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1-A 20-year-old pa.ent is complaining of Pain in the lower right area. upon examina.on, #47
responded normally to vitality , #46 is signs of a sinus tract or swelling. Radiograph provided
(see image) Which of the following is the appropriate treatment plan for tooth #46?
A . extrac.on
B . hemisec.on
C . apicoectomy
D . non-surgical retreatment

2-What form of tissue is formed when there is strong carious odontoblasts are disrupted?
A. primary den.n
B . secondary den.n
C. Reparative dentine
D . tertiary reactionary dentin

3-13. Which of the following medications has the greatest risk of an acute elevation in blood
pressure with excessive of vasoconstriction?
A . diuretics
B . ACE inhibitors
B.calcium channel blockers
D . non-selective beta blockers

4-A 57-year-old patient presented for root canal treatment of tooth 16 upon examination, tooth
responded normally to percussion and palpation, negative to cold and EPT Which of the following is
the most diagnosis of tooth #16?
A. necrotic pulp with normal periapical tissue
B. previously initiated with normal periapical tissue
C . necrotic pulp with symptomatic apical periodontits
D. previously treated with symptomatic apical periodontits

5-16. A 49-year-old woman complaining of sensitivity to both hot and cold liquids following the
placement of a full crown on tooth #17 which recently became spontaneous. Responses to both
percussion and palpation were normal and on application of Endo-Ice the patient experienced pain
tha lingere after removal of the stimulus. Radiographically, there was no evidence of osseous
change Which of the following is the pulpal and periapical diagnosis of this tooth?
A.irreversible pulpitis; normal apical tissue
B . irreversible pulpitis; chronic apical abscess
C . necrotic pulp; asymptomatic periodontitis
D . reversible pulpitis; symptomatic apical periodontits
6- A 16-year-old patient presented with CL 1 malocclusion and His father did not agree with
proposed treatment of surgically extracted the canine.
Which of the following would most likely be a side effect?
A . transposi.on
B . gingival recession
C . spontaneous erup.on
D . resorption of lateral incisors

7-After complete excavation of caries, pulp exposure was noted on tooth a 16-year-old boy, direct
pulp capping was decided. Which of the following material that is currently recommended for this
A . zinc oxide
B . glass ionomer
C. calcium hydroxide
D . mineral trioxide aggregate

8- What does a localized periodontal defect around an endodontically treated tooth suggests ?
A . gingivitis
B . internal resorption
C.external resoption
D .vertical root fracture

9- Which of the following is an important requirement for a periodontal ligament (PDC) injection
A . back-pressure during injection
B . all four line angles receive the injection
C . direction of the needle bevel towards the root surface
D . direction of the needle bevel away from the root surface

10- Which of the following media is most preferred for storing avulsed teeth?
A.low fat milk
B.normal saline
C . arti cial saliva
D. hank's balanced salt solution

11-A 50-year-old woman presents to the dental clinic for evalua.on of upper left premolar- molar
teeth. Pa.ent stated that she had a severe spontaneous pain 6 weeks ago while on holiday. The pain
has eventually subsided without dental interven.on. Teeth #24,26 and 27 responded normally to all
endodon.c tests. Tooth #25 did not respond to cold. A sinus tract was noted in the alveolar mucosa
buccal to #25 e image Which of the following is the endodon.c diagnosis for tooth #25?
A.pulp necrosis with chronic apical abscess
B . previously treated with acute apical abscess
C . symptoma.c irreversible pulpi.s with symptoma.c apical
12- A 60 years old pa.ent presented with intermittent pain in tooth #26 that is associated with sinus
tract upon examina.on, tooth #26 is to percussion and palpa.on,7mm probing depth in
mesiopalatal area of the tooth and grad Il mobility.
Which of the following is the most probable diagnosis of tooth #26?
A. previously treate with acute apical abscess
B.previously treate associated with vertical root fracture
c. previously treated associated without vertical root fracture
D . previously treated with asymptoma.c apical periodon..s

13-A 40-year-old man with daytime sleepiness snoring while sleeping was referred to the clinic to
construct oral appliance for sleep apnea. What would the lowest level to establish a
diagnosis of sleep apnea on sleep study__?
A.5 event/hr
B . 10 events/hr
C . 15 events / hr
D . 20 events / hr

14-A patient presents to the clinic with sensitivity to hot and cold fluids in the maxillary right
posterior teeth region. Probing with an explorer reveals a slight catch in the proximal surfac of # 15
which leads to suspicion of proximal caries. Which of the following radiographs should be used to
establish a definitive diagnosis in this case?
A. bite - wing
C. lateral cephalogram
D.panoramic radiograph

15-Which of the following is the most accurate terminology that describes the right of a patient to
control access to his / her body and what is done to him or her?
A. consent
B. autonomy
C. paternalism
D. competence

16- A 22 - year - old man presented to the clinic complaining of shooting pain on biting his maxillary
left tooth, which subsided as soon as he released the bite. On clinical examination, tooth # 25 had a
large disto - occlusal composite filling, and was tender to both vertical and horizontal percussion.
The patient mentioned that he was dieting and frequently ate nuts. The gingival tissue around the
tooth was healthy. There were other teeth in his mouth that required simple filling (see report)
Radiographic examination: showed that the tooth was root canal treated and the restoration
margins were intact. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis of this tooth?
A. cracked tooth
B. root resorption
C. periapical abscess
D. periapical periodontitis
17 Which of the following is the sodium fluoride concentrated found in the professionally applied
fluoride varnish?
A. 1%
B. 5%
C. 10%
D. 15%
18- A patient is been forced to get braces without her consent. Which of the following principles
regarding the patient is being violated?
A. payment plan
B. infection control
C. patients autonomy
D. standard of orthodontic appliance

19-Patient attends for composite restoration of maxillary anterior teeth , after finishing composite
restoration , composite does not match adjacent tooth . Which of the following is the most common
reason for incorrect shade ?
A. use of natural light
B. use of calcium hydroxide line
C. shade selection beforethe tooth is dried
D. shade selection afterisolating the tooth

20-Why is retention form very important in tooth preparation ?

A. prevents apical dislodgement
B. increases the strength of the design
C. Reduces the deflection along vertical axis
D. prevents dislodgement along the path of insertion

21- A 57 - year - old patient , partially edentulous , has been wearing a maxillary bilateral distal
extension cast partial denture for the last 3 years , with porcelain posterior teeth against natural
dentition in the opposing arc . The patient now reports to the dental clinic having lost his mandibular
posterior teeth on both sides . A mandibular bilateral distal extension cast partial denture is
planned . Which of the following should the posterior teeth preferably be ?
A porcelain teeth
B. high strength acrylic resin teeth
C acrylic teeth with gold acclusal surface
D.porcelain teeth with gold acclusal surfa

22-Which the following conditions would be acceptable for a doctor to disclose information from a
patient's records ?
A. to a reporter about a celebrity
B. In consultation with a colleague
C. To a concerned friend or relative
D. when it is the public's right to know

23-A 9-year-old boy abended for dental check-up. History and clinical examina.on revealed
de behavior, mul.ple restora.ons on primary teeth and fully erupted sound rst
permanent molars. Which of the following would be the preven.on provided in this case?
A .prophylaxis and topical uoride gel applica.on
B .prophylaxis and topical uoride varnish applica.on
C .prophylaxis, topical uoride applica.on and un lled resin ssure sealants for permanent
D . Prophylaxis topical uoride applica.on and glass ionomer cement ssure sealants for
permanent molars
24-After attempting a pulpotomy procedure in a primary molar the bleeding continued. Which of the
following is the probable cause?
A.necrotic pulp
B.coronal pulpal in ammation
C.radicular pulpal in ammation
D. intra-canal abscess forma.on

25- 5. A patient wearing a denture with extremely resorbed mandibular ridge complains of pain and
paraesthesia of the lower lip. Which of the following is the most probable case?
A.denture stomatitis
B.vitamin B-complex de ciency
C.pressure on the mental nerve by denture base
D. irritation of the lower lip from denture anges

26-A dentist plans to provide implant-supported xed complete denture following 2-stage surgical
protocol. To start with 4 implant were surgically placed in the inter-foramina region of the
edentulous mandibular arch. Before suturing the ap, the implant openings were closed with small
metallic components supplied as part of the implant packet. The implants and the components were
allowed to remain buried under the gum until their exposure at the second surgical stage. Which of
the following could be these metal components?
A . healing - cuff
B.cover screws
C. abutment screws
D .healing abutment

27-Which of the olowing would be the most common extraction pattern for a camou age
treatment for an adult lass Il patient with no crowding?
A .extrac.on of upper 4s
B.extrac.on of lower 4s
C.expansion in both arches
D.extrac.on of upper 4 s and expansion in lower arch

28-Which of the following landmarks will best guide esthe.c arrangment of maxillary anterior teeth in
comptete denture?
A. incisive papilla
B.midline of the nose
C.median suture
D.anterior maxillary ridge

29-A dentist is performing periodontal charting. He is trying to calculate the clinical abachment loss
in the distobuccal site for tooth #11. In the concerned area, the gingival margin is 2 mm coronal to
the cementoenamel junction and th probing depth is 2 Which of the following is the clinical
attachment loss is that site?
A. 0mm
B. 2mm
C. 4mm
D. 6mm
**Pseudo pocket / 2-2=0
30-Which of the following areas is gracey curebe no. 11-12 indicated for?
A anterior teeth labial
B .posterior teeth distal
C .premolar teeth lingual
D.posterior teeth mesial

31-Which of the following instruments is used to detect inflammatory gingival bleeding?

A. nabers probe
B.periodontal file explorer
D.pèriodontal probe

33-A 35-year-old man presented to the dental clinic with an acute periodontal abscess related to
tooth #33d. he previously had deep pockets and heavy calculus deposits and just completed
scaling 2 days ago. Temperature 37 C. Which of the following is the appropriate line of treatment? A
B. rescaling of affected site
C.reinforcement of oral hygiene instruc.ons
D . systemic for 1 week and reevaluate

34-43 A healthy 48-year-old woman presents to the dental clinic complaining of generalized gum
bleeding associated with brushing, despite her current oral hygiene prac. es that include brushing
twice daily and ossing at least once daily. She received full crowns on most of her teeth 1 month
ago. Upon clinical examina.on, minimal plaque accumula.on was observed, bleeding on probing
was about 65%, probing depth was 2-3 mm, and no clinical evidence of clinical abachment loss
(see image) Which of the following is the most likely cause of this pa.ent's problem?
A self-in ected trauma
B .compromised immunity
C.non-plaque induced gingivi.s
D. Crown preparation extend to the supracrestal attachement (biological width)

35-In a mandibular kennedy clõil, th usable undercut is located at the middle of the facial surface of
the most posterior abutment. Which of the following is the clasp of choice?
A . RPI (RPI since I bars are used for mid-buccal posterior and undercut area)
C . Ring
D . Back ac.on


C . Ring
D . Back ac.on
37-A patient has an acute odontogenic abscess (see image). Which of the following is the most
likely source of infection?
A. canine
B. first molar
C. first premolar
D. second premolar

38-Which of the following greatly influences the spread of odontogenic infections into fascial


39-Which of the following is the best diagnostic aid needed to localize an impacted maxillary canine
prior to surgical exposure?
A. Panoramic radiograph
B. Lateral Cephalometric radiograph
C. Cone bean computed tomography
D. Periapical radiographs with cone shift technique

40-Which of the following is the most diagnostically dental erosion location in helpful patients with
bulimia nervosa?
A. Incisal edges
B. Occlusal surfaces
C. Labial surfaces of maxillary teeth
D. Palatal surfaces of maxillary teeth

41-Which of the following is the most proteolytic endodontic irrigation solution?

B. Saline
C. NaOCl
D. Chlorhexidine

41-Which of the following superior alveolar nerves supplies the mesiobuccal root of the maxillary 1
A. Middle
B. Inferior
C. Anterior
D. Posterior
42-What mishap while working?

A. Ledge
B. Overfilling
C. Transportation
D. Furcal perforation

43-Which of the following is mostly associated with the prosence of an isolated vertical bone loss
affecting 1 root of a heavily restored root canal treated tooth?
A. Vertical root fracture
B. Chronic periodontitis
C. Chronic apical abscess
D. Incomplete root fracture

44- A clear question about

exam: Trigeminal neuralgia: is a chronic pain condition that affects the trigeminal nerve, which
carries sensation from your face to your brain. If you have trigeminal neuralgia, even mild stimulation
of your face — such as from brushing your teeth or putting on makeup — may trigger a jolt of
excruciating pain.

45-clinical examination in an HIV patient revealed a linear band of erythema involving the free
gingival margin extending 2-3 mm apically. Scaling and prophylaxis with oral hygiene instructions
were completed and at a follow up appoinment the patient clearly improved plaque control but the
gingival findings did not improve. which of the following prescription would be the next step in
A. Valacyclovir
B. Fluconazole
C. Amoxicilin
D. Prednisone

46-67. which of the following sealers is an epoxy resin based?

A. Apexit
B. AH plus
C. Seal Apex
D. Tubli - seal

And ask about time work AH plus =4

47-which of the following lesions will most likely respond to aspirin when treating pain?
A. Osteoma
B. Osteoblastoma
C. Osteoid osteoma
D. Ossitying fibroma

48-which of the following is the most common pathognomonic sign of a mandibular fracture?
A. Laceration
B Chin edema
C. Malocclusion
D. Luxated mandibular teeth

49- (1)An exaggerated conditioned response to minor trauma resulting in localized tumor like
gingival enlargeillent. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Granulomatosis
B. Atypical gingivitis
C. Gingivosomatitis
D. Pyogenicgranuloma

50-Which of the following periodontal instruments can be seen in the attached image (see image)?
A. UNC - 15
B. WHO probe
C. Nabers probe
D. Old - Dominion explorer

51-Which of the following is minimum space that should be maintained between the mandibular
never canal and the apex of the implant planning while for dental implants placement?
A. 1 mm
B. 2 mm
C. 3 mm
D. 4 mm

52-17 - year - old patient, with a prognathic mandible, reports to the Dental Clinic. The dental
surgeon wants to ascertain whether skeletal growth has subsided to adult levels. Which of the
following would be the most accurate method to determine whether the growth has stopped or is
still continuing?
A. Facial photographs
B. Hand wrist radiographs
C. Dental maturation statusial
cephalometric radiographs
53-) A 58 - year - old man is complaining from tooth mobility. The clinical examination revealed
probing depths that range from 4 to 9 mm, clinical attachment) loss of 5 mm and grade II to IIl
mobility in most of his teeth. The patient also smoked cigarettes 2 packs a day (see image). Which
of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Localized stage III grade B periodontitis
B. Localized stage Ill grade C periodontitis
C. Generalized stage Ill grade B periodontitis
D. Generalized stage III grade C periodontitis


55-which of the following is the probing depth of a clinically healthy gingival sulcus for implant ?
A. 0 mm
B. 1-3 mm
C. 3-5 mm
D. 5 mm

56-At what stage of necrotizing ulcerative gingival disease, necrosis extending to the marginal
gingiva will be present?
A. stage 1
B. stage 2
C. stage 3
D. stage 4

57-34. Which of the following relationships is diagnosed clinically as CLI molar relationship?
A. the mesiobuccal cups of the upper molar occludes with the mesiobuccal cups of the lower molar
B. the mesiobuccal cups of the upper molar occludes with the (mesiobuccal groove of the lower
C. the mesiobuccal cups of the upper molar occludes with the distobuccal cups of the lower molar
D. the mesiobuccal cups of the upper molar occludes with the distobuccal groove of the lower
58-A 55 - year - old woman with type Il diabetes presented to the clinic complaining of bleeding
gums. Clinical examination revealed generalized probing depth 7-9 mm, generalized bleeding on
horizontal bone loss 50%. HbA1c 8.5%. Which of the following is the most likely treatment of
A. full mouth clearance then consider implant therapy
B. refer the patient to the physician to control the diabetes
C. use doxycycline to reduce the effect of the diabetes of the periodontal tissues
D. give the patient insulin injection then Open flap debridement to reduce the pockets

59-A 45 - year - old man is complaining of bleeding from his gums when brushing. Medically he is
healthy and taking no medications. The clinical examination reveated gingiva that is edematous,
erythematous, and there was bleeding on probing involving all of his teeth. attachment loss was
generally between 5 to 6 mm (see report). Bitewing radiographs: showed horizontal bene loss. All
teeth seem treatable. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. generalized stage I periodontitis grade
B. generalized stage Il periodontitis grade A
C. Generalized stage III periodontitis grade A
D. generalized stage IV periodontitis grade A

60-of tooth # 21. Which of the following is the ideal distance (in mm) between distal interproximal
contact area and bone crest for papilla regrowth?
A. less than 5
B. less than 6
C. less than 7
D. less than 8

61-Which of the following impression materials is the most suitable for final impressions of implant
B. polysulfide polymer
C. reversible hydrocolloid
D. irreversible hydrocolloid

62-reveals protruding arch wire and several areas of ulceration of the cheeks, lips and tongue Which
of the following is the best treatment at this stage?
A clip the wire
B. prescribing a pain killer
C. cover the wire with relief wax
D. use pencil eraser to push the wire

63-Osseointegration means: o
A. Full contact between bone and the implant body
oB. Fibrous attachment to the implant
oC. 40% to 70% bone/implant contact
oD. Clinical detection of a particularly stable implant
64-what material bends strongly chemical bond with enamel ?
B-polyphosphate cement
65-What is the Acidic base reaction ?
c-Poly carboxlayte

65-What material acid base reactions ?

-Compomer -
Resin composite -
Resin mod GI

66-Upper and lower CD with high VD?

A. TMJ disorder
B. gagging
C. muscleatrophy(lowVD)
D. angular chelitis (low VD)

67- anesthesia in class c in pregnant ?

Class c contraindicated in pregnant Class C Mepvican&Procaine&
Class B safe to pregnant Class B lidocain Prilocain&artaican.
Which of following is categorized by C category regarding local anesthesia in pregnancy
A. Lidocaine (B)
B. Prilocaine (B)
C. Bupivacaine (and Mepivacaine)

68- pictures

Tunnel preparation
69-If you mix NAOCL with CHX , what will be the result?
NAOCL+ CHX – cause orange brown occludes dentinal tubules known as Parachloroanaline (PCA).

70- what is the The concentration of APF (Acidulated phosphate fluoride) used as gel is .?
A- 1.23%
B- 12.4%
C- 4

71-What could have completion?

double vision

71- Types of GIC:

Type 1: Luting.
Type 2: Restorative.
Type 3: Liner and bases.
Type 4: Fissure sealant.
Type 5: Orthodontic.
Type 6: Core buildup.
Type 7: High fluoride release.
Type 8: ART
. Type 9: Pediatric.

72-A patient came for her follow-up and you noticed that she needs restorations and
scaling, but she told you that she had a transplant 2 months ago, what will you do?
a- Start treatment
b- Wait for 3 months after transplant
c Wait for 6 months after transplant Since it is a non-emergency, you wait for 6 monis after

74- dehiscence

Marginal not intact

75-Four-Unit instrument formula:

1st number indicates width of blade o
2nd number indicates cutting edge angle o
3rd number indicates length of blade. o
4th number indicates blade angle with the axis of the handle.

My question ask about 4th number

76-A 30-year-old patient takes blood pressure medication ،،Digoxin ،، and. And take a heart
medicine, I forgot its name she was a complains of gag reflex. what is the reason?

Digoxin + epinephrine increase risk of arrythmia. Digoxin also increases gag reflex.

77- what is the compaction Pontic ridge lap ?

Tissues irritated
78- class lll and 37# have tipped measly and have mL under cut what’s clamp can you used?

Ring clasp: Is used usually with isolated mesially and lingually tilted mandibular
molars or mesially and buccally tilted maxillary molars.

79- what is the best for osseointegration of an implant.?

Bone density: Type D2 bone is the

80- What is the best file to remove GP ?

A K-reamer: .
B K-File: .
C h-file: .

81- patient have Dentigerous cyst on the x ray and ask about management?

Dentigerous cyst: unilocular radiolucent area that is associated with the crown of an
unerupted tooth. Tx: Enucleation. If small
Marsipulazation If large

82-11.The PH of NACL?
A- 11
C- 5
83- what is the Overdentuer minimum in Mandible ?
A- 5
D- 3

84-In patients with chronic renal failure the treatment is recommended to be

A-one day afterthe dialysis.
B-3. day afterthe dialysis.
C- on the day dialysis.

85-location of loop of band and loop?

A. At contact 1mm away gingiva
B- proximal surface
C) below the gingival margin
86 -

-Porcelain chipping in overprepared tooth is caused by?
thickerunsupported porcelain.

88-patients with residual ridge sever resorption what is the used occlusion
Monoplane occlusion

89-Paul-Bunnell Test is the ?

test for EBV.

90-Indicated in Excessive mandibular growth. To restrain mandibular


Chin cup:

91-A patient with class lll have spaces between the teeth, what is the ma appropriate?

A- cingulam fast****
B- lingual plate
C- lingual bar

The remaining options Class l / ll

92-The space infected with cavernous sinus thrombosis is the

infratemporal space.

93-A dentist does not have enough information about tooth extraction, but he performed the
extraction of the tooth # 36 and complications occurred and the lingual nerve was injured. What did
he penetrate?
94-Pt with deep class 5 in upper canine 0.5 remaining dentin what liner you will use?
B-Calcium hydroxide

95-Abnormal enamel, dentin, and pulp in aquadrant.?

Regional odontodysplasia


97-the best storage media for avulsed teeth.

Hank’s balanced salt solution (HBSS):

98-For full mouth rehabilitation –

fully adjustable articulator is used.

99-? In revascularization What to apply over the blood clot -

B: Antibiotics

Not *We should put triantibiotic 1st before over instrumentation andce the bleeding is strated and
clot is formed..put MTA


102-What is the point that separates me for a patient who takes warfarin without changing the dose
or stopping it?
B-3 lNR
C- 4 lNR
D- 3.5 lNR


104-The complications that usually occur with Maryland bridge?

Debonding of the prosthesis.

105- tooth caires in proximity site what is the X-ray ?

Bit wing

107-patient wearing a denture for 9 years, he came with mid fracture of the denture, what is the
cause of fracture ?




112- O’leary index for plaque control record using?

Disclosing agent

113-Recommendations about type of floss should be based on?

theease of use and personal preference

113-The dentinal tubules diameter in μm near the pulp

2 μm****


recurrent caries radiograph

115-A 60-year-old patient has receding gums and has cervical caires, what type is it?
Root caires
116-Pontic to replace #12 with high smile line ?

117-The focus of healthcare system?


118-Pt who wanted to place composite in her teeth and she’s with
good OH, you told her that amalgam is better until you convinced
her, you violated which of the ethical principle:

119-why Acrylic teeth are preferred for complete denture ?.

because they are attached better to denture base when compared to porcelain teeth

120-most common cause of rest seat fracture is when it ?

crosses the marginalridge.


122- what is the best sterilization method?

A-Moist heat
B- dry heat

124-The question was the same size as in the picture and the same picture and he asked how he
took the biopsy?



127 -

but the cas was no pain and asked about treatment

129-The same picture and asked about the treatment?

excisional And SRP

130-A 30-year-old patient presents to the clinic complaining of severe pain in the tooth #16 and
after the examination, I checked with Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis ، what should the doctor do?

A-Immediately inform the patient about the lesion

B- do RCT treatment and do not tell the patient
C-tell you later
131-a nurse injured by scalpel and her hand get infected, what should the nurse do ?
A- report the carelessness of the surgeon.
B- go to her clinic normally.
C- report to the hospital about her injury and bring another nurse to cover her place.

132- 13- A 34 - year - old man, medically fit, came for replacement of missing upper right central
incisor with an implant supported crown. Clinical evaluation was done for the implant site followed
by radiographic evaluation including Cone beam Computerized Tomography, also upper and lower
primary impressions were taken for fabrication of diagnostic casts mounted on a semi adjustable
articulator. Which of the following is an essential missing investigation?
A. complete blood count
B. magnetic resonance imaging
C. use of a fully adjustable articulator
D. diagnostic waxing and surgical template

133-Tuberculosis TB in mm : - Recent contact of person with TB : 5 or more mm - people came

from areas where TB is common, high risk for TB due to medical Condition : 10 or more mm -
people with no known risk factors for TB : 15 or more mm

134-Hepatitis B ( HBV ) Carrier ?


136-The only missing tooth 22# what kind of class.?
Class lll

137- what is the stable color?

A- porcelain
B- acrylic
C- composite

138-Short discoloured teeth and no problem in occlusion and normal propping depeath
What is the appropriate intervention?
upper venner and lower crown
, orthodontic extrusion then crown ,
crown lengthening then full crown


141-A patient breathes through his mouth, which teeth are most damaged?
A- upper anterior

142-What is the Cvek pulpotomy procedure in the pictures?

A- pulpotomy

143-Shade selections related MCQs:

• Metamerism: Two colors that appear to be a match under a given lighting condition but
different spectral reflectance are called metamers, and the phenomenon is known as

144-Crown fracture involving enamel, dentin and exposing the pulp, classify
1.Crown infarction
2. complicated crown fracture -
3.uncomplicated crown fracture

145-A 30-year-old patient had caries 11# and 12# after the cavity procedure 11# smaller
than 12#

A-Restore #11 first & then #21 in the same visit

B-Restore #21 first & then #11 in the same visit
C-Restore #11 first & then #21 in separated visit
D-Restore #21 first & then #11 in separated visit

146- implant scaler

147-Thin gingival phenotype What to do before placing the crown
-connective tissue graft
-lenthening Crown

148-A 50-year-old patient has Parkinson's disease, what is the appropriate brush?

A-electric brush




152-child pt has upper canine in the embrassure between lower lateral

?and lower canine , the child occlusion will end in class I
class 3- edge to ed
153- furcation plasty

154- What is the most common place for bacteria water line

Steaned area
outcome line
income lineDentist with assistant make sure to prevent


158 -

159 -

160- what is the between Blade and handle?

A- shank

162-What is a hydrophilic substance?
A- polyether

163-Which of the following is the most appropriate when

breaking bad news to a patient?
A. pause frequently check for understanding
B. try to minimize the severity of the situation

C.patient is not allowed to decline receiving information

D. deliver all of the information in a single steady monologue

166-dolichocephalic" or somthing like this is term meaning
A) long face
B) short skull
C) long skull
D) short face .

167-Gummy smile more than 9 mm, (Missing data, Tx according to cause).

• Crown lengthening
• Botox •
If gummy smile due to Altered passive eruption or gingival enlargement, it should be treated
gingivectomy or crown lengthening depends on pocket depth. If it is due to short upper lip it
be treated with Botox or Le Fort I maxillary impaction.

168-Adverse effect of midazolam

A-long action duration
b-irritability to the patient

Internal resorption
170-Which instruments used for checking the occlusion with ala-tragal line?
• Fox-plane



173-The second canal lower canine?


174-A patient in his first dental visit, after L.A. application, he felt dizzy (and other symptoms
describing anxiety). What is the diagnosis
Vasovagal shock

175- patient needs RPD has, however, he has a small inter occlusal space. Which base
material should be fabricated? (Three questions with different phrases)

176-A patient complains from white discoloration in her teeth since she was child, however,
it is shown when wet and dry and it is smooth when probed. What is your diagnosis?
Amelogenesis imperfecta
Non-hereditary developmental enamel hypoplasia
Incipient caries

177- Which of following is categorized by C category regarding local anesthesia in

A. Lidocaine (B)
B. Prilocaine (B)
C. Bupivacaine (and Mepivacaine)

178-absolutely contraindications for implant?

Active radiotherapy

180- lmpacted canin ?

A- buccal
B- lingual
C- Horzintal


182-In the mid of root suddnly the canal disapear ?

- Second canal
- Internal resorption
- classified canal

183-If injury the tongue when pt. Move his heat .?

tell him politely it because of your movement

184-Patient with influenza which precaution dentist did ?

1 dentist treat him as other patients
2 wear double gloves
3 Isolated room

186-smear layer

187-Which of the following is the main goal of registering the patient's chief complaint?
A .to make sure the dentist does not forget it compare it to other patient's complaints is a routine step in filling the patient's record
D. assure the patient that his need have been recognizes

188-drugs that cause facial deformities

2- ibuprofen

187 -bone loss periodontist?

A- 0.2 facial, 0.3 proximal
B- 0.3 facial, 0:2 proximal
C- 5 facial. 3 proximalD-0.3 facial, 6 proximal

189-A 20-year-old patient has tuberculosis and has severe pain and he has new tests that
you can view on the computer and he always checks in on himself how you can treat it?

A- You should treat it naturally

B-refer him for teast
C -Treatment in an isolated room
D- no treatment
190-A 6-year-old child came to the clinic still cavities, the doctor noticed bruises on the
neck and hand and burns on the feet what is the type adues?

A- physical abuse

191-What is the type of retention in alginet with stoke try?

A- mechanical
B- Chemical
C- chemomechanical
192-Patient came with black lesion in gingival one third of tooth , when examine it is
arrested caries ,and patient not interested for aesthetic What treatment ?
No treatment

193-Patient had irritation on the tissue near abutment What is the missing part that causes
these problems?
A- rest
B- indirect retainer


195-patient has bacteria resistant to penicillin, which antibiotic you should use to eliminate
A- nafcillin
B- Ampicillin
C- penicillin VK
D- amoxicillin with clavulanic acid

196-What artery supply the PDL of maxillary teeth? -

A-Temporal artery
B -Meningeal artery
C-Buccal artery
D-Superior and inferior alveolar artery

198-A mother came to the clinic with her child and was in a state of fear about the presence
of swelling in her son’s lip and said that the day before she went to a dentist to treat her
son’s molar, what should the doctor do?

A- Reassure his mother and that he will go away from himself

B-Tooth extraction

It is a normal thing after lANC the Children try to bite and enjoy the feeling

199- In risk assessment, what would you do?

a- recognize the hazard, record the findings
b- recognize the hazard, evaluate the risk, inform the supervisor
, c- recognize the hazard, evaluate the risk, record the findings, review the assessment
periodically ✅
d- recognize the hazard, evaluate the risk, record the findings, inform the supervisor

200- Was not satisfied with her new veneer because of opaque incisal edge
Faulty porcelain No enough porcelain firing
Dark Shade selection
One plane labial preparation

201- pt ( mixed dentition) caries free what do u recommend?

A- Brush 2 toothpaste fluoride 250ppm
B- Brush 2 toothpaste fluoride 350ppm
C - Brush 2 toothpaste fluoride 550ppm
D- Brush 2 toothpaste fluoride 1100ppm

202-what is the Most common speech difficulty caused by

1- Antriore teeth position.
2- The doctor is not do palatal contour.
203-A 30-year-old patient complains of severe pain in #36, x-rays were performed and it
was found that the canal curved What is the appropriate system?

A- rotary
B- hand instrument only
C- both
D- avoid GG Gate glader

204-Tug back -
resistance of cone GP in apex Good apical seal

205-Factors affecting EPT test =

false + : partial necrosis - anxiety - improper isolation - contact with mestal
False - : obliteration - recently traumatize - immature apex - increase threshold

My question was about False -...?

A-recently traumatize
C- improper isolation -
D- contact with mestal

206-Infrabulge =
Below survey line I bar ( for undercut area) , T bar , Bar type , Y type Wrought wire = perio
compromised + endo distal extension use = RPI , RPA , wrought wire why clasp break =
cold working ( manibulating the metal at ambient temp /room temperature)

207-A 50-year-old patient came to the dental clinic with some simple places. His medical
history has heart disease and pressure. His blood pressure was measured 164/96. What is
the appropriate intervention with this patient?

A-Change his blood pressure medication

B-Change your heart medication
C-retraction cord with phenylephrine used

Don’t mentioned in the options that I refer the patient

208-A 30-year-old patient presented to the dental clinic with mesially tipped abutment
A-extended occlusal rest more than one-half the mesiodistal
B- coverage fuall crown
C- partial coverage
mesially tipped abutment =
extended occlusal rest more than one-half the mesiodistal width >
1-minimize further tipping.
2-ensure that the forces are directed down the long axis of the abutment

209- Nerve Anesthetized palate of upper premolars = Middle superior alveolar nerve +
Greater anterior palatine nerve

210-Low of quantity of minerals in enamel is defined as:

b-Amelogenesis imperfecta
C- enamel hypolasia ?...

211-What is the safe way to reduce alganite???

A- hot water = Because hot water can burn the gums
B-Change the ratio of water and powder
C-Increase mixing speed

212- def semi critical ?

213-why’s desifection of impression Better than a spray desifection
Read about it

214-The question was, when can you disclose a patient's medical information?

215- Primary truma from occlusion =resultsfrom alteration in occlusal force high filling
Secondary truma from occlusion = reduce ability of tissue to resist force

216-Headgear type for class ll hyper divergent mandible ?

high pull

217-When is the time that I need to refer to a diabetic patient If you analyze him and he is
fasting And look at the measurement analysis?

B- >70
C- >150
D- > 160

218- is intrinsic stains after RCT?

A- Truma DT dental tule
B- blood DT
C - forgotten word DT
D - restoration remains ???

219-Cervical enamel projections (CEPs) = ectopic deposits of enamel apical to the CEJ ,
most common found in mandibular second molar The question was asking what could
cause problems

Periodontal affect
220-A patient who has a amalgam tattoo at 44 and does not have any other problems and
does not care about the aesthetic view what is the appropriate treatment

leave the filling as it is

221-actinomycosis related in which diseases?

DM diabetes ???
I Forgot the the other options

222-Lesion associated with removable denture ?

C-Fibroepithelia polyp
D- osseous lesion

223-Caries continues to root and the patient needs RCT treatment. What does the doctor do
before starting the treatment?
A- check on restobalty
B start RCT
224-A patient came to the clinic to get an Upright molar by orthodontic What is the option
that long the procedur Upright molar?

A- patient's age
B - fuall mouth rehabilitation
C- over extend band
D- over contour spring

225-patient avuoltion tooth before 2 months and negative cold test but on x ray on the apex
cboont out and Serfas root ?What is the appropriate intervention?

A- Extraction and replace with an implant

B- MTA with retrograde = apical direction canal restoration
C- but madction with Calcium

My Feedback about the situation explains that the situation happened to him external root
resorption But it is not direct The main treatment is RCT + Calcium I did not choose C
because he only put medicine, not do RCT

226-A 30-year-old patient has severe pain in the left side, what is the treatment for wisdom

A- extraction
B- crown ectomy
C-leave it

227-what is the treatment ?

228- What is the best thing to be with reinforced fiber composite for fixed?
A- metal allergy
B-3 United fixed

229- what is the most case with necrosis?


230 - def hemisuction?

A- removed inta.ridicular
B- remove disease from teeth
C-keepet disease from teeth
D- splitting teeth

231-normal deapth for implants?


232-What is useful or important vibrating line .?

Posterior paltal steel

236-Most common teeth show anomalies?

Third molar, upper lateral, lower second premolar **


238-pt with swelling in the face started before 2 days has tooth with no response to cold and
and tender to percussion in radiograph no radiolucency diagnosis
-acute abscess
-chronic abscess
-necrotic with symptomatic periondontitid
-necrotic with asymptomatic periondontitid
239- GM =2mm / CAL to bas pocket 6mm asked CAL

B- 8
C- 2
D- 10

CAL “clinical attachment loss”: The distance from the

cementoenamel junction [CEJ] to the base of the
pocket detected with a periodontal probe.

240-An 11-year-old child has mild caries in his upper molar What kind of anesthesia will the doctor

A- MSAN = medal superior alvoular nerve with great palatine

B - MSAN only *****
C- PSAN = posterior superior alvoular nerve
D- PSAN with great palatine

241- A patient with a hepatitis , what is the appropriate blood test?

D- antigens*** l think

242- A 12-year-old patient has class lll And increased overjet about 9mm What is the best
intervention to treat the condition?
A- Now
B- 6y
C- 10y

243-A 40-year-old patient has class lll What is the correct angle for the teeth when installing a

A-anatomical with Cusp angle of teeth = 33°

B- non anatomical
C-anatomical with Cusp angle of teeth = 25
D-semi anatomical
244- What is the proper installation method avulsed tooth ?
A- ridg 4 week stabilization
B- ridg 2week stabilization
C- functions stabilization*******

Don’t mention Fixed stabilization and The duration of the fall of the tooth
Copy the link and paste it into a Google search
Avulsed teeth and their treatment: Check International association for dental traumatology
guidelines 2020:

245-A patient with epilepsy, he start the attack when the doctor was working for him, then he
feeling him dizzy and patient convulsions how to management

A- 10mg diazipam
B- 2mg midzolam



247-Ask about the investment for remove?

Packing I think something like that

248-A patient with dentures was induced hyperplasia and fibrous tissue What is the appropriate

A- surgical remove
B- reduce for overextion for dentures
249-A child has a white spot in the cusp molar and incisors what is the reason?

The water he drinks is too much fluoride ******

250-A 35-year-old man presented to the dental clinic with an acute periodontal abscess related to
tooth #33d. he previously had deep pockets and heavy calculus deposits and just completed
scaling 2 days ago.
Temperature 38.5

Which of the following is the appropriate line of treatment?

A .extrac.on
B. rescaling of affected site
C.reinforcement of oral hygiene instruc.ons
D . systemic Antibiotic and SRP

251-30-year-old patient has sinus drain and Not responding to cold test with slight tender to
percussion What is the diagnosis?

A.irreversible pulpi!is; normal apical .ssue

B . irreversible pulpi.s; chronic apical abscess
C . necro.c pulp; asymptoma.c periodon..s
D . Necrosis pulp with chronic apical tissue ******

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