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<> ST PAULS INSTITUTE OF COMMUNICATION EDUCATION FOR WOMEN (Affiliated to the University of Mumbai) 24% Road, Bandra (W), Mumbai 400 050 Tel: 022- 26425709 E-mail: Web: mum,stpaulscollege.ediuin SELF APPRAISAL REPORT FOR TEACHING STAKE FOR THE YEAR: 1" April-31" October PART-A, 1] Fall Name MS. VASHASAREE MHATRE (in BLOCK LETTERS) Z| Department BANMC 3._| Designation ‘ASST. PROF, And Program Coordinator 1. Academie Qualifications: Improved in the assessment year) 3 No. Degree University | Year of Class Percentage Passing Obtained OF | Registered for PhD | SK Somaya a 2. Teaching Activities: (@) Teaching Workload per week UG Cas Tecture Tab Work Seminar? Tutors Project Quidunce Odd] Even Odd Even Sem__| Sem Sem Sem FYBAMNC (4 a ‘SYBAMMC 4 4 a TYBAMMC 5 a FYBMS, 4 3, Orieutation/ Refresher Courses/Similar programs attends [Attached Proof] St] Orientation” | Name of Inst. Period of | Date ‘Subject No. | Refresher Course | FromTo ‘Course 4, PEER Reviewed Published Work and Consultancy assignment: (Gooks, Kesearch Publications, Articles) [Attached Proof] (2) Books Published with ISBN: Sr] Tileofthebook | Subject | Publisher with ] Yearof | Levelat which No. ISBN Publication | — recommended T | Brandbuilding | Branding | 97893-5596. | 2022 Thitd year 780-0 (b) Research Publication in PEER Reviewed International Journals: SE ‘athors Tile of Papers | Journal with | Vol and | Year] Impact No. ISSN Page No. Factor (©) Research Publication in National PEER Reviewed Journals: Sr “uihors Title of Papers | Journal with | Vol. and [Year] Impact Nw. 18 Page No. Facior (@) IPRVPatents: or Filed Published Granted Ne. (© Developing R. & D. partnership with Industry/Profesional organisations and Revenue generation through Consultancy Testng/ Technology Transfer Profesional Assigns! Startups! Incubation Activity ‘5. Research Projects carried out: [Attach Proof] ‘Sk. ] Title ofthe Project | Name ofthe | Amount Duration Remarks No. Funding @s. FromTo | Total Agency | Lakhs) 6. Seminar, Conferences, Symposia, and Workshops etc. presented attended: [Attach Proof] Sr | Name ofthe Seminar! | Name ofthe | Tileof Paper | Place Date and No. | Conference! Symposia! | sponsoring | (incase of Dreations. Workshops etc ‘Agency | presentation) T__ [NAC workshop ‘SiPauls ‘StPauls 7. Rescarch articles published in UGC CARE listed Journals: (Attach Proof) Se] Authors Title of Papers [Journal [Vol and | Year | Impact No. with ISSN_| Pago No, Factor 1 [Ms Yashashree | Changein Advertising Patterns: Exploring the dichotomy of advertising appeals, used by Indian Brands during covip-19 Pandemic. 8. Innovations/ Contribution in Teaching a) Curmculum Designing: Not applicable as Curriculum is designed by Mumbai university » ® 9 ‘Teaching Method: Flipped classroom ‘Videos and Films showeasing Classroom activities and discussion Presentation Studio session Laboratory Experiments: Evaluation Methods: Presentations, VIVA, Internal tests, Preparation of resource Materials including books, e-content development reading materials, Jab, manual etc. und promotion of online education (MOOC/SWAYAM/PG, PATHSHALA, te), ‘+ Propared PDF notes for all subject that I teach, ‘+ Prepared Power point presentations forall subjects unit wise 4) Students Remedial Teaching/ Counselling’ Finishing activities ‘= Teonduct at least onc remedial session each semester, ‘© Conduct revision session for all subject before exams ‘© Provide mental health first aid when every any student needs the same 9. Extension Work, Outreach Activities Co-curricular and Extra- Curricular activity earried out: (Please give a short account of your contribution to) 8) Contribution to College: ‘a. Loversee the BAMMC department and coordinate all academic activities, '. Conducted interviews of candidates during admissions which became a eatalyst in conversions of leads into admissions. have recently voluntarily stopped up to becomes the NSS PO. dd. Organised and executed a visit to Maharashtra Nature Park on World Environment Day b) Co-curricular Activities: Organised guest session for the TYBAMMC students to prepare them for their examinations ©) Enrichment of Campus Life: (Hostels, Sports, Games, Cultural Activities) Organised Yoga day Handled Faesbits pay In-charge for the Convocation ceremony 2023 Organised the Farewell party forthe 2023 graduating batch. )_ Students’ welfare and discipline: ‘+ As the Class mentor of FYBAMMG, I look afer the welfare and discipline of the ‘lass and overall BAMMC department = Speatlcaued the Spice Ambassadvs Intsuship progsan, Gus Klcation w eaccution ©) Membership’ participation in Bodies! committees on Education and National! International Development ‘¢ Head ot Placement commuttee + Examination conunitiee member + NES Program officer 4) Professional Organisations of Teachers: 8) Membership of Professional Bodies, Societies etc. 10. Departmental and University administrative work done: ‘= Planning of the ACADEMIC year (Preparing academic calendar) ‘Preparation of BAMMC Timetable Distribution of Workload Lecture adjustments Preparation of Attendance sheets Phung vatious €0 and extracurricular activities Preparing Faculty payment invoices Preparation far Examinations (Time tables, Supervisor duty charts, Paper formatting and printing of papers, Preparing and finalizing mark sheets, Processing results) + Planning and conducting the Parents meeting ‘* Planning and conducting Industrial visits ‘© In charge for NAAC criteria 1 Planning the NSS wctivities and camp Coordinating Studio visits for ether schools and college Planned and executed a session for Teaching Faculty on studio skills + Created MOU for Examination vendor and Industrial Visit vendor 11, Complaints received from students regarding teaching methods and management of the class? If ‘any what are the actions taken by the principal? © No complaints that Tam aware of tuality and completion of the tasks: © Lalways report 20-30mins prior to my reporting time + have always respected the deadlines given by any authority, 13. Subordination to the Principal’ Authority: 14, Any miseonduet done and action taken by the principal 15, Net qualified (attach the certificate) 16, Have you preseuted at lost wy reneaieh ailcles (attach the fust copy of the same) 17. (@) Selfassessment, of the work done. under extra head of activity Activity ‘Outstanding | Very Good Good Fair Poor Teaching Outstanding Research Good Eaisusion | Outstanding ‘Administration Very Good Justification in support of self-assessment of work: Teaching: © Thave given my 100% for every subject and try to keep my lectures as interesting and interactive as possible. ‘© Prepare all required materials in advance and updating it fom time to time Research ‘+ [hve Published 5 research papers s0 far + 1 Text book. Extension: I have conducted and participated in numerous activities Administration: I have carried out all academic and administrative duties in the time frame 5 given (b) Dimtculties encountered in assessing self-appraisal: 18. Suggestion fo the removal of difficulties: 19. (a) Outline of the proposed activities for the folowing semester in teaching, ‘research,extension and administrat (Teaching: Taking up subjects in FY, SY, TY and FYBMS Gi) Research: planning to present | research paper {ii Extension: Planning to conduct 4 activities, Execution of the NSS camp (i) Administration: Already have started planning forthe nxt semester wouk lod and NAAC activites. 1) Time-budgeting: Indicate average time in hours per week that will be -n tothe following activites: (Teaching: 18hrs (i Research: lus (ii) Extension: Ars (qv) Administration: 20 hes 20. Any other information not covered above: 1 hereby declare that the information furnished above is correct and true. Deciaratton 1 nereby dovlas thatthe information provided ic tre tothe best of my knowledge. Place: Bandra Date: 30/10/2023, ‘Name and Signature ofthe teaching staff “Yashashree Mate ‘Countersigned by the Head of the Institution <> ST PAULS INSTITUTE OF COMMUNICATION EDUCATION FOR WOMEN (AMiliated to the University of Mumbai) 24° Road, Bandra (W), Mumbai 400 050 Tel: 022- 26425709 E-mail: Web: Performance Appraisal Form of Non-Teaching Staff April 1-31 Oct 2023 1, Name of the Faculty Ms, Liane Dsouza 2, Position Title : Front Desk Manager 3, Date of Entry into Service 01 September 2021 4, No. of Years in Service 2 years 5. Qualification Graduation (BA) 6, Details of Current Responsibilities I. PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE [s. Excellent] Good | Satisfactory | Average | Poor No. 1 | Knowledge of rules, es regulationand procedure Z| Ability to organize work es andcary it out 3 | Ability and willngnessto re takeup additional loadin tumes ot exigencies 7 | Cretivity snd innovation = | Ability to earn and 7m performnew duties 7 feapacity to supervise es (For Supervising Staff Only) 7 [youpossess good es knowledge (theory, hands on)for al aspects of the {Job to perform your job functions Satisfactory? I, PERFORMANCE St Excellent] Good | Satisfactory | Average | Poor No. T_ | Awareness of policies and es procedures ofthe institution? 2 | Maintenance of FilewRecords es 3 | Accuracy & Speed of work es F__| Neatness & tidiness of work [Yes 3 | Completion of work os conschedule © | Diligence and sense oa ofresponsibility TI, PERSONAT CHARACTERISTICS SI Excellent] Good | Satisfactory | Average | Poor No. 1 | Attendance es 2 | Punctuality es 3} Discipline es 4 | Integrity and behaviour es ATTITUDE TOWARDS CO-WORKERS st Excellent] Good] Satisfactory | Average | Poor No, T | Cooperation with es yourcolleagues? Z| Mutual motivation with 8 yourcolleagues? Y. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS ~ Repeated at point II ST Excellent] Good] Satisfactory | Average | Poor No. T | Attendance 2 | Punctuality 3] Diseipiine F | Integrity und bohaviour VL ATTITUDE TOWARDS CO-WORKERS — Repeated at point 1V ‘Sl. Excellent] Good] Satistactory | Average | Poor | No. T | Cooperation with yourcolleagues? 2 | Mutual motivation with yourcolleagues? ‘VIL. ATTITUDE TOWARDS PUBLIC oT Excellent] Good] Satisfactory | Average | Poor No. T | Gonparation tothe needs of es ‘thepublic(Parents, Business Associates, Vendors, Well ‘Wishers of the College)? 3} Rapport with the public es Whenyou interact with them’? VIII, STAFFISTUDENT RELATIONS ST Excellent] Good] Satisfactory | Average | Poor No. T | Ability to engage, motivate, es supervise, and effectively ‘work in the interest of students? 3 __| Responsibility owards your es tasks! areas of Employee's comments on: Very Good Good Satisfactor ‘Servive environment Yes Job satisfaction Yes Director: Kindly give a brief summary of the employee’s Performance in general and the recommendation for salary increment, if found necessary, sdi- sd Employee Director Date ND: You may add ad

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