua lịch nào? A. người có động vật hoang dã B. người có ngọn
núi trên đó C. người có thuyền trên đó D. người có hình ảnh chèo thuyền

5. What time will the writer arrive at the bookshop? Mấy giờ nhà văn sẽ đến hiệu sách

A. 2:15

B. 3:30

C. 1:45

D. 1: 30

6. What did the woman leave in the restaurant? Người phụ nữ bỏ quên cái gì
trong nhà hàng?
A. the purse

B. the keys

C. the bill

D. the bag

7. Where is the bicycle?

A. by the street light

B. by the tree

C. on the pavement

D. near the car

8. What regular exercise does David do at the moment?

A. swimming

B. gym

C. tennis

D. table tennis

QUESTIONS 1- 8 (T3-Qs1-8.mp3)
There are eight questions in this part. For each question there are four options
and a short recording. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
You now have 48 seconds to look through the questions and the options in each

1. What have they forgotten?

A. ticket B. camera C. passport D. bag

2. What time does the train go?

A. 6.15 B. 7.40 C. 6.10 D. 7.10

3. How did the woman get to work?

A. by bicycle B. by bus C. by car D. by train

4. Where are the man's shoes?

A. under the chair B. by the television

C. by the door with the other rubbish D. under the table

5. What will Paul get at the shop?

A. mushrooms B. onions C. carrots D. red pepper

6. How were they told to do their homework?

A. write it in the books B. write it on paper

C. type it D. email it

7. What did Helen buy?

A. gloves B. sweater C. socks D. hat

8. How did the woman get to work today?

A. by bus

B. a neighbor offered her a lift

C. by bike

D. walk xem lại câu này

QUESTIONS 1- 8 (T4-Qs1-8.mp3)
There are eight questions in this part. For each question there are four options
and a short recording. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
You now have 48 seconds to look through the questions and the options in each

1. What is the man going to buy?

A. a book

B. sunglasses

C. a tube of toothpaste

D. some pills
2. What can festival visitors see every day?
A. exhibition of painting

B. concerts

C. plays

D. films

3. When will Jane meet them?

A. 8:15

B. 8:30

C. 8:45

D. 8:00

4. Which morning activity is for beginners?

A. volleyball

B. swimming

C. sailing
D. windsurfing

5. Which painting does the woman decide to buy?

A. the boats

B. the flowers

C. the horses

D. the bowl of fruits

6. What is the man selling?

A. a shower

B. a washing machine

C. a dishwasher

D. a bath tube
7. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?

A. sunshine and showers

B. dry but cloudy

C. sunny

D. mild but windy

8. What time is the woman’s hair appointment?

A. 9.30 on Saturday

B. 12:00 on Saturday

C. 10:00 on Friday

D. 11:30 on Friday

QUESTIONS 1- 8 (T5-Qs1-8.mp3)
There are eight questions in this part. For each question there are four options
and a short recording. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
You now have 48 seconds to look through the questions and the options in each

1. When is the man's appointment?

A. Wednesday

B. Thursday

C. Friday
D. Tuesday

2. Which is the aunt's postcard?

A. a pretty village right by the sea

B. big trees

C. a pretty village behind the tall trees

D. a pretty village on the hills

3. What time will the plane to Milan leave?

A. 1:00

B. 7.15

C. 8.15

D. 6.15

4. Which present has the girl bought her mother?

A. earrings

B. music CD

C. pen

D. notebook

5. What time will the pie be ready?

A. four fifteen

B. five o'clock

C. twenty past five

D. fifty past four

6. What time is the swimming lesson today?

A. half past four

B. fifteen to five

C. fifteen past five

D. four thirty

7. Which subject does the boy like best?

A. information technology

B. geography

C. sports

D. design

8. Which T-shirt does the boy decide to buy?

A. a short-sleeved T-shirt with round neck

B. a V-neck black T-shirt

C. a long-sleeved T-shirt

D. a sleeveless white T-shirt

QUESTIONS 1- 8 (T6-Qs1-8.mp3)
There are eight questions in this part. For each question there are four options
and a short recording. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
You now have 48 seconds to look through the questions and the options in each

1. What is John going to do tonight?

A. swimming B. cycling

C. playing football D. running

2. Which bag does the woman buy?

A. a square bag B. a small and round bag

C. a big bag D. an oval bag

3. How much did the woman pay for the apples?

A. 30 pence B. 35 pence

C. 40 pence D. 34 pence

4. When must the boys get on the coach?

A. 12:50 B. 1:30

C. 2:30 D. 3:20

5. What fruit do they take?

A. oranges B. bananas

C. grapes D. apples

6. Which present has the man bought?

A. a book B. a bag
C. gloves D. flowers

7. Where are the photographs?

A. on the bookshelf B. on the TV

C on the table with the coffee cups D. in the café shop

8. What did Ben break?

A. a vase B. a glass

C. a cup D. dinner bowls

QUESTION 9-20(T1-Qs9-20.mp3)
In this part, you will hear THREE conversations. There are four questions for each
conversation. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. You will
hear the conversation twice.
9. What is Kate's health problem?

A. She has coughs

B. She has a headache

C. She has a toothache

D. She has a stomachache

10. What does Kate's problem affect her classmates?

A. It makes them funny.

B. It makes them annoyed.

C. It makes them happy.

D. It makes them excited.

11. What did Kate have last year?

A. She had coughs

B. She had a headache

C. She had a fall off her bike

D. Shehad a stomachache

12. What does Kate have now, too?

A. She has a backache

B. She has a headache

C. She has a toothache

D. Shehas a temperature

QUESTIONS 13-16 refer to the following conversation

13. Who has been mentioning the study to the woman?
A. Her patients
B. Her mother – in - law
C. Her doctor
D. Her friends
14. When will they likely attend the conference?
A. Friday
B. Sunday
C. Saturday
D. Today
15. Who is going to visit the woman?
A. Her friends
B. Her mother – in - law
C. Her patients
D. Her husband
16. Who most likely are they?
A. Journalists B. Physicians C. Lawyers D. Restaurant owners
QUESTIONS 17-20 refer to the following conversation
17. Who most likely is he?

A. an artist

B. a tour guide

C. an expert guide

D. a visitor

18. When will they arrive in India?

A. 8th of November

B. 7th of November

C. 9th of November

D. 5th of November

19. What will they do in India?

A. spend 7 days in the North

B. sleep in tents

C. spend 3 days in the South

D. spend 10 days in the wildlife park

20. On the way back to London, what is NOT included?

A. They can go sightseeing or go shopping.

B. They have dinner in Delhi.

C. They have lunch on their day of departure.

D. The plane leaves at 2 p.m.

QUESTIONS 9-20 (T2-Qs9-20.mp3)

In this part, you will hear THREE conversations or talks. There are four questions for
each conversation or talk. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
You will hear the conversation twice.
Questions 9 to 12 refer to the following conversation.
9. What is the problem?

A. The woman does not know how to get to the man’s office.

B. The copy machine is not working properly.

C. The man is late for his appointment.

D. The woman can’t go to the office today.

10. Who most likely is the man?

A. A photocopier technician B. An auto mechanic

C. A new assistant D. A coffee shop owner

11. What does the man ask the woman to do?

A. to turn off the machine

B. to have a clinic check-up

C. to check the inside paper jam

D. to call another technician

12. When will the man most likely get to the woman’s office?
A. in the evening
B. during lunch
C. in the morning
D. in the afternoon
QUESTIONS 13-16 refer to the following conversation
13. What is the woman’s problem?
A. The library does not have a book she needs.
B. She does not know where Germany is.
C. She lost a library book.
D. The library will not let her sign out a book.
14. Why does the woman need to find a book?
A. She wants to borrow it for a friend.
B. She wants it for her essay.
C. She wants to learn about computer systems.
D. She wants to collect it.
15. What does the man offer to do for the woman?
A. He will help her to locate the material she wants from other libraries.
B. He will ask his friends about the material she needs.
C. He asks her to go to the nearest library.
D. He asks her to go to the book store.
16. What if the woman borrow more than 5 books from other libraries?
A. She has to fill in a special form.
B. She has to return the books earlier than usual.
C. She has to pay a small service charge.
D. She has to deposit.
QUESTIONS 17-20 refer to the following conversation
17. What does the girl think about a good holiday?

A. It may be cheap.

B. It may be very cheap.

C. It may be expensive.

D. It may be very expensive.

18. Why doesn't the boy want to walk?

A. because he feels too hot to do it.

B. because he finds it hard to do it.

C. because he doesn't like hard work.

D. because he doesn't like the sounds of people walking.

19. What does the girl think about the food in Youth Hostels?

A. It is comfortable. B. It is good.

C. It is not good. D. It is clean and cheap.

20. What does the boy decide to do in the end?

A. go home B. leave home

C. sell his home D. enjoy his holiday home

QUESTIONS 9-20(T3-Qs9-20.mp3)
In this part, you will hear THREE conversations. There are four questions for each
conversation. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. You will
hear the conversation twice.
Questions 9 to 12 refer to the following conversation.
9. Where mostly likely is the plumber now?

A. He is having lunch.

B. He is working somewhere else.

C. He is at home relaxing.

D. He is doing a favor for the man.

10. When is the plumber expected to arrive?

A. at two o’clock B. at three o’clock

C. at four o’clock D. at five o’clock

11. Where is the man going?

A. to have lunch

B. to talk to the plumper

C. to fix the pipe

D. to meet a client

12. When will the man come back to his office?

A. at four o’clock
B. at three o’clock
C. at two o’clock
D. at one o’clock
QUESTIONS 13-16 refer to the following conversation
13. When is the conference scheduled to take place?
A. next month
B. today
C. next week
D. tomorrow
14. Why will John miss the conference?
A. He has too much work.
B. He is going on a business trip.
C. He is taking a vacation in Europe.
D. He has to review the videos.
15. Where has the man just been to for a business trip?
A. Toronto
B. Chicago
C. Europe
D. Asia
16. Why is the man thanking the woman?
A. She will record the sessions he wants to see.
B. She offered to give him a ride.
C. She will lend him her video recorder.
D. She will go to the seminar in his place.
QUESTIONS 17-20 refer to the following conversation
17. Who is Sonia Ashleigh?

A. the lecturer

B. the secretary

C. the officer

D. the manager

18. How long does the Business Studies course last?

A. three weeks

B. four weeks

C. two weeks

D. one week

19. What language course can’t students attend?

A. Italian

B. Japanese

C. Korean

D. Spanish

20. According to the message, what is NOT included?

A. Students are allowed to use the mobile phones in the classroom.

B. Students can use the visitors’ car park.

C. There are no lectures at the beginning of the course.

D. Students won’t need to bring anything for the class.

QUESTIONS 9-20(T4-Qs9-20.mp3)
In this part, you will hear THREE conversations. There are four questions for each
conversation. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. You will
hear the conversation twice.
Questions 9 to 12 refer to the following conversation.
9. What is the conversation mainly about?

A. finding partner for a class project

B. giving a presentation

C. organizing an essay in a clear way

D. finding information and taking notes

10. What does the professor recommend doing when taking notes?

A. making a summary B. writing as quickly as possible

C. checking the information D. getting lots of information

11. What does the professor suggest the woman do?

A. She should use computers to search for information.

B. She only needs to read the summary.

C. She should organize her notes.

D. She should go to the library to find information.

12. What is the likely outcome of using both books and computers as sources?
A. The students will need help doing the research.
B. The students will have plenty of information.
C. The students will not be able to finish her project.
D. The students will like books more than the computers.
QUESTIONS 13-16 refer to the following conversation.
13. What is the main topic of this conversation?
A. the different sections of the library
B. how to check out library books
C. how to return the due books
D. the use of computer in the library
14. Who will Mr. Baker likely be?
A. a janitor
B. a librarian
C. a shopkeeper
D. a student
15. What does the woman need if she wants to use the self-service machine?
A. a receipt
B. librarian’s permission
C. money
D. library account
16. How does the man explain the solution?
A. by mentioning the ways to check out books
B. by describing which books to check out
C. by giving information about the self-service machine
D. by explaining the procedure of borrowing books
QUESTIONS 17-20 refer to the following conversation.
17. Who was Lena Phipps?

A. an opera singer

B. a composer

C. a host

D. a teacher

18. How many students did the author’s class have?

A. eight

B. ten

C. nine

D. seven

19. How did the students feel at the beginning of the course?

A. very happy

B. very nervous

C. very excited

D. very confused

20. According the talk, what is NOT included?

A. Singing for Beginners is a long music course.

B. Brownstoke College is just to the north of London.

C. To help students relax, every class begins with warm-up exercises.

D. Brownstoke College is an old building surrounded by a beautiful garden.

QUESTION 21-35(T1-Qs21-35.mp3)
Look at questions 21-25. You will hear the conversation twice. You have some
seconds to look at these questions.
Listen and choose the correct answer.
21. Who is listening to this talk?
A. Movie producers C. Journalists
B. Novelists D. Actors
22. What is the movie based on?
A. It is based on a best-selling novel. C. It is based on a comic book.
B. It is based on a true story. D. It is based on real events.
23. Who is John Sacchi?
A. He is a famous actor. C. He is a worker.
B. He is a well-known director. D. He is a story teller.
24. When will the film be released in movie theaters?
A. Next year C. Next Friday
B. Next week D. Next month
25. What will the listeners do right after the show?
A. Meet with the actors of the movie C. Write comments about the movie
B. Enjoy some refreshments D. Get their books signed by the
Look at questions 26-30. You will hear the conversation twice. You have some
seconds to look at these questions.
Listen and choose the correct answer.
26. What is the force behind the success of a company?
A. Goods C. Managers
B. A strong sales staff D. Products
27. What will the company do to increase their sales?
A. Educate the staff to do a better job C. Hold a sales event every 3 months
B. Produce quality products D. Hire more sales representatives
28. How often will the listeners go to the head office?
A. Once a month C. Once every three months
B. Once a week D. Once a year
29. Who will be invited to help the listeners improve their sales techniques?
A. Top salespeople from the company C. The company director
B. Top salespeople from other companies D. The company managing director
30. When do they hope to achieve their goal?
A. In six months C. In three months
B. By the end of the month D. By the end of the year
Look at questions 31-35. You will hear the conversation twice. You have some
seconds to look at these questions.
Listen and choose the correct answer.
31. From which city did the train depart?
A. Montreal C. Ottawa
B. Kingston D. Toronto
32. How many stops will they make?
A. Three C. Four
B. Two D. Five
33. When will they arrive at their final destination?
A. At 10 o’clock C. At 7 o’clock
B. At 6 o’clock D. At 12 o’clock
34. What should a listener without a reservation do to have dinner?
A. Talk to the conductor at this time C. Have dinner at one of the stops
B. Walk over to the dining car now D. Wait until they reach the final
35. Where can listeners get snacks and beverages after having dinner?
A. At the tops C. In the lounge car
B. At their seats D. In the dining car
QUESTION 21-35(T2-Qs21-35.mp3)
Look at questions 21-25. You will hear the conversation twice. You have some
seconds to look at these questions.
Listen and choose the correct answer.
21. What does the speaker mention is the reason for the celebration party?
A. The introduction of a new product C. The finalization of a big sale
B. The grand opening of their first store D. The launch of their new website
22. Who should go and speak with Wendy?
A. Anyone who wishes to bring a guest to the party
B. Those who want to participate in the new project
C. Staff members who will not able to attend
D. People who do not have directions to the hotel.
23. Where will the party take place?
A. on the thirteenth floor of the hotel C. on the third floor of the hotel
B. on the second floor of the hotel D. in the ground floor reception hall
24. What do listeners do if they need directions?
A. Look at the website C. Buy a map
B. Ask the receptionist D. Get help from a tour guide
25. What will the speaker do before noon today?
A. Send out invitation cards C. Provide directions to the hotel
B. Prepare a guest list D. Gather the product samples
Look at questions 26-30. You will hear the conversation twice. You have some
seconds to look at these questions.
Listen and choose the correct answer.
26. Who is the intended audience of this talk?
A. Customers C. Assembly line workers
B. Sales staff D. Video technicians
27. What will the salespeople need to do in some situations to satisfy a customer’s
A. Fix the machine C. Buy him a gift
B. Give him a discount D. Lower the price
28. According to the speaker, why do most customers call the company?
A. To request service for minor problems C. To receive a copy of the manual
B. To order a training video D. To inquire about the new Z-12
29. Who solves the problem if it is serious?
A. Customers C. Salespeople
B. Mechanics D. Technicians
30. What will the listeners do first?
A. Watch a video C. Assemble a machine
B. Review the manual D. Clean the machines
Look at questions 31-35. You will hear the conversation twice. You have some
seconds to look at these questions.
Listen and choose the correct answer.
31. What is the main purpose of the talk?
A. To announce some changes in the workplace
B. To inform employees of a salary decrease
C. To notify the new hours for the shift workers
D. To ask employees to hand in their old uniforms
32. When will some of the changes take effect?
A. Next year C. Next month
B. Next Wednesday D. Next Monday
33. What are the listeners asked to pick up after work today?
A. Their paychecks C. Their new work schedules
B. Their new uniforms D. Their authorization forms
34. What causes mistakes on paycheck?
A. Shift changes C. Bonus
B. Interest rates D. Technical problems
35. What will happen next month?
A. The staff will be getting a bigger paycheck.
B. The workers will be required to wear uniform.
C. The new workers will have to work the night shift.
D. Another store will open in the city.
QUESTION 21-35(T3-Qs21-35.mp3)
Look at questions 21-25. You will hear the conversation twice. You have some
seconds to look at these questions.
Listen and choose the correct answer.
21. Where is Angela working at the moment?
A. the USA C. Asia
B. Britain D. Africa
22. Angela likes her job because she
A. enjoys watching important events happen.
B. loves being in dangerous situations.
C. never knows where she’ll go next.

D. has a lot of experience in this field.
23. What did Angela bring home from Hong Kong?
A. pictures C. furniture
B. carpets D. computers
24. Where did Angela meet her boyfriend?
A. in Singapore C. in Hong Kong
B. at university D. at her sister’s house
25. What does Angela do to relax?
A. She goes sailing. C. She cooks a meal.
B. She goes shopping. D. She goes hunting.
Look at questions 26-30. You will hear the conversation twice. You have some
seconds to look at these questions.
Listen and choose the correct answer.
26. Where is the town of Swanton located?
A. by a lake C. on a hill
B. near the sea D. in the city center
27. What does Jack say about entertainment in Swanton?
A. An arts centre has recently opened.
B. A music festival takes place in the town.
C. Its football club has done well this year.
D. It doesn’t attract the local people.
28. Jack is worried about the environment of Swanton because
A. Most of the poultry disappeared.
B. The water in the river is dirty.
C. Pollution has destroyed the plants in one area.
D. There are few wild birds around today.
29. What does Jack say about the way Swanton has changed?
A. He is sorry that there are fewer jobs available.
B. He preferred the town when it was smaller.
C. He thinks it is a more interesting place.
D. He thinks people get on well with neighbors.
30. Jack is positive about the future of Swanton because
A. there is a successful new shopping centre.
B. there will soon be a new airport.

C. a new university is opening.
D. a new hospital is building.
Look at questions 31-35. You will hear the conversation twice. You have some
seconds to look at these questions.
Listen and choose the correct answer.
31. Elena decided to become a dancer when she was
A. nine. C. six.
B. seven. D. eleven.
32. At ballet school in New York, Elena
A. learned to be independent. C. was the only student from Bulgaria.
B. found learning the language hard. D. didn’t have many friends.
33. What does Elena say about the ballet called Cinderella?
A. It was boring. C. The music was unfamiliar to her.
B. Children will enjoy it. D. She saw it when she was a child.
34. What does Elena often do for her fans?
A. She gives them a flower.
B. She signs one of her photographs.
C. She sends them a free ticket.
D. She invites them to eat at a restaurant.
35. What does Elena like best about her job?
A. doing something she loves C. travelling to different countries
B. appearing on television D. meeting the president
QUESTION 21-35(T4-Qs21-35.mp3)
You will hear three different talks or lectures. In each talk or lecture there are
five questions. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

Talk/Lecture 1. You will hear a girl talking about her life since she left Vietnam.

21. Why did the speaker have to help her mother with the shopping?

A. There were no Vietnamese people living near her.

B. There were no Vietnamese working in the stores.

C. There wasn't always someone to go shopping with her.

D. Her mother could speak a little English.

22. Why did her father find working in a factory difficult?

A. He couldn't speak any English.

B. He didn't have many friends there.

C. He had had a much better job in Vietnam.

D. He couldn't get used to the working style.

23. Why are the speaker and her brother more fortunate than their sisters?

A. They did not need extra English lessons.

B. They look more American.

C. They speak with American accents.

D. They quickly adopted the way of life.

24. What has the speaker forgotten about life in Vietnam?

A. Living close to other people

B. The warm weather

C. Wearing traditional clothes

D. Traditional food

25. Why does she find it difficult to invite friends to her home?

A. Her parents do not have much money.

B. Her parents haven't adopted an American way of life.

C. Her parents only know how to cook Vietnamese food.

D. Her parents do not speak English well.

Talk/Lecture 2. Listen to a woman talking about boys and girls in American schools.

26. What happened in American schools before 1972?

A. Girls didn't go to school.

B. Every classroom was a mix of boys and girls.

C. Boys could learn what they wanted.

D. They didn't teach girls some subjects.

27. What is the reason that most American schools have mixed classes?

A. Scientists said that it was the best thing.

B. Teachers did not want to teach single-gender classes.

C. A law gave girls an equal chance to learn.

D. Boys and girls behave better in such classes.

28. Why might girls not get a chance to talk much in a class with boys?

A. Because the teacher doesn't ask them questions

B. Because boys are louder and often talk first

C. Because boys know the correct answers

D. Because girls are often shy.

29. What is NOT the reason that some schools are reconsidering separating

A. They prefer the old teaching styles.

B. Boys learn differently than girls.

C. Boys and girls can bother each other.

D. Boys and girls like different things.

30. Which is one class that is not mentioned as being separated?

A. Math

B. Social Studies

C. Science

D. Physical Education

Look at questions 31-35. You will hear the conversation twice. You have some
seconds to look at these questions.
Listen and choose the correct answer.
Câu 31: Before her children were born, Rachel worked as __________
A. a painter
B. an actor
C. an art teacher
D. a secretary
Câu 32: Who first thought of doing a show at a party?
A. Rachel’s husband
B. Rachel’s children
C. Rachel’s parents
D. Rachel’s uncle
Câu 33: When Rachel did a play about a lion, _______________

A. The children laughed too much.
B. The children were frightened.
C. The children’s parents complained.
D. The children were excited.
Câu 34: How did Rachel’s daughters help her?
A. They designed the stage.
C. They showed new dolls to their school friends.
B. They thought of ideas for new stories.
D. They gave her their opinions on her new plays.
Câu 35: Rachel thinks her shows are successful because _________
A. she enjoys doing them so much.
B. she does a show daily.
C. they are suitable for all ages.
D. she has a lot of fans.


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