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Motion in a

Straight Line
3. Displacement of an object is independent of the path
Mechanics : Branch of physics, which deals with the study of followed by the object but distance depends upon path.
objects in rest and in motion. 4. Displacement and distance both have same unit as that of
Statics : Study of objects at rest or in equilibrium. length i.e. metre.
Kinematics : Study of motion of objects without considering the
cause of motion. Distance
5. ³1
Dynamics : Study of motion of objects considering the cause of |Displacement|
Rest : An object is said to be at rest if it does not change its 6. For a moving body distance always increases with time
position with time, with respect to its surrounding (a reference 7. For a body undergoing one dimensional motion, in the same
point which is generally taken as origin in numerical problems) direction distance = | displacement |. For all other motion
Motion : An object is said to be in motion if it changes its position distance > | displacement |.
with time, with respect to its surroundings.
Rest and motion are relative terms. SPEED
Point mass/Point object : An object is said to be a point mass if It is the distance travelled per unit time by an object. It is a scalar
during its motion it covers distance much greater than its own quantity. It cannot be negative.
size. Uniform speed : An object is said to be moving with a uniform
One dimensional motion : An object travels in a straight line. It is speed, if it covers equal distances in equal intervals of time,
also called rectilinear or linear motion. The position change of howsoever small the time intervals may be.
the object with time in one dimension can be described by only Non-uniform speed : If an object covers unequal distances in
one co-ordinate. equal interval of time or equal distances in unequal interval of
Ex. A stone falling freely under gravity. time.
Two dimensional motion or motion in a plane : For an object Instantaneous speed : The speed of an object at a particular instant
travelling in a plane two coordinates say X and Y are required to of time is called the instantaneous speed.
describe its motion.
Ex. An insect crawling over the floor. Ds ds
Instantaneous speed, Vinst = lim = .
Three dimensional motion : An object travels in space.To describe Dt dt
Dt ® 0
motion of objects in three dimension require all three coordinates Average speed : It is ratio of the total distance travelled by the
x, y and z. object to the total time taken.
Ex. A kite flying in the sky.
Distance or Path length : The length of the actual path travelled Dimensions : [M0LT-1]; Unit: In SI systems.
by an object during motion in a given interval of time is called
the distance travelled by that object or path length. It is a scalar VELOCITY
quantity. It is the displacement of an object per unit time. It is a vector
Displacement : It is the shortest distance between the initial and quantity. It can be positive negative or zero.
final position of an object and is directed from the initial position Uniform velocity : An object is said to be moving with a uniform
to the final position. It is a vector quantity. velocity, if it covers equal displacements in equal intervals of
time, howsoever small the time intervals may be.
Keep in Memory Non-uniform velocity : If an object covers unequal displacements
1. Displacement may be positive, negative or zero but distance in equal interval of time or equal displacements in unequal interval
is always positive. of time.
Instantaneous velocity : The velocity of an object at a particular
2. Displacement is not affected by the shift of the coordinate
axes. instant of time is called the instantaneous velocity.
r r r Variable or non-uniform acceleration : If the velocity of body
Dr dr
Instantaneous velocity, Vinst = lim = . changes in different amounts during same time interval, then the
Dt ® 0 Dt dt
acceleration of the body is known as variable acceleration.
Average Velocity : It is ratio of the total displacement to the total
Acceleration is variable if either its direction or magnitude or
time taken.
r both changes with respect to time. A good example of variable
Dr acceleration is the acceleration in uniform circular motion.
Average velocity, vav =
Dimensions : [M0LT–1] ; Unit: In SI system, m/s
When the motion is uniformly accelerated i.e., when acceleration
Keep in Memory is constant in magnitude and direction :
(i) v = u + at
1. | Average velocity | can be zero but average speed cannot be
zero for a moving object. 1 2
(ii) s = ut + at
|Average velocity|
2. £1 (iii) v2 – u2 = 2as
Average speed
where u = initial velocity; v = final velocity;
3. | Instantaneous velocity | = Instantaneous speed. a = uniform acceleration and
4. A particle may have constant speed but variable velocity. It
s = distance travelled in time t,
happens when particle travels in curvilinear path.
5. If the body covers first half distance with speed v1 and æ u + vö
(iv) s =ç t
next half with speed v2 then è 2 ÷ø
2v1v2 a
Average speed v = (v) Distance travelled in nth second sn = u + (2n - 1) ;
v1 + v2 2
6. If a body covers first one-third distance at a speed v1, next sn = distance covered in n th second
one-third at speed v2 and last one-third at speed v3, then Above equations in vector form
3v1 v2 v3 1
Average speed v = v = u + a t, s = u t + a t 2 ,
v1 v 2 + v 2 v3 + v1 v3 2
7. If a body travels with uniform speed v1 for time t1 and with r2 r2 rr rr rr rr
v - u = 2a.s (or v.v + u.u = 2a.s )
uniform speed v2 for time t2, then
r 1 r r
v t +v t s = ( u + v) t
Average speed v = 1 1 2 2 2
t1 + t2 When displacement (s) is given as a function of time t [s = f(t)]
The rate of change of velocity with respect to time is called s µ t0 Body at rest v= 0 a= 0
acceleration. It is a vector quantity.
r s µ t1 Uniform velocity;
Let velocity changes by Dv during some interval of time Dt .
r acceleration zero v µ t0 a= 0
Average acceleration a av is given by
r Dv s µ t2 Uniform acceleration v µ t1 a µ t0
aav =
r s µ t 3 or more Non uniform
Instantaneous acceleration a is given by
r r acceleration v µ t 2 or more a µ t1 or more
r Dv dv
a = lim = We use calculus method (integration and differentiation)
Dt ®0 Dt dt
for displacement, velocity, acceleration as a function of time.
Its SI unit is meter/sec2 (ms–2).
ds dv
A body moving with uniform velocity has zero acceleration. It We know that v =
dt ò
Þ s = v dt ; a =
dt ò
Þ v = a dt ;
means that neither its speed nor its direction of motion is changing
with time. when a = f(s)
Uniform acceleration : If the velocity of the body changes in
equal amount during same time interval, then the acceleration of
ds ò
Þ a ds = v dv , ò
the body is said to be uniform. Acceleration is uniform when where s = displacement, v = instantaneous velocity,
neither its direction nor magnitude changes with respect to time. a = instantaneous acceleration
1 2 g
(i) For a body thrown downward with initial velocity u from a h= gt ; h th = (2n - 1)
2 n 2
height h, the equations of motion are
(iii) When a body is thrown upwards with initial velocity u, the
v = u +gt ; v 2 = u 2 + 2gh equations of motion are
v = u – gt
1 2 g
h = ut + gt ; h th = u + (2n - 1)
2 n 2 1 2
h = ut – gt
(ii) If initial velocity is zero, then the equations are 2
v2 = u2 – 2gh.
v = gt ; v = 2gh

To summarise :
Motion of a body

Velocity constant Accelerated motion

Velocity =
Uniformly accelerated Non-uniformly
motion accelerated motion
v = u + at ds dv dv
v= a= =v
1 dt dt ds
s = ut + at 2
2 Differentiation Differentiation
2 2 Displacement Velocity Acceleration
v - u = 2as
a Integration Integration
s nth = u + (2n - 1)
s = (u + v) ´ t
ò ds = ò v dt ò dv = ò a dt

N OTE: Calculus method as shown in non-uniformly accelerated Keep in Memory

motion may also be used for uniformly accelerated motion. 1. The direction of average acceleration vector is the direction
r r
Uniformly Accelerated Motion : A Discussion r vf - vi
While using equations of motion we can have two approaches. of the change in velocity vector. a =
Approach 1 : Take a = +ve when velocity increases and r r r r r
a has a direction of v f - v i = v f + (– v i )
a = –ve when velocity decreases. r r
Take rest of physical quantities such as u, v, t and s as positive. i.e., the resultant of vf and – v i
Approach 2 : (Vector method)
2. There is no definite relationship between velocity vector
Assume one direction to be positive and other negative. Assign
and acceleration vector.
sign to all the vectors (u, v, a, s), +ve sign is given to a vector
which is directed to the positive direction and vice-versa 3. For a body starting from rest and moving with uniform
– + acceleration, the ratio of distances covered in t 1 sec.,

t2 sec, t3 sec, etc. are in the ratio t 12 : t22 : t32 etc.


4. A body moving with a velocity v is stopped by application

– of brakes after covering a distance s. If the same body moves

with a velocity nv, it stops after covering a distance n 2s by
Normally the direction taken is as drawn above. But it is important the application of same retardation.
to note that you can take any direction of your choice to be positive
Example 1.
and the opposite direction to be negative.
The displacement of particle is zero at t = 0 and
displacement is ‘x’ at t = t. It starts moving in the positive
N OTE: The second method (or approach) is useful only when
x-direction with a velocity which varies as v = k x where
there is reversal of motion during the activity concerned. k is constant. Show that the velocity varies with time.
Solution : r r
r v - vi 5jˆ - 5iˆ r 1 1
v = k x or
= k x or
= k dt
a= f = Þ a = – $i + $j
Dt 10 2 2
dt x
Given that when t = 0, x = 0 and when t = t, x = x, r FG 1 IJ + FG 1 IJ
2 2 1
t |a |=
H 2K H 2 K =
Hence ò x
= k dt ;
Keep in Memory
0 0
é - 1 +1 ù 1. An object moving under the influence of earth's gravity in
x t êx 2 ú which air resistance and small changes in g are neglected is
ú = k [ t ]0
\ ò x -½ dx = k ò dt or ê called a freely falling body.
ê - + 1ú
0 0 2. In the absence of air resistance, the velocity of projection
ëê 2 ûú 0
is equal to the velocity with which the body strikes the
kt ground.
or 2 x = k t or x=
2 3. Distance travelled by a freely falling body in 1st second is
2 always half of the numerical value of g or 4.9 m, irrespective
ék tù k t
Now, v = k ´ ê ú = of height h.
ë2û 2 4. For a freely falling body with initial velocity zero
Thus the velocity varies with time. (i) Velocity µ time (v = gt)
Example 2. (ii) Velocity µ Distance fallen (v2 = 2gs)
A particle covers each 1/3 of the total distance with speed
vl, v2 and v3 respectively. Find the average speed of the æ 1 ö
(iii) Distance fallen a (time)2 ç s = gt 2 ÷ , where g is the
particle. è 2 ø
Solution : acceleration due to gravity.
Average speed 5. If maximum height attained by a body projected vertically
Total distance travelled s upwards is equal to the magnitude of velocity of projection,
v= = then velocity of projection is 2g ms–1 and time of flight is 4
Total time taken s s s
+ + sec.
3v1 3v 2 3v 3
6. If maximum height attained by a body projected upward is
3v1 v 2 v 3 equal to magnitude of acceleration due to gravity i.e., 'g',
Þ v=
v1v 2 + v 2 v 3 + v 3 v1 the time of ascent is 2 sec. and velocity of projection is
Example 3.
A cheetah can accelerate from 0 to 96 km/h in 2 sec., whereas g 2.
a cat requires 6 sec. Compute the average accelerations for 7. Ratio of maximum heights reached by different bodies
the cheetah and cat. projected with velocities u1, u2, u3 etc. are in the ratio of
Solution : u12 : u 22 : u 33 etc. and ratio of times of ascent are in ratio of
r r
r | vf - vi | 96km / h - 0 u1 : u2 : u3 etc.
For cheetah | a av| = =
Dt 2sec 8. During free fall velocity increases by equal amount every
1000 m decend and distance covered during 1st, 2nd, 3rd seconds
96 ´ of fall, are 4.9m, 14.7m, 24.5m.
3600 sec
= = 15 m/s2
2 sec u=0 t=0
10 4.9 m
96 ´ 9.8 m/s t=1
For cat | a av| = 36 = 5 m/s2. 14.7 m
6 19.6 m/s t=2
Example 4.
A particle is moving in east direction with speed 5 m/s.
After 10 sec it starts moving in north direction with same 24.5 m
speed. Find average acceleration.
Solution : N 29.4 m/s t=3
r r
| v f| = | v i| = 5 m/s
9. If a body is projected horizontally from top of a tower, the
Acceleration ¹ 0
W E time taken by it to reach the ground does not depend on
(due to change in direction the velocity of projection, but depends on the height of
of velocity Av. acceleration,
D v = vr f – vr i = vr f + (– vr i) S
tower and is equal to t =
10 If velocity v of a body changes its direction by q without
Correct. Average velocity = V Dr r -r i
change in magnitude then the change in velocity will be av = = f
Dt tf – ti
2v sin .
2 (where r i is position vector at time ti and r f is position
11. From the top of a tower a body is projected upward with a
vector at time tf).
certain speed, 2nd body is thrown downward with same
Whereas instantaneous velocity
speed and 3rd is let to fall freely from same point then
ur ur
uur D r dr
t3 = t1t 2 V inst. = lim =
Dt ®0 Dt dt
where t 1 = time taken by the body projected upward,
t 2 = time taken by the body thrown downward and It is important to note that average velocity is equal to
t3 = time taken by the body falling freely. instantaneous velocity only when the case is of uniform
12. If a body falls freely from a height h on a sandy surface and velocity.
it buries into sand upto a depth of x, then the retardation Incorrect. Taking acceleration as negative (– a) even when
acceleration is an unknown.
æ h + xö
produced by sand is given by a = g ç . Correct. Take acceleration as (a) when it is unknown even if
è x ÷ø
we know that the motion is a case of deceleration or
13. In case of air resistance, the time of ascent is less than time retardation. On solving, we will find the value of (a) to be
of descent of a body projected vertically upward i.e. ta < td. negative .
14. When atmosphere is effective, then buoyancy force always Incorrect. Magnitude of instantaneous velocity is different
acts in upward direction whether body is moving in upward from instantaneous speed .
or downward direction and it depends on volume of the Correct. Magnitude of instantaneous velocity is equal to
body. The viscous drag force acts against the motion. the instantaneous speed in any case.
15. If bodies have same volume but different densities, the Example 5.
buoyant force remains the same. The numerical ratio of average velocity to average speed is
CAUTION : Please note that dropping body gets the velocity (a) always less than one (b) always equal to one
of the object but if the object is in acceleration, the body dropped (c) always more than one (d) equal to or less than one
will not acquire the acceleration of the object. Solution : (d)
It is equal to or less than one as average velocity depends
COMMON DEFAULT upon displacement whereas average speed depends upon
Incorrect. In the question, if it is given that a body is path length.
dropped, taking its initial velocity zero. Example 6.
Correct. The initial velocity is zero if the object dropping The distance travelled by a body is directly proportional
the body is also at rest (zero velocity). But if the object to the time taken. Its speed
dropping the body is having a velocity, then the body being (a) increases (b) decreases
dropped will also have initial velocity which will be same as (c) becomes zero (d) remains constant
that of the object. Solution : (d)
For example : s
When s µ t, so = v = constant.
(a) When an aeroplane flying horizontally drops a bomb. t
(b) An ascending helicopter dropping a food packet. Example 7.
(c) A stone dropped from a moving train etc. A particle is projected vertically upwards. Prove that it will be
Incorrect. Applying equations of motion in case of non- at 3/4 of its greatest height at time which are in the ratio 1 : 3.
uniform acceleration of the body. Solution :
If u is the initial velocity of a particle while going vertically
Correct. The equations of motion are for uniformly
accelerated motion of the body. u2
Please note that when the case is of non-uniform acceleration upwards, then the maximum height attained is h = .
we use calculus (differentiation and integration). 3
dv vdv ds If t is the time when particle reaches at a height h, then
a= = ; v= . 4
dt ds dt using the relation
In fact calculus method is a universal method which can be 1 2 3 1
s = ut + at ; we have h = ut + (-g ) t 2
used both in case of uniform as well as non-uniform 2 4 2
Incorrect. Taking average velocity same as that of 3 æç u 2 ö÷ 1 2 2 2u 3 u2
or, 4 ç 2 g ÷ = ut - gt or t - t + =0
instantaneous velocity. è ø 2 g 4 g2
Solving it for t, we have Total distance = 100 + 100 = 200 m.
2u 4u 2 3 u2 \ 20 = or u - v = 10
± - 4 ´1´ u-v
g g 4 g2 u u
t= = ± 200
2 g 2g and 10 = or u + v = 20
t = u/g By solving, we get, u = 15 m/sec and v = 5 m/sec.

Example 10.
A body starts from rest and moves with a uniform
t1 t2 = 3u/2g acceleration. The ratio of the distance covered in the nth
h sec to the distance covered in n sec is
3h/4 2 1 1 1
(a) – (b) –
n n2 n 2 n

2 1 2 1
u u u (c) 2
– 2 (d) +
Taking negative sign, t 1 = - = ; n n n n2
g 2g 2g Solution : (a)
The distance covered in nth second
u u
Taking positive sign, t 2 = + = 3u / 2g.
g 2g a a
sn = u + (2 n - 1) or s n = 0 + (2 n - 1) ...(1)
2 2
t 1 æ u / 2g ö 1 Further distance covered in n second
=ç ÷=
t 2 çè 3u / 2g ÷ø 3 . 1 2 1
s = ut+ a t = 0 + a n2 ...(2)
Example 8. 2 2
A police party in a jeep is chasing a dacoit on a straight
road. The jeep is moving with a maximum uniform speed v. a
(2 n - 1)
sn 2 2 1
The dacoit rides on a motorcycle of his waiting friend when \ = = -
the jeep is at a distance d from him and the motorcycle s (an / 2) n n2
starts with constant acceleration a. Show that the dacoit Example 11.
will be caught if v ³ 2ad . The water drop falls at regular intervals from a tap 5 m
Solution : above the ground. The third drop is leaving the tap at
Suppose the dacoit is caught at a time t sec after the instant the first drop touches the ground. How far above
motorcycle starts. The distance travelled by the motorcycle the ground is the second drop at that instant?
during this interval is (a) 1.25 m (b) 2.50 m
(c) 3.75 m (d) 4.00 m
1 2 Solution : (c)
s= at ...(1)
2 See fig. Let t be the time interval between any two drops.
During the interval, the jeep travels a distance,
s + d = vt ...(2) Tap
3rd drop
1 2 v ± v 2 - 2ad 2nd drop
By (1) and (2), at - vt + d = 0 or t =
2 a 5m
The dacoit will be caught if t is real and positive. This will be h
Ist drop
possible if v 2 - 2ad > 0 or v > 2ad .
Example 9.
Two trains, each of length 100 m, are running on parallel
tracks. One overtakes the other in 20 second and one For third drop 5 = g (2 t ) 2 or g t 2 = 5 / 2
crosses the other in 10 second. Calculate the velocities of 2
each train. 1 2 1 5 5
Solution : For second drop x = g t or x = ´ = = 1.25 m
2 2 2 4
Let u and v be the velocities of the trains.
Therefore h = 5 – x = 5 – 1.25 = 3.75 m
The relative velocity of overtaking is u – v while the relative
Hence option (c)
velocity of crossing is u + v.
Example 12. Solution :
The height of a tower is h metre. A body is thrown from the 1
top of tower vertically upward with some speed, it takes From formula, Sn th = u + a(2n –1)
t1, second to reach the ground. Another body thrown from
the top of tower with same speed downwards and takes t2 S7 th = u + (2 ´ 7 - 1) but S7 th = 20m
seconds to reach the ground. If third body, released from
same place takes ‘t’ second to reach the ground, then a 13a
\ 20 = u + ´ 13 Þ 20 = u + ... (1)
2 2
t1 +t2 t1
(a) t = (b) t = t 17a
2 2 also s 9 th = 24m \ 24 = u + ... (2)
2 1 1 13a
(c) t = t + t (d) t = (t1 t2 ) From eqn. (1) u = 20 - ... (3)
1 2 2
Solution : (d) Substitute this value of in eqn. (2)
Let u be the initial velocity of the body. Then at time t1 13a 17a
24 = 20 - +
1 2 2
h = - u t1 + g t12 ... (1)
2 17a 13a
24 - 20 = -
1 2 2
and at time t2, h = u t 2 + g t 22 ...(2)
2 4a 4
4= Þ 4 = 2a Þ a = = 2 m / s2
From eqs. (1) and (2), we get 2 2
1 1 13a
- u t 1 + g t 12 = u t 2 + g t 2 2 Substituting this value of a in eqn. (3) u = 20 -
2 2 2
1 13 ´ 2
or g ( t 12 - t 2 2 ) = u ( t 1 + t 2 ) Þ u = 20 - Þ u = 20 - 13
2 2
1 \ u = 7 m/s
or g ( t1 + t 2 ) ( t 1 - t 2 ) = u ( t1 + t 2 )
2 a
Now, s15th = u + (2 ´ 15 - 1)
1 2
or u = g ( t1 - t 2 ) ...(3)
2 2
Substituting the value of u in eqn. (2) we get = 7 + (29) = 7 + 29 = 36m
1 1 1 Example 15.
h= g ( t1 - t 2 ) t 2 + g t 2 2 or h = g t1 t 2 ...(4) A train starts from rest and for the first kilometer moves
2 2 2
with constant acceleration, for the next 3 kilometers it has
1 2 constant velocity and for another 2 kilometers it moves
For third body, h = gt ...(5)
2 with constant retardation to come to rest after 10 min.
Find the maximum velocity and the three time intervals in
From eqs. (4) and (5) we get, t = t1t 2
the three types of motion.
Example 13. Solution :
A bullet moving with a speed 10 m/s hits the wooden plank Let the three time intervals be t1 min, t2 min, and t3 min.
and is stopped when it penetrates the plank 20 cm deep. respectively.
Calculate retardation of the bullet. Let the maximum velocity attained be v m/min.
Solution : A t1 B v–t2 C t3 D
v0 = 10 m/s, v = 0 and s = 20 cm. = = 0.02m 1000m 3000m 2000m
Using v2 – v02 = 2ax æ 0 + vö
1000 = ç t
For A to B è 2 ÷ø 1 Þ 2000 = vt1 ........... (1)
0 - (10)2 = 2a (0.02) Þ =a For B to C 3000 = vt 2 ........... (2)
2 ´ 0.02
or a = – 2500 m/s2 [Using in both equations disp. = mean vel. × time]
Retardation = 2500 m/s2 æ v + 0ö
and for C to D 2000 = çè ÷ t 3 Þ 4000 = vt 3 ...... (3)
Example 14. 2 ø
A body covers a distance of 20m in the 7th second and 24m Adding eqs. (1), (2) and (3), we get
in the 9th second. How much distance shall it cover in 9000 = v (t1 + t 2 + t 3 )
15th sec?
9000 900 ´ 10-3 10 + 102 - 4 ´ 5(-40) 10 + 100 + 800
\ v= = 900 m / min . = km = 54 km / hr. or t= =
10 1/ 60 hr. 2´5 10
Now, from eqs. (1), (2) and (3) we get 10 + 30
= = 4 sec.
2000 20 2 10
t1 = = = 2 min. , (ii) It will pass from where it was projected after
900 9 9
2 ´ 10
3000 10 1 t= = 2 sec.
t2 = = = 3 min. g
900 9 3 (iii) Velocity with which stone strikes the ground
4000 40 4 V = 10 + g × 2 = 30 m/s
and t 3 = = = 4 min.
900 9 9
Example 16. (a) Displacement-time graph - In this graph time is plotted on
A falling stone takes 0.2 seconds to fall past a window x-axis and displacement on y-axis.
which is 1m high. From how far above the top of the window (i) For a stationary body (v = 0) the time-displacement
was the stone dropped ? graph is a straight line parallel to time axis.
Solution :
1 1
h = gt 2 ; h +1 = g(t + 0.2)2
2 2
1 2 1 1 1
gt + 1 = gt 2 + g(0.2) 2 + g ´ 2 ´ 0.2t Velocity = 0
2 2 2 2
Body is at rest
1m Time
(ii) When the velocity of a body is constant then time-
displacement graph will be an oblique straight line.
1 4 2
1= + 0.2gt ; = 2t Þ t = æ dx ö
5 5 5 Greater the slope ç = tan q ÷ of the straight line,
è dt ø
1 4 4
h= g = m higher will be the velocity.
2 25 5
Example 17.
From the top of a multi-storeyed building 40m tall, a boy
projects a stone vertically upwards with an initial velocity
of 10 ms–1 such that it eventually falls to the ground. (i)
After how long will the stone strike the ground ? (ii) After
how long will it pass through the point from where it was
projected ? (iii) What will be its velocity when it strikes the
ground ? Take g = 10 ms–2.
Solution :
r r 1r
Using, S = ut + at 2 (iii) If the velocity of a body is not constant then the time-
2 displacement curve is a zig-zag curve.
1 2
(i) -40 = 10t - gt or -40 = 10t - 5t 2
[Q taking g = 10m/s2]
or 5t 2 - 10t - 40 = 0

(iv) For an accelerated motion the slope of time-
displacement curve increases with time while for
decelerated motion it decreases with time.
(iv) When the particle moves with non-uniform acceleration
Displ. Displ. and its initial velocity is zero.

t t
(v) When the particle returns towards the point of
reference then the time-displacement line makes an
angle q > 90° with the time axis.
(v) When the acceleration decreases and increases.

q > 90º


t g
(b) Velocity-time graph - In this curve time is plotted along re
x-axis and velocity is plotted along y-axis. a inc
(i) When the velocity of the particle is constant or t
acceleration is zero. (vi) The total area enclosed by the time - velocity curve
represents the distance travelled by a body.

Velocity Vel. const, a = 0

(ii) When the particle is moving with a constant
acceleration and its initial velocity is zero.

N OT E: While finding displacement through v – t graph,

keeping sign under consideration.

(c) Acceleration-time graph - In this curve the time is plotted

along X-axis and acceleration is plotted along Y-axis.
(i) When the acceleration of the particle is zero.

(iii) When the particle is moving with constant retardation.

a Acc = 0

V Retardation (ii) When acceleration is constant

a = const

t t
Total distance covered in 10 s
(iii) When acceleration is increasing and is positive.
1 1 1
= ´ 6 ´ 20 + ´ 2 ´ 20 + ´ 2 ´ 10 = 90 m
2 2 2
a a increasing Total displacement in 10s
1 1 1
= ´ 6 ´ 20 - ´ 2 ´ 20 + ´ 2 ´ 10 = 50 m
2 2 2
Example 19.
t Two trains, which are moving along different tracks in
(iv) When acceleration is decreasing and is negative opposite directions, are put on the same track due to a
mistake. Their drivers, on noticing the mistake, start slowing
a a de down the trains when the trains are 300 m apart. Graphs
cr e given below show their velocities as function of time as the
trains slow down, The separation, between the trains when

both have stopped, is

V(m/s) V(m/s)

t 40
(v) When initial acceleration is zero and rate of change of 20 8
acceleration is non-uniform t (s) t (s)
Train I
–20 Train II
(a) 120 m (b) 280 m
(c) 60 m (d) 20 m.
Solution : (d)

(vi) The change in velocity of the particle = area enclosed
by the time-acceleration curve.
Initial distance between trains is 300m. Displacement of 1st
train is calculated by area under v – t.
a 1
Curve of train I = displacement = ´ 10 ´ 40 = 200m
Displacement of train II = ´ 8 ´ (-20) = -80m
\ Distance between the two trains is 20m.
t Example 20.
Example 18. Figure given below shows the variation of velocity of a
The velocity-time graph of a body moving in a straight line particle with time.
is shown in fig. Find the displacement and distance Y
travelled by the body in 10 seconds.
u (m/s)

20 A

D 4

0 t (s)
2 4 6 8 10 X
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Find the following : time(sec)
(i) Displacement during the time intervals
C (a) 0 to 2 sec, (b) 2 to 4 sec. and (c) 4 to 7 sec.
Solution : (ii) Accelerations at –
The area enclosed by velocity-time graph with time axis (a) t = 1 sec, (b) t = 3 sec. and (c) t = 7 sec.
measures the distance travelled in a given time. Displacement (iii) Average acceleration –
covered from 0 to 6 seconds is positive; from 6 to 8 seconds (a) between t = 0 to t = 4 sec.
is negative and from 8 to 10 seconds is positive; whereas (b) between t = 0 to t = 7 sec.
distance covered is always positive. (iv) Average velocity during the motion.
Solution : RELATIVE VELOCITY (In one dimension)
(i) (a) Displacement between t = 0 sec. to t = 2 sec. The velocity of A relative to B is the velocity with which A appears
1 to be moving observer who is moving with the velocity of B
Þ ´ 2 sec ´ 8 m / s = 8m Relative velocity of A w.r.t. B
2 r r r
(b) Between t = 2 sec. to t = 4 sec. v AB = vA - vB
Þ 2 sec ´ 8 m / s = 16m Similarly, relative velocity of B w.r.t. A
(c) Between t = 4 sec. to t = 7 sec. r r r
vBA = vB - vA
1 Case 1: Bodies moving in same direction :
Þ ´ 3 sec ´ 8 m / s = 12m
(ii) Acceleration = slope of v – t curve vA vB
(a) At t = 1 sec, r r r
v AB = vA - vB Þ vAB = vA – vB
8 m / sec
slope = m / sec = 4 m / s 2
2 sec Case 2: Bodies moving in opposite direction :
(b) At t = 3 sec, slope = 0 – +
vA vB
(c) At t = 7 sec,
8 2 r r r
slope = - = -2 m / s
2 v AB = v A - ( -vB ) Þ vAB = vA + vB
3 3 Example 22.
Total change in velocity Two trains, one travelling at 54kmph and the other at
(iii) Average acceleration = 72kmph, are headed towards each other on a level track.
Total change in time
When they are two kilometers apart, both drivers
(a) Between t = 0 to t = 4 sec.,
simultaneously apply their brakes. If their brakes produces
8m/s equal retardation in both the trains at a rate of 0.15 m/s2,
Average acceleration = = 2m / s 2
4 determine whether there is a collision or not.
(b) Between t = 0 to t = 7 sec., Solution :
0 Speed of first train = 54 kmph = 15m/s.
Average acceleration = = 0 Speed of second train = 72kmph = 20 m/s
As both the trains are headed towards each other, relative
Total displacement
(iv) Average velocity = velocity of one train with respect to other is given as
Total time vr=15 + 20 = 35 m/s
8 + 16 + 12 36 1 Both trains are retarded by acceleration of 0.15 m/s2. Relative
= = = 5 m /s retardation ar = 0.15 + 0.15 = 0.3 m/s2.
7 7 7 Now, we assume one train is at rest and other is coming at
Example 21.
The velocity-time graph of a particle moving along a 35m/s retarded by 0.3 m/s2 at a distance of two kilometer.
straight line is shown below. The maximum distance travelled by the moving train while
The acceleration and deceleration are same and it is equal retarding is
to 4 m/s². If the average velocity during the motion is 15 m/ v 2r
s and total time of motion is 20 second then find (35) 2
smax = = = 2041.66m
2a r 2 ´ 0.3
It is more than 2km, which shows that it will hit the second
20 – 2t train.
Example 23.
Two cars started simultaneously towards each other from
t towns A and B which are 480 km apart. It took first car
t 20–t 20 travelling from A to B 8 hours to cover the distance and
(a) the value of t (b) the maximum velocity of the particle second car travelling from B to A 12 hours. Determine
during the journey. (c) the distance travelled with uniform when the car meet after starting and at what distance from
velocity. town A. Assuming that both the cars travelled with constant
Solution : v = 0 + at speed.
Total displacement = (20 - 2t + 20) ´ 4t = 2t (40 - 2t) 480
2 Solution : Velocity of car from A = = 60 km / hour
Total displacement 8
Average velocity =
Total time 480
2t (40 - 2t) velocity of car from B = = 40 km / hour
15 = 12
20 Let the two cars meet at t hour
Solving quadratic equation, 150 = 40t – 2t2 Þ t = 5 sec.
(another solution not acceptable think why!) total distance 480
\ t= = = 4.8 hour
Maximum velocity = 4t = 4 × 5 = 20 m/s relative velocity of meeting 60 + 40
Distance travelled with uniform velocity The distance s = vA × t = 60 × 4.8 = 288 km.
= (20 – 2t) V = (20 – 2 × 5) × 20 = 200 m
1. The study of motion, without consideration of its cause is (a) 1/2 (b) 1 / 3
studied in
(a) statistics (b) kinematics (c) 3 (d) 1/3
(c) mechanics (d) modern physics 12. A person travels along a straight road for the first half time
2. The ratio of the numerical values of the average velocity with a velocity v1 and the second half time with a velocity
and average speed of a body is always: v2. Then the mean velocity v is given by
(a) unity (b) unity or less
v1 + v 2 2 1 1
(c) unity or more (d) less than unity (a) v= (b) = +
3. A particle has moved from one position to another position 2 v v1 v 2
(a) its distance is zero
(b) its displacement is zero (c) v= v1 v 2 (d) v=
(c) neither distance nor displacement is zero v1
(d) average velocity is zero 13. A particle covers half of the circle of radius r. Then the
4. The displacement of a body is zero. The distance covered displacement and distance of the particle are respectively
(a) is zero (a) 2pr, 0 (b) 2r, pr
(b) is not zero pr
(c) may or may not be zero (c) , 2r (d) pr, r
(d) depends upon the acceleration 14. The distance through which a body falls in the nth second
5. Which of the following changes when a particle is moving is h. The distance through which it falls in the next second is
with uniform velocity? g
(a) Speed (b) Velocity (a) h (b) h +
(c) Acceleration (d) Position vector
(c) h – g (d) h + g
6. The slope of the velocity time graph for retarded motion is 15. It is given that t = px2 + qx, where x is displacement and t is
(a) positive (b) negative time. The acceleration of particle at origin is
(c) zero (d) can be +ve, –ve or zero
7. The area of the acceleration-displacement curve of a body 2p 2q 2p 2q
(a) - - 3
(b) (c) 3
gives q 3 p q p3
(a) impulse 16. Figure shows the v-t graph for two particles P and Q. Which
(b) change in momentum per unit mass of the following statements regarding their relative motion
(c) change in KE per unit mass is true ?
(d) total change in energy Their relative velocity is
8. If the displacement of a particle varies with time as V
x = t + 7 , the P
(a) velocity of the particle is inversely proportional to t Q
(b) velocity of the particle is proportional to t
(c) velocity of the particle is proportional to t
(d) the particle moves with a constant acceleration
9. The initial velocity of a particle is u (at t = 0) and the
acceleration a is given by f t.
Which of the following relation is valid? (a) is zero
(a) v = u + f t2 (b) v = u + f t2/2 (b) is non-zero but constant
(c) v = u + f t (d) v = u (c) continuously decreases
10. The displacement x of a particle moving along a straight line (d) continuously increases
at time t is given by 17. A stone is dropped into a well in which the level of water is
x = a 0 + a1 t + a 2 t2 h below the top of the well. If v is velocity of sound, the time
What is the acceleration of the particle T after which the splash is heard is given by
(a) a 1 (b) a 2
æ 2h ö h
(c) 2 a2 (d) 3 a2 (a) T = 2h/v (b) T= ç ÷ +
11. The displacement-time graphs of two particles A and B are è g ø v
straight lines making angles of respectively 30º and 60º with
the time axis. If the velocity of A is vA and that of B is vB, the æ 2h ö h æ h ö 2h
(c) T= ç ÷+ (d) T = çç ÷÷ +
value of vA/vB is è v ø g è 2g ø v
18. A point traversed half of the distance with a velocity v0. a
(c) the particle cannot go beyond x =
The half of remaining part of the distance was covered with b
velocity v1 & second half of remaining part by v2 velocity. (d) the particle will not come back to its starting point at
The mean velocity of the point, averaged over the whole t®¥
time of motion is
22. The displacement of a particle is given by x = t + 1 . Which
v 0 + v1 + v 2 2 v 0 + v1 + v 2
(a) (b) of the following statements about its velocity is true ?
3 3 (a) It is zero
v 0 + .2 v1 + 2 v 2 2 v 0 (v1 + v 2 ) (b) It is constant but not zero
(c) (d)
3 (2v 0 + v1 + v 2 ) (c) It increases with time
19. The acceleration of a particle is increasing linearly with time (d) It decreases with time
t as bt. The particle starts from the origin with an initial 23. Two bodies of masses m1 and m2 fall from heights h1 and h2
velocity v0. The distance travelled by the particle in time t respectively. The ratio of their velocities, when they hit the
will be ground is
1 2 1 3 h1 h1
(a) v 0 t + bt (b) v 0 t + bt (a) (b)
3 3 h2 h2
1 3 1 2
(c) v 0 t + bt (d) v 0 t + bt
6 2 m1h1 h12
20. The deceleration experienced by a moving motorboat after (c) (d)
its engine is cut off, is given by dv/dt = – kv3 where k is
m1h 2 h 22
constant. If v0 is the magnitude of the velocity at cut-off, 24. Two cars A and B are travelling in the same direction with
the magnitude of the velocity at a time t after the cut-off is velocities vA and vB (vA>vB). When the car A is at a distance
v0 d behind the car B the driver of the car A applies brakes
(a) (c) v 0 e - kt producing a uniform retardation a. There will be no collision
(2 v 0 2 kt + 1) when
(c) v 0 / 2 (d) v 0 (v A - v B )2 v 2A - v 2B
(a) d< (b) d<
21. The displacement x of a particle varies with time according 2a 2a
to the relation x = (1 - e - bt ). Then select the false (v A - v B ) 2 v 2 - v 2B
b (c) d> (d) d > A
alternatives. 2a 2a
1 25. A body is thrown upwards and reaches its maximum height.
(a) At t = , the displacement of the particle is nearly
b At that position
2æa ö (a) its acceleration is minimum
ç ÷ (b) its velocity is zero and its acceleration is also zero
(c) its velocity is zero but its acceleration is maximum
(b) the velocity and acceleration of the particle at t = 0 are
(d) its velocity is zero and its acceleration is the acceleration
a and –ab respectively
due to gravity.

1. The position x of a particle varies with time (t) as The initial velocity and acceleration are respectively
x = A t2 – B t3. The acceleration at time t of the particle will be (a) b, – 4 d (b) – b, 2 c
equal to zero. What is the value of t? (c) b, 2 c (d) 2 c, – 4 d
2A A 4. A passenger travels along the straight road for half the
(a) (b)
3B B distance with velocity v1 and the remaining half distance
A with velocity v2. Then average velocity is given by
(c) (d) zero
3B (a) v1 v 2 (b) v2 2/ v1 2
2. The acceleration of a particle, starting from rest, varies with (c) (v1 + v2 )/2 (d) 2v1v2 / (v1 + v2)
time according to the relation 5. A point moves with uniform acceleration and v1, v2 and v3
a = -s w sin w t denote the average velocities in t1, t2 and t3 sec. Which of
The displacement of this particle at a time t will be the following relation is correct?
(a) s sin w t (b) s w cos w t (a) ( v 1 - v 2 ) : ( v 2 - v 3 ) = ( t 1 - t 2 ) : ( t 2 + t 3 )
1 (b) ( v 1 - v 2 ) : ( v 2 - v 3 ) = ( t 1 + t 2 ) : ( t 2 + t 3 )
(c) s w sin w t (d) - (s w 2 sin wt ) t 2
2 (c) ( v1 - v 2 ) : ( v 2 - v 3 ) = ( t1 - t 2 ) : ( t1 - t 3 )
3. The displacement of a particle is given by
y = a + b t + c t2 – d t4 (d) ( v1 - v 2 ) : ( v 2 - v 3 ) = ( t 1 - t 2 ) : ( t 2 - t 3 )
6. A bus starts moving with acceleration 2 m/s2. A cyclist 96 m (b) from rest and moves with uniform acceleration
behind the bus starts simultaneously towards the bus at (c) with an initial velocity and moves with uniform
20 m/s. After what time will he be able to overtake the bus? acceleration
(a) 4 sec (b) 8 sec (d) with an initial velocity and moves with uniform velocity
(c) 12 sec (d) 16 sec 16. A stone thrown upward with a speed u from the top of the
7. When the speed of a car is v, the minimum distance over tower reaches the ground with a velocity 3u. The height of
which it can be stopped is s. If the speed becomes n v, what the tower is
will be the minimum distance over which it can be stopped (a) 3u2/g (b) 4u2/g
(c) 6u /g (d) 9u2/g
during same retardation
(a) s/n (b) n s 17. A smooth inclined plane is inclined at an angle q with
(c) s/n 2 (d) n2 s horizontal. A body starts from rest and slides down the
8. The two ends of a train moving with constant acceleration inclined surface.
pass a certain point with velocities u and v. The velocity with
which the middle point of the train passes the same point is
(a) (u + v)/2 (b) (u2 + v2)/2
(c) (u 2 + vu2 ) / 2 (d) u 2 + v2
9. A particle accelerates from rest at a constant rate for some q
time and attains a velocity of 8 m/sec. Afterwards it Then the time taken by it to reach the bottom is
decelerates with the constant rate and comes to rest. If the
total time taken is 4 sec, the distance travelled is æ 2h ö æ 2l ö
(a) çç ÷÷ (b) çç ÷÷
(a) 32 m (b) 16 m è g ø è g ø
(c) 4 m (d) None of the above
10. The velocity of a particle at an instant is 10 m/s. After 5 sec, 1 2h ( 2h )
the velocity of the particle is 20 m/s. Find the velocity at 3 (c) (d) sin q
sin q g g
seconds before from the instant when velocity of a particle
18. A ball is dropped downwards, after 1 sec another ball is
is 10m/s.
dropped downwards from the same point. What is the
(a) 8 m/s (b) 4 m/s
distance between them after 3 sec?
(c) 6 m/s (d) 7 m/s
(a) 25 m (b) 20 m
11. A particle experiences constant acceleration for 20 seconds (c) 50 m (d) 9.8 m
after starting from rest. If it travels a distance s1 in the first 19. Two trains are each 50 m long moving parallel towards each
10 seconds and distance s2 in the next 10 seconds, then other at speeds 10 m/s and 15 m/s respectively. After what
(a) s2 = s1 (b) s2 = 2 s1 time will they pass each other?
(c) s2 = 3 s1 (d) s2 = 4 s1
12. A train of 150 m length is going towards north direction at a 2
(a) 5 sec (b) 4 sec
speed of 10 ms–1. A parrot flies at a speed of 5 ms–1 towards 3
south direction parallel to the railway track. The time taken (c) 2 sec (d) 6 sec
by the parrot to cross the train is equal to 20. A ball is projected vertically upwards with kinetic energy E.
(a) 12 s (b) 8 s The kinetic energy of the ball at the highest point of its
(c) 15 s (d) 10 s flight will be
13. A particle is moving along a straight line path according to (a) E (b) E / 2
the relation (c) E/2 (d) zero
s2 = at2 + 2bt + c 21. A particle is moving in a straight line with initial velocity
s represents the distance travelled in t seconds and a, b, c and uniform acceleration a. If the sum of the distance travelled
are constants. Then the acceleration of the particle varies in tth and (t + 1)th seconds is 100 cm, then its velocity after
as t seconds, in cm/s, is
(a) s – 3 (b) s 3/2 (a) 80 (b) 50
(c) s –2/3 (d) s 2 (c) 20 (d) 30
14. A stone thrown vertically upwards with a speed of 5 m/sec 22. Similar balls are thrown vertically each with a velocity
attains a height H1. Another stone thrown upwards from 20 ms–1, one on the surface of earth and the other on the
the same point with a speed of 10 m/sec attains a height H2. surface of moon. What will be ratio of the maximum heights
The correct relation between H1 and H2 is attained by them? (Acceleration on moon = 1.7 ms–2 approx)
(a) H2 = 4H1 (b) H2 = 3H1 1
(c) H1 =2H2 (d) H1 = H2 (a) 6 (b)
15. A body covers 26, 28, 30, 32 meters in 10th, 11th, 12th and
13th seconds respectively. The body starts 1
(c) (d) None of these
(a) from rest and moves with uniform velocity 5
23. The relative velocity VAB or VBA of two bodies A & B may 32. A particle travels half the distance with a velocity of 6 m s -1 .
(1) greater than velocity of body A The remaining half distance is covered with a velocity of 4
(2) greater than velocity of body B m s -1 for half the time and with a velocity of 8 m s -1 for the
(3) less than the velocity of body A rest of the half time. What is the velocity of the particle
(4) less than the velocity of body B averaged over the whole time of motion ?
(a) (1) and (2) only (b) (3) and (4) only
(a) 9 ms–1 (b) 6 ms–1
(c) (1), (2) and (3) only (d) (1), (2), (3) and (4) –1
24. A stone is thrown vertically upwards. When the particle is (c) 5.35 ms (d) 5 ms–1
at a height half of its maximum height, its speed is 10m/sec, 33. A ball released from a height falls 5 m in one second. In 4
then maximum height attained by particle is (g = 10m/sec2) seconds it falls through
(a) 8 m (b) 10 m (a) 20 m (b) 1.25 m
(c) 15 m (d) 20 m (c) 40 m (d) 80 m
25. From a 10m high building a stone ‘A’ is dropped & 34. A food packet is released from a helicopter rising steadily at
simultaneously another stone ‘B’ is thrown horizontally with the speed of 2 m/sec. After 2 seconds the velocity of the
an initial speed of 5 m/sec–1. Which one of the following packet is
statements is true?
(g = 10 m/sec2)
(a) It is not possible to calculate which one of two stones
(a) 22 m/sec (b) 20 m/sec
will reach ground first
(b) Both stones ‘A’ & ‘B’ will reach the ground (c) 18 m/sec (d) none of these
simultaneously. 35. The displacement x of a particle along a straight line at time
(c) ‘A’ stones reach the ground earlier than ‘B’ a1t a
(d) ‘B’ stones reach the ground earlier than ‘A’ t is given by : x = a0 + + 2 t2. The acceleration of the
2 3
26. An automobile travelling with a speed of 60 km/h, can apply
brake to stop within a distance of 20m. If the car is going particle is
twice as fast i.e., 120 km/h, the stopping distance will be a2 2a 2 a1 a
(a) 60 m (b) 40 m (a) (b) (c) (d) a0 + 2
3 3 2 3
(c) 20 m (d) 80 m
27. The motion of a particle is described by the equation u = at. 36. A rubber ball is dropped from a height of 5 metre on a plane
The distance travelled by particle in first 4 sec is where the acceleration due to gravity is same as that onto
(a) 4a (b) 12a the surface of the earth. On bouncing, it rises to a height of
(c) 6a (d) 8a 1.8 m. On bouncing, the ball loses its velocity by a factor of
28. If you were to throw a ball vertically upward with an initial 2 16
velocity of 50 m/s, approximately how long would it take for (a) (b) 9 (c) (d)
5 25 5 25
the ball to return to your hand? Assume air resistance is
37. –1
A boy moving with a velocity of 20 km h along a straight
(a) 2.5 s (b) 5.0 s line joining two stationary objects. According to him both
(c) 7.5 s (d) 10 s objects
29. A body travels 2 m in the first two second and 2.20 m in the (a) move in the same direction with the same speed of
next 4 second with uniform deceleration. The velocity of the 20 km h–1
body at the end of 9 second is (b) move in different direction with the same speed of
(a) – 10 m s -1 (b) – 0.20 m s -1 20 km h–1
(c) move towards him
(c) – 0.40 m s -1 (d) – 0.80 m s -1
(d) remain stationary
30. From a 200 m high tower, one ball is thrown upwards with
38. A man leaves his house for a cycle ride. He comes back to
speed of 10 m s -1 and another is thrown vertically his house after half-an-hour after covering a distance of
downwards at the same speeds simultaneously. The time one km. What is his average velocity for the ride ?
difference of their reaching the ground will be nearest to (a) zero (b) 2 km h–1
(a) 12 s (b) 6 s
(c) 2 s (d) 1 s (c) 10 km s–1 (d) km s -1
31. A rocket is fired upward from the earth’s surface such that it 2
39. A car travels from A to B at a speed of 20 km h–1 and returns
creates an acceleration of 19.6 m s - 2 . If after 5 s, its engine
is switched off, the maximum height of the rocket from earth’s at a speed of 30 km h –1. The average speed of the car for the
surface would be whole journey is
(a) 980 m (b) 735 m (a) 5 km h–1 (b) 24 km h–1
(c) 25 km h –1 (d) 50 km h–1
(c) 490 m (d) 245 m
40. A body dropped from a height ‘h’ with an initial speed zero, (b) increases
strikes the ground with a velocity 3 km/hour. Another body (c) increases then decreases
of same mass dropped from the same height ‘h’ with an (d) decreases then increases
initial speed u' = 4 km/hour. Find the final velocity of second 48. The displacement x of a particle varies with time t as
mass, with which it strikes the ground x = ae-at + bebt, where a, b, a and b are positive constants.
(a) 3 km/hr (b) 4 km/hr The velocity of the particle will
(c) 5 km/hr (d) 6 km/hr (a) be independent of a and b
41. An electron starting from rest has a velocity that increases (b) drop to zero when a = b
linearly with time i.e. v = kt where k = 2 m s . The distance (c) go on decreasing with time
(d) go on increasing with time
covered in the first 3 second is
49. Which one of the following equations represents the motion
(a) 9 m (b) 16 m
of a body with finite constant acceleration ? In these
(c) 27 m (d) 36 m
equations, y denotes the displacement of the body at time t
42. A body released from the top of a tower falls through half and a, b and c are constants of motion.
the height of the tower in 2 s. In what time shall the body fall
through the height of the tower ? (a) y = at y = at + bt 2
(a) 4 s (b) 3.26 s a
(c) y = at + bt 2 + ct 3 (d) y = + bt
(c) 3.48 s (d) 2.828 s t
43. The displacement x of a particle at the instant when its 50. The dependence of velocity of a body with time is given by
velocity is v is given by v = 3x + 16 . Its acceleration and the equation v = 20 + 0.1t 2 . The body is in
initial velocity are (a) uniform retardation
(a) 1.5 units, 4 units (b) 3 units, 4 units (b) uniform acceleration
(b) 16 units, 1.6 units (d) 16 units, 3 units (c) non-uniform acceleration
44. Let A, B, C, D be points on a vertical line such that (d) zero acceleration.
AB = BC = CD. If a body is released from position A, the 51. Two stones are thrown from the top of a tower, one straight
times of descent through AB, BC and CD are in the ratio. down with an initial speed u and the second straight up
with the same speed u. When the two stones hit the ground,
(a) 1 : 3 - 2 : 3 + 2 (b) 1 : 2 - 1 : 3 - 2 they will have speeds in the ratio
(a) 2 : 3 (b) 2 : 1
(c) 1 : 2 -1 : 3 (d) 1 : 2 : 3 - 1
(c) 1 : 2 (d) 1 : 1
45. A body moves in a straight line along Y-axis. Its distance y 52. A graph of acceleration versus time of a particle starting
(in metre) from the origin is given by y = 8t – 3t2. The average from rest at t = 0 is as shown in Fig. The speed of the particle
speed in the time interval from t = 0 second to t = 1 second at t = 14 second is
(a) – 4 ms–1 (b) zero 4
(c) 5 ms–1 (d) 6 ms–1
46. The acceleration due to gravity on planet A is nine times the 2
a (in ms-2 )

acceleration due to gravity on planet B. A man jumps to a 0

2 4 6 8 10 14 t (in sec .)
height 2m on the surface of A. What is height of jump by -2
same person on planet B?
(a) 2/3 m (b) 2/9 m -4
(c) 18 m (d) 6 m (a) 2 ms–1 (b) 34 ms–1
47. In the given figure the distance PQ is constant. SQ is a (c) 20 ms–1 (d) 42 ms–1
vertical line passing through point R. A particle is kept at R
53. In the displacement d versus time t graph given below,
and the plane PR is such that angle q can be varied such the value of average velocity in the time interval 0 to 20 s is
that R lies on line SQ. The time taken by particle to come (in m/s)
down varies, as the q increases

S 50

R 20
q 0
0 10 20 30 t / s
(a) 1.5 (b) 4
(a) decreases continuously (c) 1 (d) 2
54. Figure shows the position of a particle moving along the 61. For the velocity time graph shown in the figure below the
X-axis as a function of time. distance covered by the body in the last two seconds of its
x (m) motion is what fraction of the total distance travelled by it in
all the seven seconds?
10 8 B C
­ 6
2 4 6 t(s) ms 4
Which of the following is correct? velocity 2
(a) The particle has come to the rest 6 times 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(b) The maximum speed is at t = 6 s.
(c) The velocity remains positive for t = 0 to t = 6 s. 1 1 2 1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(d) The average velocity for the total period shown is 2 4 3 3
negative. 62. Which of the following graph cannot possibly represent
55. A steel ball is bouncing up and down on a steel plate with a one dimensional motion of a particle?
period of oscillation of 1 second. If g = 10 ms–2, then it x x
bounces up to a height of
(a) 5 m (b) 10 m
(c) 2.5 m (d) 1.25 m (a) t (b)
56. A body starts from rest and travels a distance x with uniform t
acceleration, then it travels a distance 2x with uniform speed,
finally it travels a distance 3x with uniform retardation and
comes to rest. If the complete motion of the particle is along speed
a straight line, then the ratio of its average velocity to
maximum velocity is
(a) 2/5 (b) 3/5
(c) (d) All of the above
(c) 4/5 (d) 6/7 t
57. When two bodies move uniformly towards each other, the
distance decreases by 6 ms–1. If both bodies move in the
same directions with the same speeds (as above), the 63. The distance time graph of a particle at time t makes angles
distance between them increases by 4 ms–1. Then the speeds 45° with the time axis. After one second, it makes angle 60°
of the two bodies are with the time axis. What is the acceleration of the particle?
(a) 3 ms–1 and 3 ms–1 (b) 4 ms–1 and 2 ms–1
–1 –1 (a) 3 - 1 (b) 3 + 1 (c) 3 (d) 1
(c) 5 ms and 1 ms (d) 7 ms–1 and 3 ms–1
58. A ball is thrown vertically upward with a velocity ‘u’ from 64. Two particles A and B are connected by a rigid rod AB. The
the balloon descending with velocity v. The ball will pass rod slides along perpendicular rails as shown here. The
by the balloon after time velocity of A to the left is 10 m/s. What is the velocity of B
u+v when angle a = 60°?
(a) u - v (b)
2g 2g B
2(u - v) 2( u + v )
(c) (d)
g g
59. Two bodies begin a free fall from the same height at a time
interval of N s. If vertical separation between the two bodies a A
is 1 after n second from the start of the first body, then n is (a) 9.8 m/s (b) 10 m/s (c) 5.8 m/s (d) 17.3 m/s
equal to
65. A balloon starts rising from the ground with an acceleration
(a) (b)
1 of 1.25 ms–2. After 8 s, a stone is released from the balloon.
gN The stone will (Taking g = 10 m s–2)
(a) begin to move down after being released
1 N 1 N
(c) + (d) - (b) reach the ground in 4 s
gN 2 gN 4
(c) cover a distance of 40 m in reaching the ground
60. A particle starting from rest falls from a certain height.
(d) will have a displacement of 50 m.
Assuming that the acceleration due to gravity remain the
same throughout the motion, its displacements in three 66. A point initially at rest moves along x-axis. Its acceleration
successive half second intervals are S1, S2 and S3 then varies with time as a = (6t + 5)m / s 2 . If it starts from origin,
(a) S1 : S2 : S3 = 1 : 5 : 9 (b) S1 : S2 : S3 = 1 : 3 : 5 the distance covered in 2 s is
(c) S1 : S2 : S3 = 9 : 2 : 3 (d) S1 : S2 : S3 = 1 : 1 : 1 (a) 20 m (b) 18 m (c) 16 m (d) 25 m
67. The relation between time t and distance x is t = ax 2 + b x 76. A stone falls freely under gravity. It covers distances h 1, h2
where a and b are constants. The retardation is and h 3 in the first 5 seconds, the next 5 seconds and the next
5 seconds respectively. The relation between h 1, h2 and h3
(a) 2av3 (b) 2b v3 (c) 2ab v 3 (d) 2b 2 v3 is
68. A stone is just released from the window of a train moving h h
along a horizontal straight track. The stone will hit the ground (a) h1 = 2 = 3 (b) h2 = 3h 1 and h3 = 3h2
3 5
following a (c) h1 = h2 = h3 (d) h1 = 2h 2 = 3h 3
(a) straight line path (b) circular path 77. A ball is released from the top of a tower of height h meters.
(c) parabolic path (d) hyperbolic path It takes T seconds to reach the ground. What is the position
69. A parachutist after bailing out falls 50 m without friction. T
When parachute opens, it decelerates at 2 m/s2 . He reaches of the ball at second
the ground with a speed of 3 m/s. At what height, did he bail
out ? 8h
(a) meters from the ground
(a) 182 m (b) 91 m 9
(c) 111 m (d) 293 m 7h
(b) meters from the ground
70. A car accelerates from rest at a constant rate a for some time 9
after which it decelerates at a constant rate b to come to h
rest. If the total time elapsed is t, the maximum velocity (c) meters from the ground
acquired by the car is given by
17 h
(d) meters from the ground
æ a2 + b2 ö æ a2 - b2 ö 78. The motion of particle is described by the equation x = a +
ç ÷t ç ÷
(a) ç ab ÷ (b) ç a b ÷ t bt2, where a = 15 cm and b = 3 cm/sec2. Its instant velocity at
è ø è ø time 3 sec will be
(a) 36 cm/sec (b) 9 cm/sec
æ a +b ö æ ab ö
çç ÷÷ t çç ÷÷ t (c) 4.5 cm/sec (d) 18 cm/sec
(c) (d)
è ab ø è a +b ø 79. Which one of the following equation represents the motion
71. A car moving with a speed of 40 km/hour can be stopped by of a body moving with constant finite acceleration? In these
applying brakes after at least 2m. If the same car is moving equation, y denotes the displacement in time t and p, q and
with a speed of 80km/hour, what is the minimum stopping r are constant:
distance. (a) y = (p + qt )(t + pt)
(a) 8 m (b) 6 m (b) y = p + t/r
(c) 4 m (d) 2 m (c) y = (p + t) (q + t ) (r + t)
72. A man throws balls with same speed vertically upwards one (p + qt)
(d) y =
after the other at an interval of 2 sec. What should be the rt
speed of throw so that more than two balls are in air at any 80. A ball is thrown up with velocity 19.6 m/s. The maximum
time height attained by the ball is
(a) only with speed 19.6 m/s (a) 29.2 m (b) 9.8 m
(b) more than 19.6 m/s (c) 19.6 m (d) 15.8 m
(c) at least 9.8 m/s 81. A train A which is 120 m long is running with velocity 20 m/
(d) any speed less then 19.6 m/s. s while train B which is 130 m long is running in opposite
73. A ball is dropped from a high rise platform at t = 0 starting direction with velocity 30 m/s. What is the time taken by
from rest. After 6 seconds another ball is thrown downwards train B to cross the train A ?
from the same platform with a speed v. The two balls meet at (a) 5 sec (b) 25 sec
t = 18s. What is the value of v? (c) 10 sec (d) 100 sec
(take g = 10 m/s2) 82. A car travelling at a speed of 30 km h–1 is brought to a halt in
(a) 75 m/s (b) 55 m/s 8 m by applying brakes. If the same car is travelling at 60 km
(c) 40 m/s (d) 60 m/s h–1, it can be brought to a halt with the same braking power
74. A particle moves a distance x in time t according to equation in
x = (t + 5)–1. The acceleration of particle is proportional to (a) 32 m (b) 24 m
(c) 16 m (d) 8 cm
(a) (velocity) 3/2 (b) (distance)2 83. Velocity time curve for a body projected vertically upwards
(c) (distance)–2 (d) (velocity)2/3 is
r r (a) parabola (b) ellipse
75. A particle has initial velocity (2i + 3 j ) and acceleration
r r (c) hyperbola (d) straight line
(0.3i + 0.2 j ) . The magnitude of velocity after 10 seconds 84. A train is moving towards east and a car is along north, both
will be with same speed. The observed direction of car to the
(a) 9 2 units (b) 5 2 units passenger in the train is
(a) east-north direction (b) west-north direction
(c) 5 units (d) 9 units
(c) south-east direction (d) None of the above
85. A metro train starts from rest and in 5 s achieves 108 km/h. 94. The displacement time graph of a moving particle is shown
After that it moves with constant velocity and comes to rest below
after travelling 45 m with uniform retardation. If total distance S
travelled is 395 m, find total time of travelling.

(a) 12.2 s (b) 15.3 s
(c) 9 s (d) 17.2 s
86. A particle moves along a straight line OX. At a time t (in C E F
second) the distance x (in metre) of the particle from O is
given by x = 40 + 12t – t3. How long would the particle travel Time
The instantaneous velocity of the particle is negative at the
before coming to rest?
(a) 24 m (b) 40 m
(a) D (b) F
(c) 56 m (d) 16 m
(c) C (d) E
87. The displacement of particle is given by
95. A particle moves along a straight line such that its
a t a t2 displacement at any time t is given by
x = a0 + 1 - 2 . What is its acceleration?
2 3 s = (t3 – 6t2 + 3t + 4) metres
2a2 2a The velocity when the acceleration is zero is
(a) (b) - 2 (a) 3 ms–1 (b) – 12 ms –1
3 3
(c) a 2 (d) zero (c) 42 ms–2 (d) – 9 ms–1
96. A body starts from rest, what is the ratio of the distance
88. Figure here gives the speed-time graph for a body. The
travelled by the body during the 4th and 3rd seconds ?
displacement travelled between t = 1.0 second and t = 7.0
second is nearest to 7 5
(a) (b)
5 7
4 7 3
8 (c) (d)
v (in ms -1 )

0 6 3 7
2 4 t
( in sec .) 97. Which of the following curve does not represent motion in
-4 one dimension?
v v
(a) 1.5 m (b) 2 m
(c) 3 m (d) 4 m
89. A boat takes 2 hours to travel 8 km and back in still water (a) (b)
lake. With water velocity of 4 km h –1, the time taken for t t
going upstream of 8 km and coming back is v
(a) 160 minutes (b) 80 minutes
(c) 100 minutes (d) 120 minutes
90. A lift in which a man is standing, is moving upwards with a (c) (d)
speed of 10 ms–1. The man drops a coin from a height of 4.9 t t
metre and if g = 9.8 ms–2, then the coin reaches the floor of
the lift after a time DIRECTIONS for Qs. (98 to 100) : Each question contains
STATEMENT-1 and STATEMENT-2. Choose the correct answer
(a) 2 s (b) 1 s (ONLY ONE option is correct ) from the following.
1 1 (a) Statement -1 is false, Statement-2 is true
(c) (d)
2 2 (b) Statement -1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement -2 is a
correct explanation for Statement-1
91. If a ball is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of (c) Statement -1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement -2 is not
40m/s, then velocity of the ball after two seconds is :
a correct explanation for Statement-1
(g = 10 m/sec2) (d) Statement -1 is true, Statement-2 is false
(a) 15 m/s (b) 20 m/s 98. Statement 1 : Velocity-time graph for an object in
(c) 25 m/s (d) 28 m/s
uniform motion along a straight path is a straight
92. If a car at rest accelerates uniformly to a speed of 144 km/h line parallel to the time axis.
in 20 sec., it covers a distance of Statement 2 : In uniform motion of an object velocity
(a) 20 cm (b) 400 m
increases as the square of time elapsed.
(c) 1440 cm (d) 2980 cm 99. Statement 1 : A positive acceleration can be associated with
93. The water drops fall at regular intervals from a tap 5 m above a ‘slowing down’ of the body.
the ground. The third drop is leaving the tap at an instant
Statement 2 : The origin and the positive direction of an
when the first drop touches the ground. How far above the axis are a matter of choice.
ground is the second drop at that instant ? 100. Statement 1 :In a free fall, weight of a body becomes
(Take g = 10 m/s2)
effectively zero.
(a) 1.25 m (b) 2.50 m Statement 2 : Acceleration due to gravity acting on a body
(c) 3.75 m (d) 5.00 m having free fall is zero.
Exemplar Questions t1t2
t1 + t2
(a) (b)
1. Among the four graph shown in the figure there is only one 2 t2 - t1
graph for which average velocity over the time interval (O,
T) can vanish for a suitably chosen T. Which one is it? t1t2
(c) t2 + t1
(d) t1 – t2
x x
NEET/AIPMT (2013-2017) Questions
(a) t (b) 7. A stone falls freely under gravity. It covers distances h 1, h2
and h3 in the first 5 seconds, the next 5 seconds and the
t next 5 seconds respectively. The relation between h 1, h2
and h3 is [2013]
x x
h2 h
(a) h1 = = 3 (b) h2 = 3h 1 and h3 = 3h2
3 5
(c) (d)
(c) h1 = h2 = h3 (d) h1 = 2h 2 = 3h 3
t t 8. The displacement ‘x’ (in meter) of a particle of mass ‘m’ (in
2. A lift is coming from 8th floor and is just about to reach 4th kg) moving in one dimension under the action of a force, is
floor. Taking ground floor as origin and positive direction related to time ‘t’ (in sec) by t = x + 3 . The displacement
upwards for all quantities, which one of the following is of the particle when its velocity is zero, will be
correct? [NEET Kar. 2013]
(a) x < 0, v < 0, a > 0 (b) x > 0, v < 0, a < 0 (a) 2 m (b) 4 m
(c) x > 0, v < 0, a > 0 (d) x > 0, v > 0, a < 0 (c) zero (d) 6 m
3. In one dimensional motion, instantaneous speed v satisfies 9. A particle of unit mass undergoes one-dimensional motion
0 £ v < v0 . such that its velocity varies according to v(x) = bx–2n
(a) The displacement in time T must always take non- where b and n are constants and x is the position of the
negative values particle. The acceleration of the particle as d function of x, is
given by: [2015]
(b) The displacement x in time T satisfies – v0T < x < v0T (a) –2nb x 2 –4n–1 (b) –2b x2 –2n+1

(c) The acceleration is always a non-negative number (c) –2nb2 e–4n+1 (d) –2nb2x–2n–1
(d) The motion has no turning points 10. If the velocity of a particle is v = At + Bt 2, where A and B are
4. A vehicle travels half the distance l with speed v1 and the constants, then the distance travelled by it between 1s and
other half with speed v2, then its average speed is 2s is : [2016]
v1 + v2 2v1 + v2 (a) A + 4B (b) 3A + 7B
(a) (b) 2
2 v1 + v2
3 7 A B
(c) A+ B (d) +
2v1v2 L(v1 + v2 ) 2 3 2 3
(c) (d)
v1 + v2 v1v2 11. Preeti reached the metro station and found that the escalator
was not working. She walked up the stationary escalator in
5. The displacement of a particle is given by x = (t – 2)2 where
time t1. On other days, if she remains stationary on the
x is in metre and t in second. The distance covered by the moving escalator, then the escalator takes her up in time t2.
particle in first 4 seconds is The time taken by her to walk up on the moving escalator
(a) 4 m (b) 8 m will be: [2017]
(c) 12 m (d) 16 m t1t 2 t1t 2
6. At a metro station, a girl walks up a stationary escalator in (a) (b)
t 2 - t1 t 2 + t1
time t1. If she remains stationary on the escalator, then the
escalator take her up in time t2. The time taken by her to t1 + t 2
(c) t1 – t2 (d)
walk up on the moving escalator will be 2
Hints & Solutions
Also, h = (2n - 1) ......(ii)
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (c) 2
5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (c) From (i) and (ii)
y= h + g
8. (b) x = ( t + 7) or x = ( t + 7) 2
15. (a) Differentiate two times and put x = 0.
dx 16. (d) The difference in velocities is increasing with time as
= 2 ( t + 7 ), \ velocity µ time both of them have more constant but different
dv 17. (b) Time taken by the stone to reach the water level
9. (b) a = f t, a = = f t at t = 0, velocity = u
dt 2h
t1 =
v t g
t2 t2
ò dv = ò f t dt , v – u = f 2
Þ v = u+ f
2 Time taken by sound to come to the mouth of the well,
u 0
NOTE : Do not use v = u + at directly because the t2 =
acceleration is not constant.
dv 2h h
dx \ a= = 2a2 \ Total time t1 + t 2 = +
10. (c) v= = a1 + 2 a 2 t g v
dt dt
18. (d) Let the total distance be d. Then for first half distance,
11. (d) v A = tan 30º and v B = tan 60º
v tan 30º 1/ 3 1 time = , next distance. = v1t and last half distance
\ A = = = 2v 0
vB tan 60º 3 3 = v2t
12. (a) Let for the first half time t, the person travels a distance d
d t=
\ v1t + v 2 t =;
s1. Hence v1 =
s1 2 2(v1 + v2 )
or s1 = v1 t
t Now average speed
For second half time, v 2 = or s2 = v 2 t d
t t=
d d d
Total displacement s1 + s 2 + +
Now, v = = 2 v 0 2( v1 + v 2 ) 2( v1 + v 2 )
Total time 2t
2v0 (v1 + v2 )
v t + v 2 t v1 + v2 =
= 1 = (v1 + v 2 ) + 2v0
2t 2
13. (b) When a particle cover half of circle of radius r, then 19. (c) a = bt or = bt . Integrating, we get
displacement is AB = 2r dt
& distance = half of circumference of circle = pr bt 2
v= + c , where c is a constant of integration.
B At t = 0, v = v0. Thus v0 = c.
pr ds bt 2 æ bt 2 ö
Now, v = = + v o \ ds = çç + v o ÷dt
r dt 2 è 2 ø
A bt
Integrating we get, s = + vot
1 1 dv
14. (d) y= g (n + 1) 2 - gn 2 20. (a)
= - kv 3 or 3 = - k dt
2 2 dt v
g g 1
= [(n + 1) 2 - n 2 ] = (2n + 1) ......(i) Integrating we get, - = - kt + c ...(1)
2 2 2v 2
At t = 0, v = v0 \ - =c
1. (c) Given that x = A t2 – B t3
Putting in (1)
1 1 1 1 \ velocity = = 2 A t - 3B t 2
- = - kt - or - = - kt dt
2v2 2v02 2v20 2v2
d æ dx ö
and acceleration = ç ÷ = 2 A - 6 Bt
dt è dt ø
é 1 ù
[ ]
1 2
or ê + kt ú = or 1 + 2v 02 kt = v 0 For acceleration to be zero 2A – 6Bt = 0.
êë 2 v 02 úû 2 v 2 v2 2A A
\ t= =
6 B 3B
v 20 v0
or v 2 = or v = d 2x
1 + 2 v 20 kt 1 + 2v 02 kt 2. (a) a= = -s w2 sin wt
1 w
a - b´ a a 1 On integrating, dx = s w 2 cos t = s w cos w t
21. (d) x= (1 - e b )= (1 - e -1 ) = (1 - ) dt w
b b b e
Again on integrating, we get
a (e - 1) a ( 2 .718 - 1) a (1 .718 ) a 2
= = = = 0 .637 ~
- a/b sin w t
b e b 2 .718 b 2 .718 b 3 x = sw = s sin w t
velocity v = = ae - bt , v0 = a 3. (c) v=
= b + 2 c t - 4 d t3
dt dt
dv v0 = b + 2c(0) - 4d (0)3 = b
accleration a = = - abe - bt & a 0 = - ab
(Q for initial velocity, t = 0)
a dv
At t = 0, x = (1 - 1) = 0 and Now a = = 2 c - 12 d t 2
b dt
1 a a 1 2 \ a 0 = 2c - 12d (0) 2 = 2c , (at t = 0)
At t = , x = (1 - e -1 ) = (1 - ) = a / b
b b b e 3
a x x
At t = ¥, x = +
b 2 2 = 1 2 v1 v2
4. (d) =
a x x æ v 2 + v1 ö v1 + v2
It cannot go beyond this, so point x > is not reached +
b 2 v1 2 v 2 çè 2 v1 v 2 ÷ø
by the particle.
a 5. (b) Let u be the initial velocity
At t = 0, x = 0, at t = ¥, x = , therefore the particle
b \ v1¢ = u + a t1, v2¢ = u + a (t1 + t 2 )
does not come back to its starting point at t = ¥ .
and v3¢ = u + a (t1 + t 2 + t 3 )
22. (c) x = t 2 + 2t + 1
dx u + v1¢ u + (u + a t1 ) 1
Now v1 = = = u + a t1
Hence v = = 2t + 2 . It increases with time. 2 2 2
v ¢ + v2¢ 1
23. (b) When a body falls through a height h, it acquires a v2 = 1 = u + a t1 + a t 2
2 2
velocity 2gh . v2¢ + v3¢ 1
v3 = = u + a t1 + a t 2 + a t 3
24. (c) Initial relative velocity vA – vB, is reduced to 0 in 2 2
distance d¢ (<d) with retardation a. 1
So, v1 - v 2 = - a (t1 + t 2 )
\ 0 2 - ( v A - v B ) 2 = -2 ad ¢ 2
(v - v B ) 2 (v - v B ) 2 and v 2 - v3 = - a (t 2 + t 3 )
d¢ = A \ d> A 2
2a 2a
\ (v1 - v 2 ) :(v 2 - v3 ) = (t1 + t 2 ) : (t 2 + t 3 )
25. (d)
6. (b) Let after a time t, the cyclist overtake the bus. Then 12. (d) So by figure the velocity of parrot
1 w.r. t. train is = 5–(–10) = 15m/sec
96 + ´ 2 ´ t 2 = 20 ´ t or t2 – 20 t + 96 = 0 so time taken to cross the train is
length of train 150
20 ± 400 - 4 ´ 96 = = = 10 sec
\t = relative velocity 15
2 ´1
20 ± 4 North
= = 8 sec . and 12 sec .
7. (d) v2 = u2 + 2 a s or v2 – u2 = 2 a s train
Maximum retardation, a = v2/2 s 10m/sec
West East
When the initial velocity is n v, then the distance over parrot
which it can be stopped is given by 5m/sec
u 2 (n v) 2
sn = 0 = = n2 s South
2 a 2 (v 2 / 2s)
8. (c) Let the length of train is s, then by third equation of ds
13. (a) s2 = at2 + 2bt + c \ 2 s = 2 at + 2 b
motion, v 2 = u 2 + 2a ´ s ....(1) dt
Where v is final velocity after travelling a distance s
ds at + b
with an acceleration a & u is initial velocity as per or = , again differentiating
question dt s
æ at + b ö
Let velocity of middle point of train at same point is v', as - (at + b ) ç ÷
d 2 s a . s - ( at + b ) ds è s ø
then = . =
dt 2 s2 dt s2
( v¢) 2 = u 2 + 2a ´ (s / 2) ....(2) 2 2
d s as - ( at + b ) 2
\ 2 =
dt s3
v2 + u2
By equations (1) and (2), we get v¢ =
2 d 2s
9. (b) 8 = a t1 and 0 = 8 – a (4 – t1) \a = 2
¥ s -3 .
8 æ 8ö
or t 1 = \ 8 = a ç4 - ÷ 14. (a) From third equation of motion v 2 = u 2 + 2ah
a è aø
8 = 4 a – 8 or a = 4 and t1 = 8/4 = 2 sec In first case initial velocity u1 = 5 m/sec
final velocity v1 = 0, a = – g
Now, s1 = 0 ´ 2 + ´ 4 ( 2) 2 or s1 = 8 m 25
2 and max. height obtained is H1, then, H1 =
1 2g
s2 = 8 ´ 2 - ´ 4 ´ ( 2) 2 or s 2 = 8 m
2 In second case u2 = 10 m/sec, v2 = 0, a = –g
\ s1 + s 2 = 16 m
10. (b) u = 10 m/s, t = 5 sec, v = 20 m/s, a = ? and max. height is H2 then, H 2 = .
20 - 10
a= = 2 ms -2 It implies that H2 = 4H1
15. (c) The distance covered in n th second is
From the formula v1 = u1 + a t, we have
10 = u1 + 2 × 3 or u1 = 4 m/sec. S n = u + ( 2 n - 1)a
11. (c) Let a be the constant acceleration of the particle. Then 2
where u is initial velocity & a is acceleration
1 1
s = u t + a t 2 or s1 = 0 + ´ a ´ (10 ) 2 = 50 a 19 a
2 2 then 26 = u + ....(1)
é 1 2ù
and s 2 = ê0 + a(20) ú - 50a = 150a 21a
ë 2 û 28 = u + ....(2)
\ s 2 = 3s1
Alternatively : 23 a
30 = u + ....(3)
Let a be constant acceleration and 2
1 1 25 a
s = ut + at 2 , then s1 = 0 + ´ a ´ 100 = 50a 32 = u + ....(4)
2 2 2
Velocity after 10 sec. is v = 0 + 10a From eqs. (1) and (2) we get u = 7m/sec, a=2m/sec2
1 \ The body starts with initial velocity u =7m/sec
So, s 2 = 10a ´ 10 + a ´ 100 = 150a Þ s 2 = 3s1
2 and moves with uniform acceleration a = 2m/sec2
16. (b) The stone rises up till its vertical velocity is zero and 400
again reached the top of the tower with a speed u So s1 = = 20 m
2 ´ 10
(downward). The speed of the stone at the base is 3u.
For second case (at moon) u2 =20m/sec, v2=0,
– a2 = = 1 . 7 m / sec 2 , s 2 = ?
400 400 s1 1
+ s2 = = so =
2 ´ 1 .7 2 ´ 10 / 6 s2 6
v, g, h 23. (d) All options are correct :
(i) When two bodies A & B move in opposite
4u 2 directions then relative velocity between A & B
Hence (3u)2 = (-u)2 + 2gh or h = either VAB or VBA both are greater than VA & VB.
(ii) When two bodies A & B move in parallel direction
1 2
17. (c) So by second equation of motion, we get S = ut + at then VAB = VA - VB Þ VAB < VA
here S = l, u = 0, a = g sinq VBA = VB - VA Þ VBA < VB
2l 2h 1 2h æ 24. (b) From third equation of motion

t= = = Q sin q = ÷ v2 = u2 – 2gh (Q a = -g)
a g sin 2 q sin q g çè lø
Given, v = 10 m/sec at h/2. But v = 0, when particle
attained maximum height h.
q Therefore (10)2 = u2 – 2gh/2
sin or 100 = 2gh –2gh/2 (Q 0 = u2 – 2gh)
g cosq

h Þ h = 10 m
g 25. (b) Since in both case the height of building and down
q ward acceleration ‘g’ is same. So both stones reach
1 2 1 2
18. (a) S = ut + ½at2 here a = g simultaneously i.e., S = gt Þ 10 = 10 ´ t
2 2
For first body u1 =0 Þ S1=½g × 9
For second body u2=0 Þ S2= ½g × 4 or t = 2 sec, for both stone.
So difference between them after 3 sec. = S1 – S2 5 50
26. (d) Speed v1 = 60 ´ m/s = m/s
= ½ g×5 18 3
If g = 10m/sec2 then S1–S2 = 25 m. 5 100
19. (b) Relative speed of each train with respect to each other d 1 = 20m, v'1 = 120 ´ = m/s
18 3
be, n = 10 + 15 = 25 m/s Let dceleration be a
Here distance covered by each train = sum of their
lengths = 50 + 50 = 100 m \ 0 = v12 - 2ad1 ....(1)

100 or v12 = 2ad1

\ Required time = = 4 sec .
(2v1 )2 = 2ad 2 ...(2)
20. (d) At highest point of the trajectory velocity becomes
zero and all kinetic energy changes to potential energy (2) divided by (1) gives,
so at highest point, K.E. = 0 d2
21. (b) The distance travel in n th second is 4= Þ d 2 = 4 ´ 20 = 80 m
Sn = u + ½ (2n–1)a ....(1)
so distance travel in tth & (t+1)th second are 27. (d) Equation of motion is u = at
St = u +½ (2t–1)a ....(2)
St+1= u+½ (2t+1)a ....(3) we know that u = ds Þ ds = at or ds = atdt
dt dt
As per question,
St+St+1 = 100 = 2(u + at) ....(4) integrating it we get, ò0s ds = a ò04 tdt
Now from first equation of motion the velocity, of a
particle after time t, if it moves with an accleration a is s = [ t 2 ]40 = 8a
v=u+at ....(5) 28. (d) The only force acting on the ball is the force of gravity.
where u is initial velocity The ball will ascend until gravity reduces its velocity
So from eq(4) and (5), we get v = 50cm./sec. to zero and then it will descend. Find the time it takes
22. (b) Since v2 = u2 + 2as for the ball to reach its maximum height and then double
For first case u1=20m/sec, v1= 0, a1= g = 10, s1= ? the time to cover the round trip.
Using vat maximum height = v0 + at = v0 – gt, we get:
9.9 - 5.94
0 m/s = 50 m/s – (9.8 m/s2) t Fractional loss = = 0.4
Therefore, 9.9
t = (50 m/s)/(9.8 m/s2) ~ (50 m/s)/ (10 m/s2) ~ 5s r r r
37. (a) Use v AB = v A - v B .
This is the time it takes the ball to reach its maximum
height. The total round trip time is 2t ~ 10s. 38. (a) Since displacement is zero.
29. (b) 2 ´ 20 ´ 30
A B C 39. (b) Average velocity = = 24 km h -1 .
A to B 20 + 30
1 40. (c) From third equation of motion, v2 = u2 + 2as
2 = u ´ 2 + ´ a ´ 2 ´ 2 Þ 1 = u + a, where v & u are final & initial velocity, a is acceleration,
A to C s is distance.
For first case v1= 3km/hour, u1= 0, a1=g & s1=?
4.20 = u ´ 6 + a ´ 6 ´ 6 Þ 0.7 = u + 3a , 9 ´ 100
2 s1 = metre
36 ´ 36 ´ 20
2a = -0.3 or a = -0.15 m s -2 , For second case v2=?, u2=4km/hour ,
a2= g = 10m/sec
u = 1 - a = (1 + 0.15)m s -1 = 1.15m s -1
9 ´ 100
Velocity at t = 9 sec. & s1 = s 2 =
36 ´ 36 ´ 20
v = 1.15 - 0.15 ´ 9 = 1.15 - 1.35 = -0.2 m s -1
16 ´ 1000 ´ 1000 2 ´ 10 ´ 9 ´ 100
30. (c) The ball thrown upward will lose velocity in 1s. It return so v 22 = +
back to thrown point in another 1 s with the same 3600 ´ 3600 20 ´ 36 ´ 36
velocity as second. Thus the difference will be 2 s. or v2 = 5 km/hour
31. (b) Velocity when the engine is switched off ds 1 1
-1 41. (a) = kt Þ s = kt 2 = ´ 2 ´ 3 ´ 3 = 9 m.
v = 19.6 ´ 5 = 98 m s dt 2 2
2 42. (d) For constant acceleration and zero initial velocity
h max = h1 + h 2 where h1 = 1 at 2 & h 2 = v
2 2a h µ t2
1 98 ´ 98
h max = ´ 19.6 ´ 5 ´ 5 +
2 2 ´ 9.8 h1 t12 h2
= Þ t2 = t1 = 2 ´ t1 = 2 ´ 2s
= 245 + 490 = 735 m h 2 t 22 h1
32. (b) Average velocity for the second half of the distance is
v1 + v 2 4 + 8 43. (a) v = 3x + 16 Þ v 2 = 3x + 16
= = = 6 m s -1
2 2 Þ v 2 - 16 = 3x
Given that first half distance is covered with a velocity
Comparing with v 2 - u 2 = 2aS, we get, u = 4 units, 2a
of 6 m s -1 . Therefore, the average velocity for the
= 3 or a = 1.5 units
whole time of motion is 6 m s -1 1 1
44. (b) S = AB = g t 12 Þ 2S = AC = g (t1 + t 2 )2
33. (d) Since S = ut + ½ gt2 2 2
where u is initial velocity & a is acceleration. 1 2
In this case u = 0 & a = g and 3S = AD = g ( t 1 + t 2 + t 3 ) A
so distance travelled in 4 sec is,
S = ½ × 10 × 16 = 80m 2S S
t1 =
34. (c) The food packet has an initial velocity of 2 m/sec in g B
upward direction, therefore
4S 4S 2S 2S S
v = – u + gt or v = –2 + 10 × 2 = 18 m /sec. t1 + t 2 = , t2 = - 3S
35. (b) Differentiated twice. g g g C
36. (c) Downward motion
6S S
v2 - 02 = 2 ´ 9.8 ´ 5 t1 + t 2 + t 3 =
Þ v = 98 = 9.9
Also for upward motion 6S 4S
t3 = -
g g
02 - u 2 = 2 ´ ( -9.8) ´1.8

Þ u = 3528 = 5.94 t1 : t 2 : t 3 : : 1 : ( 2 - 1 ) : ( 3 - 2 )
(8 ´ 1 - 3 ´ 1 ´ 1) - 0 x + 2 x + 3x
45. (c) v= = 5ms -1 56. (b) v av =
1 t1 + t 2 + t 3
46. (c) Since the initial velocity of jump is same on both planets
So 0 = u2– 2gAhA 2x 2x 6x
t1 = , t2 = , t3 =
0 = u2–2gBhB vmax vmax vmax

or g A ´ h A = h B Þ h B = 9 ´ 2 = 18m 6x v max
gB 1 v av =
47. (d) S
vav 3
R =
q o sq vmax 5
in c
gs mg
m 57. (c) Let v A and vB are the velocities of two bodies.
q In first case, v A + vB = 6m/s ........(1)
P Q In second case, v A – vB = 4m/s .........(2)
Let distance (PR) is covered by the particle in time ‘t’.
From (1) & (2) we get, v A = 5 m/s and vB =1 m/s.
1 1
Þ PR = 0 + g sin q . t 2 = gt 2 sin q r
2 2 58. (d) v BB = Relative velocity of ball w.r.t. balloon = u + v
Further PR = (Given PQ = constant) u+v
cos q 0 = -(u + v) + gt of t =
1 2 1
Þ PQ = gt sin q cos q = gt 2 sin 2q 2( u + v)
Total time =
2 4
PQ 1 1 2 1
Þ t=2 \ tµ
59. (c) y1 = gn , y 2 = g ( n - N ) 2
g sin 2q 2 2
sin 2q
So as q increases, sin 2q first increases and then \ y1 - y 2 = g[n 2 - (n - N) 2 ]
decreases. Hence ‘t’ first decreases and then increases. 2
48. (d) Given x = ae–at + bebt Þ 1=
(2n - N)N [Q y1 - y 2 = 1]
dx aa 2
Velocity, v = = –aae–at + bbebt = - at + bbe 1 N
dt e Þ n= +
i.e., go on increasing with time. gN 2
49. (b) y µ t 2 ; v- µ t'; a µ t° 1 æ 1 ö2 1
60. (b) S1 = g ç ÷ , S1 + S2 = g(1)2
50. (c) On differentiating, acceleration = 0.2t Þ a = f ( t ) 2 è2ø 2
51. (d) Use v2 – u2 = 2aS. In both the cases, (u positive or 1 æ3ö
negative) u2 is positive. g ç ÷ = S1 + S2 + S3
2 è2ø
52. (b) Area under a-t graph is change in velocity. By solving we get
1 1 1 S1 : S2 : S3 = 1 : 3 : 5
Area = (4 ´ 4) + 6 ´ 4 + ´ 2 ´ 4 - ´ 2 ´ 2 61. (b) Distance in last two second
2 2 2
= × 10 × 2 = 10 m.
= 36 - 2 = 34 ms-1 2
As initial velocity is zero therefore, the velocity at 14 Total distance = × 10 × (6 + 2) = 40 m.
second is 34 m s -1 . 62. (d) In (a), at the same time particle has two positions which
53. (c) At t = 20s, d = 20 m is not possible. In (b), particle has two velocities at the
same time. In (c), speed is negative which is not
54. (a) At six points in the graph the tangents have zero slope
i.e. velocity is zero. 63. (a) Velocity at time t is tan 45° = 1. Velocity at time (t = 1) is
1 tan 60° = 3 . Acceleration is change in velocity in
55. (d) Time fall is second.
2 one second = 3 - 1 .
2 64. (c) Here, the particle B moves upwards. Let the upward
1 æ 1ö 10 v
h = g ç ÷ = = 1.25 m velocity of B be v then = tan 60°
2 è 2ø 8 10
65. (b) v = 1.25 × 8 ms–1 = 10 ms–1
v v
1 Now t1 + t2 = t or + =t
s = ´ 1.25 ´ 8 ´ 8m = 40m a b
1 2
Now , 40 = -10t + ´ 10 ´ t t æ ab ö
2 \v= =ç ÷ t and
or 5t 2 - 10t - 40 = 0 æ 1 1 ö è a+bø
ç + ÷
èa bø
or t 2 - 2t - 8 = 0 or t = 4 s.
66. (b) Given acceleration a = 6t + 5 v2 v2 v2 æ 1 1 ö
s = s1 + s2 = + = ç + ÷
dv 2 a 2b 2 è a b ø
\a= = 6t + 5 , dv = (6t + 5)dt
dt v t

Integrating it, we have ò

dv = ò
(6t + 5)dt 71. (a) From third equation of motion : v 2 = u 2 + 2as
0 0
v = 3t 2 + 5t + C, where C is constant of integration. 40 ´ 10
for first case u = m / sec ,
When t = 0 , v = 0 so C = 0 36
v =0, a = ?, s = 2 m
\ v = ds = 3t 2 + 5t or ds = (3t 2 + 5t)dt
dt 2
æ 40 ´ 10 ö 1
Integrating it within the conditions of motion, i.e., as t so, a = ç ÷ m / sec 2
changes from 0 to 2 s, s changes from 0 to s, we have è 36 ø 4
s 2
80 ´ 10
ò ò
ds = (3t 2 + 5t)dt for second case u =
m / sec , v = 0,
0 0
2 2 2
3 5 2 æ 80 ´10 ö 1 æ 40 ´ 10 ö
\s=t + t = 8 + 10 = 18m So s 2 = ç ÷ / 2´ ´ç ÷ = 8meter
2 0 è 36 ø 4 è 36 ø
67. (a) t = ax 2 + b x 72. (b) Height attained by balls in 2 sec is
Differentiating w.r.t. time on both sides, we get
dx dx = ´ 9. 8 ´ 4 = 19 . 6 m
1 = 2a .x + b 2
dt dt the same distance will be covered in 2 second (for
dx 1 dv -2av descent)
\v= = ; = = -2av3
dt b + 2ax dt (b + 2ax) 2 Time interval of throwing balls, remaining same. So, for
Negative sign shows retardation. two balls remaining in air, the time of ascent or descent
68. (c) The horizontal velocity of the stone will be the same as must be greater than 2 seconds. Hence speed of balls
that of the train. In this way, the horizontal motion will must be greater than 19.6 m/sec.
be uniform motion. The vertical motion will be controlled 73. (a) Clearly distance moved by 1st ball in 18s = distance
by the force of gravity, i. e., vertical motion is accelerated
moved by 2nd ball in 12s.
motion. Thus the resultant motion will be along a
parabolic trajectory. Now, distance moved in 18 s by 1st ball
69. (d) Initial velocity of parachute 1
after bailing out, 50 m = × 10 × 182 = 90 × 18 = 1620 m
u= 2gh v Distance moved in 12 s by 2nd ball
a = - 2 m / s2 1 2
u = 2 ´ 9.8 ´ 50 = 14 5 = ut + gt \ 1620 = 12 v + 5 × 144
The velocity at ground, 2
v = 3m/s 3m / s Þ v = 135 – 60 = 75 ms –1

v -u2 2
3 - 9802 1 dx = -1
S= = » 243 m 74. (a) x= \ v=
2´ 2 4 t +5 dt (t + 5) 2
Initially he has fallen 50 m.
d2x 2
\ Total height from where he bailed out \ a= = = 2x3
= 243 + 50 = 293 m dt 2 (t + 5)3
70. (d) As per question, 1 3
1 1
Let max. velocity is v Now µ v2 \ µ v2 µ a
then v = a t1 & v – b t2 = 0, where t = t1 + t2 (t + 5) (t + 5)3
r r r Total distance to be covered by train B
75. (b) v = u + at
= LA + LB= (120 + 130) m
v = (2iˆ + 3 ˆj) + (0.3iˆ + 0.2 ˆj) ´ 10 = 5iˆ + 5 ˆj = 250 m
r r Hence, time required by train B to cross train A
| v | = 52 + 52 ; | v | = 5 2
1 2 t = sec = 5sec
76. (a) Q h = gt 50
v 2 - u 2 0 - (25 / 3) 2
1 82. (a) Retardation, a = =
\ h1 = g(5)2 = 125 2s 2 ´8
æ 25 ö 1
g(10)2 = 500 a = -ç ÷ ´
h1 + h2 =
2 è 3ø 16
Þ h2 = 375 50 –1
1 For u = 60 km h–1 = ms
h1 + h2 + h3 = g(15)2 = 1125
Þ h3 = 625 0 - (50 / 3) 2
s= = 32 m
h2 = 3h1 , h3 = 5h 1 2 ´ [-(25 / 3) 2 ´1/16]
h2 h3 83. (d) Velocity time curve will be a straight line as shown:
or h1 = =
3 5
1 2
77. (a) h = gT
now for t = T/3 second vertical distance moved is given by
2 o
1 æ Tö 2 t
h¢ = g ç ÷ Þ h¢ = 1 ´ gT = h
2 è 3ø 2 9 9 At the highest point v = 0.
84. (b) Let O be the origin, then
h 8h
\ position of ball from ground = h - = N
9 9 N
78. (d) x = a + bt2 = 15 + 3t2
dx Car W E
v= = 3 × 2t = 6t
Þ v t = 3s = 6 × 3 = 18cm/s O E
79. (a) Motion with constant acceleration is represented by a Train P
quadratic equation of t passenger in the train at P observes the car at Q along
Y = (p + qt) (r + pt) = pr + qrt + p2t + pqt2 the direction PQ; i.e. west north direction.
80. (c) Let the maximum height attained by the ball be h. 85. (d) Given : u = 0, t = 5 sec, v = 108 km/hr = 30m/s
At maximum height , velocity of ball, v = 0 By eqn of motion
Given, initial velocity, u = 19.6 m/s v = u + at
Using the equation of motion, v 30
or a= = = 6 m / s 2 [Q u = 0]
v2 = u2 + 2gh t 5
We get 0 = (19.6)2 + 2 (– 9.8) × h 1
S 1 = at 2
(19.6)2 2
Þ h = 1
2 ´ 9.8 = ´ 6 ´ 52 = 75 m
= 19.6 m 2
Distance travelled in first 5 sec is 75m.
81. (a) Here, length of train A, LA = 120 m
Distance travelled with uniform speed of 30 m/s is S2
length of train B, LB = 130 m
395 = S1 + S2 + S3
velocity of train A, vA = 20 m/s
395 = 75 + S2 + 45
velocity of train B, vB = 30 m/s
\ S2 = 395 – 120 = 275 m
Train B is running in opposite direction to train B,
\ velocity of train B relative to train A, Time take n to travel 275 m =
= 9.2 sec
vBA = vB + vA 30
= (30 + 20) m/s For retarding motion, we have
= 50 m/s 02 – 302 = 2 (– a) × 45
We get, a = 10 m/s2 93. (c) Height of tap = 5m and (g) = 10 m/sec2.
1 2 1 2
Now by, S = ut + at For the first drop, 5 = ut + gt
2 2
1 1
(–10)t 2 = (0 ´ t ) + ´ 10t 2 = 5t2 or t2 = 1 or t = 1 sec.
45 = 30t + 2
45 = 30t – 5t2 It means that the third drop leaves after one second of
Pn solving we get, t = 3 sec the first drop. Or, each drop leaves after every 0.5 sec.
Total time taken = 5 + 9.2 + 3 = 17.2 sec. Distance covered by the second drop in 0.5 sec
86. (c) When particle comes to rest, 1 1
= ut + gt 2 = (0 ´ 0.5) + ´ 10 × (0.5)2
dx d 2 2
V=0= = (40 + 12t – t3) = 1.25 m.
dt dt
Þ 12 – 3t2 = 0 Therefore, distance of the second drop above the
ground = 5 – 1.25 = 3.75 m.
12 94. (d) At E, the slope of the curve is negative.
Þ t2 = = 4 \ t = 2 sec
3 ds
Therefore distance travelled by particle before coming 95. (d) Velocity, v = = 3t 2 – 12t + 3
to rest,
x = 40 + 12t – t3 = 40 + 12 × 2 – (2)3 = 56m dv
Acceleration, a = = 6t – 12; For a = 0, we have,
87. (b) We get acceleration by double differentiation of dt
displacement. 0 = 6 t – 12 or t = 2s. Hence, at t = 2 s the velocity will be
dx d æ a t a ö
= ç a0 + 1 - 2 t2 ÷ v = 3 ´ 22 –12 ´ 2 + 3 = -9 ms –1
V= è
dt dt 2 3 ø
a 2 D4 0 + 2 (2 ´ 4 - 1) 7
= 1 - a2t 96. (a) = =
2 3 D3 a 5
0 + (2 ´ 3 - 1)
æa 2 ö 2
d ç 1 - a 2t÷
dv è 2 3 ø -2 97. (b) In one dimensional motion, the body can have at a time
a= = = a2
dt dt 3 one velocity but not two values of velocities.
98. (d) In uniform motion the object moves with uniform velocity,
1 1 1
88. (b) (2 + 4) ´ 2 + ´ 1 ´ 4 - ´ 3 ´ 4 = 2 m the magnitude of its velocity at different instane i.e., at
2 2 2 t = 0, t =1, sec, t = 2sec ..... will always be constant. Thus
8+8 velocity-time graph for an object in uniform motion along
89. (a) Velocity of boat = = 8 km h -1 a straight path is a straight line parallel to time axis.
99. (b) 100. (d)
Velocity of water = 4 km h -1
8 8 8
t= + = h = 160 minute
8-4 8+ 4 3 Exemplar Questions
90. (b) Using relative terms
1. (b) If we draw a line parallel to time axis from the point (A)
u rel. = 0 m / s on graph at t = 0 sec. This line can intersect graph at B.
a = 9.8 m s -2 , S = 4.9 m, t = ? In graph (b) for one value of displacement there are
two different points of time. so, for one time, the average
1 velocity is positive and for other time is equivalent
4.9 = 0 ´ t + ´ 9.8 ´ t 2
2 negative.
As there are opposite velocities in the inteval 0 to T
Þ 4.9 t 2 = 4.9 Þ t = 1 s hence average velocity can vanish in (b). This can be
91. (b) From first equation of motion v = u + a t seen in the figure given below.
here u = 40, a = g = – 10, t = 2
so v = 40 – 10 × 2 = 20 m/sec
92. (b) v = [144 × 1000/(60 × 60)] m/sec.
v = u + at A B
or (144 × 1000)/(60 × 60) = 0 + a × 20
144 ´1000
\a= = 2 m / sec 2 t
60 ´ 60 ´ 20 O T
1 2 1 2 Here, OA = BT (same displacement) for two different
Now s = u t + at = 0 + ´ 2 ´ ( 20 ) = 400 m points of time.
2 2
2. (a) As the lift is moving downward directions so 5. (b) As given that, x = (t – 2)2
displacement is negative (zero). We have to see whether
dx d
the motion is accelerating or retarding. Now, velocity v = = (t - 2) 2
Due to downward motion displacement is negative the dt dt
lift reaches 4th floor is about to stop hence, motion is = 2 (t – 2) m/s
retarding (–a) downward in nature hence, x < 0; a > 0.
dv d
Acceleration, a = = [2(t - 2)]
dt dt
8th floor
= 2 [1 – 0] = 2 m/s2 = 2 ms–2
x<0 at t = 0; v0 = 2 (0 – 2) = –4 m/s
6th floor
t = 2 s; v2 = 2 (2 – 2) = 0 m/s
4th floor t = 4 s; v4 = 2 (4 – 2) = 4 m/s
x<0 O
Ground floor V
As displacement is in negative direction,
4 m/s B
x < 0 velocity will also be negative i.e., v < 0 but net
acceleration is +ve a > 0, that can be shown in the O A D
graph. 2 4 (Time)
3. (b) In one dimensional motion, for the maximum and –4 m/s C
minimum displacement we must have the magnitude
and direction of maximum velocity.
v-t graph is shown in diagram.
As maximum velocity in positive direction is v0, hence Distance travelled
maximum velocity in opposite direction is also –v0.
= area between time axis of the graph
Maximum displacement in one direction = v0T
= area OAC + are ABD
Maximum displacement in opposite directions = –v0T.
Hence, -v0T < x < v0T 1 1
= OA ´ OC + AD ´ BD
2 2
4. (c) Time taken to travel first half distance,
l/2 l 4´ 2 1
t1 = = = + ´ 2´ 4 = 8 m
(Q L1 = l / 2) 2 2
v1 2v1
If displacement occurs
Time taken to travel second half distance,
1 1
l = ´ OA ´ OC + ´ AD ´ BD
t2 = (Q L2 = l / 2) 2 2
So, total time taken to travel full distance 1 1
= ´ 2(-4) + ´ 2 ´ 4 = 0
= t1 + t2 2 2
6. (c) Let us consider, displacement is L, then
l l l é1 1 ù
= + = ê + ú velocity of girl with respect to ground,
2v1 2v2 2 ë v1 v2 û
vg =
l é v2 + v1 ù t1
Total time = 2 ê v v ú
ë 1 2 û Velocity of escalator with respect to ground,
So, average speed, L
ve =
Total distance t2
vav. = =
Total time Net velocity of the girl on moving escalator with respect
to ground
l 2v1v2
Þ vav. = =
l é1 1 ù v1 + v2 L L
= v g + ve = +
ê + ú t1 t2
2 ë v1 v2 û

2v1v2 ét + t ù
\ vav. = Þ vge = L ê 1 2 ú
v1 + v2 ë t1t2 û
Now, if t is total time taken by girl on moving escalator dv
in covering distance L, then So, = – 2 nb x– 2n – 1
distance Acceleration of the particle as function of x,
= bx–2n b (–2 n) x
–2n –1
L tt
= = 12 = – 2nb2x–4n–1
æ t + t ö t1 + t2
Lç 1 2 ÷ 10. (c) Given : Velocity
è t1t 2 ø
NEET/AIPMT (2013-2017) Questions V = At + Bt2 Þ = At + Bt2
1 2 By integrating we get distance travelled
7. (a) Q h = gt
2 x 2

ò ò ( At + Bt ) dt
1 2
Þ dx =
\ h1 = g(5)2 = 125
2 0 1
1 Distance travelled by the particle between 1s and 2s
h1 + h2 = g(10)2 = 500
A ( 2 2 ) B ( 3 3 ) 3A 7B
Þ h2 = 375 x= 2 -1 + 2 -1 = +
2 3 2 3
h1 + h2 + h3 = g(15)2 = 1125
2 d
11. (b) Velocity of preeti w.r.t. elevator v1=
Þ h3 = 625 t1
h2 = 3h1 , h3 = 5h 1 d
h2 h3 Velocity of elevator w.r.t. ground v 2 = then
or h1 = =
3 5 velocity of preeti w.r.t. ground
x +3 v = v1 + v2
8. (c) Q t =
d d d
Þ x = t – 3 Þ x = (t – 3)2 = +
t t1 t 2
v= = 2(t – 3) = 0
dt 1 1 1
= +
Þ t=3 t t1 t 2
\ x = (3 – 3)2
Þ x = 0. t1t 2
\ t= (time taken by preeti to walk up on
9. (a) According to question, (t1 + t 2 )
V (x) = bx–2n the moving escalator)

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