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Đề cương Leadership

Đại cương về lãnh đạo (Trường Đại học Kinh tế, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội)

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1. List and define the decisional managerial leadership roles.

The decisional leadership roles include entrepreneur, disturbance-handler, resource- allocator,
and negotiator. Decision- making skills are important and they are needed to be successful in the
decisional roles.
 Entrepreneur Role: Leaders perform the entrepreneur role when they innovate new or
improved products and services and initiate improvements in business processes. Leaders
often get ideas from improvements through the monitor role.
 Disturbance-Handler Role: Leaders perform the disturbance-handler role when they take
corrective action during a crisis that interrupts business, such as a natural disaster, or
emergencies like a breakdown of important machines/equipment or needed material not
arriving as scheduled. Leaders typically give this role priority over all other roles during the
 Resource-Allocator Role: Leaders perform the resource-allocator role when they schedule,
request authorization, and perform budgeting activities. Deciding who gets the limited
resources is important as people make decisions seeking self-interest that may not be in the
best interest of the organization.
 Negotiator Role: Leaders perform the negotiator role when they represent their
organizational unit during transactions that do not include set boundaries, such as only one
price and term of a sale or purchase for a product/service, pay of an employee, or a raise for
themselves. Leaders can try to negotiate a good deal to benefit the organization. Although
managers are responsible for all ten roles, which roles are most important— and which roles
the manager performs and which are performed by other leaders—will vary based on the
manager’s job and the organizational environment.
Example: …

2. List and define the leadership theory paradigms.

- Definition: A leadership paradigm is a shared mindset that represents a fundamental way of
thinking about, perceiving, studying, researching, and understanding leadership.
- The four major classifications:
 Leadership trait theories attempt to explain distinctive characteristics accounting for
leadership effectiveness.
 Behavioral leadership theories attempt to explain distinctive styles used by effective
leaders, or to define the nature of their work.
 Contingency leadership theories attempt to explain the appropriate leadership style based
on the leader, followers, and situation.
 Integrative leadership theories attempt to combine the trait, behavioral, and contingency
theories to explain successful, influencing leader-follower relationships

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3. Which personality traits are more closely related to ethical and unethical behavior?
In the Big 5 Personality model, the personality traits are more closely related to ethical and
unethical behavior are:
 Surgency (dominance): Leaders with surgency (dominance) personality traits have two
choices: to use power for personal benefit or to use socialized power. To gain power and
to be conscientious with high achievement, some people will use unethical behavior; also,
irresponsible people often do not perform to standard by cutting corners and other
behavior which may be considered unethical.
 Conscientiousness (integrity): Being ethical is part of integrity. People open to new
experiences are often ethical.

4. Describe the components of emotional intelligence.

There are four components of EQ: self-awareness, social awareness, self-management,
relationship management
• Self-awareness relates to being conscious of your emotions and how they affect your
personal and professional life. Self-awareness is the cornerstone of all insight (Tự nhận
thức là nền tảng của mọi hiểu biết). Use your self-awareness (the exercises in this book
help) to accurately assess your strengths and limitations, which leads to higher self-
• Social awareness relates to the ability to understand others. Empathy is the ability
to put yourself in other people’s situations, sense their emotions, and understand
things from their perspective.Social awareness also includes the ability to develop
networks and play organizational politics
• Self-management relates to the ability to control disruptive emotions. Successful leaders
don’t let negative emotions (worry, anxiety, fear, anger) interfere with getting things
done. Characteristics of self-management include self-motivation, integrity,
conscientiousness, adaptability, and optimism. Optimism can be learned, so think and be
• Relationship management relates to the ability to work well with others, which is
dependent on the other three EI components. Successful leaders build effective
relationships by communicating, responding to emotions, handling conflict, and
influencing others.

5. State the major differences among content, process, and reinforcement theories.
(In Motivation Process)

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- Content theories:
 They are in Need and Motive of the Motivation Process.
 focus on explaining and predicting behavior based on people’s needs. Includes:
 Hierarchy of Needs Theory,
 Two-Factor Theory,
 Acquired Needs Theory.
 The key to successful leadership is to meet the needs of employees while achieving
organizational objectives.
- Process theories:
 They are in Behavior of the Motivation Process.
 focus on understanding how people choose behavior to fulfill their needs. Include:
 Equity theory,
 Expectancy theory
 Goal-setting theory
 Process motivation theories are more complex than content motivation theories.
- Reinforcement theories (Outcome theories):
 They are in Consequence of the Motivation Process.
 Reinforcement theory proposes that through the consequences for behavior, people will
be motivated to behave in predetermined ways. Uses behavior modification and operant

6. Discuss the differences among legitimate, reward, coercive, and referent power
Legitimate, reward and coercive power are based on position power.
 Referent power is based on personal power.
 Legitimate power is based on the user’s position power, given by the organization.
Depending on the position, it gives you authority within the company. It also lasts as long
as you remain in that role. For example, the CEO determines the overall direction of the
company and the resource needs of the company.
 Reward power is based on the user’s ability to influence others with something of value
to them. Rewards usually come in the form of raises, benefits, promotions, or public
praise. For example, a manager may be able to reward raises, promotions, bonuses, or
even simple compliments to sales employees who meet their quotas.
 The use of coercive power involves punishment and withholding of rewards to influence
compliance. It is also called the pressure influencing tactic. From the fear of reprimands,
probation, suspension, or dismissal, employees often do as their manager requests. For
example, in many companies, leaders demand constant innovation and new ideas from
their employees. Those who don't measure up face being replaced by someone else.
 Referent power is based on the user’s personal relationships with others. Leaders get
referent power through qualities that inspire trust and respect in their colleagues. These

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include honesty and integrity. For example, the Human Resource Associate who is
known for ensuring employees is treated fairly and coming to the rescue of those who are

7. Define the five conflict management styles.

There are five conflict management styles: based on concern for others and for own needs
 The avoiding conflict style user attempts to passively ignore the conflict rather than resolve
it. When we avoid a conflict, we are being unassertive and uncooperative.

 The accommodating conflict style user attempts to resolve the conflict by passively giving in
to the other party. When we use this style, we are being unassertive but cooperative.

 The forcing conflict style user attempts to resolve the conflict by using aggressive behavior
to get his or her own way. When we use this style, we are uncooperative and aggressive.

 The negotiating conflict style user attempts to resolve the conflict through assertive, give-
and-take concessions. When you use this approach, you are moderate in assertiveness and

 The collaborating conflict style user attempts to jointly resolve the conflict with the best
solution agreeable to all parties. When we use the collaborating approach, we are being
assertive and cooperative.

8. Describe the inherent bias of LMX theory and how it can lead to unintended

- The inherent bias of LMX theory

 Attribution bias in favor of some group members.
 A leader who appreciates in-group members for making his life easier may reciprocate by
giving favorable performance evaluations and feedback to such members.
 Those members may receive positive job performance ratings which are ultimately used as a
resource to justify future selection, development, and promotion decisions.

Unintended consequences
 The development and career advancement of other group members who (regardless of their
performance) are not similar to, familiar to, or well-liked by their leader may be jeopardized
⇒ The out-group members may be paying a price for not having the same social standing or
personal relationship with their leader as in-group members.

 Raises the question of fairness and equality.

9. Describe the two subgroups that can form under Vertical Dyadic Linkage Theory.

The in-group

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- Includes followers with strong social ties to their leader in a supportive relationship
characterized by high mutual trust, respect, loyalty, and influence.
- The leader
 Is inclined to assign responsibility for important tasks to members of the in-group.
 Is primarily use expert, referent, and reward power to influence members of the in-group
- In-group members: Help the leader makes him/her feel appreciated and thus the desire by the
leader to reciprocate

The out-group
- Includes followers with few or no social ties to their leader, in a strictly task-centered
relationship characterized by low exchange and top-down influence.
- The leader: Mostly use position power to influence out-group members.
- Out-group members
 Are more likely to be managed according to the requirements of the employment contract
and the leader’s formal authority
 Receives the standard benefits for the job (such as a salary) and no more.

10. What are the benefits of using cross-functional teams?

- Definition: A cross-functional team is composed of members from different functional

departments of an organization who are brought together to perform unique tasks to create new
and non-routine products or services.

- The benefits of using cross- functional teams are:

 Creative potential is improved: Bringing together the right mix of people gives the team a
rich and diverse base of knowledge and creative potential that far exceeds anything a single
functional team could come up with.
 Coordination is improved and many problems are avoided when people from different
functional specialties come together to work on a project at the same time, rather than
working in separate units.
 Offers multiple sources of information: The cross-functional makeup of a team offers the
benefit of multiple sources of information and perspectives and contacts outside of one’s
functional specialty; these are critical for success in globally competitive, high-technology
 Members learn new skills that are carried back to their functional units and to subsequent
 Creates positive synergy: Finally, the positive synergy that occurs in effective cross-
functional teams can help them achieve a level of performance that far exceeds the sum of
the individual performances of members.

11. In Chapter 5, different types of power - legitimate, reward, coercive, referent, expert,
connection, and information power - and influencing tactics were discussed. What type of
power is the charismatic leader most likely to be associated with and why?

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I think the type of power is the charismatic leader most likely to be associated with is referent
power, which is based on the user’s personal relationships with others because charismatic
leaders have a vision that spurred followers to action.
Vision is the ability to imagine different and better conditions and the ways to achieve them.
Charisma is a social construct between the leader and follower, in which the leader offers a
transformative vision or ideal which exceeds the status quo and then convinces followers to
accept this course of action not because of its rational likelihood of success, but because of their
implicit belief in the extraordinary qualities of the leader.
Hence, the charismatic leader mostly have referent power to influence others to follow his/her

12. Describe four key behaviors characteristic of transformational and charismatic leaders.
There are four key behaviors characteristic of transformational and charismatic leaders:
 Idealized Influence: Behavior that conveys an ideal future that is much better than the
present. The leader’s behavior is aimed at inspiring followers to share in his or her vision
 Inspirational Motivation: Passionate communications of better days ahead that motivates
followers to buy into the leader’s vision
 Individual Consideration: Behavior that employs an individualized developmental model
that responds to follower needs and concerns
 Intellectual Stimulation: Behavior that challenges follows to think “outside of the box” and
re - examine old ways and methods

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