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Essay on Slow down!

- Challenges of modern life's fast pace and coping mechanisms

In class, you have been discussing the fast pace of modern life. Your teacher has asked you
to write an article called Slow down! In your writing, focus on the challenges created by
the speed of life these days, and discuss how people cope with these challenges.

In today's fast-paced world, it can be difficult to find time to slow down and take a breath.
We are constantly bombarded with distractions and demands, and it can be easy to get
caught up in the whirlwind of activity. But as we rush through our days, we often find
ourselves feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and disconnected from the world around us.

One of the biggest challenges created by the speed of life is the difficulty of finding time to
relax and recharge. With so much to do and so little time, it can be hard to find moments of
peace and quiet. Many people find themselves working long hours, juggling multiple
responsibilities, and struggling to keep up with the demands of everyday life. This constant
state of activity can take a toll on our physical and mental health, leaving us feeling
exhausted and burnt out.

Another challenge created by the speed of life is the difficulty of maintaining meaningful
connections with others. In a world where we are always on the go, it can be hard to find
time to spend with friends and family. Social media and instant messaging have made it
easier to stay in touch with people, but these forms of communication often lack the depth
and richness of face-to-face interactions. As a result, many people feel lonely and
disconnected from the people around them.

To cope with these challenges, many people turn to mindfulness and meditation. These
practices can help us slow down and focus on the present moment, which can be incredibly
calming and rejuvenating. They can also help us develop a deeper awareness of our
thoughts, feelings, and surroundings, which can help us better understand and manage our
stress levels. Other people turn to yoga, physical exercise, or nature walks as a way to slow
down and find peace in the midst of chaos.

There are also some practical steps that people can take to slow down in their daily lives.
One of the most effective ways to do this is to set aside time each day for activities that you
find relaxing and rejuvenating. This might include reading, writing, or listening to music.
Another way to slow down is to eliminate distractions and unnecessary commitments from
your life. This might involve turning off your phone or limiting your time on social media.
Lastly, people can also focus on simplifying their lives. This might mean decluttering your
home or office, streamlining your schedule, or cutting back on unnecessary expenses. By
simplifying your life, you can reduce the number of distractions and demands on your time,
which can help you slow down and focus on what's most important.

In conclusion, the fast pace of modern life can be challenging and demanding, but it is
possible to slow down and find peace amidst the chaos. By practicing mindfulness and
meditation, engaging in physical activities, and simplifying our lives, we can create space to
breathe and recharge. We should all make a conscious effort to slow down, take a step back
and enjoy the present moment. It is important to remember that the fast pace of life is not a
race, it is a journey and we should enjoy it at our own pace.
Letter - Informing a Friend about a School Visit from an Important Person
Last year, your best friend at school moved away to live in another town. Recently, a very
important person came to visit your school. You decide to write a letter to your friend with
all the details of the visit. Write your letter. You must include the following: • who the
important person was and when the visit took place • details of what happened during the
visit • why the visit was important for you and your school. Cover all three points above in
detail. You should make your letter interesting and informative. Start your letter ‘Dear ...,’
and remember to supply a suitable ending.

Dear Jane,

I hope you are doing well in your new town. I wanted to share some exciting news with you
about something that happened at school yesterday. An important person, Greta Thunder, a
famous environmental activist, came to visit our school. It was such an honor for our school
to have her visit us.

During her visit, Greta made a very inspiring speech about the importance of taking action to
protect our environment and the role that young people can play in creating a sustainable
future. She shared her own experiences as a young environmental activist and the
challenges she faced. Greta also answered questions from students and inspired us to take
action in our own community to make a difference.

The visit was important for both me and the school. It not only educated us about the
current state of the environment and the urgent need to take action, but it also inspired us
to take action and make a difference. Her speech has created a positive impact on the
student body, many of them are discussing the topic and want to be part of the change. The
school plans to continue to host similar events in the future and to follow up on Greta's
message and also to continue to raise awareness on the topic.

I wish you were here to experience it with me. I am sure it would have been an
unforgettable experience for you too.

Take care,
[Your name]
Letter to Your Cousin
A letter of apology

St Malphite Road
United States
18th July 2021

Dear Lucian

Please allow me to apologize for wrongly accusing you of stealing my laptop yesterday at the
office. My behaviour was extremely unprofessional and lacked the respect you deserved.

Kindly allow me to explain my inappropriate reaction. First, I have been working long and
exhausting shifts during the previous weeks. Being deprived of sleep, I was not able to
maintain my usual composure. Second, there was a deadline due in one hour and I had a
massive amount of work to complete. I was under significant pressure to finish in time.

Consequently, when I returned to my desk after going to the coffee machine, I was
considerably alarmed when I noticed that my laptop was not where I originally left it. I made
the regrettable mistake to assume that somebody had stolen it in order to prevent me from
meeting the deadline. Since you were seated next to me, I assumed it was you. That was
very immature of me.

It never occurred to me that the technician could have briefly borrowed my laptop in order
to update its software. I forgot that I had requested him to do so. I sincerely apologise to
have made a scene in the office. It was embarrassing, and I learned that nobody appreciated
my poor behaviour. This will not happen again in the future.

Again, I am sorry for my actions and I hope that we can put this matter behind us. I look
forward to working with you soon. If you have any thoughts on this, please feel free to
share. You may contact me at your convenience by phone.

Magazine Article - Making Your School More Environmentally Friendly
Your Principal wants to make your school more environmentally friendly. You have an idea
which you think will help. Your Principal asks you to write an article for the school magazine
to explain your idea and to ask other students to help you. Write your magazine article. You
must include the following: • what your school already does to help the environment •
details of your idea and how the other students can help • how the whole school will
benefit. Cover all three points above in detail. You should make your magazine article
interesting and informative. Start your magazine article with a suitable headline.

"Green Initiative: A Student-Led Composting Program"

As students, we are the future leaders of our society, and it is our responsibility to take
action in preserving and protecting our environment. Our school has already taken steps in
this direction by implementing recycling programs and promoting the use of reusable water
bottles, but there is always room for improvement. That's why I am excited to introduce my
idea for a school-wide composting program.

Composting is a natural process that converts organic waste such as food scraps and yard
waste into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. This not only reduces the amount of waste sent
to landfills, but it also helps to improve the quality of our soil and promote sustainable
agriculture. By composting, we can also reduce the amount of greenhouse gases produced
by decomposing organic waste in landfills.

I am asking for the help of my fellow students to make this idea a reality. Together, we can
form a team of dedicated students who will be responsible for managing the composting
program. This includes collecting organic waste from classrooms and the cafeteria,
maintaining the composting bins, and spreading the composted soil on the school's gardens.
By working together, we can make a significant impact on our school's carbon footprint and
educate ourselves and others about the importance of composting and sustainability.

Furthermore, the school's gardens will benefit from the nutrient-rich soil, producing
healthier plants and creating a more beautiful and inviting school environment. Additionally,
this program will educate students on the importance of reducing waste and being mindful
of our impact on the environment, which will serve as a valuable life lesson.
In conclusion, I urge all students to join me in this effort to create a more sustainable school.
Together, we can make a difference in preserving and protecting our environment for future
generations. Let's work towards a greener future for our school and for our planet. With the
help of my fellow students, we can make this composting program a reality and make a
positive impact on our environment.

Magazine Article - Winning an Unexpected Prize and Its Impact

Recently, you won a prize which you were not expecting to win (perhaps for academic
studies, for an extra-curricular activity or for a competition outside school). Your Principal
asks you to write an article for the school magazine about winning the prize. Write your
magazine article. You must include the following: • what you received the prize for and why
you were not expecting to win it • details of how other people helped you to win the prize •
how you will benefit from winning the prize. Cover all three points above in detail. You
should make your magazine article interesting and informative. Start your magazine article
with a suitable headline.

"From Zero Expectations to Grand Prize: My Winning Journey"

Hey there fellow students! I hope you're all doing well and staying creative. I wanted to
share my recent experience with you all because I know that many of you have participated
or are thinking of participating in competitions, just like me.

So, let me tell you about the time I won the Grand Prize for my art project at the National
High School Arts Competition. To be honest, I was in shock when they announced my name
as the winner among the thousands of participants. I had worked hard on my project, but I
had never expected to come out on top. Winning the Grand Prize was a great honor and it
was a testament to the hard work and support of many people who helped me along the

The prize I received was $5000 cash prize and an all-expense-paid trip to study with a well-
known artist, which was a dream come true for me. I had never expected to win the Grand
Prize because I knew that there were many other students who had also done excellent
projects on the same topic. However, I was thrilled when I received the news that I had won.
Winning this prize would not have been possible without the help of many people. My art
teacher was my mentor, who provided me with guidance and feedback, which was
invaluable in helping me to improve my project. Additionally, my parents provided me with
the financial support and the emotional support that I needed to complete my project. My
friends also helped me to think out of the box and gave me the idea of using a new medium
for my project.

Winning the prize has a lot of benefits for me. Firstly, it has given me a sense of
accomplishment and validation for the hard work I have put in. It has also helped me to gain
recognition and credibility in the art world. Additionally, it has opened up many
opportunities for me, such as the chance to study with the well-known artist, and to connect
with other artists in my field.

In conclusion, winning this prize has been a wonderful surprise and an honor. I am grateful
to everyone who helped me along the way and I am excited to see where this opportunity
will take me in the future. My advice to all of you is to never underestimate yourself and to
always strive for your goals. With hard work, dedication and the support of others, you can
achieve anything you set your mind to.
Report on a Fight Witnessed

To: The Principal


The fight took place at Trinity Secondary School, inside the canteen at about 12 15 P.M on
the 20th of July 2021. The fight took place between two class 12 students, Lucian Laurent
and Zilean Choo. I was present when the fight between my classmates took place.

It was lunchtime and the canteen was crowded as usual. I saw Lucian walk angrily towards
Zilean. Lucian provoked him into a fight. The latter was repeatedly mentioning the name of a
girl; Fiora, who I assume was at the origin of their disagreement. Zilean exploded in a fit of
rage and lunged towards Lucian landing several kicks in his stomach.

A crowd of students gathered quickly around Lucian and Zilean. Instead of attempting to
separate the pair, the crowd cheered at the fight. Some students got out their smartphones
and started filming. Some prefects dashed over to stop the fight, in vain. Lucian had fallen to
the ground. He was being kicked repeatedly in the abdomen by Zilean. They were both
swearing at each other. The fight lasted about 10 minutes.

The fight was stopped when Mr Zed, a teacher, rushed to intervene after being alerted by
students. He had to physically impose himself between the boys in order to stop the fight.

Mr Zed dispersed the crowd of students by urging them to go back to their classes. Lucian
who was bleeding profusely from the nose was sent to the infirmary. Zilean sustained some
slight bruises on his face. The parents of both boys had been contacted. Both boys were
afterwards suspended from school.

I was asked by the school disciplinary council, as a witness, to report this fight. Furthermore,
I would wish to express my concern about videos of the aforementioned fight that have
been circulating on Facebook. Steps need to be taken by the council to remove these videos.

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