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Tutorial Letter 102/1/2024

People and the Environment


Semester 1

Department of Geography

This tutorial letter contains details for Assignment 2 of GGH2604.



This assignment consists of two parts. Ensure that your student number, module code
and anti-plagiarism declaration appear on the cover page. This assignment contributes
75% to your year mark.


According to Lui et al. (2016): “Urbanization results in habitat loss and habitat fragmentation
concurrently, both influencing biodiversity and ecological processes.” Write an essay that
critically examines the anticipated effects of human activities on the environment in the African
region through urbanisation (in Africa), with specific focus on the following aspects:

• Habitat loss and destruction

• Pollution associated with urban environments
The length of the essay must be between 1 000 and 1 500 words. You need to ensure that
you have referenced at least seven (7) academic sources. Mark allocation for Part One: 24
Through the use of Google Scholar, select a peer-reviewed journal article that examines a
natural hazard or disaster in Sub-Saharan Africa. The chosen article should provide significant
insights into the causes, impacts, and/or mitigation strategies associated with the selected
hazard or disaster. Ensure that the article is recent (published within the last five years).
Summarise the main research findings, key arguments, and methodologies employed by the
authors. The focus of your summary should be on identifying the causes, impacts, and/or
mitigation strategies related to the selected hazard or disaster. The length of the summary
must be between 400-600 words. This journal article will also need to be correctly referenced
in the reference list. Mark allocation for Part Two: 12 Marks.

Please note: Plagiarism is a serious academic offense and will result in penalties as per
university policies. It is essential to paraphrase information from the original article and properly
cite all sources used in your summary. Do not copy and paste text from the article. A separate
referencing guide will be included. Your assignment may be run through plagiarism detection


Mark allocation for introduction, conclusion, language, referencing and plagiarism declaration:
14 Marks. An assignment marking rubric and guide to accessing Google Scholar has been
included at the end of this tutorial letter.


What is expected of you?

• Proof of cover page with plagiarism declaration

Introduction and Conclusion

• A well-written introduction and conclusion

• You must discuss the effects that the sources of pollution have on the environment.
Refer to examples of the effects of air pollution, soil pollution, and Fracking, or hydraulic
fracturing, in Africa.
• The content must be substantial and relevant and must demonstrate a clear
understanding of the topic.

Proper grammar, punctuation and spelling

• The essay must contain no spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.

Correctly referenced and in-text referencing

• Include 6 to 8 references and in-text referencing

If you need any assistance with regards to any aspect of the assignment, please do not
hesitate to contact your assigned e-Tutor or any of your GGH2604 lecturers. You can find their
information below.

Mr Ryan Anderson Mr Fhedzisani Mukhuba

011 471 3541 011 471 3923

© 2024

Liu, Z., He, C. and Wu, J., 2016. The relationship between habitat loss and fragmentation
during urbanization: an empirical evaluation from 16 world cities. PLoS One, 11(4),
Semester 1: Assignment 2 Rubric

Please take the time to read the descriptions in each of the boxes as this gives you an idea of what is expected of you and what you need to do to improve.

Plagiarism 2 0 Mark
(Max. marks: 3) Proof of cover page with No plagiarism declaration
plagiarism declaration
Introduction and conclusion 5 4-3 2 1 0 Mark
(Max. marks: 5) Includes a well-written The introduction and conclusion The introduction and conclusion lack Contains an introduction but no No introduction and no
introduction and conclusion need some revision focus conclusion (vice versa) conclusion
Content (Urbanisation &
Habitat loss)
12-11 10-8 7-6 5-4 3-1 0 Mark
Substantial and Adequate Satisfactory Vague content Minimal Did not
relevant content that demonstrate a relevant content that content that demonstrates some that demonstrates a weak content that demonstrates a include any
clear understanding of the topic, demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic. understanding of the topic. lack of understanding the topic. relevant
understanding of the topic. information.

(Discussed five or more examples (Discussed four examples of the (Discussed three examples of the (Discussed two examples of the effects (Discussed one example of the (Did not discuss any relevant
of the effects of urbanization and effects of urbanization and habitat effects of urbanization and habitat of urbanization and habitat loss in effects of urbanization and examples of the effects of
habitat loss in Africa) loss in Africa) loss in Africa) Africa) habitat loss in Africa) urbanization and habitat loss in
Content (Urbanisation &
12-11 10-8 7-6 5-4 3-1 0 Mark
Substantial and Adequate and Satisfactory Vague content Minimal Did not
relevant content that demonstrate a relevant content that content that demonstrates some that demonstrates a weak content that demonstrates a include any
clear understanding of the topic. demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic. understanding of the topic. lack of understanding the topic. relevant
understanding of the topic. information.

(Discussed five or more examples (Discussed four examples of the (Discussed three examples of the (Discussed two examples of the effects (Discussed one example of the (Did not discuss any relevant
of the effects of urbanization and effects of urbanization and effects of urbanization and of urbanization and pollution in Africa) effects of urbanization and examples of the effects
pollution in Africa) pollution in Africa) pollution in Africa) pollution in Africa) urbanization and pollution in
12-11 10-8 7-6 5-4 3-1 0 Mark
Excellent summary of natural Adequate summary of natural Satisfactory Vague summary of natural hazard or Poor Did not
hazard or disaster in sub-Saharan hazard or disaster in sub- summary of natural hazard or disaster in sub-Saharan Africa. summary of natural hazard or include any
Africa. All aspects of assignment Saharan Africa. Most aspects of disaster in sub-Saharan Africa. disaster in sub-Saharan Africa. relevant
instruction were well addressed. assignment instruction were Some aspects addressed were Most aspects addressed were information.
addressed. irrelevant. irrelevant.

Language Usage 2 1 0 Mark

(Max. marks: 2) No spelling, punctuation, and Some spelling and punctuation, and Needs total revision
grammatical errors. minor grammatical errors.
Reference use & in-text 5 3-4 2 1 0 Mark

Proper application of the Harvard Full referencing, and inconsistent Some referencing, and/or no in-text Includes some form of References and in-text
(Max. marks: 4) method both full and in-text in-text referencing referencing referencing referencing have been omitted

Total ____/50

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