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1-Write what makes the earth are remarkable planet?

2-Name what the sun provides us.

3-How do these energies work?

4-what is a habitat give some example.

5-which human activities are affecting the natural habitat mention any two.

6-What is solar system.

7-How is sun important for us.

8-Define the rotation of earth and give an example.

9-What is matter explain with example.

10-What are three state of matter give example.

11-Name five natural sources of energy.

12-What do you think would happen if we don't get energy from Sun.

13-What is a wind turbine?

14-How does wood supply as energy?

15-Where do you plants come from?

16-What is needed for a seed to germinate and grow in soil?

1-What are sense organs?

2- what does your skin do?

3- what do eyelids and eye lashes do?

4- what part does the brain play in helping you see?

5- what type of organs in the tongue?

6- what are three small bones in ear?

7- what are two main jobs of nose?

8- what is zoology?

9- what is life cycle?

10- In what ways do animal changes as they grow?

11- how a baby ostrich grow?


1- only animals have a life cycle.

2- the puppy will be as big as fully grown fish
3- A hens egg is large than egg of any other animals.
4- The study of plants is called zoology
5- Ad animals life cycle starts when it born.

12- What are types of honey bee

13- What are four stages of life cycle of honey bee?

14- Which be lays eggs?

15- Name five stages of life cycle of hen?

16- What is botany?

17- What is photosynthesis?

18- Name the parts of plants?

19- What do plants need for photosynthesis?

20- Carbon dioxide is not so cool why?

1-Plants make their food in___________

leaves stem flower

2- For photosynthesis plants need ______________ things

3 4 5

3-Chlorophyll is_____________ in colour

green Red blue

4-________ is a type of sugar made by plants

Glucose Maltose sucrose

5-Plants have__________

leaves stamps roots All

6-Photosynthesis required all thing except___________

Nitrogen water chlorophyll

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